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The WHITE horse car is just an E CAR without doors... it has a stepping board and cinema seats and buttons upon the front upper bar which unfold the seat... and the steering wheel just comes electrically forward... and the seat itself has an additional SPRING, so for the case it would smash the standing person in the car... it would fold back... And further where the seat is, there will be a step which goes up and down... therefore when they go into the car, the step goes down... And the car has two butterfly wings... so that the person can stand in the car... this wings are just on the roof of the car... And it is a lounge E CAR style atmosphere... And the FRONT WINDOW is more in the FRONT of the car so that it will be no problem to go into the car. And it is called HORSE car... because when a person goes into the car... then he can swing his foot into the car like he would take his seat upon a horse... and also with his hand he can grasp the bar near the front window... like to have the left foot upon the stepping board and left hand upon the upper bar and then to swing the right foot into the car etc.  And ya, the car will also have a special interior design as it fits for gods ===> but again written during hard Ascension, not corrected now ===> anyway the diligent reader will find answers in Divine Science, Transmutation, Apocalypse/Symbols, Science, the Well... it shall be about the stone for them... and this here was just for fun


Update eingefügt (vom Blog):

Von: "Martin Mostbauer" <>

Datum: 17.01.2023 13:29:55

An: <>, <>

Betreff: Darum warst du von Anfang an IN WHEEL?

­Klar, weil Ich die Volumenreduktion erkannt habe, link hast bekommen, Infineon Austria (50 Prozent Reduktion, schon mal der Wechselrichter) und um die Kurve da kannst es besser steuern und bist 4rädrig


Lenkgestänge würde Ich vermutlich noch normal belassen, also nicht bei jedem Reifen wo dann da Lenkrad quasi über Daten verbunden wäre

Und mir gefällt das Skateboard Design und vorne und hinten die Batterien leicht zugänglich (und werden kleiner, Feststoff Keramik Japan zeigt es schon auf, sind in Produktion, 50 Prozent!!!)

aber natürlich Salz dauert länger, Kompromisse eingehen, mischen möglich, vielleicht sogar LITHIUM - SCHWEFEL - KERAMIK? - SALZ, egal

Dann habe Ich den nahen Bodenkontakt am Fahrersitz, sportmässig


Und Algen Kohlefaser um die Badewanne hinzubekommen, white horse car Design, ohne Türen... weil nut NARREN

beugen sich nieder vor Autos, bin Ich ein NARR oder ihr?

Merke: wer mich nicht liebt, er hasst mich, das SCHWERT verbleibt



Von: "Martin Mostbauer" <>

Datum: 17.01.2023 13:48:55

An: <>, <>

Betreff: Und den anderen Teil haben wir auch schon

also Display unten Windschutzscheibe, sieht perfekt aus... und bei mir ist die Scheibe etwas weiter vorne, und möglich weil e Auto... wegen Einstieg!!! und Kinositze, auch wegen Einstieg!!! also realisierbar und mit 3D Druck (Algen Kohlefaser)... PERFEKT... aber ja auf den vorderen zwei Rohren, bei der Scheibe, links, rechts...

kommt noch was rauf aber wegen Kreativität... und symbolisch... aber ist einfach das Auto... und die Flügel oben am Dach... also keine schweren Türe zu bewegen, NEIN nur die Flügel oben... und ist gläsern und solar... Und das Lenkrad geht etwas rein und raus... auch wegen Einstieg!!!, und eventuell der Sitz etwas hoch und nieder...

wegen Ausstieg und Einstieg... bla bla bla... aber dass war es... jedenfalls die Türen spare Ich mir, gibt auch keine Schlitze an der Seite, perfektes Design und viele weniger Arbeit, Spaltmaß juckt mich auch nicht! und den Boden könnte mir MAGNA vorbereiten! und die IN WHEEL in Auftrag (gibt zwar schon Elaphe in der EU)

aber will es über Infineon Austria, nex gen mit Volumenreduktion!


Und WHITE HORSE CAR weil mir der Habsburger etwas am Arsch geht, behalte deine Lippizaner:-) und oben am Rahmen, ja bei der Scheibe gibt es wohl einen Griff, stehst auch besser auf...

und zum Einstieg auch benutzbar, und schwingst deinen Fuß rein... die erste Bewegung wie aucf einem Pferd Platz zu nehmen...


Dass ist MM STYLE... BMW pisst sich in die Hose!


Von: "Martin Mostbauer" <>

Datum: 22.01.2023 15:39:06 An: <>, <>

Betreff: Du Ich habe euch gezeigt (und neue Innovation)

­ wie man das Mikroplastik Problem löst, findest in Blogs, und die Tech

Feinstaubschleuder E-Auto (

Und diese Autos haben weniger Bremsenverschleiß wegen E Motor

und Biodegradable funktioniert wenn richtig getan... verbleibt nichts in der Umwelt, und Löwenzahnreifen später


Und hier eine Innovation

How One Startup Is Working to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Car Tires | Manuel Barreiro Castañeda (

The current device captures about 60% of airborne particles when tested in the lab. The team is looking for ways to improve this percentage, including fine-tuning the electrostatics, determining the best area to place the device on the vehicle, and manipulating airflow.


Und nicht nur 20 Prozent möglich (länger durchhalten, weniger Abrieb)

Eco-Friendly Automotive Tires : sustainable tires (


Und Tesla will mir folgen

Arizona start-up re-invents the wheel for a cleaner environment - Business News (

Several companies have tried to create new tire solutions, such as Tesla possibly moving to airless tires on its Model 3, but none have been successful so far.

===> doch, gibt schon was

Und was Anderes:

The patented ASW is a mechanical wheel constructed mostly of steel with in-wheel pneumatic suspension by means of cylinders. It is eco-friendly as well as economical. ASW is engineered to have the same lifespan as the vehicle it is fitted on. After that, it can be repaired or completely recycled, unlike rubber tires..


Beyond this market, ASW technology can be applied to all vehicles currently using conventional rubber tyres, which is estimated to be worth $322 billion in 2022


Another key feature of ASW is the very low rolling resistance. This would make combustion engines more efficient and reduce emission gases. For electric cars like Tesla, this would mean extending the driving range by up to 30% on the same battery, which is significant.


SEMPERIT muss Gas geben




Von: "Martin Mostbauer" <>

Datum: 22.01.2023 15:48:55

An: <>, <>

Betreff: Daher ihr "Todesurteil", Autos, Grüne

­und Umbau wie Ich gesagt, Jetzt ist schluß mit euch Narren

und Video im Blog

Betreff: Und weil auch

­ wenn wir diese Reifen haben, egal ob noch tireless.. müssen mithalten!!!, Löwenzahn biodegradeable perfekt, wie auch immer, andere Sache, hier könnte sich auch VOEST retten

HOW IT WORKS – Global Air Cylinder Wheels®

Datum: 22.01.2023 16:12:47 Betreff: Hat der WEF noch nicht gesehen oder?

­also voller KRIEG, weil wir wissen ALLES oder UMBAU wie Ich gesagt!!! (und Ich meine nicht Russland wegen Krieg)


Wobei die Meinungen sind komplett unterschiedlich, manche sagen Reifen 10 Prozent, andere mehr

Mikroplastik: Der größte Verursacher sind Autoreifen - DER SPIEGEL

Da erkennst du die LÜGE (Reifenabrieb Platz 1) weil synthetische Kleidung schlimmer ist = fix

Entweder ihr dreht um und tut was Ich sage oder ihr seid fällig

Mikroplastik - Ursachen, Verbreitung & die Folgen – AquaNatura GmbH

Der größte Teil dieser Partikel stammt aus dem Waschen von synthetischen Textilien (35 %) und aus dem Abrieb von Reifen von Kraftfahrzeugen (28%) während der Fahrt. Weiter folgen Feinstaub aus Städten (24%), Abrieb von Straßenmarkierungen 7%, aus Schiffsbeschichtungen (3,7%), Kosmetikprodukten (2%) und Plastikpellets (0,3%).

Die Hauptwege dieser Kunststoffe in den Ozean führen über Straßenabflüsse (66%), Abwasserbehandlungssysteme (25%) und durch Windübertragung (7%).


Feinstaub wird vor allem durch menschliches Handeln erzeugt: Primärer Feinstaub entsteht durch Emissionen aus Kraftfahrzeugen, Kraft- und Fernheizwerken, Öfen und Heizungen in Wohnhäusern, bei der Metall- und Stahlerzeugung oder auch beim Umschlagen von Schüttgütern. Er kann aber auch natürlichen Ursprungs sein (beispielsweise als Folge von Bodenerosion). In Ballungsgebieten ist der Straßenverkehr die dominierende Staubquelle. Dabei gelangt Feinstaub nicht nur aus Motoren – vorrangig aus Dieselmotoren – in die Luft, sondern auch durch Bremsen- und Reifenabrieb sowie durch die Aufwirbelung des Staubes von der Straßenoberfläche. Eine weitere wichtige Quelle ist die Landwirtschaft: Die Emissionen gasförmiger Vorläuferstoffe, insbesondere die Ammoniakemissionen aus der Tierhaltung, tragen zur sekundären Feinstaubbildung bei.


Datum: 22.01.2023 16:29:17

Betreff: Du mache einfach deine Vorgabe

­ für alle Bereiche, Reifen geht dann von selber, noch Mal, Semperit muss mithalten können!!! und Problem gelöst

Synthetische Kleidung, nicht nur das Waschen von Kleidung, auch Schuhsohlen (Tech checken, vielleicht sogar Quantenchemie... eines führt oft zum anderen)

Und dann stehen wir 2033 besser da als was weiß Ich? 1970?

Und habe gesagt HIGHTECH nutzen, Elektronik Zeug Recycling, ein weiterer Punkt, auch wegen seltenen Erden, schauen was geht

ENDE!!! Ich habe euch vorgeführt!!! keine Ausrede mehr

Datum: 22.01.2023 17:04:35 Betreff: Shit, was ist dann mit IN WHEEL engine?

­Habe Ich da was falsch gesehen? Ich??? der MEISTER!!!


Dass wird knapp!!! mit 50 Prozent Volumenreduktion (Innovation Infineon, e engine)... und sollte die Challenge werden für Elaphe und Österreich!!!



Datum: 22.01.2023 17:36:42

Betreff: Und hier der letzte Beweis

­The first Air Suspension Wheels were tested at a gold mine site in South Africa in 2015. The latest version of the wheels was successfully tested in 2019 and 2020 at a gold mine site in the USA.​

Und jetzt zerstöre SIE Hauser (MONTAG), Rest im Blog, weniger Verbrauch etc.

Ich war mir sicher - ohne LUFT... es würde Reifen geben mit sehr viel weniger Abrieb...

aber ja... bin mit dem Ding auch sehr zufrieden

Ja 10-15 Jahre halten diese Dinger und 100 Prozent recycleable... aber wenn dass mal richtig dem Markt trifft, geht noch einiges weiter, und darum denke Ich der IN WHEEL Motor ist noch möglich und selbst bis 400 PS, so ungefähr, und mehr benötigt es nicht, NEIN


Datum: 22.01.2023 17:43:33

Betreff: Und noch Mal wegen VOEST

­Du das Andere wird dir mehr weggenommen werden wegen 3D Druck, Algen Kohlefaser und anderen Innovationen

Hättest einen Umstieg hier und hängst dich zusammen mit Semperit

Morgen, nicht später, und andere Firma wegen bla bla bla

HAUSER, Ich halte dich auf Trab... letzter Punkt

Datum: 22.01.2023 17:53:59 Betreff: Und Vergiss solche Dinge nicht

­Super wood is stronger and tougher than steel - ASME

So, fertig

"Holz ist als Stahlersatz besonders attraktiv, wenn die Exposition gegenüber Wasser nicht groß ist"


Datum: 22.01.2023 18:09:57

Betreff: Und noch was

­Tolle Idee! Was wurde daraus? - Beton mit Carbonfasern statt Stahl |

Denn die Kohlenstofffasern können zu Matten geflochten werden, die zur Bewehrung in den Beton eingebracht werden. Im Prinzip ähnlich, wie es mit Stahl gemacht wird – aber aus der Sicht des Bauingenieurs hat Carbon große Vorteile. Und weil Carbon nicht rostet, reichen wenige Millimeter Beton-Überdeckung statt einiger Zentimeter, wie das bei Stahl vorgeschrieben ist. Zusätzlich kann die Matte selbst deutlich filigraner sein, denn Carbon ist etwa sechs Mal tragfähiger. Weil die Fasern flexibel sind, ist auch der 3D-Druck von Beton einfacher. Dazu muss Carbon aber nicht immer in Form von Matten verwendet werden. Der Materialchemiker Dirk Volkmer von der Augsburger Universität erforscht einen Beton, dem direkt kurze Stückchen Carbonfaser zugemischt werden.

Ein erstes Gebäude aus Carbon-Beton-Fertigteilen wird Ende September in Dresden eingeweiht. Das Besondere: Zusätzlich haben die Poliere mehrfach gekrümmte Wand- und Deckenelemente realisiert. In dieser geschwungenen Form und so dünn wäre das mit herkömmlichem Beton nicht möglich. Eine rasante Entwicklung also: Vor 20 Jahren war Carbon-Beton kaum mehr als eine tolle Idee – heute ist er Realität und eröffnet der Architektur ganz neue Möglichkeiten.


Wissenschaftler stellen weiterhin bessere Materialien her, die stärker, leichter und funktionaler sind als herkömmliche Materialien. Mit den Fortschritten in der Nanotechnologie scheinen neue Materialien und Materialkombinationen endlos.


Und z.B. statt Plastik: Cellulose-Nanofasern

Das KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Schweden hat ein superstarkes, biologisch abbaubares Material aus Zellulose-Nanofasern aus Holz entwickelt. Die einzigartige Nanostruktur des Materials bietet eine Zugsteifigkeit von 86 Gigapascal und eine Zugfestigkeit von 1,57 Gigapascal - achtmal steifer als Spinnenseide, die als stärkstes Biomaterial gilt, und stärker als Stahl auf Gewichtsbasis. Dieses leichte Material könnte ein umweltfreundlicher Ersatz für Kunststoff sein.


Voest wird noch was zu tun haben aber... jetzt zeige Ich dir einen Ausgleich!, mit den Reifen


Datum: 22.01.2023 18:54:32

Betreff: Und wegen Prophezeiung

­du wirst sagen, MM, Industrie, wir sind hier... JA... aber der Reifen und trotzdem In WHEEL ist möglich

und auch habe Ich gesagt, der Schubert hat mir etwas nachgeplappert gewollt oder nicht

jetzt gehen wir da rein... und das füge Ich hinzu, diese Revolution wird so nicht immer sein

aber jetzt haben wir es weil die andere Seite etwas vernachlässigt wurde plus usw.

und darum, und vielleicht In WHEEL erst 2029 oder was auch immer... aber möglich... DESIGN, Zylinderanordnung, Materialien

Es gibt Möglichkeiten... egal, noch Mal, die 2033er Sache passt... weil wir vieles jetzt mitnehmen...

und du erkennst jetzt, schaffen wir easy... einfach weiterlaufen lassen

und die wichtigsten Punkte hast jetzt... und natürlich OÖ in NÖ and fuck off with I love NÖ


Von: "Martin Mostbauer" <>

Datum: 22.01.2023 21:38:00

An: <>, <>

Betreff: Ja und mit MAGNA (Reifen)

­und eventuell B&R, aber MAGNA weil Sie eine ziemlich gute Energierückführung haben, bergabfahren...haben was bewiesen!!!

und gleiches mit zylinder - Stickstoff oder... alles rauholen (Energie) und im Konzept einbinden


Und Zylinder BIBUS oder etc., geben dir dann Bescheid, mit wem noch etc.

Timeline für mein White horse car... ja Infineon Volumenreduktion Motor, wenn Magnet ohne seltene Erden, link habt ihr... und der Rest

Timeline: 3 Jahre, dann gleich in meinem Auto, testen... nehme Ich einfach so an... gebt es mir

Algen nebenbei aufbauen auch wegen Kohelfaser



­Protean Überlegung:

The alternative to this is to package the inverters in the in-wheel motor itself. This obviously places challenging requirements on the electronic design, but reduces the cabling requirements drastically. Instead of 12 shielded phase cables, only 2 shielded DC cables are required. The integration proposition is now much more palatable, and furthermore this frees up yet another package volume on the sprung mass, further increasing the packaging flexibility on the body offered by the in-wheel motor concept. The placing of the inverter inside the motor however does imply that the motor must have sufficient crosssectional area in order that the electronics can be packaged on robust rigid boards and that there will be sufficient surface area for drawing thermal losses from the power devices into the coolant. Of course it is clear that cross sectional area of a cylindrical machine scales proportional to outer diameter squared, so larger diameter machines are patently at an advantage from this perspective.


Ja mit Infineon High Speed drives Volumenreduktion... und das Beispiel

HOW IT WORKS – Global Air Cylinder Wheels®

Aber ist ja für sauschwere Baugeräte

Und Zylinder kann man ja flexibel anpassen, Stückzahl, Verhalten etc., und dann welcher Motor? auf jeden Fall bekommen wir es hin,

BMW? Bock dazu?, Herausforderung!, Ich meine wir könnten gleiche das ganze KONZEPT überdenken vom START weg!, und wird aufgeteilt...


