This is old stuff, also written long ago... Covid Pandemy start... I dont think I keep it all... and there should be no longer any aggressive stuff and if there is still a word which I have not seen, then ignore it!!! YA, written during hard ascension, just wanted to figure out what is going on...
its about: WEF (world economic forum, 666, stakeholder fascims, homogenous puppet, shift all money to them,
Big Corporation Syndrome, greenwashing, communism, Dystopia ill minded etc.) ====> Babel - Black Rock versus
our White Stone and but also about a Poem (Europe Borealis, Upper Austria, New City and so on), wherefore we in
Austria are allergic to it because of our past...
Corona Borealis/ Bat prophecy:
OFTEN VERY CHAOTIC & crazy WRITTEN, I JUMPED FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER... its a PUZZLE, and purification problem (ascension is real)... and only at the end I got the picture... I have written it for myself.... and ONCE the picture is seen... then it all becomes easy... yet I got it only at the end=====> and I never expected that we have it also to do with such Psychopaths, Sociopaths... WEF Schwab circle... yet on the other side... its known in history, stuff like that happens..., and I end the whole thing in the JUDGE POEM chapter... and yes, not everyone knows the TOP AGENDA (what else they have included, its then just the "upper 0,001percent") and also when the NANOTECHNOLGY THING is not real as written in the Judge Poem chaper (BUTTONS, PROSECUTOR PAPER)... this danger exists... specially with such people who want to rule ==> the qualified reader will understand it all, and also my future city vision... and I will not correct this website... ITS OVER AND DONE, and the [final] future city model, ya, only in Austria language in the Buttons at the Judge Poem chapter!!!
ES WAR DER VERSUCH ZWECKS EINER AGGRESSIVEN ÜBERNAHME, SO AUF DER START SEITE ERKANNT... erst später wurde das Bild wirklich eindeutig, und alles hinter Geschwafel versteckt... WEF 666
AUSTRIA(eastern realm) FLAG: PHILOSOPHER WHITE & RED, PHOENIX, SICKLE (harvest), SHIELD (bow flash and square), HAMMER revelation etc,
HYMN:(Romans 8:19, For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God)
1) jemand sagt: du bastelst dir hier deine eigene Welt zusammen mit deinem STEIN. Antwort: es ist nicht verboten über Gott und die Welt zu sprechen und zumindest hab Ich ein Puzzel-Spiel. Wir müssen nur die Teile richtig zusammenfügen! Du Österreicher, schau mal, wenn du sagts: du lebst in deiner eigenen Welt mein lieber Martin! Wie soll Ich dass jetzt korrigieren? Ich sags dir, die Welt ist in mir aber gehört mir nicht! Und im Osten geht die Sonne auf, was für eine Aussicht, was für ein Land, und den Hochzeitsring am Finger und mehr Patriotismus geht nicht! So frägst du nun, ist jetzt aller Patriotismus schlecht? so sag Ich dir, kümmere dich um dein Land und um deinen Nachbarn. Das zweite Land vergess Ich nicht aber das Erstere ist mir lieber und doch bin Ich nie ganz ohne dem Zweitem (meine Sprache, meine Individualität...) Warum das Erstre ist dir lieber? Ja, weil im Ersteren mich zugleich Mutter Erde grüsst! HYMNE (der Österreicher welche diese Hymne nicht liebt ist strohdumm): (1) Land der Berge, Land am Strome, Land der Äcker, Land der Dome!!!! (auch Himmelsdom), Land der Hämmer, zukunftsreich! Heimat großer Töchter und Söhne, Volk, begnadet für das Schöne, vielgerühmtes Österreich. Vielgerühmtes Österreich. (2) Heiß umfehdet, wild umstritten, liegst dem Erdteil du inmitten einem starken Herzen gleich (besser gehts nicht). Hast seit frühen Ahnentagen hoher Sendung Last getragen, vielgeprüftes Österreich. Vielgeprüftes Österreich. (3) Mutig in die neuen Zeiten, frei und gläubig sieh uns schreiten (dem Felsen gleich), arbeitsfroh und hoffnungsreich. Einig laß in Jubelchören, Vaterland, dir Treue schwören, vielgeliebtes Österreich. Vielgeliebtes Österreich... Ihr Menschen in Österreich, niemand von Oben hat empfohlen dass ihr „Land der Dome“ oder „Töchter und Söhne“ abändern sollt, aber gut... Land der Dome habt ihr so gelassen... und Glück gehabt weil „Jubelchor“ und „Bruderchor“, beides ist gültig... der Jubelchor kann auch benutzt werden... und statt Heimat bist du großer Söhne... nun auch mein Order heißt: Bruderschaft des geheimen Wahrheitssteines (LOGIACOLUMN)... Wenn ihr was Weibliches sucht, ihr habt die ERDE!!! (der Schoß)... Und jetzt kommt Martin und beschwert sich bis aufs Blut... ja, da hast du richtig gehört. Naja, Ich geh mal davon aus dass wirs überleben werden...aber dass mit „großer Töchter und Söhne“ ist nicht optimal... dass andere ist in Ordnung. Und ja, Sophia ist weiblich weil sie passiv ist, das Spiegelglass, Offenbarerin von allen Dingen... Und so haben wir auch den Mond, verheiratet mit dem Land (Landschaft, sichtbar wiedergegeben). Es ist wahr dass es das Passive und Aktive inkludiert aber die Heimat selbst sollte sich immer AKTIV darstellen wie das immer geborene Jetzt, arbeitsfroh und hoffnungsreich, soweit Ich das sehe. Das Weib wird auch aktiv in der Offenbarung (und Energiereich, so hat der Gnostik Jesus gesagt, Marie, Ich mache dich zu einem Manne), und der Mann hat die Jungfrau in Ihm. Trotzdem und richtig, die Frau ist Frau (auch äußerlich) und der Mann ist Mann aber wir mögen so sagen, perfektioniert. Ihr Feministen habt nichts zu sagen, und das sage Ich: in der Offenbarung, es ist klar wie Paul sagte, weder Frau noch Mann, was steht für komplette Gleichberechtigung usw., und ihr könnt für mehr Gleichberechtigung kämpfen was das Leben an sich anbelangt, Staat und so weiter, Ja, es gibt auch Politikerinnen... aber eine Mutter kümmert sich in anderer Weise um ein Kind (und das Thema hatten wir woanders behandelt und darum sage nicht dass Ich alle aufhetze gegen Homosexuelle, ihr habts fleischlich verdreht, dass sage Ich, und weiters, du sagst ja auch die Frau empfängt)... Und ihr müsst der geistigen Evolution folgen... eine Mutter ist immer noch eine Mutter für ein Kind und eine Frau hat es immer noch schwerer wenn wir von körperliche Kraft sprechen usw, eine Feministin ist feminin. ALLE ÖSTERREICHER WELCHE MEIN BUCH LESEN, und dieses Buch verkraften welches ist ja starkes Fleisch, nun denn, BESCHWERT EUCH BIS AUFS BLUT!!!! Und wir regen uns ja nicht mal auf wenn eine Frau eine Rolle im Militär innehat... so was wollt ihr mehr? Aber realitätsfremd müssen wir nicht werden. Sagst du nun dass eine Frau keine gute Führerrolle einnehmen kann? Nein, dass sage Ich nicht und es gibt ja auch Männer welche nicht führen können. Aber es hat ja nicht mal gereicht dass ihr die Töchter einbringt, nein, ihr müsst sie ja auch zuerst nennen und da wollt ihr wieder „Ladies first“, und dass ist ja eure eigene Narretei. Und du hast so oder so im Anschluss: VOLK BEGNADET und somit inkludiert es die Töchter. Aber du sagst, wir kennen den Stein nicht und darum haben wir die Töchter eingepflegt und auch wissen die Kinder davon nichts... Da hast du recht, so bist du nun entschuldbar, du Mensch. Aber was nun machen wir daraus? –Wer hat es geschrieben? Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart oder manche glauben dass es Johann Baptist Holzer war? Und ihr habt es am 1Jänner 2012 geändert! Und falls es Baptist war, so habt ihr es sogar in seinem Namen verankert. GETAUFT!!! ROCK!!! me Amadeus, God forgive them!!! ==>>> Hebrews 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil ==>>> so I say now to you, milk, bread meat, what does it mean? And you say, Master I know, milk and bread and meat, that is, milk almost like the dead letter world bible, bread is a bit better and meat that is the Book of revelation MOVIE and the STONE! I say, not bad my son, yet you have forgotten one thing! Please tell me Master! I say to you, let me reconcile with Mars, let me have a strong body, let me understand the Hymn of Austria and let me leave the worthless earth, that is also strong meat, strong body, mars body via immoveable earth! And so my son bows down before me and he says I know you are a man of God………. Und weiters, wenn wir das KALTE Herz (und den Hagel) hinter uns lassen, ja so sagen wir ja immer noch dass das Kalte und Warme in der Offenbarung in uns ist und dass ist der geistige Sommer, Himmels-wärme usw., bestens klimatisiert, der Köper voll des Lichts. ==>>> to repeat it one time: another interesting saying from Jacob (wherefore we also said that the fixed and volatile is bound together): In God there are two states, eternally and without end—namely, the eternal light and eternal darkness. The light is God, and in the darkness there would be no pain if it were not for the presence of the light. The light causes the darkness to long for the light and to suffer anguish therefor. The will having issued from the state of unity (by assuming a position, as it were, against the unity in desiring its own self), enters as a state of desire, and this desire is magnetic—that is to say, indrawing; but the unity as such is outflowing; it seeks to issue outwardly, so as to become revealed. The will having issued from the state of unity, desires to enter within itself, so as to attain sensation in the unity, and that thereby the unity may attain sensation in the will... ==>>> by which we have also our watery stone (mirror), polarity, yet also equilibrium... sun and moon.. go in and out... and our message is that we leave the impotent life, hidden in Christ, the son...Again you say about male and female, the son has both in him, + & -, or some gnostic call it parents... ok... but he is in the ever born now, to achieve results is naturally (which is male, active, Malachi 4:2, sun of righteousness ==> FILLED WITH LIGHT, similar to the spiritual summer, ya, manifested sons, ROMANS 8:19, in similarity to the endless spiritual summer, FULL ENERGY!!!, thats why! and still we have + & - )... And you may also call us a POWER HOUSE. Und wir haben unseren Baptism – so saget ihr Johann Baptist Holzer, 1Peter 3:21, und wir können hinzufügen, reinige das Inner der Tasse, dann wird auch das Äußere sauber und Österreich blüht auf, ja sogar mit kristallener Erde und dem 7 Geister Regierungsrad) and Psalm 104:7 compare with Job 38:8-11. And beside that we have also the valley of the universe, an old Taoist term... and the oil makes our face shine, the translucent wine to gladden the heart of man, the bread to strengthen his heart - fed by the universe. ==>>> DARUM, MEINE FEMINISTEN, WAS MISCHT IHR EUCH DA EIN? Und Ich bin in Steyr geboren und neben der Enns und Steyr kenne Ich den großen Fluss auch ganz gut (Donau: schnell, hurtig, fließendes Wasser, wobei die Katholiken haben sich einen Vierströmebrunnen gebastelt), und du wirst es nicht glauben aber in Steyr und Steyr-Land da gibt es sogar kleine Berge wie Sonnkogel oder Damberg... und natürlich kenne Ich auch viele andere Berge... Ski-Gebiet… WAS ICH SAGE DASS IST, WER IST MEHR BEFREUNDET MIT DEN BERGEN UND TÄLERN DENN ICH? UND IHR HABT ES VERDREHT!!! Frechdachse... Und, DU, Ich bin ja in Frieden mit Euch, aber trotzdem muß Ich da was sagen. Und Ich hätte es irgendwie anders hingedreht wenns denn unbedingt sein muss und Ja, das Hohelied erlaubt uns einen gewissen Spielraum: LES NUN IN DER BIBLE: Mein Geliebter ist weiß und rot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, ausgezeichnet vor Zehntausenden.... und der Tochter gleich: Dein Nabel ist eine runde! Schale, in welcher der Mischwein nicht mangelt; dein Leib ein Weizenhaufen, umzäunt mit Lilien, ein verschlossener Garten ist meine Schwester, meine Braut, ein verschlossener Born, eine versiegelte Quelle – was dir entsproßt.... Wer ist sie, die da heraufkommt von der Wüste her, sich lehnend auf ihren Geliebten? Unter dem Apfelbaume habe ich dich geweckt. Dort hat mit dir Wehen gehabt deine Mutter, dort hat Wehen gehabt, die dich geboren. - Lege mich wie einen Siegelring an dein Herz, wie einen Siegelring an deinen Arm! Denn die Liebe ist gewaltsam wie der Tod, hart wie der Scheol ihr Eifer; ihre Gluten sind Feuergluten, eine Flamme Jahs... = Zerubbabel Siegelring und JA, auch Sophia ist weiblich. Und Solomon muss sich treffen mir Ihr und die nutzlose Erde verlassen, im Gotteshaus. ==>>> Heimat großer Söhne, treue Tochter Siegel (viel besser, weil nicht so unverständlich und mehrdeutig), Volk begnadet für das Schöne, vielgerühmtes Österreich... SO GEHÖRT DAS!!! und eine andere Möglichkeit: Heimat großer Söhne, treue Tochter Stempel (oder Prägung passt besser mit Wortlaut), Volk begnadet für das Schöne, vielgerühmtes Österreich... ==>>> und Ich weiß dass das zu Viel ist für euch!!! Das könnt ihr nicht verkraften! Aber Ichs sags trotzdem und für mich hört sich das gut an... weil: Heimat großer Söhne, treue Tochter Prägung, Volk begnadet für das Schöne, vielgerühmtes Österreich... und weil darunter steht geschrieben: Heiß umfehdet, wild umstritten... ==>>> und Treue verbindet mehrere Sachen miteinander: Pflichtgefühl, Standhaftigkeit... und damit wäre es STEIN KOMPATIBEL... ja, umso mehr weil weiter drunten geschrieben steht: liegst dem Erdteil du inmitten einem starken Herzen gleich... ja, und damit wäre es sogar zukunftsorientiert!!! wir hauen quasi den Stein raus, poliert and perfektioniert ==>>> UND DU FRAGST OB WIR EINEN TRICK EINBAUEN KÖNNEN? Antwort, Sprüche 9:1 Die Weisheit baute ihr Haus und hieb sieben Säulen, 2 schlachtete ihr Vieh und trug ihren Wein auf und bereitete ihren Tisch 3 und sandte ihre Dirnen aus, zu rufen oben auf den Höhen der Stadt: 4 "Wer verständig ist, der mache sich hierher!", und zum Narren sprach sie: 5 "Kommet, zehret von meinem Brot und trinket den Wein, den ich schenke; 6 verlaßt das unverständige Wesen, so werdet ihr leben, und gehet auf dem Wege der Klugheit ==>>> Heimat großer Töchter und Söhne, Volk, begnadet für das Schöne ===>>> DIE SIEBEN JUNGFRAUEN (Solomon nannte sie sogar im Buch der Weisheit 7 Jungfrauen, wobei das Buch der Weisheit wurde nicht in der Bibel eingepflegt aber das stört uns nicht! in der Bibel fehlen viele Briefe etc.)… 7 Jungfrauen als die SIEBEN GEISTER...und DIE SÖHNE als die manifestierten/geoffenbarten Söhne (Apocalypse, light skin race)... ja, es ist nicht perfekt... mehr oder weniger wir würden sagen, wir können damit leben.==> WE DONT ACCEPT IT AT LC… BECAUSE WE KNOW THE MYSTERY… that was again DERSTANDARD newspaper in Austria… and all such idiots
2) I do not belong to a stinking cashless society which has all my Data on a chip and is happy to see all my doings... and about thought surveillance (Schwab), ya, this depraved people would only scan some archetypes in a fallen humanity and they would check how to play on their senses, little fears and what else, how to make the snare bigger and how to conduct…. And to control information… and maybe with a social credit system… and so that they can recruit people who fit into their scheme... Wherefore the stuff which they want to put out, they are also in their own hell, for they cannot escape the flow, they get driven with it, they are much too weak for that too escape it… they are delusional.... Simple to weak, they die, and their artificial stuff is an illusion… and they would grow altogether more dumb!!! and we see it to some better degree already in USA, it becomes a puppet show and mixed with corruption… ya, they have produced now so much corruption… And jellyfish people, ya, we don’t want that in Austria! And further, I would say: the FLUID DYNAMICS should not catch the country, pornography must be banned for children, internet restrictions... otherwise good “luck” if you think that you can rule over it... not saying it to offend... just minimum balance... and we need also to keep the social community going etc. And further, we do also not put people just in huge cities, because here depravity does matter a bit less… and also they would say, I am mister anonym, here or there I can allow myself to do this or that... (and people even speak that way, for example countryside versus Vienna which is a poor example and Vienna is not very big but it still works that way... and for sure, we must also add that the world population today is much bigger)...And too many walls are in a big city… yet about the green design and etc. we talk later… but its true… people are more healthy when a better balance is achieved… country, communities… city… like fro example STEYR… it has a relative food balance… but about all that we talk later… future city… PSYCHE and CITY… which direction to go… and also with VIENNA to achieve a better balance… And yes, there are many little things which makes a country better, it can be that we include our environment, that we do not propagate that only he is a winner who has the biggest car (yet still we work, and it is not the big problem if someone drives a Mercedes or...), and it includes even cooking, and all this little things which makes a home better... because also with that people show to other whom they invite or to family, yea, we want to have it good for each other (not so fast food driven or… as for example USA is complete fallen with their big companies mentality… this has cost them a lot… but about all that other stuff we talk in the bat chapter section...)... And ya, it has also to do with Gasthäuser (restaurant, country side) where people know each other or... with trips (to have good places and hiking trails)... and many other things... And ya, Musashi in Christ Style, Austrian people must learn a bit from Japan when we speak about discipline, here we lack a bit... and Japan lacks in other things, but that is merely my opinion. And you know, Nomads world is a crazy world... art, fun discipline, sometimes harsh or barbaric simple, sometimes he looks wise... Alice and the looking glass... Wherefore I think we have a better balance (discipline) by comparison to the Italians of whom we think that they are fiery (feurig wie Pizza), and also the question remains of how much truth is behind such sayings... anyway children are holy in Italy and that should be so also kept in Austria... And so I mentioned already some points which must vanish in Austria (MINIMUM BALANCE… and also no one will tread on our flag, rather we will tread on them… upon this senseless newspaper...LAW and ORDER!!!!). CHECK: we say, we need FIRE (always important, drive), WATER (Austrian people show more their emotions, a good thing and… not so fully orderly like Germans… a little difference exists), EARTH (not too much in materialism which is a trap and we could loose the mysticism, even our language we could loose, therefore we are not like protestant birds), AIR (thinker, communicative and...)... Now, understand me rightly, it is very difficult to put a whole country into a box and probably not even fully possible... but I believe that we have enough water which we also must keep... and some countries have problems with that. But there are some differences, for example we cannot neglect that France (they have more water, emotional contact), ya they have a bit another vibe then Italy (they are really a bit more fiery). And also Switzerland lacks something, we know how they work and...(schweizer Uhrenwerk, swiss watch)…. And if you are in Switzerland, even Swiss people will say that the French speaking side is better in Switzerland (better balance… they are a bit more easy going and...etc.)... And again about Austria, cleanliness we have: Crossing the border into Austria I swear the fields get more organised, the streets are neater and everything is more orderly...THAT WE MUST KEEP!!! And Greeting we must keep, elevator, every office… common sense… And also we have to keep that westay fit (winter sport etc.), but we are a bit too GRUMPY ( Sudern - grouchy), it is like it is not so bad, but it is also not like life is great… ==> THAT MUST CHANGE A BIT!!!… LC could also help here... And yes, water we have to keep sacred, I speak now about physical water, healthy and environment... And it is true, we know in Austria everything just works, we are very privileged and yet not aware of it… but also that we must keep, not just lean back… Aber DIE SUDDEREI muss aufhören! And another very good point, we take our food very seriously. And our jokes imply: don't be offended if someone seems to be making fun of you - most likely, it is good-natured ribbing. ... and maybe we drink too much alcohol (where do we put our energy? and maybe the country seems sometimes too small for us!!!) ==>>> Austria has a potential which could unleash good things, but its too small and when Switzerland would be not in that way, then because of the 4 Elements I would see France as good mixture... like we had Austria Hungary, then Austria France... but we know that all that does not work... not performable... now, all the swiss people go rampant... yea... but I just speak... you know.. diversity... and France would get a bit of the Austrian style whatever... and then again later we look again forward… but more perfectly even would fit SPAIN...they have kept LEBENSFREUDE… thats a country to which we should look... So my idea is clearly more European... yea, and my idea is always, keep the good and where you lack become better... MY idea is always SUPERHUMAN and I know that we have also a bit a weakness here or there... And Iam also not fully leftist and duty is duty(country), yet my point is, that I know that no isolated country will succeed... but and also this DUMB ELITE must overdo it with additional immigration… ya, some immigration from outside the EU is good or ok… but we know the numbers in Austria… and now it is enough… and when they don’t change, ya also here we must stand up but again in a hard way… because the ELITE wants to use it only against us… together with this stinking newspaper… this DIRTY ELITE knows no BALANCE… and we will no longer accept them as ruler and if necessary we go hard! And ya, the solution about the 4 Elements would be that Europe would have states like USA YET DIFFERENT, LATER MORE TO IT), ... and for sure, UK wants to go now their own way because this stupid Elite produces only GARBAGE, may it be immigration (so I also respect Hungary, they have enough), or may it be about their future city vision… ya, and what does the Elite? Ya, and then they say that only the politicians are the problem… ya, this stinking NGOs and stinking BANKER CLAN who produce in reality that mess together with the WEforum.. its a big mixture! And then we must also realise that not all states operate in Europe right now on the same level... which is a big problem... but this is also a time issue… later it would get better… so we have Austria and now also Slovenia does a bit better… In summarization, because of the 4 Elements issue, we could better advance and so I would be for Europe!... And ya, and also we have the language problem, we have many different languages... yet in the long term because of our differences we would better spiritually evolve... exactly because of these differences... and for sure it cannot be done complete without “religion” or complete without any balance.... there should be at least some balance be made with the STONE... yet that not all are superholy, that is clear and this is also not the big problem, ya, we simple need a better BALANCE, thats all that is!... And yes, that is just my proposal and further Iam not in need and I know that the world is the world... But I write it in my book, and yes, its not a doctor work as I said somewhere else but rather a book for inspirations... it works the same like with science, someone has a very simple inspiration in mind (or idea, like a little light or imagination) and expresses it with some words... yet what can be made later out of it... that is another thing. NOW lets check the Mystery: source Wikipedia: Proto-Indo-European (PIE) is the theorized common ancestor of the Indo-European language family. Its proposed features have been derived by linguistic reconstruction from documented Indo-European languages. No direct record of Proto-Indo-European exists...Proto-Indo-European mythology is the body of myths and deities associated with the Proto-Indo-Europeans, the hypothetical speakers of the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European language. Linguistic evidence has led scholars to reconstruct the concept of an impersonal cosmic order,*hértus, denoting "what is fitting, rightly ordered" and ultimately deriving from the root *her-, "to fit": Hittite āra ("right, proper");Sanskrit ṛta ("divine/cosmic law, force of truth, or order"); Avestan arəta- ("order"); Greek artús ("arrangement"), possibly arete ("excellence") via the root *herh ("please, satisfy"); Latin artus ("joint"); Tocharian ārtt- ("to praise, be pleased with"); Armenian ard ("ornament, shape"); Middle High German art ("innate feature, nature, fashion")...YA, the cosmic order embodies a superordinate passive principle, similar to a symmetry or balancing principle. Interwoven with the root *her- is the root *dʰeh-, which means "to put, lay down, sit down, produce, make, speak, say, bring back". The Greek thémis and Sanskrit dhāman, both meaning "law", derive from *deh-men-i- ('that which is established'). Ya, this notion of "law" includes an active principle, which denotes an activity in obedience to the cosmic order and in a social context is interpreted as a lawful conduct..===>>>>> NOMAD, ye FOOLS!, it is not really an impersonal force, lets call it higher self (as also the person with its ballast must vanish, and so we also become gods and then the order gets established...).==>>> There was a fundamental opposition between the never-aging gods dwelling above in the skies, and the mortal humans living beneath on earth. The earth *déǵʰōm was perceived as a vast, flat and circular continent surrounded by waters ("the Ocean") ==>>> NOMAD: does anyone question any longer the divine ocean and why the sea and the circle got mentioned??? And further we read: although they may sometimes be identified with mythical figures or stories, the stars (*hstḗr) were not bound to any particular cosmic significance and were perceived as ornamental more than anything else ==>>> NOMAD: yet you shall also know the STAR (man) and the STONE, our star light being!!! roundabout!!!... further: The belief in reincarnation was common in many ancient Indo-European cultures. In the Rigveda in particular, the eye of the deceased goes back to the sun and his breath to the wind. Beside rebirth in plants, animals and humans it was also considered possible to be reborn in non-physical places like heavens and hells ==>>> NOMAD, no!!!, since we have received the LOGOS, we don’t go back...not possible!!! but someone can be reborn as an animal = that means just to be born in lowest animal passions... and plants have another spiritual meaning and yes, who knows what got twisted later!!!... CHECK: Proto-Indo-Europeans believed the gods to be exempt from death and disease because they were nourished by special aliments, usually not available to mortals: in the Chāndogya Upaniṣad, "the gods, of course, neither eat nor drink. They become sated by just looking at this nectar", while the Edda tells us that "on wine alone the weapon-lord Odin ever lives ... he needs no food; wine is to him both drink and meat". ===>>>> NOMAD: translucent wine and fed by the universe....... The idea that gods were in control of the nature was translated in the suffix *-nos (feminine -nā), which signified "lord of". According to West, it is attested in Greek Ouranos ("lord of rain") and Helena ("mistress of sunlight"), Germanic *Wōðanaz ("lord of frenzy"), Gaulish Epona ("goddess of horses"), Lithuanian Perkūnas ("lord of oaks"), and in Roman Neptunus ("lord of waters"), Volcanus ("lord of fire-glare") and Silvanus ("lord of woods")..........The head deity of the Proto-Indo-European pantheon was the god *Dyḗws Ph₂tḗr, whose name literally means "Sky Father". Regarded as the Sky or Day conceived as a divine entity, and thus the dwelling of the gods, the Heaven ==>>> ......... *Seh₂ul and *Meh₁not are reconstructed as the Proto-Indo-European goddess of the Sun and god of the Moon respectively, ==> NOMAD: we understand now already much better the SUN& MOON!!!........... weather deity: associated with lightning and storms... and we have mother earth... fire deities (embodies also the flames of the sun and lightning, fire light, holy fire)... water deities (cults of fountain and rivers)... wind deities (wind, coming from everywhere)... fate goddess (weave destinies, spinning, holding mirrors and spindles, spinning the king's thread of life) ==>>> NOMAD: yet regarding destiny, we do not forget free will, seek and you shall find, and we include the virgin seals, destiny...!!!, and for sure some people are more spiritual… and the FOUNTAIN & SACRED RIVER we do also understand now much better, and the breath of life, light fire etc... AND CHECK: another reconstructed myth is the story of the fire in the waters. It depicts a fiery divine being named *Hepom Nepōts who dwells in waters, and whose powers must be ritually controlled or gained by a hero who is the only one able to approach it ==>>> NOMAD: FIRE and WATER dwell together, only the sage knows it, the hero of fait, 4 elements a sone in him... CHECK: One common myth found in nearly all Indo-European mythologies is a battle ending with a hero or god slaying a serpent or dragon of some sort ==> CORRECT!!!............ CHECK ABOUT EUROPE: Greek Εὐρώπη (Eurṓpē) contains the elements εὐρύς (eurus), "wide, broad" and ὤψ/ὠπ-/ὀπτ- (ōps/ōp-/opt-) "eye, face, countenance". Broad has been an epithet of Earth herself in the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European religion............... Other sources, such as the Iliad, claim that she is the daughter of Agenor's son, the "sun-red" Phoenix!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ===>>> And understand: Austria, that calls itself the Heart of Europe, is a small country with a great history, landscape and culture… ==> And later we will speak about the sun red phoenix and the EUROPE BOREALIS FLAG (eye and face)… for we will put it all together… the whole myth… and we include the 12 stars (EU flag and check their origin)… and we put something additional to the flag!!!!… and then we simple call it: EUROPE BOREALIS…. wherefore later more to it…. Ya, this flag is not finished… the 12 stars are good… but it is not perfected!!!… and we just show our art later!
3) This is correct, many in USA did go upwards via corruption, black mail, bribery and etc… and then they make laws as we have spoken about immunity… then they recruit like they have done it in the old way… and get more control… and then on top are the MATERIAL PEOPLE.. the BIGGEST DIRT… as and also with the Nazis… 10 000 are enough who are in control… or check Stasi etc… and we have no barriers… and we have it do with the Transhumanist nutcase people… KISS MY ASS… AUSTRIA WILL GO IN WAR or better to say, that is what I mean, we simple leave the EU if they don’t retreat! ==> NO ONE SAYS THAT WE NEED SUCH A SYSTEM AND NOR THAT TECHNOLOGY SHALL BE USED TO ENSLAVE US... KISS OUR ASS is the message at LC... and nor is AI the solution for everything, they just sell it all as progress. And we are much too diverse: soul images... and we want no material Einheitsmensch... it does not work... they just want little slaves... this degenerated elite ==> in our CONSTITUTION is written, to look at us as HUMANS... they see only machines... it is even written BRIEFGEHEIMNIS... now they want to see everything about you... even tried it with cameras in smart TV, voice chat... all emails... ZERO PRIVATSPHÄRE as Schwab said... and even thoughts he want to scan... and why do we need it? His answer... ya, because we own nothing, thats why! This guy has no balance!!! and everyone who goes to sharp against our constitution in AUSTRIA (in future, and follow them) will face something ==> ... you think that we sell out to them... if you believe so.. you will face something! ==> They want to push us into a bubble (control algorithm, search machine, censorship etc... with this dumb creatures like we see this media puppets in USA) and they love CHINA more than anything else... And there is no spiritual evolution in that... we do not just become like CHINA... and XI will also not endure... SINCE they use intelligence (FBI or...) more in USA, they became even more corrupt! they used it already for recruiting... ==> THIS IS A LADDER which is complete build UPON MONEY (with the NGOs etc.), so you get the biggets dirt more up the ladder===> and the DIRT has the saying and we get ZERO BALANCE… beside that their future city will not even endure… similar with Corona, put it on a scale… and when do I have the most benefit?! And they are transhumanist… and so also about their city… a little sacrifice to save the city… that will get just amplified when they get all power… and immunity… and I told you… they already try to get immunity like GATES and GAVI at the WHO… forget it!!! ==> and should we go too far... first comes always the big message from the population... what I say, I will not tolerate it at LC, we go not just backwards, FORGET IT... we go forward! ==> and further, we can just leave the EU... any politician must bow down... if we vote for it!... so we can avoid violence
4) EUROPE FLAG: Against the blue sky of the Western world, the stars symbolise the peoples of Europe in a form of a circle, a sign of union. Their number is invariably twelve, the figure twelve being the symbol of perfection and entirety...Paul said: The five-pointed star is used on many national flags and represents aspiration and education. Their golden colour is that of the sun, which is said to symbolise glory and enlightenment... Their arrangement in a circle represents the constellation of Corona Borealis and can be seen as a crown and the stability of government. The blue background resembles the sky and symbolises truth and the intellect. It is also the colour traditionally used to represent the Virgin Mary. In many paintings of the Virgin Mary as Stella Maris she is crowned with a circle of twelve stars ==>>>> CORONA, THE PHOENIX WILL ARISE... WIKIPEDIA: In 1987, following the adoption of the flag by the EC, Arsène Heitz (1908–1989), one of the designers who had submitted proposals for the flag's design, suggested a religious inspiration for it. He claimed that the circle of stars was based on the iconographic tradition of showing the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Woman of the Apocalypse, wearing a "crown of twelve stars” (wherefore Paul and Heitz had their discussion and officially it is not so clear, but let it be now clear to you)... According to graphical specifications published online by the Council of Europe in 2004, the flag is rectangular with 2:3 proportions: its fly (width) is one and a half times the length of its hoist (height). Twelve yellow stars are centred in a circle (the radius of which is a third of the length of the hoist) upon a blue background. All the stars are upright (one point straight up), have five points and are spaced equally, like the hour positions on the face of a clock. The diameter of each star is equal to one-ninth of the height of the hoist......... Wikipedia: The seven stars!!!!!!!! that make up the constellation's distinctive crown-shaped pattern are all 4th-magnitude stars except for the brightest of them, Alpha Coronae Borealis. The other six stars are Theta, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon and Iota Coronae Borealis.... and for sure we know the different Myths: The hero uses the crown's light to escape the labyrinth”... it was called Caer Arianrhod, "the Castle of the Silver Circle”... Corona Borealis was known as Darželis, the "flower garden”... Men's Law, Women's Law and Law of both sexes come together and consider matters of existence...etc... ==> the MAN-CHILD is born out of the mysteries... Europe... the gospel brought to the gentiles (Land der Dome etc.) ==>>> Greek and Jews and Greek is part of Europe and the heart of Europe is Austria... and Israel we do not forget (and the final revelation we already understand, neither male nor female...etc.)... And now, the big question, do they bother about the STONE? like it was with the Pharisee... again, because we go now one step higher this time... a bigger revelation... science and religion comes together… in the heart of EUROPE!!! And you said about the flag: Their number is invariably twelve, the figure twelve being the symbol of perfection and entirety...Paul said: The five-pointed star is used on many national flags and represents aspiration and education. Their golden colour is that of the sun, which is said to symbolise glory and enlightenment (5pointed = also 5 Elements… plus light/glory). And I write this book 500 years after Luther, it started 500 years after him… ==> and yes, Austria, Borealis announces that it has started production of meltblown fabrics for face mask applications on its unique pilot line in Linz, Austria… ==> lets find the true SELF!!! EU FLAG: Their arrangement in a circle represents the constellation of Corona Borealis and can be seen as a crown and the stability of government.... CORONA VIRUS.... MAN-CHILD... MUSICIAN: Agnes Obel – the curse. PROPHET: Martin Mostbauer (bat) ==>>> Nomad, IAM HERE...the MOVIE… later more about our FLAG!… EUROPE BOREALIS… we must find a better BALANCE for the future city!!!
5) 4) YA, WE HAVE TO GO FORWARD, THE ADVANCED SPIRIT WINS, IN WORST CASE SCENARIO, WE LEAVE THE EU and SAVE AUSTRIA!!! .. Another question: but Nomad you say that Europe should have states similar like USA, Answer, this was also the primarily idea as I found out later regarding other people, but I say, similar yet not totally the same, we don’t want to end up like USA! And you say that I did go “rampant” (loud voice) because of the Hymn of Austria? Answer: sure, Austria as the heart of Europe has the stone in the song... and I showed you that... and the flag, red and white (Babenberg), eastern realm (World: GDP (nominal) per capita at their peak level, Austria on 17th place, but that for fun)...etc. So this is the Mystery behind Europe (seven stars, man-child), MY FRIENDS I WALKED ALREADY FULLY RESURRECTED IN AUSTRIA FOR A HALF DAY and people have even seen me (yet not my family)... And also we spoke about the Proto-Indo-European language. And first people wanted it similar like USA, the EUROPE FLAG, but this was not allowed, now, I combine it with Austria (red and white) and EUROPE 12 star FLAG and similar you have the USA FLAG (in similarity to the states), and you know that I resurrect on that place, in the centre of the earth like a strong heart... ==>>> if I would be the spokesman of Austria, then I would not use two flags like seen on TV when the government speaks... no, I would use the three stripes (without eagle, but yes, I like the eagle because of the hammer etc., and it is no communist symbol according to out country) and the EU flag I would put on the left side of the flag (in similarity to USA) and having the corrected stone hymn (Österreich, eastern realm, garden)... and so our history is totally born out of the Mystery... and no one can blame us that we copy USA. (but that is just my idea and for sure, other countries have their flags and would probably want to see their flags, thats why we should add still something to it) ==>>> but understand: the power behind the flag as I shown here, would be very strong, FÜR EIN STARKES EUROPA ==>>> we have the whole Mystery... God not against us, but what I do not like that we have not a more clear sign regarding the SEVEN STARS (corona Borealis) on the flag... I mean, the three stripes are much better!!! together with the EU flag!!!!, MUCH BETTER, TRUST ME...powerful... but a more more clear sign about the Borealis... that would be perfect ==>>> and a phoenix or eagle would be way too much padding... not acceptable... NO... we put only in the middle of the FLAG the LETTER B or where it fits best, and with triple meaning, BELGIUM (EU SITZ, Brüssel), BOREALIS, and B as second letter = God or divine intelligence is our witness ==>>> for sure, this is only my idea, I like to be creative... to play around (so do not get offended because of my position, you do not have to take it too serious, and yes, B is also the hidden number I3, not just 2)... the EU FLAG would be vertical on it. ==>>>>... and the Alchemist, remember they played a big part in building up countries... and therefore we need the RED & WHITE... and less stripes = more powerful, and so we have the Mystery and because of the room we have, so we could place for example the B into it ==>>> I LOVE IT ===>>> but ok, the problem is that USA has also a flag design very similar to it and I have not made the EU FLAG, but maybe with a bigger B symbol or whatever... we would have a bigger difference... but again, the design is really good ==>>>> USA probably knows that, and THIS GOES AGAINST THE STREAM, but the mixture of modern design and the stars and old design = only with that we WIN....anyway... not to offend you... and BOREALIS WITH WINGS could be also a SIGN for ESA (and a little e build into it), and the wings symbolize therefore not just the PHOENIX, wherefore that you have chosen Borealis is a very good idea ==>>>> wherefore, Germany could be a problem, so maybe we need some black colour. And thats right, the B also for number 13 = M = REAL Mason = STONE... Now, and further, the OREALIS in smaller letter written...... and Europe as the northern light (also seen in Norway, Finland, Sweden, Borealis... they would be happy), but ok, points also to the corona borealis., SEVEN STARS!!! ==>>>... and sure, that France, Kroatien, Netherland has no problem, we need blue, white, red... and also Switzerland, Dänemark, you know, the cross could make problems, but they have the same colours, and Polen is ok,... and the other countries should have no problem and Portugal and Italy etc. get their green... Belgien has their B (EU Sitz)... ==>>> I mean, we could ignore the Austria revelation (all what we said)... and make it with two stripes but Iam not sure if that even looks better... and then also we would need to get somewhere else the number 3, maybe a crown on the B with three spikes. ==>>> I think it does not look better with two stripes... no... Wherefore for sure, colours (more dark or more bright) and design, we can play a bit more around, yet the idea with the e and B and wings = OK, and I wanted a little crown to it (corona borealis)... And when it fits, then everyone from Europe probably likes to identify with the creative Euro flag (wherefore important is to point to ESA, wherefore we do not like so much the 1 Euro coin like to have that in mind) ==>>> B for Brüssel (EU SEAT), we keep the B, and further because it is the SEAT, for sure a little four-square would be fantastic, or maybe somehow hidden in the design of the B and e and crown and wings... = SUPERPERFECT ==>>> Wer nicht (ein bisschen) wagt, der nicht gewinnt... And yes, that was in the past: It‘s been over 150 years since Europe dominated the mining industry. Measured by the production of metal ores, Europe still accounted for 62 % of world revenues in 1860. Europe‘s influence has declined rapidly, and now the EU-28 account for only 3 % of global mining revenues... but ok, we still have the full ROCK revelation, you know, the STONE... and it could be also more hidden in the design, to separate a bit the ORE!!! from the ALIS ==>>> And when we just make the B with its wings a bit more round… the whole things gets perfected. And on the other side I know that with flags some people want only the old design... yet we have also flags with a mountain and sea and etc., see for example New York... and so the creative EU flag would had still at least some form of courtesy (it is not really fully too much). And the Borealis (Norway, Finland, Sweden, our position), it reminds us also to the rainbow: When charged particles from the sun strike atoms in Earth's atmosphere, they cause electrons in the atoms to move to a higher-energy state. When the electrons drop back to a lower energy state, they release a photon: light. This process creates the beautiful aurora, or northern lights (and the original intent was also to point to the corona borealis, we know, the seven stars) ==>>> POWERFUL AND NICE EU FLAG ==>>> and maybe again official we could also say, the rainbow colour represents also all the different colours regarding all the country flags in Europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... and the Borealis fits also with the EU Sign (woman clothed with the sun, 12 stars sun!!!)... and the crown. What do you want more? And we have Brüssel etc. but AGAIN, if anyone says that this is too much, then point to Macedonia and the yellow sun on a red field, with eight broadening rays... ==>>> another thing it cannot really become Racist or fascistic... all COLOURS.... (it cannot really be misused)... And again, its just my idea... because of the picture as it unfolded here... and so I was interested, yea, what could I make out of it... You will say, the name EUROPE is more important then BOREALIS! Answer: ok, but it has not that power!!! and further the B is also for Brüssel (seat) and it is our expression to show all colours., no discrimination and also all flags... and so on... and as the northern part... Finland, Sweden, Norway... this is a part of us... and etc. And the name Europe does not get smaller because of that, and we have the ore and the alis and the e could be also made a bit bigger but again, we have so or so the B and e... And because Europe is a bit more difficult name, it has no POWER!, yet Europe is not made smaller because of that. And Brüssel is like the white house (USA), maybe we could say that we have the blue house... but that is not so important... Behold: In Greek mythology, Europa was a Phoenician princess who was abducted by Zeus in bull form and taken to the island of Crete, where she gave birth to Minos. For Homer, Europa (Greek: Ευρώπη) was a mythological queen of Crete, not a geographical designation. Later Europa stood for mainland Greece and by 500 BC its meaning was extended to lands to the north.... You can also say Europe Borealis = Europe in the northern region of the earth (what I know, borealis is also Latin or new Latin) ==>>> Europe means wide face or broad eye, now, the eye is also the circle (12 stars), and we point to the northern part. (aurora borealis in Greek = sunrise and winds, and we are so or so Proto Indo European). And when we say, Europe Borealis, then the association belongs to us. (and Iceland is rather generally included in Europe, maybe one day they are also part of the EU, and they are heavily integrated... and all what is left that is Canada, Alaska, and a part in Russia where they also see the Aurora Borealis yet the name belongs to us or generally this is not so the problem). And because Borealis has a double meaning, we can say that the European flag wafts in the WIND... or European wind!!! and we have also the wings on the B.... And you also say NORTH AMERICA, so where is the big deal? The big deal is that we have the whole mystery and it sounds now better. Now my reader you have seen what a Master makes out of it and how boring are this politicians... and further my creative Europe flag, people would love it much more. And in my book this will be kept... Ya, and lets go on, often in news they use terms like WIND OF CHANGE... or to be prepared about the VERÄNDERTE GEOPOLITISCHE WETTERLAGE... oder es weht and anderer politischer Wind... oder FRISCHER POLITISCHER WIND... all that and many more things can be used... a FRESH EUROPEAN WIND... a FRESH WIND FROM BRUSSEL... and similar you can point back to the production of metal ores… Ya and we can say, we are always prepared for the wind of change. And my creative flag makes even a good posture in a SPACE MISSION (wherefore we know also the aurora borealis from space) ==> and we have also the number SEVEN hidden with the five pointed star + yellow (or golden)!... and if you are in space and you meet an Alien (making a joke now) and if he does not understand your language yet still because of the design he maybe believes that you are wise... and the B must fit in the four-square.... so that it gets perfected… Now, BOREALIS has EIGHT LETTER... and we have the FIRE LIGHT (red and yellow, red sun)... so la la we could say that the SUN is the biggest sign in the constellations... and for sure, with ore in different colours... we point again to the TRIUNE STONE... our gold. ==>>> definitive there can be made something out of it... The creative EURO FLAG... One example would be also: Es ist nicht einzig Glück im Leben nach Geld und Edelstein zu streben... and therefore it refers to edle Menschen, and we could search for a possible proverb like from Johann Wolfgang Goethe: A noble person attracts other noble people and knows how to keep hold of them... What else do we need, but the noble gesture of bringing people together?... As hot water melts ice, so a good temper melts and annihilates one's sins...Ricardo Muti: Nobility of spirit has more to do with simplicity than ostentation, wisdom rather than wealth, commitment rather than ambition... Jean Rostand: The nobility of a human being is strictly independent of that of his convictions... Wellins Calcott: It matters not from what stock we are descended so long as we have virtue; for that alone is true Nobility....Chalres Caleb Coton: Nobility of birth does not always insure a corresponding unity of mind; if it did, it would always act as a stimulus to noble actions; but it sometimes acts as a clog rather than a spur... Marcus Tullius Cicero:True nobility is exempt from fear... Rebecca West: Life ought to be a struggle of desire toward adventures whose nobility will fertilize the soul.... ==>>> and further we use here noble also simple as kind (which implies to be cheerful) and etc. ==>>> so when we have the BORE and the ALIS... now then... we could even search for a new proverb..... Antoine Rivarol: Gold like the sun, which melts wax, but hardens clay, expands great souls... Gold authenticity can only be tested under maximum fire... George Herbert: That is gold which is worth gold... Jonathan Swift: Midas, we are in story told / Turn'd every thing he touch'd to gold / He chipp'd his bread; the pieces round / Glitter'd like spangles on the ground...John S. Morril: Like Liberty, gold never stays where it is undervalued.... ==>>> The problem is with the people today, they are too weak and too fearful or maybe too boring... yet I would had made it in a different way as now clearly seen with the FLAG... and the aurora borealis saying would also somehow fit... when we speak about the people and all colours, all flags. We could had made something out of it. THE FOUR PILLARS ENVIRONMENT, ECONOMY, IMPROVEMENT AND DEMOCRACY ARE CLOSELY INTERTWINED AND FLOURISH BEST WHEN MANS HEART GROWS NOT TOO COLD, THE GOLDEN SUNLIGHT OVER EUROPE SHINES. THIS OUR CONTINENT, THE DAUGHTER OF THE SUN RED PHOENIX, NAMED BROAD FACE, FOUND IN THE NORTH AND KISSED BY THE SHORELINE, THE STABILITY OF A ROCK ALSO THE COUNCILS SIGN. MINING THOUGHTS FOR UNITY, EVER PREPARED FOR THE WIND OF CHANGE, EUROPE BOREALIS! ==>>> Lets go on: the Sun doesn't send the same amount of energy all the time. There is a constant streaming solar WIND!!! and there are also solar STORMS!!! (coronal mass ejection), the Sun burps out a huge bubble of electrified gas that can travel through space at high speeds. The solar storm comes toward us, some of the energy and small particles can travel down the magnetic field lines at the north and south poles into Earth’s atmosphere... we have 'Aurora borealis' in the north and 'Aurora australis' in the south... There, the particles interact with gases in our atmosphere resulting in beautiful displays of light in the sky. Oxygen gives off green and red light. Nitrogen glows blue and purple... Auroral displays appear in many colours, pale green and pink are the most common, beside that we have shades of red, yellow, green, blue, and violet... and it light up the sky with an eerie glow. ====>>>> ABSOLUTE MASTER WORK AND KEPT IN TOTAL SIMPLICITY BY WHICH IT HAS NOW SPIRITUAL POWER AND AT THE SAME TIME WE GET NO PROBLEMS (not a fascist thing)... and it is the SIMPLICITY WHICH WILL SPEAK TO PEOPLE.... And yes, we need the WHITE & RED as stripes (the STONE, all sages) and we also said that two stripes look not so beautiful and you maybe say that the third stripe could be yellow or green. And to this I say, the problem is that it gets maybe too colourful and we have no longer that symmetry, you know, and black is not a good choice and so you could only use green or yellow, again, this distorts the picture when we want to read the middle stripe. Ok, the third stripe with blue colour could be used but also that is not the best choice. Therefore, the best choice is as presented here... I have no doubt about it. And a bit GREEN we must keep because of Italy etc., ==>>> And we should mention the FLAG OF GEORGIA (USA), they did copy it from Austria... we have influenced them… so USA shall not bother about us!!! And again about ALIS, the word starts with ALI, nobel... wherefore I know that ALIS is also used in LATIN like for example naturalis (natura + addendum) = natural (nature already created + addendum), regalis, orientalis, dualis, orginalis ==>>> I understand that... BORE: Old English borian to bore through, perforate, old English bor, instrument for making holes by boring or turning, from Proto-Germanic buron (old norse bora), or BORE from boredom, a thing which causes ennui or annoyance by dullness, usually said to be a figurative extension of bore on the notion of move forward slowly and persistently, be tiresome or dull... BALIS: The surname Balis is derived from the Old French word baillis, which is the nominative form of the word bailliff. The name was originally occupational for a bailiff, a deputy of a king or lord, whose duties included collecting of rents and administering justice…. Mining or drilling, digging for wealth….BORE... Anthony Liccione: At the end of every light, is a tunnel of darkness.... ==>>> so you have always your recall about our flag and hymn. And only You are BORING with your EU flag (not finished yet)... wherefore my FLAG reminds you always that we can bore into this or that direction. ==>>>... And again, when we look at the Aurora Borrealis, then the common colours are: pink, green, yellow, blue, violet... OXYGEN: RED-ORANGE or LEMON-GREEN and IONIZED NITROGEN: DEEP RED and NITROGEN: BLUE-PURPLE... when mixed with currents at different altitudes the entities create other colors like pink, yellow, emerald blue, magenta and purple. THE FINAL OPTION WHICH WE HAVE, TO MAKE THE CROWN AND E BLUE AND ALSO THE B WITH THE WINGS (blue house, Brüssel) AND ORE BLACK AND THE A RED-ORANGE, AND THE L LEMON-GREEN AND THE I BLUE-PURPLE AND THE S DEEP RED (ALIS) ==>>> and it is better that it is not so colourful because otherwise it looses its majesty and this is VERY IMPORTANT!!! AND SO WE HAVE ALSO OUR ORE ==>>> THIS IS PERFECT!!!... ==>>> COURTESY AND DESIGN AND ENOUGH MAJESTY. And when we place the golden star rather over the ORE then we have again our TUNNEL (dark) and LIGHT... and somehow we also dig together, majesty even better restored. And ALIS or ALICE etc. is so or so not so clear in peoples mind, yes, a bit it is out there and in them but it is not so obvious... And the FLAG includes also a certain AUFHEITERUNG (cheering up) which is never bad (climate). And you may say, but Nomad one thing does not work, because borealis in new latin this would be northern Europe, nördliches Europa... yea, but to this I say, Europa lies north = nördliches Land..., therefore not Nordeuropa but nördliches Land! And again Europe (Latin, etymology from Ancient Greek Εὐρώπη(Eurṓpē), means also WIDE FACE or BROAD, therefore the NORTHERN WIDE FACE or NORTHERN BROAD EYE... And we say also AURORA BOREALIS and not BOREALIS AURORA and AURORA means sunrise (Morgenröte, also in english aurora), wherefore Boreas means also wind. And we have total won because also the oldest sources, and the Iliad, claim that she (Europe) is the daughter of Agenor's son, the "sun-red" Phoenix!!!!!!!!!! And the AURORA BOREALIS is not seen in whole Europe and so we point only to her father!!! Now, and the story of the TAME WHITE BULL and EUROPE is summarized in the following saying: LOVE CANNOT BE FORCED yet the WHITE BULL WHO IS TAMED MAKES IS POSSIBLE and all THE COLOURS IN THE SKY SPEAK OF EQUALITY AND ANTI-DISCRIMINATION. And the SUN is used for heavenly warmth versus cold heart.... the golden sunlight over Europe shines, as read in our Hymn (heart of the earth). And I know that some could also refer to the Minotaur and the Labyrinth or to the sacred bull or to the sacrificial bull. Yea, sure, and some other call it the RAPE OF EUROPE but Europe also embraced the bull and so we can only call it the ABDUCTION OF EUROPE. Yea, and in Egypt also KA (life force) was represented via the bull (later the bull was associated with Osiris, fertility, resurrection life, similar to the Romans and similar to Dionysus who was strongly linked to the bull etc.). And somewhere else the bull was a symbol for power and strength. The bull, lunar or solar (Mesopotamia, India), the circle like with the horns!!!, you know, the moon upon the head of the bull. So also Hathor is displayed as cow goddess with head horns in which is set a sun disk and therefore closely related to KA and also called the EYE, or we get also remembered to ISIS with her horns... And since Zeus (king of gods) showed himself as a TAMED WHITE bull, now then we do not need to associate it with the labyrinth, yea, this would be even wrong! And Zeus' symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak (also called sky father). Plato, in his Cratylus, gives a folk etymology of Zeus meaning "cause of life always to all things”. Diodorus Siculus wrote that Zeus was also called Zen, because the humans believed that he was the cause of life (zen). Wherefore Europa is mentioned among the mortals…. NOW and further, and the two major points about the EU are JUSTICE and EQUALITY... and so if we want to combine it all, ok, we could also add a scale symbol on the flag, on the right side and we can add bulls horn in which is set a sun disk or moon disk, wherefore a black circle with no colour looks maybe better on the flag ==>>> BORE (tunnel) and sun above it!!!... and so we have also not too much padding (option). And further, the WINGS on the B can also point to her father, the SUN-RED. And the woman clothed with the sun... it remains hidden on the flag!!! And we have no problem with other religions, you can see a sun or moon between the horns... wherefore also when we would make it yellow, it should be no problem. NOW, and you ask if you could write also something about the bull in our Hymn? To this I say, yes, but maybe it is not so perfect. and it would get a bit another direction * * * * * * * ******************************************************************************************************************************** THE FOUR PILLARS ENVIRONMENT, ECONOMY, IMPROVEMENT AND DEMOCRACY ARE CLOSELY INTERTWINED AND FLOURISH BEST WHEN MANS HEART GROWS NOT TOO COLD, JUST AS AND AS THOUGH THE SUN WERE PLACED BETWEEN THE HORNS AND THE GOLDEN LIGHT OVER EUROPE SHINES. THIS OUR CONTINENT, THE DAUGHTER OF THE FIERY RED PHOENIX, BROAD FACE SHE IS NAMED, AND BRILLIANT TINTED HER FATHER SHOWS UP FOR HER, DANCING IN THE NIGHTSKY! YA, EUROPE, FOUND IN THE NORTH AND SALTY KISSED BY THE SHORELINE. FORSOOTH, THE STABILITY OF A ROCK ALSO THE COUNCILS SIGN, LAND WITHIN AND WITHOUT, MINING THOUGHTS FOR UNITY, STEADFAST UPON THE LIGHTNINGS WAY AND EVER PREPARED IN FRONT OF THE WIND OF CHANGE, EUROPE BOREALIS! ALL COLORS, ALL FLAGS, ALL PEOPLE! BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN HARMONY COMPARED WITH THE STARS OF THE TENT WHERE GODS SONG NEVER ENDS! BOLD THUNDERING KRIMML WATERFALL, WIDE AWAKE ETNA, SERENE MT BLANC, OPEN MINDED LAKE VÄNERN! JOYFUL RAISING A GLASS FOR THE GOOD SPIRIT, AND WITH ENLARGED HEART TASTING THAT WHICH FOREVER REMAINS** * * * * * * * ******************************************************************************************************************************** And all what they could say that is, that Europe and the bull reminds also to love as a trap but that is nonsense and a misinterpretation, the bull was white and tamed etc. ==>>> and any interpretation cannot go wrong, because sometimes some other countries are a bit like a bull and like we feel alienated... and further no one of us gets kidnapped.. And they probably dont have that in english: Darf Ich dich kurz entführen?............ And another little secret, since alis we have made in different colours, now to read it in the other direction and we have SILA: (in Sanskrit) or sīla (in Pāli), "behavioral discipline", "morality", "virtue" or "ethics" in Buddhism... Sīla is an internal, aware, and intentional ethical behavior, according to one's commitment to the path of liberation etc. And we have the two horns in the middle, one points in this direction and the other into the other direction (extended). And so we have the ORE, and the tunnel with BORE and SILA and the B is simple kept as B. For I guess some will say that alis as alice as noble is not perfect... again, sila integrates the noble part. (Proto-Indo Europeans). Ok, then you say, but the word BSILA does not exist! Ok, then we make the wing of the B black. This is even correct because it is her father and it stands together with the BOREALIS, AURORA (sun-red) BOREALIS... What do you think ye fools? The answer to Zerubabbel, do not despise these small beginnings... and sure we start a bit bumpy but when the divine intelligence does lead me to it... and now, look at the FLAG, and I have also build my book in the same way. Yea, and if you go now total wild, then you ask, what is with EBORE? but that is not totally permissable because we place that e on the B in another direction, but yes, ebore is Latin and is an inflection of EBUR and is figuratively an elephant, ebur (ebor) means a thing made of ivory or ivory. Psalm 110: Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning (dawn, sun red): thou hast the dew of thy youth... The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.... and we know also the FIRE LIGHT... ==> Now, since we have clarified all that and for whatever reason the divine intelligence had guided me to it... and yes, again something for the puzzle or testimony or teaching, also to show you with that how spiritual power can be brought into the flag and how the mind of the population can be directed in a good way and etc... man-child born out of the mysteries... now our inoffical song for our creative EU flag is probably Rammstein, Sonne, but that just for fun!!!...........And interesting, they have chosen for the Europe Hymn as I found now out, Friedrich Schiller,"An die Freude" ("To Joy", which is also mystical) in 1785 as a celebration of the brotherhood of man.. After Schiller's death, the poem provided the words for the choral movement of Ludwig van Beethoven's 9th Symphony.... But it is only INSTRUMENTAL without text (they have not found a right translation yet or skipped it) => I think it is a failure to take only things from the past, similar when we have only the circle... what I mean with not taking things just from the past, ya I simple mean that we should have a new composition. Wherefore if I would want to make a Hymn, I would need still walk a bit higher and then check it all in the apocalypse.
