THE WORST THING IS THAT THE WESTERN RELIGION CANNOT REALLY USE THIS REVELATION BECAUSE LATER ON IN THE TEXT WE PROVE THAT JESUS HAD A SOUL LIKE WE HAVE (via the sevenfold energy we will also explain the triadic dynamic... the eternal wheel, flash upon the glass, dark on the other side and centered via the energies, the glass [mirror] is quasi the middle pillar, ya and like a battery with male and female pol...three "pillars"...more to it later!!! And we have even some science regarding afterlife... some will stay in other heavens... some must reincarnate very fast etc... we will also use soul science and how souls differ etc. And another problem for them will be the BOOK OF REVELATION (apocalypse/symbols)... ya... they would maybe loose all their people in the church... and nor can they fully confirm the Mystic eye... because Sages must have seen it with their own eyes... anyway... what I say... they cannot just take the credit for themselves, they would need to change something... HIGHER TRAINING needed... that churches stay useful

AND NO, WE DO NOT DENY THE CROSS! NEVER!!! =======> and the Arcane Symbol relates to the 7 Spirits and the energetic field
JA DU (als Antwort hier) BIST NICHT GANZ DICHT, WIR SIND DIE EINZIGEN WELCHE DAS GEHEIMNIS DES LICHTBOGENS KENNEN, darum TOXONSOPHIST und wie in Buttons erklärt, mit Absicht nicht alles 100 Prozent hier korrigiert weil es geht nicht, dafür gibt es LC und zweiter Punkt ihr spricht nicht Mal darüber und dass Ich es anspreche SAGT ALLES AUS...!!!(Referenzpunkte eruierbar) ==> dadurch dass Ich/wir die DIVINE VISION kenne/n, so weiß Ich wie Wasser agiert, Feuer... und was den Bogen ausmacht... & haben das Feuer... ihr spekulierts und Ich baue LC, unsere eigene Sprache niedergeschrieben auf den Säulen, Symbole für die Referenzpunkte etc... DAMIT HABEN WIR ALLES und können es mit dem ersten Wissen kombinieren!

INFO: Until now I had not found the time nor the "patience" to read it all again and to correct little mistakes... but overall it should be ok and with the well chapter etc, then you see it all (put the "puzzle" together!!!)... and therefore we have no big problem... thats for sure... but... its long ago and...wherefore "font bold" gives you the hint... so far I have read it again and for important stuff I use "font bold" (fette Schrift)

Find the last questions
Video: 10 May 2023, long after Divine Science got written
in August 2023 I do better, even when they hit me hard with Satellite, Video name: "Sealed 144000!!! & Dogma etc"

1) NOW, when we can do nothing without Him, then this implies, that OUR NON-BEING or not-being is really our being made whole, ya in fact the word NON-BEING is nonsense because we have our ETERNAL IAM and it means only that we have a GOD SOURCED SOUL (We can do nothing without the source, everlasting flow). And rather many people have no true "I". Now, understand, no finite object has intrinsic substance, whatever has intrinsic existence is infinite, while what comes from it, owns nothing within itself that has intrinsic existence, it is created and finite, everything in the created universe is a vessel for intrinsic substance, GOD is reality itself and therefore God is the intrinsic substance and every finite object that exists must come from that reality (animals, plants etc. receive the existential energies from God but they are not made in Gods image, they have not received the LOGOS)! Ya, anything that has intrinsic existence is the reality itself that is the source of everything, any continuation of God is God and UNION with GOD comes therefore through CONTACT (we are centered in God). And when we say non-being, that means, that we can do nothing without him, and consequently, we can not own life just in ourselves (we do not own the flow), which means [for us] that nonbeing is really being, be the stream of the cosmos (or universe), knowing the root of all things (a house not made with hands which reflects our personality, that is, that which is inside is outside displayed! And we have our individual stream because we have also a soul). Therefore, union with nothing yet here all abundant life is found, we get liberated because on the other side people can be made to a nothing, that is, artificial, lifeless... so again what does UNION WITH NOTHING mean? Answer, we inherit all things yet in the divine reality we realize that it comes all from God (the source)
2) SOURCE SCIENCE: Mutability and eternity are utterly inconsistent [therefore the ever renewed image via the creative impulse [GLASS] which remains steadfast in the apocalypse ==> as you have STARTED with the WELL CHAPTER, as first introduction] ==> It is contrary to the nature of immutability to be without eternity; God could not be an infinitely perfect Being, if he were not eternal. God would not be the first cause of all if he were not eternal; but he is the alpha and the omega; the first cause of everything, the last end of everything: that which is the first cannot begin to be [therefore the abyssal Eye well – and CUP which never runs out] ==> If God were not a Spirit, he could not be infinite. If God were not a Spirit, he could not be self-sufficient and independent. If God were not a Spirit, he would not be immutable. If God were not a Spirit, he could not be omnipotent, omnipresent. If God were not a Spirit, he could not be an absolute and perfect being [the REALITY must be found in SPIRIT = GOD REALM, supreme consciousness of God]. The world taken as a physical phenomenon existing on to itself does not exist (that is Babylonian reasoning), and we have transcended all visible things... mind moves all matter, the universe is concentrated and reflected as an Unity, we enter the “vortex” with the inflow and leave with the outflow, the divine water is the acting and moving power in all our faculties, and we move with Him. I follow the Way of the water, I impose no course of my own, I reflect things in a mirror, with an eternal liberty of free will, our being as Capacity, that feels all things [bosom Glass], the Act is immanent, but we feel also the things which are remote (inflow - mirror - outflow = three "pillars"), the whole universe is seen and known in God [a whirlwind saint]
3) If any object would be better then GOD, it would make GOD to a lesser GOOD, and every human desires naturally the end which is supernatural and that is called aleph, a return to the beginning, the ANCIENT DOOR, the door to the God realm, the Truth is in ourselves, but is not our mere bodily self as this outward 'we or me' is foreign to our true Self because it is not the clear vision of the unseen world, seclusion is needed for reaching to God, a holy abstraction from creatures and to be removed from existential things. Father-Creator is hidden within, the home is in eternity - only few perceive the throne. God is both, the invisible and that which is seen. And the universe can be contemplated as a person, we are fed by the universe, and only blind people think that the shadow is the substance. Listen, the mirror must be polished, get rid of your bitterness, because the holy spirit wine, translucent wine, the joyful stream – the universe is in my heart, standing solitary at the origin of things, recognizing our shapeless body, our sphere, superficially it appears abstruse but in its depths it is not obscure. We are not like the unenlightened man who tries to force his [heavy ego] will on events! We move like water, possession of the Way is a capacity for dealing effortlessly with external things. Its theoretical limit is absolute power:-), therefore, be passersby! We are godlike, using our mind like a mirror in the single breath of heaven and earth. Nothing shall disturb us, leaving the confusion and muddle as it is. It is before the foundation of the world!
4) Since God is not found in any object, as he is all in all, consequently any external object is united to the intellect as its form (bosom - intellectual light, with the form of our intellect in heaven [LOOK AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILD AND HOW WE SIT IN IT, THE ABYSSAL POOL SEEN WITH THE INNER EYE], song of songs 8:6 seal upon your heart). And therefore, accordingly to our capacity, or to say, in the circumference or Sphere with its eternal limit. Therefore, the angelic life is the life of the blessed, here, we become powers of God. And the carnal mind thinks only about things received by its senses, he can not see the incorporeal but the perfect man understands all things, the immoveable kingdom, to discern the creator in all things, ignorance is removed and because of the flow – it is above reason but not without by contemplating God as the supreme good, the eternal blessedness of God. And further to acknowledge, if benevolence has a constant OBJECT, it cannot be universal! Our thoughts are like His when we have such conceptions of all figures and shapes as God has [very thoughts of His bosom, THE POOL IS ALSO THE DIVINE INTELLIGENCE, THOUGHT AND ENERGY]. All the gold of the world can not compete with the cornerstone. UNDERSTAND: God looks at all things rightly, having a glorious Spirit that abides within, which is in the flow and extended to all the objects (roundabout). TRUE COMMUNION, contemplating all objects via the bosom of God ==> The whole cosmos ministers to us via the UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL MOVEMENTS in divine Love! God is the guide and spring and end of all finite objects. Therefore, all men see the same objects, but not all men rate them in a righteous way [and we must find the highest treasure, infinite treasure]. And only Divine [eternal] Wisdom contains nothing inadequately, it beholds in a single and simultaneous vision all visible and invisible things, realizing that God sees all things simultaneously. The heart of men is deceitful, mixed with lower animal passions [but the bliss which outshines everything, that is, realisation of the infinite], ya, when divine love is lost, animal passions arise. Wherefore we can make a comparison, that is, if there is a white object in front of people, then, this object has different degrees of white, a white with a little radiance and a white which is ultra radiant in the highest degree, then, in the GOD realm we are filled with internal light and extended to the surrounding! And below the God realm their surrounding is more coarse and material for them. Thats why the Lord said, you have to be filled with light, the eye is the lamp of the body (with a washed clean soul, blameless, childlike). CLEAR AS CRYSTAL: Consciousness is one continuum, from the highest vibratory levels where non-duality is the reigning principal [or we can also say duality integrated via the mirror], down through the realms of light into the realms of dark matter [matter turned dark, in which the mind is dissipated among many things versus highest realms of light and pure consciousness = Spirit realm]. We transcend into an infinite life, that is, our lesser life will be merged into wholeness [the REALM OF BEING, liberated, truly to know yourself is the highest art, and to be known by GOD, our light-beingness]. Wherefore, if an unbeliever would deny consciousness, he would consequently say that his intelligence, thoughts and soul is only matter, mechanical or automatic; with that in mind, he could deny that the ground is intelligent, he is a person who does worship the image of the beast, linear-intellectuals who ignore the inward looking intuitive. Listen, the universe was made by God in the image of the pattern of his Mind and we are in Him and the appearance of the Lord is to everyone according to his quality and no one can escape from it. We realise that the real notion of “our world” means man’s sensation of the extreme remoteness from the Creator. It is paradise lost or paradise found, the seeking after the lost world or new world (God realm), as and only when you are saturated with the bubbling fountain, then you will realize, the primordial kernel of your neighbour (you will no longer just look at the flesh). We enjoy the highest Good but no stranger can approach to it. Behold: that divine wisdom is not comprehensible by the understanding; it is above reason but not without, the cup which never runs out, overshadowed by Gods surpassing power. Faith and love transforms Heaven and earth into a paradise [the mud in the soul, the dark clouds have to be cast out].
5) The internal stream of the universe is our nectar, absolute perfection surrounds us, and we [as gods] are one in another [the kernel, like fractals, like a honey comb], roaring thunder-step, immoveable lightning-palace, not entangled with the old earth, the dragon under our feet, conquered the shadow king, conquered the oblivion, conquered the archonic reaper, it is the opening of Pandora’s box and we spit it all out, we are above the architects of Cronos, we never bowed down to the elements of this world! And listen again: the Problem with Prometheus, he thinks too much and feels too little, similar, Icarus left the Labyrinth in which was imprisoned the half man, half-bull monster but Icarus did fly high, too high, the Absolute melted Him and he fell in the sea, the forces crashed Him, a rude awakening and a rude rebound, therefore, may the end be found, that which knows no end, that which is effortless, nevertheless it is good to use the stairway to Heaven and not to take it all at once [with a few wing beat], and also you need a step by step introduction in this book here and otherwise all reader would call me a liar, not knowing that we have to overcome the animal Image [that is, the animal passions of the body, the old body with its limited senses, which is bound to mere nature]. I tell you, really, we need some good angels who secretly impart to us, who flow from their own memory into us, and make us aware of the higher revelation:-), it is written, we are gods (we need to be filled with all the fullness of God), the house of the Elohim, to escape the world prison [Matrix] which steals our energy! We have to be clothed upon with the house not made by hands, the apocalypse (God revealed in us) is the place in which the visible and invisible creations, the tangible and the intelligent creations, are linked together and only the inner eye sees the world in its proper place. Kingdom intelligence! The spiritual substance within the world of the divine intellect, the unmanifest of infinite form, the very radiance that brought both Intellect and the bosoms widespread Intellectual objects into being, to manifest the objects of the inward world by which the whole world surrounds man as a circle surrounds one point. Which means, that all things are related to this point like a seed in a apple, and then the world has become the Aeon (eternal realm), then the truth is received in the images, the very breath of life. All is change in the world of the senses, but changeless is the supreme God of Love! The eternal now is the person as a seed, the conjunction of eternity and time is in the seed, called you... In the world, man is stimulated to seek employment and to perform uses, and he wants honor or glory or to be praised... (how much is your self a fragile self?), ya, men do not know the depths of depravity within their own souls! All imaginations have to be cleansed in the vessel, the Spirit of Life must increase in us so that power comes to us and our souls are strengthened! INNER STRENGTH!!! The whole external phenomenal world including man's selfishness (in that sense I call it ego) is an illusion and therefore evil/disharmony, because this mud or rust or dross or glue or slime upon the soul is a departure from God. Your goal in life is to shake off this illusion. Wherefore regarding our progress/spiritual evolution outward forms profit little because they keep alive the illusion, alive by feeding on it and this includes self righteousness and personal merit about which we want to be too often too boastful, ya ignoring the source (from where it all comes). Therefore we need to contemplae the higher things!!! Look: when man is born into the world and grows up, ya, via an excessive life he grows very fast dark, the world eats him up, he surrendered his thoughts to folly, a kind of stupor - hypnotized by the forms and sensual realities, ensnared by objects, it fetters him with its chains and ir bounds all his limbs with the bitterness of the bondage of lust for visible things of the perishable realm (because fathers realm is found in stillness, resting before anything, sustaining it all with his goodness and by which become the light of the world). When your hope is set upon the world alone, earlier or later, you will corrupt your soul, animal passions arise in you and sweet will become to you the poison of the enemy, your heart gets darkened, it deforms your soul. Therefore, if you give way to the passions you are lost, but if you attend to the promptings of Divine grace, to the spark or flame in your soul, and repent (by sacrificing your inner animals, to turn the key within), you get converted, and you journey back! Therefore, watch and pray, that you come out of the flesh, of any bitterness, and that you will never ignore the wonders of your own house because you will not get liberty from anyone else or better to say, you are responsible! You fall into the world or you surrender to God. So also to be the number one in the world, money and business, friendships with unbeliever, the distractions of this world including an addiction to television, internet pornography, and all the many carnal entertainments and advertisements captivate people and control too often their every-day. And we get also remembered to the old saying, that is, man invented the machine and the machine invented man, the machine is deified, radical transhumanism, the materialistic secularized postmodern world. And to the question if alcohol drunkenness can darken the soul? My answer, one glass is ok, but drunkenness per se, the snake can bit you, and cannabis smoking will bring you into sleep mode, but there are many addictions, JUST AVOID IT, THIS IS SIMPLE, JUST AVOID IT to be too often drunken!!!... take care about the chamber of your heart, guard it, but and also stay simple, keep a simple life my beloved child, devotion is key and via hope you draw close to him. And acknowledge that Creation is nothing else but a revelation of the unfathomable God and that the goal in life is to know yourself. He who has known himself has achieved knowledge about the depth of the all via an universal rebirth party, the phoenix rising from the ashes, which banishes from the mind the apperception of the world [the ascend to the thought of God, to his bosom]
6) Topic: The Seven Spirits (seven planets or seven stars - the big dipper, but also the Menorah and the rainbow are a symbols for the 7 Spirits), the philosopher stone, the Holy Grail which is a star map of our holy star visitor, holy alchemy, the book of nature in our heart. Now, lets start, first of all, you will wonder that I say that the 4 elements are not a fairy tale and that there is a reason why we find this 4 elements in many ancient writings, ya spread around the world, wherefore a so called element is not the most basic particle of matter, and also the term "atom" originally meant something indivisible, ya, it is an archaism now employed only for convenience, it has lost its original meaning. About the 4 Elements: a building is build by bricks, and this 4 elements make up the building, but this is a building not made by hands, and the 4 Elements are the components which make up everything that exists. And when you stop analysing and quantifying and just apprehend nature as it appears to you qualitatively, then you will soon realise that there are in fact only four kinds of things: earthy things (solids, ponderosity, wherefore the element earth has to be seen as a crystalline earth in the divine reality and is quasi the ground of the other 3 elements), airy things (gases, fresh, wind), watery things (liquids, meek), and fiery things (incendiary, fierceness). Air blows up fire, fire moves water, earth is constant, water volatile, as that which is constant remains, which you may see when something is burned, while that which is volatile evaporates etc. From the limosity of the elements God created Adam, namely, from the limosity of earth (ponderosity, ground), water (river of life, living water), air (holy breath) and fire (carving, carves its way), in that mansion of light. Poetically: What is most transitory? Wrongful possession! Who knows the universe? He who knows himself! What is the eternal mystery? Divine Love! With whom does it reside? With Wisdom! What is the seat? An infinitely mobile liquid which reveals the inner and outer impression by the most sensitive movement! Listen, my beloved child, the Book of nature is within your heart. Today, the vast majority of man is learned in superficial science, believing in his own imaginary superiority, Iam God without an almighty God, seeing himself as separated, a kind of "I stand alone in my own power [complex]" versus the true ETERNAL IAM reality, ya today it is the intellectual age in which all is concentrated within their heads, they forget that the centre of life is the heart and if consciousness does not take its residence in the centre of life, then, their life’s will become a desert. And if man wants to see the truth again, he must return to the ear of the heart. Behold: matter represents a perfect and inseparable union of the four elements, Nature is one, true, simple, perfect in her own essence, animated by an invisible spirit [see bosom Glass light Sphere]. Holy alchemy consist in purification of the soul, and in transforming animal man [old nature] into an angel or god-like being. Listen: only the wise understand the invisible principles, Nature is not, as most scientists seem to believe, an agglomeration of fundamentally different finite objects, that is, they see fixed mechanism everywhere, nay, but NATURE IS A WHOLE, and everything in the organism acts and is acted on by everything else and man is a microcosm or a little world, and primordial matter is UNITY, the never ending circle of Eternity. And the cornerstone is corporeal yet spiritualised and therefore we call it eternal nature and aqueous because of the immaterial river. Ya, matter is subtle penetrative by the Spirit. The 4 Elements are the most subtle elements, and our Stone is found in all mountains, lakes, all flowers, all trees, all herbs, and animals, and with all men. It wears many different colours, and contains the four elements, ya, permanent water is measureless great, which, however, cannot be permanent without its body [projection field]. It flows like water, yet it makes not wet, clear, limpid, and brighter than the sun in the sky. Yet now you say to me but in scripture, it is written about the seven Spirits of God and not just about 4 elements! And the answer to it, that is, that light and darkness has to be included, but this darkness is not evil, darkness is only evil when a person’s heart becomes dark, but the seven Spirit in the apocalypse, they are in Harmony, similar light is displayed through darkness (in the wheel darkness must be before (I mean behind) the light and not the other way around and that is called: filled with all light). And these are the qualities: 1) Darkness – spirit or energy, it properties are harshness, bitterness, Anguish...2) Fire - spirit or energy, it properties are fierceness, elevation, consuming, devouring... 3) Water - spirit or energy, it properties are meekness, gentle, mild, soft... 4) Light - spirit or energy, it makes the Water clear and luminous/transparent and the Fire bright, and therfore light hides the Darkness in her own glory... 5) Air – spirit or energy, wind or breath, brisk, refreshing, quickening... 6) earth as common ground, the common body and receptacle, ponderosity, corporeity... 7) Love-fire - spirit or energy yet also the akash.
Next, you must understand, that they are one in another and can not be without another, and generate one another! As already mentioned and for example: light is displayed through darkness! And further, even in the seven Spirit harmony also bitterness has its function, we can compare it to some taste in our mouth, bitterness versus sweetness etc. And this 7 Spirits never loose their own essence, for example: the darkness hungers after the light, an indissoluble band and eternal wrestling wheel and therefore these 7 Spirits are co-essential. And now you ask me, how do you know that? The answer is simple, as already seen in this book, they are generated by father, and they are flowing forth from the light well (which is seen via the inner eye), and this Elements are thin, subtle spiritual seen, within, out of the well, with its qualities like a fire-blaze with the dark as ground and the light race and water-flow and breath towards the mental Glass! And they make up an ethereal oily substance (which is called anointing and is no extra element, the mixture of the 4 elements etc. make this oil). Ya, and the 7 spirits are rendered sweet like honey in the apocalypse (God revealed in us), like ravishing waves. Ya and the sevenfold energy is also called SIMPLIFIED called immaterial river (stream) because all the 7 spirits are in the FLOW. And they are quasi additional generated, they are a passive principle, the universal mind generates them and they stand via the Glass in the midst, like a flash, like in the twinkling of an eye, and the universe is pervaded with this subtle essence. And now you ask, but how can they have a distinction impulse and still be ONE? As already mentioned, via the ever born now, go back to the beginning of the book, it is this inner fecundity, the spermatikos logos, via the ever born now lightning Glass - the 3 fold creative force subsist in their own eternal fullness/ completeness, and the seven Spirits are embedded (to have the triadic), a forming under Gods hand, an ever circling wheel, and in the apocalypse, it becomes for us the 7 Spirits Governing wheel, like a magnet, which rules over all the lower wheels, like co-centered, like a pinging or tinged, like a redemptive chain reaction, as also evil is no actual thing, evil does exist but it is a lesser Good, and therefore, we are a Microcosm, and about the philosopher stone is said: the arcanum of all arcana— Elixir of Life, holy grail, the Divine virtue and efficacy which is hidden from the foolish, that in which resurrection dwell, is a round sphere – the holy star map, the spirit alone gives strength and life, the habitation in the highest region of the firmament has its shining realm in the Heavens. This is what the LORD says: The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? Listen, the internal essence is of inestimable value for the removing of all defects, healing of all diseases with its vitalising power, bringing imperfect men to perfection, through the transformation of our heart, ya heart and soul being purified, so that the everlasting light enters us, the panacea, the glorious Phœnix, the most precious of treasures, the chief good of Nature, the triune universal essence, the universal triune Stone, Chief Good of the Universe, blessed medicine and eternal Sabbath. As our noble sir said, it is familiar to all, yet none knows the way to find the spring, and also the whole world desires for its virtue, it brightens the eyes, banishes sorrow, reveals all hidden treasures and blooming youthfulness is preserved, weakness destroyed, beauty in its perfection preserved – receiving a spiritual make up skin and halo, ya, light pierces through the skin (see Mose and new covenant), abundant life ensured. O you spiritual substance, lovely above all things! O you wondrous power, strengthening the whole cosmos! O you invincible virtue, highest of all that is, although despised by the ignorant, yet held by the wise in great praise, honour, and glory, for from it flow the water of life, the oil and honey, and thus has it nourished them with honey and water from the rock. Behold: if you want to have the whole world, you need only God, therefore, Hail to the marblestone which bears the new Heaven and new earth, the mighty symphony which fills the universe.
7) Transformation, transmutation (soul and body), called the dark hour. Now, this mud or clouds are interwoven in the soul, symbolically called black raven and we can also call it astral influences, and this does not mean that all people have bigger demons but this does simple mean, that a person can become clouded via sin (= miss the mark) and it includes the mind with the passions which arise, wherefore sin is not just wilfully sin, but everything plays into it, from all kind of shame and rejection problems, traumata, generational stuff like useless habits etc. And this mud, repressed consciousness material which has also a stirring up, for example, to attack the weak point of a person and bring him into rage (primitive attacks), now, this mud or astral essence operates in conjunction with the body, as similar anger is also expressed in the body or we feel the weight of depression. And also often seen, during any hardship or suffering, ya there comes a moment in which man gives himself up, he surrenders himself to the black raven and later he accepts being merely flesh [or matter, of the world]. He does it so that the torture will stop, to drift into oblivion and not for any other reason. In doing this, he looses oil, which is in scripture a symbol for the Holy Spirit, oil for the lamp. And since he has quenched the Spirit, now he will no longer listen to the voice inside which shouted at him to oppose, never to surrender himself, to always fight for his liberty; that voice which he hardly heard. Therefore, only a sober and watchful life can protect you, with simple words, to take care about your soul, and St Paul even said, rejoice in your tribulations. And the flesh has very much "space" in the spiritual realm, that’s why a person if he really wants it, he can grow very dark. Wherefore, the dark hour represents the return of the soul when repressed consciousness material is pressed out, here, the light of heaven flows in! And during tranformation they are often inwardly distressed and often have a shiver like those with fever, and that is, because they are in direct opposition to the Divine, as infernal fire is the love of Self (here I mean selfishness). Ya, the world and every worldly lust which has a form of delight but is in reality a snare. Therefore, heaven and hell are in man and this mud operates quasi as a cross birth in the soul and thats why St. Paul said: in the flesh dwells nothing good. Envy, hatred, revenge, anger, cruelty, fierceness, any falsities from evil encompassing man like a cloud which is black and dense according to the degree of his evil. In scripture anger and wrath, jealous, zealous are attributed to the Lord, but they are in man. And it is so expressed in scripture because first of all he speaks in such a way to infants, to bring them back and second of all such is the appearance to man when he is darkened, and vice versa he who is in the light knows his mercy and loving kindness, yea, even paradise because through ascension the white dove is brought forth, ya, we are actually lifted into heaven’s warmth, love and light via an opening of our inner rills love flows into the deeper rills of our minds and into the deeper rills of our bodies and dross gets cast out and this results in a lifting, as though we were brought out of the fog into clear air, or out of the air into the ethereal. And therefore, everyone walks in his own atmosphere or in his own spiritual field (each being has within it the LOGOI as the principle of its own development, the universe can be contemplated as man). God is a consuming fire, and he cleanses his vessel, the refining process. Via ascension the body receives the lightness of the Spirit, the purer breath rises and becomes Heaven (transformation, transmutation) and we receive in Heaven also the heavenly WILLPOWER. Listen, righteousness is very well seen and proven by appearance because those who are known to Sophia, their faces are serene and radiant and their eyes burn in divine love. Therefore, further in conclusion, if there is still something or a bit of the black raven left in the soul/body, then the Elements have strife [disharmony]: heat against cold, fire against water, earth against air, each is death and destruction of the other, also sickness, plaques, wrath are a result of it, wherefore wrath must be here rightly understood, that is, everything which does not let us experience the supernal inexpressible joy in paradise and therefore it is anything which presses a person down. And similar, a very sinful person, he looses not just living knowledge or swims in bitter water, he becomes also heavy and material overshadowed - contraction power (the dark contracts, later more to it). Behold, the act of creation goes magically with us via the sevenfold energy, because we are embedded in the wheel, as God sourced souls! Wherefore about this Mystery, the proud Wiselings of this World have always trampled it under Foot with Scorn and Contempt. And to the question if weeping can help when someone has something done wrong (remorse)? The answer is a clear yes, that’s why you read in scripture: blessed are those who mourn, this is nothing else then the soul which wants to return to her former innocence [to get rid of shame]. And weeping can easily break up the glue, but for sure we speak not about worldly sorrow which is something entirely different, ya, it simple must come form your heart! And therefore resurrection begins every time that a person plunges this world's opaque, curse-riddled multiplicity modality into its God-centred modality.We have to return to the immoveable and to unity, redeeming the time because the days are evil. Via repentance we go to the Lord and then we are drawn upwards towards heaven, the wheel gets inflamed. We are the garden of paradise, and the weed or tares are sown by the enemy, it is up tous to keep our garden clean. Listen: via the Microcosm, and the inner fecundity it is seen that it is a cosmic wheel which begets itself in itself, and everything contrary to God will separate us from God (energy split off), hindering us to awaken from the dream of external life. As and also the universe has been created out of the cornerstone, out of the seven spirits of eternal nature, even all colours are made by the seven Spirits [LOOK AT THE POOL, WE HAVE BUILD, THE RAINBOW IN THE POOL, ANOTHER SYMBOL FOR THE SEVEN SPIRITS]. Wherefore the ideas existing in the universal mind are innumerable, so also all the forms, therefore, you will not find any truth in any form, you have to return to the formless! The crystalline earth is found in that spherical realm [in which all objects shine in transparency]. And the mirror is also called sea of glass because everything is reflected upon it. All nature has been made an Image and it is up to us if we choose to live in a sun scorched land (plunged in darkness, sore, heat, to be a naked one, a false prophet, clothed with sulphur flesh and in extravagance, the Babylonian pomp). Ya, in the apocalypse, the inner senses are renewed in order to perceive the highest beauty, to hear the highest symphony, to smell the heavenly fragrance or incense, to taste the highest delicacy, enjoying the Gifts of the five senses in a spiritual Way when the light within us lights the whole world – the crystal palace, light shining all around! Therefore, the blessedness affects the sensory functions and the corresponding divine realities flow directly into our minds, acknowledged by looking at objects which can be opaque or translucent - crystalline. And when the objects are crystalline, then we stand in the true sun, ya, the earth lightened with his Glory, clothed with a cloud (the circumference of that realm is unknown to us, that’s why it is also called cloud, Glory cloud and the habitation is in the air). Our life can be changed into spiritual pleasure or into wrath – and those who climb up to the mountain top of divine vision, they are drinking from the river Lethe in order to forget the old man, at least very much of it, ya to forget the earthly life, that is, all the soul blockages and so on are cast out, we are quasi saved by eternal Wisdom and we have also gained enlightened understanding! The immoveable Kingdom is by itself most glorious, magically, colourful, the supernal world (God may be all in all). And understand it rightly, when our soul gets dark, God the sun did not grow dark, the sun did only hide herself and heaven and hell universally co-exist because of free will!
And since the soul is God sourced, that means, when we cast off our body, that the circle has found its limit – and with sickness and death it is the same, because via the 7 spirits wheel God seeks and finds himself eternally (and the body is like an additional scroll)! And regarding this inner fecundity God always generates, incessantly, but about our souls, we have our similitude and figure via the mental womb and the will has its foundation in eternity. And the artifical Spirit (mud) is shackled (enchained) to the soul and not to the body – and therefore when you discard your body, then the soul takes the Spirit to other planes. Hellish means, to bath in your own poison and so people differ like stars differ in splendour. The sun has one degree of glory, the moon another, and the stars another, and so it is written that everyone will be judged by his works – already in this life. Ascension = we return to a state of innocence (wherefore we dont mean here childish innocence, and it includes also boldness and bliss and etc. and the term liberation may better fit to explain it). Ya, and the adversary operates in the external (Kingdom divided), he is not in the number 1000 – the number 1000 which is the God realm in which the immovable race of perfect humanity dwells... Wherefore I do not say that everyone outside of the apocalypse will go to a hellish plane in after-life, no... and the afterlife topic is a topic by itself!!!
Further, this knowledge here makes the integration of all man possible, we have on common ancient abode, and it connects a variety of phenomena, as the seed, so the tree, as the tree, so the fruit (fruit of the Spirit, virtues), universal truth. Truth is a person. And blessed is he who is before he came into being (firstborn out of the mental womb, our light beingness), as and also only those who have come to know themselves will enjoy their possessions, for the Aeon is fullness for them, the blessed Stone is only obtained by its own seed, out of which it was made from the beginning [God needs no outward help]! Join heaven to earth in the fire of [divine] love and you will find in the middle of the firmament the Truth – thanks to the Spiritual Architect. And regarding transmutation the colours will be the clearer and more distinct the purer your water of life is, or as the Lord said: let the one who is thirsty come, that is, you have to plunge deep to reach into deep wells within you and should you do that, then he will strengthen you! Wherefore we get also reminded to Noah, as the springs of the great deep burst forth, as the well is our basement reality in the apocalypse [LOOK AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILD]. Two worlds, we are in-between and the one above is paradise (God realm). And in paradise THE WATERY MATRIX will be known to us, deified matter. Recapitulated: the eternal realm is Fullness to us and the seeking of truth has found its end, that is the mind stamp of the Majesty.
8) You are one string in the web of life, and when you hurt others verbally [in a bigger way]; expect that also your own soul gets damaged or is already an abomination of desolation (low level mobbing). Yet again do not misunderstand it... we have a conscience and we can speak loud words when something does not fit... and therefore we use common sense...