Von: "Martin Mostbauer" <>
Datum: 22.01.2023 23:15:58
An: <>, <>
Betreff: Wir können am Ende bei e Autos nur hier gewinnen

­1) Rollwiderstand
2) VOEST übernimmt Leichtbau, sogar besser für Achse
3) Zylinder Energierückführung, wieder weniger Batterien und dann noch Solar print und beragbfahren, alle Energie usw... wie erläutert
und Feststoffbatterie update von mir bekommen, Keramik, 50 Prozent kleiner... usw... dann Schwefel etc.

Am Montag rufst du Sie an (der Zuständige von euch)... MM befiehlt für sein white horse car... beginne halt mit Voest und Semperit, dann Absprache wegen
Energierückführung (Zylinder) MAGNA,und In Wheel
wann hört STEYR Automotive auf mich? Ich bin BIOGENIC! 
Grüsse von MM


Von: "Martin Mostbauer" <>
Datum: 23.01.2023 12:31:52
An: <>, <>
Betreff: Hier noch weitere Daten, Reifen

Saves fuel or EV battery power (extends range) by 8-12%.
Long-lasting airless mechanical safety wheel.
No flat tires. No size limits. No speed limits.
Cut, spike, riot, and sabotage resistant.
Self-aligning, needs no tire rotation.
Replaces consumable tire rim with capital asset wheel.
Replaceable polyurethane/rubber cast/pre-molded tread.
Saves on drivetrain maintenance by 13-17%.
100% recyclable, environment-friendly.
Reduces CO2 and NOx by 8-12% and eliminates the use of Black Carbon.
Dual size (double-wide or super-single) ASW savings of 12-16% fuel will be possible.Kein ERSATZRAD!!!

Over 51% of Emergency Road Calls relate to tire issues
Blowouts cause near 6% of the semi-truck accidents resulting in injuriesor fatalities
Flat tires account for more than 50% of commercial breakdownsECONOMY
Flat tires cause unscheduled downtime and economic loss
Tire related maintenance labor expenses are on track to further escalate
Rubber tires have a limited useful life cycle even with repeated retreading
Tire prices keep rising, tire shortages are emerging repeatedlyENVIRONMEMENT
Rubber tire recycling is only marginally environmentally sustainable
Tire disposal is costly, overregulated, hazardous and toxi

Significantly reduce drivetrainandchassis suspension travel and wear 
Polyurethane tread replaces rubber treads. It lasts 4x longer.

What is ASW?
Air Suspension Wheel (ASW)
airless safety wheel
Mechanical wheel with built-in air suspension
Replaces tire-rim (pneumatic wheel) with run-flat
Saves 8-12% fuel (or extends EV range by 8-12%)
Aluminum structure with dissipative gas cylinders
Replaceable tread band jacket lasts 4-6 years
Structure lasts 15-20 years with annual maintenance
Laterally restrained to resist 2 g cornering load
2-8 tons load payload capacity per wheels
Tolerates high impacts, bad weather and sabotage
Dual ASW (double wide) saves 12-16% fuel
Superb aerodynamics (plain smooth metallic walls)
Leasable asset (not a consumable, except retread)
Polyurethane tread/retread in any color or rubber
Copyright © GACW 2022
It is a flexibletorque coupler(elastic clutch).
No skidding.
No vibration.Attenuated.

Und für E CARS, vermutlich noch etwas mehr Energieeinsparung





The full explanation for this car follows later... the design/IDEA is COPYRIGHT etc... But you ask what has an E CAR to do with the ARCANUM? Answer, its just another symbol for LC (Logiacolumn)... And since we have also a MUSEUM-.. now we have also a  special car. And yes, Logiacolumn includes SCIENCE, NATURE, ARTS... and the ancient path etc.


1) let it be our responsibility in the EU to push it forward and maybe we get some deals with e cars… wherefore we had also Porsche in Austria and E BMW, again in STEYR (STEYR is known in Austria, we had also a car, STEYR PUCH, and yes at MAN they would go into E trucks, MAGNA STEYR and we have other stuff…)...and we secure it via energy… And we are far not the only ones and should any other technology come… and yes my WHITE HORSE car, as explained in the bat chapter… it would run with SALT… ya, your heard it rightly… Now, lets go on: And yes, KTM would be more for LOTUS CAR style, yet in the image of KTM and with a suitable everyday solution (baggage, on the backside a bit longer and maybe a carrier option) upon the X bow concept (with the top able to push oblique backwards, somehow they must get that done with sun roof option or targa)… this would be a run which works yet it would be not the bigger deal… for that they would need the better vision… Ya, and it would be not an extreme car, just fast enough and light… and a bit more suitable for everyday life… ==> they have already the crossbow Gt4 made, and they have built the GTX...and they should build a nice one for the street, yet it needs compromise because of the prize, around ~40 000 Euro later on… that would be nice… but again… its a money question… and their business ==> wherefore about car manufacturer and general people, they would not believe that I can tap into future visions… and so with Self confidence I say that most cars are a bit too boring with their designs... ==> WHEREFORE THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST EASIEST THINGS FOR ME because I don’t need to understand the whole technology about this or that, ya, its just about DESIGN (and about some special features, and this includes also special interior gimmicks which could even become partially a part of the brand and which is entirely new)…. And thats why I was interested in all this e cars which come soon on the market… and it fits with our future city vision... ==> and yes, there will come a time when people can design their vehicle to a large degree with a different material, something like plug and play, ya, I guess those who have more “dollar”, but brands would still exist...and it will be less this heavy locomotive style… but anyway today they also use CFK for the BMW we see already some change… wherefore funny that Hyundai calls his e car EV PROPHECY ==> YA YA YA and people will jealous say that I cant do that with the white horse car design, but still you see that we are the first ones who build LC after the divine reality, ya what no one has done before me… yet a little car I shall not be able to paint???… you are not right in your head… and my car will merge with nature and modern design (that which is the real future) and with the hope of immortality… and I will pack all that into it… and BMW could call that car IMMORTALITY (yet I say that more fun, there are better names, for the name does also matter, and whether is the name unimportant nor is it unimportant upon what we look in nature, ya to make it state of the art combined with a clear message! Ya, and HYUNDAI used the BLACK PEBBLE, and this is way too weak for us… and nor can they compete with the WHITE STONE! And Yes, we had also the Austro Daimler and Denzel cars and therefore this connection exists wherefore the old 1957 Denzel is a funny car and at one point we will also have again more known cars in Austria (and we see it with the Gt4 and so on, the potential is always here because of all the know how)… And I guess it will come from MAGNA together with another company… And other cars are simple produced here like the Mercedes G (20 000 per year, its a very fine car, not so cheap and no I see no end for the G, because its a high quality and real off road machine yet some stuff will later change but yes, it belongs to Mercedes… to have also a real off road vehicle, but in whatever way also Arnold Schwarzenegger had his fingers on it (yet still he sucks today) so that they keep that car, and they call it EQG. And I say, the G is is a hole in the market, we just have to adapt the G a bit better for the future vission and further the G is a record car, maybe even have him 70 years or…). Ok, then we produce the BMW5 in Austria (200 000 per year, they have time because of CLAR architecture like a kit system, just change engines, this and that to fabricate the I5 yet the design will play later on another role…) but again who knows what happens to STEYR… e car change… BMW engines… maybe BMW wants to give up a bigger part of the engine production in STEYR… now then we have to “fight” back for the case if that should happen… and do our stuff... Now, lets go on, then we produce the Z4, Jaguar E pace (and the small I pace (full electric) so far only 20 000 produced per year, ya, it started only, by which I would make the backside design a bit better, wherefore with the bigger e pace it fits and so they produce also 60 000 per year), ya, and we have the Toyota Supra… and now I have also seen SONY VISION S at Magna (looks big, and nice technology inside, I love Japanese people, and we are Musashi in Christ style)... but again also the Fisker together with USA is a nice thing, something complete different…) And yes, BMW STEYR, 4500 people (and many top people), they produce the engine for BMW (high quality) and now they must go into e engine technology and whatever stuff which goes along with it… wherefore BMW needs again a top engine… already because of their brand... but I don’t see that huge problem right now because the top people are so or so needed and in worst case, they would push on in another field when this site would become a bit smaller… but it will be interesting to see how they make the switch… they must invest in technology and ongoing research… I guess they will make it (and also MAN STEYR (once called Austro MAN), with the new e truck and TXR… they have to fight back, and they have also some know how and research… even did go with 2 millions in e technology, therefore this is typical VW, and not thinking about the future (and VW broke the 2030 contract and they even wanted to decide about our deals for the future, they are megalomaniacs… this was simple unfair, again a big boy who maybe became too depraved… therefore right now no nice word about VW)… And yes, KNOW HOW must be kept diverse… otherwise the engine or whatever remains back in time… and MAN exists since a long time in STEYR… and if you don’t believe me… Japan had to fight with it (engines etc.)… and USA has also difficulties today with quality or… and today things must be managed different!!!!! ==> And finally I say: I had a Ford Mustang when I lived in California and I liked it and also because it did fit for USA… but now the new e car suv, nay, I would not buy it and nor is it any longer a Mustang (as I see it), and maybe this becomes later even a problem for the US car market (and also many Americans still don’t see the coming change)… now, and so also I say that BMW needs to keep its brand… in some way or another ==> and yes we had FERRY PORSCHE in Austria (but now produced in Germany, VW), and I remember that because of some old stories which my Grandmother told… and also in Steyr existed a Villa of Porsche...on a little hill… And you even see today that Porsche is not really a VW. And the Porsche has the potential like the Mercedes G. Wherefore everyone like this or that car more and for me BMW is better because it got it right between a bit high end comfort and sport. ==> And further to check again USA, ya, they have still their big dodge ram… and the G as a real off road car mixed with comfort… that car should still run in future… yet it will be interesting in the future how USA wants to succeed on the car market… wherefore at least about the Camaro Iam more optimistic yet also here we will miss the old gas style design… And yes, they now also have Lordstown (with GM, e pickup) and Rivian (with Amazon, a pick up and off road SUV, around 75 000 Dollar)… and Lucid motors (with expensive e limousines, around 75 000 Dollar), yet we don’t know who will run well, many enter now the scene including other new brands in other countries… and yes, Rivian could maybe come up with other cars very soon in the next few years… and Bollinger with their offroad car wants to make competition with our Mercedes G but they will loose because they have by far not the quality and maybe they will never produce that car… wherefore I cant even believe that the Bollinger shall cost 125 000 Dollar, and yes, the car has power but thats it… and therefore when that is true with the prize, its nothing but a joke box compared with Mercedes G… and thats why keep the G!!!!!! Ya, and rather more interesting could be Lucid motors who wants to compete with BMW and Mercedes Benz… the interior shall suggest high quality but also they will have no chance... BMW is much too experienced… yet they must check them diligently because they could attack later on… And when VW and AUDI and other release more cheap cars, its quite possible that Lucid is gone after 5 years because they hang on the expensive cars segment and are still not really a high end product, it would still take some years… and MERCEDES and BMW is still high quality!!!… ==> And yes, when we look at LUCIDS production hall (600 million Dollar or whatever it did cost), they have many robots… and this shows where it is heading… and also TESLA installs more production robots… 1400 components (combustion car) versus electric car (200 components), so they will built further the “amazon robotic style” like we see it with the compay AMAZON yet let no one become so depraved like Bezos… for we know the garbage and how he deals with his worker... he is just another elite fool… earns most money… yet many stuff does not fit regarding the workforce at amazon… or maybe he simple hates USA and says… its a greed country… thats what you deserve… anyway...==> wherefore I write that BOOK also because of “REVENGE”… that is, should the MATERIAL people take over (with big companies even more, and some of their weird ideas we know already), they will know my book and they shall know hat immortal life is out of their reach… no matter how much money they have… and just via the flesh future city vision… they will DEGENERATE (and let us not wonder when also cars get full with cameras in the interior… for comfort together with 5G by which we get remembered to the smart TV issue...anyway) ==> but why are you interested to get a BIG PICTURE? Answer, right now technology just masks their “hopeless state” and it is nothing but a “prison planet”… yet the situation is not total negative but cyclic depraved… And my question, would it be even possible that the cube gets at one point more revealed and a real new “Atlantis” (but not like Plato, but more we the people) could be built and to merge it all together...or is the whole situation just “laughable”? “races”?, immortal race, image of God! ==> wherefore you don’t need to believe that anyone of this religious Neandertaler today can understand anything about the whole scripture picture, ya not even Genesis 1 for they do not even grasp the seven Spirits… and it ends with the book of revelation…. AND here I must say… ok, most of you got fooled by religion… and you have become what you have become… and so Iam a bit NACHSICHTIG with all of them…. And I live in the year 2021 and they have “millions of books” and electronic sites regarding scripture and their views and all those people show us how clever they are… therefore, this whole thing is a farce of incredible magnitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and partially its not even wilfully done yet only partially) ==> the problem: to achieve results is natural yet they do not know the infinite treasure [with the kernel reality] and therefore Austria should built in future [when the time is right] the AUSTRIAN WHEEL CITY! [which is partially adaptable and some variables can be also used for it… And ya, today the problem would be much bigger when Europe would operate already like a united states as we have it in USA, for we must avoid their CHAOS and puppet show… and this oligarchy issue… and we need qualified people!!!! And yes, it is clear we are not doing so bad right now in Austria (also a diversity issue in Europe but its not just about that)… And the future city is also only possible when the fundament got laid for it… therefore this takes still some time. And ya, again, regarding the future city, as we built the communities so also we manage that their circumference gets bigger regarding other people, to meet each other and different people… And with a right structure at some places we keep a nature park with wildlife ...and URWALD (similar as it exists in USA or Brazil forest or… Austria Nationalpark, make it a bit better). More about the future city vision you will read in the bat chapter… and you will learn what we mean with balance.


2) My kids at LC, one thing still you have lost greatly… I had a hard tuned racing bike with incredible sound and people just watched it with fun when I did push it on high the hill up… ya, I got not even much problems with the police… for they thought, he would rather only hurt himself… but you know… soon is e silence time… tzz tzz tzz… and even Formula e… and Nascar maybe later as e… no longer so interesting… but about cars I have less the problem, its more about bikes… and ya in Austria the bike could be more loud… and in Berlin they always asked my when I leave… and I always said, next week… and with penalties… we had not the EU law… so… more I do not need to say… had much fun with Berlin police… but yes… let us be sober and not tempted… and the police does a good job... (and nay, the Austria police does also check it all... dont come to us and make nonsense... yet what I say, a hyper brave new world... we dont need that!!!!)


3) And no, its not so bad the Mercedes Visions AVTR (with the interface)… but… I have seen something more suitable and not less special… the living organism and to melt together with nature… And I cant write here so much and not more, and also the whole LC topic could get a big drive later and they just take it from me… Once Iam closer to the apocalypse… many want to connect with my Spirit… and get something of the flow… especially also true for designer… but I push nothing out now… and if I do not see that they want LC… nay… you get not more.… and its more than just about cars or… And YA, for sure because I have the download from the divine intelligence… and as it is true with every Mystic… this stuff overflows and much more so later in the apocalypse. LC has the potential to change the world… And there is a huge prize to pay to bring the divine reality into the LC building… and here in the book is only the direction seen about the LC building but not the precision-grind and ya, afterwards everyone can say, look how simple… YA… because I make the impossible possible… and so that many will be able to grasp it… And you can get inspired later about many things… but to bring the divine reality into the building… this is my business… its is not enough to say you have a title or… you need bigger eggs… and I will do it finally respectful (GOD) and still with some fun. And then once this becomes clear… it is allowed that you play also around a bit… but I built the BRIDGE… For let us not forget that the endvision for the building (by which we really see more clear the divine reality with all this chambers bla bla bla), now this is also higher self connected… and so it would be like when you just make total fun about it – ya what?… its like you love it to degrade yourself… at least to some degree… let that be a warning!!! And no, you don’t have to see perfection in the whole building and we can have also fun there yet people should just recognize, ok, a higher self exists and the mystic eye...and this building brings it probably very near to us… here and there… and thats why its shall be done with me, witness, DNA… And some few stupid people always exists but I protect my spiritual kids in Austria and etc. with that and they are also the FUTURE... And yes I share the same vision with Mercedes AVTR and I expect the same from BMW… ecosystem and a kind of merging with nature… and so also even I would include the architecture in the future city… its like modern and with a kind of “biological style” which fits to nature… and we also imitate nature… the same with technology… And for sure we will have diversity but that is simple on top of my vision… and a hint was already seen in my book… before I saw their car (its rather alignment with the AVTR, their car is like a first attempt… not perfect but towards the right direction). And about me its so or so clear, to have it a bit “biological”… and modern… matter or better to say nature, spirit, and technology and via interfaces to use our senses in a broader way… and then we have also the glassy displays which become still better (and some other gimmicks about which I don’t talk now)… so we get here REAL STYLE… comfort and sustainable… Ya, and the NEXT 100 car vision [with alive geometry] from BMW is not bad… but this is still just a show car… its not for everyday fun like my vision. Let me say it that way, the interior BMW gimmicks are nice but when I would design it… it would be the apocalypse and I would shift the apocalypse feeling into the car and merge with the car in a special way and it would be comfortable for the next 10 years to have that car… and more I cant tell you… with one word, I tell you nothing (and the interior colours must fit, the display must fit, the gimmicks must fit and the organic style… and the feeling which goes all along with it and bla bla bla, yet a little insight I will present here… and somehow its ok when I do not tell more and I just look a bit foolish...)


