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ART (Kunst): FIRST YOU MUST UNDERSTAND, that the PERSON on this PHOTOS has TWO ascensions… that is, he made it already into the apocalypse (light body, immortal mind, resurrection life) and later he did fall extreme hard (so that the prophecy gets fullfiled), ya he did reach the DARKEST point… Therefore the person below on the photos may not look like someone who is really BRUTE… but he manages the ascension from the darkest point up to resurrection life… and there is no harder transformation like this apocalyptic ascension… Further, you have to understand that resurrection life will be only later shown… and it will look like really supernatural… meanwhile just enjoy the first photos..

1) I could not make a PHOTO because the whole frame of me messed up the camera (because I broke already through the bonds of matter) but now the body transmutes more stable [Mars reconciliation, I feel it to the bones = a sign of health - awareness] and this PHOTO looks quite ok like I look like, and it is by far not the end-product but it is important to show also this photo.. because FOR THE PROTOCOL: Nomads God given EXPERIMENT (Nomad is just the higher self name [for the book], otherwise call him Martin Mostbauer). Ya, it is a little bit like the movie THE FLY (the fly hybrid creature, something went wrong in the experiment). Similar with me, after the big smash, I showed a Photo in which I looked devastated (some Christians, yes, even older ones got a bit fear because of the HUGE DEFORMATION, and also because of my eyes, the dark, and my head like morphing through dark power deformations – I was less human in appearance), anyway, later I showed again a Photo to my online book reader (via emails, I only used emails), ya in which I looked a bit better, and now we have 16.11.2019 And if the reader does ask me, what is with the mind on that level?  NOW, then the next Photo will be in approximately one month and then we go further until the light body is seen. THE GREAT EXPERIMENT, dissolving the ANIMAL BODY, transmutation. TELEPORTATION, entering the God realm (non-local transformation, I am everywhere like mental space, whirlwind saint). And as we know TERRAFORMING (a better air on top of the mountain etc., the stone includes all mountains, lakes, all trees, all flowers, all herbs, all animals...planetary conversion, 7 metals, 7 planets... Enochian walk). Further, the experiment has to show me how much the body gets healed, if it repairs the DNA again, and to get rid of other problems (growing birth marks etc, other skin problems, unusually hair grow on the back, loose of some substance etc.), but so far so good…. And as we already know, when the experiment is successful, the “yellow emperor” receives his own country, as ruler, possessing the earth (new earth and new heaven). My question, who wants to follow Nomad, I mean, you must do the exact same thing, first you become a fly (or DUNG), and later we can talk about the light body. O, no, I hear the kids scream, no, we do not have too go so far... AHH, weaklings :-)……...NEXT PHOTO, date 17. January 2020, and later an acceleration happens as I know it and the halo and some further face and skin change, only then it becomes obvious, therefore this PHOTO does not mean much, this must be clearly understood!!!, and this PHOTO must be compared with the brute PHOTO of me in which I looked complete devastated (for those who know it, and the reader just can imagine it because I don’t publish it here). And similar by comparison to this PHOTO, later comes the end-product, Nomads God given experiment, and yes, now my skin becomes more stable and the bones feel stronger, as it is written in scripture, to strengthen the frame, a well watered garden... and there is later a less cold chill in further purification, it because of more heat [warmth] in the body (with subtle water flow awareness, and some people who do not know it better, they may say, I feel a bit more alive under my skin or something like that, this expressions which we use), to give some ideas about the level which I am in the last Video on this page [who knows, maybe interesting for others at some point of time, to have some comparison]. And further, also to feel connected with your feet to the earth, also that is a good sign, which can be included regarding the hinds feet issue or self control because self control is not just about emotions, and the ancient church did know that, feet connection to earth or simple to the ground... And otherwise we would get confused, because we think about the round crystal palace (transparent realm) and that the body receives the lightness of the Spirit and we have something in mind like we walk like a ghost (or clumsy or bumbling), no, listen, the frame of the body gets strengthened in it (Mars reconciled, and not a weak silhouette), and that makes us TRITTSICHER (surefooted, energetic and robust – integrated ==> centered and energized = simple, understand the energy construct, similar we have the stabilized most fixed earth, stony glass). And for sure, some people exist who are handicapped, yet, that is another topic and nor does it change the holistic truth, and similar as mentioned in the book also I got my little handicaps, lost hair, broken teeth, birth marks and so on, yet, the transmutation is what it is, and the broken teeth I will still have, because that would need an additional miracle or wonder healing as explained – and still and also the soul is of first importance...Wherefore Self examination during ascend, that is often a big problem for me, but I can give some hints. And further, concerning going higher (ascension), we have later more inner validation, and inner calmness…