9) Sacred patterns: Now, it is true that sacred geometry exists in some way in the solar system and also generally in nature can be patterns found. And yes, even the gemstones which are described regarding heavenly Jerusalem, reveal something, for example the Amethyst! And we can check fractals, hexagons etc. in snowflakes, and we know that also with physical water and how it reacts under different circumstances, and about the apocalypse, there is another advantage, that is, that in our circumference, that for example food gets sanctified because of the energetic governing wheel and similar we saw on the Mt of Transfiguration that even the garment of the Lord did shine white as the light. Further, we could say, breathing light and consuming it with the food.
10) Animal covenant: It is said that antique societies existed in which men were so enlightened, that they were perfectly acquainted with the feelings and habits of living things, they brought them together, trained them and communicated with them like with human beings. They were Masters over all the beasts, and also we read in scripture, in the old testament, in some verses about animal covenants, for example in Hosea. These sages could build via the mind and understanding a bridge to them. And for sure, we get also reminded to Adam in paradise.
11) Miracle worker via the similitude: in the God realm, the Sage does roam the infinite [having creation consciousness which is the mind stamp of the Majesty in the divine water flow]. To pass through metal and stone, to walk upon water and not to get burned by fire, all that is possible. Not that such power are his goal, such Masters are dead to the ego (selfishness); even when they have such power, they make no show out of it and if they use it, then only for the reason to bring people closer to God or because the circumstance requires it... The similitude is the key, via the similitude the perfect man is able to put his imagination into any thing, and it goes along with it because the outward manifestation or appearance has its imprint in the inward, the Logos, the word is its inner reality; all physical things center in the perfect man, everything is a manifestation of that uncreated light! And they are also miracles worker and this includes also healing and to manifest fish and bread etc.
12) Male and female: In the Beginning, Adams Image and Figure did represent God, and that was, male and female, he had the virgin in himself, in imitation of the creator and later on Eve was brought forth, out of Him, therefore, in the beginning, he represented AdamEve. Similar, in the one flesh Mystery, man and women complement each other; the divided paradoxical opposites come into union. St Paul and the Lord taught that marriage is not a sin and both together can make their journey towards the God realm. Nevertheless, there is neither male nor female in Christ, and this can be acknowledged as the virtuous reorientation of the human energies toward dispassionate relationships (and when we speak here about male and female, ya, we speak about the energies, and also some would ask if sex is possible.. later more to it). Therefore, the beauty of the women is a vague reflection of the way beyond the way, a flight of the soul with the beloved beyond horizon bonds, and absolute Union with God is a love which whether death nor life can separate, perfect blessedness, eternal, and a permanent peace, the ultimate reality, the Hymn of the pearl, the pearl of great prize, the Self pearl. In Rev 14:4, we read about those who follow the lamb wherever it goes and that they have not defiled themselves with women, now, this virgin-like state is that which has been explained about male and female, that is because they are light born, firstborn out of the mental womb, therefore this has nothing to do with transgender like it is displayed today, because that is carnal thinking and about the apocalypse, here we become pure intellect and energy etc. aka god-like. Therefore, someone may ask, if someone makes it in the apocalypse and when he is no longer in any need [and that is true!], could he still have children, for example with the idea, that God may bless him with advanced kids? My answer, that what I have written about the redirecting of the energies, that is true, and that sex is rather a faint reflection of it, but women and men can complement each other, also sanctify each other, and yes, family is still a blessing. Further Iam not against water baptism nor infant baptism as seen in the orthodox church, and also the family has to be brought into the church [yet church means also simple a gathering and the common church today did grow old for me because as I see it we have to go on but that does not mean they have not also some useful function like funeral or this and that]. Now, therefore, Iam also not even against Sabbath in the church [and that people meet together which is not a bad thing, same with communion, it helps!], nevertheless the eternal Sabbath is in the apocalypse, and when we have seen all the Bible verse about the holistic truth in scripture, then all quarrel should be gone, because that makes ~90percent or whatever about the Bible [and only blind people will neglect that, yet we do not have to listen to them, and there is also a hierarchy and this includes all the Master who went before us]. And about such little things like this sex thing, ya, it may be a little a offense to some, to be androgyny, but you know, he who walks in such a high level, he has already achieved more then most humans and yes, on the other side, about sex, it is no sin, sex is not a sin! IF we can have sex in the apocalypse, we will find that out later... for now just understand that man and woman get perfected with the energies.
13) Saints with incorruptible body and shining in uncreated light: Some saints who have laid down their body, their bodies did undergo little or no decomposition, or delayed decomposition, which is called incorruptible bodies, yet for sure, there is still some decomposition when they were not fully in the God realm, and yes, we know that phenomenon regarding saints who had also the divine vision or little glimpses, ya, some of their bodies could be seen in churches, wherefore here, the reader can do his own research. And about the uncreated light, internally, it is at the same time as real as the visible physical light, that’s why we have also the Spherical vision [light Globe]. External shining of this light is a rarer phenomenon [light which pierces through the skin, halo] because that would imply a full ascension and not just glimpses about the divine vision, and yes, we have some witness about it in books like “Lavsaik and Spiritual Meadow” and other writings from other saints.
14) The DUAL NATURE: Jesus on earth walked in DUAL NATURE [light of heaven, opening of the souls eye and human nature, a mutual interpenetration]. Ya he had his soulls eye open yet he had also some flesh problems… and later in the resurrection he showed us the perfection. And we shall come now to Him so that the wrestling wheel starts to run upwards towards heaven. About the Lord on the cross, only the spoken word died, but eternity does not die and he suffered voluntarily. On the cross, death did face death, and further we know that the temple curtain was torn from top to bottom, Jesus as the new Adam, which means, we have fully access to paradise. But you must accept the power of the cross to inherit the divine realm (God realm), you must seek death as the entrance to life, you should not fear the death of your old personality because otherwise your fear will cause you to cling tenaciously to the mortal condition. You have to envision and you have to find that which resonates with your innermost reality, as the Lord said, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened, the door to the divine realm. Ya, my people die because of lack of vision and because of lack of knowledge, dry religion will not do it. And you have a free will, therefore understand, for the case you got instructed about the Bible and you know all the prophecies concerning the Messiah and all that which he fulfilled and maybe you know also many shadow meanings regarding the old testament which points to the new covenant, that does not mean [because of Gods prophetic insight] that God controls everything sovereign including your will! You were created in his Image, God knows, sees it all but also you act, and when you do something wrong, you regret. And the Illusions of mortal existence is strong in this world, you feel insignificant and transient, but you did come from divine light and therefore you have the potential to enter into the highest realm, the Lord wants that you believe whole heartily in the resurrection. ==> The deeper meaning of water baptism and communion: A full water baptism means to dive fully into the water and then resurrect out of it, similar, the final reality is also a full immersion into the GOD realm. And about communion: the wine brings us back to the translucent wine behind the veil [in shouts of joy & praise] and the bread is our food, ya with expectation we await his coming [from the outward we go to the inward, strengthened in the inner man], moreover, the sacrament, the world [body] comes back into harmony [new world or GOD realm, immaterial day]… Isaiah 60:8, Psalm 104:3,4 Psalm 68:4, Ezekiel 1 chariot, The God realm is insofar local because we still walk with our body on this planet and yet it is non-local because of the liquid mobile - sphere, similar, Jesus appeared physically on this planet, but when scripture states of Jesus: “But he walked right through them, He went His way” – even when the Lord appeared physically to them, nevertheless he could switch the realm (or place via portals), retracting his physical form that was projected into this realm, and departed from the crowd that wanted to kill him. And regarding the Sphere, we are fixed in suitable environment - corruptibility is exhausted, we do not travel outside our own sphere = its the garden enclosed, fountain sealed and because of that some Master can venture in whatever place they want [in scripture, that is called transportation, we saw it with Enoch and Elijah and Jesus etc.]……...Decoding the Song of songs: You will find the Chariot, the chamber (and wine cellar, valley of the universe), the rose of Sharon, the aperture or window (we become an aperture through which the universe looks out, Isaiah 60:8), hinds feet (which speaks about the energy behind the veil and self control which goes along with it), the honey divine sweetness (we taste the energies), the enclosed garden (sphere) – fountain sealed, water which never fails, the incense which speaks of the heavenly odour in the God realm, the sun and moon symbol, round goblet (circumference and nurturing aspect, Joh 4:32, joy), summer (dwell in the age to come versus winter), the gate to the God realm and so on, wherefore I give here only little impressions, so that the reader can feel himself into it
15) THERE IS A DANGER IN THE MOST HOLY PLACE (apocalypse), the Highpriest was not allowed to drink alcohol, therefore, those who make it in the apocalypse, they should become Rechabites, otherwise, there will be the danger to be thrown in a prison of immense darkness, through unclean spirits and old strongholds (that which kept our vibration on a lower level), therefore, we should not loose our primordial self, and even when the soul rejoices again greatly, we should not never stop in strengthening our soul, never stop fighting and never loose our crown, as and also – there is also a kind of acclimatization season
16) Now we understand this seemingly paradox, that we own nothing [the kingdom within is God generated, we move with Him, the flow which we do not own] and possess everything [as the core of the universe], we are sorrowful [wherefore in the apocalypse, this has to be understood as a holy compassion to all those who are outside of the paradisiacal region, simple they don’t have it], ya, yet we always have joy! And we are unknown [to all those who know not the God realm].
17) In scripture, wisdom is called wisdom full of diversity (manifold), and that is, because via the immaterial water flow one uniquely real knowledge manifests in us! Here we behold all the diversity displayed in nature becoming this one without end, we stay in the permanence, that is the permanence factor within via the mirror and to see God in all things, a delightful arrival. And if we want to speak about destiny, that is our destination, arriving at truth by a flash of light, a lightning that comes out of the east and shines as far as the west, ya, everything is a manifestation of that uncreated light, our star light being. The path which leads us back to Unity, we only have to get rid of our sordid garments, that is, the emotions of the affections in the soul which are defiled… Stay always straight and simple: speaking truth for the sake of truth, doing good for the sake of good, in simplicity, be like a child, in endurance be like a knight, knights of the sun… yet be also not indifferent… what does not fit for you, you can have your saying (don’t be foolish religious) ==> The Lord say, your mind must be cleared from the falsehoods of this worldly realm [this merely outward you], ya if you are to be taught Eternal Truth, I am the door; the person who enters by me will find Eternal bliss. I am the bed; the person who lies on me will enter perpetual rest. I am the Light; the person who sees by me will view all things. I will build my Body on this Rock of Light, so that the gates of darkness will never be able to encompass it. The mind of the Child of Light will be filled with Light, the peaceable things of the heavenly realm. The one, who walks the Way I walk, though he may die, will live forever, for he cannot be overcome. Death is swallowed up in the victory of Life. Behold: Iam the luminous one and when you read in ancient writings that you will see your Image [appearance] before you came into being, that is nothing else then the bosom Glass and Iam as a figure of light in it, and that figure can not die nor can it be shown to others, and since it is an all encompassing vision, this divine realm, ya we will reign over the entirety. To overcome, that means, to put on your garment of radiance and to put on your resplendent wreath, clothing yourselves in light, sitting on your throne of radiance... in Psalm 104:29, 30 we read, that it renews the face of the ground, that is, the earth is filled with the glory of God, with the river circulating through us, and here, our tent got enlarged (consciousness), the house of the Spirit. Gnosticism: You are from the fullness, but you dwell in the place where the deficiency is, but again, when what is alive leaves what is dead, what is alive will be called upon, that is the God realm, and whatever is born of truth does not die. Therefore the pearl has to be found in your own fallen nature. There is in God no more but one only spirit, which comes to succour your whole Being [within and without] and it is further the Stone which is rejected of the builders, and is the chief corner stone; upon whatsoever it falls, it grinds to powder, and therefore so narrow is the gate that leads to divine love that no self-sufficiency can ever enter in [we must be truly born of God, light imprint in the well]. And in the God realm you will see that Harmony with the environment is heaven. And as a Mystical saint rightly said: Those that enter the divine realm: if anyone can reach it, then the whole World could not contain the Treasures, which this seed of Faith should command! Remember Mose and the burning bush, he had to take of his sandals, because he was standing on holy ground. Wherefore, the inmost truth will show you that holy ground [CHECK AGAIN THE POOL WE HAVE BUILT], the well without bottom, that is the hidden ground of our soul, ya, we have to sink into God, and from that ground we become a figure of light, here, we become the same simple ground, leading earth with itself to heaven, to fly through the midst of heaven like a morning mist, the waters overflow the hiding place, and the earth is then resembling a crystal stone, in that liquid pearl. And in that place, our body receives the lightness of the Spirit, having our share in the beautiful and good. Eternal wisdom is a disposition of the heart. Whoever drinks of this immaterial fountain experiences a renovation of his whole nature. God revealed in us is our glorified state, we are gone beyond the world, and we are in God alone…...The mystical experience is the state of union between true Self and universe. It appears with immaculate clarity, without any fantasy of the mind and is in all things present! About Illusion: It is the same with the 8 beatitudes, they are looked upon as something which is weak (meekness, poor in Spirit...) but he who enters it with his heart, he finds all life and paradisiacal joy in it (people in the world are caught up in their own cleverness and the selfish ego is strong, thinking wrong right and shrouded in ignorance). Only evil does destroy harmony, and eternity is harmony and since you have the book of nature in your heart, you have to become simple like nature, the all-pervading energy of nature. And you can not separate meekness from being fearless or from bliss or otherwise you get a wrong picture about it… meekness is like divine water flow!!!
18) SOUND OF MUSIC, apocalypse concert: Psalm 150, God in his sanctuary, the trumpet as a symbol for resurrection, the call into his bosom, by the trumpet blast, the old world is vanished, the tambourine is made in a CIRCLE, moving to the rhythm of the sacred heartbeat, the divine beat of Immortality, with stringed instruments (the harp), all our fellow strings are tuned in, and with organs (the pipe, flute, wind instrument), we have the stream of the universe, and all that with the high soundings of the cymbals which has a bell dome which produces a higher ting, the 7 Spirits governing wheel which rules over the lower wheels. And further, all 4 Elements were also known (in ancient days) as the sound of earth energy - of water energy - of air energy – of fire energy when played on ancient instruments, via different hand beats etc. The apocalypse concert... the flowing Godhead… it is all about the 7th day rest.... Genesis 2:4 – in that DAY God made the heavens and earth, God rests it in... Symbolic for us, it is also the last day, eternal realm. Listen, also we emanate light and colours. Peter walked on such a high level that even his shadow (aura) could heal others. Acts 5:15 That what you emanate reveals your current atmosphere, or better to say, in which atmosphere we walk, and so we also say that the purer breath rises and becomes Heaven (transformation via the sevenfold energy) and simultaneously the body receives the lightness of the Spirit, energy increased. WHEREFORE to explain this secret, leaven as sin (miss the mark), see Pharisee, the rust upon the soul or the dross as explained in this book, this does also inflate the body, and as such, deforms the soul and body and this is also the deepest meaning about the dough – therefore, you have to leave entirely the hellish source and the evil nature, raising yourself above this elementary world. And that is true: the True self does not need contemplation concerning materials, knowing the activities of matter [bosom Glass, everything is reflected upon the mirror]… Therefore, works derive their quality from the love that motivates them. Works done from a heavenly love are heavenly, for what is done from heavenly love is done in the Lord and everything done in the Lord is good. But deeds arising from infernal love are infernal, for what is done from this love, which is that of ego/selfishness and the world (just lovers of themselves, lovers of money, animal passions…). Ya, this is done from man himself. Works, or more properly, his love in act, is what makes the true character of man, is what makes his very life. Isa 9:19 the hellish source is the wrath stream in man, the land is darkened (grey town).
19) Have you ever contemplated that Jesus calls us his bride and that the bridal ring is round? Behold, we praise naturally God behind the veil, and God eternally enjoys himself and creation, and as it is seen in Psalm 73:25, the Kingdom within is God generated, none other to desire, wherefore the sight of the well fills the heart of the beholder, a sight so glorious as no words can express... ya, and you have to understand that if the saint has really attained silence and the energy of God works through Him, then physical proximity is necessary, it does a great job by itself, to help others [removing ignorance, the mind sinks into the heart], the very presence of such a saint invokes a higher mindset, similar Jesus had the power to bring his disciples closer to the Spirit realm which can be easily seen because Paul had at least glimpses about the divine vision, then we know it about Peter via extra biblical sources, Thomas and probably Matthew and John lived a very high life etc.... further, people have to learn, that they can not act independently of God, love is universal, happiness is their inherent nature, the bliss within, so, the first love – singleness of mind, wherefore early Christianity did know that and it was in reality a religion of the Spirit, ya the enlargement of the human consciousness was vital, true wealth, that is, to know yourself. CHECK: when the Kingdom of God is within you, then the realm must be of God, to become a dwelling place of God in the Spirit……….Isaiah 11:2 Spirit of Jehovah, understanding/discernment/consideration (receptacle of wisdom) – wisdom/skill, reverence of Jehovah – knowledge/know, might/strength/mighty acts – counsel/advice/plan ==> via ascension, this 7 Spirits go hand in hand with the 7 spirits properties (4elements, light, darkness, love), and the ascent is combined with a revealed matter, Spirit in matter; the revealed [matter] is the ascent of the mountain. All the realities of our existence, inflow & outflow & equilibrium (three pillars), yet in their effects transcend Nature. Apocalypse, that is about the universe, ya the individual soul and God appear in it… CHECK: also the ancient Hebrews have known the seven: (Beth) Sun, (Gimel) moon, (Daleth) Mars, (Kaph) Mercury, (Pe)Jupiter, (Resch)Venus, (Taw or Tau) Saturn and Gold, Silver, Iron, Quicksilver, Tin, Copper, lead and wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, date palms. And the symbolic numbers: 1) God, unity & harmony, 2) House, Duality integrated (Man is inside the world, like in a house), 3) 3 fold creative force, perfect spiritual manifestation, 4) door, door to the other world, 5) window, light comes in, grace, 6) hook, sinful nature, 7) sword, rest, creation is completed or divine completeness, 8) new birth or new beginning (which I also call world rebirth party aka born of God) ==> You need a pure heart and a renewed mind to understand the ethereal imprint in scripture. A lot of Scholars have changed the Bible with their translations. They do not understand Numb 12:7,8, Psalm 78:2, Lukas 8:10 etc. and that the Mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven are not given to everyone, which means, you must be mature to receive it, the same is true with the dark sayings, similar God spoke with Mose face to face but not with everyone. Logos: uttered by an abundant living voice, as divine reasoning, wisdom is included, and therefore there is no harder shell then sin (brainwashed by the machine world, ya, they became artificial)… CHECK: The veil represents this world as a barrier, and behind the veil, there is not even any delight in sinning, the infinite treasure is a never ending bliss, the God realm. And behind the veil the ecstasy is not in contradiction to compassion; in fact it is paradise which makes real compassion possible because by acting from the ancient abode, from the place of total liberation…. CHECK: You have to understand, that we were not originally created for the purpose to suffer, to have disease or even to die but rather that we would be Master over creation in a love relationship, wherefore a good amount of the heretic infant religion which is out there, they will deny that fact, thus, they deny also the all-pervading life – love - light force, paradise and the new Adam and the holistic picture in scripture, ya they see it not. And if you want to know the secret why the sun in the sky can not bother you behind the veil, Psalm 121:6, that is, because everything in nature is inspirited and impregnated by the uncreated light (highest vibration, ever born now bosom glass)... CHECK: You have to get rid of any earthly outlook, similar we could ask: do you want that matter does control you or that you will begin to understand the spiritual aspect in matter? Behold: during this process, during ascension, the person has to break the old image about himself, ya the black raven needs to be cast out, and during this process many things will come into his mind about his past life, also regret and learning, and at the same time, his soul gets quasi reconfigured via the light filling, healing rays. The person must always choose for himself if he wants to go further or if he wants to fall back into worshipping the animal image - to fall back into the world, and sometimes a great onslaught is necessary because of the astral cravings [and the stimulus of his outward presence], ya the path of renunciation and of pain (to take up your cross). The pride of intellect must be overcome, and understand that you also build your home quasi in the other Heavens (afterlife), and only spiritual and beautiful thoughts produce beautiful surroundings (or better to say, it needs the higher contemplation). And further, we have to become pure to become a channel as also more angels will be drawn to it (check also Psalm 90:11), speaking here also about messages, messenger, to receive higher promptings, which often sound like our own thoughts, by which we often dive into the higher spirit realm unknowingly, as also all that helps us and it brings with it a brighter understanding. It is the love-light that fills the universe (landscape).... and in the higher spheres, there is an initiation into the secrets of the universe, ya, again which needs higher contemplation, the inner heaven contemplative state, to be linked to the whole and having the wisdom thereof – as and also, how you perceive the world is nothing else than a reflection of your current state of consciousness (from a crude, dense material expression to a consciousness which integrates the modes of all manifestations), ya, alchemy changes the mundane into the supercelestial, and ascension, that is, a change in the rate of vibration!!! And the goal of spiritual growth is Union with God including emotional and cognitive well-being. Behold: Ether is a state of condition that pervades the universe (the air is the spirit). The law in nature is only the external concept of the love pipe (energizing force). Similar if we loose the life force in a bigger amount, then easily disease can manifest and I know that by myself because I made a mistake after my first ascension and I lost a huge amount of life force and I got birth marks very fast, beside some other problems, and only the harnessing of the energy did heal me again to a better degree... Listen, the vast majority of scientist and many Christians call their idol nature and they are complete ignorant to the Spirit, but we know that nature is inspirited in the apocalypse, mind over matter is our motto. And the higher spheres are invisible to those who are below it, those in ignorance, they have no real vision and since they are material overshadowed their thoughts are very gross in correspondence to the dark land in which they live (ensnared by objects). And therefore, we should not ignore the Microcosm science… And so you ask me, what can I do beside the contemplation which I learn here? Answer, be still and wait on God, an important tool for climbing up the ladder, besides fasting from the world, and yes, fasting from food can also help to starve out the mud in the soul. Climbing up the ladder = light, life, awareness, love, peace increase in a holistic way… And also people can later meet me at LC… for the case we really built it!
20) And as another secret, in Ezek 1:27 you read that he saw the colour of amber, that is, that this could point to electrum, at least it would make sense, because Gods energy has a similarity like to be electrified. (amber effect, ancient people carried it as jewels, amber rubbing)… And ya, an inaudible thunder is heard in the apocalypse, the wheel turning itself in it, charge & discharge Job 36:29, Rev 4:5…. generated via the sevenfold energy… Ya, we have to built a clear basement, and that includes the divine vision, and not just that but it must be presented in such a way that milk and meat Christians can understand it [without going astray or getting too much headache], and that they can feel themselves into it, then this Glory church or new church would become a stable building and because of the reconfiguration of the mind of people, ya, the devil should flee in a greater dimension. We change the world from the inside out, and further, there should be an ongoing revelation, visionary and creativity and generally new things will appear, wherefore a lot of people of the church system are a bit blind and do not believe in ongoing revelations. CHECK: behind the veil = faith of God, Heb 6:19: the anchor for the soul, firm and steadfast which leads us into the most holy place, ya, this Blueprint in this book is about transformation, to have some knowledge and vision, hope, and to make the best out of your life, as it is also very important to know the WHY. We can either be conformed into his Image (image and likeness) or to the pattern of this world, and further, our goal is the unity of faith, Eph 4:13 (full measure of the stature of Christ), and it is also about reconnection to creation via GOD, Rom 8:22, to be a good steward… CHECK: 1Cor 2:9, eyes had not seen nor ears heard...the visible and the invisible [and in mystical language, that means, to be beheaded, martyrdom, to receive the Christ mind], and ya the immaterial water flow is the Spirit without measure. Psalm 11:6, 7, Psalm 27:4, John 14:21 he manifests himself to us, God as the object of mans happiness, to behold the beauty of the Lord. When we read in Isaiah 51:16, my words in your mouth, covered you with the shadow of my hand, and lay the foundation of the earth [LOOK AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILD, here you will find the foundation], ya, some Mystic call it also the wine cellar in accordance with the joy which flows with it, to be drunken by the Spirit, wherefore in Gen 1:27, this Image in Hebrew is called tselem and means: to shade, similar we read in Psalm 91:1, to abide under the shadow of the almighty, the shadow is a representation, resemblance. Union with God is made via contact, and here we reflect Gods perfection, begotten gods.
21) True Christianity is about waking up and about he expansion of consciousness and further we have to understand that the conscience is included. Therefore, in conclusion, when the conscience is included, then we easily recognize that some Christians speak about keeping the commandments but nevertheless their conscience can be very dull (with a thought chatter, swoosh in their heads etc.) and therefore, it is rather an obligation for them and [according to their dullness] it is no longer the law of liberty which is found in paradise. And when someone would say that it is not fully true of what I said about the 10 commandment and the dull conscience, then you have as first prove that behind the veil we love God above all the visible things, then there is the second prove about the mud [and lower passions] and the third prove about the problems in Christianity which are played out today, legalism problems [too rigid etc.], self righteousness, even the question of how to keep the commandments which becomes behind the veil obsolete. Therefore, they simple have not the liberty and inexpressible joy which is behind the veil and so on, and the list could go on and on. Therefore, most Christians make always their fit for themselves in their teachings...and stumble...and I have seen it all and in conclusion: the term true self and awakening are appropriate. And we can also look at the Epistle of Clement [Ethiopian Bible] Shall we become slothful in well-doing, and cease from the practice of love? God forbid... let us hasten with all energy and readiness of mind to perform every good work. For the Creator and Lord of all Himself rejoices in His works. For by His infinitely great power He established the heavens, and by His incomprehensible wisdom He adorned them... with His holy and undefiled hands He formed man, the most excellent [of His creatures], and truly great through the understanding given him the express likeness of His own image. For thus says God: "Let us make man in Our image, and after Our likeness. So God made man; male and female He created them... How blessed and wonderful, beloved, are the gifts of God! Life in immortality, splendour in righteousness, truth in perfect confidence, faith in assurance, self-control in holiness (wherefore holiness means in reality to be HEALED)! And all these fall under the cognizance of our understandings [now]; what then shall those things be which are prepared for such as wait for Him? The Creator and Father of all worlds, the Most Holy, alone knows their amount and their beauty. Let us therefore earnestly strive to be found in the number of those that wait for Him, in order that we may share in His promised gifts... put away all slander, iniquity, along with all covetousness, strife, evil practices, deceit, whispering, and evil-speaking, all hatred of God, pride and haughtiness, drunkenness, vainglory and ambition [boasting can not exist behind the veil, we become powers of God]. For they that do such things are hateful to God; and not only they that do them, but also those that take pleasure in them that do them... And it does not need more then the 10 commandment which are in the ark and the ark is in you, therefore to keep it very simple and behind the veil, because of the divine vision, this is complete idol free. And the Sabbath is found in the apocalypse, eternal rest. Why shall I be in marriage? Answer, because first of all, there is a mystical connection build between women and men and secondly if you were a child, you would not ask this stupid question because no child wants to see divorce and conflict, contention. It is only that people grow dark and dull and become too selfish, that is all about it and secondly you should not be too controlled by lust, it should be kept in the boundaries of marriage, but even here, when people grow dull, it becomes only a dull animal thing, as everything which death represents is a loss of energy, they become artificial [but people simple do not see it because they have only one consciousness and so they feel just a bit more robotic but they do not fully recognize it]. Therefore, everything is kept simple. Why should I curse no one? Answer, because it is not about mortals and you want to be embedded in the web of life, the way to immortality and see Microcosm. What is your answer? I understand now clearly and it is simple, but what is with friends? Answer, good friendship exists only when they are full of life [which is rare, and most people have wounds] and when the world is darker, then you need a holy abstraction from creatures, and further, never stay with fools, therefore, it is simple. And you do not need the religious nutcase attitude which is often displayed. The secret is to understand the web of life [and the divine vision, which is like the flowing of water] Further, we know of many saints who had such a sensitive and clear conscience, such a high awareness that even any tiny stumbling were mentioned by them as horrible sins (horrible, because they wanted to taste paradise, to know Christ, and they wanted to avoid anything which blocks them) and here we speak about sins which a common believer would not even recognize. For example THEY ARE NOT FEARLESS!!!, THEY HAVE NO IMMORTAL MIND!!! And again, the saints in the apocalypse become dispassionate because all their energies have been redirected and therefore lust and other works of the flesh vanish completely in them and I know from my own experience that it is a return to innocence and so I realized through the cleansing of my soul that my conscience [in my youth] operated in a higher purity and that later in life I gathered mud in my soul. And about the apocalypse, we have to go even further in the cleansing process and return to the beginning, the place were we see God face to face. A true Christian must let the flame burn in him and make every effort for further ascension and he has to keep a simple life with a vision in mind and therefore he has to ask himself: What is my goal in life? How do I look at the world? How does my inner voice become again very clear and do I have real devotion? And how should I look at after-life? And which part of Christianity [or religion] has to be ignored because of the traps which they put into my way and so on, and above all, to know that heaven and hell is in man and that preacher and teacher are very well able to deceive others. Therefore, when speaking about reality and discernment and by looking at preacher and teacher etc. who are senseless according to their conscience and when they display a pitiful imitation of Christ or when they are in complaining and murmuring, self righteous and when they taste almost nothing of paradise [which is revealed in us in the apocalypse], when they get shaken by every wind and when they are always fearful [embrace cowardice and negativity?], then, in conclusion - we have to say that they became wells without water and simple gathered up too much mud and my advice would be, that you should avoid sleepwalker, those who have fallen in a very deep sleep as also many of them do not want to change! Further, you have to understand that Perfectionism is a sin (to miss the mark) or that it is fake, as and also behind the veil is full liberty. And we often see, that religious people operate by the love of appearing, they do it not from the interior liberty [and if you are mature, you will recognize it], wherefore the true Christian knows that the good is from the Lord, he is in the interior liberty, and about transformation - there should be a conjunction, draw close to God and he draws close to you and that means to starve out the works of the flesh. And when we reach a higher level, then all hate and anger, jealousy etc. and offense does disappear as it is written in 1Corinthians 4:5, Luke 8:17 And when the healing rays appear upon the soul, then he will bring also the HIDDEN THINGS to light [awakening, transformation, Illumination]. And as we have seen that the kingdom within is God generated, therefore nothing of the visible can be put above God, not even our earthly father or mother (Luke 14:26) and then for sure, in the second place we love your neighbour [Kernel reality]. Now, lets look of what scripture says about the works which will be judged: Romans 2:11 God shows no partiality and in Romans 2:7 we read that he renders to everyone according to his deeds [or works], similar to 1Peter 1:17, Colossians 3:25 he judges impartially and Matthew 12:36, everyone will be judged (and the tongue is also who we are), and Matthew 16:27 The Lord will render (give back, return) everyone! according to his works. Now, and when we read in 1Corinthians 3:15, about the fire test and that He himself shall be saved as by fire which implies that Paul is not speaking of works which are floating somewhere around but about the quality of the person and his heart! Ya and maybe there exist something like additional rewards but here in this case Paul speaks clearly about the persons quality (character), he himself shall be saved but only as through fire and this becomes even more evidently because Paul goes on and says that the temple of God is holy and that we are that temple. And further, as we know, God is a consuming fire! And the kingdom within [in the apocalypse] can not be moved (God realm) as confirmed in Hebrews 12:28, the immoveable Kingdom, and this immoveable Kingdom, that is soul salvation 1Peter 1:9, exult in inexpressible joy, refined... Further, we are not folly religious, that is, if somewhere lives a native Indian who searches the Great Spirit and keeps himself in meditation of heaven and of God [supreme Spirit], then the Lord is very well able to come via his Spirit to him and so it is also written in Rom 2:14 they do by nature things required by the law, written in their hearts. And the native Indian will have an inner knowing and therefore and again, everyone will be judged – Proverbs 15:24 the path of life leads upwards for the wise that he may depart from hell beneath, Job 24:20, 38:14 the wicked shaken out of it, Proverbs 22:8, Ezekiel 18:26, 33:13, 15, 16 (turn away from wickedness and get restored, and nothing shall be remembered or mentioned about your former wickedness, and Micah 7:8, 9, 19 can be also applied to the old man mud, to drink from the river Lethe, all that which blocks is cast out in the apocalypse. And further to acknowledge, to confirm boldness, Proverbs 28:1, the righteous are bold as a lion. Rom 2:9 anxiety and distress on all wicked... Further, about mud, if there is a child which had received less love or is in some trauma but gets a Jesus encounter, and that can be also done via apocalypse saints, then, they can change that child very fast, to help that little child and this is also or should be probably much more fast done because this little children have often not such an attachment like some adults who became full of mud, therefore, learn from this book which you read. And Heb 3:12 speaks about an evil heart of unbelief, therefore, unbelief is evil and those who do not believe in paradise and who do not believe in the apocalypse, they are mixed with evil, and therefore, we have the Microcosm and Heaven and Hell in man, and this is very evidently because Paul spoke about Gods rest and that rest is found in the immoveable Kingdom. ==> recapitulated: it is utterly nonsense to say that Christians go to heaven in afterlife and every non Christian ends up in hell… complete nonsense… everyone will be judged by his works (and if reincarnation exists or etc… about that we can speak later) ===> and yes, I know Jews had more woman (wive)... and they but had to take care about them and so on...