4) year 2021, Tesla builds his GIGAFACTORY in Germany (near Berlin) in a NATURSCHUTZGEBIET and they fear that they could run out of water… for what? Batteries, painting, cooling system, ya but we have to say that he needs way more water than other production halls… anyway he wants to get better later with water recycling… and speculates to produce 500 000 cars per year and maybe later more… but again we see the little problems they have… but its also a big number, more than 500 000 later… wherefore water cannot be the only reason why he goes to Germany… fully I do not understand it… maybe he is more the international guy and… and USA just another country for him… So he will be more often in Germany… ya, he may hope to get something of the LC atmosphere later… wherefore also I lived in Berlin and…LC is not so far away…==> wherefore Iam just joking here… ==> and yes, some people will say that I have a big ego… ==> and there is a kind of irony, that is, as people are envious about Elon Musk… so it is with many religious people (and their show) and me… Now, why does he go to GERMANY? Answer, probably he thought about this Japan engine thing as explained in the other point… he wants shared knowledge… diversity… wherefore about Germany, some say that Bayern is very economical successful because they are so close to Austria... ya, and I guess regarding history… Bayern was also a part of Austria… Wherefore when I say that then all the Germans jump around and thats why I do it… ok, fun


5) one thing we know already, we need also a bit diversity regarding the future city vision and not BABEL SCHWAB and BABEL DERSTANDARD… away with them… RIGHT BALANCE we need


6) where is the truth?... I have lost it…and the mind in torment and in sceptical doubt… THEREFORE, WHERE DO I FIND REST WITH MY MIND?... stress… this or that must be the right doctrine??… I have to fight now!!!… Yet Nomad just says: you are senseless when you come to me with senseless stuff… and my book is insofar an antidote… because we want to do it with divine science and further insofar it matters because of correspondences, above and below, you know we don’t want to look foolish, because somehow this energies are also expressed in the below… its just a bit different in the physical realm (words and correspondence, expressions etc.)… And about me at that point of time… Iam no longer in stress… or paralysed in huge darkness... Lets go on: Ya, we speak also about love and magnetic attraction… And no, we are not really a new religion, we are simple TOXONSOPHISTS (attention please, the bow is tightened, the entire spectrum)… And yes, I know that Jacob waited ~ 12 years before he started to write something… and he also faced many problems… and step by step he got better… ==> WHOEVER is here the winner, ya, its for me not about the poetic style or show me your perfect English… no, its about being able to build something which shows in an easy way other people the apocalypse… that is for me the WINNER... (here you need all imaginations, all tools... all words... all creativity... many correspondences... divine science... and a long journey about questions and answers... so that at the end we solve the final problems, that is, in the apocalypse... for everyone who starts with something, he looks weak in the beginning... even a dancer or in sports... he must push on and focus only upon the ENDRESULTAT) ==> And about cars, I can promote what I want!!!!!!!!! Maybe my car could be also a BMW i4 (e car, new design) but with three doors, if that also exists later and if it would had a similar i4 front design… sure its not the apocalypse car but about the stuff which is out there… and sure BMW needs also later a more biological car which merges a bit better with nature… there is some margin… to play with… ==> and the new big BMW front design yet to keep it without the grid front grill (away with it, cooling no longer needed, the vision dynamics is better), ya and the new back design… and sunroof… not so bad… or the second door should only be possible to open via the window side… hide it a bit more… then I could also drive the car which has 2 doors on each side… because when I drive a sports car, now no matter how much comfort they have or have not on the back-seat… the back seats are more like an emergency seat… ya, its a sports car and still we can put our kids on the back-seat or… And I simple don’t like any sport cars with 4 or 5 doors… but thats me ==> wherefore with KTM I would built it more lightweight, upon the 24 hour car platform… and more cheap and youthful… a nice e car… the steering wheel like in the racing car… simple… a bit spartanisch… yet with the right mix… and as mentioned a bit more suitable for everyday life… they would have this LESS is better advantage (from enduro sport etc.)… sustainability, environment… and maybe later one glassy display (when this stuff gets more cheap) in the cockpit and to have upon one display all what you need…and its still a fun car but also a real car… KTM has the youthful appearance… and the orange and logo fits to the e car... And whoever builds a car in Austria has another advantage… its something different and still we are known for quality… but it does not need to be KTM…. ==> ya, and thats how it is with people… we want something different… and so I would rather bother when someone builds a car in Austria… but would mess it up a… yet with KTM I have less fear, it plays simple in a special field… and they would need to stay with that line… YA, maybe they built a bit more cheap e car in GT4 style or something like that… wherefore my reader will say that this book is about the apocalypse… ya, but LC has also a parking area, check the drawing and it all must fit!!! ==> And Iam not fully wrong because as it is with bikes and horses… ya, we can put some bags on it and so it could be also done with the KTM e car… so that they can go shopping or use it for a weekend holiday or etc... KTM STYLE… wherefore for me it would be more the KTM XBOW GT4 STYLE (not the GTX) and then when having some creativity, ya, they could get something done… (prize for the GTX ~ 230 000 Euro and for the GT4 ~140 000 Euro), therefore definitive the GT4 is my car… and when a bit less with racing parts… ya, maybe they can built it a more cheap e car…. And also because the XBOW costs ~ 70 000 euro and therefore it is possible… build it a bit in GT4 style… and with some options for everyday life… suitable… and as e car and only then you will win… and they also had the XBOW GT wherefore I did know already that their first car would not fully run…I did know that... ya… and regarding the e car, only upon the inclined back-part to put a bag...can also merge with the design, and it looks more cool than with a Porsche… ==> thats why a GT 4 Style e car with some options… And I would even play with that idea because I would had that bag all the time upon the back-roof… ya and further when it is broad enough (or self designed) and fits with the style and some sticker on it… to place on top of the roof bag a “solar film” and connect it with a cable… yet its also an aerodynamic issue… I know that.. Wherefore its also practical… the height fits and just open it and throw into it what you need to transport… And this makes it to a little compromise car… and the style shall still fit… a bit GT4 but way more cheap, less racing parts.… GOAL: this car would be DIFFERENT… and from Austria… and could be realized because of the special KTM style… yat everyone can disagree… its just an idea which I have… And doors we don’t need, its just weight… just jump into it, similar to a motor bike ==> And when someone buys that KTM e car… also they want use it to drive to their working place, ya, some even use it general for it… its about youth and less compromise… with motorbike feeling (I dont come with my motor-bike but with my KTM car and when it rains it does not bother me or bla bla bla)… and therefore still to be able to use that car for more things… have it a bit more suitable and still it kicks a bit like a bike… so it must be between GT4 and xbow… later more cheap batteries will exist… get the xbow prize done or more cheap… and then it would run... and almost nice or a better style like the GT4… which would be possible by doing something different like I can smash my laptop into the roof bag and the bag fits with the style of the car... and enough place... and we could go with it for weekend holiday... drive with more stuff in the bag... and bla bla bla… and when additional with the option to put the sun roof away or targa… then its fantastic… and should they built such a car… then they must also flood YOUTUBE with videos and some people who test that car etc. (for it would be a car for more people) ==> And Lotus builds now the expensive Evija (the Elise is old and boring, its the end) and KTM could play in the 60 to 100 000 euro league with an e car. And we would have to deal with the Tesla Roadster (250 000 Euro or whatever, 1360 PS, wherefore this takes still time and they just make marketing, and not really needed) ==> wherefore that which Tesla has inside that car with the display… instead of that we would have our rocket Monocoque cockpit (which offers full security) and no doors and such a display as we have it in the Tesla we could also built into that car… and ~380 PS is enough… we need only the kick from the start and thats it… and the thing is that, in the KTM we FEEL everything and that is the STYLE which we should have in the e car… like sitting upon the street ==> and the e engine is simple, 200 PS engine in the front and a 200 PS engine in the back… and long distance possible… need not too many batteries… and so I would be happy with that e car KTM… or if that is too expensive then just two engines in the back and more fat wheels in the back, also ok!.. And the GT4 EVO shows us that we can manage that with the back bag… because the new back-wing is different and looks even better (440 PS). ==> THE THING IS THAT, we NEED NO HIGH SPEED… ~240 km/h is enough… we just want the better kick… and so we have our biker feeling and probably ~380 PS would be even enough because its a light weight car… ==> a TOP GUN feeling (wherefore upon the NORDSCHLEIFE, NÜRNBURGING even the simple XBOW RR (not the GT4) is just a second slower than the PAGANI ZONDA, 7:25.27 year 2012. And ya, one car which could go into competition, that is the GUMPERT APOLLO but this car costs 285 000 Euro… and for me the KTM GT4 looks still better. And another car which is not so bad is the MERCEDES AMG GT and starts with 170 000 Euro yet this is no rocket style car… its no so a bad car… but so or so different… and the ROCKET KTM has just the exciting sport touch (a bit tough, a bit like biker)… and to get it done in the lower prize class as e car… thats it… and also because they must top the Lamborghini (most cheap one costs 180 000 Euro and it goes way up with the prize, other models), then we have the Porsche GT etc. And the Koenigsegg Gemera is a top car but the prize is crazy… and therefore an e car KTM in GT4 style, a bit more cheap… a rocket cockpit… some options to it...thats it!!! ==> and with the GTX STEERING WHEEL… ya, and even a person who is big fits into that car because you can adjust the pedals and the steering wheel in a bigger way… And I would put my own leather design upon the seat, and a backside camera exists and so just another display for navigation etc. is needed… ==> first of all the mono rocket cockpit is absolute fantastic for the e car… we don’t want doors… we just want a light weight car yet for the street car it would had been cool when the Monocoque would stay a bit more flat towards the shoulders so that the elbow can be put upon the Monocoque with a very good RAUMGEFÜHL (pleasant feeling of space and still a top gun feeling and with the roll bar its FULLY SECURE and I know that KTM will not like to hear that but here I speak about an e car with a little compromise ==>ya, it would be then a bit more a ROCKET UFO seat, and behind the shoulder the mono goes straight up… A CONCEPT for future KTM STREET E CARS and a bit more comfort with leather seat, just a little bit more soft)…And also to compare: the Koenigsegg ONE which has an absolute crazy prize… 0 to 100km/h in 3,3 seconds (wherefore the Gemera tops it)… And with a fast motor bike today… ya normally around 3 seconds… And for sure Tesla Roadster 2 has over 1000PS and ~ 250KWh battery… but I do not even want all this batteries… and yes, many seek the record now… but I would had rather a GT4 KTM with 400 PS and less Batteries… or if the e engine is easy built… ok, 450 PS… but its then enough…. And to have so la la the bike acceleration style, as a simple and pure sports car… ==> And I would rather sell the KTM GT4 as a car with biker feeling, close contact to the ground without compromise… fun enough and more cheap and less batteries are needed… light weight car. And they would need to get a prize below the 1o0 000 Euro done… depends... And ya, I don’t have forgotten the AUDI R8 (starts with 165 000 Euro) which somehow never had a fire for me but I don’t know why… maybe the car is simple too civilized… yet they do not sleep, I checked also now the 2022 model yet so or so the KTM GT4 remains UNIQUE and we just need some options… like the bag and etc. And its a LIGHT WEIGHT E CAR, and very racing pure, and so it can remain in the bikers dream segment, with a clear statement ==> NOW, lets speak about my WHITE HORSE CAR: ========>>>>>>> MY CONCEPT E CAR needs also no doors and is light weight built, ya a bit different to the KTM… but its interesting that they are from Austria… and we go into a similar direction wherefore when I write here then Mercedes, BMW, Tesla… is directly on the hunt… Anyway right now they have no such car and no real idea and its is therefore known that it comes from us… MARCH 2021 ==> WITH SIMPLE WORDS (and I have checked all the new e cars), they are PROVEN FOR ME AS COMPLETE FOOLS!!! and again LC RULES!!! YA, and we can have some gimmicks so that a person can jump even a bit more easily into that car… and the STYLE is GRAND PERFECTION… not directly like KTM but a better UFO ROCKET... And they say in a proud way to me, Iam chief designer of Mercedes… And I say good for you… and maybe not enough for me... And I would make it also “biological” bla bla bla ==> LESS IS BETTER yet we can have still the comfort like in the Mercedes vision AVTR but not such seat by which we almost enter into sleep mode… lounge yes!!! but not too much this lazy sleep couch mode… And another problem, the AVTR has side window doors… but we need a car which we can drive the next year… and which offers full security… And in your car, ya even with a real sports car it is not so easy for older people to enter into that car because it so low… and you must put your head down… YOU BOW DOWN BEFORE A CAR??? its shall be your own problem!!! And in my car, they can stand in the car… they almost walk into that car… and for sure they need a bar which serves also for protection but its possible with my concept car to get that done… Ya, and when the car has cinema part goes up… now, also an electrically step can be build here (below that seat)… to go out again ==> wherefore when already now someone builds it that way with the SEAT and claims it for himself… you will pay later for Iam NOMAD, I will not attack you personally… but people will know it that it is Nomads car design… and therefore your brand would get a hit... ==> its in the human conscience, honour to whom honour… this is my concept… and already I speak a bit too much… and Iam not a nobody in that sense… Now, lets go on, and they have so or so electric seat today in many cars… now then, when stepping out of the car… the seat just goes a bit higher then normal and with the grab to the roof front bar (which is or can be also the protection during drive…), ya easy to stand up in that car, then turn around and the step we have below the cinema seat (folding seat). Now and further most STEERING WHEELS need so or so to be adjustable… now just make it longer and electrically pushed in when stepping out of the car… and the step on the outside is built aerodynamic with the air pressure during drive (maybe with a hole which presses the air into it – I speak just about the wind-stream), but we have also another option, that is, if it is not one of the very fast sports car… we find another aerodynamic solution… but what is most important, that is, that we have this ROCKET UFO STYLE in the car… in one nice line and a good view… and total save.. its a very GOOD FEELING to be in that car like in a BATHTUB… and then we have further some apocalypse features for the car… And the bar which goes down in the front like similar to the KTM GT4, left and right side (front window), ya, here we can have the battery charge display in a cool style with different colours upon it so that we know how long we can still drive and maybe additional the parking mode... and also we will have another long display on the other side upon the bar regarding whatever we need (it depends upon the car, like to have the air pressure of every wheel (but the new wheels have no air) and if any door is open and simple any important warning light when something with the car should not fit)… but the speed display I would like to have it upon the steering wheel… and so the cockpit is functional in one nice line… ==> when we have it that way… then any other display in the car is mostly for other stuff… like NAVIGATION and smartphone connection… and behind the STEERING WHEEL WE NEED NO DISPLAY ==> A MORE PERFECT ORDER (RADIO, SMARTPHONE, NAVI, CLIMATE is separated on the center console merged with the middle piece of the cockpit)…And only the most important stuff we need for the left and right front window bars, those bars which go down on the left and right side, ya, we need not too much and all the warning lamps[little displays] simple go into a STRONG RED MODE for the case something does not fit but also when the batteries are in the lower limit… And therefore there will be only one integrated glassy display mainly used for Navigation and radio (inclined and bit lower merged with the center console, and so everything is rightly separated with lounge ambiente) And therefore and also there is nothing to steal in that car… And further there will be no door grip on the side because its a BATHTUB interior (the car has no doors)… And there is just one big bag in the front cockpit like we have it in modern cars yet it only opens up like the seat, only the cap on top (with a wave line so that the driver needs not to bother when the co-driver opens it up) And inside this bag they can put their stuff…. And everything else regarding the BATHTUB is apocalypse design…later more to it... And yes, for sure its not like with the KTM GT 4 bar cage… Ya, simple on the roof and in the front we have the bar… so that they can stand up and walk out of the car...(and easy to design)… and the left and right bar which go down with the front window… like in every car yet here we use them to put the little displays upon it… as I said.. to have it separate in a functional way… one big glassy display and the other stuff, warning lamps… etc upon the left and right front bar which goes down with the front window...


