In honour to (and some inspirational words used from): Basilius Valentinus, Saint Chrysostomos, Augustine Baker, Madame Guyon, Miguel de Molinos, St. John of the cross, Rulman Merswin, Thomas Bromley, Smith Wigglesworth, St. Basil, Meister Eckhart, Jacob Boehem, Jane Lead (yet no agreement with universal salvation, this was astral), John Pordage, Hadewijch of Antwerp, Catherine of Siena, John of Ruusbroec, Johannes Tauler, John Heslop, Mechthild of Magdeburg, Elder Sophrony, Marguerite Porete, Gemma Galgani, St. Mary of Egypt, Gregory of Nyssa, Evagrius Ponticus, Macarius of Egypt, Maximus the Confessor, Dionysius the Areopagite, Isaac of Nineveh, Symeon the New Theologian, Hildegard of Bingen, Hugh of St Victor, Henry Suso, Julian Norwich, Walter Hilton, Nicholas of Cusa, Thomas Merton, Thomas Traherne, D. H. Lawrence, Morienus Romanus, Bonaventure, Bernard, Seraphim of Sarov, E.Swedenborg, Francis of Assisi, Augustine of Hippo and many other, including also some ancient writings in China, India, and from native Indians, Jews and generally around the world etc.
Bible verses, using here the common known King James version, to every verse I give a short comment
Isa 45:15 the hidden God
Heb 9:11, 2Cor 5:1, Heb 3:6, Eph 2:20-22, 1Pet 2:5 tabernacle or house not of this creation or building, we are his house, habitation of God through the Spirit, spiritual house, not made by hands
Psalm 17:8, Heb 4:13, Mt 6:22 Gods eye, keep me, all-seeing eye, eye is the lamp of the body, be filled with light
Heb 1:3, Joh 17:22, 24, 1Joh 5:18, 3:9 radiance of the father, and we are one with him - our light beingness before the foundation of the world, seed consciousness – begotten of God
1Pet 1:23 imperishable seed
Isa 60: 19, Isa 33:16,17 the Lord as everlasting light
1Joh 2:16, Joh 14:13, 20 father is not of this world, father and son make their abode in us, Iam in Him
1Cor 8:6, from father (well), through the son( glass), and we are through him
Eph 4:6 God beyond us but not excluded, the center within us and this center is really everywhere
Jer 23:23 God, the Near-far away
2Cor 3:18, Job 37:18, 1 Cor 13:12 beholding in a glass, looking glass, Glass or mirror – I shall be known by God = bosom glass
2Pet 1:4 partaker of divine nature
Heb 12:28, 29 Kingdom that can not be shaken, immoveable Kingdom
Heb 4:3, rest, creation completed in the apocalypse (God revealed in you)
Lk 17:21 the Kingdom of God is within you
1Cor 2:9, super-sensual, ethereal oil, bosom glass
Gen 1:7 separation from water and immaterial water
Psalm 36:8,9, Psalm 23:5, Psalm 42:7, Hab 2:14, Ezek 47:5,8 fountain of life, in your light we see light, my cup runs over, deep calls unto deep, all your waves swept over me, the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory as the waters cover the sea, swimming
Job 38:1-22, spiritual meaning: cornerstone, sea burst out of the mental womb, recesses of the deep, waves stop in the circumference, clay under a seal (creation consciousness with the garment around), wickedness shaken out of it
Psalm 33:7 gathers the water as a heap – all-filling internal power, similar to Ezekiel 47:8, 43:5 the glory which fills the house or temple
Prov 8:22-29,35, in the beginning, fountain of the deep (abyss), set a heavenly circumference, the sphere
Isa 51:16 that I may lay the foundation of the earth, the apocalypse basement
Psalm 87:7, all my springs or fountains are in Zion
Joh 4:10, 11, Isa 12:3, Jer 17:13, Prov 5:15, Psalm 46:6, Rev 22, the well and the living water river, this river is the same river which flows from his throne, the crystal clear river
2Cor 12:3 whether in the body or not, I do not know - because of the immense divine vision, the bosom glass
Isa 11:2,3 seven Spirits
Rev 4:5, Rev 3:1 seven spirits, seven stars
Isa 33:14, Heb 12:29 who can dwell with everlasting burning? God is a consuming fire. Therefore, we have the 4 Elements, the living water, the fire-blaze and the air (pneuma breath, spirit), and the stone which represents earth.