22) The energy flow behind the veil is all-encompassing and can not be faked. In comparison, any fake “demonic energy” may shake in one part of the body and then somewhere else, all that is fake and wrong and can by no means be compared to the apocalypse. And ya, In scripture we read that some people lived a few hundred years, that is, because they had so much life in them, in scripture this is called Zoe life, tree of life, water of life, abundant life which is also available to us. Further, to say that the God realm is not supernatural or that the vision can be described without supernatural knowledge, that would be the same insanity as to say, explain life to me without experience, and therefore it is a peace which surpasses all understanding, an experiential oneness knowledge, but nevertheless some bridges can be build about the vision, and as I was also an engineer and lived in more than 40 countries around the world and I had also bigger projects, so also, the only thing which I do, that is, to combine the supernatural with logic and with vision and symbolic language, and via bridges. And further we see here, that the other knowledge needs to be puffed up because it ignores that which is higher, that which is above reason but not without, that which is all-encompassing, that in which all liberation is found, in which the mind got liberated. And to explain it more clear: Imagine a big grid and the whole grid represents Christ, then the lower mind is too slow, he can only pick up a few crossroads and his senses are hypnotized and if you give this lower mind only short sayings to explain the God realm, then he will draw a kind of similitude from the dark land in which he lives because his senses are not renewed aka the face of the ground is not renewed, Psalm 104:29, 30 because he lacks energy and breath, wherefore this similitude is build via matter [and imaginations thereof] because he is more material overshadowed and so he stumbles and limits himself by himself in this limits, as and also, only oiled wheels run freely. Therefore, never assimilate to 21 century apostles who have no understanding, ya rather understand that Jesus opened for us the way to paradise [apocalypse], and that includes all joy, happiness and to be liberated from the cares of this world, as in paradise the cares of this world do not exist [we are not in need], paradise is the utmost potential which a human being can reach and all who see it, they want it, and that is the true light displayed by real saints and shown to others. Further all the names of God manifest behind the veil because he becomes our all in all, his righteousness, receiving all strength, exorbitant joy, most delicious heavenly taste [and all senses are supersensual, renewed in heaven atmosphere, Psalm 34:8], he becomes our providence, our shelter, everlasting, peace, heals us, he sees us, most High vibration, Almighty (eternal nature is his clothing), he guides (shepherd), ancient of days (ancient abode), creator, liberator, redeemer (Eden restored), Abba, Lord of hosts, Jehovah (the great Iam, he who causes to be) – Jesus (God saves), holding the seven Spirits... therefore, all the Hebraic names for God, we have it in one breath behind the veil (aka in the God realm). Further, healing miracles are done by compassion [and sometimes via unseen spiritual messenger or whatever, wherefore everything is created by his energies]. Jesus said in scripture, when he rebuked the storms, you of little faith, why are you so afraid?, Jesus often spoke about faith and how little faith others had, and yes, this includes even Gods providence, as many people are today wrapped with the cares of this world but behind the veil is lily season, again, not in need...seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and all the other things will be given to you... very important... Delight! yourself in the Lord and he shall give you the desires of your heart, Psalm 37:4, trust in him and he shall bring it to pass
23) There are a lot of preacher and teacher who spoke in tongues (this strange brabbel of the Pentecostal movement in USA) and did this and that, nevertheless they went astray and into other religions with false doctrines or simple lost faith, therefore be not deceived, many speak many words but that is only surface talk and the mud in the soul (which deforms the soul) is real and behind the veil = faith of God (liberated from rejection, liberated from all earthly habits, liberated from loneliness, and liberated from all this other problems (wounds, sloth, anxiety, nightmare dreams etc.) A further problem with so called religious leaders, many build their own kingdom and as I have already mentioned that in the biggest part of the western world, that the God realm is not known and therefore a lot of their doctrines are worldly. Jeremiah 6:16, at the crossroads, ask for the ancient path!!!, and you will find rest for your soul. Listen, God is everlasting joy (he knows no disappointment)… About friends and school: You may ask if I have a problem if someone learns something in school. My answer is no, I do only say that you should detach yourself from the Babylonian stuff, doing it for yourself, to stay as a simple child of faith as and also that which the world wants to destroy about you, you should not allow it, as and also the world can not offer paradise nor does the world want that you reach up to paradise [here, this includes even friendships, worldly friends who know nothing about the Spirit…] ==> Nothing of the mortal sense can see the Kingdom within… wherefore every healthy little child which plays joyfully with others outside, complete blithely, easy going, lightheartedly, we could even say they closer to the eternal now, such a child proves that hell exists and that hell exists in man including religious people [nothing good dwells in the flesh], all the different myriad problems and worries with its played seriousness, and often anger, to be complicated, to be carnal analytical and what else, to be self absorbed, all that which is often seen in adults, all this is nothing else then hell, as and also many wanted to be wise or wanted to be this and that and in reality they became fools and that people do not see that, that shows their immense blindness. And therefore and also for the reader, yes, I have seen demons and other things, now, but SEE, you can have a more easy prove regarding transformation by looking at a little child! And yes, also when you get sometimes a glimpse about a hidden higher awareness, maybe a smell or etc, that is a recall for you, that there is more available. Wherefore when we return to the state of innocence [because of the White dove purity], yes, this is childlike liberation nevertheless not childish naive.´(leaving the routine machine)
24) At least when you climb up the ladder or back to innocence, at least you should feel and experience in your awareness that something invisible (the Spirit) penetrates the visible, something intangible and likewise here you taste at least something of the living water, but LOOK!, most people [the vast majority] are caught up in their own cleverness and see or feel it not [they feel and know only the material world, it is quasi the scheme of the Demiurg, and this includes fashion (insecurity), their social number, their acting, their fake archetypes, their wrong role model, their learned ignorance (projections), institutionalized, their separateness to the environment; as similar and even a self centered religious person can express himself in rituals and piety, quasi by outward appearance, ya, many of those religious people who are half footed in the world are rather concerned with fitting in and being accepted by those around them (including social status). Listen, if you want to reach up to paradise, you have to be a “holy outlaw” who does not fit in, a radical one, because the apocalypse makes you radical independent of the system and that is the last thing which the system wants about you [and in really most of the cases also your parents can distract you, they are not less an enemy according to this topic, not that we hate them or do not honour them or do not love them but it is their assimilation to the world]. Who really reaches up to paradise, God is his insurance and God is his liberty and not the routine machine which wants to make us sick with the cares of this world and other things, yes, which wants to make you weak so that you conform to the counterfeit surveillance of the world, the mortal sense control system dominion [an illusive Darwinist, Hegel, communism... whatever construct], a redirecting of minds with all its advertisement, fashion, media, secularism, materialism etc. and survival fear and assimilation to worldly burden etc. and what else... The world says: get drunk, have party, and this or that makes you groovy or special or to be just a womanizer or whatever, believe in our 3d brains, fear the future, fear that you do not be prepared for the next level in your life, that you do not have the bigger car or better title or... And therefore it includes also the system which always conditions people to go from one level to another, school, higher school, to have more things, better title, working in a working place which becomes a routine machine and so on and therefore only the wise see that it never leads to life itself, and it is the mud which makes people believe that they can buy happiness, but see again, see the wise, happy are those who are liberated – because they live fully in the moment [and are one with the external in an encompassing term, imperishable realm, we become one with nature (via God), and that is real life] And even if such a liberated person would had plans, they do not change him! And I do not say that you should not work, I say, see through it, understand the deception.. And further about the ladder, about the visible and invisible experience, later this awareness becomes more a oneness [and to discover an order in the universe, a symphony], to feel connected with everything and again later, more and more joy is filling our belly or from within and we feel even more the living water, we become more fresh and the water makes us easy going, and yea, we can compare the living water with normal water because it has a similitude, and again later at one point, the souls eye opens up [the imperishable realm]. Therefore, that which I explained with the intrinsic substance and that no visible object has intrinsic substance or can have intrinsic substance (all visible things are made by the invisible), that is not a scholastic learning via letters written on paper but a state of consciousness and inner knowing which someone can have already before the souls eye is open. Ya and this consciousness is maybe more known by most healthy teenager but they just do not express it or explain it, they only live it, therefore about the purification level, that would be like an older healthy child [by comparison, and similar below that experiential knowledge which is simple, below that is already a bigger “animal mind” which knows nothing about God and such people are not intimately known by God, and further, their life is heavy and weary but they have accepted it because of assimilation...And now to end it, to give a last example: SEE, I go back to the apocalypse and even if my body got some scars (and other problems) because of the second ascension which was needed [as I made a mistake in my first ascension], still, if I live just for one day fully, fully in the moment!!! I have won the whole race and no one, absolute no one else can top it!!!! Iam in the void, the void is the way, the way is the void. And this void, to clarify also that one, only blind religious people have misused the term void, because this void in the apocalypse is a void and it is called void because it can not be contained but nevertheless it connects us to all things and therefore it represents a communion with all things and it is not a dead nothingness, similar and also behind the veil, a person is good or behaves good because he does it by his interior liberty, that means, because he likes to do it, expression of his true self, he tastes paradise.
25) Listen: You must enjoy all things [eternally] as God does enjoy them, and that is infinite blessedness and if you should be one of the blessed who does enter the apocalypse, then, I tell you, you could stay the whole day with your feet in the sea and watch the waves and what else and a bright magnificent reality is displayed before you and it will not get boring... but the consciousness of a lot of people is so dead, so utterly dead or dry that they have to run from one place to another and experience almost nothing, so what are they doing? Answer, first of all they say that the other heaven [afterlife] is very wonderful and this life here on earth is miserable, but I say, look at these hypocrites, look at them, they know it not that Heaven is in the soul and further, since God is love, lack of love destroys the body – earlier or later (magical healings can only give you some pause or some relaxation but the whole magic is the God realm), Microcosm factor. And someone will say, when you speak of such an extreme ecstasy in the apocalypse, then it is fake religious that some are in prostration or humble prayer and such things? Answer: to this I say, NO, because exactly such things are sometimes [not always] the exact right approach to God, that is, that his grace and fire works in them and breaking their ego, proud and shifting them into a moment of recall (holy moments) and heart washing (mourning, breaking glue, awakening), similar the same is true if there is a presence of an extreme saint aka someone in the apocalypse, so also some people get exposed before them and they get confronted with their hidden “higher self” and therefore it is possible that tears run down on their faces or etc. It is simple a heaven atmosphere encounter. QUESTION: when Jesus walked above the water, could he also walk under the water? :-) How can the body be immaterial and tangible? Answer: the body is immaterial because of the bosom glass and it all stands in the lightning or flash upon the Glass, the whole Sphere, and the body is tangible because it is simple tangible in that construct – by the Spirit as universal power, all power. The body is dissolved and like a phoenix resurrected and made into its heavenly properties. We are quasi Kings of our [God given] Kingdom in that divine realm (we live in the age to come, new era), the divine realm collides with the world but we are stronger then the entire world (that’s why we posses the earth, Matthew 5:5), ya, already because of the 7 Spirits governing wheel. And our Kingdom is clean (ethereal). We are Master and reign. And because the glory or divine realm is a collision [eternity] with the world and because of the governing wheel, also those outside will taste something about it, aka those who are not in the supernatural world, like a bit of rain coming into their world. My advice: GET RID OF RELIGIOUS FOOLS. Why do you listen to the people who say every day that tomorrow ends the world? this wiselings of the world do not know that the end of the world = God realm and God realm = shelter, see Psalm 91, and walking on a new earth with a new heaven, and here we have lost our mortal sense and therefore this “prophets” can only play on the feelings of the immature sheeps, wherefore I call that boring and for me it proves and I do not want to offend someone but it proves that they are utterly lost in the world, made weak by the world, muddy. Apocalypse saint are STRONG: John 10:18, no one can take my life from me – and as said, we see ourselves immortal and further, we have even no fear about judgement, 1John 4:18, a perfect confidence and perfect love casts out all fear. Keep a little bit self-brutality when you go through hard times, otherwise God can not use you fully but never ever be self destructive but focus steadily on the goal and the goal is the Spirit or God realm which is the end of all suffering (paradise found). And all traps have to be learned and I say it again, no alcohol is allowed in the God realm, the highpriest in the most holy place, but before you have entered the God realm, one glass wine or something like that is ok... Now, the orthodox say that 1John 3:9 can not sin, seed remains in him, 1John 5:18 the evil one touches him not... that this speaks of Theosis (divinization), to which I agree, and the evil one can not touch us because of the Light sphere and we can not sin because of creation consciousness and the animal passions with the conjunction to the body are not possible in the God realm, nevertheless we have to understand the spiritual rules, and this planet is a test!!! Further, alcohol per se or any other drug becomes useless behind the veil, nothing can top the immense ecstasy which is experienced in God, and everything becomes a kind of spiritual pleasure (5 senses). And be simple, just avoid pornographic images (you know all this addictions) because the flesh will feed on it, with your will you go into all kind of imaginations which steals your awareness (the white dove is purity). Avoid any ruling with merely the flesh. Behind the veil, defence is possible, but wrath does not exist as and also only the divine water makes the body fast; a polished awareness = highest vibration. And as you see, I teach you very simple things (simple to avoid carnal stuff). ADVICE:: it would be good to stay grounded on your feet, and also to go outside, make some excursion, go hiking or do whatever to have some variety in your life.
26) the dark fire is interwoven in the soul ==> the world becomes more opaque ==> the body becomes more heavy ==> it steals breath and energy etc... As wax melts before fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God... and see fire test, 1Corinthians 3:13, 2Thessanolians 1:9, the Lord revealed in blazing fire and Matthew 25:46 and these shall go away into everlasting punishment. And see the Kingdom which can not be moved, Hebrews 12:29 God is a consuming fire... Matthew 10:28, 7:19, the tree which brings no fruit , Job 38 the wicked shaken out of it, Matthew 7:13 narrow is the way and small the gate that leads to life! (why is it small?, another interpretation, that is, that you can not go through the gate with all the mud in the soul, it is like a donkey who does wear all the ballast and who can not [with the ballast on him] enter through the small gates of Jerusalem) etc. Wherefore a return is always possible, also Mary of Egypt and many other have proven it, even I myself, I stay as witness because I come out from an immense darkness and probably because of my attitude, Iam still alive, and that means, to spend day and night before the cross, to crucify myself, I even sell all what I have so that I can fasten completely from the world, away from all distractions and cease from my own will and let the heart get cleansed via his grace and to throw myself into a kind of nothingness, continual inward prayer and meditation etc. as and also the Lord said, they are worthy of me. And I had no spiritual teacher, I had to learn it all by myself, and also to search for the truth, to put it all together. I received Jesus at age 33, and now at age 39 coming out again from darkness and to finish this book. And again, to make it more easy, Heaven and Hell will always exist because of free will etc. and so also you can go to the upper levels or to the lower levels, and the upper levels, that leads to all abundant life and it is the soul which gives life to the body, it is all one simple holistic truth, and the after-life depends on your relationship to God, as there are also different planes [and capacities]...And about apostles, prophets, teacher etc. when they do not teach heaven and hell in man, you can ignore them completely because they are only in vain talk and fix everything according to their own fallen soulish desire and they have no part in the truth... Symeon said to his religious fellows: If you really see, how is it that you stumble like a blind man and your whole body and soul are covered with black marks? Everyone has a measure of faith in Him. And I say, behind the veil = faith of God... and it is very well possible for you to become too much a child of hell. And no, I do not deny the cross, I simple say, there are more heavens and hells, and if you want to have a good position in after-life, then you should surrender to the Lord, which is so or so your liberation. I say, have no [bigger] part with religious people who treated down the Mystery and all the Masters who went before us and who left us some witness and teachings. Ya, this fools ignored it all and often fight each other with all their denominations or different churches and whatever and they teach only from their fallen soul and neglect paradise,... as in doing so, many are able to build their own kingdom, but here you will get a book which will initiate you in all necessary things to know, so that you have a meditation of who you are, to get rid of linear thinking and leave traps and to know a bit about paradise and about the divine vision which is here simple presented and written in such a way that you do not go astray. God has brought you to this book; discern it with your innermost being and if it does resonate with you. CHECK: In my first ascend, I had not studied it all and I was a bit perplex, that is, because my eyes received more light, the crystal kingdom or ice palace (translucent factor, LOOK AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILD, familiar in diamonds), now, also my skin changed and because of the huge amount of light in my eyes, I was not sure of how much is my own perception about the change of the skin and halo, but for sure, now all is much better understood of how the soul gives life to the body, how the senses are renewed and the 7 Spirits wheel is known to me, and so it is written: Matthew 6:22 the eye is the lamp of the body, if your vision is clear [single eye], then your whole! body will be full of light, how much more clear can it get? And I know as an absolute fact, that the biggest part of the washing about my sin life (mud which I gathered) is from ~ age 13 to age 33, that means, if some children [who maybe have also some or a bit better past life], if they are trained with a book similar to this here, then they have only a stones throw when they make it right, yea, very well possible that they can have very fast some glimpses about the divine vision [and they can avoid a lot of pain and suffering]... yet again the biggest part of Christianity is full of nonsense and without vision and in lack of knowledge. Now, you ask, what is stillness? Answer, one of the reason why a person has such a tremendous peace behind the veil, that is, because he enters a supernal stillness, an immense stillness, what do I mean? I say, that we have such a strong awareness that we can just enjoy the moment, just to be fully aware and there is no thought which can disturb us or blow us away or distract us, or to put it more simple: We are full alive and live fully in the moment [therefore, the heavy flesh is fake and most people believe in the counterfeit, but the mind should be liberated like breathing]
27) Logos (miltha, memra...) About the God realm, the darkness comprehended (understood) it not, John 1:5, God realm = enlightened understanding and the souls eye open. Now, what is this darkness if not infernal fire, the dark fire? Job 18:5 the flame of his fire gives no light, the light in his tent (house) grows dark. Proverbs 4:19 darkest gloom, they do not know what makes them stumble!!!, Proverbs 13:9 but the light of the righteous shines brightly, Isaiah 50:11, Habakkuk 2:13 the labor of the people only feeds the fire, and nations weary themselves in vain [finding no rest, wells without water]...Wherefore when you ascend, then the hellish mud gets cast out = through the air which blows the dross away = increased breath and willpower + more light + more living water which makes it all mild and sweet = the 7 Spirits, to explain the drastic energy and strength increase in a simple way, Psalm 84:7, Psalm 28:7-8, Psalm 118:14-15, Habakkuk 3:19, Ephesians 3:16, etc. and for sure, self control is included, full awareness etc. And further about the Logos: because they seeing see not, they hearing hear not, neither do they understand (their heart is waxed gross, dull, unfeeling, stupid) – Matthew 13:20: the seed thrown on rocky ground is the one who hears the Logos and promptly receiving it with joy but do not understand, that is, they are forgetful, wrapped with the cares of this world and with deception, the wicked one etc.... read it for yourself, and the Kingdom of heaven = the God realm, 100fold, therefore, blessed are those who receive this Mystery, to whom it is given to know it... wherefore the Lord calls also those foolish and blind who do not recognize the cup aka when the inside is clean, then also the outside is clean, which speaks also about the God realm and the mirror (bosom glass, all is light), Matthew 23:26, Luke 11:40... LOOK AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILD. Further about the foolish church: it can get also worst with people, if after repentance of heart (= turn around, ascension) he turns back to his former evils, then it can get worst, also I had to learn this lesson (I made one mistake and got smashed into darkness), but a return is possible... and about forgiveness, it means that you move from suffering to healing, similar, our sins (sin consequence, old man) are not vanished by just one prayer to the Lord, this is complete ridiculous because of the old man, but we are made able to focus better on the Lord and therefore this pulls and triggers (weed, sin consequence) can be brought under submission, and through the sanctification process, then mind, emotions, will, understanding, knowledge changes, which leads us to total liberation... highest vibration. See seven churches in the book of revelation and those who overcome and sit with him on the throne. And also, if there would be no sin consequence (hellish source, left in the soul), then every admonishing in the Bible is useless, every redirecting of the mind is useless, yes, even most revelations which are mentioned are useless... but they are not, because no one is directly in the God realm (habitation). AND to believe that someone who lives a complete crucified life and another one who is with one foot worldly, that they have the same reward in the after-life, only for depraved people this sounds righteous, and specially because the Lord said: everyone will be judged by his works and see fire test etc. And the Lord desires a pure bride. About the energies: the reason why this sulphur which is interwoven in the soul, why it is not so directly comprehended by people, that is foremost because of the flesh and their senses are not in the Spirit dimension (otherwise they would smell it, produced via 7 Spirits) and the other thing, that is that they have assimilated to the world and only when someone would taste immense paradise, then, very fast he would see the hell of his former life, or the hell which was mixed/ interwoven in his soul. Therefore, it is the boiling frog parable, a frog being slowly boiled alive, not recognizing the state in which he is [except someone is in depression or total bitterness (and realizes it) which I ignore now, as and also, when we speak general, then everyone is a bit bitter who is not in paradise, again, they are assimilated to it and think that this bitterness is normal and so they are complete lost and blind to the truth about paradise). Wherefore you shall not fear this revelation, I just show you that a higher VIBRATION is accessible... And further, sometimes, it takes some pain (the Lord called it cup of suffering) to be brought into this higher levels, to disjoint the glue, the mud (cast out from the soul/body), refining process etc. And further, here you can read about the Microcosm factor: Deuteronomy 30:14, 15, 19, Deuteronomy 4:26, this day, I call the heavens and the earth as witness against you, Romans 10:8 (we have to become one with nature via God). And we ascend via: Isaiah 30:15, in repentance and rest, in quietness, in TRUST, we bring ourselves into the manifested presence of God which brings us step by step closer to the most holy place. Many are called, few are chosen. And yes, it is necessary to avoid distractions because when the mind is all the time distracted, then Gods grace can not work fully and the senses are always entertained, the senses which have to be renewed (be still and know that Iam God, open yourself to the inflow), and no, you will have it difficult to see your progress because of dark hour in-between when dirt gets pressed out and you have only one consciousness but yes, awareness and increased peace and stillness as explained are some signs beside joy increase [within] and etc. That means also, to turn off your TV (television) which is so or so cheap [except you can pick up some movies which speak to your heart etc.], and ya, do not to listen to blind people on the internet... and you can combine it with spending more time in nature, and seek not just any little thing, God is found in everything, the transparent light globe, to discern the creator in everything…. For this book is also about higher life quality… and fi you want to have it… ya you must learn some things
28) And yes, some gifts can be imparted to other people (like a mantle) yet everyone has his own soul, walks in his own atmosphere... Now, there are 2 major problems for ascend, first, that is the old man which needs to be broken and that is often connected with mourning by which the current character needs to be confronted with the higher good so that awakening can happen, to taste also the higher love and energy, the second point that is the mind and its attachment to the lower astral forces, this hellish source which produces sulphur, aka spirit of the flesh etc., and so a recalibration of mind is involved so that the mind gets rid of the boxes and habits and old thinking (stinking) patterns which were build.. All this takes a great onslaught and needs a will to let go and to get rid of the fake self. And no common Christian is able to just jump into the full presence of father, it would drive him insane [little or big, it depends on the maturity of the vessel] and not just that, but if such an “impartation” or confrontation would be possible, he could not endure it and the astral forces would shoot back on him because of mind attachment and because of the fabricated void which would be also in him... therefore Gods fire burns it step by step out in me and whoever makes it into the apocalypse, he needs further some acclimatization season, to really become more grounded…. Ya, what you learn in this book, that is the WHY, WHAT, HOW, the whole transformation which leads to the most holy place. God has brought you to this book and it will liberate you from the fake religion [because the fake religion builds concrete walls, Babylonian mixture, unbelief etc.], as it is also written in 2Timothy 3:8 depraved minds – always learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth and truth is a person, truth is Jesus, truth is the God realm… DIVINE SCIENCE: the 7 Spirits do nothing else then to give you the full symphony, and this includes also the 5 senses [full spectrum] And gentleness and sovereignty expressed in body language (be like water), a hiding place, a home wherever Iam, Iam at rest, stillness can not be shaken. Further, understand, sometimes during transformation a heavenly odour can arise and it smells like some special incense, that is, that you step closer to the most holy place and mud gets cast out, see also song of songs [in scripture]… again the sevenfold energy produces it… Behold, life is enhanced through increased awareness (faculties), therefore all intoxication is fake and it gives only a short pleasure by which the mind goes in turbulence [the spirit of the flesh messes up the system, the soul is fragmented, lost harmony]... there is an almighty God, as there is also a designer and the light Sphere, but the harnessing of the energy is your business, you must align. The highest vibration is highest bliss and peace and perfect communication, the perfect sound. Creation can not be separated from the source, and there exist innumerable worlds, endless universe – see center and circumference and the worlds are somehow connected via the ongoing process, like from ideas to ideas which I would rather see as a more subtle wax stamp and I must touch the higher dimension otherwise I die. Therefore the past shall not rule over me [mud in the soul, which makes carnal (spirit of the flesh), animal passion, that is also self sabotage]. Ya, I redeem the time. The creator as he is also the source gave the Logos [wherefore when that exactly happened, this does not matter] and you are responsible. Everyone walks in his own atmosphere; humans can walk in a dense and heavy realm or in the higher realm which becomes entirely spiritual, inspirited, in the final stage, and the atmosphere of this highest realm is called ethereal. The reader will ask; you speak hard? To this I say, the world can only fool you when you never got taught divine truths which lead you to the ultimate truth [God realm, here, the seeking has found its end], same with friend circles and so called friends who are worldly and which want that you play their game so that you get accepted, they have no power over you when you understand this book, this book will make you to a soldier. Now, the worst enemy is the Babylonian whore and Christians used by the enemy, as they twist the truth and manipulate and play games which has bigger consequences because scripture is God breathed and they can bring you into snares, one snare after another with their soulish witchcraft and what else. If you want to make progress, you have to be hard in your determination and do not listen to the whore which does weasel all day long with words, for the devil has 1000 of years of experience to manipulate and fool you with words. Therefore, you cut them off from your ear as written in this book. And also the flesh (spirit of the flesh) has no mercy for you, ones it gets you, therefore be soft in your movement but hard in your determination and forget that completely that we are all Christians and we just love each other, the whore will also use that so that you get caught up in her filthy water. You learn from Master, those who live today and all who have gone before us and you will avoid much suffering. Therefore better listen. And if you have a problem with that, you put that book now out of your hand, you are not worthy of it... And to whom can I listen? Answer, to those who align to the biggest part with this teaching here.