6) FINAL TEST: when you can read what is on the FLAG every day and it does not bother you (or to get bored to death)... then it can stay on the FLAG... and further we have also the symbols above it. And should that be the case, that you are still fine with it and you like it even after weeks... then it is a Master work, yet still founded upon simplicity.... MY CREATIVE EU FLAG IS A KIND OF MAGIC…. Song,Peter Gabriel, my body is a cage. (my mind holds the key)...Soap &Skin, me and the devil… ITS TIME... to come out of it alive… FINAL CHECK ALIS... ALICE... WHAT IS THE ANSWER TO THE DARK [tunnel]?... BORE!!! ==>>> wherefore we point also to the fiery red hole... (abyss and fireblaze, inward sight), and so nothing goes wrong with the FLAG... and for sure ero could remind us a bit to eros with an hidden S in the B... but that is fine... nothing goes wrong with the FLAG ==>>> it would be allowed that you make the design of the B in such a way that in a small way it reminds us also to the number 13 and a S... also for SORE. And EROS per se is no problem... also God is a bit EROS behind the veil... just spiritual. And the three pearls upon the little crown should be kept. (with a hint to the original intent, corona borealis) ==>>> and then the Master piece is finished. ==> THE POEM CAN BE STILL MADE A BIT BETTER BUT ONLY VIA LITTLE CHANGES AND I JUST SHOW THE FUNDAMENT, and the same can be said about OUR FLAG... A BIT BETTER DESIGN... I have not put much time into it ==> There can never be made something better when we intervene with our own feelings and our own thinking against that what God has ordained... NO... I will stay fully on the track and every time when God intervened, yea, it was a little bit a SHOCK and it was total unexpected how it got unfolded... Jesus had his mission and the Pharisee were shocked and I have my mission and no, Iam not Jesus, forget that... but I will reveal and fulfil AFTER Jesus the apocalypse. And somehow later it goes into its own balance again... ==>>> thats why I have also made the EU FLAG (12 stars original intent, man-child and white red, eastern realm (heart of Europe), hidden within, and the seven stars etc.)... And Europe means also WIDE GAZING (or broad EYE, or broad face) which I like because of the ENLARGED TENT. So we point to the garden and to the enlarged tent and to the TRANSIT, bull ride. Yea, and instead of the rainbow, we have a little compromise but it is no full compromise: aurora borealis (instead of the rainbow) ==>>> and we have so or so the NAME AURORA: In astronomy, an aurora is a luminous phenomenon that consists of streamers, arcs, or ripples of dancing vibrant light that appear in the upper atmosphere of a planet's magnetic polar regions... and also we know some of the rainbow-like aurora borealis in Scotland skies. ==>>> and regarding the sulfur I would point for example to Ätna (Sizilien, wherefore I was also on that place, and for whatever reason I have taken a sulfur stone with me, but we have also other vulcanoes, yet Ätna is called Mongibello which means mountain or Ätna means simple burning, and they have many of this special made crosses and etc. which they sell on that place, Mount Etna, Europe's highest active volcano) ==>>> so we could also add something in the Hymn like: 1) couragere like the thundering Krimml falls (Krimml means Krümmung (bend) or Herberge (hostel), we do not know exactly, and Iam sorry, the highest waterfall is in Austria, and yes, you can’t help but feel insignificant when confronted with the sheer force and scale of this cataract, which thrashes immense boulders... and I know that some want to point to the Rhine falls (Switzerland), you can decide what is better, I have no problem regarding the poem), 2) vigilant like the awakened Ätna (not sleeping), 3) authentic and serene like the unshakeable Mont Blanc (Mont Blanc means WHITE MOUNTAIN), 4) open minded like lake Vänern... and instead of KISSED, we write SALTY KISSED* * * * * * * * and we get a bit remembered to Psalm 29, thunder voice, lightning (correct translation: divides the flames of fire, and we understand that now), flood... powerful, majestic...
The bat deals with a PROPHECY which the gods received and it includes also CORONA (virus) and it deals with the future city vision of the Elite (or many of them, politic, economic power etc.) VERSUS our vision for the future city, ya regarding humanity ===> WHEREFORE HERE the future city is not made clear, only later in the "Judge Poem" it gets better [Buttons at the "Judge Poem" chaper, but only in Austria language]... and here, it is only like pieces put together and the rest is missing... first because of my hard ascension, MENTALLY a chaos... secondly I had to figure out what I even want... and the final answer will be: GHDWC.ARI + 144.12 PST + HR + IT + CI + AS + MGH.AI/BIOTECH/HB/ETGA + LC... and ZET currency, 50/50 approach (unity/diversity, individual/collective etc... and performance) ===> this is the GREAT SECRET for a perfect future city model
YET I must also say my "HATE" (not really hate, but rejection) increases towards them, regarding them it was never about green stuff, figured it out later... this DYSTOPIAN SCHWAB! and their future city model is pure DEPRAVITY, their vision must die (the SUN, and also FLUID DYNAMICS goes in ACTION)
0) During this book writing I had some visits from a bat which did fly into my apartment, yet, I had also called some blind bats, and so I made some jokes, anyway, God forgive me... Isaiah 2:20 they worship the works of their hands... In that day mankind will throw away to the moles and bates their idols of silver and idols of gold which they made to worship... WOE unto you, you have forgotten the real golden tincture... you thought it is a fable, yet I ask you, with what do you want to compare the God realm? You have forgotten the craftsman who is above all!.... And yes, in the prophecy I said that the bat has now the saying… this was long before corona… now, later I found out, what it means...
1) We shall get censored but the whore newspaper derstandard propagates GAY PORN and calls it podcast… so they educate our children… and also fetish stuff they did propagate like this is now declared as HEALTHY when a person has his own little fetish room at home during corona crisis... When they censor us further… THEY WILL GET SOON A VERY HARD ANSWER, and also the POLICE in AUSTRIA shall hear me! Ya, and also they did propagate that when we have kids, its also hip and healthy today when the parents have more sexual partner… its just about sex… and family shall be our state but yes, they play holy because they must have their mouth…about EQUALITY… they are so righteous… And therefore we will talk later about an Elite circle and their future city plan… (which is today even openly written down in their books, ya they just calculated it not that some people will read it, or became already too dumb, thats why they lean themselves so far forward today...). And should they censor me because of that... just laugh. And for sure, for a long time they did propagate CANNABIS by which I know because of the energy construct that it makes very fast dull (a bit legasthenic etc.) and people just dont realize it fully, they have only one consciousness... so who is the enemy of the state? And the first message from FREY (derstandard), about MAN STEYR... just give it up... like the inventions (green technology and smart technology) and etc., all that does not matter... And they propagate Biden who made a law that boys (who feel like girls) are now in woman sports... (destroy the integrity of woman sports...)..., its nothing but a communist weapon... and therefore lets check:
2) This are STEPS FOR AMERICAN SUBVERSION… wherefore we find even something in the net, like Yuri Bezmenov: IDEOLOGY SUBVERSION (active measures, psychological warfare)...change the perception of reality [of every American or Austrian...] to such an extend that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions (vernünftige Schlussfolgerungen), about themselves, their families, their communities, their country, and this brainwashing process goes on, slowly, step by step… divided in 4 basic stages: Stage 1) demoralization (Hollywood cancel culture and ANTI family movies, anti conservative which is very clear today… or etc… and further by giving away the basic values and American patriotism (here I mean not radical patriotism but a sober mind, to take care about the country), and thanks to lack of moral standards…) So that later on we can say that exposure to true information does not matter any more… because when people are demoralized then facts mean nothing to them (similar to the dark fire grid)… this goes so far that even when we would showed them later concentration camps and shower them with information, they would refuse to believe it… and they will not understand it except military boots are crashing their bones, ya, only then they would understand… ==> wherefore you are now much worst off in USA than the Russian people were in earlier days… thats how dangerous it really is… Stage 2) destabilization, at that stage it does already no longer matter if you eat GMO or only junk food or… because also all that plays also a bit into it (check food industry in USA), now what matters: economy, foreign relations, defence systems… defence and economy and the influence of Marxist and Leninists ideas in USA which s also incredible today of how much got already accomplished. And yes, to eliminate free market competition – this is already done, free market is a good joke now in USA, just study it and you will figure it out… its already here… don’t you see it?… and beside that build a BIG BROTHER GOVERNMENT in Washington DC… again, its already here, wake up, NSA Snowden!!!, and yes, they always promise many things and it does not matter if this promises get fulfilled… see what Biden does… Stage 3) Crisis (to bring in a crisis)… stage 4) Normalization (like this is the !new normal! propaganda, ya, because they are ABNORMAL) ==> wherefore all this Professor and Civil rights defender, they are instrumental in the process of subversion only to destabilize the nation… and most of them will get shot down later because they thought that they come to power yet this will not happen and so they are disillusioned and they simple know too much… (examples: Nicaragua, Grenada, Afghanistan, Bangladesh… assassination patterns…) ==> but I do not say that this is today the case, that people get shot down later… no, its but the same tactic in a new clothing… its also a fact that the subversion goes on since a long time and so probably and as we see it with the Biden administration and their state media propaganda… they even want that… and here in Austria with derstandard... ==> one major solution to the problem is to bring them back to God and so with LC here in Austria they we will win (and /or to expose them)… And we must also check what they define as domestic terrorism...
3) and now also Orban warns (wherefore in Hungary they have thrown out all the NGOs, media and NGO influence etc.): “They want to bring in a university, which is indeed a serious university on the international level, but its charter requires that it represent the worldview of the Chinese Communist Party,” => with more then 500 teacher or whatever…China which has a social credit system and which wants to expand surveillance and etc., ya wherefore also here the Elite tried to expand surveillance but they failed so far… they know now that people would stand up...Ya, and as we know about derstandard, Surveillance and AI (I guess AI needs to be coupled with a bit more surveillance:-), ya, what a JOKE, it is good for us and it shall help us against racism but about the banking cartel we do not bother with their little insider knowledge, therefore it depends always for whom, right? About Italy:, Hermes Center explain how the Italian Police are deploying dehumanising biometric systems against people at Italy’s borders. Now, more than ever, we need to call for a ban on these biometric mass surveillance practices... Biometric surveillance dehumanises us into lifeless bits of data… And further as we know, “NETANYAHOO” failed in Israel... Israel as an example: the movements of all vehicles in Israel were tracked and stored in an unregulated database named Eagle Eye or whatever… and ya, for sure that with CHIPS or SENSOR for children, its just a first step, maybe not under the skin...ya… ok… true… but fool someone else… we know it all… wherefore the population did not accept it and he got “marked” by the religious community => … And I have read in derSTANDARD (VERFASSUNG und TERMINUS MENSCH, they want to question the TERMINUS MENSCH because AI shall later be used...) ==> you can be sure that we are seen as a person… and so it is in the constitution and some of the WEforum people will pay later when they OVER-DO it and this radical transhumanist will be seen later as the REAL animals… for this are the only animals… and Iam allowed to speak in that way, its a gnostic term (book of revelation) ==> WHAT YOU MUST FIRST UNDERSTAND, THAT IS, THEY WANT TO SELL IT ALL AS FORTSCHRITT (progress), their FUTURE CITY VISION (which includes complete surveillance… ya, ya, Klaus Schwab even says that your thoughts and dreams shall be known… and you shall not own anything in the communist future city, just read his books and further check about what they have talked at the WEforum)
4) We will see how far you want to go Sebastian Kurz… do you know Georrge Soros (you have met him in Munich, and what is with ECFR)? And we know the secret WHO Boss is Gates… follow the money… Wherefore that is not a conspiracy theory… And yes, Billy Boy learned it all from David Rockefeller… he is too much a tech nerd… or whatever you call him… And you can also read: Studie der Rosa-Luxemburg-Studie: “Falsche Versprechen”: Die Allianz for eine Grüne Revolution in Afrika (AGRA) and again Gates is main sponsor… so its clear with Africa… ==> a Philanthrop who calculates it very hard:-) as we have spoken about Africa… wherefore this goes way back in time… and no, I don’t need Ex FBI Chief Ted Gunderson because I come out of the MOVIE…. And this includes also the world… and I belief the Elite has bigger troubles and some splits… at least it is not this we are all together clever and have it fully in our hand and everyone agrees on everything… And also regarding the Hollywood cancel culture… people start to leave it and make their own platforms… at least we recognize that this happens today a bit… but what worries me (not really in worry, just making fun) that some really believe that they are the illuminated ones… or full of light… nay, I don’t believe so… but they have some very smart people… that I do not deny. And yes, Richard N.Gardner explained so or so in a direct way how they want to become global… HAUS DER WELTORDNUNG… wherefore its interesting to call it house… What they want is the EINHEITSMENSCHEN JUST IN THE FLESH… because they have not yet the higher spiritual life… remember: material people, psychic people, pneumatic people… and up there would be then mostly the material ones or I guess they would take over because of the world ladder and as history shows us… and because of the HUGE temptation (and they probably don’t care about this problem)… ==> READ THE BOOK: SCENARIOS for the FUTURE of TECHNOLOGY and international development (Rockefeller foundation, read page 18, he explained that China did better, pandemy) ==> and media uses most often John Hopkins ==> and read Le Bon PSYCHOLOGIE DER MASSEN ==> do we need biometric IDs for all citizens??? And further read in Rockefellers book: Scientists and Innovators were often told by governments what research line to pursue and were guided mostly towards projects that would make money… wherefore for sure the date does not fit in his book, when he writes 2025 or 2022 or whatever, this is merely symbolic… wherefore the merely top down governmental thing is not possible in Austria… and this artificial meat you can eat alone.… ==>>> and YES I know: DARPA ( The sensor has two parts. One is a 3mm string of hydrogel, a material whose network of polymer chains is used in some contact lenses and other implants ==> military funded biosensor could be future pandemic detection (approval this year): you can KISS MY ASS (hydrogel and nanotechnology and having our data)… WE KNOW IT ALL… ==> Iam not a cow which you just brandmark... but I deal with you like with a cow if you want, sword under fire ==> And yes then they want to combine it with a CLOUD (DATENWOLKE) and 5G and the patent is called 060606… PATENTSCOPE: WO/2020/060606: Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified. ==> but it could be also another patent, because this is something like the first step, indoctrination, accept big brother ==> YET THIS GUY IS COMPLETE INSANE: a PROOF OF WORK THING: By tracking brainwaves when someone watches an advert, Microsoft hopes to use the data generated as a “proof-of-work... Microsoft envisages users being rewarded for allowing their bodies to be monitored in this way by paying them in cryptocurrency for performing specific tasks.… ==> THEY ALREADY COME UP WITH SUCH INSANE IDEAS!!! ==> and as it seems like it is also called LUCIFERASE and there exists a CONTACT TRACING BILL, HR6666 (contact tracing:… maybe this bill expands a bit later) and I remember back to the THE TELEGRAPH: Metal stamps with embedded needles that the SS once used to tattoo inmates at the notorious Nazi death camp at Auschwitz have been discovered in Poland. ==> and so also this surveillance system which can become much worst than any SS or STASI in the past. ==> MIT researchers have developed a dye, invisible to the naked eye, that has to be delivered under the skin at the time of vaccination. This dye could restore vaccination history... The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has funded the research... Its extreme sensitivity allows quantification of even small changes in transcription, and the availability of results within minutes of completing your experiment makes it even more appealing. All in all, the luciferase reporter assay may be just the thing you need to shed some light on your project from hell! ==> there is no reason to believe that it only lasts for 5 years, its already maybe now 10 years or...and on the imprint they can put whatever they want and a lot number (size, a few nanometer)… and to say: this new technique could reduce problems linked to the lack of standardized vaccination record-keeping in many regions of the world ==> this is nothing else than cheapest SS propaganda… And ya, check, another thing funded by Gates is TRUST STAMP (Mastercard and Gavi) ==> COMPLETE INSANE: Its like the program saya to “evolve as you evolve” is part of the Global War on Cash and has the potential dual use for the purposes of surveillance and “predictive policing” based on your vaccination history, bla bla bla (and who gets locked out of the system?, not vaccinated, you are not allowed to use a plane or...)… WHO HAS ALL THE DATA??? ==> and in Africa they test already some IDs, like for example ID4Africa...and we read: “Those lessons will serve as stimulus for developing political will,” Atick explains. ==> this is a pure DYSTOPIE in SS style… and I told you about the risks... ==> the question to Bill Gates: What changes are we going to have to make to how business operate to maintain our economy while providing social distancing? Answer: Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has recieved it! We get again remembered to ID2020
5) CRYPTOCURRENCY (use less cash), SURVEILLANCE AND COVID: Targeting individual rights (free speech), and going on with electronic book burning, ya, that happens when a society turns backwards… Marxist or Fascist, they take over media, TV, newspapers and censor us… take over the communication… wherefore also Hitler had his technocrats… (and yes, the MEDIA was also at the World Economic Forum, and many circles) ==> Environment Economic Forum’s forthcoming Davos Agenda (cryptocurrency): “COVID-19 has accelerated the extended-term change from income,” reads the prospectus for each classes. “Meanwhile, central bank digital currencies are rising, most likely reworking how men and women use funds worldwide.” ==> WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: Klaus Schwab is their hero, they (creme de la creme of economic power) praise him (as the funder)… and they are openly advocating it… and they say, we know it better then you… Next steps: massive increase in surveillance yet they have already the PRISM etc, thing… but corona fits also for that like indoctrination steps… and large companies setting their own policies (lawless mentality)…Venice tracking system just as another example (they know exactly where you are)... and increase in censorship...George Orwell on stereoids…==> and yes, they can use COVID in another way for Cryptocurrency, that is, we must avoid that people run to the bank or etc,... 2017, Matteschitz spoke about immigration problem, against cryptocurrency/surveillance, and he spoke about Trump etc.... and he said: who wants to know where I eat and what I eat?
6) THEY USE ALSO CO2: Should we allow the cryptocurrency when we know who wants it? With what manipulation do they want to sell it to us? And its another step for surveillance… know what I eat, when I eat and know everything else… its about nothing else… and we know how it fits with the COVID SCHEME… and we know their future city vision… Ya, and do not forget that we have in Austria a 100 percent state owned bank and which clowns want to conduct us later? They use it for their WE forum future vision regarding full surveillance and etc. which Schwab even openly declared at the forum and got applause…, here, thats how they sell it: “RAT FÜR NACHHALTIGE ENTWICKLUNG” you can read: “Im Jahr 2050 wird der eigene Lebensstil überprüft und kann transparent dargestellt werden. Es wäre z.B. möglich, !!!alle Daten einer Person zu deren Fortbewegung, zum Wohnen, zu Konsum und Ernährung, zum Reisen u.v.m. auszuwerten!!!. Wird beim Wohnen auf den Energiebedarf, bei der Wahl der Fortbewegung auf den CO2-Ausstoß und beim Konsum auf nachhaltige Produkte etc. geachtet, macht sich dies im Ergebnis bemerkbar. Jeder kennt seine eigene „Nachhaltigkeitsbilanz“ und ist bemüht, diese stets ausgewogen zu halten.” ==> HOW INSANE???!!! this GREEN stuff from them is total fake.. and he is insane… HOW DO WE KNOW? Ya we must be total controlled and under full surveillance… this is UNAUSWEICHLICH… for the future city but thanks to Schwab we have also all data and can calculate our personal CO2 Bilanz… do you see how insane? They have all my data but Iam happy to calculate my CO2 Bilanz… Wherefore don’t get me wrong here… Iam not against a GREEN MOVEMENT but check what they really want to accomplish… they are openly insane today... AND the EU has NOW already in their PLAN (project) AI implemented, yet what is with GRUNDRECHTE? (you can read in derstandard, technology as the solution for everything?)
7) what needs their future city vision? 1) more censorship, 2) more surveillance, 3) cryptocurrency, 4) green deal (with this absurd Co2 idea, about data), 5) get rid of small business and maybe also to get rid of the middle class, 6) control the information stream, 7) get more power/influence (money)…8)EINHEITSMENSCH (together with the state as our family yet demoralization is ok, it serves them... we shall become insecure and etc.). 9) ya, also the ongoing immigration shall make us insecure, and SOROS said that we shall call it NEW NORMAL...And regarding surveillance, you have to see it as a step by step indoctrination (so also with the state as your family!!!)… together with a bit more isolation (people and Covid)… LETS CHECK: they shifted all the money to them: The richest 660 people in the US have collected a $1.1tn (£800bn) windfall of wealth… risen by 39 percent… on TOP you have Jeff Beoz, Elon Musk, Bill Gates… Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet… 660 names… and just because media does also mention them does not mean that they do not hang on them… google, amazon, facebook, oracle… competitors shut down, controlling technologies and services… ==> behold how they love it to propagate Remdesivir (Soros connection) Heroe Bill Gates propagates it, remdesivir never fully worked and even EU spoke about problems… you can search it out… but it was important that they propagated it all the time...==> and yes lawyers (Reiner Fuellmich as head) go against the DAVOS clique and we read for example about the covid scandal: Rather, it was about solidifying the illegitimate power (illegitimate because it was obtained by criminal methods) of the corrupt “Davos clique” by transferring the wealth of the people to the members of the Davos clique, destroying, among other things, small and medium-sized enterprises in particular... we see their agendas, we know the lab virus (later more to it) And we know their FUTURE CITY VISION, Samuel P.Huntington wrote: “The rewards of an increasingly integrated global economy have brought forth a new global elite. Labeled ‘Davos Men,’ ‘gold-collar workers’ or… ‘cosmocrats’... He said such global elites “have little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the elite’s global operations”. ==> and Charles Gave said: In a note published this morning ‘President Trump and the Fall of Davos man’ Gave explained how ‘international bureaucrats and a clique of economists’ among other forces he dubbed ‘the men of Davos’ (referring to the Swiss town where members of the The World Economic Forum meet) have over time eroded the power of the sovereign state…. And he also said: 'Already, the second Berlin wall, hastily raised by those who never accepted the logical conclusions of the fall of the first—including that technocracy does not work—is crumbling…. I have never felt so optimistic. => TRUMP was in their WAY!!! and Trump ===>>> and further all the news paper made psychological warfare against Trump (mixed with lies, called him openly in the state media landscape: idiot, psychopath, sociopath, dictator, clown and what else… and they used many lies to defame his family) and now they hide like cowards…. And CENSOR US ALL (facebook, twitter, youtube…) ==> We will deal later with you (censorship regarding any Drohung or Nötigung or Verhetzung or...)… and tell me that Iam an Antisemit and I just laugh.. for IAM not an ANTISEMIT you whore paper... From socialism to a pure communist agenda... World Economic Forum and its vision for a new Communist Green World Order. And the press will NOT do their job. For if they did, they would expose the fact that the World Economic Forum sold all its investments just before the crash (or is that wronrg, you can correct me!). ==> future cty: 1) all products will have become services 2) a global prize on carbon, 3) US dominance is over, we have a handful global powers (US, Russia, China, Germany, India, Japan chief among them), 4) farewell hospital, 5) eating less meat, 6) climate change displaced one billion, bla bla bla, 7) the values of the West will have been tested to the breaking point, 8) by 2030 we will be ready to move humans to the RED PLANET (so funny, MARS and MARTIN, what a timing). And it was Biden who said at the World Economic forum(against Trump): Whether we reinforce the ties that bind us, or whether we unravel under the pressure, these choices have to be made about every single nation.” And many called for a reform of globalization but XI said: globalization is worth saving ==> now we know that it is 95 percent likely that with the virus.. And what was further the problem with Trump? Trump wanted to use the military court (ICC) early 2019, executive order, and so he would have been able to charge some people… but there was even a bigger problem with Trump: Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement (and check his keystone pipeline, environmental problems and China would react again more aggressive etc.), and he pulled them out of the WHO… And Nomad says, we will not allow that you make us to a communist country with your censorship… regarding Austria... Its funny how much I had to write and now how easy I see the BIG PICTURE (and yes, whistleblower Dr Astrid Stuckelberger showed us that the WHO is more like a private corporation dictatorship and she found out some other coincidences and more we do not have to say because now my reader you realize directly how they have build it and yes, you will find other names… and more and more people will speak out, and yes, GAVI and Gates have total immunity at the WHO = complete corruption, Gates operates like an additional country at the WHO). And you cant find this information via google… because Covid “allowed” them to change the search machines… but yes, with you can still find it (and yes, it was Gates who officialy gave his OK that the search machines should be changed, algorithms, CNN)… And yes, you can read: Outbreak Readiness and Business Impact Protecting Lives and Livelihoods across the Global Economy (WEforum, January 2019, they have everything planned and they wear the sticker from Klaus Schwab, also the WHO boss wears his sticker etc., and that Schwab is a megalomanic you can figure out via his books and his future city vision) ==> And then we read the article ( My biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city. Those we lost on the way. Those who decided that it became too much, all this technology. Those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs. Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live different kind of lives outside of the city. Some have formed little self-supplying communities. Others just stayed in the empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages…. Once in awhile I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. No where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me. ==> WE SEE IT ALL, YOU ARE THE DUMB PROLETARIAT!!! ==> And our problem is this for a better or for worse, ya I guess for worse when the government or technocracy wants to control every aspect of our lives… and material people are on top of the ladder???… highly dangerous ==> and they use cheapest propaganda: Environmental problems seem far away, since we only use clean energy and clean production methods … and robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs... And you will not believe it but Gates said: 21 February 2021, how to avoid climate disaster, Bill Gates with his book, with a CNN headline: Bill Gates asked about his pandemic predictions 1 year from now… And he said: with the pandemy we see a breakthrough with vaccines and the END IS IN SIGHT (really???) but with climate it wont be just one breakthrough like that and if you led it start to happen, the instability, the die off, a level, ahh, will be way beyond the problems we have with the pandemic! ==> Nomad: does this SOUND FAMILIAR? they put it on the SCALE as I said… just numbers and statistics and… ==> the same people with the “BEAST COMPUTER” system, statistics and numbers… And they have one thing in mind, that is their future city vision… and another “justification” ready...
8) DO WE NEED A HUGE CONSPIRACY? No, you need only some people in the right places (pull the strings)… and enough money, influence… and people who go along with their FUTURE CITY VISION AGENDA!!!... and then you make it to a political issue: Professor Joseph Tritto: The presence of certain genomic inserts in a virus that developed in nature could never occur. The experiments at WIV attracted the interest of the Chinese military and medical-biological sector, which deals with biological weapons… Thus, physicians and biologists who belong to the Chinese political-military sphere joined the experiments… It is reasonable to think that Prof. Shi Zhengli (the principal investigator of WIV) acted only from the point of view of scientific prestige, without however taking into account the risks in terms of security and the political-military interests that the research would have aroused…. It would be extremely difficult to incriminate China conclusively as the developer of the index virus—whether or not it was created as a bioweapon, and whether or not it was intentionally released. Doing so could cause chaotic geopolitical polarization and prompt demands for retaliation against China. Refraining from any form of retaliation would be unreasonable if there were indeed conclusive proof, but retaliation could also wreak havoc on a massive scale. A minimized blaming of China as guilty of a preventable accidental leakage of a naturally derived virus held in an academic lab is less likely to wreak such havoc, but the likelihood that this is in fact what the intelligence agencies have determined is decreasing with time. And even if that was the extent of China’s error, its devastating outcome—the spread of the virus across the rest of the world, with all the attendant consequences—remains…. ==> Wherefore we know who was involved and etc… LATER MORE TO IT… And ya, CHECK the paper: Biocompatible near-infrared quantum dots delivered to the skin by microneedle patches record vaccination... Particle patterns are invisible to the eye but can be imaged using modified smartphones. By codelivering a vaccine, the pattern of particles in the skin could serve as an on-person vaccination record…good for conspiracy theories: ID 2020, Rockefeller foundation, Microsoft, Gavi vaccine alliance, accenture (also „green deal“based), ideo.rog… For the idealist transhumanist and the hopeful futurist, the Internet-of-Things represents a form of ‘integration of man and technology’ coming to fruition via the INTERNET & CRYPTOCURRENCY &... ==> and yes radical transhumanist fools exist who know nothing about the supernal energies, it is part of their future city vision,… Wherefore the idea about having the state as parents, that idea is real, and the chips (everyone gets his chip and cashless society)… but that was Rockefeller according to some sources yet I do not verify it and goes back to the year 2000 and earlier… and nor can we verify if Aaron Russo(who got recruited), ya we don’t know if he lied or not, but yes, also other sources exists and today its so or so openly written in books, ya, their the future city vision is openly written down … Behold Iam not against technology… but just to control people… they are too wacko for me… we see already the dumb media today and how weak they are and etc, And yes, more far down the ladder they know it not... we shall just believe that it is all about global peace (BRAVE NEW WORLD)... ==> Ya, for some people its just like a chess game and using only cold intelligence… so also the RADICAL transhumanist idea… And this is not strange or in any way shocking for me… or in any way special… yet we shall get censored and they go complete out of balance… because their FUTURE CITY VISION will not survive… they are doomed...
9) KLAUS SCHWAB and GLOBAL RESET… !!!!!now, the timing did fit for them!!!!!! (read about the global reset and how he uses COVID 19 for it...!!!… THE EUROPEAN.DE Was unter „Great Reset“ zu verstehen ist, braucht hier nicht mehr erklärt werden. Es handelt sich um den Versuch, die westlichen Industrieländer ingenieursmäßig dem chinesischen Modell entsprechend umzubauen. Das ist keine Verschwörungstheorie. Denn der Ingenieur Klaus Schwab, Gründer und Spiritus rector des jährlich in Davos stattfindenden Milliardärs- und Prominenten-Treffs „World Economic Forum (WEF)“, hat in Büchern, Artikeln und Video-Filmen offen dargelegt, was ihm und seinen Gästen vorschwebt. Er möchte, wie er in seinem zusammen mit Thierry Malleret verfassten Buch mit dem Titel „Covid-19: Der große Umbruch“ darlegt, das in der Covid-Epidemie (eigentlich Endemie) erzeugte Klima der Angst nutzen, um weltweit die Ziele „Nachhaltigkeit“, „Gleichheit“ und „Fairness“ durchzusetzen. Um der dafür notwendigen politischen Gleichschaltung näher zu kommen, dienen u.a. die pompösen Treffs in Davos. Nach Meinung Klaus Schwabs und seines Ko-Autors Thierry Malleret steht die Welt vor einem fundamentalen Umbruch, der nur mit der Menschwerdung Jesu Christi vergleichbar ist. Es gebe eine Welt „vor Corona“ (BC) und eine Welt „nach Corona“ (AC) mit einer „neuen Normalität“. Diese sei u. a. gekennzeichnet durch eine wachsende Interdependenz aller Erdbewohner durch das Internet der Dinge sowie die überraschende Geschwindigkeit der exponentiellen Virus-Ausbreitung in „Hot Spots“ und, damit zusammenhängend, die komplexe Verschränkung gesellschaftlicher Risiken… Wie Klaus Schwab in seinem vor vier Jahren erschienenen Buch „Die vierte industrielle Revolution“ darlegte, sollen Güter und Dienstleistungen schon in wenigen Jahren nicht mehr gekauft, sondern nur noch gemietet werden können. Totale Überwachung mache den Eigentumsbegriff obsolet. Das private und gesellschaftliche Leben werde durch allgegenwärtige Algorithmen Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) geregelt. Für die große Masse der Menschen werde es so etwas wie Privatsphäre nicht mehr geben. Bewegungsfreiheit nur noch für Geimpfte.==> YA, you can read his books… and it is true we shall become like CHINA… and the rest you can read on their website ( Europe and USA shall also weaken with their economy and etc., anyway, above all we shall become CHINA-like... Ya, you would not believe how openly they talk today… they must be psychopaths… who believe that they get never caught… And they call Schwab a highly illuminated person comparable with JESUS, ya, even corona shall serve them AC and BC (after Corona and before Corona), they are INSANE!!! And the radical transhumanist are also INSANE: The medical futurist (calls it JESUS SINGULARITY): That is what really excites me about transhumanism. The ability to get beyond physical elements and kind of merge with machines so that we can travel anywhere in the solar system and anywhere in the universe... I think that, at some point, the real question with cyborgization is, how much it takes to become a truly transhumanist entity. … REPLACEMENTS AND UPGRADES ==> what he does not know is that the apocalypse brings me beyond physcial elements… and he ignores the soul structure… TED PETERS: Why do we grow old? Can we do something about it? “Clear consensus now exists that ageing is caused by the gradual, lifelong accumulation of a wide variety of molecular and cellular damage. At the heart of the genetic determination of lifespan is the extent to which the organism’s genome invests in survival.” With the many tasks genetic expression needs to perform, why waste time and energy on repairing what is broken in order to lengthen the life span of the host organism. After all, the body is expendable, at least according to the disposable soma theory. Now, if the genome does not care about lifespan, might we with the help of our medical scientists care? Might we intervene to patch up molecular and cellular damage? Yes. “If ageing is a matter of things falling apart, can research realistically hope to achieve anything useful? The answer is emphatically yes—there is plenty of evidence that it is possible to intervene in the underlying causative mechanisms…. According to the Transhumanist Declaration of the World Transhumanist Association, “Humanity will be radically changed by technology in the future. We foresee the feasibility of redesigning the human condition, including such parameters as the inevitability of aging, limitations on human and artificial intellects, unchosen psychology, suffering, and our confinement to the planet earth… The human race of the present generation has the opportunity to speed up its own evolution through technological self-transformation… ==> DUMB CREATURES want to become IMMORTAL only with temporal stuff… and you tell me that they have a mind???… maybe some live a bit longer… but as most!!! Transhumanist say: we stop aging ( as a movement, transhumanism aims to upgrade the human body through science, constantly pushing back the limits of death. Transhumanists consider aging to be just another disease, in a way, which can be treated properly to avoid the resulting disabilities, suffering and death. … ==> they are brainless and I have also spoken about superparadise and its joy… what is below of it so worthy? like to live endless ==> they use that idea to make their philosophy more ATTRACTIVE!!! Dont believe for one second that Max made a joke: Nevertheless man cherished a lofty spiritual ideal then; he hoped for a higher and better life. It is indefinitely more disastrous that Science is killing Religion, for now even HOPE, the only gift of the gods left in Pandora's box, may vanish before MATERIALISM and AGNOSTICISM. Such a state cannot continue. Reaction must set in. If it does not, anarchy will rend the cosmos ==> for where do you put now your hope? Higher geometry you do not understand (new earth) and the material alone is now your salvation ==> REMEMBER, they call it JESUS SINGULARITY and remember our super illuminated Klaus Schwab
10) and Bill Gates is now biggest farmland owner in USA… and now they call his little project SMART CITY… but in newspaper they had earlier on spoken about the FUTURE CITY… and why does he buy all the farmland and why is he doing this or that?… ya, thats how they change the narrative… or they will tell you that it is just about financial stability... And yes you are right, there is a little connection between BLACK ROCK and the other, including Soros, Black Rock as second largest shareholder of Microsoft, Black Rock as a huge shareholder of GSK, and Gates as shareholder of Pfitzer…. Soros had shares in BLACK ROCK... and Soros lost much money when Trump took office… also that you should know, he even openly said it... whatever, and so it goes on (and no, you must check the information and shareholder stuff, you know, that can change)… But we could make a funny saying: THEY WORSHIP THE BLACK ROCK…and WE HAVE THE WHITE STONE… THEY HAVE THEIR JESUS… WE HAVE THE REAL STONE (JESUS)… And by the way Iam not angry… because I know that their future city will not endure… they have no balance and they will fall very hard upon their nose... they just don’t know it yet… or are simple too dumb… As and also the future city must fit with the psyche of people and also it must be made secure so that not just MATERIAL PEOPLE (or psychopaths, sociopaths..) are on top of the ladder… like only they rule… with some slaves who enjoy the BRAVE NEW WORLD (and just be ENTERTAINED… entertainment society, just be a fool!)… And for sure, they sell it all AS PROGRESS & GREEN movement… such fools! Everyone who knows history knows what they are doing… and pure communism will not survive… nay, even here it needs right balance… And in that sense Iam not angry… because I know that it would not even endure very long, ya and later we will present also our future city vision… (in a balanced way, not just this PHILANTHROPUS DINOSAURS thing, this old elite who lives in the wrong time… and lost a bit their mind...)
11)What is interesting that is, that we should have had learned about H1N1 and much more interesting that they had also SARS in China... And a Doctor tried to warned other doctors in hospitals about Covid 19 in December!!!, she had even the test in her hand but she got censored and reprimanded beside some other people who spread the rumour about Covid 19 (the police took care about them). Huang Yan Ling vanished on the website of the WUHAN INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY (including her photo), and Bota Xiao had probably spoken about some details about which he was not allowed to talk...then we have Li Wenliang (he also said that it was not just a natural infection) Further, they did know already the spread in December!!! And already on 20 January the first case got reported in USA... but until 22 January the WHO played a human to human transmission down and spoke about having little evidence for such a transmission (and even Taiwan warned earlier). And further the WHO praised China about their transparency which is nothing else but another lie... And the official identification of the corona virus was at least!!! 8 days later (Chinese government)... And remember, they have the Wuhan lab and etc. Ya, but more then 2 weeks later, after the spread in December, the WHO has still doubts about human to human transmission, they just echo the Chinese government. And at least, the Chinese government could have closed the airport in Wuhan, at least only in Wuhan... And also interesting, all that happens during the trade war with China [China – United States, TRUMPS trade war] ==> it shall not wonder that China pushed first conspiracy against USA regarding the virus (lab virus from USA) And Trump called it the CHINESE WUHAN LAB VIRUS (not covid or sars or..) ==> Mareike Ohlberg from the Berlin-based Mercator Institute for China Studies, she said the statements of the WHO have clearly been heavily influenced by the Chinese Communist Party. She says she was surprised that, from the start many experts uncritically repeated information from Beijing…). What research did they have at the lab? Botao Xiao: The bats carrying CoV ZC45 were originally found in Yunnan or Zhejiang province, both of which were more than 900 kilometers away from the seafood market...and the bat was never a food source in the city (ridiculous)... …And check another paper: Difference in Receptor Usage between Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus and SARS-Like Coronavirus of Bat Origin (2007), all the Chinese scientist are involved, Zhengli Shi, Wendong Li, Shu Yi Zhang, all ten scientist are associated with the Wuhan lab, paper: In this study, a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-based pseudovirus system was employed to address these issues. Our results indicated that the SL-CoV S protein is unable to use ACE2 proteins of different species for cell entry!!!! and that SARS-CoV S protein also failed to bind the ACE2 molecule of the horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus pearsonii. However, when the RBD of SL-CoV S was replaced with that from the SARS-CoV S, the hybrid S protein was able to use the huACE2 for cell entry, implying that the SL-CoV S proteins are structurally and functionally very similar to the SARS-CoV S....However, the ACE2-binding activity of SL-CoVs was easily acquired by the replacement of a relatively small sequence segment of the S protein!!!!!!!!! from the SARS-CoV S sequence, highlighting the potential dangers posed by this diverse group of viruses in bats… And CHECK: 24 December 2019 at the Wuhan lab: Proposed recruitment direction 1: Ecological study of bat migration and virus transmission. Prospective direction 2: bat virus cross-species infection and its pathogenicity... ==> engineered bat virus debate in 2015 about what they are doing in China, many expressed their concerns, about Shi Zhengli etc., and we have Dr Wu Xiaohua, Chariman of Duoyi (whistleblower regarding the lab), and other whistleblower, wherefore Chinas internet police speaks about overseas IP and propaganda etc… ==> AND YES I PROPHESIED VERY EARLY THAT THERE WILL BE MUTATIONS (and for sure the newspaper said the opposite). AND BEFORE THE WHO SPOKE ABOUT MASKS, ya I ALREADY SAID THAT WE NEED A MASK PRODUCTION IN AUSTRIA (also good for the military because we have no big military and so lets do here something… also for the future...)… yet later on as I found out that we “killed” THE FLU AND MEASLES in AUSTRIA… then I said that we should switch to the SWEDISH MODEL… and ya, if you cant give it up, then only indoor some masks here or there (outside so or so useless)… and for sure now WE SHOULD AVOID LONG LOCKDOWNS (it helps even no longer, just get stagnated (SARS mutation problem and..)… it costs us only money, WE cannot allow any longer long gets now ridiculous)...and ya, I prophesied more things, often very accurate… but its not the topic (and ya, we already see again that it is a lab virus, that stuff is not normal!!!, we killed the FLU and measles…!!!, and reinfection occurs, it is no natural pattern...)… wherefore also DEAN KOONTZ, THE EYES OF DARKNESS (1981) predicted the Wuhan virus (from the lab)... almost as good as Nomad as Prophet :-) ==> Problem, this virus gives even more power to their surveillance state in China etc. And again the WHO, against all the evidence, they say, there is no evidence the coronavirus came from a lab. TOO FUNNY: because CHINA BLAMED USA and said that it is lab virus and USA TRUMP did blame CHINA (wherefore later you will understand this “game”)
12) And finally and ya, yet we don’t know… but maybe India could make pressure with the Taliban pipeline… but that does not matter for us (and yes even that would fit still a bit into their scheme but not to get angry neighbours who look into the future...)… Robert F. Kennedy: «I will tell you something: it is a mystery to me, how all these big, important people like Bill Gates and Tony Fauci (HIV specialist) were planning and thinking about this pandemic for decades—planning it so that we would all be safe when the pandemic finally came. And yet, now that it is here, they don’t seem to know what they are talking about»… the same people who are interested in CRISP CAS9 (by which also HIV plays a role… the twins in CHINA, transhumanism)…PIERRE BRICAGE said: «This virus could not have emerged spontaneously by natural mutations and wild strains recombinations, it is a genetic chimaera with artificial insertions of modified genes, an engineered genome of a coronavirus within a capsid of a Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)… and you can read in veteranstoday: Scandal in SARS-Cov-2 Inquiry! Inside WHO Task-Force a Gates’ Partner who funded in Wuhan & US Chimera Viruses Tests… yet you will no longer find them with GOOGLE!!! and ya, they operated together with ECOhealthalliance...And yes, GATES and GAVI and WHO and their IMMUNITY at the WHO: Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus added that global immunisation efforts should focus on countries with the most unvaccinated children. Gavi replenishment would play a crucial role in this, he said, noting that the EU and its Member States had been key supporters of the vaccine alliance. The WHO’s Immunization Agenda 2030!!!!!! would help to accelerate progress over the coming decade and vaccination must form part of a broader commitment to universal healthcare. Addressing myths and misinformation will also remain a priority…(they must censor us… say not one word about the WEforum or about vaccines… no free speech allowed)… and from IRAN and SRI LANKA accusations on BIOWEAPON (ya, ok, Sri Lanka only with a high prelate of the catholic church but we have more countries, we know it so or so)... and also India stood up… and other… And ya, use PHOTO, FAUCI, GATES, ROCKEFELLER, TED TURNER, BROOKE ASTOR, BILL MOYERS… they have a long history… the photo is old.. or it is fake…:-). And we know what Trump said, the democrats used the China virus as an excuse to change all of the election rules without the approval of their state legislatures making it therefore illegal… and that it had changed the outcome of the elections (but here you could argue that this is political speech… anyway… we know the other stuff as FACTS). LEST GO ON: A paper from India: The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) !!!!!!! which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses!!!!!!!. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature… and REMEMBER THAT THEY ALL GOT DEBUNKED, NO NATURAL ORGIN (SNAKES or whatever they said about intermediate hosts...) ==> The French virologist won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008 for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV). Montagnier last week told the French CNews channel: "There was manipulation around this virus ... the coronavirus of the bat, someone added sequences, in particular of HIV, the virus of AIDS ... It is not natural. It's the work of professionals, of molecular biologists ... A very meticulous work."==> According to the findings published in the journal Cellular & Molecular Immunology, when the researchers initiated contact between COVID-19 and lab-grown T lymphocytes — better known as T cells — the virus disabled the cells, which help identify and eliminate pathogens in the body. The researchers also found that SARS (or other mild coronaviruses), a related coronavirus, could not infect T cells. The study found that COVID-19’s damage to the T lymphocytes resembled that caused by HIV (Professor Ruan Jishou etc.)...And on Chinese researcher said: One researcher said: These findings show that we have a super potent virus that is evolving and behaving like an airborne HIV ‘cousin’! ==> we must not just figure out if reinfection occurs (and which timeframe) but also if it could amplify [a bit] some problems… ==> If the recombination was not recent, such a virus (RaTG13-like with the RBD of SARS-CoV-2, but without Furin cleavage site) should be already detected in nature, due to the high infectivity of the SARS-CoV-2 RBD (long time ago)... And further: in fact, when you look at the RBD domain, the underlying nucleotide sequence diverge significantly from the pangolin sequence (rule out recent recombination)...All these restriction sites and the fact that the inserted RBD differs greatly from the MP789 ("pangolin coronavirus" in both papers) on the nucleotide level... And he could not articulate a persuasive argument to explain how the evolution process could have produced SARS-CoV-2 from pangolin and RaTG13... ==> bat to pangoline to human = not true... The timing is too perfect, everything from the furin-cleavage site to the S1 protein being a SARS variant, and the fact that these "recombination" techniques were previously used by the "Bat Lady" in research *specifically* for simulating potential human coronaviruses. The reason that E was suspicious, was, due to the fact that there were closer Bat-CoVs and SARS-CoV, with a different E protein and genetic similarity higher than RaTG13→ZC45/ZXC21) ==> ==> Chinese Bat lady: If her statement is true, then how could she possibly overlook this extremely interesting finding of RaTG13, something that clearly has the potential to infect humans? If this RaTG13 was discovered SEVEN years ago, why did Shi not publish this astonishing finding earlier? UNDERSTAND: As an expert as Shi is, she only needed to take one peek at the sequence of RaTG13’s RBD and immediately realize: this virus closely resembles SARS in its RBD and has a clear potential of infecting humans. If Shi’s public statement is true and she indeed intends to discover bat coronaviruses with a potential to cross-over to humans, how could she possibly overlook this extremely interesting finding!!! Why did she decide to publish such a sequence only when the current outbreak took place and people started questioning the origin of the Wuhan coronavirus? Two published concepts: 1) they converted the crucial spike protein to something that follows the scheme of the SARS spike protein so that the virus can target human ACE2; 2) they inserted a furin-cleavage site in between S1 and S2 of spike, which may make the virus more pathogenic. These two concepts are the only ones out there to get such a job done. Yet, miraculously, they are being followed precisely here. If it were mother nature who has created this virus, then mother nature must have studied recent scientific literatures very carefully and followed these key findings faithfully in her work ==> Obviously, the starting virus template used here, either ZC45 or ZXC21, is owned only by the CCP. What they would do then was to modify things such that this bat coronavirus, non-infectious to humans, could be converted to a novel coronavirus that infects humans with high efficiency ==> Jean Claude Perez (biomathematical laws of genomes): Finally, we ask ourselves the question of a possible artificial origin of this genome, in particular because of the presence of fragments of HIV1, HIV2 and SIV retroviruses. Covid 19: To adapt to the disorder of its DNA resulting from the insertion of the 6 HIV / SIVs, the covid-19 genome has most certainly increased its level of global organization by adaptation mutations. And we will now have to fear that this genome will continue to mutate in order to optimize its overall level of organization (MUTATIONS!!!), ==> April 2020: AUSTRIA (Innsbruck, Tyrol, Rosanna Segreto): Based on my experience in genetic manipulation I do not exclude a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2 and I believe that the topic should not be censored. I did a literature review on this subject and I suggest in my manuscript a possible experiment that could have originated SARS-CoV-2, known to be chimeric. Moreover, I do a critical analysis of the paper of Andersen and colleagues recently published in Nature on the Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2. This paper is considered a proof that SARS-CoV-2 has a natural origin, but in my opinion it lacks scientific evidence….Researchers have the responsibility to carry out a thorough analysis, beyond any personal research interests, of all possible causes for SARS-CoV-2 emergence for preventing this from happening in the future... the RdRp of RaTG13 has 100 % nucleotide identity with the sequence BtCoV/4991... How BtCoV/4991!!! and RaTG13!!! relate to each other remains unclear...SARS-CoV-2 could have been synthetized by combining a backbone similar to RaTG13 with the RBD of CoV similar to the one recently isolated from pangolins - and to overcome problems of bat CoV isolation, experiments based on direct inoculation of bat CoV in suckling rats have been carried out. And again, understand: Recombination events between the RBD of CoV from pangolins and RaTG13-like backbone could have originated SARS-CoV-2 as chimeric strain. For recombination to occur, the two viruses must have infected the same cell in the same organism simultaneously… ==> A forthcoming Australian scientific study concludes that the coronavirus causing the global pandemic contains unique properties suggesting it was manipulated in a Chinese laboratory and was not the result of a natural occurrence. Nioklai Petrovsky, the virus’ binding strength for human cells “far exceeds” similar properties for infecting other animals... It is therefore entirely plausible that the virus was created in the biosecurity facility in Wuhan by selection on cells expressing human ACE2... “A virus would be expected to have highest affinity for the receptor in its original host species, e.g. bat, with a lower initial binding affinity for the receptor of any new host, e.g. humans. However, in this case, the affinity of SARS-CoV-2 is higher for humans than for the putative original host species, bats, or for any potential intermediary host species,” the study pointed out...==> adapted to infect humans without the need to evolve"... Dr Petrovsky said in a statement that the virus shows signs of being ‘cultured’ to evolve over time rather than being rapidly genetically spliced and mutated ==> Israeli geneticist, Dr Ronen Shemesh, who is working on a treatment for COVID-19, said in his opinion the virus was more likely created in a laboratory than evolved in nature. “There are many reasons to believe that the COVID-19 generating SARS-CoV-2 was generated in a lab. Most probably by methods of genetic engineering. The first curious characteristic of COVID-19 is that the virus binds to human ACE2 receptor cells more strongly than it does to any other animal, including bats. The second unusual thing about the virus that causes COVID-19 is that it has what’s called a “furin cleavage site” that its closest genetic bat-coronavirus relative, RaTG-13, does not have. This site makes it significantly more infectious... I believe that the most important issue about the differences between all coronavirus types is the insertion of a furin protease cleavage site at the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2,” he said. Such an insertion is very rare in evolution, the addition of such four amino acids alone in the course of only 20 years is very unlikely. What makes it even more suspicious is that fact that this insertion not only occurred on the right place and in the right time, but also turned the cleavage site from an serine protease cleavage site to a furin cleavage site… ==> INSANITY... (Roberts et al., 2007)... (Hu et al., 2017)... (Piplani et al., 2020)... (Ge et al., 2016).... Together, what these papers show is that: 1) The Shi lab collected numerous bat samples with an emphasis on collecting SARS-like coronavirus strains, 2) they cultured live viruses and conducted passaging experiments on them, 3) members of Zheng-Li Shi’s laboratory participated in GOF experiments carried out in North Carolina on bat coronaviruses, 4) the Shi laboratory produced recombinant bat coronaviruses and placed these in human cells and monkey cells. All these experiments were conducted in cells containing human or monkey ACE2 receptors... ==> and we know the inserts ==> WHO, Wuhan lab hack reveals coronavirus 'spliced' with HIV to make it deadly... (the Washington post just said that nearly 25,000 emails, passwords and classified documents allegedly belonging to the organizations first appeared to have been posted on imageboard website 4chan and bla bla bla but the article got already deleted and we know who has his finger in this newspaper...anyway)...wherefore… This information is yet to be verified but echoes the sentiments of Luc Montagnier, the Nobel Prize winning scientist who co-discovered HIV. Montagnier recently said that he believed the coronavirus was made in a lab and contained elements of HIV, as previously ==> and another paper: Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag.. ==> LATER MORE TO IT… who has pushed the MONEY for the RESEARCH and who got a ban and who went to CHINA… and more about the lab virus etc.==> And to acknowledge: XI had it easy in control (at least in the beginning with the CCP) and the frog at the WHO enjoys full immunity and Daszak was at the Wuhan lab after ~ one year for inspection, ya, you heard it rightly, the same Daszak (eco healthalliance, and who worked at that WUHAN lab)… and ya to add regarding earlier days, 2018, before the outbreak, yet after they funded already the bat coronavirus research (which fits exactly, what they have done): A Chinese government entity that has partnered with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation led a delegation of public health experts to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in December 2018... interesting, so you made the lab very SECURE! Isnt it? You took care! That we must know…!!!