photo 1.jpg

2) DER SUPERMENSCH, die konkrete Vision unserer Zukunft. As a child I had this book staring at me from the little bookshelf, and I have never fully read it, generally I did not read many books, but again, der Supermensch headline and the sun as background to it. It called me deeply! And the other book, also that I have not fully read, it was called: DER RISS IM RAUM (Madeleine Engle) with the sea and earth and a many eye - many wing cherubim-like creature as background, also that book stared at me. Yea, exactly, that is my point! LET’S LEAVE THE SEAT OF THE BEAST (old man or old self) - LET’S LEAVE THE WORTHLESS EARTH [and its DISPLAY]... lets take our seat where we find the wheel -- and then we shall understand that Ayin denotes also a well, spring, or fountain, a kind of "eye of water" in the ground [CHECK AGAIN THE POOL WE HAVE BUILT, THE WELL]...Listen: another word for ascension, that is RÄUCHERFISCH [smoked fish].. What we seek, that is the immaterial day... Therefore my reader, learn this secrets here early and then you can minimize the hard part of the ascetic life... wherefore what is this hard part if not going through it to get rid of any torment, wherefore it is ok if you do not understand me... only someone who knows the sheer liberation or has seen it, only such a person knows what torment really is and which is seen on others, Revelation 14:11! And we are UNKNOWN to them, all their little fears, their little self pity, their bigger lust for position, their stress and so on, all that seems so normal to them, and to be without ecstasy joy... ya, that is the great delusion.. Brimstone apostle and brimstone preacher who call us UNREAL, or EXAGGERATING or INHUMAN [because of we are not such fools like they are]... yet they cannot stop the SUPERHUMAN RACE... accomplishment of task... our mouth cannot be stopped but the mouths of liars will be silenced, a big Psalm 63 tattoo with a cornerstone on my left shoulder beside all the other stuff which I got on my skin before I even did know the hidden truth-stone, and that got already mentioned in the online book (I have my witness)…. AND FOR THOSE WHO LOVE THE Whore, see PHOTO below (& you will not decode, and it is blurred on the PHOTO and on the inside of the arm are further symbols and ancient words, hate - against Babel & a secret victory song before the 12 thrones and the hidden manna revealed etc. and to "FIGHT" THEM ALL etc. the "righteous fight"... versus their “demon” – muck matrix... And OUT OF THE DARK ABYSS, right shoulder, NOMAD COMES BACK, ARISE NOMAD, AWAKE NOMAD... and above the abyss (deep), there is written GRACE... Wherefore beside that on the upper body or legs... I have no other Tattoo and these Tattoos are from my old man life