7) All what we need for the Monocoques is a more environmental friendly solution.. BUT WE Are NOT NOW READY, YOU MUST PUSH ON, a better solution then CFK…I WANT TO HAVE THAT THE NEXT YEARS!!! And for e cars the weight does matter and a solution will be found… That problem we must SOLVE and we will solve… you can go directly into research… Tesla and co… next challenge!!! You have enough money, DO IT!!!… yet copy not just my „MOUNT THE HORSE“ car… its from Nomad… THATS MY PERFECT SLOGAN: „MOUNT THE HORSE“… and for sure in my future car also an integrated flap could just turn outwards and so to have a little step but that is now not how I want the WHITE HORSE CAR… to walk into that car, and ya my FUTURE VISION about this cars is efficiency… real light weight cars… and they can be also made with a little „solar film“… and therefore again less batteries are needed (also here some further progress will be made) and a long enough distance is manageable and charged in a few minutes… and with a real cool STYLE… like this lounge ambiente (and the eco friendly glassy display etc.)… the message is less but its still much better somehow… And correct, young people jump easily out of that car and its only about older people, here we must find a solution… bla bla bla... And correct, the roof glass opens up in a 90 degree angle so that we can stand in the car, like a BUTTERFLY (both sides)… and the step upon the side… it can be also made along the car and used additional along as a box for the batteries (how is it with salt batteries, more secure?)… and so we have more room in the trunk… but I dont know if that is allowed because of crash test scenarios… but we can also secure it with a hidden side bar along the batteries... ==> its a pure design question yet however we do it… I would use it additional for something else… and with a STYLISH stepping board with a glassy design… and then the batteries are also protected with a pipe (bar)… and the stepping board would had maybe a special grid… something with style… and the battery size can be also designed… And the rest of the batteries is in the front and in the back… and not like with most e cars on the floor area between the front wheels and back wheels...And therefore my apocalypse car has a more closer contact to the ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when sitting in the car.. which is much better... with the bathtub style. ==> I built that car with a monocoque or something similar, NAME IT!!!… And the pipe along the side for the stepping board is also another protection, ya directly integrated.… For the side windows, its no problem, they could also go up and down, ya you say, for the side windows is maybe difficult because of the monocoque and we want the most cheap solution… or most practical… together with the design… but I say, in simple words this stuff must be planned beforehand… And the stepping board has blue LED which turn on when someone wants to enter or leave the car… yet it shall not be corny… but modern… with glassy design ==> THE IMAGE WE SELL, its like stepping into the bathtub and floating to the next destination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ==> and we must embed the 4 Elements… so the blue and bathtub for the seven rivers and spring and the WATER… and the tub itself as the protective layer… and the glassy roof which turns 90 degree upwards so that people can step into the car, that is AIR and resembles a bit wings... and the FIRE we have in the center of the car where we also have the glassy display, that is at the center console… with rather ORANGE-RED or roange then just red, not too much but just a bit… And EARTH? Hmmm, EARTH is simple the contact with the wheels on the ground… and mainly the PSYCHE must leave the old earth which is HEAVY… and so the BATHTUB design has absolute priority together with the wings. And upon the monocoque we put just a white leather [or similar material], for it is the bright bluish white theme… yet with a touch of the FIRE… for FIRE and WATER dwell together in the apocalypse… and only the floor could be made bright bluish green… like crystal JADEIT BLUE GREEN or WHITE with a SMARAGD GREEN design… And for sure we must manage a bit the crystal theme in the car… the translucent theme… ==> there are two aspects about the PRISON… one is to be imprisoned in the body and the other is the apocalypse (hermetically sealed)… so the theme with the car and the bars (cage) and the BATHTUB that is protection (as the bars for the cage will also have a bright blue line on it and white leather together with the whole bathtub design… and so we have it to do with a lounge atmosphere in apocalypse style (therefore a homecoming and shelter)… And the FRONT WINDOW of the car is made of GLASS where the outward is reflected speaking symbolically… And according to the theme thats why also the WARNING SIGNS are upon the front left and right front bars (which go down, front window)… so nothing is here misinterpreted… and we have a better ORDER… And the CRYSTAL THEME would rather fit in correspondence with the windows yet because at the front window its not so pleasant so we could make some crystal stuff at the middle bar on the roof because and also a middle bar should be there for protection… and also the bar splits and goes then to the left and right side down… ya, we could cover the middle bar of the roof with the crystal theme… heaven-like, precious stone-like, not corny… And when a person stands up and wants to leave the car, now, the sit goes a bit up and upper wing turns around and points towards the sky and person does only need to put the hands upwards and a bit forward to the front bar upon the roof…And further I guess that we have no sun visor in the car but probably in the upper glass, ya and sure we will also have a little bag where someone can put his sunglasses… YOU must understand that front glass is more in the FRONT… for otherwise we could nto stand in that car… yet this is possible with e cars… And another advantage, there is no need for any gap (crack) because the COACHWORK can be made in one line when having the car without doors!!!!!!!!!!!!!… ya, the only gap would be in the window part and regarding the trunk… And yes, also the FRONT can stay closed without gap… its a design question and how the space is used… (batteries only to change in a workshop)… AND THE STEPPING BOARD IS MORE MADE GLASSY LIKE IN LINE WITH THE WINDOWS… And the same glassy style we have a bit on the front and the back of the car… and a bit LED light (but no too bright) when stepping in and out, leds on the side stepping boards, in the front (instead of the cooling grill) and on the back ==> AND WE DONT MAKE THE CAR FULL WITH DISPLAYS, THIS IS ONLY FOR IDIOTS… And you ask me about the threefold creative force and where it is seen in the APOCALYPSE CAR? Answer, we do that with our ARCANE SYMBOL (and LED) which has a calm effect… upon the front of the instruments, right side… and not upon the cap which they can open but in front of it… just a little symbol (finger length) and we make it also in the blue theme so that there is no distraction… AND below it is written EQUILIBRIUM (also with led) which can be interpreted as a statement from the DESIGNER… of that car… Wherefore somehow we must keep TIME outside of the car… so what are we doing with the TIME DISPLAY? And further the FRACTAL design we need somewhere… A TIME DISPLAY IS ONLY ALLOWED IN THAT CAR as DISPLAY UPON THE FRONT REARVIEW MIRROR... And the FRACTAL DESIGN we have as a polished mesh upon the middle part between the two people… you know, upon the console… like polished and formed upon the center console before the glassy display… ==> for sure we have here a margin, we just integrate it in the instrumental cockpit… But the car must also give us a feeling about infinity (inexhaustible cup) which is difficult when we have the CHARGE INDICATOR upon the bars (which have the alarm displays)… so we need also for that a solution… and yes I want still to have the charge indicator on that place but… Battery is female and male… so we keep it as gimmick, we may can say that SCIENCE allows us to have our own cycles… so we put a moon symbol below the charge indicator (which reflects less light or more light like we have the moon seasons, and the moon and the tide is also another cycle...its about cycles...)… and yes I know that moon and sun are married in the apocalypse… yet the first sun also rises all the time… so we can make a compromise… and the idea is here simple that the sun will sustain us… and also when we must charge the batteries again the solar panel is part of the car and therefore we must also have somewhere on the car a solar panel… And we could have on the right bar a little sun gimmick which shows us if the solar works…and on the left bar the moon for battery charge... and so we have also our little alchemy… ==> whatever, but something we get done… and the idea is here that we have our own sun and moon… so from that side… its not so a bad solution… (and as we know in the apocalypse its INFLOW and OUTFLOW and EQUILIBRIUM, male and female, so maybe we should find better symbols but ok… this is only a side issue).. Lets go on, we make that symbol simple in the display, need not to be big (and when the car gets charged, the moon is waxing, and full moon is an old symbol for full energy, peak of clarity, illumination and in the apocalypse it means or can mean that all light is reflected upon the glass)… and then it is perfect and we have it like upon the two pillars and in our case upon the bars which represent the two pillars… and the 4 Elements (with their planets just as the elements in the car, so also the FIRE as Mars, and the BUTTERFLY wings as AIR… and the bathtub design for WATER…bla bla bla) and then all what is missing is VENUS. About VENUS, ya, so far I have only a VENUSMUSCHEL (clam) in mind… which would also fit again in the BATHTUB interior… maybe as a little bag somewhere at the center console to put some stuff into it? YA, its a good idea because its near the ORANGE FIRE (love fire) and further it remembers also to the pearl of great prize and the infinite treasure and so we have the FUNDAMENT for the car. So yes, and below the VENUSMUSCHEL I would write: SPIRIT, NATURE, SCIENCE… and that is all (together with the EQUILIBRIUM below the arcane symbol)… for sure nothing more to write in that cockpit!!!!!… And for sure the SHELL (Venusmuschel, clam) becomes also a symbol for the BATHTUB e car… with its protective layout… (and when the shell is a bit white and so also the center console then it can be very good designed)


8) NOW and about the apocalypse car: I want a very close contact feeling to the street and thats why we have a different battery solution which we can also accomplish because of the design. WHY? Ya, we sit in the car… and still move… and we want the better experience… and the immoveable part (in the kingdom not shaken), ya that is inside the car with the front window… But most important, TESLA, MERCEDES, BMW and the other must solve the problem with the material of the monocoques… a more environmental friendly solution… and then nothing is more in our way… regarding light weight cars… And yes my car is rather very flat because of the low sitting place, and my E CAR looks a bit like that car in the movie: BACK TO THE FUTURE (DE LOREAN DMC-12) when I speak about the inclined back part of the car.. ya, what I say is only that the back part is a bit higher than the front part and for sure the design of the car is a bit more like a supersportler bike (headlights etc.)… and the front is also a bit shorter than the DMC-12 [or the front glass starts earlier]… And for the case the car has back seats, now they are not two seats but its like a sofa banking and its like in every coupe that it is rather an “emergency seat”… ya as we know them in a coupe… But how can they reach the back-seats? Imagine the DMC-12 and the glass starts earlier upon the front hood and the height is ~ 10 cm higher and the front glass is made like a water drop… I mean aerodynamic like the GT4 glass and the upper wings will be not in the way because it stands in a 90 degree angle without doors… And yes but this is a coincidence that the DMC-12 from the movie has also a pipe upon the side like a stepping board… but we can use that to imagine it better… And for sure our car has a new biological design as mentioned earlier about the Mercedes...And ya, the monocoque is below should line… ==> And I do not design here a limousine or van or… no… my apocalypse solution is rather for coupes /sports cars [with very close ground contact and bathtub style] yet for sure people would get some other inspirations later… Now, and the cinema seat, that we could make simple like really we have it with cinema seats… And the MONOCOQUE is simple a bit inclined in the inner side part so that when someone steps into the car… ya, he makes it not dirty upon the inner side, thats why BATHTUBE INTERIOR DESIGN!!!!... THIS IS A PURE DESIGN QUESTION… and gets calculated beforehand and so also the white leather part… and we use also bright sea blue plastic elements on the right places which can be easily cleansed… ==> NOW about the back seat people, the back seat people go also over the stepping board to the back seat and there will be an additional lifting step in the back part of the car where they have normally their feet… and so they step into it... and it is so designed that the back wheel is less in the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And there will be also only two roof wings, this wings are just a bit longer… so that also the back seat people can manage it!!! ==> and another advantage, it is more SECURE… We open no doors, therefore no biker or other car crash into open doors will ever happen, ya we do not even need to check the situation after having parked the car, because first we stand up and so we have directly an overview… and we have more space… by walking out of that car!… you don’t have to swing the doors wide open or and also you don’t crash your doors against another parking car… And the seat could still go a bit forward in line when first back seat people step into the coupe… this is a designer question and we would need to check the car yet one thing is sure… we have solved the problem. ==> ITS EASY EVEN FOR OLDER PEOPLE, that is, put your left feet upon the illuminated stepping board and a hand can be also put upon the upper bar and then swing the right foot just into the car and step into it… and this is easy enough!!! and also when leaving the car… both hands can be placed upon the front upper bar to easily stand up… And when sitting in the car, ya, full sports car feeling! Close ground contact and bathtub style… And we can keep the stepping board as a dimly glassy design which fits to the rest of the car… ya, just a sharp and thin metal plate upon the edge of the stepping board and maybe some additional stuff… and thats it… the grip will work upon that plate. And when someone would ask me about my vision… ya I know some additional gimmicks… which will make the car very special!!!!!!!!! And ya its my design ==> ya for example because BMW paid also FISKER to design a car for them… and also Iam here a DESIGNER and now they could just steal it and rejoice… ahh we know now what we do with the big BMW GRILL (cooling no longer needed and so we use that design element of the stepping board and the BMW style we will keep:-) ==> And further this CAR makes also LC known… for we are SCIENCE, NATURE, SPIRIT orientated… and in that sense also future orientated and seek after easy solutions... ==> And its the PERFECT DESIGN because we have no gaps upon the side because we need no doors and the same we could do with the front of the car [depends how we built that car] yet for sure a TRUNK exists and people need to open it and they need also to be able to check some liquids regarding the car or whatever… therefore upon the back part of the car we would had a gap (Spaltmaße, gap dimensions) for the trunk… but we could CONCEAL it a bit via the stepping board design elements which we could use also here and then we would had a car like made of one piece… And all what we need to perfect it, that is the upper WINGS and how they close… so that there is no big noise during the drive, ya, this wings should close in a perfect way…==> AND FOR SURE I DONT HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT THIS IS A HUGE “IMAGE CAR” for a car manufacturer because its different and when done rightly, ya even practical and it goes in alignment with the new e car transition and even inside as you have seen we can make a difference… play a bit around and again be practical… and people will simple speak about it… And I said early on in the book as we started to talk about cars… that I have my own vision and it must be light weight orientated and better materials we will also have later… ==> and the THING WHICH WE SELL A BIT WITH IT… that is a HORSE RIDE… you know like SWING YOUR LEG INTO YOUR BRAND-NEW E CAR… And for sure the APOCALYPSE car is WHITE… for that is my WHITE HORSE at LC… and now my PROPHECY… as DESIGNER… ==> and I don’t want just to give that car to others because its the perfect declaration which should come from LC (or from Martin Mostbauer)… we seek for easy and practical solutions and its also an e car and in some way we imitate nature or in that case even how we take our seat upon a horse… and in a similar way we will discover more things later at LC (technology etc.) ==> this will give the e car a new HYPE and it maybe calms also down some biker (you know, the sound is missing) and should later be also a TARGA made and the way how we enter the car… for sure… many will like it and so I do also my little part here to push it forward… ==> And every BRAND has a bit its own style and they must keep it and therefore I do not speak too much of how the coupe / sports car must look like… and Iam here not in worry… And also all the other gimmicks… it needs not to be directly revealed… like with the first “white horse car” which comes out… And yes theoretically the car could be also build without monocoque and just partially with GFK and I guess it is maybe a bit more cheap… yet the bathtub design should stay… and will stay also to some better degree because it has no doors… but its not like that I like GFK, because we need the better MATERIAL… absolute… next challenge...



9) And yes, the stepping board is no problem because there will be so or so a little SWING because of the MUD GUARD and so its easy to integrate it… And the question which remains, that is, driver seat and close contact to the ground… and therefore design it properly… And again another advantage which is often important for the European market… ya, its not that huge POSER car with wing doors… its more like I have my nice WHITE HORSE… my TOY and still not just a TOY… ==> and beside that it comes from a real PROPHET… that is Martin Mostbauer… also not really to neglect… And business people are not really against the SPIRIT, NATURE, SCIENCE message… … like behold… its just crazy Martin… no… its like… a bit wild… and mystical… and he has also his own art… and bla bla bla ==> MY CAR SELLS GOOD but we can have still a discussion about the name… and for sure we know that we have a similarity with a HORSE and how we swing ourselves upon it but and also… bla bla bla… and for sure for me its the WHITE HORSE (which is in scripture also a symbol for direct revelation, knowing intimately the logos)… what NAME do we give to it? PEGASUS???… yet because we swing ourselves into it and its a bit a hip thing… we could call it HIPPOS (Greek: horse)… and so it becomes known like a VW KÄFER ==> ya, it depends what this car costs… yet it fits not fully… And therefore we have to perfect the name and call it KYLLAROS (as one of the 4 immortal horses) and so I have my apocalypse car… elevation to godhood (and it has a bit a connection with Hermes and Hera) ==> Ya, and I know, this breaks a bit the proud of the car manufacturer ==>… it can be a business man who wants a bit fun in cowboy style or a famous athlete or whatever... for the car shall also bring joy… and its a bit this wild west thing… wherefore in early days it would be the Marlboro man… independent lifestyle and courage and… And especially when it is rightly designed… you step so easy into the car… and no longer in need to put your head down… and after some while you become fully adapted to it… like ZACK… in a few seconds in the car and because the upper wing has not much weight… it will be also closed electrically. And even the seat could be made via a sensor, therefore you sit down and the seat goes into position, what else do you want???… And I explain it one last time… because when stepping in (for older people), left feet first upon the board and left hand upon the bar… and swing the right foot into the car and when stepping out, same old stuff… one way or another… And we can also build an option for youngster, that is a metal plate upon the upper part of the coachwork where the window goes down… then just step on it and jump out of the car... And they will use that so or so as sitting place when they hang somewhere around with friends or charge their car… you can imagine, sitting there and one foot upon the stepping board and the other on the ground… and I would design it that way that they can sit upon it... ==> ya, this is another advantage and also the coachwork needs only a little side bow but many cars have that so or so in their design… that is so that they touch less with their feet the coachwork… just a bit a bow… ==> therefore whoever makes the KYLLAROS should check also that. And the stepping board is not a problem and we could also make a glassy strip directly at the stepping board along the coachwork (one inch) for protection… this then would not destroy the appearance of the car… because of the glassy style... wherefore here we must check the whole design of the car and etc. (and ya, often a black plastic style is seen in the lower part of sports cars… just along the coachwork, and with our car its a bit more dark glassy)… and etc. ===> WE WIN AMONG ALL E CARS, ITS A REAL PROPHET CAR ==> and yes the FRONT GLASS is a bit similar to the Mitsubishi e evolution (a bit like KTM GT4) and this is also one of the few cars or really the car which goes a bit ahead… and its funny but ya this car has also a black strip upon the side… so to speak a bit about a more stylish protective side moulding… I want by no means just a stepping board which is upon the car like with a jeep… = ZERO STYLE!!!… ===>>> and that the front glass is a bit like KTM GT4… ya that is because first of all we have the bathtub style and second of all… to get a bit remembered to the glassy globe in the apocalypse… roundabout...