13) Birger Sørensen, Angus Dalgleish& Andres Susrud, The Evidence which Suggests that This Is No Naturally Evolved Virus: To discover exactly how to attack SARS-CoV-2 safely and efficiently, our vaccine candidate Biovacc-19 was designed by first carefully analysing the biochemistry of the Spike. We ascertained that it is highly unusual in several respects, unlike any other CoV in its clade. The SARS-CoV-2 general mode of action is as a co-receptor dependent phagocyte. But data shows that simultaneouslyit is capable of binding to ACE2 receptors in its receptor binding domain. In short, SARS-CoV-2 is possessed of dual action capability. In this paper we argue that the likelihood of this being the result of natural processes is very small… ==> Sir Richard Dearlove says he's seen an "important" new report which claims the virus didn't emerge naturally.The paper claims that there are 'inserted sections' in the DNA of the virus, and warns that current efforts to develop a vaccine are doomed - because the virus has been misunderstood. One of the authors, John Fredrik Moxnes, asked for his name to be withdrawn from the research, throwing its credibility into doubt. But the remaining authors claim the virus has "unique fingerprints" that cannot have evolved naturally... the earliest paper must be searched out from them ==>>> so we get also here paper after paper...!!!!!!! The study, led by Norwegian virologist Birger Sorensen, has found that the coronavirus’s spike protein contains sequences that appear to be artificially inserted. “The inserted sequences should never have been published. Had it been today, it would never have happened. It was a big mistake the Chinese made. The inserted sequences have a functionality that we describe. We explain why... He added that the virus has properties that differ greatly from SARS and "which have never been detected in nature." After carefully examining the genetic sequence of the virus, he said that it did not appear to have evolved from natural processes.... AND: Shi Zhengli, also known as "Bat Woman," and her team had been making "chimeric constructs" as early as 2007 and as recently as 2017 (part of a US$3.7 million U.S. NIH grant)... ==>>> and we see already more and more REINFECTION cases… ==> The phenomen of dyslipidemia and sebom lipodome changes is found in HIV patients. The same is true with Covid 19. COV HIV MSARS requires lipids for reproduction. Wherefore dysregulated lipidomes in patients have already been observed in patients with Covid 19 (which can lead to premature aging of the skin in the long term, and to dermatological problems), and they even look into this topic to check if they can use another diagnostic tool ==> another proof: COV HIV MSARS infects CD4+ T cells = as I said earlier, airborne HIV like disease... SARS-CoV-2 uses CD4 to Infect T Helper Lymphocytes (from the abstract: SARS-CoV-2 infected T helper cells express higher amounts of IL-10, which is associated with viral persistence and disease severity. Thus, CD4-mediated SARS-CoV-2 infection of T helper cells may explain the poor adaptive immune response of many COVID- 19 patients)... antibodies decay rapidly..... And thats why it affects the immune system, cell cycle and metabolism similar to what was observed to HIV infected CD4+ T cells CD4 is the GATEWAY for HIV ==> !!!!!!!!!!!!!THEY HAVE PUT THIS INSERT AND OTHER INTO IT… !!!!!!!!!!!==> . Dr Li-Meng Yan fled to USA, top scientist (direct involved) and speaks clearly that it was a cover up with the wet market and that it is not natural: "Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route… but she does not know the WHOLE STORY ABOUT IT ==> A chinese scientific paper from 2008 (peer reviewed): RNase-Resistant Virus-Like Particles Containing Long Chimeric RNA Sequences Produced by Two-Plasmid Coexpression System, this paper mentions already SARS-COV2, Thailandmedicalnews (which is not a conspiracy site and they are often very accurate), they said: they could not reach the Chinese researchers who mysterously disappeared after migrating to America, NIH = NO COMMENT!, wherefore thailandmedicalnews has a strong connections to many researcher (even in China), this is very strange.... for example you can read in the paper:. The DNAs encoding the maturase; the coat protein; the pac site; and the exogenous chimeric sequence (1,900 bp) containing SARS-CoV1, SARS-CoV2, SARS-CoV3, HCV, and HA300 were cloned downstream of the inducible T7 promoter of pET28b. ===>>> Shi Zhengli and her team had been making "chimeric constructs" as early as 2007 (part of a US$3.7 million U.S. NIH grant)... we know papers and lab virus. AND FAUCI DID SPONSER IT AND THE PROPAGANDA THAT THE VIRUS HAS A NATURAL ORIGIN, THIS STARTED WITH ECOHEALTHALLIANCE… THIS ARE THE SAME PEOPLE (and before they went to China, they got a ban… LATER MORE TO IT==>> AND LET US UNDERSTAND ONE THING, USA IS BUILD ON SERVICE and etc.… LONG TERM CHINA wins in a pandemic… their economy will do much BETTER… don’t believe foolish media.. there are more factors which play into it… and so naturally we would say that CHINA released the virus… BUT WAIT A MINUTE… China would loose their face in the world and this is too bold… happened on their ground… and we know who profits most from it and their future city vision… so let us check later some more things!
14) And the Germans help me now since I prophesied it (yet first someone from Austria helped me), Wiesendanger is not just a nobody… when you see his reputation: STUDIE ZUM URSPRUNG DER CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIE...Corona came from a laboratory in Wuhan," says Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Prof. h.c. Roland Wiesendanger, renowned physicist and Nanoscientist at the University of Hamburg. He and his team compiled 600 facts in a new study ==> yet he knows also the Bill Gates connection or at least I think he thinks about it… ===> yet we check the whole AGENDA ==> China made pressure… that the EU and Australia should speak good about them regarding their handling of the crisis… and we know that the spread happened earlier and we can also check Taiwan and what they have written…wherefore he also recognizes the airbone HIV lab virus and how they worked with such lab virus in earlier years: Diese Experimente bauen auf bereits 2008 und 2010 von der Wuhan-Forschungsgruppe um Zheng-Li Shi im „Journal of Virology“ publizierten Arbeiten auf ([I.5], [I.6]) in denen bereits gezeigt werden konnte, wie man mit gentechnischen Veränderungen Viren dazu bringen kann, menschliche Zellen gezielt zu infizieren unter Verwendung eines HIV-basierten Pseudovirus... ==> wherefore we have that scientific proven… (the HIV stuff)…. And yes, Both Ebright and Wain-Hobson are long-standing critics of gain-of-function research… And Baric making his senseless claims… with Daszak... they had a big debate and they said to them that they shall stop this kind of research yet Daszak and… did not listen… ==> they claim its a natural origin and in reality such research should be forbidden and they have already known in the lab what this virus will do: The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team’s results, which were published in Nature Medicine... THEY HAVE DONE IT FULLY ON PURPOSE: Tatsächlich waren es nicht nur die Forschungsaktivitäten der Gruppe um Zheng-Li Shi am „Wuhan Institute of Virology“ zu Coronaviren, sondern auch Forschungsaktivitäten anderer Gruppen zu anderen Virenarten, welche das Ziel verfolgten, natürlich vorkommende Viren durch Genmanipulation für den Menschen ansteckender, gefährlicher und tödlicher zu machen. (made it more contagious)… ==> and on the scientific advisory board we find people like Peter Daszak together with other people from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. In February 2020 medical journal The Lancet published a letter with 27 scientific signatories. It turns out that the letter was authored chiefly by the President of the EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit group that has received millions of dollar of U.S. taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses ==> EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak ==> ECO HEALTH ALLIANCE, which disbursed NIH funds (later NIH cut his funding)...In November 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daszak appeared in The Next Pandemic with Bill Gates, Joel Montgomery, Maryn McKenna, Allison McGeer, Allan Detsky. ==> and then he even says to fool you further: “Pandemics are like terrorist attacks: We know roughly where they originate and what’s responsible for them (and he makes the censorship, has a big problem with any ANTI VAXX messages out there) And you should check the controversial investments regarding Bill Gates… ==> they could do the same with H5N1, MERS as his paper shows us… which is much more lethal… should that happen… HUNT THEM ALL… we read in the paper: Kurz vor diesem Verbot (risky research) bewilligte das NIAID unter dem Direktor Dr. Anthony Fauci gemeinsam mit dem NIH ein 5-Jahres-Projekt in Höhe von 3,7 Millionen USD mit dem Titel „Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence“ and Peter Daszak (Ecohealth Alliance, Inc.) => check the grant to Wuhan lab, 3,7 million (Fauci wanted that risky research) ==> the dangerous GAIN OF FUNCTION research should be banned and got banned… but Fauci did go on in Wuhan (with Daszak)...And it was Eco health alliance which has spread the whole propaganda that it has a natural origin… with 27 scientific the LANCET... And Jeffrey Sachs is in the same boat: In September, Sachs’ commission named Daszak to head up its committee on the pandemic’s origins. Daszak is also on the WHO’s committee to investigate the pandemic’s origin. He is the only individual on both committee... and the WHO boss, puts him on the list… how can he use DASZAK to check the wuhan lab? We have clearly a problem here…And yes, many scientist wrote an open letter to the WHO: Every human being is entitled to know the truth of the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and many scientist speak about IRREFÜHRUNG DER BREITEN ÖFFENTLICHKEIT… and yes, much data got deleted (lab): In order to clarify the deletion of these databases, please note that these are under the management of: Prof. Fei Deng and Prof. Zhihong Hu bla bla bla And always the same people, so also Sachs: the leading global prize for environmental leadership and first World Sustainability Award amongst many other awards and over 28 honorary degrees. He will be discussing some very fascinating topical issues around “The Reshaping of the Global Economy & Politics by the Pandemic”... Senior Advisor to the WHO, World Bank, IMF, OECD, the Pope and many others… and as we know them: “We listen…. We empower….”Bill and Melinda Gates, like U.N. agencies and international NGOs, like Jeffrey Sachs and his Millennium Villages Project, repeat these mantras endlessly, to divert attention from the fact that they are doing the exact opposite, And further: The Inequality Virus *found that Covid-19 has the potential to increase economic inequality in almost every country at once, the first time this has happened since records began over a century ago. It sets out how a rigged economy is enabling a super-rich elite to amass wealth in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression… and you have also again Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and co. but for sure there are more names… yet on top… ==> and yes, you can add that also on the paper, that is, it was Trump who asked in the campaign, do you want that we throw out Fauci? And thousands upon thousands of people screamed YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!! And yes, another curious thing: Zheng-li Shi’s laboratory had, of the 28 relevant coronavirus species, singled out just one of them as their special focus. And it is a member of this species (called the “SARS-related coronaviruses“) that broke out in Wuhan in 2019 ==> chance: 1 in 28… the probability of Wuhan being the site of a natural SARS-related coronavirus outbreak is obtained by multiplying 1 in 630 by 1 in 28. The chance of Wuhan hosting a SARS-related coronavirus outbreak is thus 17,640–1.The criticism will doubtless be made that the geographic and the phylogenetic evidence described here are circumstantial–mere coincidences. But critiquing evidences as circumstantial is based on a common logical misconception–that circumstantial evidence represents a special category of evidence (Nomad, we probably need not to say 17,640-1 but its very unlikely… its a joke what media tells us including this paid researcher, and politicize it...) ==> We also know that Zheng-li Shi implied she had not actively studied RaTG13 prior to the outbreak (in Zhou et al, 2020). We now know this was false and they had been studying it since at least 2017 (Zhou et al. 2020 addendum). These facts again do not support a natural zoonotic origin. ==> and check the lack of zoonotic theory!!!!!! ==> 26 April 2020: Airdate April 26 2020: Bill Gates tells Fareed what we know now about the coronavirus, when we should expect a vaccine, and when the U.S. will be ready to reopen its economy. Then, where did this novel coronavirus come from? How did it make the leap to humans? Peter Daszak, one of the world's foremost virus hunters, tells Fareed the latest science. GUESTS: Bill Gates, Peter Daszak. CNN news… DO YOU SEE IT? OVER AND OVER AGAIN THE SAME PEOPLE… they want to fool you directly!!! ==> CHECK: And yes, David E. Martin has exposed them (he is credited as a national intelligence analyst, founder of IQ100 Index and self-proclaimed developer of "Linguistic Genomics" with a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia etc.) ==> “Daszak reiterated that, until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.” ==> Dr. David Martin with Sacha Stone: Deep Research Exposes Fauci’s History of Criminal Activity ==> “Nature is prohibited from being patented," he said. "Either SARS-CoV was manufactured, therefore making a patent on it legal, or it was natural, therefore making a patent on it illegal." ==>"When the heat gets hot in 2014, 2015, what do you do?" he said. "You offshore the research. You fund the Wuhan Institute of Virology to do the stuff that sounds like it’s getting a little edgy with respect to its morality and legality." ==>"But do you do it straightway? No," he added. "You run the money through a series of cover organizations to make it look like you’re funding a U.S. operation which then subcontracts with the Wuhan Institute of Virology." ==>"The U.S. could say China did it," Martin said. "China could say, the U.S. did it." ==> Martin, in a follow-up email to USA TODAY, said the intentions behind the patent were to create a monopoly, and that the CDC’s statements regarding the patent are "falsified by their own actions." ==> their answer: "From our standpoint, it's a protective measure to make sure that the access to the virus remains open for everyone," she added, noting that CDC had published the genome on its website. ==> and this so called fact checker say that the virus is still not man made and the patent includes only man-made technology used to sequence the virus' genome, not to manufacture the virus itself. ==> ok… sure… but we know the whole story… you fact checker… and THEIR AGENDA!!! ==> they had the means, the motive, and the monitory gain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (independently they could work with it) ==> the NIH told them to stop… and then they went to China… and Fauci pushed the 3,7 million to Wuhan (through a series of cover organizations (EcoHealth Alliance etc.), and they subcontracted it with the Wuhan institute… and so they managed it all) ==> Further they have brought out a paper which is called the FAUCI/COCID19 Dossier and you can read about the background of the story and even about things like: While this negligence impacts all of Moderna’s over 130 granted U.S. patents, it is particularly problematic for U.S. Patent 10,702,600 (‘600) which is the patent relating to, “a messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) comprising an open reading frame encoding a betacoronavirus (BetaCoV) S protein or S protein subunit formulated in a lipid nanoparticle.” The specific claims addressing the pivot to the SARS Coronavirus were patented on March 28, 2019 – 9 months before the SARS CoV-2 outbreak ==> so all this becomes now 90 percent likely!!!! ==> do you know what the most funny thing is? Those who expose Fauci, they are named STONE and MARTIN and do you know another project from them? Answer, it is called NEW EARTH PROJECT: New Earth Nation is a fellowship of sovereign nations and micro-nations founded in recognition of the primacy of consciousness, the unity of all life and the undeniability of the individual sovereign condition. ==> THEY ALSO DO NOT WANT THEIR FUTURE CITY VISION (and that is also official: As for studies showing that antibodies for the novel coronavirus decline over time, researchers say that's how antibodies work for a host of viruses. Immunologist at Harvard University, said although those studies have left some people "scratching their heads saying, 'What an extraordinarily odd virus that it's not leading to robust immunity,' ==> AGENDA 2030… lets have that virus for some while!!!)
15) The garden Gnome FAUCI, the frog GATES, the owl SOROS, and we shall be the PROLETARIAT??? Something does not fit… and they are always innocent in the media… wherefore Maurice Strong with his propaganda is already dead: “Wir könnten an den Punkt gelangen, an dem die einzige Möglichkeit zur Rettung der Welt darin besteht, dass die industrielle Zivilisation zusammenbricht.” and David R.: “The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.” => yea, sure to kill many people is fine for them… and he said it directly: “Alles was wir brauchen ist eine richtig große Krise und die Nationen werden die neue Weltordnung akzeptieren.”(first crisis, then the new order) ==> and it is always the same idea: wenn die Amygdala unaufhörlich feuert und das Denken vom Großhirn ins Stammhirn verlagert wird, dann lassen sich Massen ohne viel Widerstand in eine wie auch immer geartete Ordnung führen, selbst wenn diese völlig konträr zu ihren eigenen Interessen steht. ==> amygdala and fear or shock to bring a new order, LIKE THIS TERRORISM JOKE!!! (FEAR TERRORISM, ya you need another false flag you clowns)… wherefore this game is so old and so weak that today many people will stand up to this idiots ==> and ya, then they want to combine it with AI and surveillance and their future city vision…: CHECK, WHAT A LUCK THAT WE HAVE COVID, IT SERVES IN SO MANY WAYS: Artifcial intelligence cooperation to support the global response to COVID-19 (you can read the paper and now you also understand the agenda) ==>>> “Der weltweite Kampf gegen die COVID-19-Infodemie müsse als eine wissenschaftliche Herausforderung behandelt werden, die der Ausbreitung der Krankheit selbst gleichkommt.” Dazu soll eine KI sämtliche Informationen im Netz eigenständig verwalten, Fehlinformation und Desinformation ausfindig machen und sogar ihre individuellen Raten der Gefährdung quantifizieren. Auch Journalisten dürften vielleicht bald um ihren Job bangen, denn die Autoren wollen zur Verbreitung korrekter und vertrauenswürdiger Informationen im Netz virtuelle Assistenten und Chatbots an den Start bringen. ==> NEUE NORMALITÄT (also journalist get watched and they use also chatbots and etc. (opinion making, artificial comments in social media)… because all the information must be checked… and so they want to call out what is dangerous information and what is quite ok… and bla bla bla and for sure they censor already now much more today… and it is not just ID2020 but also KNOWN TRAVELLER, BETTER THAN CASH ALLIANCE (again also Bill Gates money involved) etc… GLASSY SOCIETY.. and EZB (Europäische Zentralbank) has already the “working paper” ready… and you can read PLANETARY EMERGENCY 2.0 and NomoNoma – die 4. GEWALT said it rightly (you find them in the net, independent journalist and scientist): Spätestens dann, wenn unser gesamtes Verhalten einen Nachhaltigkeitsindex speist und Belohnungs- oder Strafpunkte nach chinesischem Muster nach sich zieht, ist ein für alle Mal Schluss mit Freiheit, Selbstbestimmung und der eigenen Lebensgestaltung. Deshalb, wehret den Anfängen! (and yes, translate it, its a quasi about the China model where you get your bonus points or penalty points depending if you are nice to them… in the glassy cashless society, and they call it also sustainability index… therefore, there will be no more freedom and media becomes nothing else than a propaganda for them… already seen today (more so in USA right now) and even worst later… ya, and the club enjoys it all with all the money and their banking scheme… and IMMUNITY, make their laws like with the WHO!!! ==> And as NomoNoma – die 4. Gewalt said it rightly (because they know the media landscape, journals, scientist, but very good the media today): wherefore even nature (science journal) made a poll and showed that 1/3 of the researcher told them that they have data manipulated in the last 3 years (14 percent because of money and bla bla bla… and dark number we don’t know) and much worst it is in the media landscape today: Vor allem die so genannten Qualitäts-Medien sind heute nicht mehr unabhängig, auch wenn uns das Viele von ihnen glaubhaft machen wollen. Hinter den großen Medien stecken mächtige und reiche Industrielle mit Eigeninteressen und Verstrickungen in die Politik sowie supranationale Organisationen. ´==> THEY WILL NO LONGER FOOL US, they can get the hammer on their head… this transhumanist animals will not smile at us and come up with a such communistic totalitarian machine world idea (or however we may call it, mixed with crony capitalism) ==> THIS DUMB PROLETARIAT HAS LOST THEIR MIND... WE KNOW IT ALL!! ==> for sure when it is about deeper economical questions and this and that… ya, you need to go to university… and only after some while you get a bit a better picture… but for me its not about that… and nor do I say that the whole WE forum are bad boys… but some circles exist, a circle exists which play their GAME!!!… and they look also upon themselves and so on… and they are many people and have newcomer and etc. ==> it is not like that some chosen journalist can sit there and think… UUUUU we are the special ones… no… its not much more special than the CFR etc. and a lot is just about business… And yes, some sit on a too high horse, nothing new under the sun...and about NGOs etc… then the little Journalist gets his topic… lets speak more about this or that…==> and check the CRISP R twins...New research suggests that a controversial gene-editing experiment to make children resistant to HIV may also have enhanced their ability to learn and form memories. ==> CHINA, thats also what they love… and again another coincidence: The twins, called Lulu and Nana, reportedly had their genes modified before death by a Chinese scientific team using the new editing tool CRISPR. The goal was to make the girls immune to infection by HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. ==> CHECK CORONA AND THE HIV INSERT! ==> HOW THEY LOVE CHINA, IN CHINA THE „ELITE“ can do whatever they want!!!
16) nothing but a global poker with agendas (and insane people who think they should “rule”): J. Bart Classen: Covid 19 RNA based vaccines and the risk of prion disease --- wherefore read also in the paper: ...This concern originates due to potential for misuse of research data on the mechanisms by which certain RNA binding proteins like TDP-43, FUS and others can be activated to form disease causing prions. The fact that this research, which could be used for bioweapons development, is funded by private organizations including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Ellison Medical Foundation [2] without national/international oversight is also a concern… CHECK: Bill Gates alone sponsored the WHO, RKI, John Hopkins Universität, Charite (Berlin), Helmholtz Stiftung, Event 201, ID2020, Cure Vac, GAVI, Bayer, Merck, Pfitzer, Sanofi, Monsanto etc… get rid of critics… that is his game… And India is not so stupid, they did throw them out, 2017: The study: ‘Philanthropic Power and Development -Who shapes the agenda?’, had cautioned on “the growing influence of the large global philanthropic foundations ==> immunised from influences… wherefore today you will find the so called FACT CHECKER in the internet who will tell you exactly how holy this people are and etc. And yes, there is a way to develop SOFT POWER… when you do not get directly the people which you want in the government structure… And traditional philanthropy was never used to set any specific agenda yet today it is exactly the opposite with all this people ==> and you can also read some books from the Rockefeller foundation and we know media today and etc. And we know the split today regarding the richest people and us… it gets insane with this numbers… and when Big Tech or big corporations takeover… that serves them even more because they say, they know no HOMELAND and its not really about families and social structures… They calculate all that… all that shall serve them further… ==> And Gates wants also only GMO food for us and synthetic meat… yet for sure he eats better… EVERYWHERE we find the same people… but they are more...==> the so called FINANZ-ELITE.. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet biggest sponsor of the WHO, and what is with the Robert Koch Institut? And what was with the EVENT 201???????????, October 2019 (with John Hopkins Center a PANDEMIE ÜBUNG ?)...And about Rothshild they say that the Covid 19 patent was made on 17 May 2020 and not already in the year 2015 as many Doctor told us, anyway its important to know who is so interested in that stuff … ya… there are thousands of Doctors who go now against the mainstream press and call it ein GLOBALES VERBRECHEN (including Germany and Spain etc...but you don’t hear anything in media about that)...And Bill Gates warns us on MSNBC about a second pandemy, shall that be a threat?And why has Bill Gates still such a big mouth when we know the NIH and CHINA background and that it is a lab virus… do they want to laugh about us? And who says that this people also participate in the vaccine tests? Maybe they just wait and sell it first to us? And why should the REMDESIVIR Hero not also be a test object? And all the other from that clan? And LET US NOT FORGET, that EXACTLY this billionairs make money and get even more INFLUENCE!!! And when they have enough influence, they simple decide what we consume, what we read… social media etc. And then this subhumans play king!!!! For if I have billions… it shall not get boring, I have a new MATCHFIELD… ==> when you come up with a manipulated MERS VIRUS or… THE POPULATION WILL WATCH YOU NOW CLOSELY AND... JUST WAIT AND SEE!!!, and also the newspaper will be...==> and yes, Gates could not built his TERRAPOWER in CHINA because of Trumps politic… but that is not so important… the other stuff is more improtant to see the whole PUZZLE and how it comes together!!!!! ==> AND WHAT A JOKE: “Ray Kurzweil is the best person I know at predicting the future of artificial intelligence. His intriguing new book envisions a future in which information technologies have advanced so far and fast that they enable humanity to transcend its biological limitations—transforming our lives in ways we can’t yet imagine.”—Bill Gates (human civilization with superhuman capabilities) ==> WHAT A DREAMER!!! and many such people are active involved with all their money aka the technocrats who want to control all the narratives… and we know fake media today… Wherefore and generally (independent to Gates) I have to say that when people with cold intelligence rule and playing in such a way chess… it shall not wonder that we have such a virus today… and the possibility does still exist that it got spread on purpose, agenda driven. And regarding society, put the dots together and see what is happening today… the idealist transhumanist, internet of things… and the chip… for which they still need some time to indoctrinate people… and therefore yes, some are control freaks and... ==> I train them rightly at LC… no one rules over our Psyche (whether animal media, nor lowest animal entertainment nor...)… and like you isolate us… we will get you… 500 000 stand up in Austria… but in a hard way when you make further nonsense and we push in the FPÖ (right wing) ==> AND YA; you can comaper the NSA with STASI: Auge und Ohr" des Verfolgungsapparates and it was important to have a few thousand of them in every Bundesland and later they searched for radikale SS-Führer... and those Doktor and Akademiker and Richter etc. who worked for the SICHERHEITSDIENST did go very fast up the world ladder (this exists also via the “deep state”) and received high positions… and then it included Verhaltenssteuerung durch Informationskontrolle (this includes today and later even more to generate artificial comments on social media and...etc., so quasi everyone lives in his own virtual world) and Anzeigen (sentences) bestimmter Personen… Ideologische Fiktionen (surveillance state with chips and in that way to have their ALL-SEEING eye, and KI (AI) philosophy etc.) for further control... Zuschreibung politisch nonkonformen Verhaltens (who is a domestic terrorist etc.)… Mechanismen der Ausgrenzung und Einvernahme (who is called Schädling or Verblendeter or Unbelehrbar)... propagandistische Verbreitung (use one thing, like the chip is a perfect healthcare tool and having beside that another agenda, just as one example)... AND FOR SURE WE DONT SEE THAT NOW SO DIRECTLY… IT SHALL BE A SOFT TOTALITARIAN STATE… and ya, it is no conspiracy theory… they even watched some people via cameras in smart TV and we know the companies who are involved…==> NSA analytical Austria Gert-Rene Polli spoke about it… but you know, Austria or Europe could just go along with them later (we have to check the European data protection law)… Berners-Lee stated "Unwarranted government surveillance is an intrusion on basic human rights that threatens the very foundations of a democratic society.".. and at least they monitor the phone, email, and other communications of U.S. citizens for up to a week without obtaining a warrant… ==> and it is not said that they delete it… I dont believe that fully… because of their KI agenda and some control freaks are involved… and the extent of the program includes email, video and voice chat, videos, photos, voice-over-IP chats (such as Skype), file transfers, and social networking details ==> now then this should include smart TVs… depends how this TVs are built (little cameras)… and about KI… Gates hero: Microsoft had "developed a surveillance capability to deal" with the interception of chats (so it includes chats and emails)… wherefore that you can even read in wikipedia that according to Guardian's Glenn Greenwald even low-level NSA analysts are allowed to search and listen to the communications of Americans and other people without court approval and supervision... low level analysts can do need to go to a court, no need for a supervisor approval… the extended programm has years of collected communications… and for sure it includes also facebook etc. The paid OBAMA traitor fooled you when he said: You can't have 100 percent security and then also have 100 percent privacy and zero inconvenience. You know, we're going to have to make some choices as a society… wherefore not all Senator did know that this programm exists… or at least Susan Collins said it and other... and Jim Sensenbrenner said: This is well beyond what the Patriot Act allows."President Obama's claim that 'this is the most transparent administration in history' has once again proven false. In fact, it appears that no administration has ever peered more closely or intimately into the lives of innocent Americans = handy, streams, google, etc. And via the surveillance state they WOULD KNOW EXACTLY WHO FITS INTO THEIR SCHEME… to recruit people!!! AND CHECK HOW THEY TWIST WORDS, THIS DUMB PROLETARIAT: THEY CALL IT PATRIOT ACT OR NEW NORMAL… because they are abnormal
17) EINHEITSMENSCH shall serve them = NOT a eigenständige, kritische Identität = and thats why we will get rid off them all… there is no real spiritual evolution in that… and nor will WELTKONZERNE (mit der für sie geschaffenen Rechtsordnung, siehe wiederum WHO and Gates, nur ein Beispiel) rule rover us… ==>and: „Die Natur besteht aus einer Vielfalt des Lebens, warum sollte der Mensch, oder der menschliche Geist davon ausgenommen sein? Die Vielfalt des menschlichen Lebens beseitigen zu wollen, durch die Erschaffung eines Einheitsmenschen stellt ein Verbrechen größten Ausmaßes dar und das Motiv dazu ist in höchstem Maße obszön: Der Einheitsmensch soll aufgrund seiner Charakterschwäche leichter durch die Plutokraten versklavt werden können! Maria Lourdes, Mai 2012... Wieso aber will die Elite den Einheitsmenschen schaffen? Aus dem gleichen Grund, aus dem auch in der Industrie Normen geschaffen werden, Produkte vereinheitlicht werden. Solange es wahre Individuen gibt, ist es relativ schwierig, die Menschen total zu kontrollieren und zu manipulieren, ist es schwer, das Verhalten der Menschen exakt vorherzusehen. [...] Das ganze Geschwafel von ‚multikultureller Gesellschaft‘, das eine Toleranz gegenüber Vielfalt und Individualität suggerieren soll, ist folglich eine gigantische Täuschung, ein kaltblütiges Mittel zu einem tödlichen Zweck, dem Endziel einer harten, kalten Welt in der es keine Vielfalt mehr geben soll, weder in der Kultur, noch im Denken, noch in der Natur. (ORWELLSCHE kulturelle´GLEICHSCHALTUNG, der genderlose, meinungslose, überangepaßte, identitätslose, egoistische EU-Einheitsmensch)— Kommentar von saratoga777, in: „Good Bye EU, ruhe in Frieden“, 18. September 2014 ==> it is true we have NEW EARTH and the kingdom is within but 1) everyone is his individual stream in the apocalypse and 2) we have material, psychic and pneumatic people… different soul images...and 3) I have still some knowledge about my country in the apocalypse (explained somewhere else, ya, even my language, know the food (Wiener Schnitzel, kulinarisches), mountains and river here...yet Iam still more uncultured, that is true but… I took something with me. And nor do we need EU tomatoes after a special size or bla bla bla, and we want diversity even with that)… And how can you say GENDERLOS which is an ascension issue… wherefore we speak here just about the male and female energy in the apocalypse… we had that topic already…==> and the EU is not so a bad idea...but additional they have over done it with other immigrants and etc… And to destroy all opinions (artificial comments on social media platforms), ya, full surveillance and then they control the information stream with AI (for sure also for their own interest)… and even the search machine, whatever results we shall get when we search for something… and censorship and etc.. and then all shall we become like this dumb media puppets in USA … And the OVER-ADAPTED human is a farce… Ya, even I or Boehme write sometimes with hard words… nothing can be just done with AI when the conscience plays also a role and also we are not indifferent... And they would become nothing but stupid zombies without stamina… just weak – disgusting (its the same when religion goes wrong yet this problem regarding their future city becomes much more problematic)… WHERE ARE ALL THE SPIRITUAL PROPERTIES (virtues) AS WE HAVE THEM AT LC… you are not interested in real spiritual evolution… you are just a bunch of idiots and your city will not even endure… I KNOW IT… YOU ARE THE DUMB PROLETARIAT
18) Taiwan openly revealed that Dr Daszak, and bat woman (Dr Shi Zenglih) received millions of Dollars of funding from the NIH (US) which I have already mentioned in this book, and they worked also on GOF research on coronaviruses and chimeras in humanized mice… which they got from the lab of Ralph S. Baric (University of North California). Dr Daszak openly revealed that the goal of the GOF experiments was to develop a pan-coronavirus vaccine for many different types of coronaviruses… (since there is no therapeutic or vaccine for them)… wherefore under Trump administration the funding got frozen (but anyway, already too late, and everything points to it)... and for sure with that they justify CHIMERAS… for the sake of a vaccine… (and they even inserted other diseases to get a better vaccine, and all this inserts, we know them… I have shown it partially in this book, and they even can no longer hide it)…And again, Dr Daszak was included among a team of experts from the WHO that has finally been allowed by Beijing to investigate the origin of the outbreak of Covid19… what a joke!!! and that over a year after it started!!! And we know that THE AGENDA OF EUROPE, USA is to ensure that cheaper repurposed generic drugs and herbs and supplements never get PROMOTED!!! I could say a lot about that but its not the topic… yet I know their research… and the companies… And ya we know: what is our best benefit, Exxon has lost 22 billion in 2020 and no end in sight ==> the leftist newspaper never said that it could be a lab virus and their mouth is shut because of their agenda… and maybe the next point is a cashless society and etc… AND THIS IS A GOLDEN RULE FOR THEM, because they must also propagate some stuff in media… how do we use this CRISIS??? And then they make other steps like Bezo is stepping down as Amazon CEO transitioning to executive chair role… ok, good to know… and he must focus now a bit on Washington post and other projects… they must always have their fingers in media… ==> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Behold: CHINA would not just do it on their ground (near the lab)… they loose simple too much their face and globally their influence is threatened… politics… So it was a lab FLUB or the LEFTIST GLOBALIST… and since it fits into the whole scenario, THE WHOLE PUZZLE!!! and we know them a bit better… ya… make your conclusion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19) the things is that, if they had such ideas also at the BILDERBERGER CONFERENCE… which Bronner likes very much, derstandard hero… then they have kept their ideas more in the hidden corner or simple in the upper circle… bot now they become too insane… and talk most stuff openly, ya, probably they believe we just go with their indoctrinations but they already failed, because surveillance measurements, ya we would go hard… not just in Austria...==> the plan is, they will delete all debt (this could be also happen in the next scenario, maybe not the covid scenario now), and they do that on the condition that we do not own anything in the future, everything will be provided for us but we would not own anything and they will also implement an univeral basic income.. and maybe they own also our bodies? INJECT in us what you want? Maybe eugenic materials? Mads Palsvid: The secrets of central banks, and debt model of modern economic slavery that has left entire countries hopelessly working to keep the wealthiest private companies ahead is revealed by economics expert turned whistleblower, Mads Palsvig. Much like CONFESSIONS OF AN ECONOMIC HITMAN, by John Perkins, Palsvig uses his first hand knowledge of the global banking system to expose the tools of inflation that are being exploited by the wealthy few, and explains how the economic collapse of 2008 was created, and continues to be profited off of by big banks in this Buzzsaw interview, hosted by Sean Stone. ==> SOLUTION: JFK21, We allow no extra taxes because of lockdowns and we can take back the money creation power (from the few, privately owned corporation, banks), take it back to the nation through the minister of finance, through a PUBLIC owned central bank….the government shall issue the money of the society... and 1 percent tax on any digital transfer of money…. We can become a SUBSERVIENT SLAVES and have our superirch people who rule the whole show or we get rid of them in all countries and take it back… this is rightly a mindset which can take over in more countries...Ya nd also Reiner Fuellmich has an idea regarding the EU and banks… they are already a million, nay, more in Germany... And in conclusion: I simple build LC...
20) We need no DIGITAL EURO, they only want to makes us slaves to their system… you can pay also so online… and they will lie when they say that they use no surveillance, they just change it later, they go always step by step… and we know their future city vision… and we know what they did, we can throw them all out… Soros and co. rule not over us… they just want to play big boss and we shall obey… no… ===> KISSINGER (BILDERBERGER CONFERENCE 1991): Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing mevery man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the world governments. ==> wherefore that with the UN… this was just another strange idea… anyway, already forgotten… but their intention is clear… ==> further: Education will focus mostly on training people to do as they are told and to follow orders. Schools will become systems of indoctrination and propaganda. ==> Efforts will be made to replace the family with the state. ==> elimination of privacy and self defence… and a new police control… and digital currency… (and as Schwab said, own nothing)...O HAPPY ELITE... YOU DUMB PROLETARIAT BELIEVE YOU HAVE THE SAYING, YOU WILL GET A RUDE AWAKENING (And yes, their religion is mainly SCIENCE… again you have all prove… transhumanism and their future city vision, read all their papers!!!!!! I don’t want to write it here all down.. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!) ==> THIS DUMB PROLETARIAT VIEW THEMSELVES SUPERIOR TO US… yet check how they messed it up with corona… check the whole story… its just their agenda… we have all documents… and in Germany even some juristic people prepare already against them yet they believe they are untouchable… like Gates with his immunity at the WHO… And further we should forbid their secret order...The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments' plans, Benjamin Disraeli… for thats how they do it… people get their position in the club… and only in top position they receive the full future vision (how the agenda is played out) yet today and thanks to God… they became already so dumb to publish many papers openly… they thought that no one looks at it yet we know exactly who gets applause in their club and which radical vision they have… like Schwab… and how they sell it ==> I HAVE EXPLAINED IT, A PSYCHOPATH NEVER BELIEVES THAT HE GET CAUGHT… AND WE NOW JUST LAUGH ABOUT IT because we have the DIVINE SCIENCE… and their mystical stuff which they have built via different degrees… this is just for show… not in every order, but on many!!! and its rather about building connections and etc… And they use FRONT-MEN… who shall take the blame (when something goes wrong)… so that those who are higher up can go, and the same tactic you can check now about recruiting and their surveillance city vision ==> And yes, they use BRIBERY, BLACKMAIL and MURDER (if all else fails)… but beside that they have a nice talk… about their supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite (rather dumb proletariat, check the Schwab circle) and world bank ==> therefore they are not so smart… their occult knowledge… and its so easy to see what they are doing, they even present it today on a silver tablet ==> And further as you see: the TARGET KEY ORGANIZATIONS (whatever they get, not everyone but… enough people) with an infiltration game… which is needed… as they also must figure out their next task.. and compartmentalization is also involved… so they have their NETWORK and their little TOOLBOX… and so also not just the whole WEforum likes fully their future city vision but maybe most… or enough.. and there is for sure a circle who knows the deeper things… which has also to do with pride… UHA… and since they buy also media… NGOs etc… ya for sure they have other stuff to sell… like its for the planet or this and that… and having additional things in mind… I showed you… and they find even fools who just believe them!!!… its a bit a mixture… mostly today in USA… they are the biggest virus but also partially in Europe now...and etc… having think tanks… committees etc,. but in reality they are just idiots who know no balance.. ==> And the falsification of history has done more to mislead humans than any single thing known to mankind... Jean Jacques Rousseau… And the internal writings, they encode their writing often with symbols and metaphors… yet whistleblowers give us always some hints… BUT ON THE OTHER SIDE… THE NWO HELPED US ALSO… its part of the spiritual evolution… we grow up together… the NWO displays simple the lower human nature (their interest above us and out of balance)… and its up to us to become responsible… not just believe their illusions and game… so we need to face reality and work creatively together… that is for example LC… and they can only exists as long as we give power to them… And further we need no FEAR nor HATE… yet we could for sure...throw some out in a hard way… but again we need not to accumulate fear or hate… and rather they are the Dinosaurus… And we could also create life under our own vision and ideals… with right balance… And ya, most people have a feeling that things are getting worse, especially in USA, but they sometimes have trouble quantifying exactly what it is. This is where taking with others and spreading the message has value… use the CORONA PAPER and show them their future city vision… is that what you want? And if not… what are your values? ==> and we will for sure not tolerate in future that this WHORE NEWSPAPER plays innocent and we get censored… and shall just follow their brainwashing… and as you see, they use more tools… and more and more stuff…. to shape opinions and etc. AND LATER WE TALK ABOUT OUR FUTURE CITY VISION... OR BETTER TO SAY... WHAT IS RIGHT BALANCE AND HOW CAN IT BE ACHIEVED?
21) Now this SCHWAB COWARD has put the physically meeting to Singapore and not Davos… that is in 25 – 28 may 2021 this year… boy… they will have much to talk and the ape will sit already upon his shoulder and knocking on his head… harder and harder… And yes, Prince Charles together with Schwab presented the great reset...and Joe Biden: built back better etc. ==> wherefore I see now they are so insecure, they changed it again… to 17 – 20 August 2021… maybe they make another nonsense meanwhile… or just watch the situation which goes out of control for them ==> in CANADA they made already a PETITION with more then 80 000 signatures in only 72 hours (Global reset, We scandal, money transfer, Trudeau) … and similar stuff they do in USA
22) The PROBLEM is rather, SOFT TOTALITARIAN or not… that people would just become more dumb and weak like this media puppets in USA… this dumb puppets today… ya, I cannot even listen to them… so foolish they became today… And above all, there is no wall like the “elite” plays superintelligent… and flies above us... No, they would even become more dumb… dark fire… they are not excluded… the grid will get them…!!! And about us, who says that we want that? Shall we just serve the few who have a useless vision in mind? I don’t believe so and nor would their city endure… but again later we check: PSYCHE AND CITY, AND BALANCE FACTORS… also that I will explain to you… so that you will understand all that much better.. YA and also we must include the FLUID DYNAMICS... and nor is every country in the same boat... this elite is just insane... ya, education is important!!!.. but also some countries did grow out of some patterns and etc... and they want to mess it all up!!! And then later they will tell us again of how much we are in NEED of them... THIS FOOLS!!!
23) AND I forget the HABSBURGER... they are no HABSBURGER when they tolerate this ongoing provocations... but I know so or so that not many are happy with a lot of that crap... for it does not even work!!! And I know that Matteschitz has also the SCHNAUZE VOLL and many other!!!! AND NO, WE HAVE NO FREE SPEECH... they just educate our kids... we get censored... they use more artifical comments even in newspaper sections... shape opinion... and that shall increase even more in future... SO YOU WILL PAY SOON DERSTANDARD (speak not about physical attack)... for you dont allow us to have free speech ==> IHR KÖNNT EUCH NACH CHINA VERPISSEN and we go not just backwards... AND SHALL we figure out that some of those with huge money... want to threaten us... we WILL GET YOU!!! and they use the GLOBALIST name for all kind of stuff... they are the good ones... just call myself that way... and what have you built? And you will say its about resources... ya, but we can get it done in Austria... so what have you to say? And later we speak about he future city! And we know so or so that you are insane... for we look at the whole chess game and also how you use newspaper.. what shall we fear? Terrorism? more sureveillance... do you know what happens when 300 000 stand up in a hard way... and the CHINESE funny person or BIDEN CLOWN shall not believe that he can play around... and also the military in USA is not very happy with Biden! But now... lets say our health minister or many politicians have not directly something to do with it... so shall they be nervous and the NGO clowns and all this other entities... they keep distance and laugh... ya, I dont believe so... you dig your own grave... because you dumb proletariat have too much openly written down! ITS EVEN YOUR FAILURE!!!
24) How many violent acts occur in Austria by which someone dies? I guess its very rare (between 39 and 82 deaths per year, like Germany 0,7 per 100 000, better than Sweden, Belgium, France, Netherlands yet more bad than Switzerland)… and therefore mass surveillance is not justified… but all what we need is the right philosophy and a meaning in life. And this jokes do no longer work, like 911 terrorism (fear) and then Covid… for we wake up to this games… And we learn to evaluate the situation… ==> and the ELITE GAMES are complete weak… so also social shaping… LC will solve the problem in Austria and later we will see who “evolves” better… but I mean here also simple who learns stuff more easy in school and how well does society and etc. And whoever wants to follow XI and co. and the CHINA path… ya.. do it… they would be so or so way behind us… And we will see it more clear in 30 years who does better… ==> And yes, Japan has the best rate, the safest country in the world, 0,2 per 100 000. Wherefore they have it to do with other disaster like tsunamis, earthquake etc… And after suffering the atomic bomb in the past they turned away from violence… Underpinning everything is a strong cultural affinity for passivity and non-violence. Anger and aggression are considered shameful in Japanese society, which puts a premium on personal honor and intricate social protocols… in Japan they speak a bit more with the eyes… and want to keep serenity (like to imitate a bit the apocalypse) and also the polite form is important for them, yet for sure its not so simple, because also Japanese people speak often more loud, especially today, this changed a bit and... ==> and important: extremely low rates of poverty, unemployment and drug use... and they have an astonishingly efficient legal system ==> 1) the drug problem we solve at LC because of our divine science…!!!!!!! 2) we learn to get rid of the wrath stream (and understand what to embrace)… 3) our economy gets better solved in the future when we become self “sustainable”(sufficient)… with our resources… away from oil, using “green gas”… and being able to produce all the electricity we need (wherefore Japan has more nuclear plants right now, and yes, in Japan are 90 percent who would consider themselves as part of the middle class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).. and yes Japan has only 2,953 million foreign residents (and often skilled immigrants enter Japan), only 2,2 percent (Austria ~16,2 percent or even higher (~26 percent?) depends on what you look, even more than Germany)! And yes Japan shows us, - 0,2 percent populations growth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, therefore also that works and we will throw them soon out, the stinking leader in Austria!!!!, for the case they do not change!!!!!!!!!!! ==> but my reader has a last question, that is, could we also bring the number down to 0,1 percent? Answer, YES, in the future city we can do that!!!!… wherefore the final rest is simple about people who have some brain damage (~0,1 percent or less!!!!) or… but just because of that we do not worry… nothing is justified regarding a dystopia!!!!!!!!!!!!… for we must look at all people and how we do best… with a higher life quality... And yes, what is striking important here? Ya, that most of them consider them as part of the middle class which makes it healthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!… and so also shall be the future city… we shall have that quality and then quarrel will leave us or bla bla bla (and ya, I spoke about mental space, it works and especially with LC, even more so… and yes in Japan they live often in smaller homes yet they can spend their money in all kind of things… and they simple don’t have the space on that small island and yes and still they have 70 million cars)… but in our future city we secure a bit bigger apartments and houses… again, because of mental space... and there will be a law… and I will explain all that later… don’t worry now… you don’t know now where it will go later… what is important right now for you to see… NOTHING IS JUSTIFIED regarding their future city vision… and later I will show you everything… FROGS WILL NOT RULE OVER US!!! ==> WHAT I TELL YOU IS THIS: we can get that done with GREEN TECHNOLOGY, and even with smart recycling (but Iam not allowed to tell you here too much about it, you just focus on your stuff)… and ergo also with resources we would get it done!!!… and we could manage a population decline, we have it so or so naturally in Austria
kids, and if we would need more… we implement it in the school… because the population is more versatile then you think… they would understand it…with right education… they would even laugh a bit about it and should really become the population too small… THEY FEEL IT and want more people, we have here a good margin… and so also the infrastructure needs to be adapted to it, but also other things… later more to it, and yes, some people will have three or four kids and other only one...we have so or so the data… and when we say, now its really high time for two kids… THEY CAN LIVE WITH THAT, I ASSURE YOU! ==> OVERPOPULATION WILL BE NO PROBLEM IN THE FUTURE CITY… its rather the other way around… but and also when life quality fits… we get it done!!!)… ==> LATER YOU WILL SEE OUR FUTURE CITY VISION… wherefore the the PHILANTHROPUS DINOSARUS KNOW that we can manage it in future… and so they want to make now their last move regarding their Dystopia vision… ===> Africa needs a solution
25) WHAT A JOKE!!! WHY DO YOU SAY SCHWAB that this is UNAUSWEICHLICH? Do you also need some star actor whom you pay… make some nice Hollywood movie… boy, we know also that an INDUSTRY exists, so also the music INDUSTRY today in USA… we know, its not all their art… so have a sexy girl, a bit naked and with some nice neon lights in the body (transhumanist) and make here strong in appearance… and make some other jokes… and make it future city orientated… And now its a real style and that is what we want… look what futuristic cool thing that is… NAY, YOU clowns… we just laugh about you… and about your ALL-SEEING EYE
26) And later we talk about it how they help big companies… this illness in USA… they have also only 4 big food companies in USA and soon maybe only two… and they only need to talk behind closed doors… and now they have Walt Disney, the next Behemoth… and the list goes on… and they have helped them… and we also check later Huxely and etc… but with a very clear examination… not just to speak against him… no… he was not so stupid but…
27) ... Sebastian Kurz said something about kids and porn... and also other... ya, kids should be protected... kids are holy... common sense... we must do someting regaridng the internet... and that is right, I said also, minimum BALANCE!!! And if some run naked, not just naked but with the weirdest fetish stuff in Austria around (rainbow parade or whatever is the name), ya, that is normal... but again, we are against homosexual... we shall get a penalty from the police... how can a fool rule? how shall such little idiots rule and shape opinions? and the same with transhumanism... for derstandard... when they have a fantasy in mind... and if there exists a matrix... its just a big computer and Spirit does not exist... You think, you got rid of catholics and now you shall rule? You think so... I dont believe so... you are not the extension of our senses... like YOU SHAPE everything and want us CHINA-LIKE... you will soon learn where you belong... you think that we give our kids into your hands.. to dumb down creatures like you? ==============>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WE BUILD SUPERHUMANS IN AUSTRIA.... VERY SOON...
our hope must be on Isaiah 60:22...
AND IAM ALSO FOR THE EU (in fact I will show you later something nice... our common language etc.), and also other can visit us... but when the leftist further condemn Austria... they will learn later a hard lesson... they have zero respect about anything... and only Bronner, Soros, Schwab etc... this kids from Hitlers era, ya and they cannot get over that old stuff.... and further more Austrians died in hunger and etc... ya, we make failures but just to condemn us... and all the time to throw everything into the same boat and ignoring patterns and also of what we did grow out... history... and just saying that every country is the same... you are insane!!!... YES... the same with the future city... and climate plays a role... we are not just a beach country but four season country... and many other factors... and many will be on that level (regarding technology, future) but some simple need a bit longer and it is not just about education... there are more factors... I will no longer tolerate that you just tread on our flag and Hymn (and we have also no respect about LAW and ORDER?)... ==> and what do you worry so much? some go ahead and what is most important becomes also shared knowledge... but I just laugh about their world government... I JUST LAUGH... with whom... with this fools and their future vision which does not work... like first Kings, then politicans, then economy power people, and then weird scientist (for that what many are of those with! power drive, maybe even the worst people) a scientific dictatorship... YOU CAN FORGET THAT, before that happens... we get rid of you... And it is about WORLD SECURITY... that is more important... ressources etc, ==> THE LEFTIST HAVE ONLY THEIR PANTS FULL!!! for they are brave new world freaks
==================>>>>>>>>>>> WE BUILD SUPERHUMANS... and let this clowns laugh...
HOW? We find a way to prepare the mind and to weaken the mud "glue" in the body... to break the glue...
There must be a way, see also ODES of SOLOMON and other... but it needs also RIGHT TRAINING... not just a magic one
ONCE IAM HERE, WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOOSE... we go for it... the full evolution
====================»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»WE BUILD IT THE HIGHWAY Isaiah 60,61,62, Psalm... and a generation in splendor who see God face to face is prophesied… we build the SUPERHUMANS IN AUSTRIA… the immoveable race
and etc... they share it also... or and better to say, investigate
more stuff (its just about the other stuff on this website...
to copy it all, this would be not fair... and we must
bring the divine science and divine reality on paper
and there is a circumference... someone must have seen it...
and then write it down and etc.)
THEY BECAME EVEN SO INSANE that they believe that they will
endure.... I just laugh
28) THEY EXIST: claiming superiority over others to such an extent that they want to be able to decide who lives or dies, who is free or a slave, and who should be forcibly altered to be worthy of existence, as human beings…. Wherefore it is said that the Flexner brothers, along with untold millions from both the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundation, set out to monopolize medicine steering it aggressively away from all natural therapies and holistic cures towards… and so also totally seen in media (MEDIA, we know it 100 percent, the other stuff you must check for yourself… it does laos not matter which name… but for sure its also about money...) ==> and we know the synthetic life dream (future scenarios), therefore this people and the transhumanist are simple insane, garden gnomes, frogs, crows… And it will not work because certain limits exists in nature, they simple get cancer or etc… but WHY are they so optimistic? Answer: Tech companies want to harvest blood of kids...They hope to find a synthetic fountain of youth from researching the plasma of their young volunteers... a lucrative market will develop for children’s blood as a depraved and vainglorious society becomes dependent on their blood to maintain their vitality… take care about planned parenthood and other and know the same names... ==> you can search it out, Linda Patridge and they call now also the companies AMBROSIA and they have other similar names… so maybe some who have enough money, they will get a bit older or have less cancer and etc… LOO, the SUPER-RICH VAMPIRE SOCIETY like we dont know that joke ==> NOW, IMAGINE IT WITH THE UPPER ONE PERCENT ==> should there be a bit poverty in a country, HEY, you get 5000 Dollar for two liter blood… but dont tell it everyone… or its just for this or that research or... ==> ONE THING FOR SURE, dont give them immunity with cryptocurrency… And now lets go on, another joke: Doctor Ezekiel Emanuel, hired by Biden’s coronavirus task force: “Living too long is also a loss…It robs us of our creativity and ability to contribute to work, society, the world…” And he said (you can read it in he would decline life prolonging health care come the age of 75. ==> wait a minute… how gets often very old? check some names… do you believe they would not suck little kids blood…. They are transhumanist, they have no religious barrier!!!!!!! ==> And yes, SARS/HIV/MERS with a 10+% mortality rate as a final scare to punish the minority if people don’t accept their agenda, THEY COULD DO THAT (they are already in that research, they do the same stuff, make it more contagious and etc.)… ==> THIS INSANE ELITE WANTS a crypto currency with reward and bonus system, surveillance, similar to CHINA… and technology propagated as the great solution… as I said… its all juts about PROGRESS and the GREEN MOVEMENT, so they sell it!!!!… ==> And yes they want also a virtual reality society: You will own nothing and you will be happy (Klaus Schwab, World economic forum, Agenda 2030, the NEW KARL MARX), like dumb virtual reality happy people… they have no mind… and then this dumb people want to control the information stream etc. ==> and they will say, we need the surveillance, because we own nothing, we share everything... And yes, some want to paint a more positive picture… And yes I have heard about Dr Hervé Seligmann and other about the little vaccine scandal… but I have not further made any research… and vaccines are not the topic… yet also interesting if they want to use soon also DNA VACCINES… and yes they had already human trials!!!!!!… they already did that… ==> And what you must also understand: a worldwide government system is dislocated from the community and would bring earlier or later the destruction… bureaucratic...oppressive...remote… this problem cannot be ignored… they do not love other… not ready for it… because its the government and their connection to the state and where they got born… which makes them trustful… in some way or another they hang on it and their family and how they profited from it and etc. And we see that problem already today… Iam a global citizen… now… lets justify some of my ruthless actions and I will find a way… And I agree with SERVUS TV, TALK im Hanger 7 (probably has also to do with Red Bull), now they speak also about Psychoneuroimmunologie and other stuff which people can do regarding their health etc.… Ya, its just the question, would people do it and do they take on more responsibility? And then the other thing is that our state propaganda denies any organic stuff or whatever additional things they could use a bit to strengthen their immune system and Psyche (wherefore I know the scientific research about herbs and Covid and etc, you will hear nothing in media about it!!!!)… Now, and so I say, first of all people must better understand their DESIGN and how they were created (image of GOD, with a higher meaning in life, because today they want to take everything away from them: GOD is a JOKE, the nation is A JOKE and everything else except the EINHEITSMENSCH!!… and depraved media shall rule… And we know also also their tactics like the state as their family and so on… this brainless stuff… by which they believe that they can manipulate the population more easy… this dumb down people! And I must also add that Psychoneuroimmunologie, that stuff is interesting at LC but also Psychologie etc., we are very versatile and we have already some big answers regarding some things!!! you would not believe!!!… And further they said it rightly, that is, we don’t have the super vaccine now and maybe in three years we get something much better but now it needs a Multidisziplinären Ansatz and it is true that even that stuff which strengthens the immune system and which is scientific proven, ya they must deny it all.. this NGO paid state media propaganda people… Ya, it is proven, they checked the Vitamine, Spurenlemente, immunologischer Werte and those who did better, ya they could manage the COVID infection way better... and their data showed that their resources got diminished yet they were prepared and they will built it up again, and could handle Covid… ==> And finally we must also say about deaths, today there is not much difference between us and SWEDEN… 3000 deaths… and maybe we are soon even closer to their number… so what is all about? Long lockdowns can no longer be justified and especially because of the stagnation problem (Covid mutations) which we face now…. AND YES, WE KNOW THAT SOMETHING IS INCREDIBLE FOUL WITH CORONA, we killed FLU and MEASLES and… and we know the whole background story about the virus… its all documented… And yes, SWEDEN does now better with their PSYCHE… this is an important factor!!! And we must think long term… and adapt to the situation and to a better strategy… things changed and the old stuff does not work… at least long lockdowns are no longer justified!!! ==> CONCLUSION: every LC member is provoked to think for himself, we are not in weirdest conspiracy theories but we know that media has lost all credibility and we know also the new media landscape and how it is interwoven with NGOs, AGENDAS… and etc… They will not just make fun about us… rather they will learn their lesson!!! When I listen today to media… I could say, you fools are no longer trustworthy… and why not listen to Lt. General Tom McInerney: “We did not have a pandemic a year ago. We had a biological attack on the whole world... “This morning I’ve got absolute evidence that it came from the Wuhan Lab and it took down the whole global economy, without a doubt... It wasn’t just for the sake of destroying the economy. The CCP was targeting the 2020 U.S. elections because President Trump was the only person standing in their way. With Joe Biden in the Oval Office currently, their plans can proceed unimpeded… ya, you will say whatever about him, and I say, we don’t even need his opinion… WE SEE THE WHOLE PUZZLE!!! ==> WHEREFORE HERE I END THE COVID STORY AND LATER WE SPEAK ABOUT THE FUTURE CITY VISION, FLUID DYNAMICS, BALANCE etc.