3) ACCURATE AND CLEAR DESCRIPTION: First, the full devil PHOTOS of me which I have not put into the book (evil eyes, no life in it, starring weird and empty like a GHOST, wherefore it looked more extreme because I had already the first ascension behind me and then after the HUGE smash it all got messed up, ok, and later I had the emptiness PHOTOS about me after the hard old man got more starved out (the old man was a hard man), and then we have seen the dullness in-between but less bad looking and now this PHOTO. GRACE IS CHANGE. For someone who knows the full devastation PHOTOS of me, he sees already a bigger difference, and for me, here, the dark forces can no longer reach me in a such powerful way like in the beginning (but it is still hard). Wherefore on such a level, the person feels himself not fully present, for example when he walks into a room, a kitchen or whatever, simple he is still not more aware regarding his surrounding! What a slumber?!!! And only later is no more bigger FOG experienced in further purification. Ya, purification = the fire burning the mud with a turn to the inward EYE, to become stronger. And further, a bit living water which we need to feel in the body (wherefore little kids know that life water much better than most adults who have entered forgetfulness and dryness, but not saying that every adult has to enter dryness, and all true Mystics prove that we can draw closer to God, that we do not have to enter dryness)... Now, so far, this is the purification level, and from here we proceed later to the next level... CHRIST SAID: EAT MY FLESH.... PHOTO DATE 29.01.2020... And yes, this PHOTO does still show how much messed up I got, the whole frame, its all part of the divine program… and the dark contracted even my face… deformed it.


4) NEXT PHOTO, 06.02.2020, successful eye etc. recalibration, successful mind renewing, and again a strengthening of the frame, and again less dullness... it is not about joy display - like waves: from dullness => joy => strength, and Iam still messed up wherefore in the dark we never see how much we are really messed up


5) NEXT PHOTO, after breakthrough, date 09.Febr.2020, get rid of archetypes which make us weak, and ya we see again the contraction power during transformation

photo 5.jpg

6) PHOTO, LION EXAMPLE, or little power drive, strength impartation in-between, but now more smooth (less ugly, already a better recalibration, ascension steps become a bit more smooth, 1) eagle – 2) ox – 3) lion – 4) human, cherub seat, date 11.Feb 2020

photo 6.jpg

7) after any hard purification, then comes the big death stare (like a hole), and then recalibration happens, it smashes you down, and energy needs to be harnessed, one big hell of a ride, not for the faint of heart, and for sure, this is not yet the new creation, it is just a bit more energy (yet not really any youthful energy now)... and the PHOTO does not tell much, but it helps to explain the ascension. And according to the PHOTO, even in such a hole, it cannot be hidden that already more life is in the vessel... but it needs again strength impartation... on that level (maybe not very clear on the photo), when a person looks in a physical mirror, then he knows himself not very good, James 1:23, 24 and his conscience is still not clear enough, he needs to become a bit more mental healthy and sober. You will not believe how many people do not really recognize their Self in the mirror when looking in a physical mirror, they became simple too artificial. The problem is that no one can fully explain this consciousness steps. The little weakness in the Photo below should no irritate you. Date 14 Febr 2020... Wherefore my willpower is big, and I can go hard, yet the next month I will see if I stay longer on this planet, I will see how much the body can handle. Ya, when someone is bigger dull (bigger fear or stress), then he has just accepted that what he sees in the physical mirror, but it is more like a facade... This are people who wear masks, who are much in stress, who have not much interior truth, often also self righteous and what else... they have simple no more bigger connection to the interior truth (conscience etc.), because also that is like a ladder (ascension). Such people can also fool around on purpose, too dull, it all became a show for them, there is no uprightness in them, they have also no backbone etc. ==> wherefore it is almost too difficult to make this PHOTOS, only later it becomes clear, it cannot be fully seen now, and then we have the different impartations, strength, breakthrough and we have the smoke, yet you will see it later clearly how LIFE comes into this FACE, do not be confused now!!! And also when I feel a bit more energy, I know it (and I know that I go only forward), but the body needs a bit longer, And I know that there is still much purification needed and not much is seen right now, but later it makes PENG, and it becomes total OBVIOUS, and I know that from my first ascension. And now I have no patience, this must STOP now... yet it is good for the layout, at least I have some PHOTOS ==> wherefore PHOTOS help us also for consciousness reflection because our glass is not clean…