10) And yes there is another reason why I designed that white horse car for LC… or the apocalypse… because we have en eternal liberty of free will in the apocalypse… and its a bit like looking optimistic into the future… and with some fun and joy… but probably here I get less understood… ya but it has a bit its own joy this car… And above all, still someone needs to be a bit bold to built such a car… yes, on the other side some would like to steal that idea… but still… a bit boldness is part of it… ==> And it is no problem when the instrumental ABLAGE (filing) is farther away so that we can stand more easily up in that car because very seldom we open it, its really very rare and especially in the digital age when we do not even use any paper maps… and the steering wheel has just a longer pipe upon which it can be pulled outwards… and during the whole drive we have a more spacious lounge atmosphere... and with an e car its no problem to realise that concept... and two Handy can be put into the center console… and for sunglasses etc. we will find also a place… and sure the center console has also a bigger bag… and the glassy display is nearer to us. ==> And yes it does not matter if our KYLLAROS is almost broad like MERCEDES S CLASS because of the glassy stepping board… and because we don’t need to open doors… garage or etc. KYLLAROS: everyone has the chance to become a god… and also the question remains if he is ready for it… or when… And regarding the picture below about the side line, I have to add that in my vision the RIMS of the WHEELS did go outwards (yet mostly without spokes, just rather a round disk or rather very broad spokes like three very broad spokes, and ya, like the DISK is more outwards) so that the RUBBER wheel is more inwards, can you imagine that? ==> this is rather the more FUTURISTIC E CAR VISION, not so important... normally we don’t want spokes design upon this wheels but just a stylish disk which goes protective more outwards (could be also done in glassy dark style, so that you can imagine it easily and how CLEAN AND SMOOTH this car looks and like made of one piece)… and in future they don’t crash against the curb because of sensor… the car just stops… but its clear, that stuff needs to be tested and its a design question and I would like to have the driver seat very close to the ground





11)For sure another gimmick yet this is not the gimmick which I add later… but just another one… it could be a fun thing which brings much attention to the car like upon the stepping board the teeth go out when someone wants to step into the car… and to have a better grip upon the stepping board… its like the saying: shows her teeth… ZÄHNE ZEIGEN ==> this could be just used for further marketing… like a prototype, fun accessoire… And since the Habsburger have still not brought me a Lipizzaner… so I have to spend my time now for other things… Anyway, we need a solution for the horse (and which also should bring me to any place very fast) and therefore this WHITE HORSE (but we can also call it KYLLAROS), is for sure the best choice, ya it fits the bill and LC remains cult. And ya, I know that the MERCEDES EQ has used also the white and blueish light like I want to have it yet my CAR is better and lets not forget the fire… And yes, we just have blue elements in the car yet not everything done via LED. ==> AND MY BOOK PROVES AGAIN THAT THEIR PROBLEM IS ROUTINE (machine world, similar to this American Protestant garbage which they have built without any Mysticism and all that garbage which goes along with it… how they failed)… and yes, there is absolute no problem with my car and its even practical… and the design fits, especially inside but also on the outside it can be perfectly integrated… ==> THEREFORE THIS CAR WILL STAY AS AN EXAMPLE IN THE BOOK (maybe not the best example but good enough), and because at LC we expand that to other things… And yes I have seen that the APEX (new e sports car) has a bit the bag design on the back like I had my idea about the KTM GT4… so la la that was my idea yet a bit better… And sure the side windows of the KYLLARIOS could be made a bit round especially when the windows would be bigger… like similar to the AVTR… and so its even more easy to step into the car… yet the stepping board should remain and the BATHTUB concept is also a symbolical protection issue… like with monocoque cabinet… make it more “biological”… You can PLAY AROUND HERE and make it still stylish… as and also with the AVTR and their side windows, its also a bit too much with other people looking into that car… as and also its not fully the time now for such designs… ==> AND MY CONCEPT IS THE COMFORTABLE SOLUTION FOR THE FUTURE… go to the car… the upper wings open, the side windows go down… step into it and sit down and be brought to your driver position… ==> and for sure you will say that the inclined front window is too far away… ya, but we don’t need to open up the front hood of an e car or only really the most front part… And below you see a drawing, just for a simple illustration… And so we recognize this is a real PROPHECY CAR! ==> and yes with that variant, you stand quasi in that car (upon the inner step) and then you have to make one step forward to the lower part and sit down… and for security reason we can make that a bit inclined… and we need not to worry because when we sit in the car and have our feet pushed forward… this does not bother us… And yes when people sit down, younger ones need not the bar in front of them and older ones can do it “cool” with one hand on the bar… or to say easy going… And when the coachwork fits and the whole design, ya there is only one thing which could bother me maybe a bit… that is the cinema seat and we must think if the seat should also automatically fold together and unfold again… otherwise it would be a manually job when sitting down… ==> ya because of the STYLE, step into the car or jump more fast into the car… and then one hand upon the bar and just let fall yourself into the seat… and when we could do that fast… it would be a nice thing ==> they can make a FAST and FURIOUS movie and look like clowns with their doors and we jump into the car, one hand upon the bar and let fall ourselves into the seat and then the seat goes directly into position and the steering wheel comes out…. Wherefore the seat can again be folded up and when it SWINGS FAST DOWN (so that a person can sit more fast down), it simple straightens out afterwards... in simple words, when it would smash the person in the car… the bigger part of the seat would simple swing back, ~ 2/3 of it… and that is enough… and a spring is integrated… so that naturally it goes again in position ==> you need only a red button upon the bar or a blue and a red button… GREEN = everything goes in position and car started, RED = everything goes in position without car started and BLUE = figure it out for yourself ==> And since all that get solved, there is only a question left and if that could bother us… that is… if it feels like that we stand a bit too high in that car when stepping into it... ==> MY ANSWER would be, with the right design we can manage it...that when we stand upon the step in the car (which is lifted up) so that we still have some comfort when having a hand upon the bar (people with different size and also it must easily manage 1m85 large people) ==> we only need to make that car ~ 5 - 8 cm higher than the new PORSCHE 911 and because the glass is placed in a large way to the front… we can manage that with the design and it looks still good… and the back side of the car we make higher, the back part stands higher… and the front gets also properly designed, the front is a bit more beefy and the back part is a bit higher (also from the ground, inclined) and overall a bit the TOYOTA FT-1 line… and further with this additional ~5cm in height, ya, they have the middle bar and they can use the space for a little e motor to move the upper wings ==> YA I HAVE TOTAL WON, WE DESIGN THE CAR FOR IT… and THATS IT… TOTAL WON ==> HAMMER, THIS INNVOATION COMES FROM MARTIN MOSTBAUER… and its an LC thing… our white horse…. among all the car designer… they did not see it ==> and yes as the one who brings this innovation, now, the upper wings, ya, we just call them horsewings instead of butterfly… so we know directly about what we speak…. And you will say that w ehave one last problem, the window in the back seat cannot be fully pulled down because of the wheel and I say… we just integrate a part of it in the wing… and it could be even a coachwork piece… so that the car looks better


12) What is with the Blue button? Answer, the Blue Button we would need [in a COUPE] when the front seat drives also forward in line… quasi for backseat people… And you are right, normally we could also say RED, the car starts also, ready to drive (attention please), and GREEN means to go just in position… I give that to other… This depends upon the car, for also just a RED and BLUE button would do it and then when you sit you just tell the car if you want to drive forward or backwards and so you can drive away and when the BLUE button is pressed, then the horsewings starts only to close after the person has told the car if it goes forward or backward and therefore the delay is managed… BUT you ask, what is if he pushed the RED button and has forgotten to think about the back seat people who want to jump directly after him into the car?? Answer, not everyone needs to survive this car… its only for the attentive people… Musashi in Christ style. ==> Nomad, you have one thing forgotten, what is with 8 year old kids… who are maybe already a bit too heavy to lift them into the car but and also a bit too small for it? Answer, let them have their fun, they are kids and this car makes also fun… and somehow they will manage it… and if you cant have fun in life… then dig your own grave…. And I have checked the SIDELINE of a PORSCHE 911 (a car by which you have really not much space in the back seat, the back seat is only for little kids)and the sketch of the car shows in my book how we do it…


13) And there is another advantage BMW, MERCEDES, TESLA, JAGUAR, FISKER, TOYOTA… that is, with middle class cars we have so or so the front seat electronically adjustable… and so the thing we add is only the HORSEWING and the HORSEWING when rightly designed has really not much weight… and so we need only a little e motor for it… and we use the e car design, that is, now its easy manageable because we can use the front hood space for the front window… with the front window more in the front. And we have a great interior lounge feeling, JUST TEST IT!!! And not just that… in future with better materials (GFK alternative research, for we will still get something better later which fits even more etc.), now we can built that car lightweight because of the easy framework… ya… there is much room to play with… And normally such a car also MAGNA should built in Austria… respect… but I guess they do not listen to me...anyway… boring people…. ==> and yes I know that someone would say… And I call it “horse car” or my WHITE HORSE… because you can also swing yourself into the car similar like upon a horse… that is, left hand upon the bar (mane) and left feet upon the stepping board (STIRRUP) ==> therefore its not a CABRIO or bla bla bla… ITS A HORSE (with wings). ==> mounting the horse ==> And if you really want you can call the wings also butterfly (because of the 90 degree angle)… but for LC it got designed as the WHITE horse… or Kyllaros...Pegasos… And I know that it is maybe not the car which noble MERCEDES wants to built, ya but also not everyone needs to have STYLE…. but I don’t bother them too much because they also the G class…


14) We have a FLOOR PAN (BODENWANNE) upon which panels and braces get bolted or welded, which works together with the CHASSIS (FAHRGESTELL)… And the body of the car is built upon a separate assembly line from the chassis and they have much stuff to bolt or weld together and after it got paints, now then there will be the MATE with the engine, therefore we have the body and chassis… WHITE HORSE CAR = no doors = less press-work ==> no doors = bathtub style possible as one piece… ==> the thing is that, the doors are much work and must fit well with the gaps etc… and now just the side windows which go up and down must fit yet and also its much more easy to correct here something when we speak about the production line… And regarding the UPPER WINGS, this can be done via a gap into which its slides into it… I have not much to say about it… just use logic and be practical==> and I don’t even need any buttons along the side in the interior, nay, just have the buttons upon the center console… and so the finishing is much more easy.. have a nice leather or other material upon the side walls (Kyllaros with blue elements) and finish… And again that with the windows can be more easily accomplished and only in a later step they put some interior clothing upon some parts… the HORSE CAR concept will be even an advantage for the production process when done rightly… or I see no hindrance… so far.. But Nomad, we need a Karrosserieversteifung and therefore the car will be more heavy! Answer, no… have just the upper middle tube… ==> it is not a cabrio in that sense… it will be stable enough… WE HAVE A CROSS BAR UPON THE ROOF (except its only a small coupe), it can be also built with a VERRIEGELUNG (locking). And the wings slide into it (bar)… and the bar has at the same time something for people to hold on when stepping into the car. And we can put a glassy element into the wings… light weight… LEFT and RIGHT WING… on both sides people can enter the car… we will have enough space… and we can also couple both wings, go together up and down… only one little engine needed… or make it separate...however you want… ==> what is more work? to built doors into a car or this wings which are almost easy to manage like a Schiebedach (sunroof)… and the same with the electrically seat, first of all many cars have that already and second of all its just later built into the car… easy access... and a manual option could also exist regarding some stuff… ==> the backrest does not need to be electrically adjusted… only the height needs to be adjusted and maybe a forward drive… and the cinema seat for the unfolding.. and about the steering wheel the height does not need to be electrically adjusted but only the forward and backward drive and then have 3 or 4 positions… Only the cinema seat swing should be fast enough… which can be done… and I come from the engineering side… for the idea is that even after having the car for some while it shall not bother us in any way… Seitenspiegel (side mirror) will be not in the way, the car has just the display inside, its done via camera. And upon the floor of the car is a bright light led line and so they see directly where to put the feet… and after some while they get just used to it… and handle it more fast than with doors… MANY will just swing one foot into the car and press simultaneously the RED BUTTON… and swing the other foot into the car and fall back into the seat. ==> this must be calculated with the design so that also the “wild ones” or fast ones have their fun and further the cockpit is made more round and the steering wheel shall sink into it so that they cannot really crash against it… MAYBE we could also make a marketing gag out of it… who is more fast in the car and… with someone who is trained… yet for fun marketing... CALCULATE THAT… don’t mess up my KYLLAROS… the car should be allowed to drive with open wings under 40 km/h or something like that so that we don’t loose time (should be easy done because even an Audi A4 Cabrio can close it at that speed with a KUFATEC update and that is really much harder to do… because its like a wall when it opens or closes… and the wind presses fully against it)… And my problem is only the STEERING WHEEL, it maybe takes too long to come out…. seek here after a fast solution which is still economical… ==> Wherefore additional to it, ya I don’t know if that is allowed, that is, the driver is also allowed to drive already before the steering wheel is fully pushed out yet only below 25 km/h or something like that… AND THEN WE HAVE WON… and the button for forward or backward drive, ya simple to be in the driver mode… make it also upon the steering wheel… And the side windows go only up after the wings are down…. YA, THEN WE HAVE WON… And ya, KEEP THE RED AND BLUE BUTTONS… upon the upper bar… its something which they will like… especially with the cinema seat… and fall backwards into the seat… And yes for sure, we must also check the side wings of the seat… to make the fit… wherefore also the Nissan IDS concept car shows us in the side view their seats and how much space they have in the car… and we could do it even a bit better with the seat, design etc. ==> and they made it with heavy electrical doors…


15) Are we just BROT und SPIELE and self centered… and give me just my Dollar… wherefore today in USA they have it even very difficult to get their leader… where do they get their leader?… CHAOS pure… senseless stuff ==> Anyway, let us forget all that, yet my attentive READER shall recognize it… what shapes society, what FORMS society (ya and also poets...)… and where we are going… and what should be maybe become a part… and Mystics played also a huge role… especially and also in Europe… we had many… to our advantage...And nay, more politics will be not in my revisited book… only the wheel city vision and the study of the past, shaping of society… and why I prefer this or that balance… and that is also free speech… And yes, people will say that I look only upon Austria, but that is nonsense, take for example MAGNA and Fisker.. we will also look upon Slowakei… not even here its just about Austria… and if MAN changes and should run better later… you can be sure its not just about Austria… we always strengthen partner… but we must look first of all about KNOW HOW and etc. And I tell you this NGO leftist in Austria would even scream about any STEYR car name in Austria… ya, and its not like that the AUSTRIA QUALITY is rejected around other parts of the world… but you know how it is… its rather that we get less known about our KNOW HOW… its now just a little mountain country, only because we have no names... And do I say that I have a major problem when it has a Czech name regarding MAN? No, it comes as it comes, and I speak abut the past and whatever.... And this leftist in Vienna are crazy, you know many walls, smoke too much pot and then they are clever, ya they are TRAITOR, and I have proven them wrong (bat chapter and Austria panel chapter in this book)… they are as it looks like sold out… real traitor!!! ==> Nomad, one last thing, also no one from Vienna will come to LC when you speak hard about bigger cities...… AHH, not everything is bad about Vienna… and a bit fresh air is also good for them. ==> thats why we have also the environmental design in the future city because Huxley was not total wrong with his city talk ==> ergo the WHOLE CITY is not just about politics and economics and bla bla bla, ya in the city many problems shall be solved… And therefore to a bigger part it must be also about the PSYCHE and the CITY and then we get right BALANCE wherefore not everyone wants to understand that directly or is willing… but this shall not matter now ==> Again, therefore it includes also communities and public space… shared… also with kids.. how they grow up etc. Its all included in the GREEN design with aesthetic. And there will be still some mixture and I only say that it should mainly tend into this direction… and if they want, they can also have highly technological places… And my white horse car, biological… technological… inspirational… simple… thats it… and fun..


Wherefore when I think again about it, nay Iam born in STEYR and when they want we can have the STEYR AUTOMOTIVE logos also somewhere at LC but the CAR would have its own brand, the ARCANE SYMBOL plus LC in the middle of logos... LC KYLLAROS... have to do it that way ==> and via the middle console which is partially holographic, there you can read EVOTECHNOGAIANANALOGOUS and GHWDC.ARI... etc... And yes, I inlcude here some fun... do you REMEMBER the HANDSIGN of LC (Divine science or somewhere written), when the make this sign then something special happens... The other display is simple a transparent OLED with a dark background behind it... stylish put into the middle console



NO, they have also that done, just a bit electrified with design, the Mercedes G... should run... it will run, there is no other such car in the market... but something is missing ofr later, design... I dont know what it is... FIRST of ALL when you push it out so late, 2024, it should have some design elements of the VISION EQS CONCEPT cockpit, and the seond point about the outward design... with the VISION EQS they want to compete with my white horse car... PERIOD!!! BUT GOOD, some would say, for a G the middle console a bit more old school... yet fully they get not the BATHTUB DESIGN done (because IAm without doors)... yet it is not bad... the cockpit which you have in front, the darker part, yet I have something else, this goes in line back, merged with the upper part of the side walls... to get the bathtube design... and the little bow in the side walls... this then also secures to make the side part not dirty with shoes when stepping into the car... for sure also the pseudo hologramm 3d application will be embedded on top of the display and other stuff... wherefore BMW with his circular model showed also already some good style... The moon and sun on the front pillars... the front window more in the front... the special orange application around the OLED (like you know it form TWINNI ICE)... the arcane symbol... and the rest after LC... ==> BIG CHANGE, CORRECTION: yet I changed also now, the rest regarding car information, I put it into the front window display... I had to learn that, and the concept remains, less is better, yet stylish... MY car is a bit colorful, bathtube, a blue similar to that of BMW or Mercedes - side wall and..., the Jade on the ground... have the 4 Elements... then orange... and crystal on top etc... and VENUS (shell) as explaind, middle console... the wings for AIR...