29) nay, life extension does exists... and I know where we would need to do research... or additional research... but also certain limits exists... WE ARE NOT DREAMER... What they do, that is is like cheap marketing... JESUS SINGULARITY… And as I said the BIGGEST VIRUS SITS IN USA… they are so corrupt today, includes even today the FBI (everywhere the depraved people got positions and they have also recruiting methods… which shall serve them, anyway, another story… since 911 a lot of stuff changed)… And therefore and also regarding radical transhumanism they brought the main influence...CHECK: the English language as a whole as well as American organizations such as IEET, HUMANITY + are the driver of TRANSHUMANISM (applying technology to the alteration of the mind and body and using even words like immortality… ya, as we have seen, this poor dumb creatures! And James Hughes with the cyborg Buddha etc…, just another name for marketing, poor newspeak creatures who love it to advertise themselves… anyway, then we have democratic transhumanism, the funder is Hank Pelissier, and yes, then they made also a counter idea like liberal transhumanism and then also we have additional SOCIAL FUTURISM – AI shall solve all problems, AI? They do not even know the logos this dumb down creatures! And ya, UK which operates in close contact with USA has even the UK Transhumanist party … ==> and so we know also the dystopian WE forum idea. And yes the SOCIAL FUTURIST believe to EXPAND AWARENESS: It encompasses an imperative to technologically increase intelligence, expand awareness, enhance our physical bodies, and defeat disease of all types, while working to ensure that just and principled social conditions characterise this transformation ==> this poor creatures do not even understand consciousness!!!... Artificial and Augmented Intelligence (AI) will be developed to harness the potential to solve the world’s problems, while Virtual Reality (VR), bio- and nano-technologies will similarly be developed to harness the potential to recreate the world and its inhabitants….… but for sure the differ a bit with their views… And for SURE no government shall have a say about HUMAN ENHANCEMENT TECHNOLOGIES but they have their ethics… and they have further ideas like ANARCHO CAPITALISM… and a bit mixed with the AUSTRIAN SCHOOL… wherefore they are also idiots because capitalism and the free market is not alone the BASIS (for the future city which shall endure). Ya, they want to delete every form of state capitalism and argue that they are able to achieve a free and prosperous society. Wherefore it is true, yes, we must take care about the socioeconomic classes – the divide (I explain that later with the infrastructure, the FUTURE CITY WHEEL and the 12 foundations etc.). And ya, for sure they use words and terms like “ENLIGHTENMENT values”… wherefore Iam not against TECHNOGAIANISM together with an AESTHETIC MOVEMENT… a bit merging with nature (green design)… yet we shall also recognize that technology does not always improve communication… no… it needs also social contacts… and a community based infrastructure… but more to it later… there is much more to say about the future city and ya, TECHNOGAIANISM, its not mainly about what some of them argue… it has rather to do with materials and recycling and etc. RECAPITULATED: may they achieve a bit a longer life… ya… but they have no real solution… they are just poor marketing fools!!! who have not their feet on their ground… yet it sounds good… and I have no worry… because they fall simple upon their nose… this or that goes wrong… and the temporal makes no one immortal… and as I said… they do not even understand the DARK FIRE GRID… they are in delusion… and will achieve nothing without a real Master… And we build LC holistic and with a sober mind...
30) WEIRD, WHEN WE LOOK AT SOME SAYINGS REGARDING USA: Benjamin Franklin: “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote” ...Alexander Hamilton: “It has been observed that a true democracy, if it were practicable, would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure, deformity... James Madison: “it may be concluded that a pure democracy … who assemble and administer the government in person, can admit of no cure for the mischief of faction. A common passion or interest will, in almost every case, be felt by a majority of the whole … and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party or an obnoxious individual. Hence its is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths… ==> Often times we can say: Laws do not represent reason. They represent power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ==> Thomas Jefferson: "An elective despotism was not the government we fought for…" ==> Nomad: but I do not say that democracy is purely bad and its rather that also a republic contains the elements which we would call democracy yet what is needed, that is: Republicanism asserts that people have unalienable rights that cannot be voted away by a majority of voters; it is rule rooted in laws... and as we have found out, a democracy can become a tyranny, surveillance chip society and an upper league… with a banking cartel, Big Tech, food companies take over, corrupt government… oligarchy etc. Again, why, another reason? Examples of democracy in action in this country include initiative and referendum, where the people vote directly on specific issues. Naturally, it would be impractical to administer an entire country if people had to have a direct vote on every issue. ==> so there is no clear established form regarding democracy which really works… but you say that Iam not directly against democracy? The answer is yes, but a democracy leads to tyranny when not build upon a true fundament which cannot be broken… so also USA etc. today becomes a tyranny… ==> but what is your fundament? Answer, a balance factor and this balance factor must be rooted in generalized rules which can never be broken… check where we have failed… and then establish it… ==> and we can read also something about our constitution: its Briefgeheimnis, Hanna Arendth, In Österreich ist seit 1811 bestimmt: „Jeder Mensch hat angeborne, schon durch die Vernunft einleuchtende Rechte, und ist daher als eine Person zu betrachten.“ ==> therefore you get punished hard if you want to abolish it via the EU. Wherefore some will laugh about me because I use that word from Hanna and call other animals (animal passions) but to this I say, I call only those animals who want to make us to machines and that religious stuff which ignores the inner light. ==>>> North Korea is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea yet only those close to the king have right (and are not hold accountable), and everyone else is again a slave… WHAT LAWS DO YOU MAKE in the EU… WHICH NGO BASTARDS Are INVOLVED?… WE WILL CHECK THAT LATER, DONT BELIEVE FOR ONE SECOND… that we go just backwards… and the society must stay as a balance factor… and thats why it is not clearly defined… yet that USA crap we do not build… the system in Austria is way better… but later more to it... And you can fully count on Hanna Arendth because in youth most of us know it better (conscience works better)… yet when later they get shaped in a wrong way (and become clouded), they loose a bit touch yet again Hanna is still right and our constitution… And in most cases even evil people know somehow when they make other to slaves… especially speaking about slaves and ruler… Further, the idea to see some no longer as persons… as a group of people, tribe or whatever… this works only via very much hate… but even in Nazi Austria… most people did not know exactly what was going on in the KZ camps… we have already spoken about it, ya, or they kept a distance to it… like wegschauen, looked away, a good part has not known everything about it… and just did go with the propaganda… so even in this worst case scenario… also here we can confirm it to a good degree… And the constitution (with all the rights regarding the people in Austria) must be based upon a clear philosophical basis and the rights of a person and not of a machine. And so we also have our constitution. And those who see only machines… they are the psychopaths and sociopaths and whatever insane people… which should never represent humanity.==> We are very well aware that sometimes a little compromise is made regarding the Briefgeheimnis (emails etc.)… but when the limit is reached, like collect all your data after the will of the apparatus, watch you via TV camera or Handy or... and define people as terrorist (again how they do it today in USA) and general save all the data over years and should that be also the case in USA today which is quite possible, ya it really looks that way, then they ODER DO it… … Therefore my message regarding this super-surveillance chip society state by which a “club” gets all the data, first check again if that really is the case… and then they shall change or thrown out… And you recruit not your people... ERGO we use common sense... some sureveillance is accepted and also the Cobra in Austria needs it or the police... but no Dystopia ==> and if you go too hard against us... you will be first WARNED!
31) PLATOS CITY(and Nomad who rewrites it a bit): And about politics: governance—organized control over a human community, if it is a good governance then they do that what they get paid for, to serve their citizens and to help to make the country stable and flourishing, and when it grows too dark, it is all about power... and sometimes we call it fascism or communism or a mixture of both or bla bla bla, also Aristotle defined it... when it becomes too dark... or when we see them just contributing to the current delusion of absolute control... Ya, and they must also be sensible and judicious in the circumstances... And Media (communication) must be nowadays also included, because also that has much influence. YEA, and simple when it goes out of balance... then the FLUID DYNAMICS GOES INTO ACTION (we may call it the cup gets again full or judgement)... And ya, geopolitics includes still the military power… and today the economy power people want to rule… and set their hope upon the immortal machine, this fools, anyway... ==> Plato said: wealth and health – are dependent upon the divine goods, of which wisdom is first, then moderation (less in animal passions), then justice, and finally courage, human goods are good for someone who is virtuous but bad for bad men, and if virtue is necessary for benefit and thus for happiness, promoting the happiness of the citizens will require making them virtuous [wherefore the highest good is God in the apocalypse, infinite want - infinite treasure, nurtured by the universe, inexpressible joy and communion with all things]. Feeling pleasure and pain correctly, similar if a country, culture goes towards degradation (like USA today)... first they have build it and later some of them look back and mourn. And yes, schools in a country need ethical education, until they reach a better place [it makes it clearer what virtue and vice are, and sometimes it involves more pain then pleasure, otherwise this foolish people will never wake up]. LAWS and JUSTICE, when done rightly, it will promote happiness [truly possible]. The Athenian asks: what type of polity we ought to form. He answers: the best ruler a city can have is god, and that they ought to imitate the rule of god by ordering their city in obedience to reason, the immortal element within themselves ==> THATS WHY LC, THATS WY WE WIN + THE ADVANCED SPIRIT WINS!!! These regulations set down by reason are to be called law, rather persuasion then force, so also we must ask ourselves, what liberates us? And why do we fall? what makes us happy, excessive self-love as “the greatest of all evils” and “the cause of all of each man’s wrongdoings on every occasion”!!! And therefore and also many love their possession more then what is just, or they are not willing to follow a high ethical demand, yet again, take everything away from them, and you end up in a kind of stagnation by which any advancement is brought to a setback...Nomad knows that… thats why we need RIGHT BALANCE with our future city vision!!! later more to it... ok, and if the population is not advanced enough, then overpopulation is a problem and also immigration and emigration policies which are designed to avoid population excess and deficiency will no longer work ==> THEREFORE WE GO HARD AT LC, we want to see the MASTER PLAN! And ya Japan has for example today a problem yet when we have here no problem, then everyone can have a happy life with a house or apartment which is big enough (for we need a certain mental space, because remember we have material, psychic and pneumatic people, but not just that, we must define it better (intervene to some degree, what we build)… because most people should consider themselves to be part of the middle class… and to avoid greed… here we must do something, later more to it) And further the city shall work after useful functions!!!! Anything accumulated over the highest amount will be confiscated by the city... again a strategy of balance (so also with apartments, but don’t worry now, we will have still diversity)... I see no reason that when someone has not the talent to be a top scientist in that city and he serves another useful function, that we steal his joy, no, he shall also have his minimum standard… Therefore also here we need a balance... And the community works as a whole and further, we live not just in our houses, there would be many other things to enjoy in that city (benefit system), yet but with less vice... And under the law, everyone shall see it as honour to do his part (work force)... and when people are more energetic, they naturally want to work or etc... Preludes, lawgiver, education, preludes are designed to be instances of rational persuasion, that is, attempts to influence the citizens’ beliefs by appealing to rational considerations [which includes the “spiritual achievement of the whole city”]... perfectly as Plato described it: therefore, to insure that someone like that [one whose reason is not strong enough to rule himself] is ruled by something similar to what rules the best person… ==> we willl also build this beliefs for the MATERIAL PEOPLE, to a good enough degree they go along with it!!! Plato also said: The Republic does not intend to provide, except to its highest class, the philosopher-rulers, an education that can result in such a rational appreciation of basic ethical truths. ==> WRONG, because also the lower class has a hidden kernel and it would destroy the city if we would fully exclude them… EVEN WHEN THEY ARE NOT READY, SOME OF THEM… ya still they must belief that they have a saying… and still they must be trained to some degree… today things changed… LC is openly displayed... And we have still the law and justice system (therefore they must receive the fundamental teaching yet some other things remain maybe hidden to them, it depends on which level they walk or and also someone who is part of the simple workforce, this does not always mean that he cannot make improvement according to his spiritual nature, and useful functions get shifted as we need them, we would have a table of content which includes the population and what the city needs currently, also this is integral part of the justice system!!! but does that mean that I say that smoene cannnot choose his job? NO…. JUST WAIT… YOU WILL NOT UNDERSTAND ME RIGHT NOW, WHAT I SAY is that the CITY will have a SECURITY WHEEL!!! And further and ideally, the city would be in need of gods or of those who achieved a very high state of liberation, because their presence makes other diligent and it would impart faith and hope into them and it would show them the reality thereof [superparadise], a state which is above the lower human nature, a state which is worthy to seek [below is a bit impotence and weakness, depends]... so, maybe if you speculate that Humanity will at on point go higher the ladder, in 100s of years or whatever... then probably it would be similar to this city and also Plato emphasizes that allowing any magistrate or political body unchecked authority runs too great a risk of the abuse of power. Such a risk is still too great even if the possessors of power have genuine knowledge: even those with full knowledge are subject to corruption in such circumstances!!!!!! And music is an important factor: it is their duty to constantly encourage in themselves an appetite for ethically improving songs (but it does not need to be boring stuff, it can be also about the courageous woman or man etc.), because Plato understood it rightly: every young creature is incapable of keeping either its body or its tongue quiet, and is always striving to move and to cry, leaping and skipping and delighting in dances and games, and uttering, also, noises of every description. And similar behind the veil, we sing the NEW SONG, our mouth in awe and praise, joyful experiencing the divine nature and many other things, and therefore there is a little playfulness which is healthy for the community and the individual, and similar we see rythm and harmony in nature, dancing, and we need also gymnastics or sport in school, which will also help them to grasp value concepts, ya, and their mathematical and astronomical education may be designed to allow them to articulate those concepts and to see their role in structuring the cosmos (Nomad, in our case with a more holistic science)... a lifelong nature of education – and, in particular, the striking claim that old men must participate in symposia so as to make their souls young and malleable again. And correct music is music which resembles the imitation of the beautiful ==> if you ignore that, you will destroy the country, similar as seen today with USA and their corruption and problems(they are more busy today with their own greed, prevalence of nepotism, corruption and also ego selfishness paired with incompetence, wherefore this includes also some other countries but USA is at the peak… and ya, and I repeat it again, we are not too religios but common sense balance… so also still in RADIO in Austria, they play better music… THEY DO THAT… and maybe no one gave them a rule… but it shows that they are serving their country… and that they have still a mind… for this mindless animal music which is only about decadence… throw it away)... Ya, and USA has lost to a good degree its gloss... and I say it again, I do also not recommend boring religious music or a steril type of music, that is not what I prefer... it has nothing to do with that, I would rather call it spiritual music... or common sense balance… can even be fun, what is really animal music, YOU KNOW IT(hip hop pop and Mercedes, bitch, Dollar, throw it away)…. And poetry can be dangerous, it must fit according to the city!!!!!!!... yet for sure... there is still much room given, much creativity etc. And for sure we must allow different voices, also accordingly how the city can improve. .[yet, the main goal is the search after the beautiful and after true happiness, and also beautiful science can exist, this is not excluded]... Benefits would exist in that city, similar to capitalism, but still a bit different, as there must be a better balance reached and the definition of goods is also part of the educational program (also here we must achieve balance), and how it serves the individual and the city!!!!!!, and the spiritual achievement!!!!!. And everything ordered by a quasi godly law.[and useful functions, with the highest GOOD in mind]...And this serves also the environment [not to have just pure materialism or etc]... The cosmos has been put together by God (divine intelligence) with a view to the safety and virtue of the whole, and that the parts of the cosmos – including human beings – have come to be for the sake of the eudaimonia (happiness or well-being) of the whole cosmos [and therefore this inlcudes also YOU and me], thus we have to become gods or must achieve a higher level, to build that city]... because Dominion does not exclude responsibility (and you see that already with the seven Spirits wheel, to be embedded = healing)... And also we profit from the cosmos, it can be our playground and joy or it can damage us when we do things wrong or when we have not yet reached the ultimate (environment problems, war etc.)... I do not speak here about a big sacrifice, no, I just say, this is the rule of the cosmos, and if you want to have rulership and everything is here for your benefit, then you operate as an integrative part of it. And I can give you a very simple example, which most people can comprehend according to their fallen but still to some degree functioning conscience, that is, if you want to catch a fish in the sea and if you need to kill that fish, you will do it fast, there is no reason to extend his pain. [in fact, to eat fish is not a sin, but if you have fun to torment the creature without necessity, you can accumulate mud or some like to call it “bad karma”, or you are simple too dull!!!!]. And I do also remember you that this creation has not yet reached a higher liberation and that not everything which you see is found on a higher plane of existence and that humans are part of the problem that nature is fallen (understand 8 billion people or whatever who do not walk in the high energetic state, they confer no real healing and the energetic field operates on a low level, yet, I know that now I sound really like Alice in wonderland, but you can also understand it via frequency)...
32) and similar I see no reason that when today both work, woman and men, that 7 hours per day work would be not enough and we could produce stuff which is much more endurable and having less consumption propaganda… And regarding durability, that is the most important stuff: cars, make it a bit better… houses and apartments (most important, also energy efficient), kitchen (mostly refrigerator, oven...someone may change after some years the outward design but the engine etc., should become better)…. Wherefore about some other stuff we present later an excellent solution... less waste... and so on… the competitive system and how they produce things must be strangled… not that “competition” falls complete away but a UMDENKEN… and this includes also refurbishing, but also durability… and we will have solution for the future city and still everyone will be happy!!!… And for sure we will not just hand over all power to central bankers or a weird power junky oligarchy like in USA… this means WAR… and then we the people build it new… And another one will say, what is for example with Africa? We cant invest in Africa… because we would produce even more waste and… and so it goes on… and then they ask me, how much feelings do you show for Africa? My answer, the guilt is not fully upon us, it is also we the people who did go forward (and we are also in a colder region, this plays also a role and some other stuff)… And for sure Africa needs some help… wherefore regarding timeline and to be fully ready with technology, it needs 2033... Ya, and I know, then they say again something and it goes on… Topic switch: and my reader asks me about the nuclear winter, and I reveal only so much, we still have our speculations: МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИЯ ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЙ НАД БОЛЬШИМ ПОЖАРОМ В АТМОСФЕРЕ, some belief that most soot and dust will stay in the lower atmosphere without reaching the stratosphere (that would be not more than ~ a half billion deaths and injuries---globally, when we check all weapons today...year 2021)… and the impurities are washed away by rain… And others say any number above 100 warheads will result in a nuclear winter… like a conflict between Pakistan and India… And you must also understand… that we should have a law or agreement regarding the nuclear arsenal…no one wants that everyone builds 1000 warheads... And then you ask me about Co2, and I remind you to Darwalls book, Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex, this is rather a book to show the unintended consequences of current energy policies (and the history) and how it is done in the name of a power driven socialist ideology (wherefore social engineering includes always to replace the family, abolish the patriarchy, Olof Palme). And do I say that we should not make the planet more green and etc.? Answer, NO… but there is a difference and we do not just follow the WEForum... ==> And your are right the bigger threats are nuclear weapons and bioweapons... but what wonders me most, when we speak now about Sars2 and the bird flu virus, ya even the bird flu stuff was initial official… only later it got hidden away… we have it here to do with bioweapons and they were not even made in military labs, dual research… ya, when we are cautious and check the whole situation, most stuff was done in the name of science… we want to get a better vaccine or whatever, which is so or so bogus… all this is somehow complete insane (and for sure the final changes and inserts regarding the bird flu engineered virus… here it got hidden way yet not the initial phase, and yes, some other play now also around in USA, its no longer banned, GOF studies, includes even MERS, H5N1, therefore they do the OPPOSITE NOW… but we know that some people are already GUILTY, and this experiments were so dangerous that they got directly banned and now, they work on it but it becomes a completely opaque process, and for sure we need not to worry about any Bioterrorist :-) ==> the NIH has ignored 100s of warnings from other scientists already 2019, and that with the pan vaccine is a joke, or should they stockpile it??? and they know the mutation problem… and etc… so its also about Bioweapons or simple insanity (make it more contagious & etc HIV inserts, and the inserts in the name of science, we want to develop a pan vaccine), wherefore I know H5N1 Is probably lower with the fatality rate, it has not the WHO official 60 percent fatality rate but maybe 4 percent up to maximum 10 percent… who knows… yet there is another one, and again let us not forget mutations) ==> YA, with that stuff the elite may believe that they can threaten us… but we say… you stand on the wall now… we have enough of that garbage and then to see this clowns on TV… you can do that in USA with Fauci and co… but… you will learn your lesson when you don’t get back our mind ==> Now, when SATAN would be really the VICTOR than you would be able to abolish death and live the best life (very important to say that)… but you cant do that! And the problem is so called “Karma contracts”… what do I mean? I say there are people who are a bit what we call bad boys or… yet it is a difference of what they want to accomplish… the good, the bad, the ugly!!!! ==> and today we have Babel peak and sold out animals and especially in media, partially politics (depends upon country), but also entertainment industry (wherefore its now not so much about Hollywood cancel culture but…) and the fact remains that many will fall in a bigger way… and Iam very well aware that today we have Babel peak and I know the cycles… (wherefore other people just go along… and feel more secure because they only look upon their closest neighbour, they have no eyes to see, nor ears to hear). And I know that, even in the CFR, council of foreign relations, we can use it as an example, ya many just think about business or… and prestige and… its not like that everyone knows where it is heading… they just go along with it (for them its socialism or this and that...)… and therefore not every top agenda is known by them… and I know all that… (wherefore today, we need also to mention it, that is, it can no longer be so hidden... their agendas will become more obvious, as the seals break open… as the apocalypse gets revealed… so also the dark circle… yet we need no war… the higher rationality wins) ==> and in USA for example MSNBC (this clowns), this becomes so hateful today and disgusting, its like LIFE sucking, they have already their NEW NORMAL this clowns... which shows us again how stupid this elite… this words… like it would work any longer and also derstandard in Austria tried it hard (COVID social distancing and masks and immigration = NEW NORMAL)… what fools they are, how dumb they are, such poor creatures ==> And yes my reader this game existed in history long ago!!!… an elite and games played, and those who gave their yes or had the idea regarding some stuff, whatever it was, any events… they did leave a mark… and when they could go away with it, they felt justified or had much joy or… but anyway I do not say that it is so today in this or that country or bla bla bla but I say this is a dangerous game and you can make a whole country crazy with that stuff and not just that… they can become also megalomaniacs who go complete out of touch… Machtspiele…. ==> further, Compartmentalization (among higher officials, business circles etc.), that happens when it goes out of balance and then they go fully into control freak stuff and other such things, including massive rules and regulations… wherefore some of the elite (including the banking cartel) will say that my book proves that individuals must be ruled… and only few are ready for absolute freedom!!!… My answer, thats why I talk about right balance (and useful laws)… have you not seen it??? ==> IAM NOT IN YOUR CLUB (the higher club, not speaking just about CFR...), now and I shall get no immunity in that chip society... but you make laws for your self and say KISS MY ASS... so also I say: KISS MY ASS ==> YET I need not to say anything because first of all their city would have only a very short lifespan and second of all... they have miscalculated Europe and other and generally the information age... I said, they are in a too old grown mindset ==> wherefore we know also that not all billionairs are fully in this pinky and the brain stuff (self centered and sheming or simple in megalomania etc. PROJECT B.R.A.I.N mind-clouding powers of a radio character called "The Fog")… And also media should not just become “PSYCHIC VAMPIRISM”… you should have some intellectual stuff...
33) Von der Leyen and George Soros will not rule over our constitution… And it was Soros who said that the FLÜCHTLINGSKRISE (refugee policy) shall be accepted as the NEW NORMAL, ya shall Soros change the Einwanderungspolitik in the EU countries? (Memorandum der Soros Stiftung, 10 Mai 2016) ==> open society foundation and etc., they are all unelected people… and we know that about the EU: Ferdinand Kirchhoff (Vizepräsident des deutschen Bundesverfassungsgerichts): Ihre Distanz zu den Völkern verleitet sie, Richtlinien zu erlassen, die sofort geltendes Recht werden, aber erst innerhalb von drei Jahren in nationales Recht umgesetzt werden müssen. Wenn nationale Umsetzungsgesetze dann etliche Jahre später auf Empörung in den Mitgliedstaaten stoßen, verweist Europa auf eine längst schon geltende Rechtslage und jeglicher Protest dagegen verpufft...dies Technik weicht dem Volkswillen aus… ==> the EU wants to put themselves above the constitution… (and there is then also a problem with Konsumentenschutzgesetz oder Produkthaftungsgesetz etc.) ==> does the EU tell use to have only certain potatoes or tomatoes or artificial flesh is the best stuff for us or bla bla bla? Whatever… you will not make that DISTANCE to the population and then think that in that way you can produce garbage ==> you have done it in USA and you have produced CHAOS… And I know Soros talk… the EU circle must ruler over all countries… otherwise nothing gets done… yet what needs to be done? WHAT is so important? CO2 surveillance, to have all data about people, anyway check the bat chapter int his book… you shoot yourself in your knee and still you open your mouth you clowns… And the next topic is AI… and how it is handled… Grundrechte and etc… Wherefore Fuellmich also said (and he is no small one… this person is very smart):“The fact that health has never been an issue is particularly obvious, except that injections of genetically experimental substances disguised as “vaccinations” are now causing serious damage (Nomad: wherefore its rather that they banned other vaccines, I think Astra Zeneca now in Austria, ya, and about mRNA we see later more… we have no long term study...)... AND THAT WAS HIS IMPORTANT MESSAGE: There will be contributions and discussions on how the food supply can be secured, in particular by strengthening regional agriculture; but also by creating regional currencies, if necessary with the return of the EU to the EEC, on how to ensure that the policy of the “Davos clique”, based on printing money out of nothing, can be stopped and a return to stable currencies can be achieved. ==> ...Above all, experts will explain how it could happen that we find ourselves in this blackmail situation unimaginable even a year ago…. it will also be discussed how the main perpetrators, in particular political perpetrators, of the crimes against humanity committed here can and must be held accountable under civil and criminal law in the framework of a new International Court of Justice to be established in accordance with the guidelines of the Nuremberg trials with international distribution…. And the list goes on but we stop here… and yes I do not say that Covid makes no problem at all yet he calls it a hard FLU… and its not about that for me but what the Davos clique does etc… and how this banker want to take over with the other. And we spoke also about a possible TUBE TAX which could solve problems... WHY IS IT CALLED OPEN SOCIETY? ya, they want to know everything about us, even our thoughts... that was a good one... we tread you out! ==> AND RECONSTRUCT the PROTO INDO EUROPEAN language just with AI... so is AI the solution for everything?... irgendwann schnalz Ich dir eine Schwab und euch Rotzlöffeln in der EU, ihr Trottel... AI must be used in a sober way... and my book proves it, nix als Scheiß Propaganda im Schädel... und dann stehts da wie die ärgsten Trottel... und meine Kinder lernen dass... ihr NARREN, ELENDIGEN NARREN!
34) first they produced the financial crisis, bubbles, 2008 (even a movie exists about it, corrupt banker etc.)… now all this lockdowns by which Argentina spirals towards total poverty, and other… And then they say that it is the SOZIALSTAAT in Österreich… and because we have more people in pension… this NGOs and newspapers think that they can fool us… you are on TARGET NOW! WHAT IS WITH A TUBE TAX? Come with a CORONA TAX… we will meet you later… but the hard way ==> a CAHSLESS SOCIETY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED, WE GET ALL THE NAMES IN THE EU CIRCLE, AND WE GET A TUBE TAX (on digital transfer of money)... and we have the option for the NUREMBERG TRIAL... and in worst case scenario (like just ignore us) the population will stand up! and throught the ministery of finance... we could also get back a public owned central bank... with both we could manage it... ==>
35) The idea to own nothing is a very real and a good idea yet it is a dystopia or some maybe believe that we could build a utopia… Ya, why do I say that? Below the ladder people had always a good intent ya even with communism… and more far up the ladder also evil found and find its seat (and its also a crony capitalism, and who makes laws?), and similar I could say, ya in the apocalypse I own nothing, its my God given land yet it I have also total LIBERTY (or what you call freedom) and an immortal mind and LIQUID FLESH... And their idea is now to strangle freedom, this is very obvious, this frogs are gnomes got exposed… ya, to such an extent they want to take all your rights away that everything shall be known about you [and maybe paired with a social credit system) And again you will say, we in the apocalypse have a transparent soul and are known by the ultimate source (also called God)… and we have nothing to hide before other apocalypse saints (like the mineral bubble bottle)… because we are purified… and as explained somewhere else… we are total easy going and could live in a house without closed doors… and share more things… and just hang around with other, you know like kids… or its more easy to imagine it with kids… other kids just come… and we are not stressed out…. You maybe can remember back when you were a kid… I speak about healthy kids… and somewhere else in the book we also spoke about this topic (and also here we used the ship symbol, always ready to spread its sails)... 1) My question: what are you doing with a money ladder by which the club has more material people…? There are no gods in the club… and we know history… and what happens when people have too much power… and etc… and they believe they can do whatever they want. 2) And then is further the factor when it is build in secrecy, that it will dumb down because of propaganda tools.. yet for sure in future this tools would be more advanced because of technology but nothing of it will be perfect… it will go into more depravity (more dumb down)… and we know how it would become even more depraved, recruiting tools and AI and etc. With Dinosaurus on top... 3) we have no Einheitsmenschen, we have material, psychic and pneumatic people, and we have already exposed their folly and propaganda, mixed with DEPRAVITY… this frogs and gnomes have only propaganda in their mind... 4) when it is build only upon a scientific dictatorship and transhumanism or… something similar to it… it goes against the higher self (which resides in the apocalypse) and will ultimately end in anarchy and chaos, ya, in a very brute way, Huxley is not more wise than Max Heindel (with Nomad). 5) NEW earth is for everyone… like we would have kingdoms in the one and only kingdom by which I understand the global approach but no one of them is immortal right now… so all this becomes ridiculous regarding a full blown communism or to go with a country complete out of balance... 6) MIRACLES, MYSTERY and AUTHORITY, all three things I have at LC… but not just virtual… or via cheap drugs… and yes it is very interesting for me that Huxley spoke about it and also because I spoke about the inner desire for it which cannot be neglected, ya, it becomes obvious because of the apocalypse… a desire for the supernatural. 7) and also that I understand: The cry of "Give me television and hamburgers, but don't bother me with the responsibilities of liberty ==> this is disgusting and also I would build my book hard with the dark fire grid… and chastise them a bit at LC… yet however we look at it… the next problem arrives… that is, somehow we must evolve together and nor is the Elite secured by living out just in secrecy their rulership… again, the dark fire grid… and we have spoken about that (yet on the other side Huxley writes too hard… because people learn in school, they work hard… many still… and they try to take care about family or…, anyway, and also to add, they have no guidance, they are without the holistic truth, that is also a factor ==> 8) the other side, for an outsider like me its very hard to understand their intent, because for sure some in the oligarchy have en evil intent yet this does not mean that also the opposite has its seat… and we can have both, that is, conspiracy theory people who exaggerate fully and an elite which claims to be most holy… and I guess, its a mixture… yet the top is more EVIL… we have already figured that out… its not about a healthy society… FORGET IT!!! (And again the question, whatever they sacrifice to reach their goal… who says that later on in 30 years, that they will not sacrifice people who just go a bit against the system...or maybe they want to own our bodies???, this radical transhumanist animals... like this group of people will now get that kind of food and we will see how they do in 10 years or bla bla bla, so there is a major “missing TRUST factor” and that factor will not go away because people wake already now up to it… you dumb creatures!!! and they fear this distance… its like between us and THEM, for we shall be transparent (full surveillance) and are still somehow their slaves because of that distance… and also how that whole thing got build up and we know that often much corruption was involved… so that their chosen people could gain more power! And also about the EU... when people fear it too much... or realise some health scandals (and lack of transparency)or whatever... it will destabilize…), 9) I understand the religious depravity which played also out in USA… make the cross to everything [without the mystery]… and we know how they “degenerated”… and we clearly saw the unregulated greed problem 10) Agree: life in a huge modern city is anonymous, atomic, less than fully human ==> there must be a solution found for that, and I guess some want to make cities more green, and also I have a solution... 11) Against over-organization: self-governing, non-hierarchical communities of production, which were also communities for mutual aid and full human living. And meanwhile, in London, the Peckham Experiment has demonstrated that it is possible, by co-ordinating health services with the wider interests of the group, to create a true community even in a metropolis ==> and when you build here too much distance… to achieve communism, ya, the social structure will be less effective!!! However we turn it, village industry is still an important factor… it needs the social structure… to avoid depravity… and similar a social structure is MAYBE less effective when there are too many people… ==> if you believe in democracy, make arrangements to distribute property as widely as possible and if you wish to avoid dictatorship by referendum, break up modern society's merely functional collectives into self-governing, voluntarily cooperating groups, capable of functioning outside the bureaucratic systems of Big Business and Big Government. ==> so they do the opposite in USA!!!!! WITH FULL INTENT, IT GETS WORST AND WORST!!!! this dumb animals!!!!… and we know who takes over… we see the whole plan (with over-organization) ==> but this will destroy the social structure to whatever extend...==> you may better understand me with tribe-like responsibility: Iam known, I have my neighbour, we must take care, people speak about each other (and I have seen how people became more dumb in communism and are less doer… or today also seen in some places of USA versus some places in Europe), for you deal here also with the Spirit!!! And it cannot be that a failed experiment becomes the prototype for all other… and right now not even a solution is found for all the points I have mentioned… and therefore a pure communism goes then again out of balance… and again greetings from Jung (and the grid), that is, when the population looses too much their stamina… it just takes a bit longer for the elite, its not like they are a separated bloodline and just stand above of it… HAVE YOU HEARD ME YOU DUMB CREATURES? 12) The annual increase of numbers should be reduced. But how? We are given two choices -- famine, pestilence and war on the one hand, birth control on the other. Most of us choose birth control -- and immediately find ourselves confronted by a problem that is simultaneously a puzzle in physiology, pharmacology, sociology, psychology and even theology. "The Pill" has not yet been invented. When and if it is invented, how can it be distributed to the many hundreds of millions of potential mothers (or, if it is a pill that works upon the male, potential fathers) who will have to take it if the birth rate of the species is to be reduced? And, given existing social customs and the forces of cultural and psychological inertia, how can those who ought to take the pill, but don't want to, be persuaded to change their minds? And what about the objections on the part of the Roman Catholic Church, to any form of birth control except the so-called Rhythm Method -- a method, incidentally, which has proved, hitherto, to be almost completely ineffective in reducing the birth rate of those industrially backward societies where such a reduction is most urgently necessary? ==> I want to do the OPPOSITE of what you are doing, I want to make Europe to a model for it… yet naturally and with real indoctrination, that is to show them the whole thing as explained and even use the corona topic for it and a twofold indoctrination... not really an indoctrination, ya in fact this PROBLEM DOES NOT EVEN EXIST ANY LONGER… we had only 8 kids because no pill existed and bla bla bla… and to make this topic transparent… people are happy also with three kids… so or so we get it naturally done… and in a transparent way...later more to it...13) I have also mentioned a lot of points which will be solved with LC, I have proven that… and I have build it in “counter attack like with the pendulum” yet then again regarding the city of the WE forum… for me this is a total lack of balance right now as it is presented (and yes, somehow they need also their stable foundation, wherefore Iam very well aware that some would try to build that later again after a crisis… similar to the 4 steps of achieving communism by which step three is the crisis as mentioned somewhere else… and again for me the stable foundation is the holistic cosmic truth which includes science, and OUR futrue city vision, later more to it) 14) Now the question about balance and the city and what I would say: when you just want to achieve this totalitarian system by which you ignore every social structure… people altogether will stand up at one point and turn crazy and so also XI knows that when he goes further down that road… he goes in danger… and another thing, many don’t believe in that CO2 thing today… and here all of you will disagree… but I would redefine it as environmental protection and to become AUTARK!!! or like that one gets the overtone… and as we have spoken about products turned into services: refurbishing, durability, repairability and recyclability…, later more to it...(we will not rent everything!!!, w must find balance on every level regarding the future city vision!!!!), ya and this is not even so a bad idea and so we would say, the amount which we rent… and we can switch between stuff… I give that again away and now I use something else… And again to repeat it: we need minimum stamina in people… everything else is disgusting and we must preserve somehow such tribe-like self-governing communities (with responsibilities) and we don’t want the depravity which is often seen in China (mainly lack of taking care about other, they are so absurd that they do not even hold a door open for someone behind them or ignore injured people who lie on the ground after an accident)… or in USA (mainly more dumb down and weak and greed – if I get what I want then...)… like becoming too weak… and so also the elite would get the STAIN without even fully knowing it [after some while]… ==> and then we have the problem, without goods no development… yet by no means can you just say, that is, only when you are obedient to the state (or city, social credit system) you get your reward because then again the social structure is in turmoil… And the other point is, a transparency must still exists regarding the law and between ruler and population or otherwise over long or short and also because of mistrust they will overthrow it… the fear of the unknown is much too huge (and also because of corruption and Hitler type people in the past, Schwab, the next one...)... so this is rather a question if the elite wants just their slaves and hopes that they can do with them whatever they want or if they achieve a better balance because and also they have not just a bad intent and therefore will be able to accomplish that one…. The idea is that the CITY is the community, so it is also between people yet to deny any self governing stuff robes them from responsibility and from communication between people… and to make it sheer virtual… does mean that all including the elite will go backwards because any wall which they want to build is merely an illusion… the grid will get them… YOU FOOL US NOT, YOU FROGS AND GNOMES, WE GO HARD!!!! Now, and the city needs somehow a BRIDGE which gives them the idea that they can do something for other… and that more directly and paired with responsibility... (and minimum stamina preserved, and we call that now just LITTLE WHEELS!, later more to it) ==>Absolute in agreement with Huxley: In real life, life as it is lived from day to day, the individual can never be explained away. It is only in theory that his contributions appear to approach zero; in practice they are all-important. When a piece of work gets done in the world, who actually does it? Whose eyes and ears do the perceiving, whose cortex does the thinking, who has the feelings that motivate, the will that overcomes obstacles? Certainly not the social environment; for a group is not an organism, but only a blind unconscious organization. Everything that is done within a society is done by individuals. These individuals are, of course, profoundly influenced by the local culture, the taboos and moralities, the information and misinformation handed down from the past and preserved in a body of spoken traditions or written literature; but whatever each individual takes from society (or, to be more accurate, whatever he takes from other individuals associated in groups, or from the symbolic records compiled by other individuals, living or dead) will be used by him in his own unique way – with his special senses, his biochemical make-up, his physique and temperament, and nobody else's. No amount of scientific explanation, however comprehensive, can explain away these self-evident facts ==> and we explain that at LC, we know why!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DUMB CREATURES!!! who just follow Huxley… and not just that, we also want a blueprint at LC by which the conditioning process goes in alignment with the higher self!!!!!!!!! But maybe again the elite or some of the elite are against it because they will say… they become too strong… or… YA, but we could also say, we approach the city with a better balance… that is the individual has to take on more responsibility! A pure artificial construct can never be the solution and nor will it help them to scan dreams or thoughts of other people (dark fire grid - myriad of nonsense, its for the cat, and the population only gets mentally ill like having a foul religious Spirit as an ape sitting upon their neck, and the logos is above AI!)… rather a higher meaning for life must be preserved as a kind of co-evolution between the spiritual and science… and science should not be misused because again any bigger degeneration means that it fails altogether (if you believe it or not, also the elite) yet we must use still restrictions… (law and order and yes, security is ok and surveillance is allowed yet limited) ==> and many scientist fascists will here disagree but again, you cannot just listen to technocratic nerd fascists and who go again out of balance... it is much more secure to have right balance and achieve a higher acceptance… wherefore you would say now to me… maybe we can find out who are the pneumatic people? My answer, maybe… but the psychic should be able to profit from the pneumatic ones… and a pure separation would help also nothing. ==> and most importantly they must have a feeling of security that not material people alone have the upper seat in that city… because any distance and bigger lack of transparency and like they achieve it only via mind control and play Oz behind the curtain… will not succeed… or it will succeed over some decades but the whole thing becomes too dumb down (JUST CHECK USA, EVEN NOW this dUMB ELITE IGNORES IT, so this forgs and gnomes failed… yet will tell us that we are in need of them!!!! what a fallacy!!!, this NGO people)… And I say, belief here not nerd fascists because they don’t know the apocalypse. And when it would be not just a dystopia (which will so or so fail), then this utopian achievement must include an observation instrument regarding the elite… for remember that men is a political animal as soon as he gets too much power or wills to have even more power… and then the biggest weaklings take over at one point… and the whole fabric becomes total surreal… and degenerates again… YES, still a distance be kept but somehow it cannot be allowed to let it completely run on its own… and this is the PLATO issue versus the other one… the balance factor… to those who have no desire for that power yet only want to live their life in that city. So the city must have some checkpoints...with middle men who were formerly just in that city... and elected by the people… THEREFORE WE MUST KEEP THE LITTLE WHEELS IN AUSTRIA (FÖERDERALISMUS in Österreich, BUNDESLÄNDER…, nearness to population etc… yet can be made better later, avoid absolute power and too much distance!) ==> further, a real idea regarding the fascist nerd: genetic standardization of individuals, uniformity ==> and lets say that would be possible soon which I doubt greatly because of the soul imprint which you do not understand right now… again… this will serve only psychopaths and sociopaths who are themselves too weak and now want to hinder other to achieve the ultimate… the apocalypse… but again this is contrary to all those who imagine themselves to be in great power… and who would feel themselves superior and then but fear that real strong people would emerge who even break the boundaries of this material realm (liquid flesh)… and again without having this CHECKPOINTS then this WEAKLINGS among the elite would take over and the FLUID dynamics will destroy them all… And the non-rational propaganda reaches a breaking point, people will soon no longer tolerate it and even newspaper goes in danger because they have OVER-DONE it and people get angry, ya and maybe quite possible soon some will be killed (but yes, also many use that stuff in the art of selling, and also USA is hated because of too much show)… This is a clear sign that people not just want to be left behind and to be seen only as stupid herd creatures. And so I even implement that in my LC book, because I say, we have to go forward, and if the elite wants to succeed, they must also again become better. Iam too bold? Answer, nay, but I compare Europe with USA and please, what prototype do we choose? Are we really happy with some of their stuff today and where does it lead us? ==> wherefore this is also a question for the elite, we put our energy into that topic and have done this or that to achieve it yet what can we do that it does not fall apart after 80 years???… The idea that the state is your father and mother and we have a kind of collective… its simple too weak because they loose stamina (and this should only serve the elite to more easily brainwash them) and at the end it will affect all (and not just that, other problems will occur, because we cannot ignore that for them the idea shall remain that the city represents a group of people like the many houses not made with hands…so its not just MY FATHER!!! you frogs and gnomes... and also responsibility must be an integral part, self governing in whatever degree (by which we must carefully position some checkpoints) … and we even include Gaia) … but I do not say that we must dismiss the higher ideal regarding the city… Wherefore this suggestion and autosuggestion game is not less a problem in some religious circus circles… illness… and weakness… and I just call it show and I want that Europe is spared regarding such a depravity and therefore and again LC is cult… WE GET RID OF A LOT OF RELIGIOUS PROBLEMS!!! HOW IMPORTANT THAT IS, YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!! And what Huxley said here: But the sacred juice had its drawbacks. Soma was a dangerous drug -- so dangerous that even the great sky-god, Indra, was sometimes made ill by drinking it. Ordinary mortals might even die of an overdose. But the experience was so transcendently blissful and enlightening that soma drinking was regarded as a high privilege. For this privilege no price was too great. ==> at LC we know what Soma is yet not just that… we prepare them rightly… and it is not for everyone… ==> and when you make a big experiment, let me make mine, and I want to connect them with GAIA! ==> those who take some soma must keep the CYCLIC RULE as explained and the CONTEMPLATION FOUNDATION of LC (so not to go astray) and only for those who DO GOOD WITH IT and they must keep the rule to AVOID THE LOWER ASTRAL CRAP (which is a secret, known by me) and they must INTEGRATE THEMSELVES in society and as I said UNDER AGE 24 (or something like that and especially under age 20) it is not allowed because and also they learn that 24 or 25 is the age of immortality and until having reached that age they shall not take it because of the development phase and they have to go to school and etc… only after it the cyclic use shall start…. And we have ADDITIONAL TRAINING AT LC… and ya, some few exceptions may exist… taken on time but in general… no...==> I would like to have in Austria my MULTIKULTI place at LC in the mountains (as also I like that other visit this place)… and so the WEforum elite shall not bother me… And again that is a funny one: For, ironically enough, the only people who can hold up indefinitely under the stress of modern war are psychotics. Individual insanity is immune to the consequences of collective insanity (but that includes also any war scenario), ya, somehow he is right… and somehow we must break through all that crap and act sometimes insane… ya so also the dark hour is hard and the alchemical process… but a big advantage for our members at LC when they learn it early… and with the RIGHT LIGHT FIRE IMPRINTS, then you will no longer be in need to participate in colective insanity… nay… LIGHT FIRE… and HOLISTC... ==> And again topic switch: fatigue increases suggestibility, fear, rage or anxiety markedly heightens the dog's suggestibility ==> similar corona could be a mind weapon… when it produces fatigue but again this does not mean that it would work at all… for always rage against others could be produced… and apocalypse = fearless state...and energetic… ya, at least they want to us ethe fear factor, this weaklings ==> And yes, the ELITE can ignore me regarding everything, but they will so or so fall… it shall not be my problem… out of balance = no chance that they survive… And again about media, learned form Hitler: "right is on the side of the active aggressor… WE ARE RIGHT, and you are this or that, racist or Antisemit or ect… when you do not follow us" ==> but this does not let them look less dumb today… ==> In the democratic West there is economic censorship and the media of mass communication are controlled by members of the Power Elite. (even more so in USA) and propaganda is done via repetition, suppression [of facts] and rationalization [of passions]… but was he right here?: A society, most of whose members spend a great part of their time, not on the spot, not here and now and in the calculable future, but somewhere else, in the irrelevant other worlds of sport and soap opera, of mythology and metaphysical fantasy, will find it hard to resist the encroachments of those who would manipulate and control it. ==> He is not fully right because LC does not provide herd mentality just because of mythology, ya because we combined it with reasoning, that is to understand the history thereof and interpret it rightly and we us right imagination and divine science and all that for ones personal individual progress [and nothing is merely a fantasy, divine reality is ultimate reality]…and sport… this is not just negative… and we want also to have our fun… And as we see the Elite by itself did grow dumb… And about big business dictatorship: it tends to turn him into an automaton who pays for his human failure with increasing mental sickness, and with despair hidden under a frantic drive for work and so-called pleasure ==> its rather a kind of weird uniformity… but yes, as long as they know its not perfect… they are not fully that automaton… the practical reduction of human diversity to subhuman uniformity, of freedom to servitude (with too much organization)… and then they talk all day long about EQUALITY, THIS ROBOTS and DEPRAVED ELITE, TODAY!!! ==> And again we need minimum stamina and therefore what is our prototype??? USA is not the answer!!!!!!! WE THROW YOU OUT!!! Further, Science and arts: The wish to impose order upon confusion, to bring harmony out of dissonance and unity out of multiplicity is a kind of intellectual instinct, a primary and fundamental urge of the mind ==> this becomes again fully clear in the apocalypse… but we keep balance with the 12 foundations in that city!!!!!!!! And I agree again and also an overpopulation and city problem (wherefore I read here for the first time his book and I saw that even he used the subhuman term which shocked me): People are related to one another, not as total personalities, but as the embodiments of economic functions or, when they are not at work, as irresponsible seekers of entertainment. Subjected to this kind of life, individuals tend to feel lonely and insignificant. Their existence ceases to have any point or meaning ==> and so I see it as my duty to explain to my audience the EUROPEAN IDEA regarding immigration and our model for the future… but also balance with individuality and virtual reality and etc.. LC gives you the higher meaning… in fact its part of the city… spiritual achievement ==> conclusion: everything what Huxley did write in Brave new world revisited and without having read it, ya, if you believe it or not, I have already known that, call it inner knowing or whatever...==> therefore I must go much HIGHER then that at LC and give my vision for the city… with the 12 foundations. Ya, if I would build that city, I would like to filter those pneumatic ones out and place them for control in the upper class (and there must be simple a discussion among different topics)...among the elite… And you ask me, which technology can determine the light level of a person and his soul structure? I don’t know, ya, what I don’t want is a nerd fascism which is useless like to check every person fully day in and day out… nay, but rather an examination of all people… that is normal… you are 12 year old or… or for the military you get tested… psychology… and ya, maybe brain waves or can give an indication about the light level of person… and ya… this is not so important… but leader should be a bit examined… yet also then the question… could it be misused… therefore lets ignore that point right now… and we have also not the tools… right now... And the other thing, yes, entertainment for the masses… but what will thrive the development when you want to have a universal basic income? Answer, whatever the WEForum say is GARBAGE!!! and there should be still some bonus things and coupled with some other rewards for achievements... And Newspeak does also not work bin the same way as we know that HYPER feminist never had a well functioning family or got abused or whatever… and in the same way you look like clowns with your equality propaganda, ya when you just want to use it to control the masses...WE HAVE ENOUGH OF IT!!!!... all this tactics as explained in this book, now mixed with corona… it is not well grounded and was not fully successful and USA = chaos today.. and weak minded… and etc... And it will over long or short lead to aggression against the government and media and to amplify it with censorship will soon lead to harder attacks… and you would even deserve it in USA… or we may say so... Now, and we see the same with the O Biden idiot who destroys the integrity of women sports (boy who feel like girls shall be in woman sports)… this is too cheap and this kind of destabilization serves not really… and I guess, most people will have no problem if he gets shot down soon… Again the question, do you want also to hang here on USA and go so far down the road? And ya, if a woman likes to have their hair cut short, ya, we always had that (or if a Schultz says in Austria, for me feminist is to be feminine (feel myself as woman) and have a saying, I do my job and I do it good...I have no problem with that)… and maybe regarding others who cut their hair short and etc., ya maybe one day they become more feminine or not… its up to them… yet this full blown HYPER nonsense… I will teach against it at LC, this kind of Brave new world indoctrination, ya, we call them out as animals… enough is enough… this old depraved Elite and then to hear about it in the stinking newspaper... And if they claim superiority like only their media shall be seen… give them a sign… you will learn that you will not just rule over us... And it is quite enough to catch one of them and break him... (speaking spiritually)… YA, SUCH an ELITE which is so weak deserves not to be called ELITE… because they have no higher methods… and operate upon the lowest ground… ==> And again my problem with the universal basic income and that robots and AI does a lot of the job and they all shall be more entertained… such a scenario is only possible for 2030 when a bigger depopulation would have already occurred and so I wonder what is going in their heads? For imagine how many robots and etc. we still would need… ya, they have too much fantasy in their minds and nor do we just become virtual reality people… you gnomes and frogs… you have lost reality… in your dumb circle...==> And yes, and again, we miss still that we need not to be thrown into cold water when we have a universal basic income [or full communism], therefore my question about spiritual evolution???… and if we could see it all just in a positive light? ==> there needs to be some sort of SUBSTITUTE.. as I said it, to achieve something is a natural disposition and if you ignore that, you will destroy again the city… yet in the apocalypse it is above merely winning and loosing… but not all people operate on that level… COLD WATER ISSUE IS IMPORTANT… and DIVERSITY… not just a communism which ends up in a grey puppet show... looses all the colours… RECAPITULATED: 1) some stuff they rent (balance with goods, yet what, this must be answered, and still all shall be happy, its also a durability issue etc.), 2) without goods no development (it would just become grey and a puppet show, therefore and again balance with goods), 3) not just virtual people like this gnomes and frogs at the WEForum have it in mind, YA, WE GET RID OF THEM in a HARD WAY, because communication does matter… we need balance, ya, we will use even a correct infrastructure for that etc. 4) big city (Vienna) and green design… what do we mean?, how can we make it better?, 5) little wheels to preserve stamina in the population and governmental nearness to population, what can be made better?, and also important to avoid absolute power...6) this frogs and gnomes will not just take over in big company style and make their own laws, big companies… just to have that… this will result in mental weakness...7) Infrastructure, houses and apartments, we must define here something… so that we achieve the lowest crime rate, etc,… we already spoke about Japan… but still something can be made better… 8) there must be a security in the wheel… and self sufficiency upon which this city is build… and this even merges with the green agenda… Autark in the most important points… secure country = secure government… 9) regarding some stuff the government needs to have a bigger SAYING… so that we can build the future city… 10) balance with surveillance... WEForum will be treated out… 11), transparency as TRUST issue, wheel…, people must believe in it. 12) overpopulation becomes no problem in our future city… they get even taught about it in school… and this problem does no longer exist… they had only 8 kids because they had no pill or… and people are happy with 2 or 3 or…BALANCE can be easy accomplished, later more to it… 13) 12 foundations… balance factor, individual and collective, and to PRESERVE DIVERSITY… LATER more about the FUTURE CITY VISION and how we build it…!!!!! WE RULE… YOU WILL BE THROWN OUT… or you will so or so not endure.. AWAY WITH YOU gnomes and frogs! 14) Ya, and also LC is part of the future city vision… higher meaning in life… and we become holistic!