29) CREATION: Ya, and the ancient people had 360 days in their calendar which reminds me to a circle. And the question would be also how a more perfected creation would look like, all the patterns, because we humans mess it up with our low energy, or we could call it hell influx in creation, the sacred geometry is messed up... yes, even the water you drink responds differently when you are in the apocalypse. Wherefore some people will say that this sounds crazy that humans make creation to such extend dirty (all the foundations of the earth are shaken), but to this I say, these humans have no idea of how powerful that apocalypse really is, aka created us in his image. Seven as the deepest contemplation about nature, and the book is in your heart, and yes, I would include also other factors about creation, and yes, the divine Magi, he who enters the apocalypse, he has brought the harmony back in himself - the perfect geometry, man and universe, which can be compared to my birthday number 3.17, all what it needs, that is the 3fold creative force, the 7 Spirits and the oneness as also that God realm is fullness to us. And about my country which is called Austria (eastern lands), ya even that country I could use symbolically... as we get embraced by the true sun (rises, with healing wings), therefore, what I say, also when the patterns in creation changed or even change further, nevertheless geometrical perfection is still found in the higher hidden layer, the Microcosm perfection and the governing wheel. And the number 8 is the world rebirth party, that is, the order of the celestial world via the God realm, established on earth, new earth and new heaven, new man or new creation, resurrection. Last day = Genesis 2:4 heavens and earth were created, in the day!!! that the Lord God made the heavens and the earth (correct translation). Last day = resurrected, the God realm or eternal realm is fullness to us, John 6:40 I will raise him up at the last day. Genesis 1: 31 about creation, behold it was very good, behold all things are become new, Hebrews 4:3 works were finished ==> the immoveable Kingdom, the kingdom which can not be moved. Again, we are non-local [via the cup which never runs out) and local [via the body which is still tangible but made light, all is leaded on by the creative impulse, bosom glass] and Babylon is fallen with all her pomp. And every monarch and mighty person on earth is merely a shadow by comparison to the begotten god reality (in symbolic speech, all hills melt like wax, Psalm 97) and the filthy cup religion is overcome, so also the world. And ya, all power comes from within, the soul has a hidden abyss, untouched by time and space that is the bosom glass pearl ==> be detached from desire, that is, be content, think lightly about yourself, never be jealous, if you loose someone, a short grief is ok but then go on, unconditional love is still the cosmic energy (deathless), be [always] without resentment and complaint, be indifferent where you live [the house not made by hands is your destination, be strong, and thankful for the little things], do not act following customary beliefs, do not fear death [you should have a resolute acceptance of death], you may abandon your body but you must preserve your honour [before the source], never stray from the way, don’t let lust control your life, learn acceptance [resignation, even in suffering] – circumstances should not rule over you... A Master is like a rock, inaccessible to anything at all, immoveable race yet still in communion with all things, take care, he represents the core of the universe. Make yourself into a silent immoveable giant. Thats what the mountain is. Psalm 24:3. Dont waste your time trying just to impress people, yes role models exist and we follow boldness etc… yet achieve results but do not boast too much, 1Corinthinas 1:29 (nullify), seek not just the glory of man [mortal fame, the crave for human honour, your honour (dignity) is higher then all of that, as knight of the sun, the dignity is compareable to the light of the world], John 5:41, do nothing that is not of use! Yet you can have fun in life and you make fun… what I eman, get not ensnared! In the void is virtue and no evil, by knowing what exists, you can know that which does not exists [that which can not be contained, the invisible], that is the void, from one thing, know ten thousand things, therefore, be not stiff necked. And yes, we can say that the saints dignity lies in the fact that he represents the core of the universe, nevertheless it is not accomplished without the surpassing source, and without spoken words he emanates naturally praise, his whole being, and he is perfectly embedded in inspirited nature, to become a power of God, Ephesians 3:16, and one with the fluid, feel the power in you, all power comes from within [unlimited resource, flowing endless through you], guard it, dive deeper still [deep calls unto deep, Psalm 42:7]CHECK: Thomas Gospel, saying 77, Jesus said, It is I who am the light which is above [presides] them all. It is I who am the all [over the all]. From me did the all come forth [Iam the entirety], and unto me did the all extend [goes, attains to me]. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there.... Psalm 102:26, heaven and earth, like clothing you shall CHANGE them; but the LOGOS (logoi) of me will not pass away Luke 21:33 = Psalm 119:89, firmly fixed in the heavens, God remains the same [to live from the living one, the house not made by hands, not of this creation, LOOK AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILD] etc. Expanded consciousness = enlarged tent, Isaiah 54:2 = highest vibration = as the seed so the tree (universe materialized or unfolded), as the tree so the fruit [divine love, inexpressible joy, kindness, self control, total awareness – overcome the world... [liberated from Babel language, from a stammering tongue] ===>>> The cosmos: everything exists in context of interconnection, and the cosmos has a self similar design (fractals), likewise all the fractals are gathered up in me (bosom, in the flow, with body eyes integrated, LOOK AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILD, because everything is reflected upon the mirror). Ya, the cosmos can be contemplated as my true self, in relationship to all things. Aristotle proposed the “dichotomy paradox.” Suppose someone wants to walk home. To get there, one must first walk halfway home. To walk halfway home, one must first walk one-fourth the way home. Since the distance home is infinitely divisible, one must complete an infinite number of tasks to get there. So theoretically, one can never walk home. With simple words, we have to find our true home or house! [a continuous object (a distance from A to B, here, the line just continues, and example would be applesauce) versus finite number]. To be part of the whole, God enfolds and unfolds all things, the mirror (duality integrated), I reflect things like in a mirror (the external birth (many coloured garment) takes its archetype (seal) from the internal birth), Job 38:14, Psalm 104:2 = POLAR OPPOSITES (diversity and unity)
30) also Isaiah 40:22 shows the tent: it is he that sits upon the circle [compass] of the earth... that stretches out the heavens like a curtain [tent], another one would be Proverbs 8:23 set up from everlasting, from the beginning, set a circle [compass] upon the face of the deep [abyss] ==> CHECK AGAIN THE POOL WE HAVE BUILT... similar, we have to return to the beginning, to find our star light being or Self pearl, and we have more Bible verses but the reader can search it out for himself... and also a help, Psalm 136:6, Isaiah 42:5, Jeremiah 10:12, Psalm 104:5 + Psalm 93:1 (earth (or world) can not be moved, clothed in majesty, the Logos, immoveable kingdom) which is non-local, Isaiah 44:24, Job 9:8, a perpetual stretching out = the cup which never runs out!!!, therefore, the earth hangs quasi on nothing Job 26:7, as it is the land of the abyssal eye (the kingdom roundabout), Psalm 33:6, and yes: tent (tabernacle), house, temple, this words are interchangeable. Nicolas Tesla: Be alone, that is the secret of invention, be alone, that is when ideas are born... the gift of mental power comes from God, divine being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power [wherefore the “solitary” enter the God realm, begotten gods = filled with all the fullness of God] ==> but who will understand me? the short lived are enclosed in the narrow horizon of their physical body, somehow reduced to being a thing (via the artificial Spirit which makes him blind, he belongs [partially] to the hive of the world, the scheme got him)... Therefore, run my child; learn from me my child and do not listen to the puppet Master... and everyone has to die who seeks rather his own [and not God]
31) PERSONAL STORY: Wherefore someone would ask if it was my total intent to write this book? Answer, not fully, the divine intelligence got me, caught me, somehow connected via the memory pool in me, which explains why I had tattoos on my body which I could not even understand, all the symbols like fractals, scripture verse and many other symbols and sayings... but I do not say that you should make tattoos, this, about me, that was more a breaking out [of the prison] QUEST and later I could decode it, because of the divine vision. And yes, I had other things experienced in my life like the pyramids and the sarcophagus secret, by which someone must hit a very special sound from the throat [and no one else should be in the room otherwise it does not work], and then the whole pyramid vibrates and echoes very strange... I simple had experienced this things before Christ, and all was quasi a bit a journey [and coming out of Babylon etc.] and without the bigger smash after my first ascend, I would had never ever put so much effort in it to write the divine vision etc. down with all the downloads aka revelations and to make it eatable also for those below it... as and also every person can say afterwards, that this book is easy to understand, as afterwards it is always easy, and people forget easily, that is, to acknowledge all the words which were necessary for it, all the symbols, all the holistic understanding, all etc... and also blind people will try to imitate it [and use only little sections of this book] but they will fall, because it does only work via the whole book because the whole book covers every corner of the mind [otherwise people twist it or mix it with carnal stuff or...]... And yes, I had only ~5 year Bible study and with it, I also looked into all the writings of the saints who went before us [and today we have the advantage because of some communication tools to find very fast ancient writings in the internet, ya, also this book includes many other sayings, it is not all directly from me, some very ancient sayings are included and also a few sayings from saints who walked ~ 3000 to a few 100 years ago... And I simple know how to put it into context because of the language of the Mystics - which has also to do with divine intelligence etc. Isaiah 12:3 well of salvation…. Only we understand the well
32) Pride: that is a superconfidence and high esteem in your own abilities also known as vanity. Pride fools you into thinking that you’re the source of your own greatness, as in the opposite the healthy True self love is accomplished via the source (then you love your Self in a sense to feel love... you are simple happy). And that is the meaning ins scripture: you have to hate your own life so that you find the true life, never save your own life, Luke 9:24, then you reach up to the source, a transparent soul = poor in Spirit, liberated from all vain imaginations in the heart. To empty the mind, that is to keep silence and to listen to the ear of the heart, also that helps. Behold, I can do nothing without the source [contemplation] And sloth must be avoided, and so we have another reason why going out into nature [to do something] is helpful. And about slander and whispering, that can not be in the web of life, in the eternal word, all that is mud but not a transparent soul [as and also all that just vanishes in the apocalypse, it has zero usefulness, it can not even exist in it, the mind stamp of God]... That is how it works: You draw closer to God = you feel more love from within and joy = more filled with light = better discernment and therefore, you get less offended and you become more stable in your internal environment, with inner strength, finally all external things do not really bother you, therefore you become complete effortless, you go into the immoveable mountain [you become quasi a pillar, with the mirror]. And mark well my child, You have here the advantage to learn from someone who knows all the steps of the ladder which lead to the final divine vision [Jacobs well, Jacobs ladder], 7 or 8 billion people on this planet but only few who know the divine vision [got glimpses of it] and those who fully resurrect, you can count them with your fingers, therefore you should not be foolish and listen to the other (who deny transformation) and this book has at the end, the full paradisiacal vision explained. 2Corinthians 10:3 [many blind people know not their measurement]... And you will say, but you judge? My answer, yes, why not? And I do no look at outward appearance, and it is not a personal thing, I show the way, and I show deceptions and there is a difference between slander and judging. Proverbs 10:31 The mouth of the just brings forth wisdom: but the froward (perverse) tongue shall be cut out... Avoid unprofitable words. And now you ask; how do my words can become sweet? I say to you, when you enter ecstasy, then your words become sweet too, because you are happy everywhere and even when you would need to speak loudly, it would be still in that ecstasy, this fake serious mask does not exist behind the veil, a person behind the veil can be loud but he does [still] not loose his comfort. The highest vibration is divine love and all the bliss with it. Before that, a person can align himself to the higher state but he is not in the apocalypse. The microcosm determines also the environment, Behold: people say, God sits up there in a corner and he loves me, and I say: you would not need that talk if you yourself would become pleasant. All that God talk about God loves you and this and that, yea, you simple do not have that love nor do you understand the microcosm, nor do you live in a higher state, for if you would live in a higher state, no one needs to talk to you in this way. Look: what you have invited and accepted with your will in life, now this spirits (of the flesh) haunt you [interwoven in your soul like glue or mud or dark clouds...] and your vibration is low [your emotions more bitter and mixed] and your environment is more coarse and dark and you get easily shaken by circumstances, you are more far away from the supreme bliss / the immoveable Kingdom... And again, someone would ask me, you, Martin Mostbauer [also known as Nomad], you are very brute and you could live even with that fact about your hard ascend that your body got many hits and lost mass [and face lost beauty etc.] and how can you live with that? Answer, I can live with that because I had trained my body beforehand and even when I got damaged, at the end it is the soul which gets liberated and here, and that is true, even the light pierces through the skin [Microcosm perfected] and I have won the battle and about after-life = escaped and entering the highest realm. Look, there exist some ways for harder ascends [climbing up the ladder] but that is only for the small circle and it will not be written here in this book. What do you want? How much do you risk? Are you able to give up everything, even your fake Self, etc.? And what many do not know, but the supreme intelligence will reward it when someone like me who had no spiritual father learned it all by himself and had to clean up his messed life [because I got not trained and I was rebellious] and now I even give this knowledge to others, it is like a seed... and there are causes and effects [sowing and reaping], and all the battle I did alone in my first ascend, I did not go to anyone... I would had also not known anyone, the principle of sacrifice, I had no one, but it does not matter, I just write all my knowledge which I attained through big battles, I write it compact in this book, I give it for a cheap book prize. [for I could keep also everything in secret, which would make me “sovereign” to many other people but no, I say, kids, if you learn it directly in a young age..., you have a big advantage and you can not pay me enough for it with money, at least regarding some of the more important revelations, ya, so that you have a clear vision to which you can align, to know how the soul functions etc. CHECK: a lot of what the media [world, propaganda] sells you, that is, that you should believe that you are merely flesh [matter], and that is insanity and also the school system knows often only secular indoctrination, and this has probably also to do with agenda and manipulation... And since the microcosm is a fact, I know it 100percent, and since it is an ascend via the heart [and the will of the soul stands in the apocalypse in eternity], and since I got it all confirmed via scripture [afterwards!!!] and since I could take a knife and cut of a finger of my body [for a test] and acknowledge that I have still the same Microcosm factor (awareness, consciousness), that means, the soul endures and if any sanity is left in other people, they would understand me. And I was an engineer, thats why I prove and explain also the supernatural, but I do that also for me, because all my battle shall not have been done in vain...for the fool says in his heart, there is no God. Psalm 14:1... And it does not even matter if you believe in reincarnation or not, fact that is, they have build their own consciousness prison and bath in their own poison… MY FRIENDS, LIFE GOES ON… and another check: when someone says, this mortal life, it is not worth to live forever, he is right, only the highest bliss is worth of immortality, an endless treasure, infinite want, infinite treasure, sheer delight and world or worlds without end...[all this lower human emotions and expressions do not exist in the apocalypse], and with that, you have another prove ==> Infinity belongs to the source [God], he expends no energy which needs to be replenished, endless recycling cycles, the flow, non –local. If you speak about an infinite number, you can not even imagine it nor is a human able to reach such a perfection in anything, and it does not matter what he builds, therefore, ye blind people who are in radical transhumanism, ya or whatever machine they want to build etc., you can never build consciousness and only we reach perfection – going back to the source. And I know that the dragon will tell them that you will not die and that you can build such a thing, but you are nothing else then a tool of the artificial Spirit and in vain imaginations
33) Job 37:2 Hear attentively the noise of his voice, and the sound that goes out of his mouth. He directs it under the whole heaven, and his lightning unto the ends of the earth. [Therefore, everything is impregnated with it, within and without (cloud of unknowing, Job 37:21), leaded on by the creative impulse, bosom glass]. Luke 17:24 For as the lightning, that lightened out of the one part under heaven, shines unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. Job 36:29, 30 Also can any understand the spreadings of the clouds, or the noise of his tabernacle? Behold, he spreads his light upon it, and covers the bottom [depth, root] of the sea. [Wherefore, happy is he who knows the root of all things, the holy tabernacle (tent) or house not made by hands, and also the noise of his tabernacle is heard in an inaudible way in the apocalypse, the wheel turning in it]. Psalm 29:3, 10 The voice of the Lord is upon the waters: the God of glory thunders: the Lord is upon many waters. [so also the flow] The Lord sitteth upon the flood; yea, the Lord sitteth King for ever. Jeremiah 51:16 When he uttered his voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens; and he causes the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth: he makes lightnings with rain, and brings forth the wind out of his treasures. For those who have eyes to see, this can be also used for the apocalypse, the God realm, inflow/outflow/equilibrium – ascend/descend (in–drawing/ out-drawing, mirror)...wherefore the reader can search for other Bible verses, what I give here, that is an introduction, and with the 7 Spirits secret and the divine vision clarification or elucidation, all that becomes more and more clear, Jeremiah 51:17 every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them. And read also Exodus 40:34 Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle. [and that points also to the apocalypse, our body is the temple of the holy spirit, behind the veil = raised a spiritual body = new creation, and that is in the glory cloud [God realm]…The philosopher stone (corner stone, spiritual house): beauty instead of ashes, Isaiah 61:3, oil of joy, garment of praise [garment, our mouth will shut in joy when the source embraces us in the apocalypse but also the whole body emanates praise], oaks of righteousness, display of his splendor [spiritual make up skin, halo, divine love bliss eyes etc.], Isaiah 40:31, renew their strength, run and not grow weary [full energy in the Spirit or Glory realm aka God realm, not even the sun can burn us, Psalm 121:6], Psalm 103:5 youth renewed and the list goes on, also here, the reader can search out more Bible verses, and also important, animal covenant, and creation waits in eager expectation! for the manifestation (emerging) of the sons of God, for the perfected vessels, perfected by the potter, that is, fully consumed the flesh and blood of Christ (and the hellish root cast out), Romans 8:19, new creation, all things new 2Corinthians 5:17, and with the liquid flesh we emanate the fragrance of incense (the whole vessel, the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, 7 Spirits symphony, passed through the fire Malachi 3:3, Psalm 73:26 my flesh and heart may fail = liquefaction = spiritualised body, 1Corinthians 2:9 and Isaiah 55:12 as perfect contemplation for the apocalypse, beside some other Psalms about the rejoicing of creation etc., For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands... and that is in wonderland, the God realm, with Malachi 4:2 = first sun, uncreated light, Self pearl, light globe. The highway of holiness...Further, you must understand, that, first, yes, when you draw closer to God, more joy and peace will be with you, nevertheless when the souls eye open, here is an acceleration, the ecstasy and inexpressible joy and similar with it, the spherical light globe manifests itself [like an amalgamation, wherefore it is a big sphere, do not imagine any little thing and no one can say where it ends, 5 senses, only God knows, energy peak, so far as our bodily eyes see] Therefore, not that people say, I see nothing at all of that and then they think that they can discern their progress with that, no, you must understand that the kingdom within does not come by observation, there are indications for your progress as mentioned in this book but nevertheless the opening of the souls eye is again another acceleration. And be sure, nothing is more beautiful then this well, no words can really describe it and the joy flood with it, the ravishing waves, this divine spectacle with the fire moving forward, 4 elements subtle energies and the flash light upon the glass, no one can fully describe it, for how should be an ever born now glass be described, this must be seen with mental eyes and only Gods energies can do that [ever born now], the bubbling well which never runs dry, and this is also the governing wheel [7 Spirits], God is personal, the source embraces us but when we speak about this spectacle, it is a perfect engine, and God can never fall out from himself, and if God were not a spirit, he would not be a perfect engine. And further, the fire is really a very subtle flame moving forward, all the 4 Elements are seen with the inner eye, 7fold energy, it is a constant stream, and a perpetual, ever reception of new light... And all that is above reason, and recognized by a sort of intuition or eternal gaze, peace which surpasses all understanding, Philippians 4:7, Eph 3:17, width, length, depth, height of love, and thats why we say, that the apocalypse is above reason but not without, the heavenly kingdom is inside us and outside of us, creation reflected upon the mirror [glass], the immoveable kingdom [cube symbol] and we are connected to everything by that which flows out of us, and the body is integrated [5 senses], enjoying everything by a kind of spiritual pleasure. Highest vibration, the house not made by hands or tent, that is the garden enclosed [locked up], a spring enclosed [shut up power, inflow and outflow according to the sphere capacity], fountain sealed, song of Solomon 4:12, it is our star light being or our liquid self pearl, and the seal or signature ring is creation consciousness, and nard as perfume is also very close to the description according to the heavenly smell in the apocalypse (but for sure, it includes other smells, it is more then that, it is a heavenly symphony and nothing is better, as it is the highest good, and also all the 5 senses enjoy in all things the highest good. And this earth becomes crystal like, a kind of transparency in all objects, and this is also called the sea of glass because everything is reflected upon the mirror, a familiar in diamonds, roundabout, the immoveable kingdom, Revelation 4:6, 15:2, And regarding the fountain, we say that we are nurtured by the universe... its natural supernatural, the divine Magi’s wonderland, the mind gets quasi liberated in the infinite, God is no longer put into any box and via the similitude (and light body) also greater works can be done. Yet you ask me about the CUBE (or square) and SPHERE (or circle)… Ya, with the inner eye is seen that it bubbles up from the formless point (like a well without bottom) and shifts towards the glass (square) and the mirror is the limit of the INNER & OUTER domain...and it is a sphere because a sphere is absolute perfection, roundabout… yet later more to it… As a Master I guide you… check, my birthday is 3.17, I simple have to accept the magic and return to the beginning [the abode of liberated beings, the abode of immortals, the unborn which bears me and makes me unborn in this birth], its natural supernatural. My country flag [Austria, eastern lands] points to the true sun, illuminating me, breaking the chains, and flying like an eagle above all the superficial knowledge, Judges 4:21, the tent peg, to smote the nail with the hammer into the head, or to get beheaded, to receive the imperishable crown, that is, get rid of the old mindset and receive the new impartation 1Corinthians 9:25
34) And about cannabis smoking, it lowers definitive the vibration, a lot of Christians say the opposite but they are complete dumb. There are some plants which can help a bit for cleansing and raising vibration because of body connectedness, yet Cannabis is a narcotic and it makes very fast dull. Listen, also overeating is never good, the best is to choose organic food [or better food without much pesticide, without GMO (humans who have altered food (genetically etc.) in a poisonous way because they are blind and often greed is a factor etc.], eat less but better is a key, avoid stuff which makes you sloth. Once you are higher up the ladder, then it is easier because of the Microcosm but specially below, use all that which can help you for ascension. And avoid sugar, you have enough sugar in fruit etc., avoid soft drinks and the explosiveness as it is carbonated, that is a wrong vibration, you can drink mineral water, but let the water settle down a bit... keep it simple and pure, that is a key [and your body is made mostly of water, do not forget that]. There is no problem to eat sometimes a cake but also a cake can be made better with some creativity and with less added sugar, and I know that Paul spoke in Matthew 6:25, take no thought of what you eat or drink, yea, but Paul lived not in such a greedy society [with so many people, and then people take less care about each other, nor is it about the old Jewish law, what to eat], therefore this has to be seen in context, and I know that people can pray over food, wherefore we simple can not neglect the Microcosm factor and that a sober person will choose (if he has the possibility) that which brings the body into less troubles. QUESTION: Can you prove the halo on the body? Answer, yes, also that is in scripture, 2Corinthinas 3:7, 11 like Moses face, wherefore about the splendour, the reader will find more Bible verses, and the spiritual make up skin, that is simple because the body gets spiritualised and also that you find in scripture, like oil soaked in a piece of paper, raised a spiritual body, O philosopher stone! [Habitation of God through the Spirit]. And ya, regarding the mansions and the saying in scripture: in Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you... Wherefore I see these mansions as different realms, places in the heavens. WE ARE HIS HOUSE ==> I write for those who are searching for the lost world. It does not need self righteous but only a holistic understanding which prevents someone from doing stupid things, and it needs a vision for the goal, and simplicity for the way, and knowledge, the Why, How, What... many are called, few are chosen. Put yourself under the hard hand of someone who walked it all out, and success shall be with you [and avoid the Babylonian whore and the image of the beast, that is, a false view about the universe]. My child, you see? It is simple, acknowledge yourself as a Microcosm, universal principle. The new world is the river of God, flowing from Him and flowing back to Him. On this ever revolving wheel of being and the selfish ego goes round and round, believing itself to be a separate creature, until it sees its identity with the Lord of Love and attains immortality in the Indivisible Whole. He is the eternal; Reality, the origin and end of all things, all that is eternal, unchanging and that which truly exists.
35) Now, all that what you have read so far, it will make sense to you via scripture, and we have also used logic as far as possible about the divine vision and how it all plays together. You will ask me about other entities (bigger demons)? My child, yes they exist, I had many encounters because they wanted to bring my vibration down and they are not very amused that I expose it all, and that is the only reason why they show themselves more openly to me, because their advantage is that humans should not believe in them. I know their vibration and some did visit me more directly and about bigger ones even footprints can be heard (spirit realm). And since they operate in a lower vibration, then the higher atmosphere does burn them, similar if I get fully washed out, they must run miles ahead in front of me. Therefore, it is their advantage when the vibration of humanity is kept low, with the archonic grid, the web of death [mud]. Why do they exist? Answer, they are just fallen Spirits, similar as you have mind and soul etc. In reality, there is nothing special about it. And most Shamans do also know that this stuff exists... My child, you are in a war, in an unseen war, wherefore when you live a holy life, your willpower should be much stronger, and you need nothing to fear etc. Further, and this here is a separation, the holy from the profane [and with right teaching and understanding, only then you are prepared]. And look at Matthew 25:35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in... Now, there are people who lived in the desert and could not help many people with physical food or etc. or it just was not the main thing in their life, for sure, when they see someone in need, they would help but similar not everyone went to prison Matthew 25:36, nevertheless they reached a high state and they also have it in the after-life. So what, my child? In prison are all those who are under the Babylonian whore church and if you want food, Iam someone who knows how to break through the wall made of bricks, here, you will get spiritual food right to the end of the book with the full divine vision, all your innermost being will be rearranged, even your mind reconstructed and is fed (that is the food) and it will gradually show its advantage for you, it slowly burns in you and dissolves all foolishness in you, ya also unbelief. Matthew 5:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Why? See, my child, the innermost kernel, we regard [recognize] no man according to the flesh, 2Corinithians 5:16, and behold, also you have this center (Kernel) within you… THE CENTER IS WITHIN ME… AND WITHIN YOU ==>Evil Christianity builds confusion and disunion, evil Christianity distracts others with their eloquent and smooth speech [to make money, they are often also very learned and only head Christians, sometimes, they are also control freaks, and often, they have a very dull conscience, they are masquerading, you will find no evidence of growth in them, evil Christianity is a system build upon stagnation, evil Christianity is all about the worldly kingdom, they have ignored the whole kingdom within and they are a religion of humanity, preaching a secular social gospel ==> wherefore God says: Jeremiah 3:15, 23:4 And I will give you shepherd according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding... 1Corinthians 10:4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. [since you have also the Kernel, and when Iam in the apocalypse, you are allowed to drink from me, but this book is also build upon mind ascension [introduction, with all the scripture verse put together] and the final apocalypse water comes at the end of the book, the eternal word]... Thomas Gospel, saying 108: Jesus said, Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I, too, will become that person, and to that person the obscure things will be shown forth... food which endures to eternal life, John 6:27. And you ask, what are you saying about grace? Answer, it is comparable to a little wound [some blood drops], it heals itself by itself, so also the true self or white dove comes forward, it takes care by itself, and therefore we align with it. And further, you must understand that God is a supernal stillness, understand that!!! And it is insanity to believe that God has wrath in him, God does eternally enjoy his creation, inexpressible joy... and when you search diligently scripture, then you will find out that this human known anger and wrath is only found in fallen nature [cross birth, mud, energy split microcosm]... ya, and also in such a way God speaks to infants, the cup of wrath, his children drink it in disobedience, produced in fallen nature, and when people are stubborn, they store up wrath in them, Romans 2:5, 9, Ephesians 5:6, Gods wrath comes on those who are disobedient! Wherefore that people do not understand that and have build a misconception about God, that is not just insanity, it has brought much confusion and other problems, and some people are so immature that they think about Gods wrath, that they only think about external things which could happen, anyway, here, I finish with this topic. Heaven and Hell is in man. Rom 6:22 have your fruit unto holiness, and the end, everlasting life… that is highest vibration… childlike liberated… not dull, heavy, wrathful with all this blockages in the soul… Ya, and again we can be loud in the apocalypse yet we taste the paradisical vibration! AND ANOTHER CHECK: Can you prove [via scripture] that the universe can be contemplated as the true Self? Ephesians 1:10 he might gather together in one all things in Christ [a person], both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him [which is also our inheritance, recognized in the apocalypse, and nothing is better then that, in harmony with the universe, seen via the eyes of the heart or mental eyes, Ephesians 1:18, invisible and visible, bosom glass (mirror) self pearl] And Colossians 1:17, before all things, all things consist (cohere) in him, this proves further the Self pearl together with Ephesians 4:6 the source is beyond but not excluded [the center is also within me and within you]. The ethereal imprint in scripture, and therefore we speak the same language without confusion [eternal wisdom, enlightened understanding] Now you say, You explained very clear the fractal universe and Christ as radiance and the source (father) via scripture but you spoke about the 3fold creative force, can you also prove the holy breath aka the flow? You see him in Genesis 1:2, then in Romans 5:5 Gods love poured out through the Holy Spirit, then in John 4:13 a fresh bubbling spring, welling up (flowing, bubbling) continually within us into eternal life [which is the apocalypse reality], it is this river from the throne of God, Revelation 22:1, gives abundant life, freshness of life, and I in God we receive the restoration of soul and body, Romans 8:11, 29, quickening of the body. And when the water does not flow, then it becomes stagnated dead water, a pitiful imitation of Christ. John 7:38 from his innermost being (belly) shall flow continuously springs and rivers of living water... And for sure, the holy spirit is the holy breath etc. And can you prove that you see also the fire energy in the apocalypse (the 7 spirits as explained, from the well)? Answer, one example would be Isaiah 33:14, who of us can dwell with everlasting burning?... And you said, you get transfigured in the apocalypse, do you have any prove for that via scripture? Answer, yes, in 2Peter 2:16, 17, here, Peter speaks about the transfiguration of Jesus and directly afterwards he points to us, which is something as complete reliable, and he called it: the morning star rises in our heart, that is, our star light being. You ask further, beside the transmutation of the Body and the 7 Spirits and verses in scripture about resurrection and the spiritualised body [body is the temple of the Holy Spirit] and so on, including extra biblical sources like book of wisdom about our immortality [no degenerative forces are in it] and many other revelations which you have read [halo etc.], you ask, do you have still something else about the unfading God realm? Answer, yes, you read it in 1Peter 1:4, an inheritance which can never perish, spoil or fade, that is, shielded by Gods power, our star light being, garden enclosed, fountain sealed, refined by fire [transmuted, heart washed etc.], golden tincture, glory realm, and the salvation of our souls 1Peter 1:9, in inexpressible joy and for further help you, you can also read the book called: the shepherd of Hermas, as also to Hermas the 4 Elements got revealed and what it means to reign. The soul must be lifted out the world: 1John 2:15, the world and its desires passes away! And, whoever does the will of God lives forever [in the will of God, that is an eternal liberty of free will, we move with him, with the prime mover, our star light being = for we shall see him as he is, 1John 3:2 ==> Behind the veil, aka in the apocalypse, we breath resurrection breath [all mud cast out, 7 spirits harmony], wherefore we could also say, we breath light, it would be not much less true, let the wise understand it. And generally we can say that the tree of life [zoe life, also divine vitality] is not so far away, its inside you, it is up to you to tap into it. Ya, someone has to tell you. And regarding our resurrection you can check Philippians 3:21, Ephesians 1:19, 20 the same power which raised Christ, Romans 6:4, Luke 22:18,19 Here we see clearly that we eat from the paradisiacal body, resurrected body. Listen: The Lords kingdom on this earth, is not a worldly kingdom, but a Kingdom of God, without any of the ostentation of the world, there is nothing external to it, but it is inward, within man, and Jerusalem city, his citadel, ya his dwelling place (new Jerusalem is a metaphor for a group of believer, a city with many houses). And another little help can be the book Theologia Germanica, written anonymous [to use some nuggets]. “That which is perfect” is a Being, who hath comprehended and included all things in Himself and His own Substance, and without whom, and beside whom, there is no true Substance, and in whom all things have their Substance. For He is the Substance of all things, and is in Himself unchangeable and immoveable, and changeth and moveth all things else. But “that which is in part,” or the Imperfect, is that which hath its source in, or springeth from the Perfect; just as a brightness or a visible appearance floweth out from the sun or a candle, and appeareth to be somewhat, this or that. And it is called a (earthly) creature; and of all these “things which are in part,” none is the perfect [and to know that which is perfect, you have to get rid of highmindedness, ya because the apocalypse is also the SINGLE EYE modus]... Single eye: For it is perceived of a truth, that the inward man shall stand immoveable, and that it is needful for the outward man to be moved... And about the saying, “A spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see Me have.”, Luke 24:39 These sayings I [also Nomad] interpret thus: you to see Me and follow Me, as I go before you into Galilee; that is to say, into a state in which nothing has power to move or grieve the soul; on which state ye shall enter, and live and continue therein, before that ye have suffered and gone through your bodily death [earthly tent dissolved, and made into the heavenly, liquid flesh]. And as ye see Me having flesh and bones, and not liable to suffer, so shall ye likewise. [this would be similar to the Enoch transfiguration]
36) The primitive levels of the inner milieu [psyche] have to be destroyed, the lower personality structures [and habits], it often includes to sit alone, yea, even to destroy the senses, so that warmth, song and sweetness does arise, the mental life, ya from an animal reactive life to the deeper emotions, to enter into the mountain, to the internal experience, to the stable internal environment, the lower instinctive nature gets also destroyed, this goes along with energy increase, ya, worldly things become as nothing to us, discovering unity in duality, illumination of the inner world and in communion with all things. [Phantasms are nothing else than figments drawn by the bodily senses, this merely outward you is foreign to you, and it commits to memory, the old man]. And the desert is only needed to make a fresh start, abandonment to divine providence, without desert, without solitude, not much progress, we need to disentangle the soul, allow the inner flow to increase in us. Yet this does not mean that you just sit ascetic in your home… no… just add to you life the contemplative life… and read the right books… CHECK: Sanctified souls are gardens of the Lord, grace is in the soul as spices in the garden [supersensual life, best smell ever], a God sourced soul, it remains in God, flows forth from God and depends upon God, and is ever brought back to God [inflows and outflow, equilibirum], it transcends time and place, our star light being, therefore, we follow the way to the Sabbath rest (as we have learned it) and finally reach our destination, acknowledging the way beyond the way, the cup which never runs out…….. QUESTION: Are you in contradiction because you say that you are also that divine love substance, energy? I am not, Iam one with the fluid but do not own it, 1Corinthians 6:17 [one with him in Spirit]. Therefore, in Hinduism which has partially roots which lead back to Eden, they are often in quarrel if Atman and Brahman is the same, tell them, God dwells in my soul and my soul dwells in God, Iam focalised in my corporeal body, as created being, according to capacity, self pearl, and the center is also within me, and creation reflected upon the mirror, God, the near-far away, LOOK AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILD. You believe, I know! Believer meet in churches or temples and have discussions, the solitude has no discussions but a simple eternal gaze. John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know [Greek: ginosko, perceive, intimate knowledge, experiential, first hand knowledge] thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. And therefore and also if you want real favour, you should run after eternal wisdom, Proverbs 8:35 For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD. [and not vain talk]……….Bromley [a chapter, another test, same language, this here is about the apocalypse]: we must turn and become as little Children, and be wholly dead with Christ, before we can be as the Angels in the Resurrection, delighting our selves in the Light and Life of Eternity: Therefore the Perfect Death should be aimed at by all, for nothing less can fit us for Glory. For, how can any Imperfection enter there, where is nothing but Perfection? or any thing of Darkness dwell with him, who is Light, and in whom there is no Darkness at all? 'Tis true, many (from mistaking that Principle, of God's being the Root of all things) have endeavoured to reconcile Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, Flesh and Spirit, Christ and Belial; and so to laugh all Mortification and Self-denial out of the Church. But alas! what have the Practices and Notions of such ended in, but Shame and Confusion of Face? For they have sowed to the Wind, and reaped the Whirl-wind, grasped at an imaginary Heaven and Perfection; but have fallen like Lucifer into Hell, and palpable Darkness, having like foolish Virgins spent their Oil, and received Poison into their Lamps, and so made themselves unfit to meet and entertain the Bridegroom... And there may be many Others, who though not owing the first sort, and much disgusting the last, yet give themselves too much to Earthly Indulgements, under the notion of Christian Liberty, and so make no real progress in the change of their Souls. Some of which are cheated with false Notions of their being in Christ; and others of them with sublime Apprehensions of false imaginary Deaths, and ways of Self-denial, which they feed upon, instead of that Death and Cross, which should work their Spirits and Natures out of Flesh, into the true spiritual divine Image:...a great part of those that profess Religion, are such who rest too much upon the first Work of Regeneration, and too much Eye their first Change, afterwards running in a Circle of Duties and Performances, without making that Progress and Growth toward Perfection, which the frequent Exhortations and Examples of the Holy Scriptures call and incite us to. Now the work of Regeneration, renewing both the Will and Understanding, will bring those who persevere in it, to a clear Sight of the forementioned Mistake; by which they will be able to discern betwixt Light and Darkness (Chaff and Wheat) and come to own the good Seed in all; and endeavour by walking according to the Royal Law of Love and Charity, to cherish it.... To mistake this work is very dangerous, because ’tis the Passage to eternal Rest. The highest Heaven is situate in the large Plains of Eternity; yet the way to it is very narrow: At the Entrance, the sharp Sword of Circumcision is placed; On the left Hand there's a Gulf of Fire, on the right Hand a deep Water; at the end there stands a Cherubin with a flaming Sword, whose Office is to cut off the Reliques of all Corruption from the Soul; so that the least Grain of Selfishness or Flesh, cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. The Spirit of Man is totally to be inhabited by Christ: There’s not one Weed to be left there. We are to be stript of all the Riches of corrupt Nature, before we can pass through the last Gate into the City.(Nomad: highest foundation in that city) A naked Spirit quickly enters. Hence that of Christ, Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for their's is the Kingdom of God, An empty Spirit God will fill: For, God is Love, and delights (through his Son) to communicate of his own Fulness, to all that can receive it. The Soul cannot be emptied, but through Regeneration; nor filled, if not first empty'd. If we part with Darkness, Vanity; We receive Light, Substance and Love. A complete exchange brings complete Happiness... Listen: Every step being to be made through Death and Resignation; and that the Soul could not attain perfect Bliss, but through a Death to all things, which it came to love through the Fall. [behind the veil, God is loved above all visible things, as all in all, in great rejoice and jubilation, ya in the apocalypse, our Sphere = highest vibration, we see the web of death (lower vibration), it is their prison, yet it does not affect us! For as the Soul entered into Selfishness, so it must come out of it, casting away all that cloathing it is covered with, through Lust: And as it descended from Paradise into the Spirit of the World, and the Kingdom of the Devil, so it must re-ascend out of the Spirit of the World, and the Kingdom of the Dragon, through the Root of fallen Nature into the Bosom [which is in heaven].… And as it descended so it must ascend; and as it fell by a gradual Change of the Will into Lust and Earthliness, so it must Rise by a gradual renewal of the Soul, from Lust into Divine Love. [Nomad: sometimes some jumps can be made, to climb up the ladder more fast]... It must be a Transmutation, and Metamorphosis of the Soul from the Image of the Earthly into that of the Heavenly. Nothing can ascend into Heaven, but that which came from Heaven, even the true Image of God; the Earthly being predestinated to destruction: For Earth it is, and unto Earth it must return... our Progress is from the Outward, through the Inward to the Inmost. The Outward is the place of Good and Evil, and as to its corrupt State, the Kingdom of the Beast... The Dark, is the Kingdom of the Dragon, the Center of Evil and Wrath; The Light World is the Paradisiacal Sphere, or that Garden of Eden, which is also situate in its Mesopotamia [therefore we have two great rivers, the rivers of Wrath and Love] The Inmost, is the eternal Sanctuary, or true eternal Tabernacle of God, and that spiritual Land of Peace, utmost divine supernal love and bliss... Listen, in paradise: all the spiritual Faculties of Sensation are in this dispensation more opened, and more freely entertained with their peculiar Objects [the external flows effortless] And ascension, that is also, to awaken from hidden shame (proud), because it is realisation of higher purity, see the water flow and its attributes, a crystal clear river... And without a true perception of how we look at the world, at God and us, you can listen to the paroles of churches about favour, about blessings, and so on, but you will stay [probably] to the biggest part deluded, because a correct change of mind [to have right vision] and a redirecting back towards the source, at best when you learn it early, only then - protection goes along with it. And only then the world and worldly religion are less able to confuse you, or to bring you into traps
37) Christianity without Mystics is nothing, it is dead and useless, and the whole religion starts with Mysticism. Truth has to flash again upon our souls. In the dead sea scrolls we read: Iam seated in [...] heaven, Iam reckoned with gods, and my abode is in the holy congregation. Iam with the gods [...] my glory is with the King. Behold: the Kingdom of God is the power and presence of God. We have to go out of ourselves [forget myself, to be transported beyond myself], only then we see clearly, the light shining in the heart, here, and here, condemnation flees, a guileless child, interiorly we become pure and spotless, and that is not of ourselves. Christianity is an experience of God. No one can teach scripture without it, and if he tries, he just memorizes and repeats letters; therefore it must come from the interior life. And love grants mighty miracles and prophecies. The meaning of Holy Scripture reveals itself gradually, wherefore some say that we have to speak about God only through negations [positive and negative theology], he is wrong, we can speak positively, but we cloth it at the same time with its supernal picture [and otherwise Jesus had not pointed to the well or we had not the other sayings about the well etc.], we look with supernal eyes on it, and further, every Mystic speaks about ineffable joy and gladness, the ray that shone forth [bolt of lightning], and filled all things, to behold Him. Therefore how can we ignore that, how can we ignore that all happiness is found in God? Symeon even said, that he who has God within him, he does no longer need the books. I said the same. Cabasilas: Christ descends from heaven like lightning to earth, while the earth hands back other suns to the Sun of righteousness, and all is filled with light. One Spirit with Him!…..The path, the celestial life, enduring everything, and finally receiving the heavenly joy, you must transcend all images and sensations. The inward light flashes within the mind [a confirmation via Gregory the Great and to have some further names, Gregory Palamas, the Beguines]... Listen, you want to ascend, practice the presence of God, and take care to whom you listen, seek people with the same goal, with the same hunger, separate yourself from the profane, keep a holy abstraction to creatures, or to the vast majority, stay simple, choose wisely with whom you spend time, and yes, you can also have fun from time to time, we are not a religious nutcase club and some variety is good [friends], but let one eye be always fixed upon the source… simple keep contemplation and you will do much better in life... Religion without mystical vision, it is poison to you, they can not help you, and many are puffed up. And the only thing which prevents us from stagnation. 2Cor 4:18 eyes not fixed on what is seen, what is seen is temporally, but what is unseen is eternal. Further, you must also recognize, there exist people who say that everyone who does not know Christ, he is a pure devil. Now, these are mental ill people and it only proves that not much life force is in them. And also Paul spoke in Romans 2:15 their conscience [who know not Christ] also bearing witness… this includes people who have never heard about Christ!!! And no one wants to be around of this self righteous people, they find only weak minded people in the self same tenor. [cut off all that from your ear and eyes and we know that many walked higher in ancient times than a vast majority of Christians today]. CHECK: O Odin [greek], birth pang, through many tribulations we enter the kingdom of God. O All-father. Hebr 7:3 Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually [hidden generation, immoveable race]... Gen 22:2 Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you. [Family is important and everyone should take care and honour his parents, otherwise shame can cloud him, it could make him foggy – a darkening, wherefore no earthly family is perfect, we love God with all our mind, heart, soul, in the first place, that means, true contemplation]. CHECK: someone says, I have all the money, I can buy what I want! I say, if you would taste the apocalypse for 1 minute, and you would need to give me for every following minute 1 million dollar, it is possible or there is a high risk that you loose it all, for you say to yourself, better I have lived for one day then having all the money and never tasted real life. Another one says, Iam an actor and almost the whole world knows me, but I say, to know yourself is the highest. Another one says, Iam a scientist, I see that you write it all down via scripture and in a holistic way about the human psyche, body, soul, spirit, together with the ancient texts and so on but you have no direct prove. I say, if I go back into the apocalypse and if you would see my body shining, you would be the first who would beg me for a blood probe, to analyse it [and I write only this book for the case that I still leave this realm, so that maybe someone with a bit intelligence will recognize it later]. As and also another one says I have the best education in the world and Iam well known in my field. I say, your intelligence is too slow, for he who is in the apocalypse, he is in communion with all things, the source intelligence is the highest and not just that, the mind is liberated, settled in the infinite. And another one says Iam the most beautiful person in the world, but I say, you do not know the beauty above all the beautiful. And again, another one says, I control nature via our technology, we have mastered much, but I say, blessed is he who is one with nature, for his mind can rule over things! And you are right, w have only ancient writings which suggest such things and some examples about which we have heard, if you will extraordinary people, legends… CHECK:John 6:54 This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever [today, resurrection life now]... It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing [Spirit and life, Spirit or God realm, consumed his flesh and blood] John 11:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? [faith of God behind the veil, being made conformable unto his death, crucified, eternal IAM, in his rest, whose house are we, here, we have ceased from our own works – we move with him, our light-beingness, in communion with all things, the cup which never runs out]. CHECK: Babel, Babylon means just confusion, to speak incoherently, confusingly, with an entirely different language. They have lost the eternal word, and you ask how is the eternal word manifested? That is in you my friend, via supreme source intelligence, eternal wisdom, intelligence made fast and simple, all artificialness is cast out and living knowledge restored, in enlightened understanding, simple called enlightenment, the one immutable knowledge, logos reasoning [and your country language can be laid upon it, expression via mouth, also your mouth got constructed via the 7 Spirits and language is just a form of communication, blessed is the soul which is in communion with all things via the bosom glass (mirror) self pearl… CHECK: It is like with a submarine [we can call it U96], when it goes down, pressure increases [and you feel yourself more pushed around], when it goes up [O boy, here, the body receives the lightness of the Spirit (and prisoners can not offend us), and all objects have a transparent shining = sea of glass, like crystal, looking glass ,single eye]. Revelation 13:6And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle [tent or house not made by hands], and them that dwell in heaven [begotten gods]. Therefore, the sword shall speak by itself.