===> and no, not too much colour, just this applications and the ARCANE SYMBOL, and written below EQUILIBRIUM... sun & moon refers also to the active and passive and so on... And as I said: we must keep TIME outside of the car… so what are we doing with the TIME DISPLAY? And further the FRACTAL design we need somewhere… A TIME DISPLAY IS ONLY ALLOWED IN THAT CAR as DISPLAY UPON THE FRONT REARVIEW MIRROR (camera)... and a fractal design upon the middle console... and in golden letters before the VENUS I keep it: write SCIENCE, NATURE, ARTS - its for me a similar triple holistic truth like: HEALTH, NATURE, ECONOMY (here we could include science, arts, for you need it!!!)... interwoven... and in the 3D hologramm applicaton beside the 7 spirits... is also written EVOTECHNOGAIANANOLOGOUS... the car name: KYLLAROS... and for sure we need the hand bars to stand up in that car, and with the buttons... and the "cinema seat" rightly moved etc... and with the HANDSIGN of LC... also special functions are accomplished... and for sure the stepping board is stylish glassy... yet with grip... ==> yet someone asks again, why analogous... answer, the apoclaypse is the house not made by hands... inexhaustible cup... yet we can achieve it to work in harmony with nature... but we cannot achieve immortality just via second knowledge... and we could also add MGH.AI/BIOTECH/HB... its will help us... but it has its limits... ===>>> YOU ASK ME, why do you always include arts??? YA, at least you must paint something into your imagination...YA, MAYBE I DO IT, because I see in many things the ABOVE & BELOW ==> and yes, the arcane symbol is on the front bag - co-pilot seat, so when you google MERCEDES EQS CONCEPT, then add my design application... ==> FOR FUN, we can write in letters to the REAR CAMERA, where we have TIME... BIOTECH.AI/HEAVENLY BREAD, but this is also an INSIDE JOKE, we leave the artifical spirit and feel total alive... we CONTER ATTACK SCHWAB with that ==>> and yes only, here... the ARCANE SYMBOL we put also in a SILVER coloured SQUARE...then all fits better... and science, nature arts below the VENUS... only in SMALL!!! letters... no big thing, very dezent (subtle)... and the sun & moon rather in the upper part of the tubes... near to the roof... or closer to it... then it fits all.. ==> I WAS RATHER MORE BMW (except Mercedes G...) but with the NEW CARS I swim more with MERCEDES... hard to say... but I must confess it ==> but BMW will also have their cars again, and no matter what, their sport luxus style is better... could not compete... ==> WE HAVE THREE BODIES, also in Buddhism taught, now for sure also the second knowlegde we have... here to work in harmony wit nature... his workmanship... you should understand that now or not? ==> OK, for IDIOTS, you have not the WHOLE in your hands and the parts spring forth form the ALL... yet use this parts in a perfect way... second level.. shall I put an ABOVE and BELOW symbol in the car so that you understand ETGA still better? OK, I hide it in the fractals... so, and now be happy to have gained some more brain cells:)And ya, GEOMETRY BEFORE CREATION, that is pointed to... via EQUILIBRIUM and arcane symbol.. the only thing which I miss is the NON-LOCAL CUP... a final inspiration... and then we have it... and everyone will feel comfortable in that car... not too much stuff... and 7 Spirits cool via the hologramm flow.. etc... then we have it

==========> and I give you another SECRET: NON LOCALITY VIA CONTEXTUALITY... MYSTERIOUS!!!!!!!! but ok we can debate about that... not so easy

WHAT I would like, yet for that I NEED BMW.. you know when a drop falls into water it makes this waves... I dont want to have for that a display... is there a possibility to to that with materials... like moving materials... sure, there is... but only you have the superdesign solutions... it would be cool when we make the handsign in the car and then this stuff moves







Do not BOAST SOUTH KOREA... rather come later to LC...developer of transparent liquid coatings and processes for generating electricity on glass and plastics today announced that SolarWindow has more than doubled its prior certified performance. SolarWindow reported a record 14.72% (+/- 0.29%) power conversion efficiency using industry-standard single-cell patterning for performance testing. ==> I had it in my guts that this stuff gets also done, and even still a bit better later, hope for the 17 percent... GRATULATION... you make it possible... now only SOLAR PAINT is missing, and then my white horse car is ready to be made... high efficiency, organic photovoltaic technologies = PERFECT...SolarWindow Technologies, Inc. ==> or we use a film meanwhile on the car, or on plastic... but the white horse car seems soon to be ready, perfect timeline ==> and to mention to be fair, the other company with the lenses is INSOLIGHT (Switzerland) but for the car maybe another space grade cell grid, a bit more expensive, we need not the low cost and higher efficiency... and then so  la la we get it done... not perfect yet... BUT at least we win many km per day

BUT WHAT IS BMW DOING for the case they go also into it??? do we use RECORD SOLAR EFFICIENCY, last one, DÜNNSCHICHT SOLAR, 69 percent...FRAUNHOFER WISSENSCHAFTLER... I must watch carefully here... because when I have double or triple or quattro prize or etc.. for that stuff... meanwhile it fits for the car...but ok that is, gold and silver and Galliumarsenid-basierten III-V-Photovoltaik-Zelle and with rear mirror... BUT ABOVE all, for sure it is better to avoid this lense stuff when we must move it very often, the most simple solution would win for me regarding cars... especially because I have also the WINGS for the WHITE HORSE CAR. => andI know this stuff is with laser, but we have also:  Description of the 6J IMM solar cell structure a, A 220 reflection... | Download Scientific Diagram ( ==>Each of the cell’s six junctions (the photoactive layers) is specially designed to capture light from a specific part of the solar spectrum ==> AND we need again a mirror, concentrate the light...focus the light down to a point, using less smeiconductor... be able to achieve a prize which fits so la la for a car like BMW or...

========> this must be the SOLUTION for my WHITE HORSE CAR!!!!!!!!!!! PERIOD... yet to concentrate light, which design???

WHAT I HAVE IN MIND, WHAT BMW should also have in mind, that is simple INSOLIGHT PEFECTED with over 40 percent efficiency... cost a bit more... but for the better cars... meanwhile... ==========>NAY BMW, WATCH CAREFULLY!!! the design question would be for me to make it more crystal like with this lenses... yet not so strong that it hits fully the eye...but a real cool design ==> NORMALLY I LOVE BIKES MORE, but when I get a PERFECT SOLAR CAR done, environmental friendly, biological in design.. I love it also... ==> YET BIG CITY is what it is, more car sharing, and otherwise no advantage, just stress in city... but WHAT is your white horse car??? Answer, in front it s a bit more bully, like the new BMW... but it is no SUV... its like a RENDERING regarding a Porsche for offroad... yet does not look like a Porsche... its not really a SUV and and not fully offroad yet you can also drive in dirt... and a bit higher via wheels etc... that is my WHITE horse car...When you have my DESIGN in your imagination, then check out the SINGER ACS PORSCHE for desert etc... and you know what I mean... PERFECT!!!!!!!!!





BUT MARTIN, MERCEDES & BMW GO CRAZY, how do you make the upper cockpit part, which material? ANSWER, there is no way around it, we must include the TREE OF LIFE and therefore I think about something which all of you never used... its a bit darker RESIN WOOD EPOXY...WITH A RIVER, WATCH, its something like that, just google more such tables:... wherefore here you go in DANGER Mercedes BMW... even when we share much... vision, especially MERCEDES now... we are good in line, but you can talk with me later at LC... and maybe when I made more MONEY fast with LC... we do something together... but you smell already... the WIN with my car

CORRECT, I NEED THAT FOR tHE CRYSTAL CLEAR WATER STREAM, and the seat in the cars are also a bit throne like... but white leather like in the Mercedes... the rest white like you have it in the EQS vision, yet here I use no crystal like stuff... because I have a bit crystal like stuff on the middle part of the roof... which points to the translucency in heaven... it would be similar to the picture below...

==> FOR REMEMBER, WE ALSO NEED THE BIOLOGICAL STUFF, inside via such applications and outside via car design ...and the GREAT BEAR SIGN is embedded in that hologramm like stuff... by which I said, BMW circular future car, did already not so a bad job, I mean regarding their gimmick


======> AND TO YOUR LAST QUESTION, which FRACTAL design do you have subtle upon the middle console? Answer, snowflakes, this has a double menaing, on one side we have to leave the cold region, on the other it can also point to the perfect balance with the orange in the apocalypse... wherefore IAM pretty sure you will enjoy my car... you will feel very comfortable in it... because its HIGH art and simple... and good for the mind... like to come a bit alive... ya, even the ARCANE symbol is wisely chosen, for the mind


=======> but when you have no longer a DISPLAY upon the steering wheel, because the other information stuff is in the front glass, now what else do you change? My friends we put the compass on it and in a "SECRET"  or special way it will always tell you that east is in front of the face

=======> wherefore finally, the drop in the water MOVEMENT via handsign [and a special material done), lower middle console part, I guess here we put it... it not only shows the bubbling well... but also we can reflect upon the expanded akash.... and for sure, the non -local cup... and yes in the hologamm stuff, we will also have the lightning… in some form or another, with ETGA as already told you… and the great bear sign...

=======> yet there is no way to IGNORE SULFUR and since we have no hand bars(handles) upon the side walls... maybe we put a real yellow sulphuric stone in it or something like that.... yet by no means should we get EXAUSTED like OVERLOADED, like using too much colour or... no... we find a right balance... and nor shall it be corny, kitschy... 


=======> yet for sure, we all know, and as it fits bets for MARTIN MOSTBAUER.. the heavenly melody, secret oil, honey, wine(joy, inner smile), hinds feet (Self control, body and mind, the horse ride, willpower, reigns in the hand = CLARITY in mind), hammer!!!... wherefore the heavenly melody turns on with the handsign...included... wood remembers us to smell... honey sweetness... the car shows definitive WISDOM, SERENITY, ya also LUCIDITY via the upper crystals...... yet courage is still needed...

THEREFORE what is missing: COURAGE SIGN, WINE, HINDS FEET, HONEY, OIL... but thats all that is, here I need to contemplate a bit... to finish the car

WHAT I CONTEMPLATE AS MASTER: A WOMAN with here female lines but with a LION HEAD and body with HONEY over her... yet in balance, not too direct, not too "erotic"... yet for sure female lines... but  abit balance... and jumping in joy when the car driver enters the car... and this will be in the OLED and she will be also the NAVI VOICE...


====>>> WHEREFORE YOU SHOULD NOT DARE to take that one... this is again LC ART, and on LC is a STRONG COPYPRIGHT, and LC will be also build for the gods... ==> NOW, finally...what is missing, OIL and HAMMER and then we have it!!! ==> the HAMMER we get a bit with the outer car design done... somehwere a feature... we will find something... just to point ot it... and so only OIL is left... to have simple a main part done.... everything else found at LC, ==> THE HAMMER, we do it a bit with the MOTORHAUBE( front, engine hood, JUST THE FORM)...


=>>> AND MY IDEA is that the seven spirits, here the LIGHT FLASH in the "hologramm" is also somehow the PULSE (HEARTBEAT) of the car...we must consider that when we deisgn it!!!


==> regarding the OIL, we make ~ 2,5 - 3 cm broad around the ORANGE [which is around the OLED] the snowflake fractals and on top we embed somehow an olive branch... nay, not really, it will be a PALM LEAVE symbol... THATS IT... the WHITE HORSE CAR, DESIGNER: MARTIN MOSTBAUER




... but it will be hard with the design, not to become corny/Kitschy... ==> epoxy river resin: it will be more of the white wood...with a bit brown wood... less brown then in the picture... as a child I also liked this white trees, whitebark pine, silver birch, ermans birch, himalayan, white polar, aspen... the whiteness evoking a memory of bones and death, in others, their beauty can take your breath away. ===> now you SAY, GREAT... that car must become fantastic... I KNOW!===> ya, ok, this is difficult but something with more white



==>>>>> and NAY, where I put the SHELL into the car... before the OLED... middle console, not to make the car too feminine...  it is simple OPEN... perlmut, as a whole embedded... just to have the open side...

==>>>>> wherefore I have the special ETGA 3D... and regarding the non.local cup I need no material movement... I build it upon durability... just rings which gets smaller with 12 foundations and on the ground of it is the START button... and leds simulate the bubbling well... and via the handsign this LEDS work different... simulate it... and also the LIONHEADWOMAN tells a secret... PERFECT!



What colour do you use for the snowfractals… answer, its a silverframe and the fractals white, I guess… same silver as used for the ARCANA EQULIBRIUM… ok, where do you put the side cameras, left and right rear view...answer, upper part of the OLED… its quasi the start screen for the car and during drive that remains… and below it the golden LIONHEAD woman… and the other stuff, even NAVI, augmented reality (or better to say smart glass) – front window… and for the air, climate, we use golden frames...==> YA, upper or lower part of the OLED (left & and right rear cameras) - in FACT I must test that first or at best, you can choose it!!!!!!


===> so THAT IT FITS TOGETHER, the EVOTECHNOGAIANANLOGOUS in a changing ORANGE RED and 3 D and animated... similar to BMW circular, animated, yet I stay with this colours... for we need more FIRE... and then finally this shows also that FIRE and WATER dwell together in the apocalypse...


===> WHEN POSSIBLE and this is not too much, then the JADE for FOOT MATS... yet slightly it shall alos remember us to fresh grass...



BUT AS YOU SEE, because of the CRYSTAL them etc... we are still a bit too soft... yet we have the virtuous now... and therefore the steering wheel becomes and bit more MARTIALISCH like the KTM XBOW GTX design... with the buttons on which we will find a perfect balance... also with the wheel... it will have a bit that touch, yet without display... and yes, that form is cool ==> for sure it reminds also a bit to bulls horns... so also many animals we have somehow a bit displayed in that car

===> EAGLE (the UPPER WINGS), STEERING WHEEL (bull), LIONHEAD WOMAN... and water epoxy reminds us simple to FISH, HUMAN... the HORSE, that is how we enter into that car, explained in the white horse car section... wherefore maybe a tiny thing we will add later... that it manifests just a bit more...


===>>> and for sure the BUTTONS upon the steering wheel must fit with the bars on top (the bars,which help us to stand up beside the moving "cinema seat"). And for sure the YELLOW SULFUR on the side walls (remember we no doors), this looks really GREAT!!!! its still and also like a bit a hard trip this car

===>>>>>> yet much more we cannot put into it because otherwise we would gte OVERLOADED... but it will EVOKE enough alchemy etc.

YET THE ABOVE & BELOW SYMBOL, we do not integrate it in the snow fractals... NO WAY, but using two triangles side by side connected (with one shared line), and made in sulphur upon the left and right side walls... yet you say, not allowed... need to be water and fire... ya, but we just fill the triangles with that... thats all that is, this design is allowed...

==> and the ETGA orange - red, to make the fit with the OLED frame and a bit the fire flash...and great bear sign beside it


AND YES, SCIENCE, ARTS, NATURE subtle written and in golden letters as explained... and also the BIOTECH.AI I HEAVENLY BREAD joke remains together with TIME for the rear camera... and so la la this is finished and we get it done without looking like cheap POP culture or...  


What colour do you use for the snowfractals… answer, its a silverframe and the fractals white, I guess… same silver as used for the ARCANA EQULIBRIUM… ok, where do you put the side cameras, left and right rear view...answer, upper part of the OLED… its quasi the start screen for the car and during drive that remains… and below it the golden LIONHEAD woman… and the other stuff, even NAVI, augmented reality (or better to say smart glass) – front window… and for the air, climate, we use golden frames... ==> YA, upper or lower part of the OLED (left & and right rear cameras) - in FACT I must test that first or at best, you can choose it!!!!!!

=========> so THAT IT FITS TOGETHER, the EVOTECHNOGAIANANLOGOUS in a changing ORANGE RED and 3 D and animated... similar to BMW circular, animated, yet I stay with this colours... for we need more FIRE... and then finally this shows also that FIRE and WATER dwell together in the apocalypse...

=========> WHEN POSSIBLE and this is not too much, then the JADE for FOOT MATS... yet slightly it shall alos remember us to fresh grass...


Na dont worry Tesla... but inside the car... lets be serious, you car design is not perfect... but you pushed it on... ok, can also come... but I do what I do... because LC makes the green switch to a higher philosophy... and so we get all people... yet not saying that I would not also have the KYLLAROS... I like it... but it will be hard with the design, not to become corny/Kitschy... ==> epoxy river resin: it will be more of the white wood...with a bit brown wood... less brown then in the picture... as a child I also liked this white trees, whitebark pine, silver birch, ermans birch, himalayan, white polar, aspen... the whiteness evoking a memory of bones and death, in others, their beauty can take your breath away. ===> now you SAY, GREAT... that car must become fantastic... I KNOW! ===> ya, ok, this is difficult but something with more white, but we get it done...

=====>>>>> and NAY, where I put the SHELL into the car... before the OLED... middle console, not to make the car too feminine...  it is simple OPEN... perlmut, as a whole embedded... just to have the open side...