36) And together with our FUTURE AGENDA ==> we keep a planning regarding population and not to fill VIENNA with slums… and we will not allow that… no, we should keep an eye on that… and the rest must take the job he gets… and property becomes later again more cheap… we will have here some options and what to invest regarding infrastructure. They may not get their dream job but later on in 5 or 10 years they live in better houses or apartments… and instead of building too many houses or... we invest more in energy (heating issue, this or that)... Further, when we have more space, we can have real health - recovery places for tourism… and mix it with a bit more wildlife like with musk ox or Gämse (chamois), or wolves, or Rotfuchs (red fox) or Goldschakal (golden jackal) or this and that… we can merge it in a wider territory, cities or villages and… so people come in ~40 years to Austria and we have this change… its not like a zoo… its simple a few animals here and there… And its not so bad for this few animals and it costs not much… and we try to achieve the best AIR in Austria… green Austria… And it shall serve us as a psychological PERVASION. ==> fact is 1980 and this has less to do with my birthday but here it was so la la la acceptable (and when we include that we have better technology now to become better “self sustained” – self sufficient)… so to have again the 7 million in long term… and today with over 9 million it is not doomy gloomy but… we must go also with natural cycles... (because overall it gets not much better)… we cannot tolerate that they mess everything up.. And yes, the PERFECT number no one knows exactly...some would say ~5 million, other 6 million or 7 etc., we will figure that out together… and the good thing… should we become too few people in Austria… you don’t need to have much fear… naturally they want again more kids… we have here a much better balance then you think… ONLY THE DEPRAVED NGO ELITE SCREAMS, YOU NEED US!!!, but they are fools… and proven wrong... And we can have Austria in a real good condition… so Iam not a total radical. And we must also think about it how we can manage any decline and if necessary then the government will intervene regarding properties to give them more cheap to others, houses and apartments… Or for you the worst case scenario, we bring down the EU central bank (back to EZZ) and build again a public owned central bank and try to push 1 percent tax on digital transfer and other will follow… People are not stupid, they wake up to the SCHEME… ==> which could end in a FIGHT to death MANIFESTO… and REVOLUTION… Wherefore the GREEN idea can survive because we also think its a good idea to become more energy self sufficient… Wise people have no problem with that idea… and especially to work constantly on UPGRADES… how we can become better. What do I mean that the government must intervene? Answer, we would have then more empty houses and empty apartments (in better quality) and we cannot allow that the energy efficient buildings and good buildings stay empty, no, rather we must provide it for those who keep the productivity up in Austria… and so in a worst case scenario (when a population decline should happen)… they get it more cheap for rent… or can buy it more cheap… And this motivating factor will again push the productivity… behold you get now maybe not your dream job and work a bit harder but you have a very good living...(and Baubranche changes to other infrastructure issues, energy efficient, this and that). WE HAVE ALSO A DREAM, that is, AUSTRIA IS ALMOST ENERGY “SELF SUSTAINABLE - SUFFICIENT” (and for sure this includes food) in ~30 years and we become a PROTOTYPE for other... What is the main reason for WAR? Answer, its about resources… but when a population can take care about itself… you need not even a HYPER brave new world like some fascist nerd would like to see that… no, we just go on in a better balance… ==> its not like that we are AGAINST THE SYSTEM, no, by no means, but we have to INTERVENE now if we want to secure our future!!! And a HYPER brave new world will also not be tolerated… at one point people will stand up… and Europe is diverse… So where do we build stability and what serves most the GOVERNMENT? Answer, that you listen to me and make an evaluation about it and how we accomplish that target… And as I said, we include that knowledge in the school system together with expertise regarding environment, future and sustainability… and etc. And it is about everything, clean water and less walls and bla bla bla… and its useless to make Austria to a prison (less life quality)… And we get also more jobs via GREENING, that is, old rotten buildings get destroyed and making it green. There will be no ARBEITSLOSE. Its like this WW2 thing and men and women had to build again Austria… so also we make a campaign regarding rebuilding Austria… better life for all. And the REBUILDING campaign includes that teacher in schools are up to date and that also regional (and Austria wide), that is, where do we need mostly people? And they will not have fear to get no job… all that pressure falls away from them… YOUR FUTURE IS SECURE… and this will also strengthen the community together with the GREEN mentality. And if we have some older people who can still here and there help with their expertise (especially those deep studied ones)… they will be very welcome and they will also still feel very good about it… to help the young. The older people you simple give it to them, if they help for a few hours or twice a week or… somehow we find a solution… And yes, Bauschutt (Building rubble) is a Recyclingprodukt. ==> SO OR SO THE MESSAGE IS THAT OVERPOPULATION IS NO PROBLEM HERE… it will find naturally its balance and nor do they need to teach HYPER EQUALITY… ya, rather we tread them out at one point… this depraved newspaper people… you are just brainless.. idiots… THERE IS NO PROBLEM… YOU TRAITOR MAKE THE PROBLEMS… now with Corona shift money away from us… and give again more power to an depraved Elite… one day we will stand up… you gnomes and frogs… WE ARE IN NEED OF YOU, you say? REALLY? TELL ME! ==> LOOK AT THIS BASTARDS, they shift the money away from us and then they say... we cannot sustain the people in pension and we shall get more immigrants AND the leftist whore paper derstandard just repeats it.. NOW SUDDENLY WE CANNOT SUSTAIN IT EVEN WHEN WOMAN AND MEN WORK!!! WHAT A WONDER!!! ==> WHEN WE WOULD HAVE IN ~ 25 - 30 years ~ 8 million people in Austria... and we can sustain it, energy, food, etc., and we have many companies... and technology... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING WRONG HERE? ==> I TELL YOU WHAT IS WRONG, THIS BASTARDS KNOW THAT and thats why they try their last move and want endless pandemy ==> for sure they are bastards, they belong not to our country yet want to shape it after their agenda and a future city vision which does not work ==> we have pushed on... and want to push on... as I said, ~2075 we would make the biggest jumps but they say that we shall be like a beach country... I speak now not against Spain... but you know, somewhere in the south and more old religious orientated... and... WHO has elected this rascals?
37) How do we couple it with the population? Very simple, self sufficient wheel... best life quality for everyone... and if we would have later too few people, naturally they want more again... and if too much... you just teach in school... guys and girls... this is our wheel for the city... the 5 kids season or whatever is over... and you will be more then happy with three or two kids... for this is only a mindset and some exceptions will exist... is also ok, and without pressure, we dont need really pressure... THEY look upon the SECURITY OF THE CITY... country secure, everything secure and high life quality... The Elite stinks today and they know it... they have nothing more in their hands except their useless fantasies.
38) And we will have everything we need yet this PROPAGANDA in USA will be not tolerated here... they have build it merely upon materialism and the green Dollar... constant propaganda in radio and TV and etc.... dont tell me anything... I know it... and they also wanted to use that... and then they say... we the people have never enough, always want more or bla bla bla... whom do they want to fool? You go to USA... its another vibration... you see it... big country... and we want to have the most expensive luxury house... and otherwise they feel empty... or bla bla bla... I know USA and the diffrent vibration... I know all that... and then this depraved Elite puts their feet inot Europe ==> AND THATS WHY YOU WILL BECOME MUCH STRONGER IN AUSTRIA.... future city... and enjoy nature and a good living...==> and if we are true... if I see the sea one or two times per year... then it stays special... and enjoy it much more... Austria is not so a bad country... I lived in over 40 countries... and we take care about our food... so then also society needs right balance in the future city... and if they want to bring us down... WE GO IN WAR WITH THEM (one option we have already, back to public owned central bank and tube tax and bring Germans under pressure) ==> WHAT FUTURE DO YOU WANT FOR YOUR KIDS??? and EVALUATE THE OPTIONS WE HAVE (but also what can we really achieve...?), fair play or not? ==> SLOWAKEI GETS BETTER (also we helped them a bit or...), AND MAYBE WE WILL HAVE IN FUTURE A HIGHSPEED TRAIN TO CROATIA... and CROATIA has rather a clean sea, and the buildings are nice... ALL WHAT WE NEED ==> I lived in more then 40 countries... this is PERFECT... and four seasons and mountains
39) Martha Stout: What differentiates a sociopath who lives off the labors of others from one who occasionally robs convenience stores, or from one who is a contemporary robber baron, or what makes the difference between an ordinary bully and a sociopathic murderer, is nothing more than social status, drive, intellect, blood lust, or simple opportunity." Robert Hare: Psychopaths also have a markedly distorted sense of the potential consequences of their actions, not only for others, but also for themselves. They do not, for example, deeply recognize the risk of being caught, disbelieved or injured as a result of their behaviour." Stefan Verstappen"In every competition in life, the cheaters are going to have an advantage. The people who act immorally, who have no regard for truth, are gong to have an advantage over those who play by the rules. The result is that those who achieve positions of power will be the most ruthless, the most sociopathic, the ones with no conscience." Henry: "The truth is the only thing worth working towards. What separates us from the psychopath is our conscience, and our conscience must become the voice of truth. True conscience raises us above the example of animal behaviour set by the pathocrats." Robert Hare: "Psychopaths show a stunning lack of concern for the devastating effects their actions have on others. Often they are completely forthright about the matter, calmly stating that they have no sense of guilt, are not sorry for the pain and destruction they have caused, and that there is no reason for them to be concerned." Ian Hughes: "Psychopaths differ from normal people in that they lack the ability to relate emotionally to others. As a consequence, they have a terrifying ability to treat others not as human beings but as things to be exploited, tortured or killed, as they see fit." Laura Jadcyk: "Psychopaths are experts at using people. They can ask anything of anyone without embarrassment.... Psychopaths lie for the sake of lying. They can convey the deepest heartfelt message without meaning a word of it." Griffin: "At the center of oligarchy is the idea that certain families are born to rule as an arbitrary elite, while the vast majority of any given population is condemned to oppression, serfdom, or slavery. [Some] Oligarchs identify wealth purely in money terms, and practice usury, monetarism, and looting... The essence of oligarchism is summed up in the idea of the empire, in which an elite identifying itself as a master race rules over a degraded mass of slaves or other oppressed victims. If oligarchical methods are allowed to dominate human affairs, they always create a breakdown crisis of civilization, with economic depression, war, famine, plague... A pillar of the oligarchical system is the family fortune =>> Nomad says, some of them... ==> AND WE MAY SAY, its all about STATISTICS and NUMBERS!... and Iam white and Iam still much different to other white people... how does it work you fool?
40)John Swinton, American press: I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes." … John Stockwell: "The owners of the Washington Post long ago acknowledged that the Post is the government's voice to the people. In 1981, Katherine Graham, who owns the Post and Newsweek announced that her editors would 'cooperate with the national security interests'. National security in this context means 'CIA'.". Kinney: "If deliberate distortion of reality by corporate media could be effectively prosecuted in the United States, the entire industry would be behind bars." ==> its not o worst in Austria (and w ehave it alos still intellectual) but we must fight back, derstandard will be strangled
41) Former chief scientist of Pfitzer said: DOCTORS INCLUDING FORMER PFIZER RESPIRATORY VP & CHIEF SCIENTIFIC ADVISOR FILE PETITION COVID VACCINE COULD BE LINKED TO INFERTILITY (synctin 1)...Antibodies created from vaccine may target protein responsible for successful pregnancy, petition claims (and thailandmedicalnews showed us that Covid can also cause some fertility problems, ya in a slight way (they had to go to court and they did win because other called them conspiracy people), yet they probably amplify the whole thing with the vaccine) and I explain that because this so called fact checker said that Covid must also cause fertility which is not true and therefore their petition fails... and we say, ya, very slightly, this is proven and with their vaccines, what are they doing now again? ==> but what is more important: You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions... and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects ==> wherefore we know so or so its a lab virus… and if little fertility problems occur… ya, maybe… this does not matter here so much yet I wanted to correct the fact checker...
42) theoretically, lets build a vision only for Austria to explain it: we have no OVERPOPULATION problem and the SECURITY WHEEL becomes a mindset and we learn it all in school and everyone is still happy because we would only need to say, two or three kids, and some exceptions exist… no big pressure…nothing of all that is needed… and some will have only one kid… so for sure we will never say, have only one kid… And because the topic becomes transparent… = security for government… we may call it TRUST POINTS... And surveillance is limited (no nerd fascism) and little self governing structures will not cease to exist (for the community, for responsibility and not to dumb down, and keep some stamina). And further Austria becomes energy and food self sustainable and as we have spoken about Platos city, now everyone can have his modernized house where he lives or simple houses or bigger apartments with terrace, build together… here and there in Austria... and for sure it needs community stuff like open air bath and zoo (and etc.) and ski resort and stuff like that, and it must by all means be combined with nature… it can by no means be just a virtual reality society or to waste their lives only in such an entertainment circus… the Elite can dumb down, yet get not fooled by this Schwab clowns... And yes, healthcare is free for everyone… and then we must avoid greed to a bigger degree… yet and also we need a substitute additional to it, like to be a bit thrown into the cold water and so to get something done (so also there must be some pressure in the school system)… for further development… And the city could have the wheel… that is when we need by all means someone for this or that job… he must do it for a while… and the structure is so build that there is no huge distance to any people who govern that stuff… there must be a kind of transparency because only that will secure the whole thing (take fear away from them)… Therefore and only the BIGGEST QUESTION remains about the substitute and what can be used? This substitute must be a law (with consequences) yet can be written like a constitution… and it must include honour before God (before the source of all things) and this can only be done when we combine it with LC (with the whole divine science and who we are and how we evolve) ==> to SECURE the whole thing we must play on both cards, that is 1) resurrection life and the ultimate as shown by Nomad and whoever followed after him, that is PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT and co evolution of the first and second knowledge and 2) man can not handle yet total freedom and therefore and according to the fluid dynamics, all that they will also learn… and the dark history etc., and that we must preserve the DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY AS A WHOLE (therefore the laws and consequences, or law and order and RIGHTS) but this solves right now still not how we preserve the COLD WATER issue because we may say some people like to learn stuff and want to get stuff done and they exist but we would be still out of balance and too many people would just go the most easy way… ==> and it cannot be a social credit system like we see it now in China and they go in big danger because they are not yet on that level so as shown the vision for Austria… they cannot endure in CHINA… thats all what I say... and there must be something like opportunities in our city… like those who work in a responsible way and get stuff done have the possibility to do more things [I speak here about nothing special, just bigger bonus as we know it]… ya, it must be something which they really also want to do beside only to live in that Austrian city...Yet again with surveillance like this nerd fascistic idea we go out of balance… and so also when we would have less transparency… because the idea shall cease to exist that behind the curtain (like Oz) some material people could mess up the whole thing (and which is a real thread)… And why is that justified with bonus points? Answer, because people before them have build this stuff… all those who have worked and have accomplished more stuff... Yet then the question exists how can we prove that someone is a good person and worthy and does not ignore point 2), that is, the DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY AS A WHOLE (and we must do that without nerd fascistic instruments, because we want to avoid imprisonment ideas like a religious Spirit sits upon our shoulders and knocks on our heads…) ==> there must be used a more natural idea… a better COMBINATION (with surveillance only limited) ==> a pure nerd fascist alone is by no means the answer for the Austrian city, NEVER and there must be enough human interaction involved and we also learn from little mistakes... and the balance must have freedom restricted (as also kids grow up and have to obey their parents and as also the city is not just your parents as some psychopaths want to sell it… but there must be an obedience still achieved regarding that city), therefore yet enough freedom. It is rather like we are first born of God in the apocalypse and we had our parents so also no one can say our parents are the city in the first place... only INSANE people do that… the city represents the COMMUNITY and we together want a good life... therefore and again, 1) and 2). And that cannot be in any other way because we combine it with LC and still acknowledge the mineral bubble bottle (kernel reality, the many are one) and like the many houses (not made with hands) in that city... and therefore and again we do not leave the higher ideal of the city yet stay in balance and further no fallen human can build that city like to press it upon people only via force (or weirdest brainwashing)… which does not work… The DANGER is to go out of balance and therefore it only succeeds via a combination. And yes, it is no problem to teach the higher IDEAL in schools, that is rather perfect… they must know both things.(yet you will ask, how do they not just get conditioned by their parents with their failures or you may say that parents have still too much influence and that brings us again in danger? Answer, no, we solve that problem with broader communities, we build it somehow via bigger interaction among them, the family blood will not be denied (so also not the immortal race blood) BUT the city gets a community infrastructure which somehow brings them into more interaction with each other, as in the same way we go from natural birth to the apocalyptic spiritual birth, and that will serve us most...and people will understand it, its the diversity which helps us most yet still some individuality must be left regarding families… for let us not forget that the parents know the HIGHER ideal and will less be tempted to condition them in whatever anti-city way, so we have already a big FACTOR here… and on the other side it needs again RESPONSIBILITY which we can never deny because otherwise we dumb down and no AI will do that for us and so I say again, forget the frogs or ideas from a sociopathic elite... And what so far I taught here works very well, and we only need to prepare the school system and some entertainment stuff properly and connect it with the HIGHER SELF (we become not too religious but worts propaganda will be not tolerated). NOW and therefore then mainly the question is about the COMBINATION (with also a more natural way combined) regarding obedience to the city (and cold water issue). Somehow we must achieve that some belief that they get a bit left behind and etc. [= VERY IMPORTANT] when they go rebellious or think that they can just profit from the city in a slothful way... as in the same way winning and loosing is still an issue and they are not yet in the apocalypse… And robots or AI will never do the whole work as and also we must continue to be creative and innovative and learn stuff, keep that knowledge and also have to know how to repair stuff and etc… and later discover more things in space and maybe build homes on other planets… And there must be a lesson in school to show those who invented stuff and helped to build the city and bla bla bla… similar like we have it today and as we know many names… that we will not skip… such people we HONOUR!!!! And yes, in the moment you speak about a universal basic income (and have houses for free and to be energy self sustained etc.) you go in danger and therefore we must ask again how could they get left behind? And further a pure communism destroys DIVERSITY and it becomes a grey ugly uniformity… and loosing creativity etc… (All that what we see today will vanish in that grey area, the foolish elite who denies that must be thrown out in a hard way!!!). Now then an equivalent to the 12 powers of the soul we achieve via a 12 step ladder, because to achieve results is naturally and so also we impart that in the city and must stir it up in them and when someone goes the easy way, he must really feel it in a harder way… and in the same time we must be able to observe ones abilities (because some are simple less talented or have difficulties in learning some stuff)… And this ladder has bigger bonus points… so then when we have houses already or to say it that way, that which we call basic stuff… now, beside the highest bonus points (which enhances life quality and development, and that can be also simple more often a holiday at the sea or… because we all want to see stuff and gather experiments and also want to have bigger fun stuff etc. but it includes also many more things), beside that stuff they must still fear to loose too much… to really get behind in a harder way!!! And yes, the WHEEL I would keep (emergency jobs, they must do it when needed in that city yet it will be a transparent wheel, a big wheel so that everyone sees, aha… this could happen now to me or...and to preserve the city, anyway, here we speak only about workforce and emergency situation...)... By no means can it be a social credit system like take care what you say… because all such Chinese methods must vanish in that Austrian city and over long term it serves us nothing and it would go into the opposite direction (and the idea must remain that it is no prison or no real prison, happiness and free expression must be part of that city and further they learn a lot in school, including the dark history)… Yet we need a penalty for the “parasites”, for as we have spoken we need both sides… 1) and 2). ==> and this is also greatly justified because that is an inner knowledge (I help you, you help me and so on)… and the few people must get their penalty… And since the WHEEL preserves the CITY people must learn their stuff in school and also since different MAIN JOBS exist many will learn also higher things… but so or so we achieve a bit more change with jobs and emergency jobs… by which the whole thing becomes also much less boring… And even when a doctor must build something for a house or whatever for a few months, also that can happen and so it is… and this will also serve the social structure in a much better way. And the little Self governing stuff, that is also regarding what projects for the city shall be achieved (entertainment parks or bla bla bla) and that could be also done via voting… And still I do not solve the anti diversity issue!!! ==> ideas, inducement in the science sector, companies, innovations… etc. Problem: 4 things coupled: 1) Security, 2) Competition factor, 3) Goods or bonus, 4) Esteem, plus 5) Self actualization = city/apocalypse… NOW, we found out that pure communism cannot work… now we found out that when I speak about the wheel, then I say the wheel secures the city… and the city is autark or self sufficient in the most important points… and everyone can learn what he wants to learn and has his main job… and only in an emergency situation… we would shift the workforce… yet all that is kept transparent… THE WHEEL SECURES THE CITY… further with 12 foundations, the last 6 one are merely defined as BONUS… and the first 6 one as MINDESTSICHERUNG (minimum security) for everyone when he simple does his job… and w emust find some balance with the infrastructure… most people shall believe that they belong to the middle class...
43) and if we would had a MINDESTSICHERUNG, then how does it look like... and when the city is autark in the most important points... that which secures the city... then what are this points... and then also all those who would be a bit lazy in school... they shall be able to do that job... to secure the wheel... and all other... whatever they learned, thats their job... and if he does not want to work at all... then there must be consequences... but you see already how difficult that is... and you see that by no means can we skip the government... all this free market talk and no state... throw them out this idiots... and further we want to keep the little wheels... ==> and then come another problem: lets say the security of the wheel = emergency communication network for all citizens, smart greenhouses and agribusiness (main stuff), heating for homes... power supply (so in future geothermal, solar, hydroelectric etc., ya, and one nuclear power plant when we would build one)... And another person would even go further and would say... but even here we fail in the definition because everyone would say, ya, my home or a roof over my head and a refrigerator and a oven... to make my food... also that is part of the FUNDAMENTAL WHEEL SECURITY... And then the questions, what happens when people recognize that all that will be supplied... or we secure it via workforce... for everyone... or to say it that way, what happens to the other people SEE??????????
44) NOW, I talk now like it would work… at the end I give another answer, lets go on: One thing is sure, no one wants the poorest life!!!!!, and the wheel is further embedded in the morality codex of that city... and via some technology tools we can also better discern the talents and abilities of everyone… yet we become not nerd fascistic!!! (and it gets also sold to people as a helping tool, like we check you for some weeks how you do in school, and we do it not when they are tiny kids but maybe when they are 10 or 12 years old or so… and we really could help them more and at the same time we can better see and understand their abilities…) and it is rather twofold sided: personal help is on top of the agenda yet the development and city obedience will not be denied… Now, still we would need a balanced competition factor… as in the same way, may it be you are in Ski Rennsport or whatever, ya you need to be pushed by others… and that factor we cannot deny… but we may see it more like a game like we do it because of the game… with one hand pointing towards heaven… nevertheless the winner is the winner in his field with his God given talents… including the hard training… and so also even a scientist must study hard and contemplate many hours and clear his head in stillness before a bigger breakthrough happens or etc., yet he is also a doer, to achieve something, this is obvious, so it is… And also LC would push people to have some body workout and etc… and to be versatile… like explained in this book, and we also need role model for that and maybe or yes Iam sure, we will have them in the city… but this can be done in a creative way… but such motivator shall exist in the city… and also that is part of the education program. Therefore the question still remains about the balanced competition factor. And yes, the productivity becomes no problem because we have also robots and new machines in the future city...and etc, so it is still an easy going city, ya maybe work 6 or 7 hour per day or whatever… And the question if the higher IDEAL could be skipped one day? Answer, not when we keep it alive… we only need to keep LC alive… but still the 12 foundations problem remains… ==> Back again to the question about the balanced competition, how do we accomplish that or how do we embed it in the wheel??? And for sure we must split it and stand in exchange with other countries… so also today it would be boring if we would only know our stuff and an American has never seen a BMW or whatever and an Austrian has never tasted food from a foreign country… whatever… but and also in the Austrian city itself we must achieve self sufficiency regarding the most important points. One thing for sure that is, we need different sector as we even and also know them [whatever we study mainly] in universities and since we have already all that in the 21 century, now then for sure we must keep it and therefore every sector must remain in the city and if necessary also new sector will be added [and this is also an integral part of the “higher self sufficiency” – sustainable program... and progress according to our city with its wheel, and also a “sort of proud”] but again a competition factor must remain, to push us a bit… Basically what we need is a REWARD system which is complete social righteous and transparent...and whatever bonus points they gather, they can choose later what to do with it… so I would rather speak about a sustainability index (protocol) paired with the SECURITY WHEEL...and therefore it includes GAIA (and to have the clearest drinking water in the region and so on…, just as one example, O, this is even beneficial for society, we take care about each other… higher life quality for everyone) ==> and the KNOW HOW must be preserved and is even part of the school system together with the holistic LC topic... ==> and the new balance with nature (and the holistic view) diminishes the too materialistic way… this becomes obsolete... and the community works. And also architecture, new buildings we make them often a bit round and in different forms, ya and we embed the architecture into nature which becomes another psychological pervasion of massive importance… And about jobs, this must be clarified also regional… self governing issues… for some will be less satisfied with their environment… and as it fits the wheel… some margin we have (the additional good thing)… yet we also teach them discipline… And when we would say that the first 6 foundations everyone can achieve no matter what his job is and that includes his home (with all necessary up to date equipment) and access to public pools and zoo and such stuff… entertainment parks… it needs a very sober calculation for that… really acceptable… and now the last 6 foundations… that can include in the last foundation a helicopter flight on the weekend wherever he wants to fly or whatever… take me not too serious now… just see it as bonus system like we have it with money… you learned more… you earn more later… etc… this is common sense… a doctor must achieve more! or bla bla bla... (yet even someone who has the lesser job has at least a few times in his life the chance to do also that but it cannot be compared with those who have bigger bonus points)… and here only the WHEEL which is transparent and controlled (via all the necessary information) will give us the right distribution… And regarding the first 6 foundations, the thing is that he who does the lesser job is not really so much less important for the city (secures the wheel) and therefore we need right balance yet still some further bonuses… And the population must be small enough so that every family can have their 100m2 apartment or house… because we go after endurable stuff (in future, what we build and we have the technology) and it is about high life quality for many and super high life quality for those with more bonus points… And if someone lives alone, he still shall have ~ 65m2 and terrace (except he is in an old age and does not need it, ya this would be even an obstacle). And for sure shared stuff with family… they have that bonus, family fun, and even 100m2 and terrace, that is enough, or a bit more, depends of the children… YET HERE WE NEED A CLEAR CALCULATION… WE MUST HAVE HERE A HERD MIDDLE CLASS THINKING AND A NORM FOR THE VAST MAJORITY OF BUILDINGS (like I belong to them)… or for people… minimum standard…. yet some diversity remains… Any dystopia with tiny apartments we must avoid, this serves us nothing… no… its just a population factor thing in future… no longer a problem like we see that problem in Japan today... ==> and I explain that because most important so they will see themselves as being free (mentally enough space)… and the city endures… its a MENTAL SPACE factor… And when we accomplish all that, the city endures without problem. And when the LEADERS of the city give them a good life then also they evolve much faster and have other benefits regarding their spiritual life and still a competition factor will not cease to exist... And thats why I would build it that way… and not sociopathic or too fearful. And the idea of peace shall also remain… (And technology and machines will do a lot of job in the FUTURE city and simple we would also have the know how) ==> And finally and YES, the city would had still Angebot and Nachfrage yet whatever he sells and when he sells it… may it be something for your home or whatever useful stuff or artistic stuff or some innovation for a car… now… for that they get bonus points… and here we have also a perfect system which works together with the wheel… ==> the CITY is like a strangled capitalism by which unregulated greed has no chance and the whole thing is coupled with LC and so also massive with nature to achieve the desired harmony, and again not to forget with the wheel for a better community and so on. Do you call it socialism? Answer, no because it can only succeed with LC… and so I would call it: Its a GREEN “self sustaining” (autark) city regarding the most important points... coupled with a social ladder by which the fundamental stuff fulfilment is an integral secured part (when obedient to the city) and by which the market economy works via additional bonus points to sustain the ladder and diversity, and by which the job wheel is transparent for the population which is also the philosophy of the “self sustaining - sufficient” city = a WHEEL SUSTAINED CITY coupled with REGIONAL SELF GOVERNING ENTITIES (responsibilities and stamina preserved, federal states) and a FUNDAMENTAL NEED FULFILMENT (under obedience, secured) and with a SOCIAL MARKET-LADDER ECONOMICS (diversity secured and also a need to achieve results) ==> but how can you combine the wheel with the market economy??? Answer in every sector (like we have it with university and what someone mainly studies), now he has the chance to be innovative and go ahead with some stuff… and it does not matter if it is arts, clothes, or a museum which gets perfected, entertainment or science or whatever about production… or the less learned one who wants to get bonus points by working sometimes a bit more… yet the question remains about who finances this or that project? And to leave any communistic centralisation which would make it ugly grey and dead…Therefore the city must still have a central bank...and price signals (created by supply and demand)...wheel planned and free market social economy? ==> only for the future city possible when we have the technology and when we are able to fulfill the Autark part==> What I really do with that city that is, I slow down a bit the development of the city because its less capitalistic and their fundamental need is secured (when obedient as written) yet development is still not brought to nought (and diversity must also remain) and so in summary mental health becomes much better and the community flourishes… And because it slows down a bit our development, that is technology sector etc., and because it needs an adequate population number for that (sustainability), therefore I use that model only for the future city… and by which we have the whole technology… and productivity easy accomplished (machines, robots, technology etc.)… and etc. And again it is also coupled with LC and therefore still a bigger creativity factor will remain even with the wheel in the city… Conclusion: let it be that way with 1 knowledge and 2 knowledge… perfect. But what government form has that Austrian city? Answer: it is half dictatorial because state governor (and voting exist) with self governing stuff, that is we have a margin regional and decide what we build, entertainment parks or another public pool or museum or whatever… also today we have that… the federal state checks any bigger projects... etc… and with three presidents (voted) who have oversight of the whole wheel (wheel economy president, wheel political president, wheel infrastructure president) and with a constitution (human rights, justice system and technology and fundamnetal need fulfilment with the 12 foundations ladder etc… which cannot be broken). In the same way as it is half capitalistic… yet it is also transparent because of the wheel and therefore not really dictatorial… and everyone knows the infrastructure, technology and etc… they understand the “self sustainable” city. And the three presidents can only push something or bring to pass any required change without being able to diminish any efficacy regarding the wheel. Wherefore if you call it republic or half dictatorial, this is the same… and we just play here with words… And further the WHEEL has a time schedule protocol, that is, we want not to spend more then the 6 or 7 hours for the wheel job (or whatever) to sustain the city, we must somehow get a protocol and via technology and machines and robots and manpower figure out the right balance by which also bigger interventions get avoided… and therefore we do not just become slaves, whether today nor tomorrow in that city, and the city stays modernized and always secured… (only few exceptions may exist like building a new highspeed train) and also that is in the constitution because the constitution contains the wheel. And so somehow we will figure out the WHEEL (with current population) with the balance to the economy market and build limits… ==> it is TECHNOLOGY, DATA – INFORMATION which makes the perfect wheel calculation possible and so also enters the constitution… and the wheel will change maybe a bit over time but the fundament about is known and we can always return to something better or change to something better...since the population is involved… they learn about the wheel in school… now, no fear… and fully self sufficient regarding the most important points… And further even an Elite and lets say they would like to have again billions of dollars… the answer is simple, they cannot use it whether today nor tomorrow… and that some have a bigger boat, ok… but you know, their life does not really get so much better just because of some extra tools… and also the population can enjoy in holiday to cruise with a ship somewhere… depending on bonus points, which ship, ya, and to go diving or and have jet ski fun or whatever… An elite may exist (and they have some extra stuff)… but they should have already learned that a beautiful city is better then just to have endless money… only a beautiful city makes life better!!!!… And yes, I don’t want to allow trades (bonus points making) just with the stock market (shares), we should also find a solution for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!… and we are LC orientated and less materialistic and the combination with GAIA will remain. The final 6 steps of the ladder are kept so far under control so that the first 6 steps of the ladder (basic/fundamental living and necessary up to date equipment at home, including the home) are never threatened and this includes also the time schedule working wheel which will remain stable…. THE WHEEL is everything… and bonus points are bonus points = a half capitalistic system. And therefore the SYMBOL of the city could be for example an old SAIL BOAT WHEEL (with 4 spokes = 8 grips), 8 for new earth and we are sailing towards it.… we are always ready to sail into new territory and beside that the ship will never sink… And when the population factor is no longer problematic, ya, they can have at least their own motor bike or car… some goods must be available and they also have a relationship to that stuff and it will not work complete without it… and the endure-able factor will be managed also with green laws… and limited goods (home size yet big enough as we have spoken, we can make that with a ladder, that is only when someone has really way much more bonus points, then his house gets a bit bigger… he simple must pay much much more for that house)… ==> And yes, someone would say, when you are only able to rent it… then they build all stuff more endure-able...and more green… but this is not true… they would then just like to rent always the most new stuff… We make it very simple, homes and necessary up to date equipment is understood (which includes also clothes, that is clear) and regarding the first 6 foundations, they can have also a transport vehicle yet a camping bus, you just rent it… and therefore any holiday stuff (diver equipment or snowboard or this and that… this will be for rent… and the demand will change the situation for when they say I want this or that (check it in the internet)… now those winter sport areas or beach areas must change… regarding what they produce) and therefore the holiday stuff and hobby stuff is in the last 6 foundations found and therefore in the bonus point system embedded ==> so they can keep some relationship to things yet everything else is defined for them in the hobby, sports, and holiday area (bonus points system, last 6 steps of the ladder) ==> and in that way all this tools will be mostly used and do not just end up in dust in the corner of houses. ==> and the perfect cleaning of the equipment, this belongs to the people who are in charge of it… and we just enjoy it. And it is still like today, some put their whole money into the best car and other just want to go out for holiday or maybe spend time on a horse range or whatever… we must keep here a flexibility… because people have their little relationships to things… ==> also here we keep balance. And we must avoid a BLACK MARKET and when someone lives near mountain and spends many weeks on his snowboard or someone else goes every week fishing… ya, they must be able to buy it… how we can we solve that problem… because on the other side the population knows very well… ya, Nomad is right… some stuff we use only a few times and then it ends in the corner and dust remains on it...Answer, we have strategically the shops in every region and they just rent it… and the system gets better over time… and we ship maybe a bit more stuff… but overall it becomes much better… (Winter sport like ski and snowboard and etc. and summer sport like jet ski, surfboard, diver equipment etc., and camping bus, all that is clear... and available LOCAL... and with fishing (also mostly available local, depending on the spot) and model and arts stuff... or… ya, we have to check but we find a solution and calculate it) And you will say that some want to have a surfboard as a nice ornament at home… ya we will find a solution. And badmington, golf, water ski, kayak is easy (just get it for holiday or on the spot), so also ice skating… And mountain bikes stay also as a transport vehicle and it is not just for sports… ==> and for sure we must avoid a BLACK MARKET, and therefore find a sober solution ==> ABUT THAT ONE, I CAN REALLY SAY THAT I FIND A SOLUTION BY WHICH EVERY ONE IS HAPPY, A BALANCED SOLUTION… but the other stuff is a problem… and I describe it at the end of this point 43... ==> and yes you do not need to work more than 6 or 7 hours per day, its a pure management issue and some people maybe switch sometimes… and have not all the time their main job ( EMERGENCY SOLUTION) ==> and we have already the necessary technology for it. And again correct, federal states still exist with self governing stuff… they are like checkpoints aka like little wheels which make together the big wheel and so that the whole wheel is secured… and the community. And all the sectors for the “self sustainability” = strange word, I draw a comparison to the apocalypse, ya, regarding the city it includes to build the necessary equipment, ya, that is already ESTABLISHED and integrated in the wheel… and the rest is free market...nothing can go wrong and the PSYCHE fits also. NOW… that sounds GREAT or not? Wherefore the three presidents, I explain later… Now, but, YET check again point 43, and the final question… how much central planning and what can go terrible wrong?
45) There is no reason to rebel against the wheel, they have a very good life, they work not more then 6 hours per day and qualification is still coupled with the job yet the wheel comes first and everyone has to calculate some job switch for some while if necessary… and it is transparent for them… and the parasites get simple “punished”… they get really poor. And the whole stuff is combined with LC and they learn it all in school… its a mindset, that is, first the wheel is everything, second we are self sustainable in all ways, third we are secured… and have generally a better mental health… fourth… evolutionary (but lets not forget the Spirit)… five, we have additional much fun stuff and, hobby, etc. Sixth we have a constitution and they will even like it that we can easily manage the population, maybe a season with only two or three kids…but this is really for no one a problem!!!… Seven, we have entertainment stuff and media which directs them a bit… and so on. Eight there is no desire to leave the city because it is combined with nature… and harmony.. and our philosophy rules. But what is with population fluctuation (like the one million yet we would not even have so much because we have time enough)? Ya, you have simple some cleaner robots who take care about this empty buildings and a few people… and modernization only as it is needed and we have better endure-able and energy efficient material in future. And yes, for a highly learned job still a higher bonus will exist… but those below could work sometimes more or… we have variable factors… And therefore all that is easy going. And you will say, all that works but there is one problem and that is, people could rebel and say, let us build more planes and we work longer and all of us can much more often fly to different places or bla bla bla!!! what is you answer? The answer is very simple, when they want to work much more… they must vote for it… they would need a vast majority which goes with that idea… yet but our constitution does not allow it… the time schedule for the job wheel which is calculated for the self sustaining city is in the constitution and further not all have access to the knowledge of how to build a plane… you know, you must learn that stuff like it is today… And also you have to understand that when you are able to have two or three holidays, to see the sea per year… and the rest enjoy nature at home… my answer is, there will be no bigger desire and if he still cant accept that… ya, he can leave the city or in future waits if he gets a green card for another country, and therefore ergo this becomes no problem at all… ==> the PSYCHE simple fits for it… they need not more… ==> and when we speak about more short term visits like Austria and Croatia… ya, this is no problem… and we have better high speed trains… = ZERO PROBLEM ==> this is by no means a problem for Austria because it is a nice country and has a nice landscape and the four seasons… this would be rather maybe a problem for some parts in Russia or… yet when it should really become global (in a far away future like other would follow the Austrian model)… then also infrastructure can be adjusted and where we put mainly the population… ==> any of this other luxurious stuff is merely an illusion. (you must fabricate that illusion in their mind so that they would go after it which we will not do in our city, and it is really only an illusion!!!!). And again the city is vastly combined with nature and also nice restaurants exist and bla bla bla, this becomes no problem. Its a done deal, for families ~ 100 or 120m2 and terrace and bigger glasses (for windows, future glass) and combined with nature… its a done deal… and they are not the whole time at home… And the other stuff like a boat for holiday is for rent and no one needs to question the wheel because its is also environment friendly build and we do not buy boats and then keep them empty for the most part of the year… therefore the final 6 steps of the ladder… And the CHOICE via all the science will be given to them, that is, do you want to have less people and more stuff or are you happy now and that we are more people and that we have the opportunity to meet more people... And then and finally they will understand and dissidents will be marked as stupid... to some degree... and little manipulations we can also keep (mind and media for the stupid ones...) = a done deal ===> and beside that we have a high security wall which only exists because I build the city that way, now beside that still entertainment exists… and virtual reality stuff…one part yet the other is wildlife and nature, communication with other people, very important.... and the only thing which we delete out that is a super-luxury life… which is so or so an illusion… and big boats they can also enjoy… they just don’t own it, ya what we call cruiser holiday… ==> and therefore I know that I would succeed. ==> and yes, this illusion got most massive build in USA yet it has nothing to do with my city vision for Austria… and the mind needs only enough space (homes)… and its a done deal… and even the material ones we get under control and the few stupid ones, they have no voice… And above all, do not forget that also our philosophy rules in that city. (and as people got shaped by religion in the past, yet we do much better with our divine science and holistic view, it needs only one generation) ==> again, space and mind, alone = 65 – 70m2 plus terrace, family = ~ 90m2 (one kid) or ~130m2 (three kids) = done deal ==> that is fully enough and so calculated that it must be enough and that we can have enough people… and beside that we have a bit diversity and sure some people with many bonus points have maybe 150m2 (yet they are minority, ~20 percent), to have a bit diversity… and this does not make our city unstable ==> yet this is only optional because when we are in a season by which we need more kids and some have four kids, then they must have at least three kids or leave that home and take a smaller one…or whatever, we find a solution, yet the one IDEA we will not skip, most people must believe that they are part of the middle class... And for sure we have an older population (very old people) with smaller apartments… when they have difficulties to manage their 65m2 home then they go to smaller apartments 30m2 or whatever… you know… where other people take care about them… ==> we can simple switch here around and they do also not bother and everyone understands it, and where they are alone with the ~ 65 m2, all this apartments have a terrace and yes general I would built most apartments with terrace… and so they are happy, and therefore that mental issue I calculate for my Austrian city and so it shall be and so it will ENDURE. And for sure the community gets build in that way that more people meet each other… as we have spoken...And not just parents condition their kids yet families are important...diversity rules... but again we have also LC... And a last one, when I speak about the sectors and the wheel then I do not deny the free market and I only say that a law insofar exists or a regulation which secures that this sectors will remain because they secure the whole city with its Self sustainability yet again, which branches are produced and etc… I don’t care. As for example, we can build STEYR TRAKTOREN (which is a fact) or KTM E-BIKES… then simple because we need this TRAKTOREN (tractor) to get our food on the table… now, only a law that this sector must stay in Austria… and especially the know how... and we only need a "micro company" because many Traktoren we dont need to build (except we sell it also to other places) ==> all what I secure is SELF SUSTAINABILITY … And in future we have something like 3D printer (something similar), so we can build the parts and have better materials… and now you understand me, and we keep that which is up to date… according to our city… we just keep it as micro companies. And we only need that for the most necessary things: food, service of homes (includes electricity and heating...), clothing (easy, we have it so or so), ya, the whole energy sector, and some basic stuff like refrigerator and some e bikes and STEYR weapons (for hunting) or… wherefore healthcare would be a bigger topic… but we just built it that way so that the city cannot fall!!!! ==> I do not want full dependence but only half dependence to other countries and already because of our philosophy (the wheel is everything)… And it will be in furture more about KNOW HOW… and DATA because we will have other machines who easily produce that stuff... ==> And for fun: and similar we need our stealth plane which is able to fly into space and if needed to visit the AUSTRIAN RED WHITE STRIPPED STATION which is circling around Helix Nebula and has the upgraded 300 000 nuke rockets, ya to secure that we remain the SUPERPOWER on planet earth (and you will say, now we know where we find it and I say, you don’t have the technology for it, you cant find it but we can send all the time if we want some rockets with hyper-speed towards other territories yet we do not allow them to detonate, we just use them as a warning for other countries!)… => but how could the Austrians build it? Answer, they got the technology from Nomad and thats why in the middle of Vienna is a huge sculpture about Nomad (Martin/Mars) who is known as the one who resurrected and who has/had access to the divine intelligence and yes, this huge sculpture is also a sign for destruction and peace and for our security regarding the future of our city – and I just call rocktes nukes, but in reality this are NEXT GENERATION weapons and could even kill with sound yet it is not fully sound but something very similar to it, in the higher range, and area specific even useable as a wall around Austria, by which we even preserve GAIA to a very good degree yet not fully but enough, we may compare it to a swarm of nano particle which can eat you up yet this stuff which we have is a bit more subtle, at least 1000 years ahead of time! And yes, the Austrians later on do wish to understand it better yet they cannot reproduce that stuff, the apparatus with which we produced this weapons was later on taken away from them so that a complete human extinction will be avoided yet still in any worts case scenario like all nations would go against Austria, ya the human population would go terrible low. And yes, the Austrians themselves decided to destroy the apparatus. And the last thing to tell you about the furture!, one country did no longer believe after whatever years that we are the superpower and they wanted to invade us because of our statement that we are the strongest force on this planet, ya, now they had to learn a little lesson which we wanted to avoid by all means… and ya, for education this lesson was seen on all media channels… and the terrible black death which occurred in that country who wanted to invade us, this was a greta shock!. And why did you stay with Austria? Answer its the heart of Europe and most important small enough and like Vatican city, and this makes the Austrians humble, we are so small yet so powerful… ==> SOUNDS TOO GREAT, ISNT IT? Now, we have still the problem with the 12 foundations… and MINDESTSICHERUNG
46) Last question, you spoke about three presidents??? Ya, 1) economy includes also finance and work (wheel schedule) and up to date science and education plus the actual personal we have, 2) politics includes democracy and the interaction of municipal and federal state with the country as a whole plus international relationships and justice (by which we do also not forget our constitution), 3) infrastructure includes also social affairs (social awareness plus its merging with our LC culture and the integration of people regarding communities) and because its also about the infrastructure as a whole therefore it includes also homes (by which also the community has a say), ya plus environment and because of that also sports and health and infrastructure innovations and modernizations which go along with it ==> And they are 7 years in office and there will be no second term… except a vast majority of the population intervenes (votes) and says, please one of those three I want to have again (and he who got most points wins)… Everyone of this three person represents his main job yet all are in all three topics involved… And the person which is most all-round gets his second term… But then also the question who has the last saying of those three? Answer, the last saying has he who has his voice in his field and who also gets a second voice (because they are three). Therefore the question would remain of how good we can separate this three fields? The idea is regarding influence… one field influences another field… and ergo consequences will manifest. Wherefore the reward can be also given to him who has simple the best idea for any project or bla bla bla (so when he is wise, he keeps it for himself until he is able to declare it in the election procedure) bla bla bla… And for sure one person must have mainly studied economy and the wheel, another one administration and justice, and another one architecture, environment, and social affairs… or maybe sports and beside that another thing… so la la la it should fit with the job. And another advantage is that everyone of them gives his public speech and informs the people about the actual situation in his field. Yet for sure not all three will have the chance for a second term but we could ask the question if it would be better if two of the three had the chance for a second term??? My answer would be yes… yet I let it here open… because its only an overview here and at LC we can talk about it. And yes, with the WHEEL we can increase productivity… for if you are 55 years old and have difficulties to do this or that job now… now you give stuff for rent or whatever other job you do… and a margin will always exist or to switch again… and also to say, when the economy sucks like nowadays then you will not get in many cases your “dream job”…. Ya, and somehow with the wheel it gets done and they can perfect it after a while and when they have studied all the opinions of the people and data and etc… AND above all… I speak here a bit broad… but again… EMERGENCY JOBS… that is the diea… to SECURE THE WHEEL and most people have simple their main jobs and what they learned (and it depends also how jobs change in future, with technology and robots who do a lot of the work and...). ==> RECAPITULATED: THE IDEA SIMPLE REMAINS IN MY BOOK and it can look a bit different later yet the BALANCE regarding many things is now better understood ==> Population growth, Asia grows and Africa, ya still many countries yet about Europe they say that it peaks 2026 and then gradually and slowly decreases and at the year 2100 by 4 percent (wherefore this projection includes a set of assumption on future developments for fertility, mortality and net migration)… and we have our own plan for Austria and still some say or better to say THEY WANT that Austrias population will increase to 10 million yet WE WILL NOT TOLERATE THAT… ==> And it is important for us that the little wheels also operate as self governing entities… we have spoken about stamina and responsibilities… and they must stay in contact with the municipals, and we need nearness to the population… HERE WE NEED TO FIND THE BEST SOLUTION… so there must be a question of how much power the three presidents have… or better to say… any executive order… the little wheels could go against it… and also the municipals have an eye on it… for also those could make pressure upon the little wheel governing structure… ==> RECAPITULATED, PEOPLE MUST ALSO HAVE A BIT A SAY (the LANDESHAUPTMANN FUNKTION, LANDESVERWALTUNGSGERICHT etc. will be KEPT, because we have the little wheels ==> we must also keep a bit the game, that is, when something goes a bit wrong… who has the guilt???, LAND oder der BUND???, and they must have also a bit a power and contact to population… mittelbar, umittelbar, Kompetenzen)… ==> NOW I CHECKED IT: today in the BUNDESREGIERUNG we have: 1) BUNDEKLANZLER (Sebastian Kurz), (VIZEKANZLER), 2) BUNDESMINISTER FÜR KULTUR, KUNST, ÖFFENTLICHEN DIENST UND SPORT (Werner Kogler, maybe interesting for me later, and his help: LUNACEK and ANDREA MAYER, even without party), 3) BUNDESMINISTER FÜR EUROPÄISCHE UND INTERNATIONALE ANGELEGENHEITEN (Alexander Schallenberg), 4) BUNDESMINISTER FÜR SOZIALES, GESUNDHEIT, PFLEGE UND KONSUMENTENSCHUTZ (Rudolf Anschober), 5) BUNDESMINISTER FÜR BILDUNG, WISSENSCHAFT UND FORSCHUNG (Heinz Faßmann, also interesting for me, maybe gets shocked when he sees my DNA), 6) BUNDESMINISTERIEN FÜR DIGITALISIERUNG UND WIRTSCHAFTSSTANDORT (Margarete Schramböck, get your stuff right with MAN Steyr), 7) BUNDESMINISTER FÜR FINANZEN (Gernot Blümel), 8) BUNDESMINISTER FÜR INNERS (Karl Nehammer), 9) BUNDESMINISTERIEN FÜR LANDESVERTEIDIGUNG (Klaudia Tanner), 10) BUNDESMINISTERIN FÜR LANDWIRTSCHAFT, REGIONEN UND TOURISMUS (Elisabeth Köstlinger), 11) BUNDESMINISTERIN FÜR JUSTIZ (Alma Zadic), 12) BUNDESMINISTERIN FÜR KLIMASCHUTZ. UMWELT, ENERGIE, MOBILITÄT, INNOVATION UND TECHNOLOGIE (Lenonore Gewessler, innovation, could be also interesting for me later), 13) BUNDESMINISTERIN FÜR ARBEIT (Christine Aschbacher, Martin Kocher… at least another Martin), 14) KANZLERAMTSMINISTERIN (Frauen, Familie, Jugend und Integration… Susanne Raab…. EU und Verfassung, Karoline Edtstadler… don’t mess up Austria, we become not USA, yet I stay friendly...) ==> so they all need their education etc., and I have only THREE PRESIDENTS??? ==> WE CAN MAKE THE OTHER TO STAATSSEKRETÄR, anyway not so important now, I finish here ==> WHAT ARE YOU NOMAD? IAM MIDDLE GREEN and ONLY CALLED RIGHT GREEN because this fools know no balance today and so I could have my own party for they would say this does not exist (and its not just about GREEN but also self sufficient (autarkes Österreich, Energie - Grundsicherheit etc.), a future plan, and in this respect a friend of technology and innovations etc., and also in schools should be a bit more diversity… its not like that we make just a EINHEITSSCHULE… we have to give them a bit room… and Iam ANTI-CANNABIS… against narcotics… LC SCIENCE rules!… and the state is not the family… we have common sense and know the western elite games. And you will say that the property issue remains partially a state issue, then who says how many apartments and how many houses will be built because still many want also to have a house... Answer we define a percentage which fits to the wheel and this houses are not too far away from other communities… we embed them a bit... and so also the bonus system works better and the other worry not too much because of the defined size and modernization and etc… which will be solved in future… ==> its only about the infrastructure… here the government must make some RULES!!!!!!!!!!! and then the PSYCHE FITS WITH THE CITY [WE HAVE THAT IN THE CONSITUTION, so far can you go and not further!!!!, remember Austria back in old times...also here we accepted it... you did not just get a 200m2 home when you did live alone... except you had reallly MUCH money or did something very great]… IF you like it or not but the GOVERNMENT must interven here a bit!!!!! to get the future city done… and everything els in balance and again LC rules ==> and no one can go against the WHEEL PHILOSOPHY because it all works together with self sufficiency and therefore it is a SECURITY ISSUE and in the constitution and its easy to see why we need it, population number, resources etc… and yes, companies can work privately (free market) yet some stuff as explained gets secured: ENERGY, SMART RECYCLING, MAIN INFRASTRUCTURE[size about some houses, apartments… and only partially where to put them], QUALITATIVE GOOD FOOD, EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION NETWORK FOR CITIZENS, MICROCOMPANIES (future technology, to secure some stuff)... = in constitution, wheel security, the rest is bonus ==> AND ERGO ONLY IN A PURE COMMUNISM/FASCISM THEY NEED A MORE VIOLENT FORCE because 4 things are coupled: 1) Security, 2) Competition factor, 3) Goods or bonus, 4) Esteem, plus 5) Self actualization = city/apocalypse ==> and yes we need a cold water issue and bonus system and only then the psyche fits with the city …... And yes, today we should also check Australia and their policy to better shift the goals of old age benefits while ensuring that social security remains economically feasible.(it shall rather only provide protection against poverty) ======> And again… WHEN WE USE NO VIOLENT FORCE and when we really would secure the FUTURE city that way (again I speak about the future when we are ready for it… not now)…then the MINDESTSICHERUNG problem remains… and point 43 question
47) OUR WHEEL CITY WILL WORK VERY WELL (and it fits also with the population… the whole wheel and options, fluctuations… and people can have a garden and parks exist and a real nice nature… fun stuff on mountains and etc. And also they can have a terrace and everything fine ordered and still diversity can exist, architecture, and mainly we will also have no luxury marketing about that stuff (bigger = better)… which got extreme today in USA and which is also a kind of infiltration used by a foreign enemy) ==> ya but what is with a BMW or? Answer: 12 steps ladder… and the space issue we manage similar like Japan today… yet better… and the first 6 steps is manageable by everyone… which is called… fundamnetal WHEEL insurance. And the other stuff, the final 6 steps are about rewards, bonus as we know it today… yet it can be also about honour… something big achieved for the city. And sure this works because the CITY is based upon SPACE MANAGEMENT... and population fluctuation… upon a model… and staff management… and no one wants to work 10 hours a day just to keep the wheel going...but you will say, the working hours could also change because of robots and when we would use more of them... ya, ok... but when you use more robots then the city becomes too insecure because you must import resources and make yourself again too dependent upon that stuff... and the wheel is calculated after worst case scenarios and so we find a solution… and robots can do so much… and not more… its not like that robots will do it all... And the wheel is everything, that is, to secure the city first... and combined with nature... a very high life quality (clearest water etc.) ==> we may can also say, for any disaster we have PLAN A, PLAN, PLAN C and so we do not even need to manipulate here stuff… or lets say, there would be only some model issues… not complete perfected but good enough. ==> it is the responsibility of every state to secure also his part… like if we could have for example Europe with its states… ==> AND BECAUSE WE KNOW SOLIDARITY IN AUSTRIA… this will be easily accepted in the population… this is the smallest problem… here we have no problem at all!!!!!!!! ==> and we have to merge that together, there will be ANGEBOT und NACHFRAGE (supply and demand) yet it is limited because of 1) SPACE MANAGEMENT which works together with the 2) GENERAL WHEEL SECURITY (any disatser scenario or...)… and 3) FUNDAMENTAL WHEEL (first six foundations) INSURANCE for everyone who works properly… who simple does his job would be secured... And everyone has his individual stuff at home and the bonus points or extra rewards (last six steps), ya we have to check how we can accomplish that, similar to today… it will be no bog rpoblem...And its rather a transparent CENTRAL PLANNING WHEEL plus also a free market, it is mixed…. And the government intervenes only!!! so much that the wheel is secured. CONSTITUTION ISSUE… and TRANSPARENT...ITS NO ROCKET SCIENCE, MISUSE WILL BE GREATLY AVOIDED...Now, and further about some!!! bonus points… ya, when we say, watch… you use a snowboard only for two weeks a year… or… gets that stuff for rent local… and at home only dust will accumulate on it and this is not the best environmental thing… nor efficient… of how we use things… and get the most out of it… And recapitulated: thats we have mainly the three presidents: political, economy, infrastructure...(who must give an oversight together with the other stuff which belongs to their field) ==> we become SUSTAINABLE: ENERGY SUPPLY, FOOD, SHELTER (infrastructure), wherefore the COMMUNICATION NETWORK is also a security issue… disaster scenarios...advanced RECYCLING (and the security issue is also a collective issue and since the three presidents always keep us up to date… the WHEEL becomes everything… and we all become also more responsible… and etc. And it this for everyone interesting to hear how the city works… Don Quijote gets help from Nomad…), MICROCOMPANIES (future technology, its rather about some machines and data… to produce in an emergency situation that which we need most) ==> so all that is no problem… OUR problem remains only because of the MINDESTSICHERUNG and how shall we do get that done with the population and PSYCHE?