8) NEXT PHOTO, date 27.02.2020, again, less dullness, ya thats whom you follow beside some other Master, that is, those who HEAR ME... regarding this universal teaching with the cross. And those other people who do not like it, just go your own way. NOW, 144 new Jerusalem [church or gathering from NEW HEAVEN], and yes, this is far not the end-product, but some skin healing appears now etc. after this 4 years of darkness and ascension. I am just in chill out on this PHOTO, which I keep now a bit more on that level, yet, for sure I have no real joy now etc. And I look on all PHOTOS now in that way and you see that it looks a bit FRESHER but Iam still TOO WEAK (the weakness is also seen), I do not manipulate PHOTOS and the final PHOTOS will show it then clearly to you. I say that also because of consciousness reflections, I do no longer want to look back to the older PHOTOS. And I go quasi back in time (transformation, divine imprint), wherefore I had also some harsh hidden archetypes in-between as explained, yet, all the time, my awareness increases and the energy = FACT. And If I had not my first ascension by which later it all got messed up (smash), then the PHOTOS would be MUCH MORE CLEAR regarding that I go back in time. NOMAD = MASTER OVER TIME... AGAIN, YOU WILL SEE IT LATER MUCH MORE CLEAR WHAT THAT MEANS, MASTER OVER TIME... and the PHOTO below, that is still simple me, but now with the body only slightly regenerated, ya, only later it goes into the new creation, and again, I did come out from a big devastation

photo 8.jpg

9) NEXT PHOTO 1. April 2020, YOU ARE WHAT YOU BECOME and even the worst can be changed back at least to some harmony (birth marks or etc. does not really matter so much, we all make mistakes), see PHOTO below... NEVER LOOSE THE KNIGHT PART, FIGHT TO THE END, IT IS YOUR SOUL... do not follow undeveloped souls but follow the MASTER... assimilate to their STAMINA, and specially when they arise again and walk higher, keep it in focus!!! THERE IS A FIELD OUT THERE, TAP INTO THE RIGHT “ANOINTING”, follow the path of the knights... STEP BY STEP TRANSFORM TO THE BETTER (and if you learn it early = your advantage)... AND THEN WHEN THE LAST PHOTOS COME IN = NEVER LOOK BACK AGAIN = I HAVE FOUGHT THE GOOD FIGHT... 


10) NEXT PHOTO, for my own consciousness reflexion, 29. May 2020... AND WHAT DOES THAT MEAN NOMAD? Answer, it was a very HARD ROAD from 17. January 2020 to 29. May 2020... it took a bit more then 4 months and for sure before that it was even harder, more than 3 years together with this book writing after the big smash, anyway and now I have that what I thought that I get earlier, now I have it, that is, the hardest purification is behind me... So far I have survived the smash, it took some years and now I go back to the apocalypse [second ascension and fully - 100 percent prepared = VICTORY] ==> AND THE UGLY PHOTOS I PUT BEHIND ME... and ascension is like: darkness (wrathful) and earthly (thick, heavy), then watery, light and air (superlight and also when Iam arrived, then the body receives the lightness of the Sprit), just to explain it 


11) NEXT PHOTO, consciousness reflection, 2 June 2020, quite ok right now, it shall get better and better, a bit more HONOUR RESTORED


12) NEXT PHOTO, 24 July 2020, still hard


13) 16 June 2021...a bit better 







PHOTO 19.jpg

14) 30 September 2021, I look really better now, yet not NEW CREATION... but from here on... its not so far away

PHOTO 36.jpg

In reality still total done, as looked upon in November 2022,

hard energies... paralyzed




15) now videos, 3 November 2021... called LOGIACOLUMN 1 (video converter used, just to make the size a bit smaller)

17) 7 November 2021

18)  9 November 2021, there is a huge agreement,  we all love UPPER AUSTRIA people (Oberösterreicher), they do not worry, whether about CORONA, nor the  EUDSSR and nor about black birds flying in the SKY... 

19) 10 November 2021, holding the camera a bit higher, philosopher stone, next video comes soon, I speed up now transformation, this is still MARTIN MOSTBAUER, but VERY SOON we go into the new creation, manifested sons of God. And yes, I download it now directly from the HANDY, not making the video size smaller via video converter...