38) Someone would ask, ok, we have this fractal universe [inter-triadic dynamic] but why did the creator generate an inter-triadic 7fold energy [7 days], why not 13fold? Listen, that is how eternal nature is build via the 7fold energy and if it is possible that the divine intelligence has also other creations and other worlds for which he uses a different energy, I do not know… so it is here… and yes… the sevenfold is also made via a center, and polar opposites… like earth, water and on the other side air and fire… like cold and warm… but more to it later
39) Check: when it is written, John 14:23, my father and I will come and make our home [mansion, dwelling place, residence] with each of them, now, that shows you that it is a spiritual marriage, father beyond all but not excluded. God flows into and through us, and become manifested sons... LOOK AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILD... and it is a Homecoming: John 15:27, for you have been with me from the beginning, John 17:21 And by the way, not just Boehme did know the 4 Elements but also Ruusbroec and Traherne, Hermas, and we find it in the Nag Hammadi etc. just to have another confirmation, the philosopher stone was known by them, and we do also not rule over Masters, which simple means that we must also honour that they had at least glimpses about the divine vision and that their word means something, they do not teach the 4 elements without reason [as that belongs to the divine reality]… and the unknown saints who wrote about the Philosopher stone, ya, most of them are unknown and I mention probably only a few in this book.. And further in your childlike Spirit you will know that this makes it much more exciting and supernatural, the 7 Spirits, 7 days, or to say, a deep longing within, to reach wonderland and gain again Mastery [Divine Magi:-)))] and this longing is also to some degree displayed in the world which has bits and pieces of the truth, so also about the 4Elements, like in movies [theatre], poems, shamanistic warrior types [to fight against evil, and to be Master over the 4 Elements] etc., little kids like it [therefore, only dead and dry bones think that it is fairy tale, kids are closer to God]. And it is not just about the 4 Elements but also for example about the animal covenant, Hosea 2:18 and read also Job, ya, we could call it Beastmaster. Therefore about the devil who speaks against the holistic truth, against the apocalypse, John 8:44 when he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it, Get behind me Satan!, all who deny the holistic truth and resurrection life, your father is the devil [and your religious orchestration and self goody talk helps here nothing]. My reader, understand what I tell you, the devil can quote scripture, the devil can repeat scripture like a parrot yet God forbid that you are just a parrot or a hypocrite, nay, rather you shall follow the truth and the truth will set you free, John 8:32, alignment with the true self [and avoiding worldly mind constructs, web of death, web of unbelief]. FUN: The definition of an Avatar [descent, alight, to make ones appearance, to overcome, to cross over] avatarana, laying down the burdens of mans suffering from the forces of evil, to establish Dharma [cosmic law, life and universe, right way of living, to hold, maintain, keep, principles that prevent chaos and eusebeia, therefore spiritual maturity is needed and right conduct to family and people, harmony] The true avatar lives in the pure land (celestial realm) and has the combination of all 4 Elements in Him, the place of bliss, victorious over the minds delusions, a bodily manifestation of a deity (filled with all the fullness of God, in Christ). He is not almighty God but a begotten god [a true mature son]… And as you see, it is no problem for me to use some terms from other religions, this does not hurt anyone, and let us have some fun… And ya, the Author knows the problems in humanity [and I do not judge them or etc.], but and nevertheless we do not embrace their cowardice entertainment iin religious circles nor other lower things amd nor will someone who knows not the apocalypse and legalizes wrong attitudes, someone who believes more in himself, his own fake righteousness, nor will such a fearful one be accepted as a MATURE leader… I do not judge those who have little problems… but we have ti to do with a religion which is full of folly and they even embrace wrong stuff with full intention… they have not even a little bit honour.
40) Shepherd of Hermas (vision): Now she was seen of me, brethren, in my first vision of last year, as a very aged woman and seated on a chair. In the second vision her face was youthful, but her flesh and her hair were aged, and she spake to me standing; and she was more gladsome than before. But in the third vision she was altogether youthful and of exceeding great beauty, and her hair alone was aged; and she was gladsome exceedingly and seated on a couch. Touching these things I was very greatly anxious to learn this revelation… In the first vision wherefore did she appear to thee an aged woman and seated on a chair? Because your spirit was aged, and already decayed, and had no power by reason of your infirmities and acts of double-mindedness. For as aged people, having no longer hope of renewing their youth, expect nothing else but to fall asleep, so ye also, being weakened with the affairs of this world gave yourselves over to repining, and cast not your cares on the Lord; but your spirit was broken, and ye were aged by your sorrows." "Wherefore then she was seated on a chair, I would fain know, Sir." "Because every weak person sits on a chair by reason of his weakness, that the weakness of his body may be supported. So thou hast the symbolism of the first vision." "But in the second vision thou sawest her standing, and with her countenance more youthful and more gladsome than before; but her flesh and her hair aged. Listen to this parable also," saith he."Imagine an old man, who has now lost all hope of himself by reason of his weakness and his poverty, and expecteth nothing else save the last day of his life. Suddenly an inheritance is left him. He heareth the news, riseth up and full of joy clothes himself with strength, and no longer lieth down, but standeth up, and his spirit, which was now broken by reason of his former circumstances, is renewed again, and he no longer sitteth, but taketh courage; so also was it with you, when you heard the revelation which the Lord revealed unto you. For He had compassion on you, and renewed your spirits, and ye laid aside your maladies, and strength came to you, and ye were made powerful in the faith, and the Lord rejoiced to see you put on your strength. And therefore He showed you the building of the tower; yea, and other things also shall He show you, if with your whole heart ye be at peace among yourselves. But in the third vision ye saw her younger and fair and gladsome, and her form fair. For just as when to some mourner cometh some piece of good tidings, immediately he forgetteth his former sorrows, and admitteth nothing but the tidings which he hath heard, and is strengthened thenceforth unto that which is good, and his spirit is renewed by reason of the joy which he hath received; so also ye have received a renewal of your spirits by seeing these good things. And whereas thou sawest her seated on a couch, the position is a firm on; for the couch has four feet and standeth firmly; for the world too Is upheld by means of four elements. NOMAD: only blind people twist this parable but the revelation means that what it means and also I said, that birth marks and some scarves I will still have and also hair I have lost but my face is made young again [probably the Lord would also let grow new hair on my head when I ask in the apocalypse… nevertheless here we speak about transformation, transmutation]. THEREFORE, LISTEN: They then that have fully repented (turned around) shall be young again, and founded firmly, seeing that they have repented with their whole heart. There thou hast the revelation entire and complete. Thou shalt ask nothing more as touching revelation-- but if anything be lacking still, it shall be revealed unto thee." Psalm 103:5 renew their youth, and read Isaiah, grow not weary, soar on wings like eagles………Listen, saith he. "The name of the Son of God is great and incomprehensible, and sustaineth the whole world. If then all creation is sustained by the Son [of God], what thinkest thou of those that are called by Him, and bear the name of the Son of God, and walk according to His commandments? Seest thou then what manner of men He sustaineth? Even those that bear His name with their whole heart. He Himself then is become their foundation, and He sustaineth them gladly, because they are not ashamed to bear His name." NOMAD: Wherefore about the renewing miracle, youth renewed, I know how God made it [generally], that is done via the womb [light well or to say via the imprint in the Spirit man] and the Microcosm factor with the 7 Spirits [like this fractal universe]. And the process is finished when the body is made light [all dross cast out], ergo spiritual make up skin, halo, eyes shining, childlike face [the hard or dull face does no longer exist, all glue or dross cast out], energy increase etc.
41) Apocalypse: only the eye [and I] will remain, looking into and through me, and Iam made at the same time everything else, my I before the foundation of the world, my I without human birth (hidden generation, defied)… And that is true, in the apocalypse we breath internally and outside of the apocalypse we breath externally. Wherefore regarding the internal breath, some say: to breathe through the heels, ya, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, LOOK AGAIN AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILD… the tree stands ceaselessly drinking water and flourishing, as the seed so the tree [the sap is the Chi, as our Chinese brothers and sister would say], inhaling the essence of life, remaining unmoved in Spirit, flesh and muscle were as one, the whole of which we are part [part and whole, men is all things for he has a likeness with all things]… About the church today: where lusts and desire are deep, the springs of the heavenly are shallow and so their religion. And similar awareness determines the order, it’s all holistic! Ya we breathe the purer air in the higher region. QUESTION, how much depends upon us? ANSWER: AGAIN, the biggest journey about transformation [to get rid of mud], that is still about the mud which we gathered in our life, so also with me from age ~ 7 to age 39, whatever went wrong and specially when we were more rebellious [darkened our nous, mind]! Its like as it written in the Bible: from the wilderness to the promised land, and Zion. And further I have spoken about an acceleration when the souls eye opens up and also about the physical body on top of the mountain, here we reach the crucial point specially when our body got more hits in life, then it is good to gain our ecstasy body back [promised land and New Jerusalem/Zion, highest foundation in that city]. Wherefore most people want to neglect that, that the biggest part is the wilderness and they smile about it, but they are in folly, they just can no longer remember the life energy. Therefore learn early from this book and you shall have an advantage. This book has the eternal word, that means that the mind gets constructed after God via Vision, when you read it early, then your will does automatically reject all the deceptions of the world [false constructs] and you avoid further mud, you build quasi the true Archetype. This book is for sure not everything but it is a good fundament or starting point according to heavenly Jerusalem, ya, and if you will, it shows the butterfly [it goes also not too deep into transmutation (Philosopher stone) but it shows generally how it all works together, we connect all the dots] Behold, when we ascend, our feet are much better connected to earth, like hinds feet, this has also to with awareness etc., Psalm 121: 3 He will not allow your foot to slip or the law of his God is in his heart, his steps do not slip. Wherefore we recognize this desire to have these grounded feet, ya we see it in Taoism or shadow boxing and so on, it is an ancient longing and it leads back to Eden… And we apocalypse saints have a greater responsibility for the awakening of the collective human consciousness, therefore, to whom much has been given, much will be required, ya, have no doubt about it, to be spiritually awake and alert is a great joy and also a challenge, we enter the immoveable (immoveable like a pillar), we have greatest peace and joy nevertheless our steps are watched carefully [heavenly overseer]… CHECK: union with God: son of the sun-disc, ray of life giving power, illuminating all objects, the invisible and visible! What is matter? Answer: eternal nature is his clothing, the stone… so also transmutation is worked out, changed like a clothing, our body gets renewed via the energies… ya, we leave the old body behind us… = earthly tabernacle dissolved… ESSENES: The Spirit of man is the flame that streams between the star light and the golden candle holder [Menorah], the sea of glass like crystal, and reflected within it are all the mountains and valleys of the earth and all the creatures abiding there in. Opposite or fall: Sweet air becomes stench, the clear stream darkens and the crystal water becomes thick with slime, the light of life is made into a false sun (and destroying earth), the song of peace (peace and joy flowing through the soul of man) is filtered and hearing only discontent, the alliance between man and the creator by which man created a sickle in the shape of a snake and so reaped hunger and death, seeing the secret of eternity and beholding the tree of life but man said there is no eternity [immortality] ==> Heaven and Hell is in man, and only in the apocalypse, we smell right or PERFECT [like the incense which was used in the tabernacle of Mose] or like the book of Esther, Esther who prepared herself for the king, it is the scent from above [fragrant perfume]. And not just that, even the shadow or aura becomes colorful shining [and it is seen in the Spirit realm]. It is all holistic and all images which are received in the apocalypse are living, spiritual representations, God fills it. Understand it rightly: the unceasing prayer, that is also when prayer becomes perpetually implanted in the heart… and we do that also here via contemplation and it makes still fun!
42) And the serpent sex theory [Eve in the garden] is rejected by the Author of this book, and yes, he knows the different Targums and other books and scripture does not support it [wherefore it is not the topic of this book, therefore the Author does not go deeper into it]…And the Targum even disproves it: And it shall be: when the sons of the woman observe the Torah and fulfill the commandments, they will aim to strike you on the head and kill you; and when the sons of the woman will forsake the precepts of the Torah and will not keep the commandments, you will aim to bite them in their heel and harm them. However there will be a remedy for the sons of the woman, but for you, O serpent, there will be no remedy. Still, behold, they will appease one another in the final end of days, in the days of the King Messiah… [Nomad: the serpent steals the breath, all sages know it, and a Christian must get rid of the old man to have the internal breath or divine breath aka full breathe]
43) Odes of Solomon: Indeed he who is joined to Him who is immortal, truly shall be immortal. And he who delights in the Life will become living… Shower upon us Your gentle rain, and open Your bountiful springs which abundantly supply us with milk and honey…. Even if everything should be shaken, I shall stand firm… For there went forth a stream, and it became a river great and broad; indeed it carried away everything, and it shattered and brought it to the Temple [Nomad: God realm and divine water, in India also called seven rivers because all the seven are in the stream] And the barriers which were built by men were not able to restrain it, nor even the arts of them who habitually restrain water. For it spread over the surface of all the earth, and it filled everything. Then all the thirsty upon the earth drank, and thirst was relieved and quenched; For from the Most High the drink was given - Even living persons who were about to expire, they have held back from death. And limbs which have collapsed, they have restored and set up. They gave strength for their coming, and light for their eyes!!! Because everyone recognized them as the Lord's, and lived by the living water of eternity [therefore, we praise the Holy Spirit]… Like my nature He [the Lord] became, that I might understand Him. And like my form, that I might not turn away from Him… LISTEN: For He it is who is incorrupt, the perfection of the worlds and their Father. [Nomad: and everyone is a little world or little universe, Microcosm] He has allowed Him to appear to them that are His own; in order that they may recognize Him that made them, and not suppose that they came of themselves… And because of his salvation He will possess everything. And the Most High will be known by His holy ones: To announce to those who have songs of the coming of the Lord, that they may go forth to meet Him and may sing to Him, with joy and with the harp of many tones [the strings speak also through my members, wemay compare it to the many fractals gathered in the womb and reflected upon the mirror]… the Lord: And before they had existed, I recognized them; and imprinted a seal on their faces [Nomad: the Spirit imprint as explained in this book, youth restored and shining eyes, check again THE POOL WE HAVE BUILD and what is written on the bottom of the pool etc.]. I fashioned their members, and my own breasts I prepared for them, that they might drink my holy milk and live by it. I am pleased by them, and am not ashamed by them. For my workmanship are they, and the strength of my thoughts [Nomad: mind stamp of God]... I willed and fashioned mind and heart, and they are my own. And upon my right hand I have set my elect ones. And my righteousness goes before them, and they shall not be deprived of my name; for it is with them…. And you shall be found incorrupt in all ages, on account of the name of your Father… For in the will of the Lord is your life, and His purpose is eternal life, and your perfection is incorruptible. Be enriched in God the Father; and receive the purpose of the Most High. Be strong and redeemed by His grace… And the Lord renewed me with His garment, and possessed me by His light. And from above He gave me immortal rest, and I became like the land that blossoms and rejoices in its fruits. And the Lord is like the sun upon the face of the land. My eyes were enlightened, and my face received the dew; And my breath was refreshed by the pleasant fragrance of the Lord. [Nomad: the spices] And He took me to His Paradise, wherein is the wealth of the Lord's pleasure. I beheld blooming and fruit-bearing trees, And self-grown was their crown. Their branches were sprouting and their fruits were shining. From an immortal land were their roots. And a river of gladness was irrigating them, And round about them in the land of eternal life. [Nomad: ROUNDABOUT and married the land, watery stone = mirror, liquid and solid] Then I worshipped the Lord because of His magnificence. And I said, Blessed, O Lord, are they who are planted in Your land, and who have a place in Your Paradise; And who grow in the growth of Your trees, and have passed from darkness into light… He has filled me with words of truth, that I may proclaim Him [I praise you O Lord because I love you, apocalypse: I love the beloved and where his rest is, there also am I]. And like the flowing of waters, truth flows from my mouth, and my lips declare His fruits… For He destroys whatever is alien, and everything is of the Lord. For thus it was from the beginning [Nomad: back to the BEGINNING]… Further: the subtlety of the Word is inexpressible, and like His utterance so also is His swiftness and His acuteness, for limitless is His progression… And from Him came love and equality, and they spoke one to another that which was theirs [Nomad: kernel, apocalypse Unity among the saints, redeemed from the worthless earth]… Blessed are they who by means of Him have perceived everything, and have known the Lord in His truth…Behold, the Lord is our mirror. Open your eyes and see them in Him [then you will be unblemished all times with Him]… As the eyes of a son upon his father, so are my eyes, O Lord, at all times towards You…open to me the harp of Your Holy Spirit, so that with every note I may praise You, O Lord…He is my Sun, and His rays have lifted me up; and His light has dismissed all darkness from my face. Eyes I have obtained in Him, and have seen His holy day. [Nomad: last DAY] Ears I have acquired, and have heard His truth. The thought of knowledge I have acquired, and have enjoyed delight fully through Him. I put on immortality through His name, and took off corruption by His grace. Death has been destroyed before my face, and Sheol has been vanquished by my word. [Nomad: hellish root cast out] And eternal life has arisen in the Lord's land, and it has been declared to His faithful ones, and has been given without limit to all that trust in Him [Nomad: Divine Magis wonderland, pure land]… Further: the Word of the Lord investigates that which is invisible, and reveals His thought. For the eye sees His works, and the ear hears His thought [Nomad: and the sage knows the activities of matter]… And there is nothing outside of the Lord, because He was before anything came to be… Transformative power: And I shattered the bars of iron, for my own shackles had grown hot and melted before me. And nothing appeared closed to me, because I was the opening of everything - And I sowed my fruits in hearts, and transformed them through myself [Nomad: transformation power or ascension help through an apocalypse saint, not that they fully resurrect directly but… we can help other via the FIRE]… Healing: Infirmities fled from my body, and it stood firm for the Lord by His will; because His kingdom is firm [Nomad: Kingdom within, pure land, immoveable kingdom]… He who scattered my enemies, and my adversaries; He who gave me authority over bonds, so that I might unbind them; He who overthrew by my hands the dragon with seven heads, and set me at his roots that I might destroy his seed; You were there and helped me, and in every place Your name surrounded me [round about]. Your right hand destroyed his evil venom, and Your hand leveled the Way for those who believe in You… incorruptible, your way and your face [Nomad: the way beyond the way], and the foundation of everything is Your rock [Nomad: the stone]. And upon it You have built Your kingdom, and it became the dwelling-place of the holy ones… Joy is for the holy ones. And who shall put it on but they alone?... A lamp You set for me both on my right and on my left, so that there might not be in me anything that is not light. And I was covered with the covering of Your Spirit, and I removed from me my garments of skin. [Nomad: light body, single eye or liquid flesh as explained, via the cup which never runs out]. And all my adversaries were afraid of me, and I became the Lord's by the name of the Lord.[Nomad: name on the forehead] And I was justified by His kindness, and His rest is for ever and ever… And He gave me the scepter of His power, that I might subdue the devices of the people, and humble the power of the mighty - And the Lord overthrew my enemy by His Word, and he became like the dust which a breeze carries off… Fill for yourselves water from the living fountain of the Lord, because it has been opened for you. And come all you thirsty and take a drink, and rest beside the fountain of the Lord. Because it is pleasing and sparkling, and perpetually refreshes the self. For much sweeter is its water than honey, and the honeycomb of bees is not to be compared with it; Because it flowed from the lips of the Lord, and it named from the heart of the Lord. And it came boundless and invisible, and until it was set in the middle they knew it not [Nomad: centered in God] Blessed are they who have drunk from it, and have refreshed themselves by it – To the blessed ones the joy is from their heart, and light from Him who dwells in them; And the Word of truth who is self-originate, Because He has been strengthened by the Holy Power of the Most High; and He is unshaken for ever and ever [Nomad: Kingdom which can not be moved/shaken]… FAKE TRIBE: And the corrupting of the Corruptor, I saw when the bride who was corrupting was adorned, and the bridegroom who corrupts and is corrupted. And I asked the Truth, Who are these? And He said to me: This is the Deceiver and the Error. And they imitate the Beloved and His Bride, and they cause the world to err and corrupt it. And they invite many to the wedding feast, and allow them to drink the wine of their intoxication; So they cause them to vomit up their wisdom and their knowledge, and prepare for them mindlessness. Then they abandon them; and so they stumble about like mad and corrupted men. Since there is no understanding in them, neither do they seek it. But I have been made wise so as not to fall into the hands of the Deceivers, and I myself rejoiced because the Truth had gone with me… Let all the Lord's babes praise Him, and let us receive the truth of His faith. And let our faces shine in His light, and let our hearts meditate in His love, by night and by day. Let us exult with the exultation of the Lord.
44) the saying “losing your face” is also real, because mud makes the face dull and then they are less aware of their body and their face [more or less devoured by the earth, as the earth grows out of the water and it gets darker and darker], and again, on the other side, when the soul is cleansed, that is full awareness in the apocalypse, then we find ourselves shouting in joy, everlasting joy will be marked on our face, James 1:23 [in-depth view]. Understand it rightly: The garment of skin is our present state of mortality, permits the bodily part of men to be destroyed = realm of decay, carnal desire and carnal pleasure, anxiety and pain, an unnatural pleasure through the medium of the senses, transitory, the garments of skin signify a coarse flesh and a heavy body! Wherefore when you have put on immortality, all is light [the flash or lightning stands in the midst (glass, ever born now, and shining all around us, energetic circumference), in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, via the eye of God, the eye of the kingdom. And like a newborn babe all shame will leave us and the body receives the lightness of the Spirit [sons of the solar disc].. Gospel of Thomas, saying 37: When you strip naked without being ashamed, and take your garments and put them under your feet like little children and tread upon them, then you will see [become] the child of the living one. And you will not be afraid. And ya, for sure also apocalypse saints will bring influence, we know that it was the Mystics who brought the biggest influence [for example in Europe, but we do also not exclude other Christians who had no divine vision], and even when it was maybe not always seen on the surface, but they changed a lot, this is proven in history…. Similar, you can ask yourself the question, how is it possible that nature takes care by itself [nature reserve] in the most fantastic way for those who have eyes to see, but many humans bring always so much disharmony, therefore, something does not fit, and that is, the huge distance to the divine intelligence, or so to speak humans who operate far outside of the apocalypse, they have completely separated themselves from the creator. As an example, as I was an engineer, it involved mechanics, electronics, programming, synchronization [speed], and monitoring, parameterization, tracing, visualization [display or monitor], networking to different countries, prototype testing, and the list goes on, and after all, it was just about certain products which should be produced and transported to the customer. So we analyze greatly in such a complex structure, but nature shows that we are not as clever as we often think. The food which a human eats and gets transformed and is brought into a useful function is 1000 times greater in its operation then such an industry. Wherefore I call the knowledge about the divine reality/transmutation/ethereal imprint in scripture the FIRST KNOWLEDGE and the other knowledge I call SECOND KNOWLEDGE ( and also we do not deny common known science… nay, rather we are holistic…) ==> ABOVE and BELOW… combine it...