48) dont get fooled by USA... they are spiritually dead... depraved in hyper capitalism and via a weird oligarachy... and we need balance in our city and even some diversity remains regarding houses and apartments yet to some degree we must intervene... AND we all have a very high life quality ==> and we have some MARGIN... but I tell you... a too big house... you also just feel alone... we build a beautiful city... and you have enough mental space... better then Japan... and most of them believe that they are part of the middle class... we have it still much better...
49) I lived in over 50 countries, we may speak about GDP or oil and Norway (as one example, and yes, Lofoten is nice etc.) and this and that… but Netherlands is simple more RICH than USA or Switzerland and their infrastructure is glorious… often you see only nice houses and they are up to date and they have a lot technology (which is very important for the future), ya could even produce most stuff for themselves despite globalism… Only a blind men would say that USA looks more rich than Netherlands… and secondly should we make a jump away from oil (like to improve further in technology), ya, they go ahead… And on the other side also Japan and South Korea did a good job… only South Korea may top Netherlands regarding infrastructure yet only when we compare some places and yes and sure… we may can have some debate about more countries (overall Netherlands does maybe best)… that is the crème de la crème and also because of LIFE QUALITY despite being densely populated… and with South Korea we see also a dark side: Young South Koreans today often call their country “hell,” pointing to a culture of intense competition for decent jobs and further older people live often in poverty and therefore NETHERLANDS IS THE WINNER (and their system is much better and also South Korea had to a good degree a collective thinking via a top down military culture mixed with Confucian values by which we could therefore say that the solidarity mindset in Germany was or is still better and further also the South Koreans today changed a bit (mindsets are subject to change)… wherefore also the South Koreans had one of the longest average working hours…) ==> and also I spoke about the BIG COMPANY problem in USA (and mental health problems) ==> WHEREFORE THE LC MINDSET WILL REMAIN, WE BECOME HOLISTIC!!!And in the Austrian panel chapter we speak about Netherland and etc., and I explained why they did a bit better, and also that they are a bit greedy... And yes we in Austria had many well known and famous scientist and musician and etc., we need not to hide… for such a small country we have so many names, check the list: list_ of_Austrian scientist, wikipedia ==> wherefore now they have also MARTIN MOSTBAUER as philosopher with divine science, and yes, in the revisited book I take more care.. not to tread too much on the feet upon other people yet I will keep my view about the WEForum but by knowing that is like with the council of foreign relations… for many it is just business and prestige and again some other people have some more weird ideas… and Iam an outsider… And again speaking about Netherlands, this is a PARADEBEISPIEL of how well it can work.. yet just not perfect now regarding self sufficiency etc. And finally and yes, Netherlands has also a drug problem and they are a bit greedy people (confined)… and some of them speak often against France or Germany yet this can be also only few people by comparison and lets ignore it) wherefore in some places of France, this is much more welcome, yes, France people have their style, with their kisses and… but just be a bit nice… you can hang out with them and laugh and so also the France part of Switzerland is different (a bit more easy and less clockwork heads, but hard to explain), and we know the social friendly Sweden people and the LEBENSFREUDE in Spain (some places in Spain have a real good atmosphere) and so on… And I doubt regarding Netherlands that it was just the Calvinist influence: work and pray versus Catholic and to be a bit more Burgundic aka carefree… and no, and in conclusion its not just about being smart, the society got shaped and there is always a little prize to pay… ==> And we have to know all that because it is important for LC, we want a balanced society. (and yes, Iam aware that after the GOOD COUNTRY INDEX some place Netherlands on place 1, Austria on place 9 and USA on place 25… and NO, Austria is also not perfect yet this Index is also half fake… for which immigrants enter their country? Who makes it more easy for the skilled worker or bla bla bla ==> Conclusion: My points for a successful nation: 1) We still can become better in our education system (yet we did here and there a not so bad job in the past), 2) we look forward to the better city (points we made), 3) we enhance greatly in becoming more creative (religion is only successful when it keeps the mystical part), 4) to some good degree we will be able to combine religion with science, 5) we learn from the past and do not repeat mistakes… that is again I cannot say it often enough: right balance. And yes and 6) my biggest problem regarding the future city and the 12 step ladder, the last 6 steps, the MINDESTSICHERUNG, when we use no violent force in that city!!!!… and therefore your ideas and whatever little changes we have to make to perfect the city, ya, this is very welcome at LC. (but but but, and yes, when we figure out this final adjustments which we need then we will be very close to a successful city, because the thing is that we don’t need to be so pessimistic, there is absolute no reason for that… yet we don’t want them to be slothful nor enter a grey area by which diversity and innovations diminish and bla bla bla… no… we have to keep the city ALIVE via the right combination and so we need a perfection regarding REWARDS and then the city can endure for 1000 years… and yes, we keep the checkpoints, not just a hidden material elite shall rule!!! And the sociopaths and psychopaths shall not say: I justify this or that so that we have peace for the next 500 years… or by using any ugly methods like misusing technology or whatever… no, we must keep a certain transparency and also only then the city will flourish and if we would ignore it, then the city would break in pieces because of fear (distance issue) and because… anyway, I repeat myself not here… all that we know already… some surveillance will be accepted but we need no nerd fascism… or any hidden chemical experiments… for then I would say, get rid of them all. And so also again regarding this this PROOF OF WORK thing (check brainwaves), this destroys the social structure and etc… and its for the material minded people… who will not endure… you machines will die… for thats what you want to represent… you operate clearly on that depraved level… and using technology to enslave us)… And as we know the WORST people are those who always want to manage everything and think they are clever enough to do it… and loose balance… ==> And why we need it? Ya, see again USA and their system, they have produced now all this millionairs and the billionairs buy up farmland in USA and a lot of other stuff (finger in companies etc.) and also they have now this dumb down 4 major food companies in USA (and we know their food sucks… they could do way better and Iam not the only one who speaks in that way, also many Americans say that), ya and the same with Walt Disney or… and slowly but steadily this did grow worst and grows even more worst… big company syndrome and corruption and depravity... and meanwhile the population became a Brot and Spiele society… and media speaks greatly about their democracy or whatever!!!… therefore beside mental health problems and less solidarity among people, this is the next big thread. ==> it is a pure U.S. capitalist system [I must say pure because versus them we are rather a free market social economy] and they went out of control via unregulated greed and etc., and despite having so many resources [of which we in Austria have nothing] and by comparison they have rather a small population, ya they get it no longer really done... Yet they say that my future vision is too socialistic or whatever… but they don’t understand me… And yes, some seek now in Communism their salvation, go from one extreme to another… stupid creatures they are! ==> and we can see it also as a great opportunity, we discern all European countries and USA etc. and yes, we had before that this old governmental forms with Kings and Queens and Monarchs and etc. And now, we make check and balances.(and until now we cannot really say that we failed fully in Europe but its not perfect, but yes, government was still kept in check, yet another hidden material Elite wants to take over, and within it a circles exists which is too machine-like)… And we as the wise ones must also check the population… life quality and its shaping of society...And still right now we in Austria do way better than some people in this other systems (and check human rights etc.) ==> therefore did we fully fail? Answer, no, we are still ahead...and do better... we make no step backwards... and even and also we believe still in our republic in Austria but... And further that I don’t believe in the pure capitalist system(worst) which they have in USA, I don’t have to tell you and we also know that the right-wing Americans will never say that their system failed… and they will point their finger on all other things… YET we at LC know it better… we understand balance in the whole (social versus greed) and also check and balances (government) ==> And therefore I got chosen to teach them at LC, we will look at all things!!! and not someone of them got chosen!!! or any other person which cannot see his own weaknesses. And yes, for Austria Förderalismus (federalism) was a way to go from Monarchy to Republic (which is more Bürgernah, in touch with the people) but we could also say, the same strategy is also used for the EU with the states… and yes it will cost a bit more money because of the Verwaltungsaufwand (administrative expense) wherefore in Austria the Judikative (judiciary) belongs still to the central state ==> nevertheless for the future city we need that [something very close to it] because communities have their regional say. And the Marxist scheme, that is, communist doctrine recognises only the centralised, unitary state being he most suitable vehicle for the 'dictatorship of proletariate'. ==> THATS NOT WHAT WE WANT… and we need to strangle absolute power (strangle the material - machine-like people who would otherwise take over)… ==> future city = little wheels (touch with people) which make up the WHEEL and a 12 steps LADDER to avoid economic power people who could take over (the material ones and who go out of touch)… And the reward system needs to be perfected...and stay social. And also, THEREFORE, THE FUTURE CITY IS HALF “INDIVIDUAL” and “HALF COLLECTIVE MINDSET” and so it also in the apocalypse, everyone is his individual stream and still the MANY are one… and when we built a city… the city has still 12 foundations and we have three kinds of people: material, psychic and pneumatic… and so also POWER will exist (government, so also LAW and ORDER) yet we keep the whole POWER in check (for power is not limited to the government alone as we have seen). And any approach which is more “global” like the EU… or EU similar to USA yet still different… it must be made even made more clearly in balance because of the DISTANCE to the people… and to take fear away from them… with a kind of transparency and a constitution… and we know our goals and to secure a good life quality for everyone and to be future orientated...a system which endures VERY LONG… lets check it for Austria… And let us talk about it at LC. And yes, the PROBLEM with the MINDESTSICHERUNG… we speak later again about it (and yes, USA idiots often only know their own country… I know them… not all of them but many right wing churches in USA)
50) And for sure the city needs something like a SUSTAINABILITY INDEX… to push further and further advanced recycling technologies...and basic parts regarding the infrastructure, ya it must be built upon the endurance issue… because and also infrastructure is also quasi set against the economy… for we also do not want to have too many working hours… and so it must be also based upon efficiency… ==> our economy system right now is still not based really upon endurance (durability)… for they simple want to sell more stuff and its pure capitalistic… but again our city is not pure capitalistic… And the SUSTAINABILITY INDEX is also A GENERAL WHEEL SECURITY issue because via advanced recycling technologies we have the resources directly in our city… And EFFICIENCY simple serves the WHEEL SECURITY… and as I said, then we do not need to work too much… the BASIC stuff is built upon ENDURANCE like our homes… or diverse machines in the agribusiness… all that stuff which needs no fast update… because a HANDY would need more fast an update… yet all the FUNDAMENTAL WHEEL stuff… it must be built upon durability… And therefore we have a 12 step ladder and the FUNDAMENTAL STUFF must be built upon upon those principles (and another part we rent, by which we are all happy… and we have even more diversity...)… And this can only be accomplished via a central wheel planning plus a free market. But the central wheel planning must be strangled via the constitution, so far and not further (infrastructure)… and therefore to avoid a direct central wheel planning, we would need this index... Therefore all that which belongs to the basic infrastructure muts be build upon endurance (this includes pipelines, buildings… yet not neccesarily kitchen stuff, but little things we could make better)… ya some other stuff we have at home… its not so important… And yes, and therefore endurance issue includes also partially power plants (ENERGY SUPPLY) and partially public transportation (INFRASTRUCTURE) and stuff we need in agribusiness (FOOD)… and then so la la we have it. And yes, about primary stuff like refrigerator or PC… he wins in the market who is most energy effective because that simplifies the ENERGY SUPPLY of the city. And about CO2 Iam not interested yet this is included in the planning. And for sure RECYCLING includes also to keep everything clean (water or generally the environment)… ENVIRONMENTAL INDEX… and much more we don’t need. ==> and since many politicians are dumb and also often are sold out… NOW we clarify that at LC… and you will learn it from me… and so my kids cannot be made dumb in public schools. As soon as we have REACHED THE SUSTAINABILITY SELF SUFFICIENCY INDEX yet for sure still some further progress will be made but as soon as we have reached that and have the KNOW HOW… and you do just your job… then its not possible for you to become poor in our city… you have at least a nice home, food and clothing and some entertainment stuff… And any central banker which wants to fool us with a kind of Dystopia or like we shall have fear… we get rid of them… because we built that city together… and with LC… And all researcher, doctors (healthcare) bla bla bla are highly honoured in our city… so there must be a bonus system… because they help greatly with our city… yet this includes also generally a bonus system… the details about the last six steps… we will figure that out later… ==> and correct, since the BASIC STUFF is very clear… because of progress, now people should have the possibility to have their own car or bike… and some have simple better cars or… but again, it depends also how they spend their bonus points (money). And also because some relationship to things shall be possible for them… and its also a sign of individual liberty… and it does not really mess up so much with our SPACE MANAGEMENT… ==> somehow we find here a solution with the last 6 steps of the ladder… and everything will run well. ==> this is like with a HORSE, you have your own personal horse and the horse is more important as a sign for your liberty!!!!!. The BONUS stuff we can make via the ENVIRONMENTAL INDEX, that is, if you use your snowboard or etc. very often than it is more cheap for you to have one at home… yet about a bike or car… this is the old archetype… that is, I have my bike an I can just sit on it and drive everywhere… its an expression of freedom (and transport). And further no one will bother about our SPACE MANAGEMENT and homes, and it also to minimize jealousy, and to have the wheel security, and to built rightly communities… much better for kids etc. And no one will really bother that some stuff they get for rent only local and it makes sense for everyone that we don’t need stuff which ends in a corner most of the time and accumulates dust. And a camping bus falls not into the transport category… its more like a transportable home and nor is it used so often… and it is therefore categorized in the environmental index. ==> YET IAM OPEN MINDED AT LC and we can speak about cars or bikes and general how we accomplish the last 6 steps of the ladder… bonus system. And further, every little wheel, that is federal state (and municipals), they must calculate their wheel, working hours needed… ya, simple to secure the fundamental wheel… And the three presidents represent the overview… together with the sustainability index and environmental index. And so we get that easy done... and we have computers... and all the data... and make further progress... wherever something can be made better. And for sure, the sustainability index and environment index, this includes also smart greenhouses with advanced technologies... = less work needed and more productivity… And its the same like today, that is, if you have a title then you get a bigger bonus (money) and we even explain in school why that is so… as they also help greatly on the city (this is called in Austria KOLLEKTIVVERTRAG etc., titles, working hours, holidays, and who earns a bit more etc.)… And the SPACE MANAGEMENT regarding homes is fully justified because together we must handle more easily population fluctuations and it is also a question about ENERGY SUPPLY… and we want to have a nice and beautiful city… combined with nature and combined with communities… and so that they have enough change… And the vast majority considers themselves still as being part of the middle class, and we really do not need more… absolute not, AND THERE WILL BE A MARGIN, WE WILL DEFINE IT RIGHTLY!!! no worry…and some have really a much bigger bonus...ok… some margin… but so la la we wmust define it… social security for the city, and virtues kept.… And we will not even allow it that any illusion will infiltrate our city… like we see it today massive in USA… for we are AUSTRIA... And regarding DURABILITY... ya, some funding will exist, and where we lack… we will figure that out, ya where we need most progress (and we have our INDEX, DATA, CALCULATIONS)... And further, we have a real open discussion at LC. And Iam nice to everyone and we speak also much about balance and etc. And ya, I must say: UPPPSSS, someone of the elite (sociopaths) has white foam on his mouth… Iam sorry… that we have more power than you! Future of our kids!!! And yes, I calculated for one person ~55- 65m2 because of girlfriend. With one child ~85-90m2 (with one little office possibility), with two kids a bit more and the rest as explained...we can talk about that at LC... yet we keep mental space in a range which makes it feel good to come home and by which still enough mental space is possible… so also for the material people... And it is pure capitalistic to say that people alone shall govern that… no… we had it also not in the past… a single person gets no huge home… and we need the SPACE MANAGEMENT. ==> And sure, those who have now bigger homes… they can keep it… but later on occurs the change (with the population change) and we plan for the future… And further we want the PSYCHIC advantage which goes along with it aka the vast majority considers themselves as being part of the middle class.(and we become not greedy serious people or look at me... how great Iam... no, thats not who we are). ==> therefore only for that the CO2 thing can be used… sustainability index… right now as it is, it is not perfect but… AND RECAPITULATED: the idea that we rent a bit more stuff… we just use here the environmental index and common sense as explained, most people understand … but we cannot over do it… there must remain a liberty factor… and the horse issue is important… very important…. AGAIN RECAPITULATED: when you speak about jet ski, that makes sense, when you speak about camping bus, that makes sense, when you go only once a year for one week skiing, that makes sense and so on... it must fit with the population and also stamina must remain... we must avoid weakness - on both sides... AND THE DURABILITY COMES INTO ACTION WITH ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY... we measure that stuff... and where we need it... only that we buy from someone else or build simple here in Austria... in fact... it needs not more... it is only a SUSTAINABILITY INDEX... versus working hours... the profith remains for the city and the people ==> ALL THAT IS NO PROBLEM AT ALL... THEY ARE INSANE... this gets solved almost by itself... OUR ONLY PROBLEM is the MINDESTSICHERUNG! versus PSYCHE... and using no violent force... cold water issue, as I said, 4 things are coupled
51) And my future city is not fascism… because our equality concept is based upon true divine science, and we have no secret police, government intimidation, concentration camps, and murder, fascist propaganda (enabled by State-directed, heavily-censored media)… And we allow international trade agreements or generally some international agreements and leaders get elected… but we check also the LABOR force because we have the CITY WHEEL and stay AUTARK (sustainable, resources, self-sufficient, population number included, ya and because of transparency its not a fear driven state like an invisible strong force sits upon our shoulder who checks all our doings)… And production decisions are driven by a mixture of State decision and consumer demand…. Ya in fact labor orce is only about emergency situations… I explained all that... And yes, right now taxpayers are forced to fund projects aimed at spurring production and some socialized endeavors exist (wherefore in our city its the basic security when they just do their job, and then they will have all a very high life quality because technology and etc. brought us to that place)… yet for sure our city has a bit more central planning (central wheel planning) but its strangled… and also the state alone has not the glory – LC philosophy (we simple take care, first country and second country not ignored)… And also the central banker system alone is not the solution… or lik the central banker are the big kings… And further war is no longer just good for the economy… and the morale of the nation is upheld through right balance (PSYCHE and CITY and LC)… We are not a total classless society but rather a balanced society with a 6 step bonus ladder… and we have self governing little wheels… embedded… but how do we get the three presidents? Answer, via the little wheels… and they must be higher educated ones… but they can also be someone who did whatever great job (invention or etc.)… AND WE HAVE SO OR SO THE WHEEL CALCULATION ==> SO YOU STAY WITH THE THREE PRESIDENTS? Answer, yes, and everyone of them is in his FIELD (we may say also main responsibility but also public presentations)… and we have enough mixture through the little wheels… and also everyone of them shows his main wish for the city… ==> YA for sure we can say that we have an IDEALISM, FIRST country and take care about the SECOND COUNTRY and GAIA connected in the apocalypse etc… so also first and second knowledge.. but it is not a total unrealistic belief because first of all I entered the apocalypse… and second of all everyone can make progress and third of all also on the second level we can become self sufficient (secure, and more healthy because of a more healthy environment) and still have some international agreements… ==> and an INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKET WILL STILL NOT OVERTHROW OUR COUNTRY… And charity is not and cannot just be the responsibility of the people… and everyone does also his part… so that the CITY WHEEL endures… for also if you have some bonus… you want to live in a secure and very nice city… and society shall stay healthy and etc… ==> ya, some want to built such a dependence… who knows where it goes in USA (big companies and financial bla bla bla)… FORGET IT, THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT AND HERE WE WOULD SO OR SO CLEAN IT UP LATER… and we go for the future technology...and we will figure that better out at LC, PSYCHE and CITY, BALANCE, how to implement the free market and the 6 steps for bonus and etc., and property, that changes a bit later... yet not that nothing is privately owned... for we need goods (like cars or motor bike or...) so that the city stays colourful and still green (we have more factors which we need to embed as explained)... and etc...but there will be a bigger say about infrastructure and still those who have a bigger bonus... have some saying.. or generally also the public... but there must be also a central planning... ==> and we can manage that via a partial planning, we can calculate it and make a LAW or something like that and to some degree embed it in the constitution for the WHEEL CITY… and still people can choose later where they want to live… for not every house or apartment looks like the other… or whatever… ==> you do it partially now already for you say, a new house must have this or that requirement… energy and heating… and so also we plan for the future city and expand it a bit… and there is still a time-frame for 2035, 2045, and then later 2055… this takes so or so longer, technology and… ==> DONT BE HERE NOW SO SERIOUS and I HAVE NOT TALKED SO FAR WITH ANYONE ELSE… BUT I EXPLAIN BALANCE… and my view and why… its responsibility of the state yet also people must show responsibility… stamina must secure the city… GOVERNMENT stands in BALANCE with citizens... the WHEEL takes care of it… which we can calculate easily… here we can even use AI… to find out whatever it takes… and to make something better... . ==> and it cannot be just about the collective, ya also the individual part must remain… ==> NOMAD IST ANDERS… And a fool may argue: You can’t have unity when disunity exists ==> And I say already the apocalypse proves you wrong, you fool (and its here not about the Levites and Jewish Marxist nonsense and nor do we follow Christians who just talk about the UTOPIAN COMMUNE, Acts 4:32) ==> and maybe as someone rightly said: The USA political model is close to Fascism (yet today mixed with leftist equality ideas etc.) and is designed to discourage participation in the administration process (and yes to change it to communism would be TODAY a very easy job in USA yet so far it is not the case… and a civil war is also possible… I have explained that mixture somewhere else, ya its like the oligarchy wants a corporate fascist crony capitalist system (with technocratic elements, and cryptocurrency) and the population as the proletariat shall be brought in a kind of communism program, Schwabs dystopia). In the USA once an elite establishes itself to lord it over their vassals, “voters” lose all say in the administration process, decisions are made without consultation of the people (and not always for the benefit of the people but for an elite, partially weird oligarchy because it is the biggest joke ever when someone says that they have the best working oligarchy system). Did not some people in USA saw democracy as a disease (Hamilton et al)?, and viewed the people as mindless children incapable of making rational decisions?…. it always increases the elites wealth… the means of production are hoarded by an elite few for their benefit… so now also with corona… check their food companies and depravity etc… they get no good food… yet we have a say in Austria… and we take care about other things like forest etc... ==> wherefore its the mixture with their pure capitalist system which brought them mental illness, their system, big companies, their puppet show, their vain glory etc.… its over for them… they are as a good as dead and they would need a war or whatever or they die even more mentally… And in AUSTRALIA it is much better done… we see the difference, a democratic socialist model and Australia doesn’t have a Head of State with executive powers... Wherefore with our WHEEL city... we may argue that we could go in danger in Austria like we see it in USA etc… but first of all we get balance because of the property issue and second of all our votes mean something and third of all they are three presidents and fourth of all, the WHEEL MUST BE TRANSPARENT!!!!!!… the population must be kept up to date.. and this will be in our constitution and fifth of all, there will be no benefit for an elite to grow ultra rich and etc… because its a self sufficient city accomplished with our future technology… and that the city becomes beautiful and healthy… that will be in the mind of all people in Austria!!! and every citizen will have his fundamental insurance when he just works… or may say high life quality… and education includes the LC philosophy and even history… like as it is in my book… what brings a country down etc… and they cannot just rule over our food or etc… because the little wheels also exist… we decide still together… And when population is also calculated… no one in Austria is allowed to say, you eat only GMO or etc… NO… they have their right for organic food and also smart greenhouses we will have… and there will be no need… this is in the constitution, property and food… rights… Therefore what shall be the benefit for the three presidents like to serve only an elite? Because our city is self sufficient… and the fundamental security (even minimum size of homes) is in the constitutions… and we have also spoken about the PSYCHE and society balance… also because of that we use it… NOW, the only problem remains with the Mindestsicherung… and now so far all is understood… finsihed with all the other stuff regarding the future city, and we understand now already much more balance...
53) For if we would say, the infrastructure got accomplished… and you do not work… you loose your car and motorbike… at least after some years… and etc… THERE MUST REMAIN ENOUGH PRESSURE… this is almost not enough or is not enough… when we would say, now we have the year 2075 or 2100 and the infrastructure is top and the city is beautiful… and someone thinks… ahh, I eat very good food… I have my big enough home… and now I just relax… and somehow I will manage it to go to a lake or etc… and enjoy sunshine… hang out in nature... and at home I have my environmental glassy TV and PC... enough entertainment and I meet with friends and etc. ==> therefore we must give an answer to that problem, later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that Schwab is a COMPLETE FOOL, or this circle... you need no longer to question it... ==> ONE THING IS, those who do more... they can still live in houses... and manage it with their bonus points... and the other belong also to the middle class because their homes are big enough and they have in most cases a terrace... and with green design we get the rest done... psychological... and gardens also exist and so on... and we must define only the percentage... calculate it... not that this goes out of balance with houses... RECAPITULATED: we cannot skip totally the SOCIAL LADDER... but we can balance it out greatly!!! And we can make it even better... like those in houses... they are not just in separated communities but we mix them a bit together...==> and for sure we will have TECHNOGAIANISM together with aesthetic (infrastructure etc.)… but Iam not so insane to say that humans should be genetically engineered so that they have a smaller stature...or that GMO is just the solution… and nor Iam a big fan of geoengineering… or only in a sense… when we have no water… ok, spread some stuff… which harms not the environment and then have some rain… Iam way more interested in future materials… like to convert garbage… or even get rid of nuclear waste… or use it in another way… but its more about materials… And its like LC a LEFT and RIGHT BRAIN THING… like technology on one side and nature (ecology) on the other… And I have not known that stuff, but yes the Spirit told me that I should implement the ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN (Viridian Design movement) and Global citizenship, its like they have stolen it from me, like with new earth… with my first and second country… and new earth… ==> And its more about the wheels – 1) sustainability index, 2) environmental index, 3) working hours and 4) technology… and resource problem solved… and to represent a 4) AUTARK POWER COUNTRY….and population as explained with Austria, and there shall be always a state leader with connection to the state and to the people… already because he knows his people and etc… so its not so much about this word global citizenship like the old grown [includes mindset] elite fools use it, ya those who seek only distance and establish their own circles,and then this fools speak also about WORLD GOVERNMENT… but its rather about WORLD SECURITY… and we must always KEEP BALANCE with our own country… its not like that we say: GLOBAL citizenship and we go out of balance… GLOBAL citizenship… this is merely about anti racism or but in the same way other countries must also ACHIEVE something and not just enjoy sunshine or bla bla bla… and we will not deny some differences… so also here the stinking newspaper and nor the NGOs will fool us… Recapitulated, what is more important now to know… ya, infrastructure, houses… make that balanced with those who live in other homes… not just separate them like to bring them only together in their own communities... ==> BUT YOU SAY TO ME... MAYBE we get at one point more people who achieve many things yet we have not enough houses, and to this I say... ya, they will have their supergreat holidays or whatever car or... in some way they can use their bonus points... they will be satisifed enough... and thats why it is half social and half individual... and we will find the best balanced way... and the PHILOSOPHY fits... WHEEL and the city... And as I said... USA goes down... also spiritually dead... weak and bla bla bla... And solidarity is also kept among our people, ya this is also another reason why we need to tread out a certain elite circle .... YOU DONT WANT JUST THE BIGGEST POSSIBLE HOUSE, I even know that like from Priewasser near Steyr, he did rebuild a huge farmhouse or bla bla bla... yes some few exceptions may exist... but this is not even the big dream and not to offend him but I know it... also other said... its too big... I feel not at home... but ok, also Geschmackssinn.... nay, what you want is a social ladder and a BEAUTIFUL CITY... and security... and a functioning population/society...and therefore the rest shall not be partially dirt...
54) How much percent? we have 50percent in HOUSES and 50percent other homes... and that will be exactly the LAW in the constitution, similar we are half social and half individual... therefore half of the population is allowed to build houses... AUSTRIA FITS PERFECT FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY RULE RULES... LC RULES, everything fits here... we balance it all out... And then regaridng mental space, one person ~ 50 - 60 m2, and many apartments with terrace... and then the population goes with us... for the case we say, guys and girls, we have now 2 - 3 kids season... but we will never say one kid... even dangerous (not to go too low)... and naturally some people will have only one kid... And also DERSTANDARD will no longer fool us and this NGOs, this are such BASTARDS... now they produce only anti family stuff and more poeple live alone... so they even go against us... this DEPRAVED NEWSPAPER and this NGOs and then they speak again about green stuff... Wherefore if you do not change... you will learn such a hard lesson derstandard... I will tread you so hard... later.... the whole NGO USA garbage and some insane EU politicians... ==> AND FACT REMAINS, WE WILL HAVE NO OVERPOPULATION PROBLEM IN AUSTRIA.... WHATEVER REASON tHEY SEEK, WE TREAD THEM OUT, this gnomes and frogs... ya, their manipulation gets also exposed ==> and we would not even need to implement that teaching now in school (and later easy acceptance, not one will bother about it...)... and now just go a bit down with immigration numbers yet we must shift all money to them, to those gnomes and frogs who have a future city vision which will not endure!!! and then they say, more immigration we need... THEY PRODUCE ONLY CHAOS! and their equality talk is a farce (EINHEITSMENSCH, automaton!, ignore the diversity issue and ignore everything else as explained here)... and etc. Ich hau euch eine in die FRESSE!
55) BUT you Austrians say to me... Iam too socialistic and we let the market rule and we can also have more then 50 percent houses... And my Answer, no... you get only your house when you achieve more in that city... and 50 percent is enough and we want also more wildlife in Austria... and it gets balance with nature and population... or your other choice... let a stupid Elite rule over you... who will say, you cannot make one little sacrifice, ya wherefore even that city has a very high life quality... and it is not really any big sacrifice... ==> when the 50 percent are reached... then houses become more expensive, you need more bonus points... or the rest gets renovated, get a perfect Eigentumswohnung... And then you ask, which houses are too old and get destroyed? Ya, for that we need to find a solution... so that other ones can build new ones... ==> THE ARGUMENT FOLLOWS FOR tHE FUTURE CITY VISION... We all have houses and a smaller population number or keep balance and have a bigger population number and therefore more fun... meet more people and etc... for you can have a fantastic nature with ~ 4 million in Austria and many houses or also with 6 or 7 or... million... WE WANT THE BEST BALANCE!... Do you want that your kids see Seeadler and other animals in Austria??? SURE... that even helps you for spiritual evolution... a bit more GAIA... all that are things to enjoy... never underestimate that... And 50 percent houses is already a very big number... thats why we must limit a bit the space of this houses... greed minimized... bungalow style houses... for sure we have a margin and not too small... houses are a bit bigger... yet... average is today 100 - 140 m2... and some few have it a bit bigger or bigger (we may part it for example, 10 percent of this houses, and 5 percent, best number we figure out later)... ya, for those who really achieved much... Only that we manage... that must be accepted! And it will be big enough... AND FOR SURE, now we have all this houses.... and 1/3 houses would not fit for Austria... but someone may argue... lets make it 60 percent and 40 percent houses... yet I would say, by no means harder... the 50 percent are ok... its in that way also nothing superspecial... and the size a bit fixed... and we have the mountains here in Austria... yet I give only an overview and people could tell me later at LC... or such stuff could be alos done via vote!!! Government secure... population happy ==> and correct that we put into the ENVIRONMENTAL INDEX (constitution) together with that renting stuff, and I say it again, only that which makes sense to everyone... and the SUSTAINABILITY INDEX, this must be connected with working hours, so the population will understand it, and we connect it with a STRONG AUTARK AND THEREFORE ALSO SECURE AUSTRIA ==> WE dONT NEED MORE, this is enough balance with GAIA!!! we are not eco fascist and as I said, the other stuff gets later solved with technology and overpopulation is no problem in Austria... we balance it out naturally later... and intervene only little (school teaching, as explained... and there is also a natural drive when we would become too few... and when life quality is secure... so it dont gets too risky!!!!)
56) THEY WANT TO DESTROY LIFE QUALITY IN AUSTRIA AND GERMANY etc., then they say fill it up with immigrants like the island UK ( because otherwise we have too many people in pension), and then they produce more chaos and they want all the money... YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? THE HUNT HAS BEGUN!!! and also you will learn your lesson derstandard... WE GET OUR AGENDA! you can make a tube tax or.... something will happen... one way or another... we will not retreat... we become not just poor in Austria or like China
57) And beside that, only a right psychological persuasion does the job... no no no... not just this depraved CO2 ape stuff... and have all my data... du kannst auch eine in die Fresse bekommen wenn du unbedingt willst... und dann schaun wir uns auch manche EU Ratten genauer an...
Nay, but stuff like that... like from our Tennis player Dominic Thiem... WWF... and SEEADLER... THAT WORKS, perfect nature and WATER, and rivers (no dirty water scandal like in China, we stay real)....this is very simple....... ==> AND WE COULD HAD MADE THE SHIFT IN EUROPE...and now after timeline, adjust immigration.... AND THEN THE WORLD WOULD WANT TO IMITATE US!!! as explained somwhere else... ya and even USA would go in danger to stay behind... under pressure... but the LORD OF CHAOS... had a better idea with corona...and immigration, over do it fully and etc,!!! ==> E CARS WILL RUN, PRIZE FITS SOON!, then you need electricity, I have even my idea with OMV, check AUSTRIA PANEL chapter, and it runs... and I revealed a timeline... 2075 technology...==> YOU ONLY NEED TO MAKE RECYCLING MORE IMPORTANT, Batteries, NICKEL & KOBALT, you get already 95 percent via recycling (and other batteries we will have later, right now they test SALZSCHMELZE with OXID-NANOPULVER in WEICH-FESTES SALZ changeable, but later we will have still something else==> NATRIUM INSTEAD OF LITHIUM... WHAT A WONDER... AND NOMAD COMES WITH HIS SALT REVELATION!!!!! ==> IF YOU DONT SEE IT, ITS THE END OF THE WEForum fools, or a special circle of the WEForum...NOMAD RULES...and yes KTM or whoever in Austria...I know its a money thing but maybe go a bit into research...YA, AND SILIZIUM (solar power), NO PROBLEM...but we can get still something different...TRANSPARENT OLED DISPLAYS (very eco friendly) in the digital age...etc.==> THEY ARE JOKING PEOPLE, more then 95 percent of all KUPFER which got used in Germany is still today used... recycled...==> JUST KEEP THE KUPFER IN AUSTRIA, it a done deal!!! ==> WHAT WE MUST AVOID IS SOME PLASTIC BECAUSE THERE IS A DOWNGRADING VIA RECYCLING (OR WE MUST AVOID MIXED STUFF, GET A NORM... but general and also less plastic is better!!!!) etc. YET NOT WITH METALS (YA and that with recycling I just called it sustainability index, and I keep the resources at home and economy must be adjusted to it...wherefore they make already some steps in the EU)...WHAT PROBLEM IS LEFT? SELTENE ERDEN (RARE EARTH)! ==> YOU WANT AN ANSWER, CHECK JAPAN and rare earth, "Reicht mehr als 400 Jahre: Japan findet "fast unendliches" Vorkommen seltener Erden" Japan hat ein nach eigenen Angaben "nahezu unendliches" Vorkommen an seltenen Erden entdeckt. Es liegt in einem Seegebiet rund um die Insel Minamitori, rund 1.850 Kilometer südöstlich von Tokio. Hier sollen 16 Millionen Tonnen der raren Metalle liegen, genug Yttrium für 780 Jahre, Dysprosium für 730 Jahre, Europium für 620 Jahre, und Terbium für 420 Jahre. ==> and yes its a bit more deep in the SEA... I speak here nothing small but yes, they can EXTRACT it... but it takes a bit longer...==> AND I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH A BIT PRESSURE, SO ALSO HERE THEY GO MORE INTO RECYCLING, its not the end of the story, AND SO THEY GET PRESSURE and ACHIEVE RECYCLING and still we have enough of that stuff in the seabed==> And in Austria I would say, KEEP the car batteries, later we recycle them easy (technology)... YA, you will say, why put that stuff into a cave in Austria??? Ya, you can recycle it when the time fits... and we have the resources!!! I mean, its not a must be... but I have no worry ==>AND WHAT ARE WE DOING IN THE EU?????????, YA, PC and HANDY, the recycling prize is included, now make it better with plastic and rare earth later.... WHERE THE HELL IS THE PROBLEM???????????... and recycling technology gets also pushed.... become more effective... I KNOW WHAT WE CAN RECYCLE IN FUTURE...YOU FILL NOT UP AUSTRIA WITH IMMIGRATION AND MAKE US POOR AND PRODUCE CHAOS... THIS MEANS "WAR"...==> AND I CAN SAY that because regarding magnets they are already able to recycle 98 percent of the rare earth (and more environmental friendly). And therefore invest just a bit more in technology... and its attractive for technical, financial and political reasons... ==> FURTHER, ONLY WHEN THE ECONOMY WORKS, THEN WE CAN TAKE CARE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT...(we could had done it in EUROPE as I explained it, without the LORD of CHAOS, and just check countries which are more poor... and check the dirt) ==> renewable energies: and further what do they use mainly? SOLAR, WATER (later they use also "balls" in the sea), WIND, GEO(EARTH)THERMAL, AND PROBABLY SOON SALT?... DO YOU YOU NOT SEE IT YOU FOOLS WHO RULES????????.... and it was FIRE which brought us together...evening discussion....10000s of years ago!!!!! and now shall we just become virtual reality people???? NO WAY....BALANCE!!!!!... AND IF YOU ASK ME NOW, Martin, regarding renewable energies... should I search deeper in sulphur and I say, my friend take care, also a bad sulphur exists and my renewable energies are unknown to you! ==> AND CHECK PEGASUS IN GERMANY: PEGASUS (Renewable Power Generation by Solar Particle Receiver Driven Sulphur Storage Cycle) ==> WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT FROM ME??? DO YOU SEE NOW WHO RULES ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? NOW, finally about the city, the HIGHER RATIONALITY WINS... so for sure I must confess that the PSYCHE BALANCE with the MINDESTSICHERUNG, ya, not fully solved now... wherefore here I end the future city vision and I say that it is not perfected now... but it shows in a better way what BALANCE means... and ya, the last problem about Mindestsicherung, my answer would be (wherefore only later I put here the answer, AND AGAIN I REPEAT IT, this future city vision is not perfected here... it shall only give people a bit insight about balance... and also we know that it is not so simple with the 12 = apocalypse, below find right balance): HOW CAN WE HAVE ENOUGH COLD WATER? THIS IS THE MAIN QUESTION, THAT WE MUST SOLVE (security)..., answer: THEY SIMPLE MUST BECOME POOR ENOUGH, THERE MUST EXIST A PENALTY... people get checked by doctors... and when not willing... some form of penalty must exist... and to be dishonoured, it must be strong enough... and media must play also their role... could we go so far that they land in prison? sure not!, but a bigger thread shall exist...
58) thats right, I want to have both, the NEW TECHNOLOGY and GAIA, and therefore we have to push on... and especially in Europe... Germany likes now also a bit more the green switch... now they see more and more possibilities... and so on...
59) For sure the derstandard whore newspaper must try their last provocation, 22 May 2021, Chris Mason about CRISPR/Cas9... remember the Chinese twins and HIV???... now this idiot says we need it because humanity will not survive on this planet because one day the sun gets destroyed.... aha, in one billion years or whatever? YOU ARE SUCH POOR CREATURES AND YOU UNDERSTAND ALMOST NOTHING ABOUT DNA... and you simple degenerate more... Dont play here the hero derstandard... and we know your program... r ==> I FEAR NOT THAT STUFF BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT YOU CAN DO AND WHAT NOT... dont come with PROPAGANDA TO ME... you little stupid creature Eric Frey... and you would also believe that Schwab garbage... you have no saying in Austria... And I have the immortal DNA... to whom will they listen? And I know the securities... dreamer stuff does not work here... immortal radical trasnhumanist... pep it up with progaganda to prepare the future city society... Eric Frey, du wirst dich anscheissen später... du mickrige Seele ==> YOU GOT PROVEN WRONG BECAUSE OF THE SALT AND NOW YOU KNOW THAT WE CAN MANAGE IT... NOW... this was your last try you poor creatures... You have not even the BACKBONE to stand upright before me... so later, AWAY with you... when you stay mindless... we must get rid of you in Austria... you are a stumbling block. And our message is: We evolve, we endure, we succeed ==> and what is the last message of this poor idiots??? let us have a global pandemy and now we can push DNA and mRNA vaccines... ahh... you need a global pandemy for that? and how welll does it work? we make progress you say... really... but you want to play this pandemy game until 2030? at least Schwab wants it... derstandard, Ich werde mich persönlich um euch kümmern... Ich kenn euch ja, kleine Menschen mit Minderwärtigkeitskomplexen... und ihr glaubt ihr habt immer noch the saying... ==> THATS WHY I LAUGH SO MUCH, TO DISMANTLE THEM, WE WILL SEE LATER WHO IS AHEAD AND WHO NOT!!!!!!!! and whenever they loose... they come up with something else... this dumb down newspaper, not knowing that they will fall even harder... whether the old Protestant mindset had a chance... nor will you escape the apocalypse ==> and if you cant play after RULES, that is to examine the situation.... who is right and who is wrong... you will be spit out as leader ==> And I do not deny that politicians are not also a bit stupid... we could had made 10 years earlier pressure or a bit more pressure... they are too cowardly... NOW... but what will be not accepted to deny the history of Austria and just smash us into the same boat with CHINA, this will not work and nor will we allow it and nor to make us poor and especially not when we can manage it... this would mean "war" .. AND HERE I FINISH IT... I KNOW, nothing is left to say... AND YES YOU COWARD WILL NOT MAKE THE NEXT MOVE, cashless society surveillance just because you have no stamina!!!, because your problem is you never stop, always one more step towards dystopia and weaklings on top...
More Chaotic writings, but later I figured out the whole scame and again written during hard ascension
TROTTEL EU, if you dont change, AUSTRIA will leave, technology will not enslave us...
and they will never believe that they are doomed
We could also push the PUTIN card... oil, gas... if someone was rather not in that boat,
then Putin... bu so or so we must finish off derstandard (mentally) and co... all that dirt on our shoes
Und wenn der Bill Gates, und andre Größenwahnsinnige bereits von der nächsten Pandemie
sprechen... ja vielleicht wird bald in einen Bürgerkrieg in USA... CNN & MSNBC u. co.