20) 14 April 2023, things changed... and now and after the Judge (because of mandatory Vax... I had troubles with the government, a few emails too much), now I have to fight for SNOW LEOPARDS

Water wings

Water wings

Video abspielen
Thanks to police

Thanks to police

Video abspielen

With HARDER FEEDBACK I mean: WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? ITS ALL A JOKE, and so on, so that they do something!

Or the next thing...we hear from politician... no PROTEST allowed at all... FORGET IT!!!

And they are the LIAR or cannot correct any failure... same with SATELLITE(5G/6G)... play around like IDIOTS ==> US WEF...

and the politicians in Austria? they do not know anything! YA, USA, they are in troubles and a bit crazy and so on... GOOD JOKE!!! 

Or they are not LIAR but too stupid... and NO ONE WANTS ALL THAT STUFF!!! check also the Tweet/LC Building Button (scroll down)









21) NEXT VIDEO, 8 May 2023:

My loved ones

My loved ones

Video abspielen

22) 8 August 2023, REVOLUTION (an artistic expression)


23) 17 August 2023   

                            USE HIGH RESOLUTION!!!


24) ~21 August 2023, two Videos


The rest about that topic you read in the 7 questions chapter!

27) 04 September 2023

LETS GO ON WITH TRANSFORMATION EVEN WHEN THEY STILL USE THE HARDEST STUFF AGAINST ME (Satellite weapon), these cowards, pigs, insane people ==> its a 10 minute Video but it explains a lot, and also what pigs they are (technocrats: BIG TECH - US WEF - with the BANKER (with the same digital complex)... they are not many, and the best innovations do also not come from them, but this pigs have still the Satellite and USA ruled by a swamp [today] and so on)


3rd republic.png

27) 10 September 2023

More like Martin Mostbauer but no full transmutation



28) 13 September 2023

USE HIGH RESOLUTION!!!... because of Satellite, Testosteron again down, no hunger, no arousal...only strongest stuff here because of the pig

and thats why we have now an ULTIMATUM


29) 02 October 2023, a philosophical question



They are dead walking people from now on... their time is running out fast... skulls upon the LC building (philosophical), they had their fun with the HOMOGENIC sh+t and later their souls get destroyed... afterlife... they remain in the lowest level... the Fluid Dynamic by itself does it!




30) And I never told you how I would leave... 16 October 2023:


Someone asks, how do you really look??? YA, more like in this last VIDEO here

BLOOD upon the wall.png


THIS CHAPTER IS FINISHED HERE, only the Blog remains & Videos

A life without Arcanum is a worthless life... no one can escape it


And one last thing to add, some final additional throughts, I invented new words:

Microflud (Mikro Fluide Dynamik ==> you change your fate when you accumulate dark fire, like with drugs and then you circle around and nothing goes forward, ya without LC, a problem)

Macroflud (Makro Fluide Dynamik ==> when someone is strong, it can shoot back on other like Karma)

Flud (Fluide Dynamik ==> the Movie, cycles in history)



Und ja, ab 26 November 2022 bei /switched to Youtube, zur Verarschung bis Sie mich rausschmeißen: 

und bleibe bei / stay with Rumble:           und Twitter,  3.April 2023




Und auf VIMEO sind die ältesten Videos / Vimeo: oldest videos, no videos any longer on:

Und die Poesie ist ja jetzt fertig, "Judge Poem" Buttons ===> and the Poesy finished, MASTER POESY (found in the well chapter)

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Piro, Nina, Luxstorm, Marcel Langthiem (2), Andrea Bohl, Davide Tirindelli, DerSilent, Pfüderie auf Pixabay 



Luther is gone and Iam still very biblical! Snow Leopard face[King of the mountains], sea eagle, Human face, and Ox? or something else? stay with the ox? we would have them in Austria! Check Ezekiel 10:14 interlinear…

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