45) What else does heal us, what fills the holes in our souls? Answer, for example angels impart dreams and love during night dreams and in that way they repair the confusion of that person.[wherefore the term angel has to be very widespread understood, I do not speak about little babies with wings, and it means also messenger - messages, etc.] And transumtation is simple: Energy increase, decay turned backwards (so we have also our first sun), ya towards the realm which will never fade away [redeeming the time, Ephesians 5:16], yellow emperor, yellow son, son of the solar disc, Master work.. we have to become God-bearer like virgin Mary… Christ born in us… and then we preach the eternal gospel...Conclusion: people labor much, and do not see the true sun and if they would see it, they would start to live in harmony etc. Isaiah 58:11 a well watered garden, like a spring whose water never fail, strengthens our frame. And the age is in our heart: Ecclesiastes 3:11, olawm (eternity, world) in their heart, everything appropriate in its time, Isaiah 58:11 raise up olawm foundations… we dwell in the age to come. Henry Suso: You must ever be dying out of time into eternity. Eternity is life that is beyond time but includes within itself all time but without a before or after. And whoever is taken into the Eternal Nothing possesses all in all and has no 'before or after'. Indeed a person taken within today would not have been there for a shorter period from the point of view of eternity than someone who had been taken. Whoever is taken into the Eternal Nothing possesses all in all and has no 'before or after' within a thousand years ago. The Lord said: I will raise him up at the last day; one day is like a thousand years, Christ reigning in us. Therefore as I said, the mud in the soul is also the TIME REGISTER. Transmutation: The body is form-able similar to plasticine [children’s modeling clay], for you must see it that way, everthing is spiritual, the God realm = Spirit realm and the spirit of the flesh cast out, and behind the veil = liquid flesh as explained, the cup which never runs out, star light being. Has the potter no right over the clay? Romans 9:21, Therefore, the potter is able to form the clay [and the primordial imprint]… Which means, first of all you must be happy of how God made you without complain, secondly you must understand that if you have to much wrath in you, your body goes into decay, you get ill and finally you die…therefore we have the river of wrath and the river of love [up to divine love]… from the image of the earthly into that of the heavenly, the secret of the Kingdom of heaven, to you it has been given to know the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, Matthew 13:11, and to the others who cannot receive it: for this peoples heart has become calloused. “See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.” The stone, philosopher stone. THE DEMIURG: the demiurge is in reality only the projection field, and the upper Hierarchy is by some called Archons, reapers (reap from the flesh, the other sea), prince of the power of the air, Ephesians 6:12 against principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world etc. Wherefore "Sins" is translated from hamartia, a military shooting term that means "to miss the mark," "to fail to achieve a bull's-eye." In terms of morality and ethics, it means "to fail of one's purpose," "to go wrong," "to fail to reach a standard or ideal.” Listen: Deception and its resulting behaviors have been communicated to us through the culture we were born into. The culture, the world around us, is the medium of this corrupting communication…. Therefore don’t be just passive... SUPERMENTAL LAYER in scripture (ethereal imprint): Matthew 24:32, Now, learn this lesson from the fig tree: as soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near [summer = glory, see also shepherd of Hermas, summer versus winter because we leave the cold heart etc.]. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door [ancient door or everlasting gate to the God realm, Psalm 24, heaven and earth will pass away, but my words [logoi] will never pass away]… We enter via an earthquake into the apocalypse [FLATLAND, look again at the POOL WE HAVE BUILD], the springs of the great deep burst forth [also called: under the earth, our basement], and the water rains out of the cloud upon the face of the earth, redemptive reaction, healing water, Ezekiel 47:12. The cloud of unknowing is also the glory cloud, ya, the circumference which only God knows, and Isaiah 51:16 (to found the earth (basement) = also to fix it!!! Hebrew: yasad, Psalm 104:5 never be moved). Psalm 104, that’s why the cloud is also the chariot (the chariot is also our star light being, lightning in the cloud, we quasi on it), rides on the wings of the wind [internal breath, inflow and outflow], makes winds his messenger [also we are like angels], flames of fire his servants… and our cup runs over... and read Job 38, Psalm 33:7 he gathers the waters into jars or heap [come together in a mass, the seal (womb), INNERMOST TEMPLE – allfilling power) = The earth takes shape like clay under a seal, its features stand out like those of a garment (shining all around us, yet and again the outward is in the inward, inside of the cup and outside of the cup, the cup which never runs out via the mirror or glass, the unchanging which effects change. Ezekiel 47: 5 = liquid flesh, number 1000, and the water goes into the sea, Ezekiel 47:8, and in the resurrection we are like angels (yet rather gods… they changed sometimes terms).. Job 38:15 the wicked are denied their light, and their upraised arm is broken… and we could add: Revelation 3:12, the one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God, never again will they leave it, I will write on them my name etc. Listen: New Jerusalem is not so much about a place, but primarily a people, the establishment of Gods residence with human beings coincides with the manifestation of the church as the new Jerusalem. And further, as another revelation, God is our sea [sea of glass], and there can be no doubt about new Jerusalem that it is the mature church [in unity], because it is also a bride, Gods tabernacle [house] among us, the old order of things has passed away, no more death or pain [light body or liquid flesh etc. all things new], he gives us the spring of water of life, it was shown on the mountain [ascension], it has pearly gates [4 corners] and the cube as a symbol for the immoveable. And the glory of the lord gives light [the first sun], ya, we see his face [mirror], his name [character] on us, and other people are outside of it… and it is a new earth and new heaven because the old has passed away [the tabernacle is not of this creation, God realm]… And it can be compared to the glory church which Paul mentioned in Ephesians 5:27
46) The Lord is often funny, Listen, In Austria we have also the word TAUSENDSASSA, you can look it up for yourself, what it means, and I say, we have also saints in the number 1000
47) The author has a bit martial arts [harder part, different life lessons] background and ya, and he is rather someone who likes to be on a snowboard or would like to go on Safari in Africa [different talents and individual expression we have] etc. but anyway but the secret is that the harder or tough part [of a person] we should channel towards ego death, ya or in any dark hour during ascend, we should endure to the end, that is the message in this book [when the Lord seems to be far away or the sun hides herself in a big way], nevertheless we never give up. CHECK, another confirmation about the heavy body: Psalm 38: O Lord, rebuke me not in Your wrath, neither chasten me in Your hot displeasure. For Your arrows have sunk into me and stick fast, and Your hand has come down upon me and pressed me sorely. There is no soundness in my flesh because of Your indignation [in your anger]; neither is there any health or rest in my bones because of my sin. For my iniquities have gone over my head; as a heavy burden they weigh too much for me [heavy body]. My wounds are loathsome [stink] and corrupt because of my foolishness. I am bent and bowed down greatly; I go about mourning all the day long. Therefore, and again, the whole holistic truth can be proven via scripture. And the reason why this book has all the scripture verse and is in that way really big, and yes, also the mirror is in scripture, 1Corinthians 13:12, 2Corinthians 3:18, that is, because that immature ones should not just bash it, because the divine vision is still about God, and so they have to think twice. And that’s why also not everyone should write such a book but only those with experience and those who can check it at the end with the eternal word. Listen, as we have seen that the mirror is in scripture, so we read also in Hebrews 1:3, Christ who being the radiance [Greek: apaugasma, a light flashing forth(from), radiation, gleam, eternal radiance] of Gods glory, and exact expression of the substance of him [imprint of his nature, of his being]. And we read Christ is carrying the universe [the ALL] by the word of his power… And we read in Proverbs 8, when he set a compass or circle!!! upon the face of the depth [abyss]. And because we read in John 17:24 that we should be with Christ where he is, that we may behold his glory [mirror], and because we realize in John 17:22, I have given them the glory which you gave me, that they may be one even as we are one, and 2Peter 1:4 partakers of the divine nature... now we come to the conclusion that I have my star light being in the God realm, and the mirror [and also shining around us, continuously impressed and shining all around us], and this is our heavenly seat [with the abyssal well, womb, heap], and everything is in scripture, ya even the resurrection breath… sea of glass (uncorrupted nature) 1 Thessalonians 5:23, whole body, spirit (wind, breath), soul (psyche, our life) blameless, 2Corinthians 7:1, purify body and spirit (wind), Hebrews 4:12
48) Now, my soul has memorized the first ascension and the second ascend is different as explained [the fire, just burns more and more intense in me and the dross gets cast out] And that is a simple reality as we know it in life when the heart becomes again soft and when we realize our shame [which was hidden within], to get rid of it and give it to the cross. God throws no soul away, unless the soul throws herself away. QUESTION, why does the fire just burn now constantly stronger in you? Ynaswer, because I received the mind imprint already in my first ascension and later I did fall hard because I made I mistake... Now, lets look on John 10:27, my sheep hear my voice… and I give them eternal life. Listen, the Lord did not say, I will give them later eternal life, no, the Lord said that I give them eternal life and this eternal life can only be found in Heaven, therefore it’s the entering in of the will into heaven by hearing the voice of Christ, and both knowing and following him, and that is also the turning in of the will into the divine love of God. The soul becomes itself the very heaven of God. Therefore, both, heaven and hell is in man and the soul itself has the chains of dark nature in her even when the body is parted from the soul, because when the body is discarded, then, depending on the soul, some people will see herself in vanity, self tormenting abomination, nakedness and monstrosity or so to speak in some cases the soul will be greatly ashamed and fearing to be consumed before the great majesty [as the soul had awakened its false desire and there is no more temporal pleasure with its false delight as known in this world, which operate together with the cravings of the body, yet, I do not say, that every Christian has to fear that he will end up in hell in after-life, but some or even many souls (today) have truly chosen the dark path, and also many do not even want to have anything to do with Christ etc., and again, yes, I do also not deny, that souls can receive in after-life some healing aka living water etc., but there is also a fire test, also that we do not exclude]. And therefore the soul can hide nothing when the body is discarded and the same is proven via the Microcosm factor [if I would loose a body part, Iam still in the same vibration level – or consciousness level]. And about the assimilation season and strengthening of soul we read in Acts 14:22 strengthening the souls [psychas] of the disciples, just one example, but we know so or so that our souls make up our life, and the soul gives life to the body. And when You raise yourself towards heaven, many angels of heaven will surround you in that Glory bath. [and behind the veil, the properties of the spiritual world are recognized, yea, we can even say, the spaces got perfected, our star light being]. And as Jacob my friend rightly said, our body is the visible world, for God created man out of it, and he breathed into us the inward spiritual world for a soul and intelligent life. As the visible world is a manifestation of the inward spiritual world [and the outward is in the inward], and the judgement of God is a kindling of fire and this fire separates, to get drawn either to hell [hell fire] or heaven [heaven, that is the fire of Gods love, fiery love]. And behind the veil, we have spiritual flesh and blood, and the divine light shines in every thing, and likewise the earth becomed crystalline (spiritual earth). A good spirit and soul shall draw to itself its good substance and an evil one its evil substance. And the substance has all colours, virtues and figures in it, and those who are deep fallen into hell, they experience only grossness and heaviness [sevenfold energy microcosm construct]. And as also Jacob Boehme said, in the resurrection one shall differ from another in glory, as do the sun, moon, and stars. Our painful working in this lifetime, that shall bring us great power and divine illumination in the after-life. In the general resurrection, we will differ like the flowers of the field, in their varieties of beauty, power and virtue [we can also say, we have different capacities but there will be no jealousy]. And those who enter the apocalypse while walking on this earth, they will realize already that the air is the spirit and they will acknowledge the internal breath [they have entirely consumed his flesh and blood and therefore Christ dwells really and essentially in their faith, they even know the secret oil]. As and also many serve the imaginary Self in bigger or lesser degree, exalting and establishing their opinions, seek and strive for themselves only, including a hypocritical self – merely external holiness, building their own kingdoms, that is the kingdom of darkness, that fire has not the light of the most High. Therefore God judges in a righteous way, everyone will be judged according to his works and so we find also our place in after-life, including the bodies which we get. And when you want to understand the three bodies, ya the most simple answer would be, that we have a 2) spiritual body behind this physical body [check also out of body experience etc.] but only when the soul becomes blameless, then also this 3) physical body gets spiritualised in that 1) mental star light body or Sphere, as seen in the apocalypse!... Listen, the devil owns nothing, he has only the power which you give to him, and the devil can only twist things. Evil does exist but it is no actual thing, it is a lesser good and behind the veil = fullness, evil = kept not their first estate, dead works, the sting of sin is death [energy spilt in the microcosm]… And if you ask me if most “demons” are nothing else than “karma mud”… ya, maybe… quite possible… and we have used many names for it… wherefore people don’t need to fear this stuff… its an energy construct… yet they should seek the higher life quality and make their way towards God... and ya, about reincarnation we can speak later… afterlife and etc… Just keep now in mind that you should always seek the higher heavenly planets… its is never good to loose… our message: WE EVOLVE, WE ENDURE, WE SUCCEED (spiritual evolution and everyone has his individual stream ==>The interior memory is spiritual, and mere science is only natural [it does also only acknowledge the second level, the visible]. Now, in the interior memory are treasured up the truths which are become of faith and the goods which are becomes of love...its also the book of life. And since we all came so to speak from Adam and since there is this projection field which I simple call the demiurge field (dark fire field), then when we raise ourselves high enough out of it, ya,, any hate of other people can no longer be projected into us, that is, we get rid of the sting of anger etc. according to outward influences... New Jerusalem is curse free…. And for sure get remembered to Jung and the collective unconsious Revelation 22:3 No longer will there be any curse. God is known in love, and not in empty works/words, it is about the treasure of the heart… The house build on the rock, when the flood came, the torrent crashed against that house but could not shake it, because it had been well build. Matthew 19:14 let the little children come to me, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these [right, do you see it?]. True meekness stays the same in honour and dishonour and that is only possible with inner STRENGTH! Fake meekness has no inner strength, it is not true meekness and it will never represent the immoveable mountain… its important to explain it to you because the church today… ahh I better talk not about it... Matthew 24:39 and knew not until the flood came and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the son of man be... therefore once the flood is here, the realm of the dead can no longer offend you (wherefore the realm of the dead is a gnostic term, don’t get offended now, ya it is called realm of the dead because they have not attained the resurrection form the dead). James 2:19 you believe in one God, Good! Even the demons believe that and shudder…as the body without faith (Spirit) is dead! (the soul gives life to the body, the soul has the faith level), so faith without deeds is dead (in the apocalypse, the deeds shall follow us, not by works so that no one can boast, deeds are an expression of the true self). When Jesus says to some, I never knew you, now that implies that we have to know him and that can only manifest in the heart, and when we are really more mature, then we do not even need a bible, Jesus is just on our tongue like a flavour, that is soul salvation (JESUS means God is saves) Again, not saying, that every Christian must be in the apocalypse, to enter heaven in after-life!!!!!!!!... but we just explain here, that Jesus can be also known in a real intimate way!!!!!!!! In Hebrews 4 we read, TODAY, if you hear his voice , do not harden your hearts. Let us, make therefore, every effort [earnest, diligent] to enter that rest, so that no one may perish [should fall, cast down] by following their example of disobedience! And when our bodies are put into coffins and when we are not ready for the flight, then it is too late. And, Romans 1:18,19, 20 God had showed them, it shows us that the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen… his eternal power… and to quote Bernard: The abode and I find it strange that invisible things are seen, and Cardinal says, what is perceptible does not exist from itself but exists from a higher power… CHECK. Psalm 139:16, every day of my life was recorded in your book and planned before a single one of them began, Malachi 3:16, book of remembrance, that feared the Lord and that thought upon his name… AND no, we do not teach that you land in hell in afterlife and that you stay in that place forever yet there are consequences like reaping and sowing… and you should make the best out of it… we speak it also not small… in no way… everyone finds his place (and the dark fire also deforms your soul)… and yes, reincarnation is also in scripture (I can show that later)… and it is clear… we have myriads of different souls… ya, some come even from other heavenly planets… but I know that this sounds now strange for a Christian and they cant accept it… and call me heretic… anyway Iam not here for them… such people will throw so or so stones at me, no matter what...
49) I quote W. F. Evans, He who grasps the idea of correspondence in its amazing sweep, and sees its infinite bearings, will find not only in the Bible a new revelation, but the whole outward world will be changed. Nature will become a sublime poem. Mountains and valleys, trees and forests, rivers and lakes, and all living and moving things, will be words and letters full of heavenly import, he will live and move in a new earth, and beneath new heavens. Every object he beholds will remind him of something spiritual. Earth will wear new charms, for all its forms of beauty are but the counterpart of things that exist beneath the sun of a higher sky. Listen, the state of our mind radiates from the state of our heart. CHECK: It is on Earth where man is in spiritual “equilibrium” where he can choose between Truth and Falsehood, Good (unselfishness) and evil (selfishness). The only way man can be free is if he has a self that is distinct from God. And when we are in our psychological shadow, instead of admitting our spiritual flaws, we project them often on to others. The shadow of hell is a state of spiritual darkness (falsehood) and selfishness (evil). Many experience negative emotions such as fear, anger, envy, jealousy, hatred and revenge and their corresponding negative or morbid thoughts such as worry, confusion, doubt, irrationality and insanity…further as Swedenborg rightly said, the origins of diseases are, in general, intemperance, luxury of various kinds, mere bodily pleasures, as also feelings of envy, hatred, revenge, lewdness, and the like, which destroy man's interiors; and when these are destroyed the exteriors suffer, and drag man into disease, and so into death. It is known in the church that the death of man is from evils, or on account of sin; and it is the same with diseases, for these belong to death. Heaven, which is the Grand Man, holds all things together in connection and safety; hell, being in what is opposite, destroys and severs all things. Consequently if the infernals are applied they induce diseases and at last death. [Microcosm factor, 7 Spirits etc., and we are in this realm with the additional scroll, physical body emanation]… The human mind is rational because it evolved in correspondence with the rational form of Heaven. And the human will is free to choose what to love because it evolved in correspondence with the real substance of Heaven or Divine Love. Thus, human beings freely choose what they love and justify their intentions and actions by means of their rationality. And God generated the universe from His substance (Love) and from (Wisdom) in order to produce a Heaven of angels from the human race. It is by means of this Heaven that His Love is realized or put into effect. But God must allow hell to subsist because Heaven can only be realized through freedom and rationality. And, when humans freely choose to reject God, they generate their own hell of selfishness and insanity. While in the spiritual equilibrium of Earth, every human being is still able to change his mind and heart… ya, this material environment we learn the first lessons of life and lay the solid foundation of the house in which we are to live forever [capacities, what we learned etc. nevertheless some further progress exists in afterlife but here on earth you receive your position in after-life]… QUESTION: someone would ask, how strong attached is this mud in the soul? My answer to that, it depends how much it has taken its root in you. A teenager may get some mud but because of his relative freshness, it is not so heavy attached and he is more flexible, he gets again very fast rid of it, at least from some stuff. And again others who have accumulated to themselves more and more mud and assimilated to it for a long time period (old man), for sure the root goes a bit deeper, so to speak. Similar I had my first ascend by which I had the prayer of heart and sometimes I really “hammered” that stuff out of my body, and now in the second ascend, it has no longer that grip. Wherefore when a person would be just thrown into the apocalypse like to be confronted with Gods “extreme divine love”, it would be like that the person does melt away and gets a bit insane, the person could not handle it (like having some holes in the soul, it can not be filled so fast). And therefore it needs also an acclimatization season and further the hidden shame needs to be confronted because otherwise a higher conscience can not be established, with simple words, it needs an awakening… all that depends upon the person and his past... Thats why I said, learn it early, and you ascend more fast, not everyone needs to be in the desert for such a long time like Mary of Egypt etc. :-) CHECK: Eugenics did not start in WW2 with Adolf Hitler etc., it is much older, similar human zoos existed into which they have put black people, and they claimed that the white race is superior, and further eugenics had also a little hype in USA with a sterilization program etc. And also the native Americans, this was less about eugenics, but there was no real treaty making (every trickery and fraud was used, because in their eyes, they had not the intelligence, they had no industry nor the desire for improvement)…Conclusion, people want to solve problems in society or and also want to build a superior race, which is still today alive, including USA and Europe etc., but they forget that the only superior race is found in GOD, only here, in divine love the body gets healed (7 Spirits), our connection to nature is established [Microcosm] and our mind is made fast and simple, the eternal gaze, enlightened understanding, and similar it is said, the nations labour is only fuel for the flames. Therefore, the spiritual aspect has always to be included [and creation is groaning]
50) By the way, many do not want to hear that, but it is better for you to avoid drinking coffee, let other drink coffee because they want to be social accepted, but you learn to make yourself independent and to eat good food and drink good water or what else by choice. Do not make yourself dependent of anything, and coffee can make you insensitive…. And you could have still your social meeting, drink tea!
51) I say it again, we are not fake religious… for example Akhenaten taught the sun-disc and it included a ban to all idols and other images of the Aten. And the rayed solar disc represented the unseen Spirit of Aten. Therefore, we see a little truth here and there or bits and pieces of truth as it is found everywhere…anyway, it is clear that it has mixture and different rulers brought different traditions in Egypt, and specially at Mose time, they had to leave… and so we have sometimes a cultural decline and sometimes their traditions are closer to the ancient truth. And since I know the divine vision, that makes me relative open minded about things like that, because we simple have to deal with a fallen humanity and we find bits and pieces of the truth everywhere and I just laugh about all those religious people who only see the devil in this or that but they themselves are full of mud, these Christians know nothing about the true holistic doctrine, they are the Anti-ancient church, Anti-Theosis, Anti-Nature and therefore even sometimes more Anti-Christ than this other things in other religions… and further, my visit to the pyramids etc., that was before I did go to Christ (age 33). CHECK: Hell that is, they are trapped in a kind of alternate dimension [which is a cosmological plane, unable to endure the divine energies]. And it is proven, hell includes both, the material and immaterial [similar our body gets spiritualised behind the veil, the kingdom within is God generated, the kingdom within is quasi outside of time and space, the spherical Kingdom. And to the question, where is hell? Answer, hell is simple a separate plane in afterlife (or parallel realm), it is the inner darkness that leads to outer darkness, and if the blind lead the blind, both fall into a pit, thats why Christ said; your faith is dead, depart into punishment (and also, they stay inside of time, they experience the divine energies in a darkened, cryptic, chaotic, tormented sense, it is a thick and heavy realm)… and again to the other Christ says: your faith has made you whole, depart in peace. Wherefore faith can not be just played with empty lips [similar many deny immortality, or the eternal abode, they have not the faith OF God] Conclusion: YOU MUST LOVE LIFE (like a big wave surfer who just loves to be alive or like a child playing outside, again, happy, to be alive and thankful) and YOU SHOULD LOOSE YOUR OWN LIFE (that means, the EGO - selfishness). Listen, if you do not love life, you are not worthy for heaven and you are not satisfied with anything, maybe not even of how God made you… and your religiosity will not save you. Listen: Love for money and social status for its own sake leads to hell, and sometimes they have money and do not recognize that a curse is upon them. But both, the poor and the rich can be trapped, as also many poor fall into other traps and evil things, therefore it is not useful to go into the myriads of ways of how people can miss the mark… it is much better to provide a blueprint of how the divine life looks like, and to contemplate the mysteries… And someone will ask, how is it that all 5 senses are renewed and that you see a translucent realm like diamonds aka heaven on earth??? The answer is already given, light/darkness and the 4 Elements make up the 7 Spirits together with love energy. And via the 4 Elements everything is made (eternal nature), and behind the veil we are filled with light, Matthew 6:22 and so also our eyes are renewed, our smell, our taste, our ears… And all that is really simple once you have understood this revelation which is by the way in scripture… Resurrection life made possible (philosopher stone, new creation). And that’s why I said that no one can escape God. Ya, people say: God does not judge, yea, then just read Hebrews 4:12 etc., his sword cuts through [Microcosm]!!! Do you have a little halo on your skin?, do you have inexpressible joy ? do you have a spiritual make up skin?, has your body the lightness of the Spirit?, are you totally energized and refreshed [in some translations in scripture even called superhuman]? do you have total awareness? do you have the full breath? And the list goes on… do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? IAM TOO HARD HERE? Answer, its not about that… I just want to prove that it is in scripture. QUESTION, do you really see it with the inner eye? Answer, yes, behold, the seven spirits are never transformed one into another because they keep their own essentiality, it is similar to air blows up fire, or fire moves water, darkness is illumined by light etc. like living conscious spirits…sevenfold, and the oil or salt or sulphur smell etc., this are just intermediates… the sevenfold remains… (imagine it with a TV, ya, like many LEDs generate a picture and similar it is with many fractals), similar the glass is an intermediate (liquid and solid)… and ya, we even taste that oil in the apocalypse... this ethereal oil, we really discern this energies in the apocalypse and there is similitude regarding the ABOVE and BELOW… wherefore it is a clear, crystalline, translucent substantiality... And ya, also that is correct, these seven Spirits make up all colours, tunes, chemical substances etc.,… And hell has a dissonant discordant melody or sound, with Satan as the instrument in the eternal fire of God (Satan which means ADVERSARY, therefore my child its not just about Hollywood movies), ya, simple the anger spirit strikes this instrument in the eternal fire of God… and on the other side, heaven is joyfulness and great beauty, Gods light shines in every thing or being… what is good and a joy in heaven, that is anguish and torment in hell, therefore we have the love-fire (in Gods will) or anger-fire (self-will captivated in wrath)…you are either in Gods love or Gods anger (this includes Christians)… Psalm 139:8 if I ascend up into heaven, you are there, if I make my bed in hell, behold, you are there. CHECK: and It is impossible to assume that the field is only encapsulated in the physical body, no, it is clearly the opposite because the soul gives life to the body and when this body has reached its limit [decay, death], then you leave in your own consciousness field. And your soul, mind, will, emotions, who you are, that is in the field. That’s why I also explained that if you cut a finger off from your hand, ya, that does not change the Microcosm factor, you have still the same breath or will. And that’s why I said, revelation must be combined with logic and experiential (empirical) prove. And in scripture you also read that even some souls entered back into a body as it is written, Jesus brought them back and healed their body… and then also we read about Mose and Elijah on the Mt of transfiguration etc. Ya, it all becomes clear. And ya it is hard to understand but I say it again: an enlightened person is completely indifferent to the world and worldly matters, because of the sun within, ya, we are even without consideration for standard social etiquette [my status in society etc.], but not saying, that no one can have his little individual expression. What I say, Iam everywhere like mental space, the outward is in the inward, Iam the core of the universe [in God], boundless flow, it pervades everything, the one mind is indeed limitless, enlightenment, and if God is formless, also I become formless, my True Self is quasi imprinted in that light well. Listen, everything which is a thing is variable, it is temporal, but the mirror is all-inclusive… And for a good reason I write about the divine vision much more intense… ya its good for the soul… and it is not simple a copy and paste (like to copy just stuff from other sages), because no one can write about it who has not seen it, and I added many revelations. And I do only explain that here because of critics… ya, and I say, Iam the first one who really explains how we see it really with the inner eye… etc.… and later much bigger revelations will be still added.
52) A true prophet is close to the heart of God and speaks his words. Habakkuk 3:4 rays of light flash from his hand, where is awesome power is hidden (his brightness was the light)... Jeremiah 10:12 He has made the earth by his power!, established the world by his wisdom!, stretched out the heavens by his discretion (intelligence, unterstanding), he utters his voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens, Isaiah 2:13, 12:3, with joy, drawing water from the wells of salvation, Isaiah 58:11 spring of water, it strengthens our frame, Genesis 29:3 the shepherds rolled the stone from the wells opening, watered the sheep, Revelation 7:17, Jacobs well, Jacobs ladder etc. Divine reality and eternal word of life… YA and about this book, all hell will go against people who write about it, that is because the devil fears nothing more than the manifestation of the sons of God topic with its holistic picture, ya, because the devil wants to keep people weak and dull and because genuine revelations changes the life of people and he knows that, because by a book such as this book, ya he is also limited in his mind games and distractions and as I spoke about the labyrinth, wherefore to understand the labyrinth and the decode, for that you must be more mature. And ya, in the apocalypse we become more or less invisible to him (fire wall around us). Wherefore when this book is published and all is written down, the devil has already lost, the resistance is brought down, and the full revelation is brought in and this topic is covered from all corners... and I on myself have no longer any resistance = heaven on earth, living in the garden of Eden, reigning and ruling with Christ, and surrounded by the precious stones (highpriest breastplate), that is, having the virtues in God Isaiah 43:21, Ephesians 1:12 CHECK CHRISTIANITY: Through hate, also Christians can generate unclean spirits (by imaginations) which attack others, thats why you should stay away from the very unclean part of religion, ya, especially when you are too weak! Wherefore also I made this mistake! I should have kept distance during my ascend, to some degree. Christianity and Babylon and its seed of the devil (people birth it, similar to mud), but for sure, this exists also general in the world. Unclean spirits are rapid increasing on earth. People have evil thoughts against others and harm them. (it results in attacks in the Spirit realm), this can be Christians who are unconsciously witches, and hate and anger and envy does exist in Christianity. And further, for sure, it results not just in attacks in the Spirit realm, but also those who have this imaginations and etc. who give birth to it, it is also embedded in themselves, like mud, they get it additional because it can not be of God, they reap what they sow to the flesh, they receive the corruption and get more filled with hell Galatians 6:8. And thats why Christianity is a big trap when they only speak about the forgiveness of sins and say that they are washed and cleansed etc.!!! And thats why many are weak who are bigger “in the business of Christianity”, ya, this clowns talk al day long who has more anointing, and they fight about their nonsensical prophecies, one against another. And also generally many quarrel does exist, and flattery, it is about money and other things. ==> its this JUNG THING, the collective unconscious… one big foolish party… with one word, they are TROTTEL… John 17:3 = intimate knowledge and a REAL PROPHET knows the eternal word… and they are no real prophets…: He has put his signature ring on my finger, I am raised in power and this power is shut up (closed) in my garden, it comes from the abyss and it flows back into the abyss and I am centered and encircled in it, the hand mill symbol. He is my bed, I found rest, and the field is in my heart. The Ego abomination is cast out, I am no longer my own, I am born of God. The land is within. I am in the ark. I have left the land of the dead. Blessed are those who fled to the mountain top, the winter is gone, behold, the summer is near, the vision comes at the door. I step into it and I realize, no one can break into my house, this is the new earth and new heaven, the universe is made into a paradise via God. And he shows me, the lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, it is my lighthouse, it flashes and lights up the whole sky, the kingdom is within. He says, you are my house and I see, I do not really posses anything behind the veil, yet I inherit the earth, yet, I have Dominion. I have put the dragon, death and hell under my feet, and my soul is lifted out of the world, Iam an alien among the black rat religion. I call myself nothing and yet I am everything, I am empty and yet I am full, behold, I am nurtured by the universe, sweet celestial honey in my mouth. I am he, he is me, yet, I am his son. I am a god yet not almighty God. Hmmm, I smell heavenly spices, it fills my nose, in my garden grows no weed. The garden is watered, I seek the source, there is an abyss, and there is a well, and because of that well I soar freely in his creation, I move at will and wherever I move, I am in rest, I am refreshed. I am not entangled in action, I respond like a mirror, doing it, not knowing how to do it, I am what I am by the grace of God, I sit on the golden chariot, it is he who energizes me. I do everything yet I claim nothing, I am not my own, I am in praise and boasting is for the dead. I rejoice eternally, I move with him, I have found the infinite treasure, I am the earth you walk on, I am the water you drink, I am the air you breathe, I am the fire which burns you. Nothing shall harm me. I am the invisible and the visible; I am one with him in Spirit. I know the root of all things and I have found myself. I am a vessel of honour, and only the dead seek vain glory, listen, the dignity of immortals can not be broken. I shine like the sun in my fathers kingdom. I know the moon, I know eternal nature. I know the precious stones of Jerusalem city, I have left Babylon. I am a 1000 year child, my life does not end. The whole of creation ministers to me and the animals obey me, wherever I move, the thunder of the turning wheel is heard, I am redemptive, yet I do not own the flow. I know universal benevolence, I know his providence. I am the core of the universe; I have a likeness with everything. And I realize, the black rat wants to persecute me, but the web of death can not offend the web of life, and on my head is put the Glory crown, yet I cast it before his throne. My animal passions are cast out; I have left the other sea with its beast. I found the true Image and likeness, I found the watery stone, from self centered to God centered, in the twinkling of an eye, ya, the flash stands in the midst, I am in the ever born now, Godspeed, and nothing shakes me in the immoveable Kingdom. I am divine love, I am fearless. Ya, the Lightpearl is dilated in an instant, the circumference is an eternal limit, space partakes in the intelligible, and I shall dance eternally the cosmic dance, in the ever born now, turning myself in it. I am supersensual, the heavenly kingdom is inside and outside of me, blessed is he who knows the cupbearer. I am focalized in my body, as far as my eyes can see, and the light pierces through my skin, equilibrium. Only the sage knows divine space travel, only the sage knows the activities of matter, watery stone. The manna extends life, the manna expands consciousness, the manna is crucial for divine travel, the manna destroys the black rat religion... Behind the veil, I see or experience that God made me to his best or I experience as like that God is only here for me in my garden, and that he made me to his best, he deifies me, and he eternally rejoices with me…. Meditate on it, go to God or die like an animal. I go from evolution to revolution and experience spiritual evolution. Behold, I tell you, I am under extreme pressure, I have to bear the weight of the entire universe, ya, and I am therefore glad that God said, by his Spirit, an eternal weight (load, abundance) of Glory. Ya, certainly, the intelligence given to us from God distinguishes us from animals, we can also call it mind of Christ (and eternal wisdom), I ascend to the thought bosom, o, I open my inner reaches, I let it flow in. QUESTION, do I say that everyone is an animal who does not know the apocalypse? Answer, surely not… we simple have this mixture… and its also a gnostic term… because the lower kingdom cannot endure and they must perish and we on the other side can reach Theosis (resurrection life, immortality)… therefore don’t get offended too much… be a good Austrian… you know how we talk… and keep a bit a smile...