=====>>>>> wherefore I have the special ETGA 3D... and regarding the non.local cup I need no material movement... I build it upon durability... just rings which gets smaller with 12 foundations and on the ground of it is the START button... and leds simulate the bubbling well... and via the handsign this LEDS work different... simulate it... and also the LIONHEADWOMAN tells a secret... PERFECT!


AUDI WANTS THAT I also look uppon their three SPHERE, what a coincidence... GRANDSPHERE, SKYSPHERE, URBANSPHERE... ok, I will check them now, the winner between AUDI, BMW, MERCEDES... can visit LC... and maybe make a deal... 


To be fair, also the INFINITI played not bad... and has also the symbol... so right now you four... and with BMW IAm just nachsichtig... but maybe falls out...

IAM sorry, QUALITY is not something which you can buy just or only with some bllions... for hat you need people who have a history and... much teamwork... not every banker or etc. shall believe, I have some billions and build the new super e car... for sure, he can do something... and will have people, and can also be good... but to play in the upper league... is something else... WHAT they really have done with the GRANDSPHERE... its really like more a bathtub (this round all-round)... I would not even choose the SKYSPHERE but the GRANDSPHERE... Skysphere is a bit too much "Batman"... and GRANDSPHERE... the drop form yet good rear side... and inside... not so bad

===>>> the question will be here also about DATA security and what pictures do you get when you use eye tracking etc...??? for its not like, we choose just comfort... and then watch me all the time... this is kick your ass season later... mean you will loose in business... But for sure there are some other spotrs cars (yet Ferrari or Aston was ever my form, then rather a bit GT4 Style but ok, whoever likes it...) and etc... yet as we have seen with the BMW circular ("hologramm" stone)... or their strange concept car... ==> they give still the direction without being too corny or... right now only here found... also the Mercedes avatar...bla bla bla... ya ok... soome may disagree.. and yes we have also the DS AERO and... etc...many other... the HYUNDIA E4... about BOLLINGER I just laugh... SONY, what are they doing... and we have other... 





FRONT of front cockpit, ~ 9-13 cm broad (we must check, avoid corny stuff)

goes also along to the side (more of the white bony tree stuff is used)          INSIDE a bit similar to MERCEDES EQS VISION, more bathtube design














JADE colour for floor matte       


NLC CUP (PIEZO CRYST., adaptronic)




for sure the car is a bit bigger inside then a Porsche

(Porsche is Austria design = ZEITLOS... like Mercedes G...) 



ABOVE OLED                                       


LC KYLLAROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


3D NANOHOLGRAMM                       


EAST COMPASS and KTM Steering wheel shape


for ETGA, GREAT BEAR SIGN                 


and with ORANGE lightflash


+ GHDWC.ARI 50/50 future city











ECONOMY, NATURE, HEALTH( incl. EVOSCIENCE, expressed via ART) subtle written and in GOLD(before OLED)...ARCANE SYMBOL plus SILVER SQUARE, Equilibrium (front, co-driver)


SUN on the RIGHT front TUBE, MOON on the other FRONT TUBE, upper part

augmented reality - information in front glass (yet left and right rear window camera on OLED displayed)

MORPHIC MATERIAL we will have, point to future TECH


  ONLY open side embedded in                   LION HEAD woman, for sure          middle part roof crystals                   Sulphur side

  middle console                                        better then that, OLED                    Amethyst = 12the foundation            with above & below










===> and there is another MAJOR THING, we make the FRONT more BOW like (TOXONSOPHIST), similarity to GRANDSPHERE AUDI, and now also imagine the RIVER EPOXY RESIN... but in fact the BOW should resemble more the LIGHT FLASH BOW, which makes the vision very clear (divine reality...) and so we would need this LIGHTNING BOW also in FRONT... the tree of life and water (this application), and since the tree of life goes also into the side walls which are straight, then we can make in front both bow like - and put additional a yellow lightning flash to it, only front... PERFECT! ==> AND REMEMBER, also our FRONTGLASS is more in the FRONT... to step easy out of the car, with bars on top (and the buttons)


CAR SIZE ~ ZEEKR 001 yet a bit broader, the WHEELS are almost complete in the front and rear...LC rules



 recycleable) on the outside &

 WOOD inside, PLUG & PLAY system, coherent

circular economy... and green textils...









DURABILITY is the second message,

e engines endure easy 1 million miles

batteries 2 million km

tires without air, at least 30 percent less abrasion, later gets better

generative breaking torque (engine), the braking system wears less out, yet liquids still needed for braking system and cooling system



THE CAR has SMART glass to dim... solar window - roof - liquid (body)


and cinema, perfect fit, mount the horse (frontglass more in the front)


Toxonsophist ring in the shell, fit for the finger size of the customer

yet can be also simple kept symbolically in the shell


With GOLD & other metals, roof = ~ 75percent solar efficiency = the

way to reach the 2030 goal (right now only with this metals possible)

plus solar liquid body, solar window...

Later we get batteries to 1/3 down, without conflict material

(e engine, energy density etc.)

And we use SUPERWOOD!!!!, and IN WHEEL engine (REE Magna, Elaphe) = ETGA BIOGENIC.. way less parts needed (minimal complexity)




==>>> AND THE BEST THING, the steering wheel turns a bit inwards so that you can move easily out of the car yet will not be hidden, but what we have, that is on both sides will be a FILING which can be PUSHED inwards and outwards... and power supply... and one laptop you get with that car... which you can put upon both sides... and also because we avoid other stuff... keep the other stuff simple... and so you have your functional working place with you ===> the OLED in the middle is for cameras, maybe alo NAVI/ RADIO display... internet... smartphone mirror... climate, and the lionwoman... and I believe right now, yes, also the rear camera we integrate here... avoid any other stuff... ya, and for other simple things... but thats it with OLED... WE BELIEVE to be simple FUNCTIONAL and have the COMFORT... ==>

==> ya, for sure you will hvae features like CHARGE LIMITS, SPEED LIMITS, but speed is in front etc. the IDEA is that  you do not need to switch much around on the OLED... but just keep on the cameras... and then rest below... and later swicth back to the LIONWOMAN... and cameras always remain, you can have them above or below, and the lionwoman is like a screensaver


The wings, you have the buttons upon the upper bars and steering wheel, need not more, the windows, just directly seen with up and down buttons... and the NAVI in small mode also in front... better card on OLED, I want not more then one switch on the OLED, only for NAVI... and the PHONE is just connected... loudspeak.. and to take the call, no bullshit nonsense.. CLIMATE/RADIO/PHONE/ SPEED and CHARGE LIMIT buttons on the screen /and windows up and down... that we get at least done... plus cameras!==> we keep the MAIN thing the MAIN thing, almost all at once... except the detailed NAVI map

==> or maybe if we need it with ZOOM in and out function... yet no extra butttons on that OLED

==> and the REAR seat can be folded... and because of the seat... and DESIGN we check to get it done... for hard working people or after "party"... to sleep there for an hour or whatever... during drive... the possibility exists and with alarm... front seat must drive more forward... yet also for transportation it can be used... this is maybe not for many... but I had that often in my early days... no sleep at all... and still driving with car 


THE FULL AUTONOMOUS CAR UPDATE maybe exists only later... different levels... but the car is already prepared for it

THE BACKSEATS are like a sofa-banking yet use less space... and we have our own LOGIACOLUMN polster (pads) and ceiling

And it should be possible that when you drive to holiday and the car stands somehwere for one week... to be charged again... for home drive, and because the rendered offroad design it will give you the feeling, you can go everywhere... and at least in a sort of desert area or... whatever streets, beach sand... not so easy to get stucked...

YA. the pads and ceiling, this is mounted upon the rear side of the banking... so that LOGIACOLUMN can be read... and also a little cooling box we have in the rear side, for food and beverages and also 220V power... and etc... different power supply...


And the HAMMER is just formed into the FRONT HOOD



AXIAL FLUX motors, lightweight and 96 percent efficiency possible, that sounds not so bad... but its needs more research...




 ======> MATERIAL CHANGE can be accomplished with PIEZO CRYSTALS and ADAPTRONIC ==> and there is a way to get POWER out of wheels... BMW you are not ahead of me... the white horse car will have some features... I will mess you up a bit... and I BUILD THE CAR with BAMBUS & PLASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and LIGHT COCOON/ SOULMATE is also known to me... WHY dO YOU USE BAMBUS & PLASTIC??? Answer, I have it also at LC... explained why I use BAMBUS at LC... read it again, and plastic because full body solar... and yes, also FORD is in that... WHY dO YOU USE BAMBUS & PLASTIC??? Answer, I have it also at LC... explained why I use BAMBUS at LC... read it again, and plastic because full body solar... and yes, also FORD is in that...  ==> ya but SOUMATE is bionisch inspirierte SKELETTSTRUKTUR together with Stoff bespannt... ==> RIGHT... but the SKELETTSTRUKTUR, thats what I mean... and we can build this SKELETTSTRUKTUR with 3D printer... ya my idea was, put Bambus around it... and just a bit plastic on top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ==> BUT INSIDE we can also use WOOD from AUSTRIA... and put whatever green material on top... (STRAW) and etc,


Matteschitz and FORMULA one, thats not how we do it, read below..LOL... Skelettstruktur 3D print and BAMBUS (and a bit plastic, for solar - liquid clothing), then straw, check clothes and etc... tires without air... we just check all the materials... but also we need the white leather touch look...yet again when it looks a bit special inside the car, not problem at all...

==> wherefore its quite possible that we use some "steel tubes" for proetction (we need also no doors, this gets way more easy done) and the other stuff lightweight as possible...skeletal structure 3 D rpint and bambus...or NO, much better, we switch between material we use for the 3 D print… must be calculated...


NAY, wrong, final correction, outside only the PLASTIC on it, easy to shape and cut... and inside also because of teh smell BAMBUS and other wood and whatever layer on top of it... FINISH... thats how we do it!!!!!!!!!

And yes, outside we use a very stable plastic, very robust and lightweight which can be also 100 percent recycled with almost no downgrade or no DOWNGRADE like this new plastic innovations, PDK, poly(diketoenamine)... yet can also etc..


AND for the UPPER wings I have already the most simple and perfect solution, also with shooting "bolts", make them pointed at the end... nothing to turn around... just shoot into the hole... 


AND the AXIAL FLUX ENGINES allow us to have the batteries just in front and rear... and then close ground-contact via our "cinema seat) 


AND the epoxy river resin (white bone wood with a bit brown) is only used in the FRONT of the front cockpit and the blue goes also to the side etc… not too much… nothing corny… we do it really with style...





AHHH SIGI WOLF is now also Aufsichtsrat of VITESCO... and I believe they build AXIAL FLUX engines... and when I really build LC... and keep my mouth more nice... now, then we will have  a great name... at LC... you can imagine... he would be another card... for our white horse car... and Matteschitz in formula e... but ok we must build first LC and the virtual tour and do what no one has done before us... earn also good money... and later we build the car... And I guess also STEYR automotive will profit from his VITESCO connection... ahh, nay, they make something else... anyway... somehwere I get that engine ===> what we must also FIX, what do we use exactly for the 3D PRINT SKELETTSTRUKTUR because also that stuff should be 100 percent recycleable or it would be good... wherefore the BAMBUS etc... that they can can burn for energy...Therefore, HERE we must become also very innovative... but we will get it done... BEHOLD: when we build PLASTIC later also upon fuly circular economy, EUROPE... then stuff like wood gets simple burned.. we use simple the best environmental option... but yes, could be also recycled..BAMBUS etc... And we want to build it directly a bit PLUG and PLAY... so that recycling is very easy accomplished... we must use here all know how... and also to stay simple... the way we accomplish it...THE KNOW HOW WHICH WE USE with our 3D PRINT and PLUG and PLAY could also flow a bit into other cars... but then we need the real qualified Ingenieur etc... maybe we do it also together with university... allow them to be creative and we have then also less cost... THE best BIOGENIC structure for our SEKELETON you shall also seek in nature... ===> INSIDE everythings is WOOD (even the steering wheel) except some of the features we have (sulphur etc.)... and a green textil layer upon it... whatever we use... and outside we have one and the same recycleable plastic, as already spoken... THEREFORE we will have ONE VERY TRAINED PLASTIC SPECIALIST, an EXPERT... yet we go after more views and choose the best one... and for the inside a very advanced Carpenter. ==> NO, this SCIENCE, NATURE, ART... yet SPIRIT we should also somehow include somewhere... this is all geschnitzt (CARVED) and just a golden colour put into it... same with other features, most stuff will be CARVED...




Pictures deleteted so that I get no troubles

THE BIOGENIC STRUCTURE should be build in such way that additional also the outward plastic can be plugged into it... instead fo using glue or... and we have 3D PRINT.... yet finally what will be the best solution... later, poeple can come with all kind of ideas... and then also for the wood inside... and etc... ya, also the wings we have, then solar... bla bla bla, and we want a coharent solution... outside the same plastic, inside wood... and etc... ya, except the stepping boards [outside] but here we use already a tube or very robust plastic frame... merge with the platform ==> the FRONT HOOD can only be taken off as a whole, you dont need to open it... would be only ina n emergency situation or bla bla bla... to measure batteries, workshop, we simple build lightweight.... so much is sure... and also for the rear trunk, we need a perfect lightweight solution, yet because of the car design... we will find a solution... and most perfect, our car needs no doors... and maybe only the side windows in the front can be pulled down and up... and rather only small sports windows in the rear....again, less weight needed... and this is ok, we have climate... and kids or... can tell the driver, please open the front window a bit... bla bla bla... ==> but you have the wings??? right this little small windows are integrated... ================>>> and to let it look like a bit more like EAGLE WINGS

================>>> further, upon the ROOF WING, INSIDE, maybe we want to look also openly upon the biogeinc structure... by which solar is on top... ====> THE SIDE FRONT WINDOWS ARE SIMPLE LONGER then in conventional cars, but we can later check it again how we do it



THEORETICALLY I NEED ONLY MAGNA... and the rest our PROJECT (many people involved as explained below)... and one big one... we only want the CHASSIS structure (Rahmen) from them... the BIOGENIC KAROSSERIE... we build it... ya, ok, and other components we can include... but they have the option to be part of the project and learn together... but we want an AXIAL FLUX engine... YA, for sure, a bit for electric we need them and front windows...up/down... and aerodynamic... for the case they have also such stuff... measure it, calculate it... and etc... the E ENGINE should endure 1million miles...PERIOD!!!!... we will not allow that you fool us!!! or otherwise I go to TESLA later... my white horse car shall endure, only that is environmental friendly...==> and for the white horse car, we invent not just the PLUG and play for recycling but also for refurbishing ==> and later instead of this batteries which endure since 2016 ~ 10 years... or 800 000km with 15 to 20 percent degradation (depends how oftne supercharged), later we manage the 1 million mile and 20 years... REUSE... ==> YOU even must later also build it more that way, then simple you UPDATE the cars, as many innovations exists... interior update or... to have such options... after 8 years... but the engines and batteries and etc... you can keep, for sure... or maybe solar liquid update or newest solar windows... you have a margin here... And the batteries endure much longer then they thought... yet the 20 years we should manage, important


AND I told you 1000 times that the WEF Schwab circle is insane, and in little ways this is part of the point of no return... we will not bow down... but we can prepare for it... and do it the right right way... and big city we get done and etc...


FAHRWERK, LENKGETRIEBE - also that could be bought from someone who builds more upon durablity.... yet some electronic components, for sure, we will change that... and etc... ==> wherefore maybe inside I use not BAMBUS but another wood which endures quasi decades without any problem... such wood exists...==> HOLZSCHUTZMITTEL and KLASSE 1, and good is... maybe even KLASSE 2... and no rain falls upon could say ACCOYA could endure 50 years... or whatever... ya, but in Austria I find also something... decades should be no problem at all... and after 20 years... you can refurbish it.. even with the old design... its plug and play... keep the LC design...


=========================>>>> but the DESIGN goes terrible when you have points where you can press against it for de-plugging... YA, here we must be innovative... dont underestimate us... and secondly it gives also a cool feeling.. if I damage one part... easy changed, I have the biogenic Skeleton plug system...



=====> and check the XPENG P 7 for 30 000 Euro ==> avoid to get kicked into your ass BMW:

Geotab E-Fahrzeug-Batterie-Vergleichstool | Geotab






But Martin when you have it BOW-like in front for the flash (similar to Grandsphere) and build after white horse car… mount the horse… then there is a GAP between the middle console OLED and the front cockpit… answer yes, and left and right we have the fillings for the laptop which can be pulled out… so, then in this gap we simple have a bag… where you can put stuff into it,... but it will be no as broad as the OLED, we are rather more about spacy room feeling... ==> but you could damage the OLED when you jump into the car, nay, the OLED is also not so fully broad and a bit longer... and the ORANGE around it is also a protection... ==> when you want to watch a movie, you can buy the EXTRA... little beamer... and LEINWAND (canvas) which you can pull down, easy in our car because of the white horse car design...and the OLED is more long and less broad ===> yet all that with the DESIGN is normally COPYRIGHT LC... because only our CAR is perfect made for it... mount the horse car and front window more in the front...further, everyone who buys this car has also FREE ACCESS to the virtual tour from LC... can watch it all via beamer... and for sure the TOXONSOPHIST ring customized to the finger size of the owner is also in the car, yet can be also just kept for design in the shell... symbolical meaning 



==============> do you pull the filing (table) electric out??? Answer no... somewhere we end that stuff... its on rolls, goes very smooth out... do it with hands, and choose your position ==> This is LC STATEMENT: beweg deinen faulen Arsch auch ein bisschen...