Deut 32:18, Rom 9:33 the Rock that begat thee, the chief cornerstone
Habak 3:4, Eph 5:14, Joh 12:36, 2Cor 4:6 rays flashing from his hand, Christ will shine on you, children of light, light shine out of darkness and shone in our hearts
Psalm 97:2, Psalm 18:9, 11 made darkness his hiding place
1Joh 4:8 God is love, 4 Elements + light/darkness + love, 7 spirits
Jam 1:18 Of his own will begat he us with the LOGOS of truth
Prov 3:18 Wisdom is a tree of life
1Cor 2:6, Heb 6:5 wisdom among the mature, not of this age or world (dwell in the age to come)
Eph 1:18 eyes of the mind or of the heart, the bosom Glass is seen with mental eyes
Eccl 3:11 olawm, eternity or world in the heart
Job 26:5, 10, Gen 1:7, Psalm 104:3 etc. watery Matrix, aqueous stone
Rev 4:6, 15:2 sea of glass, clear as crystal – the crystal ice palace in the apocalypse
2Cor 3:11, Eccl 8:1, 1Thess 5:23, light skinned race (radiant face), halo, wisdom makes the face shine, spirit/soul/body blameless
Hosea 2:18-20, Isa 55:12 covenant with the animals, creation shouts in joy - paradisiacal region
Isa 43:2 pass through fire, not be burned
Philip 3:10, 11 resurrection from the dead, might attain it
1Cor 15:23 every man in his own order!
Rev 21:5, 2Cor 5:17 all things new, new creature
1Pet 1:8 soul salvation - unspeakable joy
Isa 62:4, 5, 6, Isa 61:10, 51:3,11, Heb 12:22 marry the land = Gods land, marriage, Eden, we are part of heavenly Jerusalem
Psalm 19:3 logoi in all creation
Rom 12:2, Eph 4:23, intelligence made fast and simple, renewing of the mind, put off the old man
Psalm 103:1-5, Isa 40:31, Psalm 84:7 raiment of youth, renew their strength, and go from strength to strength
Isa 59:5, 6, Rom 7:18 mud, the serpent deception – also associated with Leviathan, flesh reaper, rust, astral birth, impure forces, dross, opposite fire or energy, cross birth
Mat 3:12, Joh 15:2,5, Mat 7:19, Lk 13:9, Isa 1:30,31, Jer 2:13, Isa 33:11, Isa 45:7, Jam 3:6 Heaven and hell in man, purging, without him we can do nothing, not in our own power otherwise without water and your breath will consume you, sulphur flesh
2Pet 3:10 Heurisko translation (works found, discover), 1 Cor 3:13, 15
Psalm 73:25,26, Isa 58:11, Prov 17:22 my flesh and my heart may fail = liquefaction, watered garden = a strong body frame
Philip 2:13, Eph 1:19 energize (in Greek), refers to Gods energy
Heb 11:3 all physical existence was created by Spirit by an orderly system, not by impersonal laws but by the creative voice of the immanent and universal Presence, the Logos, it is spiritual in essence, originated in spirit, flows out of spirit,
Philip 4:7 peace which passes all understanding, above reason but not without
Psalm 136:2 God of gods
2Cor 5:16 we look no longer at the flesh – but we look at the Kernel
Jer 17:8,9,10,12, from the beginning our sanctuary, a glorious high throne
Hag 2:23 signet ring or seal, mind stamp of the Majesty
Mt 23:9 one father who is in Heaven
1Joh 3:2, Mt 5:8 to see Him as he is, blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God and inherit the earth
Dan 12:3 shine like the brightness of the firmament
Job 36:29 (with the cloud), Job 18:6,7,13, 33:25, 29, 5:22:23 laugh at destruction and famine, covenant with stones, peace with animals, secure in the tent etc. wherefore tabernacle, house, temple is interchangeable
Zech 2:13, Hab 2:20 be silent all flesh and earth
Mat 1:17 the missing 42th generation is the immoveable race
Gal 5:4, faith working through love
John 10:9 You go at the same time in and out, enter the vortex with the inflow and leave with the outflow, the door
Psalm 18:26, Col 3:6 to the pure you show yourself pure, to the other you show yourself shrewd [wrath or inexpressible joy]
1Cor 4:20 Kingdom of God consists in power
1 Cor15:50 Irenaeus of Lyon: the inability of flesh and blood to enter the kingdom of God in refers to man’s inability to enter the kingdom of God in the absence of the Holy Spirit, (Martin Mostbauer: the white dove has to come forth, watery matrix), life is brought about through healing, and incorruption through life. He, therefore, who confers healing, the same does also confer life; and He [who gives] life, also surrounds His own handiwork with incorruption. He says, Ye have been reconciled in the body of His flesh, because the righteous flesh has reconciled that flesh which was being kept under bondage in sin, and brought it into friendship with God - For that thing is reconciled which had formerly been in enmity. Now, if the Lord had taken flesh from another substance, He would not, by so doing, have reconciled that one to God which had become inimical through transgression
Psalm 139:4 the soul becomes one with the logos or word; and still retains in its own essential being, in that union via contact
Mat 5:14, Psalm 13:3, 19:8, Deut 34:7, Prov 4:18, Rev 18:1, Isa 6:3 filled from the internal lights and complete from the surrounding light, light of the world, lighten my eyes, Moses eyes were not dim, similar Elijah and Enoch (and maybe John) got translated, shining light that shines unto the perfect day = last day (eternal realm)
Proverbs 20:27, Psalm 18:28, Psalm 43:3 mans spirit is the lamp of the Lord that sheds light on one’s inmost being or belly, lights up my candle, light and truth at his holy mountain, the mountain represents the ascension
2Cor 4:7, 1Cor 15:43 all-surpassing power is from God, we are raised in power, raised in glory, Christ the hope of glory in you etc.