ABGESCHLACHTET WERDEN... 50 percent probability... civil war in USA
7) YOU THINK IAM JOKING? In Steyr they have now placed three golden GUARDIANS OF TIME...The Guardians of Time is a society dedicated to preserving history against the attempts of the ORDER OF CHAOS to alter it (order of chaos: Her ultimate goal is to gain control of the world) … and the message in STEYR… from ancient times to the future... (and no, the book is not so bad from Marianne Curley yet for sure you should pick up just the good stuff or what is useful for you… with the heavens, underworld, middle realm, earthly realm... a fun reading… And in my book its more about the FLUID DYNAMICS, intervention of gods… the almighty source… and you maybe know the saying: ERWECKE DIE URKRAFT IN DIR… the guardians alone have not all knowledge… akashic records… the INEFFABLE ONE alone has it...many names we have for the one… and at LC we point also to it… with some divine science)… And yes, the three guardians have in the evening/night rainbow colours are upon them and so la la they make also a another interpretation, GREAT ART but more than that… directly at the TOWN SQUARE… ancient days, present, future...future city… STEYR, my birthplace!!!, first birth, second birth etc. ==> Nomad, do you know the person who put it there? Answer, no… but take care some real angelic beings could sit upon the houses… :-)… and so we have it also a bit mystical here… And yes, its an Austrian artist, Manfred Kielnhofer… they are on some few other places also found (buts mostly just at a gallery, or one he had for example at the Niagara falls for some while yet in Steyr its not about a gallery)… in Steyr 2020, Exhibition of three golden statues on the historic town square, purchased by the local government ==> and yes, the STEYR TOWN SQUARE WELL is directly close to them… and the RED WHITE AUSTRIA FLAG bla bla bla… Ya for sure many did protest… even in Derstandard we read, what do we see? an IMPERATOR or a MEDITATING MONK (ya it has to be a bit MENACING for the people, like the black M and light M, what is it?… and yes, by checking the three siting figures I see even a square in the middle, darkened pavement...or whatever plate that is. And also it is also in line with the clock tower!!!)… and yes, instead of 10 000 Euro per sculpture they got all three for 3500 Euro… and the ÖVP did just buy it… because I checked it now… wherefore polarization is no problem, some people worry a bit.. but they also think about it… they have some thoughts in their head. ==> and if you don’t want to keep them… bring it to LC later…. I told ya, here in Austria I will calm them down… but USA has another story… and bla bla ==> And YES, IAM BORN IN STEYR tand after town square place they brought it to the ENNSLEITE… exactly where Iam born
8) A person comes, he speaks something via air, opens his mouth, he points to something and gives a name to it... another person comes and writes it down... letters, alphabet... And a e i o u we find on the Habsburger Wappen... der KAISER... some believe it means:
Austria erit in orbe ultima (Österreich wird bestehen (ausdehnen) bis ans Ende der Welt, im Erdkreis das letzte sein)
Austria est imperium optime unita (Österreich ist ein aufs Beste geeinigtes Reich)
Augustus est iustitiae optimus vindex (der Kaiser ist der beste Beschützer der Gerechtigkeit)
Alles Erdreich ist Österreich untertan (16./17. Jahrhundert)
In deutsch, A E I O U, it is called VOKALE (vowel, mouth open, allowing the air to flow through it): a e i o u and ZWIELAUTE (diphtong, gliding vowel): au äu eu ai ei, UMLAUTE: ä ö ü ==>>> And no, I do that with fun... you know, Austria, a small country... but people always push that stuff... or interpretations... take it easy... EASTERN REALM (overcome the world, aufs beste geeinigte Reich, worthless earth under our feet, united empire, reigning over the all, but that is also new world my friends)... and we do not forget the ladder: Genesis 28:22 And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house ==>>> nevertheless Austria must be also able to eat strong food... my STONE message here ==>>>> and any harcore patriot (from other countries who read here) will always get angry and so they will stumble a bit... and further it has a similarity with gold or oil... let the fools stumble ==>>> and if it is not Austria, then it is our EU FLAG... and yes, Austria had some take over mentality which I do not deny (even when we are so small)... we know that... but now take it easy... and we are not the only ones... and seasons change... Nomad, this destroys our international relationships... ok, you have to live with that.. ahh blind people, so serious? You must prove stamina before my book, and not just Austria... Nomad knows no compromise... and this was also a bit a question about thoughts, letters, mouth, spoken word (loud thinking)... Jesus said: the words of God are firmly fixed in HEAVEN, they are spirit and life… AUSTRIA MUST RULE, that is the EASTERN REALM… we must seek the higher land… and include our philosopher stone… and the weaklings have no say in Austria! I don’t speak about Austria which is only found on a map… GARDEN in the east… WE WILL NOT REPEAT THE OLD MISTAKES, NOW WE GO HIGHER... its is not just the country on a map... the same with gold... it is not just physical gold... or about physical oil... so we must also include the first country... ========>>>> STATE AS RELIGION, SURVEILLANCE, PRIVATISATION (WATER..., MILITARY, POLICE), NEWSPEAK, ANY TRADITIONAL LIFESTYLE IS SEEN AS PRIMITIVE AND NONSENSE (Dystopia; they also want to deny every traditional medicine even when some stuff got proven by some scientist that it works), CONFORMITY, FICTIONAL VIEWS (like in science they have their world formel and want a secular order society, ethics – with a narrow minded evolution view - Maslow... without any spiritual knowledge), PROPAGANDA (no critic in media or in any public platform, censorship, and folly future city vision), AMUSEMENT COMPANY (smoke weed, watch 5 hours TV a day etc.), CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR (direct it), CHANGE HISTORY (and control search engines in the internet...they also say that Nomads ancient society did never exist), A RICH UPPER CLASS...which shifts all power to them and is in reality a DUMB PROLEATRIAT!!! we have DYSTOPIE – EUTOPIE – UTOPIE... and they want a DYSTOPIA == PSYCHOPATHS ARE ALWAYS DOOMED ========>>> But you ask me if I agree with Hegel about the table? the truth about this table, for Aristotle, is that it is a table and for Hegel, the equally important truth is that it was a tree, and it "will be" ashes ==>>> I see that as expanded consciousness, we do not just see the table but much more its becoming (as higher expression of reality, of thought, history of its development, what it was, what it is, what it will be) yet I do not deny being (everything is what it is), ==> and that is because we are less material overshadowed and less coarse orientated... maybe Iam a bit more chaotic with my study yet I just added and used the term 2) SECOND KNOWLEDGE because and also of the second sun in the sky [information and understanding about a subject, and similar you say, his knowledge about computer or languages or wine is quite awe-inspiring, and Hegel used the term IDEA, more in a sense of Vorstellung, conception]! ==> Nature... the idea has merely concealed its unity, splintered, fragments, otherness!!! And the 1) FIRST KNOWLEDGE I used for the divine reality and with it correspondences, unity, mind rises above the limitations of nature and institutions, subjected to itself alone in art, religion (mysticism), and philosophy (highest), divine science = Toxonsophist in the apocalypse: the restrictions of otherness disappear, mind moves all matter, without separation, liberty, and again about 3) BECOMING, we can also look upon the seed! And in conclusion I called it knowledge because it is also called the KNOWLEDGE OF THE SON (divine reality, energies etc.), and SECOND KNOWLEDGE, that is, because I do not exclude SCIENCE. AND I SEE MYSELF AS SOMEONE WHO BRINGS A PEACEFUL REVOLUTION, and the ADVANCED Spirit wins = Hegel is here right (further, body politic, the stone must be included in the educational system and learning the rules about balance, example: foreign politics = TRUMP has overdone it a bit, also he made some mistakes but we know who is the real enemy today… the real enemy today is this American Schwab etc. Transhumanist dystopian circle... And further Iam for EUROPE as a states-like entity! YET DIFFERENT!, later more to it ==> YA, I HAVE IT ALL CHANNELD IN A HIGHER MEANING... so we dont rule the world in a carnal way (this is ridiuclous, Austria today will not rule the world in the flesh)... and even the EU flag can be used!!!... HOW DO WE REALLY RULE??? Answer, the ADVANCED SPIRIT WINS!!!===>>> BUT IS IT NOT TOO MUCH FOR US???? Answer, ===>>> WATCH, we miss the point, for how should we write it down when the formless point meets the circumference (like a wheel with a felly and a spoke) and the SEVENFOLD is integrated as it were like they are altogether in the center as one nave. This book here is not written in a Pythagoras Style, no, its about imagination and to write it simple down... Lao Tzu said: We join spokes together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move. We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that holds whatever we want. ==>>> and then we must also realize that this seven spirits are like food to each other, you know like air blows up fire, light illumines darkness, fire moves water and so on... and God has created them as seven wheels (yet they still belong to the primordial energy).... wherefore many played also a bit around: The Visual Dynamics of the Wheel of Sevens in the Speculum theologiae (Sam Spears, which has radial segments, innermost and outermost ring) or etc. And sure we say, the cube is most male and the circle is most female... ==>>> our mind thinks stepwise like I make this wheel and then that wheel but that is not how it works... without darkness no light, you understand me? The philosophical question for me would be rather how can they all keep their own essentiality (like they are seven but still one, sevenfold)? The triple power is more simple because of the mirror, abyss, indrawing and outflow, but even here the sevenfold is integrated. And we have it also with integrated polar opposites to do, like again, darkness is the opposite of light. Or we have our mercury pole and sulfur pole...cold and heat... ==> WE WILL GET THE ANSWER AT LC!!! GEOMETRY existed before creation! WE WILL GET IT ALL DONE!!!! =========>Since philosophy is the highest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (it naturally includes religion and the stone (science) and art), therefore we need the capstone and then teach it also in the schools of Austria and I gave another reason why we should do that... and that is... the advanced spirit wins and the simple hearted learn better... How much fear should we have? You need not so much fear... because it is obvious that we must follow development which cannot be denied... it is part of our philosophy... the trick is that their mind gets shaped in a better way... They can also say, this is Martin, Jacob, Plato, Aristoteles, Hegel, Solomon or whoever... name them all...IMPORTANT IS THAT THEY RECEIVE A LITTLE UNDERSTANDING ABOUT THE VISION, LET THE REST FIGURE THEM OUT, and they can read and understand other sages more easily. ==>>> we have today well known Physicist who read Jacob, and they build their panel (or however you call it) by which they look forward of how they can reconcile theosophy etc. with science... ==>>> USA right wing under Trump spoke proud about their constitution and that it is Gods country and I said that you failed... religion even became worldly (Protestantism is an experiment which failed)... yet they say that Iam wrong... And now I say... let us be more clever, we in Austria (heart of Europe) build upon the STONE... this as the NEXT step... whenever a country pushed forward, it ws only done via real Mystics, never just because of religion… And then we see later what happens... CHECK: THE SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD (and seven league boots, European folklore), THE SEVEN SAGES, THE SUN HAS HIS SEVEN RAYS (and Dvipas, seven islands)... I WONDER WHY... Seven is formed by the union of two symbolic numbers: namely, three, which symbolizes the divine, since Godhead is a trinity, and four, which symbolizes the cosmical, the created universe of space (or four elements, four square), this being all determined in situation by the four cardinal directions or points of the compass, North, South, East, and West. The Seven, therefore, is in the highest degree symbolic, representing the union of the divine and the cosmical, and especially representing that reunion of the world with God which is the great aim and crowning consummation of all true religion............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... WE CAN CALL IT FOR EXAMPLE: ETHIK, ANTIKE PHILOSOPHIE, RELIGION, MYSTIK (EPRM) ... and others get also not offended... I bring the capstone and then teacher who know all this other sages can put some material together and only then we have it ==>>> I only have to give you the Blueprint (so that it is understood)... all this other stuff can be added later!!!... this can be a little subject, maybe just for a year in school and so that they have a book, ya but for sure, if it would be really advanced... this could go up to four years in school etc. but we are not yet on that level ===>>> CHECK: they have Ethics or religion and that over a longer time: Die Ausrollung beschränkt sich auf jene Schularten der Sekundarstufe II, in denen der Schulversuch erprobt wurde: Beabsichtigt ist, im Schuljahr 2021/22 "Ethik" aufsteigend in der AHS und den berufsbildenden mittleren und höheren Schulen auszurollen... Auf Basis der zahlreichen, vielfach schulautonom nur an einzelnen Standorten angewendeten Schulversuchs-Lehrpläne und unter besonderer Berücksichtigung eines Lehrplanentwurfes der Bundes-ARGE Ethik wird derzeit ein neuer Lehrplan erarbeitet. In diesem Lehrplan sollen aktuelle Anforderungen sowie die vielfältigen Erfahrungen aus den Schulversuchen einfließen. Grundlagenwissenschaft des Ethikunterrichts ist die Philosophie. Bezugswissenschaften sind Psychologie, Soziologie, Religionswissenschaft, aber auch Geschichte, Rechtswissenschaft, Biologie, Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Politologie, und anderes mehr... Der Ethikunterricht soll Schülerinnen und Schüler zu selbstständiger Reflexion im Hinblick auf Wege gelingender Lebensgestaltung befähigen, ihnen Orientierungshilfen geben und sie zur fundierten Auseinandersetzung mit den Grundfragen des Lebens anleiten.==>>> if you do not include my STONE (GRUNDSATZFRAGEN DES LEBENS und NENNST ES AUCH NOCH PHILOSOPHIE), you are called NARRENREGIERUNG!!!... ==>>> DIE ENTWICKLUNG VON SCHULBÜCHER ALL THE SAGES (and you include Bezugswissensschaften wie Rechtswissenschaften (Plato etc.), Religion, Politologie (also Hegel etc.), Geschichte (antike Gesellschaften, auch Ägypten und der Stein)...and further, we ENHANCE creativity, that is for example done via the SYMBOLS and correspondences... and when you speak about Psychologie, then I remember you to Carl Gustav Jung and his symbols, and regarding myself, I receive the capstone and so I can give you a bigger assurance about symbols and divine reality and interpretation)... And you know very well Jacob and all the poets who borrowed from him and further you know Shakespeare, Goethe, Schiller and so on... And you know that many would say that Iam NEO-PLATONIC or this and that... that is... because all sages fit together, yet now you understand that already better... now, therefore why should you not show them Martin and Jacob and when you call it Grundsatzfragen des Lebens? and when you speak about religion, we inlcude even Lao Tzu and the other Taoist books...and even a bit Hinduism, I say a bit, because as you have seen in my book, you must search it out to find the STONE!!! and I have whole SCRIPTURE ==>>> and every young person who could read my book will make you to "Gulasch" or this Ethik teacher in schools… BECAUSE YOU WILL BECOME WAY TOO WEAK FOR THEM… SO UTTERLY WEAK WHEN THEY GET TRAINED UNDER MY HAND… THAT YOU WOULD HIDE IN A CORNER!!! And also to add, Jung was right, he emphasises the importance of alchemy in relating to us the transcendent nature of the psyche... ==>>> and the collective unconsciousness is for me a mixture with the mud field, dark fire... And about the opposites and our Mercury (but this includes more then that): He is metallic yet liquid, matter yet spirit, cold yet fiery, poison (NOMAD must correct it: ya, we need to get transformed, then we receive our true MERCURY… upon the glass… cool pole), and Jung goes on and says: yet healing draught - a symbol uniting all the opposites... recognize not only himself as the equivalent of Christ, but Christ as a symbol of the self (higher Self, and secret oil) ====>>>> And you ask me, how much “religion” will we get??? Guys, this is the old discussion between a Taoist and Konfuzius (with all his morality rules yet he had also some good sayings) They share common beliefs about man, society, and the universe, although these notions were around long before either philosophy. Both began as philosophies, each later taking on religious overtones. Legend states that Confucius and Lao-tzu did in fact meet to discuss the Imperial Archives. Lao-tzu was unimpressed by the beautiful robes worn by Confucius, and did not agree with looking back on the past. Put away your polite airs and your vain display of fine robes. The wise man does not display his treasures to those he does not know. And he cannot learn justice from the Ancients. NOMAD is simple HOLISTIC and you find your way, one way beyond the way yet many ways to the mountain top ==>>> when you do not mess up your nous or take a bit care, then you are more happy, more simple hearted... and then you are also more friendly to other people, so take care about yourself and then those around you profith from it to know you better! Ya, know the energies, know what to embrace... you can not learn it from the ancients without a Master!!!And when you say you include religion (Ethik) in school, yea you have also Chuang Tzu... and through me they understand all that better and also I will reveal the True Self a bit better at the end of the book (and they have the other sages). And filial piety = a virtue of respect for one's parents, elders, I do not deny that (here, I change not the Austrian culture, common sense is kept, "partially" we can also call it catholic sense)
9) NO SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIP, BEFORE THAT HAPPENS, WE GET RID OF YOU TECHNOCRATS (and also Hitler had them), YOU DUMB TRANSHUMANIST ANIMALS!!! NOW, lets check: In the same way as you can take an axe and cut off your arm and the degree of grey town has not changed we can say that life goes on after the discard of the physical body and the Spirit globe is individually for everyone. And with that I have the best proof for you and that also complete empirical. No sage can challenge me!… When you want to use Karl Popper who refuted the classical positivist account of the scientific method, by replacing induction with the falsification principle and that for a theory to be considered scientific it must be able to be tested and conceivably proven false ==> remember my immortal blood, the fragrance, the halo body etc. in the apocalypse which will be later seen! INDUCTIVE REASONING: OBSERVATION, PATTERN, HYPOTHESIS, THEORY… DEDUCTIVE REASONING: THEORY, HYPOTHESIS, OBSERVATION, CONFIRMATION.. and therefore inductive evidence is limited because most people do not observe the universe at all times and in all places and so they are not justified in making a general rule from this observation of particulars (whatever patterns)… And therefore he preferred critical rationalism and deductive reasoning. And also I should make predictions which can be tested (light body, healing of the body or whatever)… and I will explain additional why it is sevenfold and trine… (observation = light body, sweet fragrance, joy etc., divine reality, plus theory and we have our science and convergence chamber at LC! Ya, and what do we know about the circle? or do we have an indication that the universe is fractal and so on, or does a baby have dry bones? and what is with my bones in the apocalypse? And also very important we do not freeze in the apocalypse (everything well tempered) and therefore also the heat and cold can be confirmed! Wherefore the TRIAD is already clear because of duality integration, it needs three points, etc.……………The PANDORA BOX is known and now HOPE has to return again in a greater magnitude... for we reach again a peak… and its not just about a Dan Brown book or such stuff, SUCH FOOLISHNESS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!!… And I tell you a story, as I visited my mother, 19 January 2020, I asked, why shall I restore hope? Behold, we have all the buildings, so many people today, less connected to nature and etc… and God said, think about Jacob and listen to the next song which plays on radio… and then on the Austria radio channel they played from Udo Jürgens: “5 Minuten vor 12” and I could not even say that I have really known this song… or maybe forgotten. Wherefore Iam not so an emotional artistic but the number 5 Minuten vor 12 and… ok, lets do it... BUT BECAUSE I sound sometimes very hard... because I have it so difficult to live in 21 century, God forgive me! here a song for chillout:
10) I have read: POLICY BASED POPULATION PROJECTIONS FOR THE EUROPEAN UNION, A COMPLEMENTARY APPROACH by Philip Cafaro and Patricia Dérer, but we in AUSTRIA have so or so a fertility rate of ~ 1,47 and this is a very low number… for you would need 2,1 that population is stabilized… and in future WE WILL NO LONGER ALLOW IT THAT YOU OVERDO IT with immigration… and when we compare Japan with Austria you get a shock! No one can say that we were not very immigration friendly… and in future we will stabilize that and even Japan shows that a negative growth is possible and we must get away form oil… and it helps nothing to create slums in Vienna… NO, we will stabilize that in future… and around 2035 we become stable or have a tiny negative growth…. And if the leftist make further propaganda and call us names… THEN WE WILL THROW THEM OUT IN HARD WAY. THIS NGO BASTARDS… who are nothing but LIAR…. We know the numbers...==> Wherefore and again after the UN model for Austria (prospects 2019) the population peak for Austria is somewhere in the year 2053 (9,2 million, and we stay flat with that number long before 2053) and then goes down and again other say we could have the peak in the year 2037… Anyway, we must now start to make calculations in Austria… we must find the best solution… having less immigrants...and by all means must we avoid any scenario which does not show the decline until 2050, doing it with right policy etc… We HAVE THE POPULATION DECLINE NATURAL… so no worry… and as I said… in the future city they are also happy with two kids… it was only that we had no pill in the past that families had 8 kids or whatever… we do no longer have that problem and higher life quality and two kids… and some have three or some one… so la la la... this is the better dream for Austria… yet the debate remains what is the best population number for Austria and some would argue 6 million and other 7 million and other… About that we must all together come to a conclusion… the whole population!!! AND WE MAKE THAT TOPIC TRANSPARENT IN FUTURE… which will SECURE OUR GOVERNMENT… more transparent = more TRUST!!! and we all have a saying and most people understand it… absolute… ==> ... JETZT IST SCHLUß, wir haben sogar nur 1,47 und die sagen dass wir wie China werden sollen (auch MENTALITÄT, ihr System)! Und in Wirklichkeit können wir sogar das 2050 Ziel einfach schaffen… Later more to it! You will not destroy Austria… WE WILL GO HARD
11) And in a paper is written that if we would had 1milllion pure electric cars, we would need additional 2,6 TWh... = 20 percent of all cars in Austria (4,8 million cars in Austria) => first of all we must think here about something else… What else do we know? ==> Austria imports 4 times more energy then it exports (IMPORT: 46 percent oil, 35 percent gas, USAGE: 8 percent coal, 37 percent oil and 22 percent gas, as we also produce ~7 percent oil and etc. wherefore OMV AUSTRIA is a high quality company, they know how to find oil…anyway)… Lets go back to the cars: ==> they are complete wacko with their ~100 basic fees and what we shall choose and how they discount the Kwh wherefore I would be for PLUG AND CHARGE (this goes automatic and without any card or smartphone… the data exchange happens simple between the car and the charging infrastructure, that is how I prophesied it and how it shall be) and without basic fee but calculated directly after Kwh and if any surcharge (costs) are cleared, now, this must be fair… and it is a trap when it gets deducted after charging time and not after the amount of electricity (as it looks like they have both variants)… THIS IS A JOKE... Ya and even Tesla and VW and BMW etc. bring out their billing systems… ya, shall now everyone make money with that? ==> and why do they not use the bigger gas stations because many cars can be charged at such a place when we just keep those (and someone needs to check the gauge)… and maybe also car washing can be done on that place… but they fabricate a complete deregulation and that cannot work... ==> it would be better that OMV buys it and later we have supercharge stations, 15 minutes enough… and they can drive home or the next 150 miles or more… a deal between the state and OMV… and when they have already sold their ~240 stations in Germany… now you buy more in Austria… and you use the whole station areal for charging… we have ~ 2700 gas stations and OMV has 428, now plus 240… ~ 700… and many more cars can be charged on that place… and the rest… give it to Jet or Eni or BP… yet some must so or so close… we don’t need all of them… so get the 240 and make a deal… but you have already sponsored many wallboxes which shows how insane you are… ok, you can sponsor them a bit to have it at home… especially those with houses want that… ==> I want no market manipulation and I want stable prices and long-term certainty. And I guess this idea came form USA and some got paid… anyway… we will destroy it in Austria and the politicians will pay and it is absolute not necessary… we even have the infrastructure for it… it needs only a deal.. And many have houses in Austria (where they can charge it) and we need so also much less gas stations... and supercharger will charge them later very fast… and etc. And nor does anyone tell us: you can use only this or that station and nor will we have all this different basic fees… forget it… And they will experiment with the cells of the batteries and reduce heating issues and then they can charge their cars in 10 or 15 minutes or even in 8 minutes later… and we will not use here such a deregulation… with all that nonsense… All what we need, we pay Kwh (gauge) and a litte start prize… because we use that area… and with all cars and only ~ 1500 gas stations we need maximal… the prize must be ok and will be ok… and still they earn a bit money… and we use only PLUG and CHARGE… (smartphone crap and cards… away with it). And beside that they can wash their cars on that places (as some or many gas stations have that)… they have built that already… so it belongs to them… ==> another advantage we have the infrastructure and they can also easily built solar panels upon a roof when they want… technology becomes also better later… but they will earn their money and we are all happy… and we involve them in the renewable energies... advantage for us and they can easily calculate it (and anything else has also nothing to do with a better environment, to have everywhere that crap which goes out of control...)… because we don’t need that crap everywhere and we can do it with at least ~30-35 percent less gas stations ==> and we don’t need to stand in the rain.. and with a deal… they check renewable energies… we secure that also and OMV etc have enough money to do it… WE COULD DO IT VIA SMART TECHNOLOGY… solar and cars… and in the night they would pay more… and with app… which station is fully charged… THE QUESTION REMAINS WHAT OMV WOULD SAY ABOUT IT… you have to check that… And we could make a law, that is if you cant provide solar energy (with a defined percentage), then you don’t be allowed to charge your car somewhere else… Therefore those with houses can do it and the rest to the stations! And via DATA MANAGEMENT…. Everything else goes into chaos… ya, I even said: I would make deal with farmer and destroy Tesla, BMW and co… have it on their ground… and with solar… and farmer earn a bit money… so all that does not work ==> But instead make a prize which is acceptable… without basic fees and PLUG and CHARGE…. When we use 2000 stations, 100m2… 2000 * 100 = 200 000m2 (and 65m2 = 10 000kwh per year) ==> 200 000 / 65 = 3000 and 3000 * 10 000 = 30 000 000 kwh wherefore 1Tw = 1000 000 000 kW and with better technology in future and using more then double roof size as it is possible on that places, so la la to manage 10 percent of the TWh… and I know that 1 million cars need around 2,6Twh right now at the actual efficiency… but if it is just 5 percent or etc, its lucrative and the energy is all the time secured (and ~ 2 million cars, they charge it at home or at work)… You must plan that for the future, the next 30 years and then we need it compact on places and therefore we use the gas stations… and are in less need of batteries… And maybe with light weight cars, glassy display… different Karosserie...and better technology… maybe 2050 we could say… ya, lets manage the 10 or 15 percent for cars… wherefore I guess that even more is possible… it depends… but for sure when they only sell racing cars… its not so good… Conclusion: You simple use less gas stations… and bring the people compact on this places… and no energy is wasted and not many batteries are needed… ==> built the rest with solar [mainly] with a stable net for cars in Austria, and then we have this other sources… like hydroelectric plants etc… ==> this is too much environmental unfriendly cables and etc. with all this stations… and its rather that I make cars more dependent upon solar… And they can make an app later and check how many charging places are free on this or that station and with that we get it done!!! And if you want to have energy during night, you PAY MORE… therefore plan it rightly and we find a solution that other do not go into competition with too much community charging... ==> And this will be on my panel and I will make you to the biggest fools and further they could even use more solar panels because they spare money when they don’t need much batteries… and this is only a structure issue which we can solve easily… make it compact and guide them later with an app… ==> and we built cars with 900 Volt architecture etc… and we get it done… an example is WIOCOR ENERGY, Innovative Solar Fast Charging Stations… and you can also read Direct Fast Charging of Electric Vehicle Using Solar Power etc. ==> we kill the deregulation market and solve the structural issue problem (always some cars should be on that place) and connect together… and we will have some innovations curves…And a deregulation market when it is mixed with solar energy… this shows only how insane they are… and then they have it at companies where they work, then those who have houses… and maybe farmer make their little communities and etc. and nothing is efficient enough but pure chaos… And when it should get too expensive… ya, we build our own communities, they say… Therefore, the politicians just sit back and produce CHAOS and its important that first they have produced all this garbage and later we throw it away… ==> wherefore I have seen now that OMV has also now their e mobility card… anyway, they have SMATRIX charging stations and 40 percent share… Ya, they say, let them make their stuff… everyone does his own little thing, yet I guess they manage a fair use prize later but for sure this is no SOLUTION… like we drive around like idiots, UHAA, maybe at McDonalds a station is free or wherever… drive around… and I want that charging station which fits to my card for otherwise I pay maybe 20 percent more or even 30 percent… aha, and maybe later they make it more subtle like 8 percent added costs… and so everyone of them earns more money… and we have everywhere in Austria stations on whatever weird place… yet then we will throw them out together with the politicians…==> and further if OMV does it, we can give them a security… because the solar energy we need it so or so… like for example they would fear that instead of e cars we have another technology in 20 years… I say, no, we have here no problem! Therefore you will talk with them!
12) And we must by all mean learn about the agriculture in NETHERLAND… we must become sustainable like they are… and so when we just have a small population decline and keep that… now then here we must CHANGE… Here we have to put our money, have the little population decline and change agriculture after the Netherland model (to some degree) and to have also all this big glassy greenhouses and additional tools and to have more jobs… ==> this is another part of the panel regarding my AGENDA for Austria.. and they had big government funded research and we must CHANGE now and also because we are one of the worst countries regarding BODENEROSION ==> project smart crossovers of greenhouse technology and high-tech sensor systems are tested and implemented in large greenhouses to optimize the growth and quality of the crops ==> we are good with our woods, now we must manage that, earlier than later… ==> and yes, we must check their system, artificial light lend and start up companies to build the machines for it. ==> I show you the priority regarding the panel and politics later at LC: ==> and yes, Netherlands has good people (and my grandmother lived also there) but they have also “luck”, the big port (serves also industry, foreign investments, whole Germany hangs on it, and so you can also speak German in that country), then they are surrounded only by rich countries, good soil and climate, good education but and also often just highly skilled immigrants enter their country… and so they can even produce almost everything they need (technology) and then they can build an excellent infrastructure… and get all the tourism… and about USA, people often play that down but they profit very much that the Dollar is the world reserve currency and they have much space and oil, ya, enough resources and so on but again they have not now such a position like Netherlands and USA has mainly Mexican and middle America immigrants… and if we are honest, then we have to say, ya, in USA nice buildings exist and so on but Netherlands looks OVERALL (the country as a whole) MORE RICH… And should the Dollar be in future at one day no longer be the world reserve currency… ya… USA will adapt more to the other average rich countries (it will loose even a bit more its “radiance”)… And for sure when we speak about rich countries, then regarding ranking Austria is on place 14 and Netherlands on place 12… yet it is not so simple how they calculate it or show it… because they use just GDP and... And yes, Norway is so rich because of GAS and OIL and then they have also good education, investments and....and they are only 5 million people (and the same is true for Sweden etc., not densely populated = advantage)… ==> and with Austria: Austria’s wealth is coming from its wealth. A relatively small country, mostly hilly, no great for agriculture, no significant industry (we had to build it but yes for sure, we were never a communist country and that does also matter… and it does matter that somehow we were often the center of the empire. And in Germany and Austria, we had success also because there was a solidarity among the people and respect for rule and law, and people got rewarded for innovations and hard work versus communism… but about right balance regarding the future city… we speak later… because yes, Netherland became also a bit greedy and ya they will deny that… but we will look very closely later at the PSYCHE and FUTURE CITY and how we should built it….The food problem we can solve (Netherlands shows us) and there is still more potential in it and it does not even need artificial food… Our problem is wildlife in Europe, we miss many animals… and then water problems also (and the problems with animals expands to the sea, corals etc.)... And in Europe most space is used… And to have all people just in high tower cities (skyline), that can also not be the solution. But I really believe that the food issue can be solved. ==> I have to awaken my people at LC to it because otherwise the frogs will say that they have the best solutions with their big companies and money making machine… THEY cant fool us at LC. And food is an important factor as we have spoken… for any country… and what are we doing? ==> and we would have a natural population decline in future yet still we can make the best out of it… And we could also let plants grow in a hydroponic system and so they use less water and combine it with geothermal energy (not even pesticides they use for their tomatoes yet they export also general vegetables, meat, diary and eggs). Their greenhouse cover an area of 14 ha. ==> The recent World Resources Report warns if our current level of production efficiency continues, feeding the planet in 2050 would require “clearing most of the world's remaining forests, wiping out thousands more species ==> About their Greenhouses: “Sometimes sustainable solutions cost a bit more in the short-term, but in the long-term they should be more effective and that’s actually what we are seeing,” says van Adrichem. “You need to have the guts to invest in those kinds of things for the long-term.” ==> Using geothermal energy saves 6 to 7 million m3of natural gas every year and virtually eliminates the use of fossil fuels.To ensure that our tomato plants can grow properly, we use residual CO2 from industries, including from the port of Rotterdam. This is purified and transported to our greenhouses via pipelines. ==> THIS IS ON MY PANEL BECAUSE AUSTRIA WILL BECOME A VORBILD FOR OTHER! And there will a law remain… GMO is declared as GMO and every Austrian has a right for organic food… and etc, and yes the earth in Netherlands is a bit better (not so hard)… but we can still become better in Austria… this is also on my PANEL… and this NGO rats will not fool us!
13) and to change the oil heating in Austria (600 000) and Gaskessel (old gas boiler 900 000)… this cost so la la 12 Milliarden (English billions) Euro just for the oil heating change in homes and we cannot tell everyone directly to buy a solar panel and nor is it the end of the story, therefore again, lets focus also upon the gas stations!!!… and so or so we MUST SECURE ELECTRICITY… and not to have here many prize variations…. And also every heating pump needs energy and we need to stabilize the grid… later more to it (how we secure it)...Wherefore I have also seen that not only POWER TO GAS but also POWER TO LIQUID EXISTS (with synthetic oil, for example QUATAR has a big plant). And until 2035 they want to accomplish that with the hybrid oil heating in homes in Austria. ==> wherefore POWER to gas is maybe more important because we don’t know how long we get still gas from Putin (and their reserve, 30 or 50 years?)…, and it depends also what we will do with our little oil production… but so or so some oil is still needed for chemistry industry….ok, perfect!. Ya, and this power to gas and such ideas for sure need more research…Via synthetic gas they get WASSERSTOFF! as POWER TO GAS, They do it with a HYBRID POWER PLANT (Elektrolyser, ya but you need water for it)! Elektrolyse, HYDROGEN PLUS CO2, and they would need 1million ton per year or probably much less because they change it to hybrid heating and more efficient ones, and we have even our own company AVL, I have not calculated now much about it and also some stuff will change in future… research! ==> … but so la la we get it done… ==> RECAPITULATED, THE OIL HEATING CHANGE UNTIL 2035, WE KEEP THAT... and yes, wherefore we have 93,2 Twh = called SEVEN FIELDS GASSPEICHER (gas storage), absolute big, this lasts for months… and they could also use it to store WASSERSTOFF (hydrogen)
14) WASSERKRAFTWERKE: the potential is 700MW (actual knowledge, this can change) and its about the budget, it simple costs more by comparison yet depends in future about oil prize and etc. Wherefore they build also another 21 WASSERKRAFTWERKE (hydro 713 MW) and have in planning 2827 MW ==> AUSTRIA AND THE FEW NATURAL PARTS OF ALL THE RIVERS WE SHALL KEEP ==> we will not fool around with the last 37 percent (rivers) which are so to speak in a good condition (ökologische Zustand ==> we go here with the WWF report: … wwf-energiewende—gewaesserschutz-oesterreich.pdf 2018… we do not allow all hydroelectric plants, forget it… ==> we can find another solution, later more to it… so right balance here
15) Wherefore we have also Biomasse (biomass for power plants) which is very important for us because 48 percent in Austria is forest and more trees grow than we need… in fact we are one of the few countries who could really make it with renewable energies… because of hydroelectric facilities… we just need upgrades in the technology sector and yes, because we have so much forest… wherefore we have also research regarding geothermal energy but we have not so many areas where we can really use it. Yet Austria has still the potential: .Eine besondere Rolle kommt dabei der Tiefen Geothermie zu. Darunter versteht man das Vorkommen von nicht trinkbarem Heißwasser ab 300 m Tiefe, das zur umweltfreundlichen Wärmeversorgung genutzt werden kann. Österreichs Geothermie-Potential ist noch zu 95% ungenutzt. Bis 2030 könnten durch die Erschließung 600.000 t CO2 eingespart werden (using 25 percent). Wien Energie erforscht momentan im Projekt Geotief die Potentiale im Großraum Wien. ==> YA, for VIENNA this stuff is important and they have already a scheme...plan...project… I need nothing to say about it!!! and yes, we just need the electricity for a Wärmepumpe (heat pump) but this heat pumps will also still become more efficient via upgrades later… some potential we must still have.. vast! use of geothermal energy is important!.. And yes, I like that totally, because geothermal energy is quasi infinite energy… . And regarding SOLARTHEMIE (solar thermal), if it does not last for 30 years, you don’t need to sell it… ya, built it upon durability… we don’t buy your stuff, get better...and ok, they say now 25 years and in reality we can hope that it endures 30 or 40 years… yet with windmills we have seen the opposite… but they LEARN NOMAD… ya, let them LEARN!!! And we will have some innovative ideas at LC and how we stabilize the grid and low level peaks… but its not for this book… wherefore when we look at the BETRIEBSKOSTEN, then a LUFTWÄMEPUMPE is too expensive (not efficient enough right now and has often only a durability of 15 to 20 years) versus ERDWÄRMEPUMPE (~6000kwh per year, and the ERDWÄRMESONDE has a durability of 100 years but even beyond that… and even the pump endures already now 25 or 30 years when all the dimensions got rightly calculated and we can manage the whole heating of the house during the whole year, and therefore I fully favor this concept). And yes also a WASSER-WÄRMEPUMPE exists by which you need a well…. with water...
16) and YES a future investment for Austria: a company which thinks about such a universal key for car sharing and then to find the next car via GPS and for sure the lock must be changed regarding this cars… and I would even further simplify it, that is, this universal key could be also used for public transportation, you just log in when you go to the train or bus… and need not to worry about anything… whatever is available and that in the most simple manner… and we maybe call it universal transportation key. So you could think with a start up company about such stuff and how to realise it and the concept must be… MOST SIMPLE… ==> something like that. And is it possible via Navi (or taxometer) in cars to just put the information on the key… you did drive so far… and now the data is upon the key (via bluetooth or whatever)... I don’t want SCHREIBARBEIT… simple the data is on the key… and online they can make the check every month… And if someone has to put gas into the tank… also the KEY can be used to pay for it… (somehow this must be realised together with banks) ==> And yes, on trains and bus I just want an LC display, you hold the key to it… and then just push your finger on the button, that is, what is your destination. ==> and this over-simplification will bring many more people into that boat… like I have it most easy… And the key has simple a little battery display… and is chargeable like a handy. This is for Vienna yet also the same it is with older people in pension who have cars… that is, when you make it most simple, then they will like it because they don use this cars very often…. And it can be expanded to everything in-between like students or younger people and those who want no car yet need to drive sometimes longer distance or… by which they need a car… BUT I want both, public transportation and this car sharing… I want a universal transportation key for them… Wherefore with older people and the question regarding availability, older people need only a small PC and check it in the net, a most simple website which shows them directly on the map where they are and where the next car is available… and maybe a half hour reservation possibility… with the ID number of their key... Yet and again if some older people do not use a PC for anything else… there must be made a compromise, they don’t need to pay 20 Euro per month for internet… somehow to figure that out… no problem, and yes older people exist who use very often the internet… Ya, and everyone has a backup key, and another problem to solve, to reserve a car for oneself when going shopping or bla bla bla… extra cost evaluation yet cheap enough it must be… it must be perfectly calculated… and even an option that someone uses a car for three days or 7 days (holiday) or whatever… with different money cost calculations… You have simple a BLACKBOX and two mini cameras on the SIDE MIRROR for example and two in front and two behind and maybe something else additional to it (touch sensors)… but its no big deal, for the insurance company!!! YET this CAR SHARING THING IS ONLY AN IDEA… AND BECAUSE WE ARE A COUNTRY WITH WELL FUNCTIONING PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM AND MANY NEED TO TRANSPORT SOMETIMES STUFF AND MAYBE WANT A MIXTURE… so just an idea!!! And further as I said, we go down a bit with the immigration number in Austria, this is no free card for one million more people in Austria… AND WE GO HARD… we know the numbers and you want 50 percent foreigner in Austria and in USA… check the numbers… we would reach even that point soon… We will not tolerate that and we go after the 2050 goal… EIN AUTARKES ÖTERREICH! ==> this is part of my PANEL for AUSTRIA: WENIGER WÄNDE, GRÜNE KONTINUITÄT GEPAART MIT SICHERHEIT UND EIN BESSERES LEBEN FÜR ALLE IN ÖSTERREICH ==> but we will also implement additional things so that the older ones have it still good… and it all gets better… ya, this is my AGENDA for Austria….And yes there are another advantages… and yes, I will have one controversial point and I speak later about it
17) And forget that Co2 joke about global warming, it is about resources and the environment!!!…and SCINEXX together with Covid19 has exposed the CO2 stuff: Pandemiefolgen: Stärkster CO2-Rückgang der Geschichte (Rückgang von 10 Prozent, and 18 Prozent – Autos, Züge etc. and 43 Prozent - Flüge), the fun is that we had more Co2 in the atmosphere in the same time period and that even stronger than a year ago… 97 percent Co2 originates form nature… and you can check: temperature since 1960 to 2021 and atmospheric Co2… KAUSAL… CO2 goes up in a line… and temperature goes up and down and up (Hardcrut4)… and the CO2 in the atmosphere does not bother about it… And do you know the SCHEIN KORRELATION: Anzahl Störche and Geburten in Deutschland? And check the Klimafluktuationen der letzten 1000 Jahre (nach Schönwiese!!! 1997, mit dem mittelalterlichen Optimum) ==> and the IPCC HOCKEY STICK PROPAGANDA got exposed and emails… ==> this tuff gets paid from the government and we know why… and as long as money flows… WHO ARE WE? SELBSTBESTIMMT ODER FREMDBESTIMMT? And the other temperature charts from Schönwiese 1997 and etc… its hard to find them today in the internet… it got all changed. And openly Prof. Rahmstorf schreibt: “Bin ich endlich umgekauft worden?“ so he got paid… and Schnellnhuber became wise: Power-law persistence and trends in the atmosphere, a detailed study of long temperature records, Phys. Rev. E 68 (2003) Last decades: The fact that we found it difficult to discern warming trends at many stations that are not located in rapidly developing urban areas may indicate… ==> but that I show only that you see how bogus are all this calculations… And yes, paid people tell us for sure the truth… and they want to make their career... and you can also check GISP2 core and Temperature ==> this is just complete stupidity for me and no, Iam not a KLIMAWANDELLEUGNER because I even refer to the GISP2 core… it always existed… and dramatically in the past… and this stupid names you can give to other… for you know that you are brain-dead when you use such words…this people will not fool us… ===============>>>> NOW what do I have further on the plan… so that we become TOTALLY AUTARK!!!! YOU HEARD ME RIGHT, TOTALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need only ONE ATOMKRAFTWERK and it will last 60 years or longer and then we have it… and no second one will be built… thats for sure… and in 40 years we are ready with upgrade technology to do the rest… Maybe we could put it somewhere near the mountains...where almost no one is… and then they keep just distance… YET we need a law in the EU, not closer than 70 km to another country or 100km…. And we need only one… THIRD GENERATION SECURITY!!!!!… And we just say that Switzerland etc. has some and we only go into one… but nevertheless still at least 80km away form another country… ==> yet it shall not serve as an excuse, we keep the other stuff going… Ya, and maybe we have a place somewhere in a forest region… you know, more far away from other… ==> and the good part, only few people shall leave and we rebuild meanwhile the forest in that pace… because we have many trees but not real a really intact wood area (URWALD)...and we must also understand that Austria imports 12 percent Atom electricity, and for the first time we produce not enough ELECTRICITY!!!, and then they still want to OVER DO it with immigration and shall have in future 50 percent foreigner… ya, we will end this BASTARD SHOW FROM THE DERSTANDARD and co… WE GO HARD! AGAINST THIS SCHWAB FOLLOWER… THEY WILL LEARN THEIR LESSON! ==> now, lets go on, and we need the security for winter time when windmills work not good and right now we don’t have the upgrade technology and we MUST STOP ANY NEW WASSERKRAFTWERK! Which goes too much against the environment… as God looks at humans and the earth so also we must take care!!! ==>THE POPULATION OF AUSTRIA WILL UNDERSTAND IT TODAY AND WE CAN SELL IT NOW AS REALLY BECOMING TO THE BIGGEST PART AUTARK!!! AND IT WILL BE ENOUGH FOR US, THIS IS PERFECT!!! AND THE TIMELINE FITS WITH TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES in ~50 - 70 YEARS ==> ya, in 60 years we know what to do with the waste… and the waste would be kept directly at the plant… meanwhile… we calculate directly the space we need… etc. And the chance is VERY!!! HIGH that in the year 2100 we have found a solution for the ATOMMÜLL! YA, I could almost say, its a fact… I can reveal it to you... And we have the IAEA (international Atom organization) in Austria and I know that because I worked also on that place for some while… And the APCC does also not bother us. And we build only one nuclear plant big enough… And check for example the 3000 MW like Bihar, but this would need 3000 acres of land, 1214 ha land, wherefore the CHOOZE B in northern France is also a 3000MW and built on a 200 ha side! And in reality it could also endure 80 years and until the year 2100, ya, a solution we have found via technology what to do with the ATOMMÜLL. ==> we need only a small space for a 1400 MW plant!, a 1400 would also do the job! (~7 Milliarden Euro... and Germany must retreat… thats why they make propaganda against it… ya, they had their mess in the past and we will not have a mess because we calculate it all directly…, we will not need any waste transport!!! And we simple import too much electricity and that already NOW. And YES, we would store the waste in the pool directly at the plant and calculate it for 50-60 years, with a re-racking method yet dry storage also exists… anyway we would not have the problems like other because we calculate it and design it beforehand for that capacity, and yes, 1500 tons sound much but it does not require much space...just calculate it in m3, and stacked even better, when that is possible, this is a small size, not very big… and yes, by the way coal plants are worst for HEALTH (check it out for yourself… its proven)!!!!!! And a nuclear plant is still no bad idea, timeline until 2075 (wherefore when you are nuclear plant, I speak about breeder and THORIUM, by which almost all problems are solved, its very green)… Wherefore the most interesting thing, I have written down the 5 to 10km range for kids in my Spirit, to keep that distance, juts for kids!!! and only checked afterwards the studies… that is, maybe! kids could be slightly affected in that circumference, anyway, with that I have a VERY GOOD CONSCIENCE because I got confirmed, and this topic can therefore remain on my panel… agenda AUSTRIA… for a better future...and timeline towards the future city… ==> And we could do it also make in friendship with RUSSIA! With USA?… I hate what Biden does ==> YA, this is my CONTROVERSIAL POINT... but I just keep it on the panel... and I still accept when some disagree!
18) And when I stay here, I will buy maybe the FISKER OCEAN OFFROAD (which comes later)… much potential… and I have seen prophetically that an e car gets produced in Austria… and that we push also on (ya, and maybe also KTM, maybe they get something done in-between or whoever…. a GT4 in cheap style… not fully racing and more… anyway, I don’t talk about it here...) And yes, I guess Fisker could also run… And regarding e cars they could also make leasing options, and buy second hand with upgrade etc… because not everyone buys the newest 2040 model (money)… and we push it on… And yes, I still like BMW, Mercedes (Mercedes rather more because because of PUCH, the G etc., wherefore later we talk also about e cars)… Ya, for me rather BMW is my car…:-) a bit more sport and comfort… anyway… everyone as he likes it… Recapitulated what I say, ya the e cars we push also on… And so lala thats it… we can MANAGE IT!!! THAT IS THE MESSAGE! ==> and further we also always look at out partners... you see it with MAGNA and FISKER and Slowakei or if it would be TATRA and MAN... its not like that I say, AUSTRIA ALONE... no... but this SCHWAB follower, everyone with a mind will know, its high time to throw them out!
19) and SOLAR, this runs now already… and more research gets done… later more thin… similar to the new glassy displays which I prophesied before I saw them… because and now I saw that they have already some transparent TVs which is very good yet gets better in future… and its important because it merges better with homes… ==> wherefore I don’t want that kids have later glassy TVs at their beds, this makes them only slothful... What is my economy advice? Ya, the solar stuff gets better later and they push it already and because the market works… and someone wants to be the big winner… my advice would be… to push also the recycling plants a bit more (but you must keep your MOTIVATION, IAM NOT ALLOWED TO SPEAK NOW ABOUT SOME STUFF like smart recycling… but let us not forget it… similar with Silizium they became already better and etc.)… Ya, and this power to gas and such ideas for sure needs more research… but so la la we get it done… ==> wherefore the OLED transparent TV would be perfect for the BEAMER CHAMBER at LC where we look again at the divine reality… but simple more animated… and regarding “ORGANIC LIGHT EMITTING DIODES”… what we will also learn at LC… to look again a bit more upon nature and what to imitate… THE FUTURE OF ECO FRIENDLY STUFF ==> and in the same way we have to look towards the SOLAR ENERGY FUTURE… ==> And yes, we have a science chamber and the upper room for discussions and to share ideas etc. but every scientist or researcher must have first studied the whole LC building (and maybe also should have read my revisited book)… and only afterwards we can have a discussion in the upper room… and its a good thing… they will start to think outside of boxes…AND GODS ENERGY WILL BE ON THAT PLACE AND HIT THEM… and its a good training (introduction)… ya, and innovations thrive especially when we have close contact in the upper room… but nevertheless first to study the LC BUILDING (which is my book in the building), its a prerequisite and must be respected… and I built LC not in vain. ==> and NO, a person must bring with himself the knowledge… and someone who watches us online can get in the same way inspired… there is no special advantage… in a sense that we prefer someone
20) And above all, this are also MILLIARDEN which we pay for oil… so we could have this little investments… yet follow also strictly the plan… similar the 1400 MW plant is no excuse like to neglect any other stuff… absolute not… so no one shall come with such a message… we have a STRICT PLAN!
21) They predict by 2050 that non-white people will be majority in USA and Europe… now then we have China etc… India etc [HUGE POPULATION]… black people… Arab etc. nations… And white people have less kids and we have more immigration… So, first of all we know that there is no clear definition about white people.. and Iam here not about racism… but where is the BALANCE? All what the LEFTIST MEDIA SAYS: BAD WHITE SUPREME IDEA… and have immigration and if one governor says stop it a bit… they call him cold hearted… ==> they speak about 2050 target and have zero balance with immigration... and the leftist gives us name... YOU AND THE POLITICANS WILL SOON LEARN YOUR LESSON... but especially this NGO follower... Du DRECKSPACK... no balance…. And yes, the UK is also not fully self sufficient when we speak about food… especially in winter time… they would not have much… artificially they produce population growth… (and for example 2020 360 000 immigrated, so they build the growth) ==>, Despite many misleading claims to the contrary, the research consensus is that, immigration overall has been and continues to be a significant annual fiscal cost for the UK ==> we throw out this senseless people! And especially in Austria we go now in balance… and we compared Japan with Austria… you get a little shock! ==> Data: Europe. The average total fertility rate in the European, Union (EU-27) is calculated at 1.55 children per woman in 2018. France had the highest TFR in 2018 among EU countries at 1.88… and later we put it on the table of how other countries can follow… BUT that will be there decision… WE IN AUSTRIA WILL NOW WATCH THE POLITICIANS AND WE WILL MAKE AND END TO SCHWAB FOLLOWER GARBAGE… those who produce only a mess and chaos… WE WILL GO VERY HARD (here I mean: they loose the INFORMATION WAR)… you fool us not president...of Austria… with a nice smile… YOU WILL BE FOR US OR AGAINST US ==> countries in Asia like Afghanistan, East Timor, Pakistan, Iraq, Jemen, Jordan, Phillipines, Syria, Oman, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Tajikistan… Latin America: Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguy, Peru, Venezuela will follow later and we could make EUROPE to an example...population decline… manage it… and yes, India must get better earlier… and Africa is a topic by itself... yet for sure CHINA, they are their own problem if they don’t follow… for they have the means...==> AND WE MUST SECURE EUROPE, someone must stay democratic and stable... and if EUROPE follows SCHWAB... THIS MEANS WAR! And understand that: Thats what the WEforum also said: In the future, the less-developed world will not rise to the developed, rather the other way, as advanced civilizations must go down to their living standards to become ‘sustainable... governance that are predicated on increasing centralization of political power and control ==> NOMAD: this does not mean that you survive it and I have my own model for Austria… and regarding NEUROLINK and transhumanism… you creatures… there is a healthy side regarding technology and medicine to help humans and there is a negative side (dehumanization)… and to transcend aspects of the human condition… ya, my LC project rules. ==> you are MEGALOMANIAC… Now what shall we do now? Answer, I have my model for Austria for what else shall we do? We secure the country… and must change some stuff… but we will become more independent… and general more secure… OTHERWISE YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE WILL HAPPEN… YOU WILL SEE THE DARKEST SIDE OF ME… but coming from GOD… prepared for you! ==> What happens with Africa? They will get help so far as they obey us (its a topic for later)… but Africa needs simple a bit longer…. WE WILL HELP THEM LATER… and also we need first the TECHNOLOGY… and exactly also because of that, we push on... ==> and yes, the last WEF message was that it is already too late (resources, this and that), and the person who declared it got much applause like this person tells us how it really is… And I have my plan for Austria and also showed some innovations in future like this recycling issue and etc… yet too much I don’t want to write in this book… but I simple say that we should go that path and it should work… without getting in bigger troubles… And if someone wants to expand it to Europe… ya, this is up to them... ==> THIS IS A LIE!, they do not even know the population decline... and now get even more money and ergo influence... And you see it clearly with Austria that we can do it... just one nuclear plant... and we manage it fully and LATER we have the better technology... all what we need... 2075 we have a better technology!!! NOTHING is justified about Austria... and we may also expand it to Europe... they just produce one mess after another! ==> NOW, lets calm down... we build LC in Austria and we keep a better balance... and the population will also learn about it... future goal, 2030, 2050... and what we can really do... and about immigration and about NGO people... We follow not them! And then we can enjoy paradise later in Austria... and advance via LC... or just I enjoy it!... the advanced Spirit wins... THEY BELIEVE THAT FROGS AND GNOMES RULE OVER US... THEY ARE DOOMED
22) Nomad, when you speak so hard, the HABSBURGER will be not on your side... they would fear for their children... or... that you go insane at LC.. Ya, maybe, they still not given me a white Lipizzaner... so I invented the white horse car... at least I can help myself... And to give an answer... I do nothing to kids or... I speak here hard with people who have only shit in their head... paid NGO animals and an insane future vision... and if you cant deal with that... you will also receive no anointing from me...
23) Agricultural Sustainability in Selected Countries ==> Austria is number one: SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE!!! (Denmark on place 2 and Israel on place 3 = wherefore we can still become better regarding food loose and waste) and with China we clearly see that they have an overpopulation problem… they buy foreign land, they have not enough meat for the middle class, 15 percent of the water got polluted, Grade 5 = not for use… 8 million acres contaminated and etc. VERSUS Austria, ya, we have invested also in pure organic farming (wherefore animal welfare plays also a role)… And ya, less people work today in agriculture which I see a bit as wrong, we could have !a bit! more jobs in Austria for Agriculture… yea, maybe a bit more people should work in agriculture… you can always make stuff better… Now, and we are one of the leading countries in Europe in environmental policy… ==> and when we speak here about resources and when they have not ENOUGH, now already they used whatever they could use to sustain it… deforestation and etc… yea, this shifts even to other countries (China imports meat form USA etc.)… so they are totally on the limit… and they changed NATURE… and they have still not enough food wherefore some people still say that we have no problems… ya, they are also absurd! But what we say, its not so doomy as they tell us… and also they do not know the population decline projection…and I know the numbers... Now, lets go on and here we see it again… that they are also liar: I SAY: AUSTRIA WILL NOT RETREAT... you only need to check the population density of NETHERLAND (rather EXTREME) and still they feed other... then compare GERMANY and Austria... and yes we have a mountain area etc... and I have all numbers in my head, different countries and population density and I know the problems in China (water scandal, this and that)... And some say 9 million people is the limit in Austria... and everyone says something else... ==> and when you CHECK NORWAY or SWEDEN VERSUS AUSTRIA… population density… then we have simple later ~ 7 or 8 million in Austria… and it all gets better… think about the 80s... or 70s... all is fine!... we will find our balance and we have the means and when everything runs good… we could even help other… and the most important future technology becomes also to a good degree shared technology... ==> AND WHEN AUSTRIA ACHIEVES THE GOAL... OTHER WILL IMITATE US... for only a stupid government wants not such a security... green and technology and regarding the most important points we could say self sufficient (and sustainable)... now, then we will have our blessed island... and other follows us... WHO SHALL CONDEMN US? And we also help always our partners... we are known for that... you make a deal with us... we become friends... But this is now the AGENDA for Austria ==> HAS A FROG OR GNOME (like open society which infiltrates the EU) THE SAYING IN AUSTRIA? like what we shall eat? I dont believe so... we the people have also worked hard in Austria!!! and we want our BALANCE or you will pay later! ===================>>>> Why do you want to follow brave new world revisited... first of all, we are all different and we did grow out of some patterns... and we do not follow Psychopaths... otherwise you will get a rude awakening... secondly... we have the means... third globalization and corona helps mostly big companies again... WE HAVE ENOUGH OF THEIR GAMES... diese dirty people... We become now more self sufficient and achieve the goal... and we do also not need a high speed train to Germany... you idiots... go rather in smart greenhouses etc.. => they speak about GREEN STUFF and OVER DO it fully with globalisation, whom do you want to fool you idiots? ==> YOU IDIOT (DERSTANDARD again!) LISTEN NOW TO ME... when you start now or start with ti a bit later... And then in future we could even grow bananas in Austria... but we must have our progress regarding this greenhouses... and then we can produce even more and need less water for it...
24) BUT NOMAD, HOW DO WE SOLVE THE RACING CAR PROBLEM? Answer, not now, by no means now... but later and when you have at least already 70 percent e cars... then you make batteries more expensive (or with a TAX)... so that they must change to light weight cars... and not just sell power sports cars!!!!!!!!!! This can be in the EU implemented and ergo this problem gets solved... There is an easy solution for that... And the other stuff... glassy trasnparent displays (organic LEDs) and such things... that is also the future, with that we will avoid much waste (digital age).... And I have put it not for discussion... you fools shall not built a highspeed train... or waste our money just in such stuff... no, also smart greenhouses are the future... much potential... and we must also go into that.. and here or there in a little way we fall on our nose... but we will get it done... ==> BUT THIS IS THE END FOR MERCEDES G! NO, we will keep that car... or Austria gets it... we can make also a categorization (some offroader we shall keep)... a solution will be found... and the idea will be that the EU must be also able to sustain it... energy...and futher we push the market with that... they must become still better. ==> WHAT I SAY, THIS IS THE LEAST PROBLEM... NO NGO SHALL BECOME STUPID HERE... ==> AND LUXURY CARS, this changes a bit, because you will be pushed to make research in high tech materials... then you can have high tech glassy displays and much other stuff... but you will also go in search for high tech materials... GFK etc. alone is not the solution! YET you see also my WHITE HORSE CAR... I invented it!!! with the bathtube design... with the right material, we need no doors... perfect! ==> and also light weight glassy displays will win, always that which is most suitable and environmental friendly... that will win, for when we have the option, we dont want CHUNKY STUFF (or too much plastik)... high tech goes almost by itself into the right direction... regarding the digital age... and displays are a huge factor... and again about PC, Handy... ya, they must advance... and we have rather another problem... the problem regarding DURABILITY... this is the real problem when we speak about the market etc... HOW TO SOLVE THAT PROBLEM? Wherefore I will show you also an idea regaridng the future city vision
25) LOGIACOLUMN includes spiritual evolution – and evolution means that we go only this direction and not the other… GAIA is known to us… we keep right balance… yet as you have seen, we are also not so doomy and gloomy… lets use our mind… and we should also keep balance with our population… . I WLL NOT TOLERATE THAT... NOR THEIR BRAINWASHING... WE WILL MARK THEM!!!
26) That with the immigration fits into the timeline... as and also later we use a bit more robots and etc...! FINISH, WE KEEP THAT AND OTHERWISE WE GO HARD! A FEW CLOWNS DESTROY NOT AUSTRIA! ... now, but I cannot say it exactly... but ~ one generation it needs... and then later on we can also help Africa in some bigger! way... and I said... the most important technology becomes also to a good degree shared technology... yet for sure they must also obey... a better government... democracy etc... And I said, its not just about education... there is more in the memory of a country... and how we did grow out of patterns and etc... AND THATS WHY, THEY ARE NOTHING BUT STINKING LIAR... and we cant smash everything just into the same boat... but many will be ready... and the rest gets also done... and if China does not want to go down... they must find a solution with their population... and they got already much technology from us... or we helped them also... thats why they produce today also really better e cars... too much they need not to open their mouth... RIGHT BALANCE... and the future city vision of a certain circle is DOOMED... they are just psychopaths and we can ignore them and nor would the population go along with it... not here... And about other countries we have spoken... a few have still more kids... but also that will change around 2075 already... when we speak about population density... So the only thing is India... are they patient enough? ==> FACT IS, NO ONE CAN SAY IN AUSTRIA WHEN WE MANAGE THE POPULATION, OUR FOOD, OUR FOREST, OUR ENERGY, OUR WATER, OUR TECHNOLOGY... that you just say, you become poor... YOU ARE INSANE... THAT MEANS WAR... and we must push on..... shall we hold the hands of other... just because they have over 1 billion people? Do they not have any responsibility? The same is with UK, if you want to make that island complete full and you have not enough food in winter, must import it... Dont mess up with us... you are responsible.. and you have your shit agenda ==> WHEN THEY KEEP THAT AGENDA and I know that many UK people hate it, its their problem... Wherefore we get the smart greenhouses done, plan it all rightly!, and we could also make a pact with RUSSIA!!!... we get no longer fooled with NGOs==> and RUSSIA is with us in line: What is important is that under Russian law, all foods produced in Russia are GMO-free, which makes them more sustainable. The production of organic foods also grows continuously to meet the ever-growing demand of the international markets. They help also other countries, middle East (Jordan, Tunisia, and Morocco) and in Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan)... ==> WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO WITH MONEY? Like send them some money, forget it! We go after technology, smart greenhouses… and give some food for free later ==> CHINA has a population density of 153 per km², Austria 109 per km², Russia only 8,82 and Norway only 15. ==> Russia needs only a bit better technology… more companies and they will do much better in future…anyway (and they have all this sanctions against Russia!, who says that we want your politics any longer in the EU? but they speak about CHINA!!!... and we shall become like CHINA!), and ya, Spain has 94 per km², France 122… and Germany 240 and Netherlands unbelieveable 508 (and still they export food) and Japan 347… and India 382… and why do you ignore immigrants? this NGO FOOLS…. And… we will have our plan for the future… and why do you want to ignore a natural population decline… ya, that you want to push artifical high… YOU CAN KISS OUR ASS ==> and ya, this is a social dilemma: people simple do no longer focus on the real issues, or simple do not come together and talk... and they distract us day in and day out... but one day the cup gets full and they will pay hard... Hmmm, is anything difficult to understand about our agenda or lets say about a better balance? What do you want to tell me about numbers, you newspaper rats!
27) you know what is most funny? SPIRIT IS STRONGER THEN MATTER... you would only go in fear... so lets talk later about balance! And Iam also open to other opinions but Iam not open to stupid propaganda (and this most weak talk... put me in a box...Antisemit or... ya, whatever, you fools!)... this stupid games will end again a bit in Austria... you can play that still in USA but also MSNBC and CNN... you see that some of their journalist go already down... some can no longer even talk straight... IAm not kidding you, they have their pants full... and shaken inwardly and etc... DERSTANDARD.... where will you end? All what they produce... or at least often in-between, that is provocation, and then they point their finger on us..., this includes all their senseless garbage (like fetish stuff and)... and now also we check the numbers... CAN WE ACHIEVE IT? ARE YOU AUSTRIA?, NO YOU ARE NOT, AND YOU ARE NOT WELCOME! and you believe that you can succed with such dumb games! or that you shape us! No, you will loose!...... Where is your record? The Akashic records, the great storehouse or memory where all vibrations are stored [past, present, future]. And infinite book within yet according to our individual stream… now, when I have it individual, then also with a nation we must keep balance... AND WE WILL NOT FAIL, WE WILL PREVAIL... BEHOLD YOU FOOL: Covid and lockdown and I always thought that my body is my prison... but it gets a bit more lockdown light now... thanks to the purification process... And correct: The angelic mind and how we look at words with their different meanings, that is a topic by itself… LOGIACLOUMN, yet to some degree we go into this topic in this book… so also with symbols... and no newspaper shall believe that they can fool us at LC!... We will speak about the FD (fluid dynamics) and right balance!QUESTION: Do you have problems when someone uses correspondences in a lower level? You mean for example to call an island paradise or maybe a place where people build something and so on… now, on one side we could call it deception but on the other side this is just the current human level and thats what they have in mind to get an association yet anyone who thinks further will figure out that this cannot be the final answer regarding this correspondence. And again if we had not images about beautiful places or whatever, then we had also no correspondence and we could not even explain the divine reality with all its facets. And therefore mainly the Archonic deception is build upon the fact that people deny the cosmic and holistic truth and of what it means to really be alive...Nomad, you are so hard, give me a joke for Austria! Ok: The TAU symbol or simple big T letter, here we can go further back to the old Hebrew language, long story short this T symbol is also simple the cross symbol… and therefore when you have vertigo and still like to go for a ski or snowboard ride then remember regarding the chairlift (or gondola) that you go from T to T symbol (stilts in-between). Crucify yourself and do not be so cowardly. YA, exactly, on the top of the mountain you say: it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me (light imprint, house not made with hands ==>>> homecoming, shine like the stars)
28) Lets us understand this transhumanist animals… on one side they propagate depravity and on the other side equality… and they are much too dumb to understand history and patterns and etc… and fact is that some few countries are maybe even 1000 year behind… not all… anyway… they are THE LORD OF CHAOS… and the newspaper is their medium… THEREFORE, NEVER look at them as the elite, they are most brainless… they only want to manipulate and provoke you in the most depraved way... We have enough immigrants from outside the EU and etc... and ok (and they are welcome at LC like any other Austrian), but now is balance time... enough is enough... NGOs will not provoke us... you will end in a bloodbath when you not soon change that... you stand on the wall my friends... not we... I remind you to George Bernard Shaw: I now want to give the common man weapons against the intellectual man. I love the common people. I want to arm them against the lawyer, the doctor, the priest, the literary man, the professor, the artist, and the politician, who, once in authority, are the most dangerous, disastrous and tyrannical of all the fools, rascals, and impostors. I want a democratic power strong enough to force the intellectual oligarchy to use its genius for the general good or else perish. ==> we see that today with PHARMA and paid researcher… they expand their net… yet most doctors in common hospital are good people but we know what they are doing… and in USA they have a financial OLIGARCHY which includes some bankster, it expands to media, now also social media, this and that....and yes, somehow they are leftist globalist orientated.. and they have some real control freaks and also a real type of subhuman people... ==> and such a MONEY LADDER cannot work and never worked in the past… this is clear… I explained it in the book… they get the wrong leader… its absurd.... And because we know that they dont want to retreat, thats why I have an agenda for Austria... and we look at all numbers... for they can have it in one way or another... go with us... or you will looked upon as traitor... or you simple have not much joy as leader... And I said, we have a long run... WE want to see your immigration policy explained publically up to the year 2030 and 2050... or else be the traitor you are
29) We have even Thorium later without radiation
30) Yet I do not deny that our system is not also insane... we build not upon durability and we even work longer because of that insanity! THIS MUST CHANGE! but its garbage when someone says that I fight against renewable energies when I just say, one nuclear plant and we leave completely oil and to a huge degree fossil gas... and cars we can manage also in Austria and then when we have that accomplished... also our mindset will further change... towards the future city... which must include self sufficiency... in fact the WHEEL of that city is build upon that!
31) The „DEEP STATE“ is real but it is not the huge conspiracy and I will explain it to you and this can happen in every country, first of all we have a bit corruption and then we have a building with eleven floors and we know also that we need some agendas so that this world goes into the right direction but then comes the question of how far the 11th floor should intervene? Should the 11th floor also intervene directly in the apparatus (democracy etc.)? And further we know that a hierarchy exists and most fights are done in levels below the 11th floor. And it is clear… humans want to make a career and it does not matter if he is a navy seal or banker or from the CIA or whatever… and nor do I deny that many good people exist. The problem is that not always the most qualified people reach to the higher levels and also subhumans we have in all positions. And the structure can change and so also how much this or that group does interfer with this or that. ==> and the problem is today also USA, corruption, their system, cycle - unregulated greed... and then this clowns sit together... FORGET IT... Wherefore my reader, but and also this is not the topic of LOGIACOLUMN… our topic is real spiritual evolution… OMV was since 1975 in Libya... I guess... but someone can correct me... and there are probably also some idiots who want to install their dollar and central bank... whatever... Iam not interested... nor in this depraved banker clan... and I said, their future vision is doomed ==> Spiritually it falls also back on their own country, they grow even more fat and dumb... and when they never really pay... with Austria is something else... we paid in the past... hunger, war... and also paid hard... and then they have also Protestantism and fat grown companies (big company syndrom) which further weakens their mental strength and so on... and today they are a advertisment puppet show, corruption problems etc... with a weak or weird oligarchy and many say: look how dumb they are! And then also like a constant subversion, you must show luxury... you must have this or that... now the stinking elite will not tell you that... but that happened also to them... and we will have all we need in our future city... but their propaganda will not be tolerated in our future city...