It must be also a bit in harmony with our philosophy... but maybe golden coloured handles, and we have so or so the steering wheel and seat electrically ==> another reason for the OLED in the middle, because here you adjust the seat...

==> I have another problem, that is, if we have smart windows which we can dim [for the beamer], then what is with solar window… and again about law… we could do it with the side windows… yet we check that later - and I guess that we make simple the front left and right windows not too big (then there is not much problem)... then we get it also done... rear left and right window is no problem and general we have no rear window... for the idea must remain that we can also use it during autonomous drive... here then the LAW must change for such stuff once autonomous drive gets really secure... for in the same way someone owns a little VW bus and let it drive autonomous and sit in the backseats... also no one can catch you with camera... PERIOD, the law must change here... for such stuff... so dont worry... we clarify that at LC



But Matteschitz would say, I buy it directly but put a RED BULL can somewhere.. ja du bist wohl ned ganz dicht... maximal with a sports plane or formula 1 car... but I have no philosophy what that should mean... formula one changes engines 2025... but ok FORMULA ONE... it could mean the oneness... then the old car with combustion engine... anything else forget it Matteschitz...

ON the day 500 years after Luther I started my book... NEVER protestant... I hate your religion... it helps nothing...

BUT then you help me also with the white horse car later after LC runs... the virtual tour... it gets paid off... or I seek someone else... but on the other side Mercedes has the axial flux engine... ya, ok, for the car I find also other... but some additional know how you give me... from formula one sports... you help me with know how

YOU dont see it blasphemous to put that car on that place from Matteschitz? Ahh Red Bull




Someone will ask me about the Skeleton... what would you use?  3D printing material reinforced with carbon fiber, its like aluminium but so far as I know with half weight... yet as I said, we need the most environmental friendly solution later... plastic is only the next point, 4 corner plan + circle... ==> yet we can use even here recycled material

===============>> MAYBE there is a possibility to make the Skeleton yet choose another filling... ==> when I would produce only 1000 white horse car, then for sure 3D Print is enough... we would need to experiment with Skeletons and fillings... like BONES & Filling... YA, can use it for templates...prototype etc. meanwhile...

WHEN I would had 30 times speed then I would build my own production line at MAGNA in Graz... but I dont have that now... and to talk about it brings already some big car manfucturer into fear mode... not just because of my car, yet they will watch what I do... and at the end they will see... this guy drums just the Software guys together and then builds it... and cooling system, all this other stuff... done over connections...Iam not kidding you... and I said, CORONA was useless... someone will pay, we will not play your game any longer... we have a plan to transform it...And the OTHER POINT, they dont care about SOCIETY (immigration which I allow but not again in such a big magnitude and short timeframe)   YOU THINK we go in FEAR SCHWAB... because of Immigration (unregulated, no checks) and Corona... du Hundesohn wirst lernen mit wem du dich anlegst... mach dich bereit (wrote it years ago, and now Pizer Gate etc., US WEF exposed)



100times so fast = MAGIC ONE, maybe one time possible. 30 is expected (not so far away), MERCEDES G production possible, at least, with new body, compare with STEREOLITOGRAPHY... in fact we need just need to be a bit faster and the white horse runs at MAGNA ==> HARP is ready soon... the next the question about carbon fiber and which outer plastic we use for the car... SEE, we are not so far away MAGNA... my white horse car will run... until prototype finished the printer will be placed at Magna... or...depends... my problem is I want to kill them... but on the other side build LC...ya, and KARMA.. I just wait for one attack, LC I play against them... then Iam able to finish them off, just because this pig said, we shall fear, and he manipulates us???

This depraved ANIMALS have nothing under control in USA but speaks that way...sociopaths and psychpaths, in fact we would be healthy when we would get rid of you, and in my case KARMA... I will await you at LC...and bring the economy down... the harder the answer--- but general

NOW, but back again, another hint for the "POINT of no return"....NOW you see even more clearly, and it needs wise leader to get that done... not just dystopia megalomaniac pigs



==================>>>> we build an ADAPTABLE BAG into the FRONT COCKPIT and which can be closed and inside we put a MINI!!! PC... hand size...

=====> YA meanwhile if the update for FULL level autonomous driving is not done yet... and you are a business man, you can also take your laptop with you and use the table but we will not put an extra laptop into that car... 



NA, Sigi Wolf, you can use ZERO VOLTA for the central point connections... short distance... for something like that it gets also build.... and maybe just build the smaller ones or not the biggest ones... wherefore the biggest one gets maybe not even produced in Steyr... AUTOBAHN is over... we shift it here... we build a TECH TRAIN system for it with easy charge change... ==> AUTOBAHN is over because of what I have written about ~2045, and we prepare already, only few trucks will drive on it....and cars...







Ok, nun denn, was noch, wir werden einen anderen Namen brauchen für Geld, ist ja nun triple holistic... weil was im mind ist... ändert uns mit, ZAHLUNGSMITTEL... ok, aber wie können wir dass besser verbinden? Ich habe gesagt ihr halts die Fresse WEF, wir tun dass so.. Not just CO2, ist also environmental sustainability, now, similar, wenn du eine große Leistung bringst, darfst mehr rausnehmen aus der Natur, logisch, management, and we start with a Kompromiss, ETGA involved in der GLEICHUNG...KORREKT! all dass ist perfekt soweit...und AI holo"graphic" city, AIT oder ein spezielles start up wird dafür hervorgerufen... damit wir dass schön haben, and the wheel transparent enough! Weiters habe ICh befohlen... wir machen 50/50 interdependence, weil wenns in einem Distrikt oder Land... auch den autark part haben, hilft Solidarität... and also the wheel is the breast... all dass ist perfekt...Man möge sich auch zurückerinnern, Österreich vor 40 Jahren... ja, es wird ned genau so sein... klar... aber unsere Gleichgewicht... Weiters habe ich gesagt welche propaganda verboten wird, dies USA Scheisse wird nimmer erlaubt... sicher, BMW darf sagen, high comfort und etc... but super luxury stuff propaganda which is mindless and etc... this will vanish... und ein 1000m2 Haus braucht eh nur ein IDIOT...ahh, ihr wisst was Ich mein... this super money luxury shit... common sense... und unser Standard wird hoch genug sein... ====> UND JETZT all die KREATIVEN, wie benennen wir GELD in Zukunft??? was machen wir?.... TAUSCHMITTEL ist korrekt, aber es ist auch mit NATUR verknüpft und Gesundheit... economy, nature, health... und wenn wir ETGA auch noch inkludieren dann beinhaltet unser system auch evolution... korrekt? soweit verstanden? we follow also ETGA, improvement a side effect and to avoid even a bit more any dark fire inventions... KORREKT? soweit verstanden? GUT GUT GUT... und jetzt welcher Name?

THE ALL you have not in your hand but how you deal with the parts and the parts proceed from the all... first and second knowledge... dual evolution.. dual body, you have also a physcial emanation, correct? and also = ATLANTIS, our holistic approach, Spirit and matter, Spirit in matter (watery stone, bla bla bla) ==> already proven because the stones make us also YOUNGER, we have spoken about it... included, and your skin start with 25 or whatever with aging, it is all proven, we are not just theoretical at LC, same with fragrance emanation, light skin etc.............. OK... Nun zurück, welcher Name in Zukunft? ==> Das Wort GELD muss weg, dieses Wort muss verschwinden 2050, definitiv, new Atlantis follows the right consciousness... einfach zu sagen GELD... NEIN... Welcher NAME? Dass ist jetzt Hochintressant, weil die Philosophy stimmt ja voll und ganz, und können uns drauf verlassen... und jetzt, wie würden wir die Zukunft verändern? welches Wort benutzen wir? Sicher, Ich würde ja auch dass ARCANE SYMBOL am Geldschein haben, aber dass muss nicht sein, anyway, spielt keine Rolle... einen NAMEN brauchen wir! ==> for sure you could add, you need science for a working economy, even baking bread is funny as it sounds... and ART we have [or also] because we contemplate the above and below... KORREKT!...For you will say, you have just chosen this pillars? NO... it fits best... Wir können sehr gut damit leben, und behalten die Einfachheit mit dem Triple holistic Ansatz... dass passt schon, wir brauchen jetzt nur einen Namen! Aber Ja, vielleicht wärs besser wenn Ich im white horse car in golden letters write: THE ATLANTEAN SPIRIT: ECONOMY, NATURE, HEALTH (packed as three together)... which includes EVOSCIENCE (improvement), holistically expressed via ART...==> and also on the big SHIELD before the LC building, instead of nature, science arts, PERFEKT.. ok, trotzdem, wir brauchen den Namen... and YES, I change that now at the START side... Jetzt müssten wir quasi noch hinzufügen TAUSCHMITTEL: und den NAMEN und dann haben wir es!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ya, if you want you can call it OMEGA point but you know Iam a bit different then this guy who invented that term... Lasst uns fröhlich sein, was für einen Namen wählen wir versus Geld?????????? We could say, ZET (english ZED) and express our intention to go towards the goal... the ATLANTEANS... but too weak or?==> NAJA, when we would use the ARCANE SYMBOL and put a Z into it... it should work... oder mit weichen D, keine Ahnung... look how it fits, ZED im UMLAUF...
















Aber Martin, da gehen wir in Gefahr, KLASSEN-SYSTEM... es wird augenscheinlicher wenn jemand in diese oder jene Kategorie fällt..NÖ, first unser standard wird hoch genug sein, und solche Sachen wie, du brauchst kein zweites Auto, versaust nur unser Land gilt für die Meissten... common sense... ein paar wenige Idioten existieren aber common sense wird hier gewinnen...und also dank Wissenschaft, der ökologische imprint wird genauer betrachted... ob Mikroplastik oder was auch immer... aber dass geht halt nur mit einem Blueprint oder Schablone welche wir drauflegen... und common sense im grösseren Maße anspricht, und jeder wird wissen, Wohlstand kriegen, evo haben wir, toys werden auch besser... aber unendlich deppart können wir ned sein... ===> die FLAGGE ZEIGT ALLES




Wherefore about RUSSIA, Iam also interested in the CYCLOCAR... but I think less about military but short distance 2 manned aircraft... e powered... later... 



================> And you stay with the IN WHEEL engine? PERIOD! but I would like to have 100KW and 20 kg... that would be good! My problem, my car would be at least higher middle class... and the M700 has 75KW and 23 kg... is that enough...four of them! for on the other side we bear also the statement about energy efficiency... maybe with the Skeleton and lightweight rendered offroad suspension... we build no fat SUV... thats not what we are doing, I explained it... only offroad rendered... a bit higher and... like the ACS Singer Porsche, what I mean, just rendered via suspension...we would had 300KW, maybe its enough....200KW continiuous

or we must use the other, but weight = 34 kg...110 KW... I guess we push more effort into lightweight parts, SKELETON, racing offroad lightweight suspension and other parts.... and then will be able to use maybe the 75 KW...we will see... ==> NO ELON MUSK, what do you see in NATURE? Answer, the power is where it is needed... so in wheel engines fits to my biological car... just think about evolution... Iam pretty sure that will be alos a big winner in future... BUT Martin, this car is too loud inside, when you use a no too fat wood and the SKELETON and plastic outside??? NAY, we could use HOLZFASER... SCHALLSCHUTZ, we think different... thats who we are

=====>>> at the FLOOR we use also BATTERIES but DESIGNED to be very flat... also that we use for SCHALLSCHUTZ, the rest, batteries in front and rear... and we have FILZ... FILZ (felt) made by SHEEP WOOL... SILENTUM AKUSTIKFILZE!!!! (50 year experience, LEHNER WOLLE)... ==> THIS IS SIMPLE THE BEST AIR you get in the car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so partially we use that stuff... go home MERCEDES... AND because we have the BATHTUB DESIGN, and no doors we make it like a POOL and all around with DÄMMUNG... and hope that 50 kg is enough...depends also upon wood applications... weight of the wood, it...

=====> partially we could use the SCHALLABSORBER BRUSHED (one of the best, made in Vienna) and on top of it SHEEP WOOL FELT (best AIR)... and HOLZFASER... triple IDEA... YA for sure we have to MEASURE it... but we not just measure it, we have our PLUG and PLAY SYSTEM... we will test it all to get the best option done...

I thought we use wood and below it HOLZFASER, next BRUSHED (most outside) and  INSIDE for the WHITE we use an innovative SHEEP WOOL FELT quasi upon the wood....I want that by all means... we are different, we want the WHITE in the CAR but an innovative SHEEP WOOL FELT from LEHNER (50 year experience) wherefore I check also, this stuff can be also pressed together.... WE USE NO GLUE.. we get that done with the FELT that it is not so FLAUSCHIG (fluffy)

CORRECT we forget HOLZFASER... we TRUST FULLY in IONICPROTECT and other SHEEP WOOL applications for SCHALLSCHUTZ...PERIOD... thats how we do it!... We stay almost fully with SHEEP WOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We stay almost fully with SHEEP WOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCHALLDÄMMUNG = SEHR GUT (witrh that patent) better then HOLZFASER, and forget here expensive AKUSTIK - MESSUNGEN.... we dont need that... just use that stuff in-between, pressed into it... best... this STUPID car designer measure it all... we just put this PATENTED SHEEP WOOL INTO the SKELETON between plastic and WOOD...


Martin, du you also have GOAT SKIN... PATENTED SHEEP WOOL for insulation, skeleton... and goat skin? Ya, I play with the idea for the seat... Iam not sure now... its possible to get them in white with a bit grey/or brown or relative white... it would be rather an accessoire put extra on the lower seat of the rear sofa bank





And for the WOOD in the INTERIOR:

Das Superholz ist so stark wie Stahl | Auto und Technik | GQ (


 Lignins und Hemicellulose entfernt und pressen

 6mal leichter

 HIER sehen wir wieder wie unsere teils lächerlichen

 Politiker schlafen... wobei mit den Wienern wie

 unten beschrieben habe Ich nix zu tun

 JA, da musst du sofort reingehen... thats for the inside of my car



Scientists Make Wood-Based Batteries, Claimed To Be Safer Than Lithium-ion (

Batterien aus Holz: Deutsche Firma bastelt an der Akku-Revolution (






MAGNA builds also in CHINA... Beijing Electric Vehicle (BJEV), BAIC daughter... and CHINA as biggest Anteilshaber regarding Daimler, again BAIC... 



WHEREFORE to have even a bit more SKATEBOARD design, MAGNA and "POWERED by REE", to have it a bit offroad rendered... wherefore and again later we must go into SUPERWOOD and etc... and the cars we see now shall be only good in the transition phase except maybe some premium cars... we build way more lightweight and nature orientated later... that would be my CAMPAIGN... and many will follow... LC... further VOEST can still go into train... framework, 3 D print, innovative curve metals... hydrogen tanks...train and etc... and other cars... but finish here... there must come still some change... TO BUILD A BIOLOGICAL car means also to imitate NATURE, so the POWER and STEERING we have where it should be... yet we can still have a steering wheel... just one piece...remote... WE ARE LC, we build biogenic SKELETON cars, biological imitated... and TESLA can cry around like a little baby... for he is often worst then Bezos... cant handle it that my car is better regarding the idea behind it. ===> but for sure also the outward design should have an "architecture" which fits the bill, again, merge a bit with nature... And when there is an innovation curve, ELAPHE manages already the 100KW.. later better... then the choice must be, we get better... and this design we choose... ==> DO YOU ALSO DO IT BECAUSE OF ETGA??? YA, I CANT FULLY DENY IT, IT STRENGTHENS THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRUTH BEHIND IT.






MARTIN, is that a JOKE?


NO, thats why with MAGNA

I said you fools are obedient to me

but be of good cheer to be in the boat














ZET statt Geld.png

Lets check WHITE HORSE car... Japan, what they used... I would sue SUPERWOOD as mentioned... innovation... but also the JAPANESE car, very interesting==> What’s more likely is automakers selectively using nano cellulose fibers throughout a vehicle, saving weight, increasing efficiency, and pushing the automotive industry to new places. EXACTLY that was my IDEA for the WHITE horse car... and now we see already someone with the same idea... yet I would keep the SKELETON...

the planet of japan is a car made of wood - YouTube


They want to keep it more secret, or find no videos but I saw they had also earlier this idea... almost like in my timeline, anyway it works! Only now this car becomes more acutal (aktuell)

AND I FOUND ONE CAR WITH A STEPPING BOARD but for sure the white horse car is different: Mitsubishi Mi-Tech Concept und Super Height K-Wagon Concept (

Ya so la la... the BOARD is a bit higher so also the "side frame" (a bit above the EV letter), glass more in the front, cinema seat, butterfly wings (roof)... steering wheel automatically pushed forward, buttons and etc. and the whole design different

Should be possible!!! PERIOD! ================> YA, THIS CARS ARE EASY TO BUILD AT ONE POINT, IN WHEEL ENGINE, later 3D printer more fast and so on... ITS THE BETTER ART which will win & combinaion

==============> some stuff you buy directly from MAGNA or... ELAPHE or... and the rest you build... HOBBY... every day work a bit on the car... and you need the software for the design...BLueprint... YA but not everyone will do that... its still a lot of work


THIS CHAPTER IS FINISHED HERE, only the Blog remains & Videos

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