53) I did not need a story, I (Nomad) was you, before you (Martin Mostbauer) existed. WHAT? Where is Captain Hook? He drunk the substance and got liberated in a different dimension. GIFTS: To prophecy, for sure, it is to edify and to build up, and it is not always about predicting events etc., its also about revelatory elements [without admixture]... and similar if someone like me has deep insight but does not also edify, then it would become destructive... but anyway, exhortation must be still in the book because I do not serve the folly 21 century church and it is also about ascension and for sure it needs the discernment of Spirits or discernment, specially when books are read and when we listen to other, to put something together etc... Therefore, prophecy brings inspired revelation to the church, to encourage, giving some Manna... and Manna can be for sure found in this book... Ok, having said that, you will also say to me, I read in scripture also about the gift of faith? 1Corinthians 12:9, to this I say, as the Spirit of prophecy can occasionally rest upon a person [like a channel, they receive something, vision or whatever], so also faith can sometimes rest upon a believer like an amplification, and for example I had that in my first ascend, ya, very clear experienced via the prayer of heart. And there is something what we call to strengthen the faith of other believer, which is done via the body of Christ; similar I write this book here, which will bring also the reverent fear of God to some people... Yet in the apocalypse we have the faith of God which is now easy for you to imagine why that is so, since the whole transformation got explained... and so it is also written in scripture that everyone has a measure of faith, Romans 12:3. and we see in scripture that Jesus got moved when anyone demonstrated faith, in fact it is a very big issue for Jesus and so we also read: You of little faith, Jesus replied, or we read: and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die, do you believe this? And further, about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the gift of knowledge is simple supernatural knowledge, not by your own ability but what most people do not understand that is, that this gift can also manifest in very little ways (when something lights up in our mind), and you have to make yourself aware about it, ya to recognize it and this is therefore not just about a word of knowledge about a specific person for a healing purpose. And wisdom is also insight about the divine will, and it is also about supernatural revelation and to solve problems... and all 9 gifts of the Holy spirit can occasionally manifest on believer... And what you read in Isaiah 11:2, that is quasi our foundation in the apocalypse, knowledge of the son, eternal wisdom, enlightened understanding, counsel, mighty via his Spirit, fear of the Lord, spirit of the Lord = 7 Spirits. Again about GIFTS: Listen, the only thing which you can quench (1Thess 5:19), that is the Holy Spirit, and such things like the Spirit of prophecy, that Spirit can also come on people which have character flaws, also that you must know, and some prophecy are from the Lord (clean, so to speak) and also many are not, but above all, you do not need to worry if you have no prophetic gift [as some people are also born with it and it is also like a talent, 1Corinthians 12:29, Rom 12:6-8] You should know that during ascension, often this little gifts get more clear, and intuition, for example little prophecies... you know beforehand if someone wants to call you, so you can prepare for it or you have a knowing on which place you land later or you receive creative ideas, the divine intelligence does more or less help you to fulfil your task in the universe. And also when something prophetically comes into your mind, which you see as something which is from God [divine intelligence], you should also speak it or you have to pray about it [and meditate about it], wherefore most of this books about hearing Gods voice, they are useless, because what it needs, that is maturity and stillness and surrender (but yes, others can train you a bit about this gifts who have more experience)… And when you make it into the apocalypse, praise God, the flesh can no longer influence you, and as I said, you have your true self in the Holy Spirit [ya, and people are absurd, complicated when they ignore that]. And you have the divine intelligence in scripture [dull people can not read, see logos]. And again, about hearing Gods voice, you have also other believer to whom you can listen… GIFTS: 1Corinthians 14:4, earnestly pursue love, earnestly pursue and desire spiritual gifts (WE HAVE A FREE WILL!!!)... as we see here, God looks at us and responds, and we have to do our part, similar if we want to have heavenly encounter, expect and desire, yet in the first place, your ascend is important, seek first his kingdom and his righteousness... and then also as mentioned, we have to exercise the gifts, which is a very important key. God gives gifts only to those who desire it earnestly. And for any higher gift, God looks at your maturity, and it is clear that only in his righteousness, that is, via ascend we draw closer to God, only here, bigger gifts are given, we may call it greater works. Wherefore always remember, a gift like prophecy is not really important in after-life, and here I mean, all what matters, that is character, that you have developed your inner man and that you did draw closer to God (more capacity, better character (perseverance, endurance in suffering etc. as mentioned in scripture, that which produces character) or more of his love in you, leaving the old man)... And about being a teacher or in teaching, to carry information and insight, to shape the perspective about life, and to be diligent, steadfast, sincere, to study the word and to emphasize the original language, to keep the “church” focused on the truth, a passion to discover, but also not to be a boring teacher but to bring full devotion, which is an extra bonus, to be very versatile, yes, it should even speak to the youth, ya, only that is for me a developed talent, and so also I have brought all the revelations into this book. Wherefore I started with almost nothing in my hand and then after I got the eternal word in my mouth, I began to write! Wherefore later for me it goes into the application of that knowledge: animal covenant, works of nature and other things, one step leads to the next... and further, when some say that this is apostolic, to bring people into a greater revelation of who God is, then it can be included that I have apostolic features (but anyway, I did never build churches). And ya, similar I could speak prophetic words and it happened (or to have some foreknowing about little things) but a TRUE PROPHET is only he WHO KNOWS THE MYSTIC EYE!!! Further, acknowledge, many like to make it all complicated with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and what else, but this is all nonsense and in little ways everyone can have a little prophetic wisdom, a kind of knowing that this or that can happen, or some feel that a loved one who is far away did die… bla bla bla [myriads of possibilities], it is just that a mature gift is much more direct and more advanced, that is all that is and also often during ascension gifts can sometimes become more advanced. Wherefore and I say it again, specially dreams and visions, most people have their flesh and carnality involved and they often believe that it is all from the Lord. WHO CARES what “KARMA MUD” gets often implanted into the thoughts of Christians… ya, many these people think they are prophets… but its a joke... AND FURTHER ABOUT GODS VOICE, GODS VOICE: God works mostly through intuition, inspirations, often only through a few words which sound like our own thoughts. And beside that, God can work through circumstances, signs, dreams, the written word and other such things. And that is total true, be still and know that Iam God (to wait on God), to hear God you need a quiet place and the senses should not be entangled in the many things (temporal). And this quiet place I do also call ascetic life (you need that also for ascension otherwise the flesh can not be starved out, sensory information has to be cut off, so that the senses get renewed, the mud has to be pressed out, yat you can combne it also with a walk in nature or…). And in prayer when you are more mature, then expect and look for visions (but during hard ascend and when you know that there is some dark hour in the soul, do not go after visions, ya, only when you are in more fresh air, then you can look again for visions, and to understand that better, read also Saint John of the cross etc.). And it helps you to write a book about your relationship with God, yes, maybe also about ascension, to some better part I do the same with this book here, I write down all what I learned. And listen, I can give you also a simple example about Gods voice, for example I did not decide which new apartment I get, it was God (I had to sell my property because I needed money), and I wanted something with an indoor swimming pool for all residents but I got somewhere else an apartment, not just more cheap, but also with a big balcony and with a nice view [I can see a hill with a church, an old castle, many trees etc.], You ask how did God give it to me? My answer the person who does rent it to me, even when the street number is 46, he always said 33 because between me and God this number has a special meaning, it followed me and I simple saw that the person who does rent it, he did not change and further, everything happened without problems... secondly the first day I was in the apartment, I said, ok, but here is a Kindergarten with many kids, I will hear them all the time but again, at least they make the streets colourful with all their paintings and so it is, and the voice of kids should not really bother me...and much less in the apocalypse:-), and as I said it, the little kid beneath my window screamed: earth, fire, little pause, and then the kid said water, air!, yea, and I did immediately know what God said to me, little children, theirs is the kingdom of heaven... now then, and with that you have a simple example about Gods voice, wherefore I have many of that stuff going on in my life and normally it increases a bit when you draw closer to God or when you enter the apocalypse. AND REGARDING YOUR CALLING: you should feel it in your heart, and yes, sometimes we think that this is now not really what I want to do because I want something else but at the end, God knows it better, so also with this book, often, I would had liked to do other things, but I know already that when I look back and when it is finished, I will say, that it was necessary in the first place, without doubt. Therefore, one thing, that is to pursue him, another thing, that is to watch and listen to the ear of the heart, and whatever calling you see in yourself, you have to finish it, and then you go on. As one example: many have screamed, Nomad it is enough with your book, leave your “hiding place” or many have screamed, he is finished, there is no revelation left, he has everything written down what he received... but Nomad does not listen to them, Nomad is finished when he is back in the apocalypse… ya I did write this book online only via emails yet many heard about me… religious circles in USA… it started ~ 2017… many of them know me now but we separated later… and they just want to steal all revelations and its all about money for most of them… and then they only like to pick up one thing from me but when it is about science regarding reincarnation… or other stuff… they go crazy... BUT WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE IN USA???… THEY HAD NOT EVEN REAL MYSTICS AND IN THEIR PROTESTANT and folly PROPHETS MARKETING RELIGION THEY NEVER TAUGHT ABOUT THE MYSTIC EYE… AND THEY ALL GOT JEALOUS… YA THEY DID KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT, WE ALL KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!… so do not wonder if some of them now teach some stuff about it… they have it from me… and we KNOW USA and their past… and it was impossible for them to understand JACOB BOEHME… ya they had even laughed about him but I exposed them all with scripture verses… one after another... WE ALL KNOW IT!!!……………. Listen, there is something like an IDENTITY NETWORK in the body of Christ, and to explain it simple, I have no problem with those who have their little weaknesses, the problem starts when people teach only GARBAGE!.
54) since God is Spirit and since the kingdom within is God generated aka the God realm, we can also call it Spirit realm or eternal realm, now as Jacob said it rightly about the spirit of the flesh, one holds the other closed up in it (good and evil), and together they manifest the character (twofold desire, twofold cure, via heart purification I received healing, joy arises after sorrow, Matthew 5:4, James 4:9, Psalm 126:5, 6 etc. , and so also we have the dark hour of the soul, the anguish gets filled with liberty and the dross (mud) gets cast out, ya, thats why an ascetic saint can sometimes look a bit angry, do not judge him, his head is heavy and “he battles the stuff out of him”. And how is it enclosed? Ya, in the SPHERE!!! And this fragmentation I call simple cross birth, people go from unity into multiplicity and the mind is dissipated among the many things and so they loose the seven Spirits harmony = Microcosm and Macrocosm disharmony. During ascend I throw myself throws myself in a kind of nothingness, not my will but your will be done, if you will, a continual prayer (contemplation) and meditation and partially with fasting etc. And since the body is integrated, then and also the internal form manifests itself externally, ya, the apocalypse, that is, the precious gold of the heavenly corporality (and everything is rendered sweet behind the veil, the flow, divine love fire, compassion, meekness and supernal joy is key, and mark well, too much falsehood will keep you in the wrath stream, ya, especially do not lie to yourself… in that sense be your Self). And also to acknowledge: every thing has its mouth to manifestation, the language of nature. And some call the soul behind the veil, they call it vegetable soul or cosmic life, that is, because the deity imprints and portrays itself into its likeness according to the model of its wisdom in all things (LOOK AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILD, womb, at the bottom, all the fractals are quasi at the bottom and upon the mirror everything is reflected… inward – outward – equilibrium… rest and movement). And for the case you say that Iam wrong about the two fold cure and two fold desire, I say, you err greatly, and it is not just about mourning, it is also simple about the conscience, and behind the veil we have a super clear conscience, and how do we get it? Answer, we get it through awakening, we must awaken from the sleep - the imaginations of the flesh bring the illusion! And for the case you also doubt the connection to nature, then you can read: Leviticus 18:28, and if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you (creation responds, and see language of nature and the womb of creation in the apocalypse), ya read also Habakkuk 2:11 we read, the stones will cry out, or in Job 31:38, if my land cries out against me, Job 20:27 the earth shall rise up against him, Psalm 65:4, 13 goodness of thy house, the pastures are clothed with flocks, the valleys also are covered over with corn, they shout for joy, they also sing!, Psalm 96:12 apocalypse reality: let the fields exult, and all that is in them, then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy... NOMAD AND NATURE: Psalm 98:8 HEAVEN ON EARTH!!!, and read Isaiah 55:12. The book written within and without or the book of nature in our heart, and that is a living encounter, similar we can say that emeralds, diamonds, topaz and all this precious stones, they are differently formed, 7 Spirits and every thing has its tone or sound, wherefore the precious stones, you see it already that much light is in it and hardness, and therefore it resembles (in some better way) heaven, and therefore I use this description: round crystal ice palace about the divine reality (the translucent degree)... wherefore for sure, concerning nature, many know also Francis of Assisi, you can read about him etc. Ya, it is said about saint Cyriacus the Anchorite, that he did eat nothing but wild onions in his wilderness season, and by his prayer the onions became sweet, wherefore we see the same with Moses rod and the water which became sweet. Yea, and some saints lived even together with tamed lions. CHECK: Since it is a homecoming, we go back to the beginning, in the beginning, Jeremiah 17:12, A glorious throne set on high from the beginning!!! is the place of our sanctuary, Revelation 3:21 I will give the right to sit with me on the throne of me, and I could add more verse...
55) Wisdom is the beauty, brightness, lustre, glance of the most High, the glance or ray, she reveals all things, discovers. You can also look her up in the book of wisdom…. WISDOMS GLASS, passive… And regarding us in the apocalypse (alos called still eternity): the Spirits of the still eternity, they are pure powers, light from light, their ideas being conceived in the divine mind, pre-existed in the eye of the father, they are immaterial, free from all gross materiality, yet, they have a body, but as we know, the material cause [kingdom within] is God, as we have said, the cup which never runs out in that Sphere. And I dare not to say it, yet I say it, they are higher than angels... God simple has this options – many things are also optional :-), the highest heaven, that is, as Pordage rightly said, they are the manifestation of the attributes, virtues of the divine essence, they eternally dwell upon the blissful contemplation of the triune deity, they are refreshed by perceiving the ravishing odours, which continually perfume the most holy place, they taste and feed upon the outflowing sweetness of the deity, they feel nothing but eternal goodness of him, who with his fullness fills the still Eternity. This spirits are co-equal with one another, apocalypse unity, as independent deities, all alike are sharers in the powers, raptures, joys of the most holy place, equally meek, humble, obedient, resigned. And in our outward figure, we resemble exactly the holy trinity. Their employment is to attend in the presence of the Holy and ever-blessed Trinity, being ready to perform the will of the supreme Majesty. Their minds are continually taken up, and delighted with the beatifical vision of the Deity; their wills fully satisfied in the immediate enjoyment of the chiefest good; their senses pleased with most suitable and ravishing objects; and they continually bathing themselves in those rivers of unknown delights, which proceed from the Heart of the Deity without intermission. Thus they spend that eternal day in never ceasing praises and hallelujahs to the ever blessed and incomprehensible Trinity. Even angels long to look into these things (revelation of Jesus Christ, God of gods). Therefore, we are the messenger of the eternal gospel (divine reality)… and ya you shall know that most mystics did know that Jesus had a soul like we have… ergo opposite to the institutions who teach nonsense… yet you must be able to read between the lines regarding some Mystics… because you know, they were in danger with such messages… and so they just gave hints… some spoke more clear like Jacob… some less clear… Today as we know, things changed… inquisition and etc. does no longer exist… therefore let us reign as right as rain!!! And yes, those in the lower heaven can not endure the light of the higher heaven but those in the higher heaven can visit the lower heaven…. And this includes even our revelation… they hide in caves...
56) As a child I did often run around with a T- shirt, on it was written, learn your limits! Spiritual evolution or carnal evolution as I see it today, anyway, some adult people asked me, have you learned it? Veni Vidi Vici, fire breath SO ALSO: listen, there is some use in stretching the body, also I had it integrated in martial arts and also the ancient Jews had in their training, and it includes some positions etc., but I would not OVERDO it like sometimes seen in Yoga, and further, the full breath is 7 Spirits dependent [Microcosm]… I understand FREEDIVER… and some breathing exercises… yet again… regarding yoga… don’t OVERDO it!!! Question, dis Laozi know the 3fold creative force? Answer… I guess, he spoke also about the mirror… LOL… it all leads back to the garden, ya to the ancient path… and you will also find the mirror in ancient Hindu texts etc...ya, they also talk about the Microcosm… ya and the 4 Elements are known in almost all religions… just search deep enough… and you will find bits and pieces about the truth… the STONE...
57) And because there is sound and that which produces sound and there is form and that which produces form, therefore we must say, hearing and seeing and tasting is a spiritual faculty in God like in a circle, eternal nature is his clothing, ever turning wheel, endlessly.... And when the wheel runs out of his course, then we may hope, Psalm 103:5 – redeems my life from the pit! [pit of hell, destruction, see Hebrew translation]. QUESTION: you will ask, how does he fill again the abyss? Yea, because the OUTFLOW is deeper than the abyss and so we have the seat, and this is the male and female aspect about God, in the image of God, male and female, Genesis 1:27 and we are androgynous as gods. Male and female: perfect love is not found in one property, but in the two, one entering the other... mutual beholding, mutual love, and I receive my SEAT…….And further, if you ask about Genesis 1, then listen, this is now harsh theology, but I say, if the seven Spirits which are a passive principle, father generates them etc., would not be there, then the equilibrium would still exist but we could say nothing about God, it would be like an infinite brooding mass, Genesis 2:1, wherefore this does not put away his divine intelligence, but you can read it for yourself in Genesis 1. Ya, its not like that God has created one spirit and then another and finally seven spirits… no… because the equilibrium or his unchanging nature cannot be broken… whatever he did, he did it in a twinkling of an eye... And about the devil, as we have already seen, the devils fire desires a body to devour and turn to nothing, to darkness, the devil has left the meekness which is in the still habitation of God. And Gods fire is coupled with love, his fire causes light, a body to fill, it quickens, the water of life holds fire captive (and in harmony, immortal bodies, unspeakable joy and glory), and the problem with Adam, he had imagined after the earthly kingdom. Again, the devil went with his desire into himself, similar as it is with us as humans, anxious fire (wrath etc.) versus exalted joyfulness. The devil enkindled himself more and more in his own fire and he did draw other with him, but his ruling is deceit, because he owns only his wrath, so to speak. There is nothing complicated about it. And for sure the devil poisoned other. And behind the veil we do not desire tjust one of the 4 elements; we desire all of them as one. And again, the devil has his realm. And this realm in which we are is like an additional scroll, and thats why you go in after-life in one or the other world and further, there are even different heavens. And blessed is he who has the divine vision which comes at the door. CHECK: As a child, I liked to play on a commodore C64 the game called Bubble Bobble, but only now I understand that I have to find the bubble of love to get my food, with its bubbling well… Ya, for unwise people, sense impressions have the highest priority, ancient people called them serpents who eat from the wrong tree. CHECK: that is true from John: The Triune Deity does see that all things lie hid in his Divine Chaos (abyssal essence, empty space), but without essence: but in Eternal Nature's ground he sees all things essentially, and that he has actually all sufficiency of materials and instruments to bring forth all things from Eternal Nature's ground. So that Eternal Nature is God's work-house, wherein he has whatsoever materially are required to creation. In the Eternal Nothing is no actual essence, but in Eternal Nature, all essences for creation are actually brought forth by God's Wisdom and Power... and this becomes clear to us behind the veil, that he made eternal nature via the seven Spirits...and that this abyssal essence is before or above it. (eternal nature is created out of the divine chaos)... And as I said, my birth date is 3.17, this is the Mystery of the universe. LETS MAKE IT MORE SIMPLE: we have an abyssal 1) PEARL (sphere), another 2) PEARL...(the innermost, bosom glass…) and another 3) PEARL (what we see with our bodily eyes)… and the ABYSSAL must be an eternal NOTHING because of the equilibrium… And again about the seven Spirits, the fierce (proud) fire is elevating and the sweet (soft) water down-sinking (and seeks strength), and they are all like food to each other... so also harsh, anguishing darkness is useful to the light, but not saying that we have anguish behind the veil, ya, we experience only the joyful triumph in that harmony and ravishing ecstasy... with air proceeding (air is the habitation). And light and water ruling over darkness... like the darkness is hid in the light (before the light)... ergo having a pleasant glance of the fire (it looses its scorching property, and the sun in the sky does not burn us)... in that divine love fire... and this is also seen (tasted) with the inner eye at the bosom glass, our seat!!!...LOOK AGAIN AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILT! And in the wheel of eternal nature (they are one in another and through another subsisting), and we have distinction and impulse, sometimes one of them is uppermost in the ever running wheel, but in the garment of the trinity concerning the whole (like a sync wave – inter-triadic connected in that oneness flow), yet all are one (just reflected upon the mirror, rest and movement, duality integrated... And when we ascend, we go through darkness, bitterness, anguish to water, light and air – and this is called the dark hour of the soul, when we break through, yea, we could even say we break through the bonds of matter. And listen again, when we would make 3 principles, then we have the 1) abyssal Globe [we are not that abyss but we dwell in God – via the womb of eternal nature and so we know that he is above us, similar with the mirror] and then we have the 2) outward in the divine light [God realm = outward in the inward] and then we have the 3) outward, stars and elements in which all people live who are not in the apocalypse [aka God realm], which also poisons them = decay and death. [and what happens, often they curse creation and their own body in their misery and because of the scorching property]... We may say, give me my light garment!!!.... . You shall not put your imagination into wickedness, for you will receive the source of hell... And now, to finish it: We can say that at the bosoms glass, the fire smiles in that light, let there be light and there was light, and in that light garment, the light is the great sweet delight, light rules, even shines in the water with full harmony and joyfully triumph, in divine love, 7 Spirits joy, with our light being (darted in eternal nature)... and therefore they are conscious rays - rainbow, and feed each other... and we shall have full harmony behind the veil, rightly tempered, (so also our temperament), and this has to be seen and tasted and felt... sweeter than honey, so also you my reader... Ok, one more time, again in the apocalypse, in the flash [bosom glass], we recognize that there is an eternal seeking and finding (in that Globe, round globe of glass), light and darkness - desire, wheel, by which the eye stays free in itself, in that harmony, by which the eye is manifested in the light!!!... and behind the veil, God becomes the will and deed in us (clothed with his power), and you must cast outward reason away to find him (outward life into death), cease from your own will, and meditate him... otherwise you get stagnated, because of the twofold desire, and further, when we are in a twofold desire, twofold source, it is still all things in one essence, making one globe... and therefore you shall know that the soul gets tested in the fire, and it would be good for the soul when she does not remain in the dark fire will...her works as fuel for that fire. And yes, there are different degrees, for examplea s Jacob rightly said, the soul is in God but in the angelic world without nature!!!, and so they can not see or highly attain the high glance of the majesty, they have quasi a lower capacity. The soul is in nature, but the habitation of the image is without nature in the divine liberty (I simple said, wrapped in love… yet a lower mind stamp)...
58) It is often seen that people hunger for health and they hunger for a happiness which sustains them, there must be a reason for that, simple as that, wherefore someone has to tell them where they can find it… THE SOUL PROCEEDS FROM THE WOMB OF ETERNAL NATURE… life goes on… even after death… and find that womb and you will be very happy… a sonnige Seele… And as you have already learned, the other constellations, for example animals and plants, they receive only the existentially energies of God and that can be quite disturbing in the first moment when we enter the apocalypse, and therefore we shall know that there are different constellations and we as gods behind the veil, we received the logos and the energy by which we get deified, ya, maybe we can say, animals have a soul but they are images in God and we are in the image of God, anyway they all depend upon the 4 elements and so we even recognize the difference between worms in the earth and birds in the sky and fish in the sea... and ya, about gods, it is said that they can even walk through fire, Isaiah 43:2 when you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched… upps… And you will ask, about the transformation power, do we also have a more simple example on a lower level? My answer, yes, you see that with a mother and a little child, that is, even when the mother is sometimes with more mud clothed, yet when the child is more in the light, ya that flows also out of that child in her sphere. And then the mother changes according to the sound of the child, yea, she even speaks a bit different. And further now you know the reason why Christ said in Matthew 5:43, But I tell you, love your enemies; he cause his sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and unrighteous... be perfect therefore as your heavenly father is perfect, filled with all light, light flash, we must love all things as God does,... opposite to the world: kingdom of HEAVEN, web of life, and therefore no useless Babel book changes the life of others but only a holistic book so that the sheep gets grounded, why, how, what… CHECK: love just shines out, and brings us into liberation and also the mental formations are cleansed – no longer triggered by the web of death, and that can only happen through ascension. Understand, righteous fruit begins with peace within, pray for serenity about the things which you can not change and keep the inner praise as I taught you, so that the fire burns more in you... and a lot of the labyrinth I have killed for you. You will ask; how can I overcome the sting of anger? You simple go on your knee and say have mercy on me Jesus, Iam blind and he will put it away... because your mission is to reach the well, and on that place is only sweet divine love water ecstasy. Watch your emotions and simple turn off which is contrary to it... Generally, when you are in a lower vibrtaion it is hard to forgive, when you are higher, it is easy to forgive, when you are in the apocalypse, you do no longer need to forgive, God becomes all in all (and unforgiveness is a bondage, Iam not in need behind the veil)... and we become like water and total liberated in that superparadise. And that is the part where you have to become humble and starve out the flesh. Ya, meditate the divine water and the Spirits of the still eternity. And I know it, and I tell you, also the agents were set against me on a place (very STRANGE “COINCIDENCES”, you would not believe), ya, self made messiah bearing many deceptions, the matrix, the scheme, the archonic projection field... but I will forgive them... worlds (and systems), the hunt, the victory, universe inside me... And ya, its a bit a paradox because also I speak oftne very loud… yet the difference…. Iam not attached to it… and in that way you will fully understand the higher vibration versus lower vibration and how you can avoid any harm regarding yourself…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEARNED FROM A MASTER!!! The seven thunder speech [with the right sound in the mouth] is sealed up until you enter the apocalypse
59) AGE IN THE APOCALYPSE: about aging, via the womb (bosom) similitude God had created Adam to stay in an age of around 25 years or something like that, this is done via creation consciousness (the womb) and the Microcosm [like this fractal universe] and its seven Spirits governing wheel, I have seen that in my first ascend but I have also seen that scars on my body did stay. Why is that so? Answer, when we have some scars on the body and some lost hair or some teeth did grow older or..., and when we enter back into the apocalypse, then the flash stands against in the midst, God realm (realm without decay)... but what is left about the body, even when put into light and light piercing through the skin and eye change and taste change, nevertheless the body has not directly full restoration, it goes back to the spiritual imprint but for everything else, you have to speak it in faith (command, pray...) or ask God... and therefore, so also this questions is answered… Ya, but you say: I don’t understand, youth gets renewed and the 5 senses but some other stuff remains…??? Ya, who knows, maybe when I dwell long enough in that light, then also the rest gets done… and in my first ascend I was not very long in the apocalypse… CHECK, contemplation: If we would look at a ball flying in empty space as explained (abyssal globe), and then we say that this ball has an inner ball, then the inner ball is quasi the all-filling power with its basement, LOOK AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILT, and the outer ball, that is that which is received via the senses and the inner ball mirrors the outer ball (the dynamic world reflected and so we have movement and rest), and it flows (flies) together like a FLOWING PEARL. And this would be the sign of the Melchizedek order, I guess, that is, three circles :-), as every order has a sign, and Melchizedek has no end of life. And therefore, the whole kingdom of God is God generated, the Kingdom is within, and therefore the sun within illumines all objects, the tent or house or tabernacle. A round crystal palace, we move circular in it... and for sure we could also look at Mose tabernacle, the water basin made of mirrors, the hebrew word kikar associated with the basin implies that it was round... and also interesting the three pearls in all 4 directions as we see it with Jerusalem city... Yea, Christ becomes literally our LOOKING GLASS, another kind of Alice in Wonderland, we are crazy according to the world, and among the seeker esteemed. Golden dance, the philosophers end (words inexpressible)… YA, the lower worlds to which belongs hell, animals, humans... this are states of life which are easily influenced by circumstances... and the lower heavens are not the apocalypse. True self = God realization - perfect master – cosmology and consciousness – only the ultimate reality remains)... the fire of passion (sensuality), aversion, ignorance extinguished... freedom from negative mental states, without trouble, the shelter, sorrowfree, whose nature is to be without danger, incomparable, without strife, superior, immeasurable, the destruction of cravings - clean, stainless... highest positive experience – pure intellect and energy, luminous radiant body... earth (solidity), water (also cohesion), fire (heat), wind (motion) revealed... Ya, regarding mental formations (mental imprints and conditioning triggered by any object) => the animal mode is cast out... many worlds and many help, to make the break-through, and this depends upon the vessel and her maturity, or “holy desire”... We need to rebuild (repair) the ancient (translation: OLAWM) ruins! Isaiah 61:4 LOGIACOLUMN!!! even with a preservation (realm without decay)...soul salvation or enlightenment... knowing the all-pervasive, all-pervader or worker!!! ENJOY:, early Christian song: Creator-Spirit, all-Divine, come, visit every soul of thine, and fill with thy celestial flame, the hearts which thou thyself didst frame, O gift of God, thine is the sweet!!! consoling name of paraclete – and spring of life and fire and love, and unction flowing from above, the mystic sevenfold gifts are thine, finger of Gods right hand divine; the fathers promise sent to teach, the tongue a rich and heavenly speech!!! kindle with fire brought above, each sense!!!, and fill our hearts with love, and grant our flesh, so weak and frail, the strength of thine which cannot fail, drive far away our deadly foe, and grant us thy true peace to know; so we, led by thy guidance still, to us, through thee, the grace be shown, to know the father and the son; and the spirit of them both, may we forever rest our faith in thee, to sire and son be praises meet, and to the holy paraclete; and may Christ send us from above that holy spirits gift of love... YA, and SEVEN IS INDEED THE MYSTICAL NUMBER OF THE UNIVERSE (seven days), my reader, this book here brings the final blow to the fake religion, to that religion which is without knowledge and without vision and often destructive... their facade becomes a charade, all the words which they have twisted and which they have put into a false image... no big picture at all… O glorious fountain head (BRUNNENKOPF)...the goal within you, a floating mirror, we shall fly like a crowned eagle which we nevertheless call seat or throne, we sit and fly, cherub seat with wings (and GOVERNING wheel, Ezekiel 1). Listen, we have better words in Austria, that is, zurück zum URSPRUNG (origin) or URKRAFT (elemental force) or URQUELLE (primary source, fountain head)... for you shall know that in Babel they have twisted all words because they work under the archonic umbrella (and they love it), but my reader, we will fix that here. And I will also add that even ancient medicine in European tradition was based on the four elements, and I could also say, air non-attachment (infinite treasure, full communion), fire – leadership without proud or selfish ambition or anger, water – to be adaptable (rich or poor, dishonour or honour – true meekness stays the same), earth – wisdom is needed because we want to break through the bonds of matter and we are still dependent (during the ascend) on certain things.... the important thing is the awakening of consciousness... Further, we could also say, lion – fire, eagle - air, bull – earth, man – water... Listen, every hierophant must respect all life, as hierophant of nature... divine consciousness... Listen, man is able to refine his character, yes, sometimes like it is like with me, I pay with pain and suffering, which produces character, and therefore “Karma” (I use that word only in the Microcosmic character like cause and effect and how we react in different circumstances), ya, “Karma” is connected with our mud and because of this twofold desire we tend to circle in that same olfd stuff and we often make the same mistakes again and ya, often it falls back on us and nothing goes forward (yea, even many fall deeper into the flesh, reap from the flesh), the test comes and we fail, and so we stay blind without creating superior habits, without overcoming weaknesses, without a strengthening of virtues, and you ask why? because of psychological defects, uncontrolled passions - lower animal passions, bewitching, thoughtlessness or that we live without true responsibility. YA!!! WITHOUT INITIATION, in most cases, this leads to spiritually death or a life which can go easily astray (labyrinth and traps and that people take their energy as granted - the lifeforce). Listen: those who plunge with faith into the pool are never burnt by the scorching rays of the sun of birth and death... the destroyer of the demon hosts...ya, the mind of material objects does not lead reason astray, we look to our centre, we see only God, inexhaustible treasure...the destroyer of sorrow and the source of all blessing...nectar is praised for giving immortality... the whole universe is pervaded by the Spirit of the Lord...mental and physical distress and pain caused by others – in the holy stream, we escape from it... reverently bathing in it... our beautiful bottomless well... river of joy... he who causes to be... born of God… quality of being, knight of the sun virtues. DETACHMENT must be strictly understood that the power source is loved above everything else and he is more beautiful, more delightful than all the visible, but again, through God or in God, we can still enjoy the mountains, the sea etc., via the source, we are in communion with all things, and the flow of reality flows ceaselessly.... we are no longer ensnared by anything… inner STRENGTH!!! Isaiah 48:8 From now on I tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you. You have neither heard nor understood; from of old!!! your ears had not been open... well I know how treacherous you are... Listen, he split the rock and water gushed out, there is no peace, says the Lord, for the wicked... 1Chronicles 16:27 Majestic splendor emanates from him (glory and honour in his presence, yea, he even deifies us), he is the source of strength and joy... how can you ignore the strength part (and energy)? I taste the WORD made flesh. LOGOS expressed as intellect, wisdom and the Providence of God in whom all things are created. Logos as the ground, of the existence of being (I am eternal), this as the unitary Universal or cosmic principle. Within the Logos is many logoi or inner essences as thoughts of God. [Nomad adds: we have also the bosom, LOOK AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILD and we as exemplar and idea aare reflected in that pool or like projected from it] By this logic or reason all things come into existence at the times and places in their proper form as is proper to their reason or meaning for being. Each being has within it the logoi as the principle of its own development.