Mt 6:28 lily season
2Cor 4:17,18 a place where time has no meaning, eternal weight of glory
Mal 4:2, Matth 17:2, Psalm 67:1, Psalm 80:1 sun of righteousness, transfiguration, his face shine on us, the other sun
Isa 33:17 to see the king in his beauty, the absolute beauty is the divine majesty
Extra biblical Sirach 24 wisdom – came forth from the mouth of the most High, covered the earth like a mist, my river became a sea, circuit of heaven... in comparison to 2Pet 2:17
Extra biblical Thomas Gospel 111, Psalm 104:2 the Lord and his light garment
Extra biblical Barnabas 3:4, 6:12, 15:8 other world = God realm, some call it also new world, age to come = Sabbath = God Realm
Extra biblical Shepherd of Hermas explains also the saints which dwell in the age to come = winter versus summer
Extra biblical 2Maccabees 7:28 bringing things forth from nothing
Extra biblical Wisdom 1:15 for he created all things that they might exist, generative forces of the world are wholesome, without destructive poison, righteousness is immortal!
Extra biblical Wisdom 7:26 wisdom is the brightness of the eternal light, unspotted mirror of Gods majesty, image of his goodness
Eph 4:22, 23, Heb 5:14 put off the old self, solid food is for the mature
Eccl 12:6 golden bowl (sphere) is crushed, pitcher or jar shattered at the spring (spring of water), wheel is broken at the well – your body laid down
Col 3:2, 3, 4 hidden ground of your soul, hid with Christ in God, Christ centered vision
2Pet 1:11, 17, 18 God calls out from the world and into His eternal kingdom and Peter makes a pointer to the Mt of Transfiguration
1Cor 1:29, 31 no boasting about anything
1Joh 4:18, 2Tim 1:7 perfected in love = fearless, without worry
Joh 10:37,38, 5:44, 2Cor 3:5, Psalm 62:7 competence (sufficiency, security, worthy or to be fit) comes from God, my salvation and honour depend on God
Joh 7:24 when you are without universal benevolence, that is, to eat from the wrong tree
Gal 2:20, Lk 17:33 no longer I live = not-being
Joh 4:32 I have food to eat of which you know nothing, nurtured by the universe
1Cor 6:17 united with the Lord, one with him in spirit = one with the fluid, in the river, flows into and through us
2Cor 13:4 yet by God’s power we will live with him, to become powers of God
Jer 33:3 Ask me, I will tell you remarkable secrets
Isa 30:20, 26, 29, 30, Psalm 24 the pipe in the mountain top divine vision, the ascend
Romans 8:11, 12, 13, Rev 21:6, Joh 11:25, Rev 2:7 – Gen 2:9, Mk 9:43, Joh 10:10 quickening your mortal bodies, life in greek: zoe – physical and spiritual, all zoe life throughout the universe, is derived and sustained by God's self-existent life – the architecture of life, the water of life, the resurrection life, the tree of life in the center of paradise (the center within you), abundant life
2Cor 5:4 clothed upon with the house not made by hands, the heavenly God realm
Mt 10:28, 1Kings 17:21, Acts 20:9, 10 THE SOUL IS PRECIOUS, The soul is our very existence, the center of all our energies and our thoughts and the soul gives life to the body, and when you believe in “out of body experiences” or “near death experiences” or in scripture as it is seen that some souls returned to their bodies etc., then fear not him who can destroy the body but rather him who can destroy body and soul in hell, What shall it profit to you to gain the whole world and lose your own Soul?