32) But Nomad, you write so hard, do you hate particulary Americans or this Elite circle or Protestantism and check also the past and how they wanted to hide the mystery... other priestly order... Nomad, you should get eaten up in anger or and also you make everyone to your enemy.. therefore, you cannot be called wise!!! Answer, maybe Iam not... but however I end it, I end it as Musashi in Christ style, that is, the world deceived me and religion... here, you get your bill... and no, Iam not huge in anger... and also cycles exist... and I do not know everything, whether about the WEforum nor... yet to some ideas I give an answer... ITS LIKE THEY SAY TO ME, IAM THE WELLSPRING:
we have RELIGION!, then SCIENCE they make to a RELIGION, and then partially the ELITE wants to play father!... so dont bother me... but your earthly father? Hmmm, he followed catholic upbringing... a bit more strong... but... no direction... they excluded God... no faith in God or... also no bigger help... yet not to speak bad about him... but
IAM WHAT IAM... and Austrians, we know them, the real ones... so it is... ya, its a foolish world... so it is... but Protestant (without mystery) I "hate" most... their show (those who deny any mystery, transformaton, transformative teaching)
34) not just that they made it more contagious and do the same now with MERS/H1N1 (yet the information about it is now no longer available, they just wrote about their labs and MERS and GoF research... and that any further information will be now no longer made public)… but they have also put some inserts into it and as we know HIV is one of this inserts… and it was quasi a dual research, bioweapon and pan vaccine research… and here to understand better mRNA vaccines, read, from IJVTPR (International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research): Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19 (peer reviewed paper, a good study... you get it for FREE: ==> DERSTANDARD SAYS, TASCHWER, VACCINATE EVERY AUSTRIAN with mRNA VACCINE... and NEVER ENCOURAGE tO BOOST naturally the immune system... THEY WILL PAY LATER (destroy their prestige etc, ==> FOR HOW CAN IT BE THAT THEIR IS NOT ONE WORD AGAINST THEIR FUTURE CITY VISION, WHICH IS TO SOME DEGREE HIGHLY DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!!????????? ==> die gefährden den STAAT weil ja wir müssen sagen: WEHRET DEN ANFÄNGEN!!!, wir sind vernünftig und wollen den STAAT intakt sehen... and this NGO animals have no balance, even provoke it... but IAM so or so not the main driver... the movement cannot be stopped... the WEforum looses its prestige and poeple will say... ya, some crazy people have ideas... yet this idiots will not have the last saying... not possible... no one wants it... simple as that... they loose all their prestige... )... we have the research and we know what worked in the past and what not... and we have no longterm study... check prions, and what is with other vaccines? do they all fail?, ya some failed as it seems but... etc... AND THAT YOU CENSOR US WITH PEER REVIEWED PAPER and hang just on DRASZAK and GATES alone who shall have the saying... YOU will not fool us..., yet this censorship comes from USA and thats why our government is still secure... and if it would be like in USA... you would already face something... I can tell you.... Austria is not USA... where are we here??? TRAITOR will be...)… ==> and then they have now all the FACT CHECKER placed in the google machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!... so any other paper does not matter!!!!!! we have all the evidence for the inserts and thats why we can say that they are PSYCHOPATHS… because why do we need the HIV insert?… CORONA is not the big killer… but it shall weaken us a bit… year by year and etc… And they are radical transhumanist animals.... the most dumb creatures on this planets ==> and they had now already DNA VACCINE TRIALS... this is their mindset... I know them... but above all when they did it... are they even justified?... like are we in a doomy gloomy scenario (oil, gas etc.)... or was it just an internal fight with Trump (see bat chapter) and then just use another excuse, have additional their agenda in mind and so on... And I showed you, we have no doomy gloomy scenario for Austria... we can manage it! year by year we leave oil in a bigger way... DERSTANDARD, diese NGO paid animals werden uns eine Antwort geben... ihr kommt mir hier nicht davon... und Wehe ihr macht einen weiteren Unsinn... Wehe euch ==> and when the oil oligarchy in RUSSIA would have nothing to do with it... you better take care what you say in future... but we have so or so more people!!!... And I will check exactly if you want to get rid of someone...!!!! exactly... you rascals... and Austrians are fed up (or lets say 150 000 who know it more exactly, and then we have other people)... and many Germans... RECAPITULATED: we need no civil war in Austria or... but the fact remains... they are PSYCHOPATHS!
35) THIS IS CORRECT, THEY WANT TO KEEP THAT SOCIAL DISTANCE STUFF AND HOMEOFFICE, or simple REMOTE WORK... they dream about 83 percent or whatever.... but this is merely about manipulation and to keep us separated... its not so much about environment... its all in their papers... And the same they say about TRAINING, virtual people... ~ 40 percent... Nay, frogs and gnomes rule not over Austria... WHO WILL GO AGAINST US... will face very hard consequences... and a civil war in USA is also possible... ==> THIS IS NO CONSPIRACY, it is openly in their books, WEforum... völlig abgehoben... MEIN KAMPF IM 21 JAHRHUNDERT... next book... and the other stuff you can read in other books and papers... their AGENDA! WE KNOW IT ALL... everyone can study it! And they want to control the search engine (AI, Algorithm)... ya, more or less virtual reality people... as explained in the bat chapter, information stream etc... recruiting... and so on... DERSTANDARD, ICH zerfetz dich in 1000 Stücke wenn du dich gegen Österreich stellst... And Schwab had never really a connection to everyday people... I know him... and his millions... good that he keeps his money... insane people...: Es ist sicherlich keine Übertreibung wenn wir behaupten dáss sie (Corona) für die gesamte Welt und jedes Einzelnen die schwierigsten Zeiten heraufbeschwören die wir seit Generationen erlebt haben. - Das Angstmachen geht dann noch etwa 2-3 Seiten weiter inkl. „Krise biblischen Ausmaßes“ und „Vielen von uns fragen sich wann sich die Dinge wieder normalisieren. Die kurze Antwort: Niemals“...Seite 36..37: „Werden wir uns an die Ausgansgsperren gewöhnen?“ - „Die Eindämmung der Corona-Pandemie erfordert ein globales Überwachungsnetz“ - Na endlich, hier er läßt die Katze aus dem Sack...Seite 75: „Maßnahmen die vorher undenkbar waren, können nun zur Norm werden...“...Seite 136 „Die Welt braucht die WHO heute mehr den je“ - Vorher verzichtet er dabei natürlich nicht wie glorreich Bill Gates hier gegen den Virus kämpft....WEM GEHÖRT DIE WHO??? Seite 178 – Nochmal der Hinweis wie toll RNA – DNA Impfungen sind...„Das Durchschnittsalters des an Covid verstorbenen Menschen liegt bei 80 Jahren (in Italien) . Danach folgt eine Rechtfertigung dass sie ja diesmal zum Umschwung nicht einmal einen Krieg ausgelöst haben, sondern nur eine Pandemie. Die WHO wird natürlich auch nochmals erwähnt...Seite 296 – Nach 295 Seiten, Ängste schüren. Vorurteile verbreiten, eigenen Organisationen loben, noch mehr Ängste gepaart mit Unsicherheit und der Motivation zur totalen Kontrolle folgender Ausschnitt... ==> MUCH MORE IMPORTANT ARE THE OTHER PAPERS: how they want to see the world in 2030... as I said with REMOTE WORK etc... future city vision and so on....==> sie wollen ihre Fieberträume von globalen Allmachtsphantasien ausleben und ihre Namen in den Geschichtsbüchern verewigt sehen = FACT... and yes, another paper: Resetting the Future of Work Agenda: Disruption and Renewal in a Post-COVID World ==> you must read between the lines... understand it rightly ==> we shalll be in stress about jobs, get totally insecure... only a few percent shall feel secure... and above all... they always tell us that the menschliche Kapital ist das Wichtigste!!!.. and how to make a better world and SOCIETY!!!!!!!!!... ==> WE MAKE A LIST OF ALL THIS BANKER AND ORGANIZATIONS WHICH GO WITH SCHWAB and etc. easy to figure out==> we threaten no one and play after the rules... now lets get all this names... just a LIST! ==> and we want to know the immigration policy... look at their paper... also they know that we have a bit more robots in future... you tell us your policy in Austria... you politicians... and derstandard... we will deal with them later... I said so la la how you shall calculate it... ~2040... and only later comes the population decline (because of fertility rate)... you know... there is a delay... we will not tolerate that you go constantly upwards... WE find our balance later!===> And understand: YOU will find many PARTNERS (WEforum) but only about 50 follow directly SCHWABS LEADERSHIP…. ==> AND YES, think about CORONA TAX, the rich get richer and we shall loose our Vermögen (Enteignung) ==> THIS IS CORRECT, most of them are UNELECTED PEOPLE... FOLLOW THE MONEY... yet also some politicians are involved... but most of them... rich people... and HARDCORE CAPITALIST... drive for power (like the world shall belong to me)... not really the right people... WHEREFORE it is not said that the WHORE in the EU is allowed to make us to a cashless society!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do we accept it??? Hmm, population has also a say
36)THE ILLUMINATI or their most illumined ones, Schwab and co, and hidden ones… they are nothing but a bunch of fools for me… its all a bad joke with this so called elite… its ridiuclous… there is nothing special about them
37) APOCALYPSE - ARMAGEDDON = ENTSCHEIDUNGSKAMPF (DECISIVE BATTLE)...To say that the forces opposing God gather at Armageddon means that they gather for their own defeat. When the battle is described in a later vision, readers learn that victory comes through the power of the pure word, that is the pure LOGOS… eternal word… angelic or heavenly speech… IAM from above and your from below and even when we can confirm it all via OT (words, symbols, energy construct science etc.) and even when I put the resurrection PHOTO in your pocket, you will not hear me because your father is the devil and you have not his love in you and so Christ will go to the whores on the street. And this is a mystery which only few can grasp… who we are, what we become… to what we hold on… anyway, but we have some time until capstone… for also my Kangaroos need the final confirmation… Wherefore at LC we will leave the bitter water which is also called the brimestone mercurial water…. And also that should become clear to you: seven eyes, seven rivers, seven horns (powers) and the four horns of the golden altar....BE THE STREAM OF THE UNIVERSE!!!… . Wormwood, that is the brimestone mercurial water which is the root that beareth gall...Deuteronomy 29:18, Proverbs 5:4, Jeremiah 9:15, 23:15, Lamentations 3:15, 3:19. Amos 5:7, 6:12 ==>>> WHEREFORE AND AGAIN, AT LC WE GET RID OF THE BITTER WATER…
Have you ever produced an earthquake?
YES, one... but I will not do it again... not... here in Austria
the Protestant (or morningstar ministry in USA) know it, I take care about my country, send via email... on the minute... ya, also my apartment did shake too much
I PROMISE!!!, will not happen again... was too much (such stuff happens only all 20 or 30 years in Austria or whatever) You have to forgive me... you get paradise later!
BUT this is also dangerous for me... not to become a MEGALOMANIAC
I must get first of all fully purified otherwise I could operate like a beast
POWER DRIVE is most dangerous after such a big fall
38) And finally in conclusion: MY AUSTRIA PANEL WILL HAVE ALL THIS POINTS and then we manage it easily and with a little nuclear plant (again, I figured later out, it is THROIUM, thats what I mean) it would be even a total win win… and they get taught at LC about it… 1) a little natural population decline between ~2040 -2060... wherefore I don’t say to Austrians that they shall change anything, its already very low here with a fertility rate of 1,47 but only immigration numbers need to be checked… and when Austrians who are today so or so mixed people have a bit more kids, this is not problematic yet we must handle the natural decline and so we present the plan… and we also want to allow the natural fertility cycle… and its also our life quality, therefore we make ZERO pressure... have three kids or whatever... but we get our immigration policy... and we understand also natural cycles and the future with more robots etc. we get not fooled... and we need balance for the country... 2) a little nuclear plant… ~ 1100 MW would be enough and then the population really needs not to bother yet also the 1,4 would be ok (and about the hydroelectric plants, we listen to the WWF, wherefore about the little nuclear plant, ya it fits fully into the timeline and it helps us greatly for stability management issues and etc. And therefore here I would ignore other voices) 3) Geothermie in Vienna and on other places plus some additional windmills, solarthermie, Biomasse, and heating exchange until 2035 etc., 4) e car and how we charge them, that is via solar panels and data management and compact on places like we have it with gas stations... we must sepak with OMV ect., also here they will not fool us, we want no chaos! 5) car sharing could be added, this is probably for many people interesting… yet in that way as I explained it...and autonomous drive! 6) smart greenhouses… agribusiness… 7) we discuss the future scenario of the city, speak about balance and what we can do that the city will endure very long...wherefore many things got already mentioned in this book …8) we need another top UNIVERSITY yet by no means in Vienna but maybe near Steyr/Linz… and maybe another one (many people dont like to go to Vienna and we need the educated ones, and they need no extra rent!!!, just drive to it!!!, and maybe with an INTERNAT like we have it at the HTL STEYR, cheap rent, so they can live there and drive home, parents, LIKE COLLEGE STYLE!!!), forget Agenda 21, we do not just make Vienna bigger... 9)Space management, stores and wood car park, we put it rightly together (build in height)...furthermore: size homes (andt o achieve lowest crime rate)...And correct, one last time to repeat it and its also my OVERVIEW AND TO GET A STRAIGHT LINE ABOUT LC: 1) get rid of false religion (stone revealed, and we have all the sages and ancient texts), 2) Austria flag, yet can be also used more broadly because of the higher meaning, and it includes also the background of old Europe... 3) the actual sustainability movement and our view, to merge it… and also because it really fits… 4) the holistic teaching with science… 5) the first building in the world which shows directly the divine reality… yet for sure we have also arts etc. 6) the first time we even use science directly even in Mysticism… an example would be the DNA in the apocalypse… 7) the CITY… and how we get balance and also how people may eventually “evolve” more fast and all the problems we solve, equality, this and that… ya, and also the STONE is found everyhwere… therefore quo vadis religion? ...absurdity… whoever comes to LC… he can check it out for himself without pressure… And about those who call me Antichrist, we just laugh, light rules at the fullness of the day.............................................................................................................................................. WHAT ELSE DO WE SOLVE???: 1) Book of revelation problem solved (as some people go into too weird stuff yet we know it better and USA is the best example of how worst it can get, and therefore and further we stay sober minded, all that gets further clarified in the apocalypse/symbols chapter of this book) 2) Political problem solved, because of the highest foundation revelation, liquid flesh etc., below of it we simple must act via balance… sometimes not so easy but..., ya, the message is that no one can misuse gods… and gods do not just conquer the whole world… nay, they understand the problems of this world(below)... 3) Superman problem solved (because of the stone science we stay sober minded… not everyone can play superman or etc., ya, this topic is explained in this book, Microcosm-Macrocosm, enlightened understanding etc., and also Corona showed us that many had a bit big mouth yet got infected and that is not possible in the apocalypse, yet we don’t need corona… just think about any illness or ageing or maybe even a much worst virus… yet do I want to minimize your faith? NO… just common sense… and yes, healing miracles exist also...), 4) Not too loose balance, also this problem is solved (broader perspective about after-life) 5) Equality problem solved, and still everyone is his individual stream, so also our flag which can even expand beyond Europe regarding the higher meaning...mineral water bubbles… the many are one!!! 6) Dignity problem solved, we have the revelation, image of God... 7) Justice problem solved, highest foundation is new earth and below it its like with the 12 foundations, find the right balance, and also I gave some examples in the book regarding Austria etc. and this will always be a bit a grey area… we cant change that because of so many factors but...a good leader finds the best balance 8) Combination with science, ya also this problem is solved yet more will be added later but we see already many convergences etc. And we do also understand that we cannot just give the actual scientific consent the upper hand (just remember the mercury mirror, toxic stuff) and like they mislead us with their fantasy and tell us that we are just flesh or whatever RADICAL transhumanist ideas they have in their weak mind… no… and the higher self cannot be denied and if we would just skip that part then the fluid dynamics would come hard upon us… therefore we combine it and combine it in such a way to avoid all troubles [as best as possible]… So in the same way Iam not against medicine… but we say that we avoid any narcotics or such stuff as best as possible… and doctors do their job in hospitals and they a good job… all that will not be denied… and I can remember about me only one operation yet it was important… so I got a Narkose (anesthesia, a combination)… and my foot got cleansed because I walked in a dirty river as a kid and my foot got a bigger cut and much dirt went into it and it got later huge swollen... and the same we can say about all the other things… we are not against doctors or… common sense ==> CONCLUSION: THE ADVANCED SPIRIT WINS (and further we advance because we use left and right brain, LC will be also good for your brain cells)................................................................................................................................................................................................. Now, and finally the last seven questions: Points to check or confirm or to find out in the apocalypse, 1) all are one (birth of one spirit results from the cooperation of all the seven) but still does light act most fast in the vision? – ratio (poles and opposites), and also regarding the womb of the earth, how do we see it???, 2) coolest point at the convergence point, quicksilver - mirror??? 3) three KEYS, ancient six directions with its center in the cube??? … and therefore general we have to check the reference positions regarding the sevenfold (including hot, cool, wet and dry circle) and 4) where the FLASH hits the glass is it really a four square (mirror), perfect shape, equilateral square or just a quadrangle or a Phytagorean triple (3,4,5 etc.)??? and 5) is love (marriage, magnetic) the center of it, does a middle exist like we see it with the menorah??? and 6) is AIR or FIRE the most fine element??? and 7) color check, cool colors, warm colors, aura and in general??? and then we have our fundament and to be able to explain the light skin, fragrance, age 25, eyes which see more colours, the translucent realm… higher awareness… why we are more fast (and moving in harmony with nature)… panacea… why we do not freeze when running around naked in winter time???… DNA???… why that superjoy and inner peace???… why divine wisdom and enlightened understanding, clarity???... etc. ==> without it you can build no THEORY(theo-logian) regarding the sevenfold in the triadic!!!
39)....Anyway... lets go on about Austria and the future city vision: We have only a little fence built ~5 years ago in Austria… for otherwise we would had been total overrun with migrants… ya but they are still out of balance regarding the future plan… yet at least that they got done… Now, what is another reason why they fail? Answer, rationality increased in a sense they want to get rightly educated and they received also much education… and so a new balance with the population has to be accomplished… this old Dinosaurus will not survive it... and nor will we just dumb down in future, wherefore this includes also the Spirit…. And I spoke about other factors…. for check history and the change and etc. And we see again that Schwabe is also a child Hitlers (fear, force, brainwashing, control, propaganda, lies, industrialization, dehumanization (Schwabs Einheitsmensch, autobot uniformity)… all this Dinsosaurus have known Hitler (are from his time, formed them and affected them… and thats why they are not qualified to make the Masterplan… out of balance)…. Mixed with radical transhumanism… and maybe dream about smart dust or something like that… could help for surveillance etc… And those who stay human and not like the cyborg stuff will become a subspecies? REALLY you little radical transhumanist lover know not even the apocalypse… and you will never become immortal! and nor etc. ==> and he sells everything as the big PROGRESS… 4th industrial revolution… ya, and special groups must earn their money… that is also important … this is all nonsense and too much propaganda… too much out of touch with reality and ignoring Max Heindel… And you ask again: why do we need Aristotle… Answer, ya in the same way I could say, why do we need also the GREEN DESIGN in the future city???… ==> AND yes, IN SCHWABS CITY WILL BE NO SPIRITUAL LIFE… they care not about balance nor about the PSYCHE...etc. And further we must understand the definition about culture: Gesamtheit der geistigen, künstlerischen, gestaltenden Leistungen einer Gemeinschaft als Ausdruck menschlicher Höherentwicklung (and also symbols belong to it, values, customary beliefs, and art we have and it includes even philosophy, WAY OF LIFE… and even in the apocalypse Iam still to some degree Austrian in my expressions, how we greet, this and that...language… let us not deny the individual stream… there is no problemewith that… and we have diversity and unity...) ==> And also LC is cult, and there are many ways to the mountain top yet one way beyond the way… everyone has his story and individual stream… check the Mystics, they all did write different… wherefore you Austrian have to live with me… you must be really blessed ==> ya, and everyone learns something in life… yet only later in life… not even with 20 years… they mature… independent thinking, observation and etc… And LC is only something like a fundament… like a layer… and still everyone does his thing… and grows up, matures and etc. ==> AND LANGUAGE AND SYMBOLS DO ALSO MATTER... and "MYSTICS" and etc. because we are now on this place because of what happened in the past... and it involved also some progress... ==> LC VERSUS OTHER: a certain elite circle propagates only the technology freaks, ya a the ruling elite which thinks about their benefits...etc… and they are proven as idiots… we prove that radical transhumanism uses only propaganda words… our DIVINE SCIENCE PROVES IT!!!… And LC = PSYCHOLOGIST, ECONOMIST, HISTORIAN, POLITICIAN, SCIENTIST (PLUS DIVINE SCIENCE), “HIERARCHY”, MYSTIC (includes religion and social shaping…), ya even a MILITARY PERSON could give their opinion because they know rulership...and etc. ==> and then lets check how the future city could look like… and so also we must ask ourselves how can someone say that only the economic power people have the saying??????? … this is ridiculous… ME THE KINGS, ME THE POLITICIAN, NOW ME THE BANKSTER and ME THE ECONOMIC POWER PEOPLE, and maybe later more like ME THE SCIENTIST... ==> And further Iam not fully in Techno progressivism or better to say I do not include all the ideas from some other but for sure I see the future city (and they have too many wild ideas about genetic engineering etc.)… and Iam not even interested to check all their ideas because they must first of all learn about LC… and therefore not to become too senseless and many stuff would not even work… And yes, at LC you will learn not just to seek stimulation and consume… for now they destroy kids with that, at least to some degree… but at LC you will find your purpose-driven work… meaningful engagement, without shallow conversations… loyal ambition and discipline and etc… determination, awareness...And ITS THE INNER SMILE and to follow with joy your vision… ya it cannot only be just the LEISTUNGSGESELLSCHAFT and build more and more pressure (also South Korea will learn that, its sometimes like in a war in that country)… and so also the FUTURE CITY must be designed… and then there will be less ANGSTSTÖRUNGEN… because we keep a secure concept like a good MINDESTSICHERUNG and still press forward… a philosophy which works… And to say no, we ignore every kind of SELBSTOPTIMIERUNG… that is also nonsense… its just that they must know why… and a bit what to follow… and how they are designed… and yes, the weak must be also a bit protected in the system… for its not just about “parasite”… and I do not visit my grandmother because the state would give me a bonus social point and nor do I buy Austrian products and then get my bonus point like in China (this does also not make me better)… NO… have your philosophy and a common sense responsibility… and a correct community design… so that the PSYCHE fits with the CITY… And similar I could say, an Algorithmus does not heal little kids, but to visit horses or dolphins and open up their mind again can do that job (and brings joy)… and so also the future city has a GREEN DESIGN… like a ground concept… A little surveillance can be in that city (as also law and order is present)… we have it also today… to secure the country… but you know, we need no dystopia with material clowns on top… for we have material, psychic, pneumatic ones… And we also learn from little mistakes… And regarding LC… but that is how I make it… there will be also some joy to explore it… but also mixed with some discipline (TOXONSOPHIST, but we may call it also honour or proud and proud not as common known proud but rather more as self confidence like we had it with knights, for also I have no problem regarding some old poetry)... YA YA YA and orthodox and bla bla bla Christian will say that Iam not allowed to speak about SELF CONFIDENCE… and I say, go home kids… because someone who has self confidence… he will just recognize a bit that there is a core in him from where it comes… and finish… And your bible is weak…in a sense that it has important stuff and correct stuff… but its way too weak… just Paul is not enough for me (and we see which symbols they used, you would not even understand it without me like the tent etc.)… And in our language we also say SELBSTBEWUSSTSEIN… so I feel my I… IAM AWARE… wherefore our language is often better and its hard for me to write my first book in English… but ok, I understand it, everyone wants to claim that about his language… so lets forget it... But and yes and ya, we also say UMWELTBEWUSST which fits better for LC… and instead of self confidence we say also SELBSTVERTRAUEN (like a trust to accomplish things, and this self or better my I becomes fully aware in GOD… and so we have the eternal IAM) ==> and that means also that we are not so tentative, ZAGHAFT… because we are more aware… ÜBER UNS SELBST UND DIE UMGEBUNG
40) THERE IS A TEMPTATION BECAUSE THE CITY IS SECURED VIA THE WHEEL (check bat chapter)...NOW, and the old Catholic half totalitarian stuff does also not work ya already because we know divine science... but there must be a little thread for those who are not willing!!!!!!!!!! OUR "PROPAGANDA" which is not really PROPAGANDA must include all the benefits which people can enjoy in that city and about all those who worked hard to build it and therefore in the constiution must be VERANKERT that when someone is not willing... he gets stripped off (gets really poor etc.)... yet how can we avoid any misuse??? Ya, that we make simple with security checks... that is no problem... and like we have a AMS today in Austria (work market service, job seeker)... but a bit more hard... ==> we must find here somehow a balance... and I know its a problem... but I know that a solution exists... later I will receive it...
41) THIS WAS THE FAILURE OF GATES... he spoke abut the next pandemy (after corona)... and the same guy spoke shortly before Corona with Draszak and co. about a coming pandemy... SO WE MAKE A LIST WITH NAMES (not for violence... just to know, who are all in that boat)... You can do that maybe in USA... but not here...
You are Megalomaniacs... AMERICANIZED INSANITY... dumb creatures.. ==> Wherefore this goes complete out of soon as Fauci is on Youtube... THE GOOFY GOF RESEARCH HERO... the next Mengele... and about Schwab... the most evil one... and all thumbs up... ===> YA, I said, this runs by itself... and grows... I shall not wonder... And now follow the communism program... twist everything... whatever is true or wrong ... we have spoken about it... in the bat chapter... they are too dumb for me... ==> this is like an Elite mixed with Dinosaurus Philanthropus... which simple goes down... cycles... NOW, speak about UFOs...on CNN... they are such big FOOLS... nothing better? this is USA!!!!!!!!!!!!! ==> when you watch too long CNN and MSNBC YT videos... you go really in danger to loose brain cells... and then next to it religion today in USA... and corruption...I hope anyone understands cycles... ==> thats why I have turned it completely off... it is nothing which could build someone up... its a brainless circus... and even no fun... not even a bit...
they had the means, the motive, and the monitory gain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
24 May 2021,, US intelligence found that three researchers at a lab in Wuhan, China, became sick with COVID-19 symptoms in November 2019 and sought hospital care, The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday. TRUMP pushed it out: new details added to information from a State Department fact sheet issued in the last days of President Donald Trump's administration... Biden and his media wants to undermine it, I guess... but we know the whole story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And for sure the WHO boss is silent... who loves the SCHWAB sticker... check PHOTOS! further according to businessinsider some scientiest fight now back: ...why 18 experts from the US, UK, Canada, and Switzerland say they aren't convinced by the WHO report's findings. TEDROS this traitor must be watched closely... only under pressure Tedros will play the one who is a bit more interested regarding a real investigation and we know that Daszak was send to the lab... a complete joke!!! AND GET FAUCI THIS TRAITOR… he spoke all the time very hard against a lab virus and now as they figure out that we know it all, even he changes a bit his opinion… he is no longer convinced about a natural origin (May 2021)! They know that we have them on the wall ==> 26 MAY 2021 the PLUTOKRATEN CNN WHORE HELPS A BIT FAUCI, O ASYLUM FAUCI NOW SAYS, IT COULD BE FROM A LAB... and lets forget all his sayings in the past... LETS HELP EACH OTHER ==> THEY KNOW THEY STAND AGAINST THE WALL. WE HAVE THEM!!! NOW THEY ARE UNDER PRESSURE!!! ==> its the first time that they come up with this stuff, they fully spoke against it, and now they say, the CONSPIRACY people could have been right... SAY CONSPIRACY!!! you CNN WHORE... makes you much more intelligent... and I may wonder what the whore derstandard in Austria will say later ==> NOW if they would say, you push us into war because you EXPOSE us... I say, the souls of the Plutocrats degenerate-... it was their mistake... so openly done... you have no "Karma" on your side... wherefore I dont know your rules... I do only know about some oil company people, they play after their own "karma" rules... absurd or whatever... and I dont know exactly their belief... just heard a bit about it... but I have my fun here... higher rationality wins!!! And by no means would you be allowed to push EUROPE into it... ya maybe UK... but everything else... fits really no longer... but I do also not believe that they go in war... they want to make it to a simple lab flub... ALSO GOOD FOR US... with Schwab etc. background... now you have already even on MSNBC and CNN bowed down... and you came under pressure! JUST A BIT OVER ONE YEAR GONE BY!!! all the information... ya ya ya and mention Robert Redfield... and CHINA denies it... ok... CHINA USA game? Let me further check, Biden meets with Putin in Switzerland June 16… move relations in a better direction… high profile meeting… why so a drastical switch? like you bow down now and before that you had such a big mouth you Biden? Hmmm... anyway you must act here SOBER... I will not build Atlantis on an island... the vision is for Europe... and everything else is your stuff... but and ok Austria is mostly and still NEUTRAL... and the politicans would even know, many of us would go hard when somene would go against Russia (I mean not just political speech but...)... ya, we have not so a bad relationship... so we should build Atlantis here... NEUTRALITY IS THE SIGN FOR LC... remember that... so also LC!
42) "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" doctrine…. Now no matter if that document is true… and it is like with with Mystics and etc… I just pick up what fits for me
***Economics is only a social extension of a natural energy system. It, also, has its three passive components. Because of the distribution of wealth and the lack of communication and consequent lack of data, this field has been the last energy field for which a knowledge of these three passive components has been developed.
***Since energy is the key to all activity on the face of the earth, it follows that in order to attain a monopoly of energy, raw materials, goods, and services and to establish a world system of slave labor, it is necessary to have a first strike capability in the field of economics. In order to maintain our position, it is necessary that we have absolute first knowledge of the science of control over all economic factors and the first experience at engineering the world economy.
***Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on earth. Natural science is the study of the sources and control of natural energy, and social science, theoretically expressed as economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both are bookkeeping systems; mathematics. Therefore, mathematics is the primary energy science. And the bookkeeper can be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodology of the bookkeeping.
***All science is merely a means to an end. The means is knowledge. The end is control. Beyond this remains only one issue, “who will be the beneficiary?”
***In order to achieve a totally predictable economy, the low class elements of the society must be brought under total control, i.e., must be house-broken, trained, and assigned a yoke and long term social duties from a very early age, before they have an opportunity to question the propriety of the matter. In order to achieve such conformity, the lower class family unit must be disintegrated by a process of increasing preoccupation of the parents and the establishment of government operated day care centers for the occupationally orphaned children. ==> Nomad: NEVER HAVE TIME and TAX BOTH and etc. state as your parents
***The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the meat of ignorance isolating the the inferior class from the superior class is and remains incomprehensible to the inferior class. With such an initial handicap, even bright lower class individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves from their assigned lot in life. This form of slavery is essential to maintaining some measure of social order, peace, and tranquility for the ruling upper class. ==> Nomad, not fully achieved… but yes we miss some stuff in the school system… and again USA is today really brought down
***If the people really cared about their fellow man, they would control their appetites (greed, procreation, etc.) so that they would not have to operate on a credit or welfare social system which steals from this worker to satisfy the bum. => Nomad, what is your opinion about it?
***In order to achieve such sovereignty, we must at least achieve this one end: that the public will not make either the logical or mathematical connection between economics and the other energy sciences or learn to apply such knowledge. ==> NOMAD: EXACTLY HERE YOU WILL FAIL, because we know the central banker scheme and we become AUTARK in future and we will not enslave to your Cryptocurrency… WE GO IN „WAR“.. therefore, nor will we allow that Dystopia….
***PLAN, and problem so far as seen, ya even their USA insane entertainment does no longer work today, fall of music industry… over done… too GAGA: As time goes on and communication and education improve, the lower class elements of the social labor structure become knowledgeable and envious of the good things that the upper class members have. They also begin to attain a knowledge of energy systems and the ability to enforce their rise through the class structure.
Global leaders to sell out their citizens' rights
Nations to relinquish their sovereignty
Surveillance technology to be all encompassing
Corrupt and pervasive media to broadcast chosen talking points
United States to fall
2017 before TRUMP inauguration, FAUCI said (Georgetown University Medical Center):
“There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases,” he said.
and he spoke about a SURPRISE OUTBREAK... search it out... what will the google FACT CHECKER say?
43) If it was a joke or not: Manly P.HAll The secret destiny of America
One thing I believe... they had many fights among the order... Spiritually they had no Mystics (souls eye open), failed all the time
Their choices never brought them closer to the goal... Ergo I see Austria, heart of Europe
And I know, USA cant eat my teaching... TOO WEAK... all that comes together... they would directly switch to business
or skip the book of revelation as I show in this book (later more to it)
AND USA IS RIGHT NOW LIKE A CURSE... and they have not even stamina... they can do nothing... wherefore I could overthrow everything in USA and bring Trump in, but THEY ARE THEIR OWN DOOM... and I say if I wanted... wherefore my GREEN AGENDA is a bit ANTI TRUMP... but... now even he sees it a bit better, the potential.... anyway... its also missing solidarity... and they are trained autobots... greed also?!!! And did not care about many things... and that must reflect back... not just the upper government level or... but also society... so then they "deserve" to be destroyed or destiny
WITH NOMAD the same, you are like little babies... or blame just Satanist... and JESUS rapture me out, self centerdness and cowardness yet give me money to build the kingdom, and religion is NFL extended... ==> this explaines also the AUTOBOT curse, this SHOW CULTURE
And SOMETHING ENTIRELY DIFFERENT WOULD BE... when all this people (FAUCI and co) would be in Austria, with all that weird background... einige würden durchdrehen... aber das haben wir Gottseidank nicht
Princes and nations shall vanish from the earth. The human race will then become one family, and the world will be the dwelling of Rational Men.
The KINGDOM OF GRACE is that restoration which may be brought about by Illumination and a just Morality. This is the NEW BIRTH. When man lives under government, he is fallen, his worth is gone, and his nature tarnished. By subdoing our passions, or limiting their cravings, we may recover a great deal of our original worth, and live in a state of grace. Thius is the redemption of men–this is accomplished by Morality; and when this is spread over the world, we have THE KINGDOM OF THE JUST.
Men are unfit as they are, and must be formed; each class must be the school of trial for the next. This will be tedious, because it is hazardous. In the last classes I propose academies under the direction of the order. This will secure us the assistence of the literati. Science shall here be the lure. Only those who are assuredly proper subjects shall be picked out from the inferior classes for the higher mysteries, which contain the first principles and means of promoting a happy life. For here we work at the discovery and exterpation of superstition and prejudices. The instructions shall be so conducted that each shall disclose what he thinks he conceals in his own breast, what are his ruling propensities and passions, and how far he has advanced in the command of himself. This will answer all the purposes of auricular confession. And in particular, every person shall be made a spy on another and on all around him. Nothing can escape our site; by these means we shall readily discover who are contented, and recieve with relish the peculiar stated doctrines and religious opinions that are laid before them; and at last, the trustworthy alone will be admitted to a participation of the whole maxims and political constitutions of the order. In a council composed of such members, we shall labor at the contrivance of means to drive by degrees the enemies of reason and of humanity out of the world. and to establish a peculiar morality and religion fitted for the great society of mankind. »
« One would almost imagine, that this degree, as I have managed it , is genuine Christianity, and that it’s end was to free the jews from slavery. I say, that Freemasonry is concealed Christianity. My explanation of the heiroglyphics, at least, proceeds on this supposition; and as I explain things, no man need be ashamed of being a Christian. Indeed, I afterwards throw away this name and substitute reason. But I assure you this is no small affair; A new religion, and a new state-government, which so happily explain one and all of these symbols, and combines them in one degree. You may think that this is my chief work; but I have three other degrees, all different, for my class of higher mysteries, in comparison with which this is but child’s play; but these I keep for myself as General, to be bestoyed by me only. Were you here I should give you this degree without hesitation. But it is too important to be trusted to paper, or to be bestowed otherwise than from my own hand. It is the key to history, to religion, and to every state government in the world. »
By what I here say, those of you who are not far illuminated, who stand in the outward Place, and are not worthy to look behind the Vei], may find no disagreeable or unprofitable Entertainment : and those who are so happy as to have greater Light, will discover under these Shadows somewhat truly great and noble, and worthy the serious Attention of a Genius the most elevated and sublime : The Spiritual Celestial Cube, the only true, solid and immoveable Basis and Foundation of all Knowledge, Peace and Happiness………. I shall, as briefly as I can, present you with a true and faithful Mirror, a Mirror which will not, which cannot flatter (Flattery be eternally banish'd the Brotherhood), wherein yon may see, or rather be remembered, what you are and then you need not be told very much bow you ought to act. And in this I shall use that Liberty and Freedom, which is our essential Difference, richly distinguishes us from all others, and is indeed the very Soul and Spirit of the Brotherhood………. Remember that you are the Salt of the Earth, the Light of the World, and the Fire of the IIniyerse. Ye are living Stones, built up a spiritual House, who believe and rely on the chief Lapis Angularis, which the . refractory and disobedient Builders disallowed, ye are called from Darkness to Light, you are a chosen Generation, a royal Priesthood………. The Seeds of that eternal Peace and Tranquility and everlasting Repose must be sown in this Life ; and he that would glorify and enjoy the Sovereign Good then, must learn to do it now, and from contemplating the Creature gradually ascend to adore the Creator ……. But alas ! my Brethren, what are we and our little Globe below, to that stupendous Celestial Masonry above ! where the Almighty Architect has stretched out the Heavens as a Curtain, which he has richly embroidered with Stars, and with his immortal Compasses, as from a Punctum, circumscribed the mighty Au. : is himself the Centre of all Things, yet knows no Circumference ? who lets down his golden Balance, and weighs all Things according to eternal incorruptible Justice, and where the Actions of the best of Men are frequently found too light ; who has created infinite Worlds, for what we know, above us ; and those cast Luminaries within our Fen, to which he has given Laws, and allotted them their peculiar influences, Intelligences and Demons……….. We are imprisoned, who shall deliver us from the Body of this Death ? We are exiled Children from our Country, when shall we return ?..............Have you not seen then, my dearest Brethren, that stupendous Bath, filled with most limpid Water, than which no Pure can be parer, of such admirable 'Mechanism that makes even the greatest Philosopher gaze with Wonder and Astonishment, and is the Subject of the eternal Contemplation of the wisest Men? Its Form is a Quadrate, sublimely placed on siz others, blazing all with celestial Jewels, each angularly supported with four Lions................. to the pellucid, diaphanous Palace of the true disinterested Lovers of Wisdom, that transparent Pyramid of pure Salt, more sparkling and radiant than the finest orient Ruby, in the Centre . of which reposes inaccessable Light epitomized, that incorruptible celestial Fire, blazing like burning Crystal, and brighter than the Sun in his full Meridian Glories, which is that immortal, eternal, never-dying, the King of Gemms, whence proceeds every thing that is great, and Rise, and happy…. THE SEED VESSEL AS A SYMBOL OF THE PRODUCTIVE POWER................The Divine Idea of the Universe existed in its entirety, succession and continuance, in the Divine Mind, before clothed with forms and becoming its outward utterance. The Wisdom or Divine Intellect manifests and utters itself in Nature, and thus uttered is The Word............. NOW I know even from where they got many symbols... at least many ===> AND O, you will say what is with that? The Stages of the Seven Spheres of Borsippa.' Each story was dedicated to a Planet, and stained with the colour peculiarly, attributed to it in the works of the Astrologers, and traditionally handed down to us from the Chaldxans . The lowest stage was coloured black, in honour of Saturn ; the second, orange, for Jupiter; the third, red, for Mars; the fourth, yellow, for the Sun; the fifth, green, for Venus; the sixth, blue, for Mercury ; and the Temple was probably white for the Moon ==> I say, at least we see here also the blue for mercury… black ash… ok… green for Venus, a bit funny… could imagine, marry the land...and ya, -the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, 'Mars, Venus . Jupiter and Saturn. All these were regarded as PersoniSeations or Angels of the Deity.
YOU HAVE OVER-RATIONALIZED THE MYSTERY & lost the way... and you have lost true leadership
POINTS TO SOLVE, in my testimony, ya, in this chapter, many points!!!
USA, do with them what you want, they rejected it, they made religion to a pure business... that explains the mystery of the curse!
MY PROBLEM IS, SO FAR USA IS DONE, so what happens in such cycles... war... but if something happens... the biggest part of Europe should be spared...
not because of cowardness... but justice... and so you have USA and CHINA... and all that could go further out of control... and someone has an eye upon Iran...
WHEN IAM IN THE APOCALYPSE, this is the SIGN... must be given to GOD
THEN THE EU LEADER must make with me a DEAL under the 12 star flag
OPTIONS we have... but a solution should be found
And fear not CHINA... the divine power is here... it would their own doom
Wherefore LC cannot be misused for business... ya, may catholic get a bit money... but it cannot go out of control... VERY IMPORTANT!!! ALL THIS POINTS ARE VERY IMPORTANT...
YOU FOOLS MAYBE DO NOT SEE IT BUT ALL THIS POINTS ARE VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At LC will be more gods because of the portal
Yet that does not mean that you see them... or maybe only few
45) AND ALSO WHEN WE ARE REAL... its a farce to say that this elite circle is superintelligent... no matter how I try to turn it... they have lost it... I find no justification... I dont know what is going on in their heads... just insane... why so openly? we had that topic already...just Megalomaniac? but then it cannot be called elite ==> OR LET IT BE YOUR GREAT WARNING, THAT WHAT I TOLD YOU, YOU BUILD NOT JUST AN INVSIBLE WALL TO THE POPULATION AND LIKE YOU AS AN ELITE FLY ABOVE IT ==> AND IF ANYONE HAS STILL A MIND IN EUROPE, ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT I TOLD YOU ABOUT THE DARK FIRE GRID!
AND THATS WHY I SAID THAT I BUILD LC OPENLY... AND YES, GOVERNMENT AND etc, shall still exist but the population must be included...
OR otherwise dumb population and an Elite which grows also afterwards more dumb... dark fire grid!!!!!!!!!!
QUASI A SECURITY WALL... all the problems we will solve at LC
46) And thats right, political, "rare earth" and CHINA monopol is a problem, NEVER IGNORE SMART RECYCLING, I explained it in the bat chapter
47) And lets not forget:
Until such energy dominance is absolutely established, the consent of people to labor and let others handle their affairs must be taken into consideration, since failure to do so could cause the people to interfere in the final transfer of energy sources to the control of the elite.
ALL WHAT THEY NEED IS CONSENT... but this does not exist here... you will wish you got never born would be the message!
YOU COULD NOT BRING DOWN THE GERMANS AND AUSTRIANS... you wanted... but even other would follow
NOW then we will sit together later... EU LEADER... and I want to hear your plan... FURTHER, we will see if you use logistics to destroy
an AUTARK AUSTRIA AND GERMANY... for we know now how we can do it... and with UK we see that you make their island full, winter no food -
wherefore a bit technology dependence is no problem... and at best at most in the EU, nations in the EU
I MEAN, HABSBURGER (if he would had such an idea) OR NOT... Christine Largarde or not... if you foolish woman have no clear future city vision
YOU will be thrown out... SCHWAB LARGARDE... or not... we will see... AND ACTION/OFFENSE is nothing but garbage (silent weapons of warfare),
no one just wants to kill other... and my brother is hunter... I get sometimes some good flesh... and its no problem to go fishing... even Jesus ate fish!
an idiot did write this paper... And further if a politician has a chance... he will avoid war... when we have the green option... why shall
someone in Austria go against it... plus new technology... we leave oil... so you are Philanthropus Dinosaurus and have only garbage in your mind.
And we check animal welfare in Austria... we have good farmer in the mountains... And exactly that makes us strong... and thats why you are weak
and when someone wants to betray us in a big way... ==>
And that is true maybe for USA:
The fear of failure is manifested in irresponsibility, and especially in delegating those personal responsibilities to others where success is uncertain or carries possible or created liabilities (law), which the person is not prepared to accept. They want authority (root word - "author"), but they will not accept responsibility or liability. So they hire politicians to face reality for them... but not in our future city... and nor do we have here such a cult... Germans and Austrians are different... but yes I know that baby style in USA
invade Irak or bla bla bla... or go here and there and be more fat grown... USA is a failed experiment... and I told you that this will fall spiritually back on them
48) And the protocols of the elders of Zion... it is said that they only wanted to blame Jews... code words and symbols... so when it falls into the wrong hands
they will blame someone else... so I can read it but will not blame the Jews... THATS HOW THEY OPERATED IN THE PAST, ENCODE IT, AND SECURE IT,
Liberty, equality, and fraternity… repeated by ignorant parrots… they did not see that in nature there is no equality and that she herself created different standards of mind, character and capacity ==> Nomad says, equality yes, and individuality and balance with our country… the stinking elite will not fool us at LC ==> they want to destroy our peace, steadfastness and unity... THINK ABOUT IT MY GERMANS AND AUSTRIANS AND ITALIANS AND FRENCH...!!!... and they themselves have build a money ladder in complete depravity, victims weakness for profit etc. where is EQUALITY? DO YOU SEEK AUTOMATION and SEPARATION? SEEK SCHWABS VIRTUAL REALITY PEOPLE, REMOTE WORK and etc. IT IS NOT PERFECT but I may say it that way, also the nation is an individual... so you do not overrun it... you would want balance in your life... as a leader do the same with our nation ==> AND IT IS RIGHT, DARWIN, NIETZSCHE, MARX is DEMORALIZING the people... you teach Darwin without divine science... and then you want to blame the population??? LC AUSTRIA WOULD DO WAY BETTER, it needs not even a full generation!!!!!!!! ==> ANOTHER HUGE PROBLEM WHICH WE SOLVE AT LC!!!!!!!!!
And there will be no big jelaousy regarding the social ladder in our future city, first it is balanced, secondly they understand that a Doctor or... must perform more things... and how happy are you when someone takes care about you in hosopital etc...And the word LIBERTY is rightly understood because of LC and our science... and still we need law and order... government.... common sense... responsibility: nature, population, resources... and read the last sentence: PROTOCOL IV... In our future city we must keep right balance with the business world! And only through laws they can restrict all freedom and liberties, law = power... easy understood... it needs consent... EU
THEIR MONSTER ADMINISTRATION WILL FALL.... THEIR MONOPOLIES ARE MERELY AN ILLUSION...KNOW HOW IS EVERYTHING, have know how in a country and make it autark with the new technology, sustainable. WE WILL NOT ALLOW AGRICULTURE BANKS... THIS MEANS WAR... get rid of banker including central banker, and back to a public owned central bank... the riches in the land we keep with smart recycling... Putin is not at DAVOS... alos A GERMAN AUSTRIAN RUSSIA POWER would be possible... and civil war in USA... so or so we win... RUSSIA has the orthdox, they are so "stubborn"... they go not along with it... A SECRET ORDER IS ONLY SO STRONG AS ALONG AS THEY CAN STAY IN THE DARK... THAT IS NO LONGER THE CASE... the whole puzzle is known... their philosophy rejected... the higher rationality wins...
THE MOB SUBMITS TO A SYSTEM, depends its wages, earnings, and all other benefits... now the mob knows that we go towards a sustainable future... and we only must secure the fundamental points regarding the wheel... and later on we can still operate in the "free market"... KNOW HOW is most important in a country!... in fact even just Germany and Austria together could make their trades and with Russia... its merely an illusion that we need all other... and at one point we will be on that place... technology... so whoever attacks (economically), they will never be able to destroy the city... You can only deprive the house of its power by introducing altering laws... The only one who gives us rest is our GOVERNMENT operating in a secure position... government happy, country happy... depraved animals form circles to their own benefit and profit from the distance to the population... therefore they want to disturb all relationship between people and government... so even with corona... another point... the list is long... THEY MUST COME TO A POINT BY WHICH THE WORLD SHOULD BE THANKFUL THAT WE HAVE THEM AND THAT THEY PRESENT TO US THE GREAT SOLUTION, THEY WILL PROMISE A RETURN OF LIBERTIES... yet go step by step towards dystopia... I know them ... and you will get no piece of information without passing first through their control... I checked already the difference after Corona start between google and duckduckgo... and we know how they planned it. Further, they must get control over all newspaper... money issue etc...they will impose fines right and left and etc. and they want to get rid of rights of forming societies... and they do it with unelected officials... AND THIS BLATANT IDIOTS EVEN USE THE MYSTICAL TEACHINGS AND TWIST IT... they are nothing but the dumb proletariat before us... THEIR WIN... NO ONE WILL UNVEIL THE MYSTERIES... only the upper class shall have it... YET MY PEOPLE HAVE IT ALREADY... FURTHER I HAVE ALL KARMA ON MY SIDE because I belong to no order... any strike would destroy them... the divine intelligence is all-seeing... their souls... their afterlife... yet I do not say that I will kill them... no... we play after the rules... but their souls face consequences and their further plan... not stone upon another... So then... after the rules... no can say, Nomad you are not allowed to build LC... THEY WANT TO SHOW THEMSELVES AS BEING BY GOD APPOINTED AND SHOW SHEER MIGHT... what are you doing now??? what mystical fallacy do you want to use??? or better to say how do you want to gain prestige, again, what do you want to use? You want to destroy human individuality by symbolic ideas of collectivism... KISS OUR ASS SCHWAB... you are too weak for us!!! STATE MACHINE with AI!!! I just laugh! AND THEIR DEMONSTRATIVE EDUCATION GETS ALSO DESTROYED IN A SENSE… THAT LC BRINGS AGAIN CREATIVITY because they want to limit education to their own advantage... And further they cannot accomplish it without destroying the Vatican!!! so we bring the catholics on our side!!! ANOTHER REASON why DERSTANDARD fully went against our government just because they invited one time a Catholic priest... THE CATHOLICS must understand, you get betrayed... and you are used as long as they are in need of you... later only they play god and you must vanish fully... NOW, WE CAN HAVE PEACE WITH MUSLIMS AND CATHOLICS IN AUSTRIA, yet for sure the MUSLIMS in AUSTRIA must understand that the upbringing of kids... sing songs... its more catholic in Austria... and our TRINITY view... this is free religious speech and the CATHOLICS can disagree with us... yet I will not go in war with them... no way... the social structure and tradition plays a role in a country... you have it and we have it... ==> CURRENCY BASED UPON THE VALUE OF WORKING POWER???... how to avoid that the prestige is shaken by the rise and falls of our stocks...anyway... ANOTHER POINT WHICH WE SOLVE AT LC: his dignity prohibits fantastic ideas on the subject of self... he sees himself on a journey... and the kingdom within... makes him humble but not artifical humble... but right minded... no religious with Protestant or etc... we learn to accept each other in a better way... without ridiculous speeches to disorderly masses... we advance... and leave the nonsense and the labyrinth behind us... And the combination with GAIA and the infinite treasure will keep our hearts open... luxury propaganda will not be tolerated... yet we can have many things... AND FOR SURE WHEN BMW STANDS FOR QUALITY, such advertisment will be allowed... COMMON SENSE... you know what luxury propaganda is... versus I drive a BMW... but my dick gets not bigger because of that... common sense Austrian talk... in USA may it be different... their folly... high end comfort and sport is no problem... but we have a city also rightly distributed... houses we make a limit and so on... and nature plays a good role, also because of health... and etc. YA, another one will say MAYBACH or etc. is high end comfort... I see not much difference, anyway
AND I HAVE TO "DEFEND" MYSELF A BIT, IAM in purification, thats why I write sometimes "hacked"... and letters do not fit
except the answer to the Mindestsicherung problem regarding the future city vision, here:
WE CAN ALSO NOT REALLY SAY, we LIVE in Austria and when you get checked by doctors, later even more easy
because of technology and you are not willing... now you will be thrown out of our city... we cant do that!
But they must be stripped off... that means we have a Mindestsicherung... yet after carefully examination
and when we checked all chances and they got offered a job... and again just wanted to avoid it...
THEN THEY LOOSE EVEN THEIR MINDESTSICHERUNG... and that is pressure enough and we need only a clear
EXAMINATION of the situation and everything transparent... ya we could even say that an AMS (labor market service)
like we have it today exists... and addtional to it a STATE SECURITY PERSONAL which checks the intent
of people who are not willing or who are in more troubles (as also some can have really a psychological problem... also that exists...
such people, we are tolerant... we have them... also today in Austria... I know some... but even many of them managed it again to get a job...
WE even help them...
Yet about the future city they could even get tested... someone offers them a job... they have
Vorstellungsgespräche (job interviews) and we check what they said and how they wanted to avoid it by all means
to be again integrated in our city... THATS IT... As we have the WHEEL which becomes everything for us... it got all
explained in the bat chapter... now so we have also a SECURITY WHEEL PERSONAL... to check some cases...
Now, when they loose the Mindestsicherung... let them live on the street... somehwere where they do not bother us... and be social enough
to give them some food... and after it got hard enough for them... send the SECURITY WHEEL PERSONAL... and they can ask them...
do you want another chance?
THEN WE MUST ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT IN THE FUTURE CITY we probably need only 6 or 7 hours per day to work!
SO, and early on in school they learn this RULE
FURTHER OUR PEOPLE IN THE CITY WILL FORGIVE HIM... sometimes we fall in life... from mistakes will learn... and in joy we receive him back
Colossians 3:23
And whatever you do, do it heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance
1Timothy 5:8
But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
FIRST you take care about your FAMILY, secondly also the city represents a FAMILY
and we want a beautiful city
AND SHOULD THE CATHOLIC come in AGREEMENT with me regarding LC...
NOW THEY CAN BE ALSO USED IN SCHOOL... AND THEIR EXPERTISE... they are trained in that stuff
and we put some VERSE together... SCRIPTURE and LC VERSES... later received by divine intelligence
WE GO IN AND OUT... work cannot be denied... and slothfulnes is ANTI HIGHER SELF... and to achive results
is natural!!!
AND FOR SURE THE EVALUATION MUST BE PERFECT and so that by no means it can be misused!
BUT that should really be no problem... ya, its only a stupid human idea like we could go wrong here
NAY, we will have the tools... and the security poilce can also speak with those who offered jobs and etc.
And we will not have a fully surveillance state... but here I would say... to avoid misuse... in an interview
a camera would be possible... and we must be transparent here with the population, everyone must see the benefit
Anything which goes too far out of balance... I explained it, the city will not endure
When the Elite denies common sense... it will be their own death... we must come back to common sense!
PERFECTION DOES NOT EXIST IN A PERFECT SURVEILLANCE STATE... no, it would break in pieces... I explained it all
ONE component is TRUST in each other and communication... and a working social structure!