60) Achieve results but not boast, How should I teach my child? As knight of the sun, you tell her that also the sun is within her, and she has to keep her honour in the first place, she has to keep it before God and not before humans. Secondly you tell her, that in humbleness, here she will find the sweet divine water which energizes her, she shall not despise it, but she should draw closer to the source. Energy and humbleness (to be humble) goes hand in hand, therefore she shall not get confused by preacher who teach otherwise. QUESTION: Do you believe that mosquitoes bite you behind the veil? My answer, no, because of the anointing or so to speak because of blood of light and because of the heavenly fragrance... as I said, we do not need to blame creation and it is called dominion…. WHAT WAS SO STRANGE ABOUT THE MATRIX and regarding the AGENTS, this super strange coincidences! Ya, where I have written my emails, they had birthday 3.16 and 3.15 and I have 3.17… later we separated… Iam a true gnostic and they are too undeveloped souls… So what is it all about? YA, we evolve, we endure, we succeed? We have this soul image here and we we have our training… and about reincarnation and who reincarnates… later more to it...Only through the creator our performance is well, he heals, he deifies, and we get glorified. The ancient truth was always out there, and it becomes simple once it is seen, and only humans mixed it up later, because they have forgotten the inner aspect or the innermost meaning regarding scripture, and without vision people perish. Man must be unselfish in order to be benevolent, and after benevolence comes self-identification with all things in the universe, benevolence is the energy producing principle producing the other principles, so also recognize Gods providence (fountain virtues), yet, human feelings are beclouded, ensnared in self cleverness which makes impossible the spontaneity of clear sight, and therefore, also their judgement is beclouded! Therefore for your training, be sedate and study external things and your attitude towards them, you shall enter the stillness, discard anger (and vain glory) and cherish altruism, intuitive knowledge must be extended. 1Corinthians 2:15, The spiritual man judges all things but he himself is not subject to anyone’s judgement, why? Answer: universal benevolence, embedded in all things... the ten thousand things (fractal universe) arise in perpetual interdependence, the heart mind, a cosmic heart is shared with the rest of humanity = eternal mental peace via the true reflection upon the mirror, his dignity is identical to the light of the world, everyone is treated as an important guest – divine love out-shining, yet we have no part in dead (evil) works. Revenge, you have to give to God, there is the cross but do not forget his sword... in that way you overcome... the glass of the ten thousand things, responding without prejudice, and we are in lack of mundane concerns (nothing gets inside us to harm us), listen, it sends forth a heavenly light (flash), images dance and play on its surface...rest and movement... listen, all the mud you have accumulated in life, you must sit and forget, the mirror must be polished and kept clear of dust, not being affected or entangled by anything... immoveable kingdom, spirits of the still eternity, born of God, the source, to its accomplishment it lays no credit – it is free from arrogance or contention or claiming or selfish rivalry - ambition (Behauptung)...it loves and nourishes all things... Isness, whichever the way the wind blows, its all the same to me, is good enough for me, is perfectly fine with me, the lamb (a symbol for innocence, love does not boast, seeks not her own, not self seeking – does not insist on its own rights, not puffed up, bears all things – believes all things, endures all things, FROM THE INSIDE OUT) at the center of the throne... perfect love casts out all fear.. earthly knowledge superseded by the truth, to be known by God – ETERNAL SALVATION. God does what he does without claiming, for who shall add to him? He eternally enjoys his creation... the message of Jesus: Iam the way, the truth, the life...let anyone who is thirsty come to me, with joy you will draw water from the springs of salvation... I will give you rest... whoever comes to me will never hunger...they shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house...abundant life, find pasture...O beloved...friends, drink!!!... and beside that he taught the mysteries of the kingdom, heaven and hell in man, the sword cuts through...etc... light of the world, gate, resurrection life, true vine (also inexpressible joy), good shepherd... for all who have eyes to see... and we eat form the resurrected body – BACK TO PARADISE… And do not misunderstand me… you can have a lot of fun and jump around and a fool is a fool (Trottel)… just understand detachment rightly… CHECK: When my lower I is removed, then remains only the Iam in you (God), God sourced soul... I do only teach you the way, that is all that is... and I can not worship the works of my own hands, because I move with him and I can do nothing without the source, and that is, the works shall follow me, I rest from my labour (and the other are tormented in a foreign country, Revelation 14:11, 13)...God shall work through me... YET, when I say tormented, simple see it that way, all that what blocks us, by which we can not live in full bliss. And similar when I say the land of the dead, I recognize that people who are not in the apocalypse, they can still have a relative good life depending on their spiritual state, and therefore I use that term to explain to my reader, that the other land can simple not make us angry, that light overcomes darkness and that the highest vibration, that is, total liberation... and also Paul used such words like resurrection from the dead, to attain it, because the land of the dead, this is also the sea or water which can not sustain us fully (it is not the realm without decay, it is the earth which grows out of the water and which makes them heavy, a darker land)… And ya, Jesus has no identity crisis :-) Catch the fish and bring them into the water above the firmament, because in that other bitter sea, they perish (decay etc.)... climb up that mountain, otherwise he crashes you, dark fire (not in the full light of the DAY, Proverbs 4:18, not flooded with light, but in dark land or grey town, with its rotten colours, without 7 Spirits harmony, the earth not filled with the glory, no glistening is seen, no transparent realm, without the diamond reality or so to speak without the round crystal palace, in one word, the soul is not in heaven, woe, woe, woe, all who live in the desert, Psalm 63, dry land, in a foreign land, with its putrid smell...
61) When the heavenly lightning is send forth and hits the mirror, then you shall know that you have married the land, your star light being, Isaiah 62:4, and you shall know the true sun, which will never set again, the days of sorrow will end, Isaiah 60:21 and your soul shall rejoice in the Lord, Isaiah 61:10, and new Jerusalem becomes the praise of the earth, and in the midst of the city you will find Christ 62:7, therefore, build, build up the highway, Isaiah 62:10, acknowledging the house or temple, Isaiah 66:1... and remember, his chariots are like a whirlwind, he rebukes with flames of fire... Listen, manifestation is the realisation that the harmonization with the vibration exists in the courts of his holiness, ya already with me {in the true self}… therefore lift up a banner... mind recalibration, holistic elucidation, vision, divine life blueprint etc., training ... Revelation 21:9 I will show you the BRIDE (united with him in the highest, inseparable conjunction – and he carried me away on a great mountain...the Lord God Almighty and the lamb are the temple of it.... Hebrew 12:22 you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem...Revelation 3:12, the name of the city on you... that is the representation of the eternal church, apocalypse saints unity etc. the city represents the people of God... it refers to the church, saints in heaven and heaven itself... and in the apocalypse, a fire wall around her, the lords glory within, Psalm 46:5 a river whose streams delight the city of God, a holy place where the most high dwells, God is within her – And now listen: she will not be moved!!!.. therefore we will not fear... superparadise is a state of soul, with the whole cosmos transfigured, illumined (star light being).. Paradise is bliss that derives from abundance of love and light, hell is suffering on account of the impossibility to love). Moreover, the idea of 'many rooms' (cf. John 14:2) ought not to be understood too literally: the 'rooms' are not places, but rather different degrees of closeness to God. As even St Basil taught it here rightly yet also Symeon, 'some will be honoured by God with greater privileges, some with lesser, for star differs from star in glory (cf. 1 Cor.15:41). And as there are many rooms with the Father, some people will repose in a more supreme and exalted state, and some in a lower state'. According to St Symeon the New Theologian, all images relating to Paradise, be they 'rooms' or 'mansions', woods or fields, rivers or lakes, birds or flowers, are only different symbols of the blessing whose centre is none other than Christ Himself. And the life force is in the midst of paradise!!!.. and to become a life giving spirit, the soul emerging from a dense, mental fog… FUN: When human beings are royal to the divine will, then nature itself will respond, it will be a new or renewed creation (already for those who dwell in the age to come), freed from its slaver to corruption, and for that, we must be stripped down to our true self, a direct opening of the heart to the indwelling grace of Gods loving presence [which you can also use for true meditation/contemplation, and I spoke further about inner praise] And when the whole body gets full of light [transmutation] = Manifestation of the sons of God: separation from the waters and waters occur, the elements perfectly mixed in Spirit, constituting a new world, a new earth and new heaven are made, cleansed from sin (sin consequence, mud, “karma”) by fire, after we have suffered great martyrdom, ya, then we are fixed in a permanent body (new man), and volatile nature is changed in a fixed one, the spiritual center awakened, leaving the animal kingdom, blessed be the Lord! The first matter is also called the stone of the eagle... and blessed are you when you see the STONY GLASS!!! and the water which will not wet the hand, the water coagulated bursts forth... the stone is the extracted Spirit of our indestructible spirit... and it contains a fixed earth which retains its nature, ye are the salt of the earth!, we shall be charged with superabundance of energy...the divine vision is the complete discover of the first matter… Gold, that is of solar substance, and virgin milk, surly also the form of the first matter (heavenly image)...generation is their aim, yielding to nothing but love...outwardly she resembles a stone and yet she is no stone (stony glass, a stone penetrative by Spirit – watery stone). And Akasha is absolute space, not the relative of finite space which you receive...but the original power of vibration (whirling essence, roundabout, soul circular moved)... Ya, the first matter is incombustible (it has the essence of fire), a whirling, circulating essence... Listen, without faith in its actual existence, we may never discover it... And about miracles, “Then rule it.” It is the purified desire nature which must be ruled, and to rule it, we must act (speak it), for the rulership is the control of activity.... the power which produces mental images (to imagine), miracle of the loaves and fish… YET only those can do that who walk in such a high level… therefore, we need also mental development and memory (including total recall), psychic development (the black raven cast out, initiation in the Mystery of all Mysteries). We want to see the power which brings all things into manifestation, and sustains and governs everything in the universe (GOD)... understand: we live mentally, whether we are physically conscious or not... JESUS said, if you have faith like a mustard seed, you will say to the mountain: move from here to there, nothing will be impossible for you... (wherefore father knows if you have faith, we need the faith of God (and purified will), and about greater works, nothing is done without father who governs everything, it is a relationship. I have no power on my own or I do not own the flow)... NOW, and about the globe (star light being), light moves in globular form... you must purify your self from the old memory (mud), as scripture tells you... and you do not want that the denser matter clings to your soul... it is not just heavy, it is also disharmony, further, the mud has a law of attraction (the mud field, it is who we are, we need to get rid of our failures, the law of attraction is total real, but I use it only for the mud, similar I use the word “Karma” for it, and this is clearly seen, a person in negativity likes to focus on negative things and justifies everything about it, similar with those who blame creation or are general in complaining. Again, another example, those who are fearful, they are in escapism, that even becomes their ministry, yet, I told you that this does not exist behind the veil (mental body)... and so also different people find together and they stand together and think that they have the truth, and many religious people spread words which confuse others, bewitched, and their follower follow them... and because of mistakes, some can fall even deeper in the flesh, ya and because they buy into something which is contrary to the true image and likeness... and I could go on, as also some become greedy and the material overshadows them more and more, and they want more and more, and their main focus is the prosperity gospel and no one taught them the infinite treasure.... simple cause and effect, reaping and sowing etc., and so they are ensnared in their own circle, ensnared in self made mindsets. AND WE CAN NOT JUST TEACH LOGIC AS INDOCTRINATED IN SCHOOLS, AND IF YOU DO THAT, YOU BECOME PROBABLY A DRY RELIGION!!! BECAUSE IT IS WORDLY!!!... without right teaching, the church will never take on the new flesh... nor will they do communion in a right way... we seek GOD-Realization, then we are in the world but not of it... a synchronous wave of vibration with the Lord... and revelation is also the existence of life, to live in another world, new world...to leave the gross earthly materiality... only in that way spiritual control increases (Self control), consciousness increasingly clarifies (and conscience), establishing the link to the great Spirit (so that the earthly tabernacle gets dissolved, breaking through the bonds of matter), the perfect-at-one-moment...Listen, everyone lives in his own atmosphere and in his own outer world (vibrational degree of substance)... we need to awaken from the shadows and clouds of forgetfulness... personal will is only a perversion of a bit of the universal will (therefore, we must become whole, our better self or true self). And no, you should also not just follow the western WORD of FAITH movement… this is ridiculous… they are complete clowns… and similar they can also not walk on water… yet they want prophecy that all money will flow to them and what else… have no part with that nonsense… this here is a long journey and my kids have to stay sober minded… and its not about power… but soul purification does matter… becomes a better person...more wise… Ya, many want to have the power of the stone and not God in the first place, most people have also a false idea in mind about that stone, they do no know the real hidden truthstone, and then they mix it up with Black and white magic, wherefore Black magic works primarily with fear... and since they only want power… they grow even more dull… often they do not even see it… STAY SOBER MINDED… little things or gifts will be with you… yet STAY sober minded...
62) As a child I have watched the movie: “DIE UNENDLICHE GESCHICHTE” (The Neverending story), O, I loved it very much, I really dreamed about it, you know, as a child how it is when you watch a movie... I was fully in that movie when I watched it... but only today I understand what it means that the big NOTHING is growing in you, that you become a NIHIL VERUM (in forgetfulness). My child, do not let it go so far, but learn from real Master who offers you the Mystery of all Mysteries, ya, with this BOOK in your hand, you have the grand finale in your hand. Behold, I did go at age 33 to Jesus, and after 7 year battle, at age 41 I become stable again, and I spend ~ 4 years to write this book (during ascend), ya, and I even had two ascensions, and Iam sure, you do not want to go so far, to enter the nothing but you want to go directly the true path, its better that we jump like a child in joy that to become a nothingness... And further, understand, since 1980 (when I was born), to the year 2020, the situation changed dramatically and also a big nothingness hangs over USA (desolate souls, very dry and artificial and without any truth) but this includes also other countries yet USA seems today to be most dumb.... LISTEN: “FANTASIA” is boundless (who would believe that?, apocalypse cup), so why do Christians say that they know the void, therefore, I tell you one thing, they know nothing.... More simple, whatever goes against the source or GOD, it splits off (spirit mud, sin birth), and it is still enclosed in the globe (twofold desire), so also the consciousness and the current vibration and character, to whatever degree a fallen character - for example to ignore the infinite treasure and to have the eyes on everything else, mixed with all kind of animal passions, lower vibration (Microcosm factor) = the nothingness got them and their conscience is not as ultraclean as it should be and then they ask themselves, how to keep the law, or they ask themselves, what comes out of my mouth? and their horizon becomes narrow and they are easily shaken by circumstances and they sing the stressed out song (not the new song)... Conclusion as seen in this book, Nomad worked as an engineer (in over 40 countries, different projects) and how much more should he become a spiritual engineer? aka to explain the grand Mystery, wherefore now I did boast, hopefully I come out of it again :-), ya, Sabbath, we have it also in the apocalypse, let me not loose it… The borderland dividing human and divine. Therefore fly high my child and you shall see, a force strong with all forces, it overcomes every subtle thing and penetrates every solid thing, and things have been from this primal substance through a single act, main principle of the world and its maintainer, as it is written, the structure of the microcosm is in accordance with the structure of the macrocosm, ya, very well it is possible that darkness in us can dissipate, ya, it is truly a secret which transcends the possibilities of the vulgar man, but not those of the sage, it is the knowledge of the extraction of air, the celestial aerial substance, the secret KEY of nature, and should you find it, then the oil will be devoid of corrosive qualities, it will surpass all other metallic oils in excellence, and from here on, you do no longer belong to the foolish virgins... therefore, go to the hall, the key is in the hall, and then you will be kept from the hour of trial, and all the liar, Jew (or not) will acknowledge that the Lord loved you, because you are the one who knows the true circular circumcision, therefore GO!… PHILOSOPHER STONE: The chief error in art are hastiness and dullness, our noble Sir said: But the work cannot be manifest without the destruction of the exterior form, and the restitution of a better, which is the glorious substances of Urim and Thummim, which in their being and physical use, preserves the temple of Man's body incorruptible... Nomad: the last fire will make it clear, and what is its purpose! It opens understanding, increases wisdom, and strengthens memory, so that you may understand the white washing, to bring the whole soul into its body, and to receive the pure virtue and essential purity. Ok, one last help: When the Beast's black hue has vanished in a black smoke, The Sages rejoice, From the bottom of their hearts; But they keep it a close secret, That no foolish man may know it. Yet unto their Sons, in kindness of heart, They partly! reveal it in their writings; Enjoy it also in silence, Since God would have it concealed. Isaiah 45:15 a God who hides himself, who devours the poisonous tail... And as they have told us, that is, that of the Dove is born a Phoenix, Which has left behind blackness and foul death [dark clouds, mud, dross], And has regained a more glorious life. This power was given it by God Himself [the great Artist], That it might live eternally, and never die. It gives us wealth, it preserves our life, And with it we may work great miracles, As also the true Philosophers do plainly inform us. DO YOU SEE NOW THAT in the family of the sages is no discrepancy nor contention!!! And may you find it out for yourself, that miracle, the question in your heart, why it is so!!! Psalm 51:12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation, and uphold me with thy free spirit.... The power of an endless life, in the totality of my being, and his blood in my veins (drink his blood), it is the search for the perfect language which can only be found when we overcome mere nature (that is, new earth and new heaven, a fixed earth, inspirited), the divine secret of the ancients. Transmutation, that is, the fire must little and little be increased... the vessel must be of most hard glass, or (better) of earth possessing the nature of glass... O, universal medicine, panacea, O, who has seen the double whorl?, Listen, the matter of the stone possesses his interior fire (remember the burning bush), and we should not forget the exterior... LISTEN my child, because it revives it self alone, the former body being destroyed, it rises up another body incorruptible... and should that happen to you, then you will know the properties of the Elixir, and not just that, you will even taste it, therefore, patience is required, as it is written in scripture. And without the knowledge about the destruction of the first body, we would not understand the new earth and the new heaven (earthly tabernacle dissolved). Revelation 21:2, Jerusalem must descend into our heart, and then we have our [God given] mental body... And why not? The infinity sign, number 8, that can be also seen as the Micro and Macrocosm harmony, in that cup which never runs out (endless flow, with its 7 Spirits governing wheel, fixed in the immutable, stony Glass, world rebirth party)
63) Your eye has seen but the outer shell of Humanity. Seek to know what has been revealed to the Soul of Man, and what are the limits of Human Knowledge! Surly Iam not the absolute but only a begotten god who realizes it, behold, the eye of the world. Behold, nature illuminated by the Spirit of the Eternal. Wisdom illuminates my path. The circle is ever moving, ascend and descend, to good (spirit of God, the germ of vitality) or to evil (other abyss). Behold, stagnation is the negation of life [matter absorbing the Spirit, overshadowed] Let us be without the burden of the material body [where is my liquid flesh?, my spiritual body?]. Behold, knights of the sun in the city of the sun, the sun shall set no more, Behold, the fountain belongs to the king alone of his country, Behold, entering it, the earthquake will make everything flat. The earthquake being past, there will follow a fire that will disclose the treasure. Sir Vaughan: This Tincture being used as your Guide shall teach you, will make you young when you are old, and you will perceive no disease in any part of your body. By means of this Tincture also you will find pearls of an excellence which cannot be imagined. But do not you arrogate anything to yourselves because of your present power, but be contented with what your Guide shall communicate to you. Praise God perpetually for this His gift, and have a special care that you do not use it for worldly pride, but employ it in such works as are contrary to the world. Use it rightly and enjoy it as if you had it not. Live a temperate life and beware of all sin. Otherwise your Guide will forsake you and you will be deprived of this happiness. For know of a truth: whosoever abuses this Tincture and does not live exemplarly, purely and devoutly before men, will lose this benefit and scarcely any hope will be left of recovering it afterward. With one word, know the final traps…. second ascension… what a hard thing… ya, I learned it all the hard way!!! as we know Martin Mostbauer… And that is true, when you want to see into the other heavenly planets (visions), it would be at best in a group, some receive a knowing, other hear, other see... anyway, there is some acceleration in a group, and so you can profit from real seer to help you, ya so that you can see into the other heavens. Yet on the other side what are visions good for? And that other stuff can also deceive people… you seek faith… thats all that is… and you seek experiences… some outpouring… and the 12 powers (foundations) are also in your soul, ya even the Zodiak makes your journy on this planet a bit more difficult or easy for you: The angels said: There is a second better than the first, and similarly a third than the second, as each exceeds the other, unto the twelfth wall. And I said: Tell me, Sir, why one exceeds another in glory? And the angel answered and said unto me: All who have in themselves even a little detraction or zeal or pride, something of his glory would be made VOID even if he were in the city of Christ… Our noble Sir, Sir Basilius Valentinus, the Benedictine said: this assertion the wise of this world denounce as the greatest folly, and count as rebellion, saying that such transformation would amount to a new creation, and that God has denied such creative power to sinful man, but the FOLLY is all on their side. For they do not understand that our Artist does not claim to create anything, but only to evolve new things from the seed made ready to his hand by the creator = new earth and new heaven, purified and refined of all foreign matter, with eyes glitter like the sun, removing of all defects, his blood – a renovation of our whole nature! The realm without decay, ya, the glass blower makes out of it glass, which remains hard and firm in the fire, and in colour resembles a crystal stone. Listen, to the uninitiated this is a great mystery but not to the master...salt is a great preserving principle – is it really concealed speech?, mark well, the spirit alone gives strength and life, the first matter of the great stone = the earthly body has been reduced to a heavenly substance (earthly tabernacle dissolved), further, all things are ultimately traceable to supernatural causes – and blessed is he who smells sweet fragrances in summertime: the operations of earthly nature shall cease, and the heavenly and eternal dispensation shall take its place – purging of heaven and earth and all men with fire... and mark well, water contains fire, earth and air, no element can exist without the other...and the age is in the heart... And the stone is composed of white and red, see Austria flag, we who dwell in the age to come, we have ARRIVED – and ya, I give you this secret, that is, their red is fiery red... Conclusion: some people have a thick head and they are really ATEMLOS... (yet why do I say it? Ya, because a little child in the Kindergarten screamed this word up to my balcony, for further confirmation, I heard it right now during this writing) Ya, we have to write every little thing down, and even then, they say, it is not black on white in scripture... HAVE YE NOT UNDERSTOOD FROM THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EARTH?... that bringeth the princes to nothing, he makes the judges of the earth as VANITY! Therefore, in conclusion, the birds sing in their heads but the triune stone shows us new earth and new heaven... further, I remember, as a child we played sometimes a game, we have put some of our fingers on the top of another head and said, how many birds do you count, how many birds sit on your head? ok, enough said! Reader, forgive me, but we have to raise our vibration, then even the bird in us will sing the new song. [number 1000, last day, eternal realm, the dragon is outside of it] ==> LAST QUESTION: in some ancient writings we read, the one became 3fold, or they say, when it was three, then the 10 000 things emerged and so on. And I say: know, this are just expressions, like story telling... and also legends were used… be just happy with the 3 pillars! And the sevenfold… and all is fine with you
64) When you bring a child on the right path (nicht auf die schiefe Bahn – as we say in Austria), that has nothing to do with selfish control mechanism (that is called responsibility), because you do that in love and you want the best for your child and so you take care and if necessary you will be sometimes a bit loud etc. (wherefore outbursts of anger are an animal feature), and in fact when you are a good teacher, you will initiate your child into all wisdom and many problems will be solved automatically, but most parents can not operate on that level, and also often, they have not enough love, joy in the family etc. And therefore to control or rule people in a carnal way, that does not exist behind the veil nor is there any intention in the heart to do that, in that sense it is complete ANTI-World and therefore ANTI-Control... And yes, the simple difference is love... carnal control is selfish (and also insecure people must control everything around them)... Iam whether an insecure King who builds a big tower and a high wall around, rather I soar freely in Gods creation...
65) My reader, it is true, most of the old testament prophecies, they are fulfilled, but what this merely scholastics do not understand, that is, that when we look through the lenses of the cross, then we can use very well in the supermental layer Isaiah 60 (to use verses, I can also easily prove that to you via Zerubbabel and Zechariah), and so on, and you have also read Isaiah 40:2, what a great revelation for those who have eyes to see!!!, same with Psalms etc. Those who recognize only the literal sense of the letter, they are like an old ugly woman, and those who see the internal (glory) sense of the letter, they resemble a beautiful young virgin in the other heaven (no matter how old your body looks while you are here in this realm), And it MUST CONTAIN the internal because it is also read by angels, and also we cloth ourselves behind the veil with the cherubic nature (ya, in reality we are gods). And thats why we find also deeper hints in Isaiah etc., and the historical meaning in scripture, that is for kids… like to start with something... And this becomes later very important when we read the book of revelation (which is a special book and very symbolic and not like the rest)... ==> Romans 2:29, A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical... it is a matter of the heart by the Spirit... Romans 9:7 for not all who are descended from Israel are Israel...so it is not the children of the flesh... etc. LISTEN, WHAT DO WE SEE HERE? Ya, we realise that Enoch or Elijah (even translated) or one of the other great prophets did know the correspondences! This was even known in other countries, mostly in the ancient time. And you must also understand that Judea (Jew) – that means, thanksgiving, to praise... praise God in his sanctuary...Jerusalem means possession of peace, foundation of peace…Ya, humanity today entered a fierce dry spell during which intellectual (love) life contracted and found its bottom in a kind of [extended] Roman empire [machinised humanity], it has deserted all the ancient knowledge, like a big spell cast on them. Psalm 78:2 I will open my mouth in a parable, I will utter dark sayings of OLD ==> Mark well, as we have the true STARCHILDREN, so we have also Star kids in vain glory, the former are called decipher kings, the latter are called dumb (and there is a reason why we often can use them same word for the opposite meaning...) ==> WE NEED A CLEAR FUNDAMENT, and then others can build on it, without making bigger mistakes.... and further about prophecy, check Haggai 2:9 the ladder glory of this HOUSE shall be greater than the former, now, this can only be fulfilled in Christ, a SPIRITUAL HOUSE, we can not ignore that, similar we can not ignore Zerubbabels signet ring, and we have a direct reference to Hebrews 12:26 and Zechariah 2:6 and to Revelation 11:4... so what do we built??? :-)
66) There is a water which wets the whole creation [watery stone/ stony mirror], what do you want to add? Listen, we have a Self, but we flow with it... Someone would ask me, you speak about the perfect (made whole), but what is with prophecy? Yea, what we can say, we speak no prophetic word which is generated from a fallen soul etc., but in the same way, I do also not need to prophecy how many rain drops fall tomorrow in China on a specific place to a specific time, therefore do you see? That has nothing to do with the perfect!!! that would be nonsense, and what we need, ya we simple receive it [FLUID DYNAMICS plays also a role]. And similar someone else would say, the perfect, that is, that you know the last little symbol in the Bible and all the history and bla bla bla. And I say again, I am not even interested in every correspondence etc. and nor is the Almighty angry… therefore understand it rightly… the perfect!!! MADE WHOLE
67) So you say that even Genesis 1 and 2 gets revealed behind the veil? Sure, we know the true sun or first sun (sun of righteousness), we know the divine water (which is the UPPER water), with one word, the STONE, the six days, and the seventh day, that is Gods rest, and we know the animal covenant as it is seen in paradise... LISTEN, the very END of the Bible refers back to the BEGINNING, and that is very obvious (behind the veil), and if you do not see it, you can only have a partial share regarding the TREE OF LIFE, you must come up higher to see it... And you want to know the crown of all true Mystics? You want to know it? Listen, I tell you! I thank you! O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, that you have HIDDEN these things from the wise and learned (who think themselves wise), and revealed them to little children (babes)... O immoveable race, O immovable babes... AND WHEN YOU READ in 1Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up [Greek: Harpazo = I seize, snatch, obtain by robbery] together with them in the CLOUDS, to meet the Lord in the AIR: and so shall we ever [always, FOREVER] be with the Lord. Now my question, what are you doing in this physical clouds for all eternity? Therefore my reader, do you see now? Humans make a big theatre in the western church, and people speak false visions… JESUS SHALL BREAK INTO YOUR HOUSE!!! NO ONE ELSE!!!,,, there is only one place which truly can be HERMETICALLY SEALED :-) what a bubble! Not merely natural light!. When I speak, it seems like they enter into the rock, yet hide themselves in the dust, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty…. a cave session... my friends, it began with a tree and it ends with a tree… NEW man, NEW earth and NEW heaven, NEW song, NEW Adam, NEW Jerusalem, the NEW has come... Iam doing a NEW thing.. Isaiah 33:21!!! yet they hang on the old in this 21 century churches... Wisdom chapter 7, about wisdom: because her radiance never ceases.... There is in her a spirit that is intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, mobile, clear, unpolluted, irresistible, beneficent, humane, steadfast, sure, free from anxiety, all-powerful, overseeing all!!!!!!!!, and penetrating through all spirits!!!!!!!, that are intelligent, pure, and altogether subtle. For wisdom is more mobile than any motion; because of her pureness she pervades and penetrates all things!!!!!!!. For she is a breath of the power of God!!!!!!!, and a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty; therefore nothing defiled gains entrance into her. For she is a reflection of eternal light!!!!!!!, a spotless mirror!!!!!!! of the working of God!!!!!!!, and an image of his goodness. Although she is but one, she can do all things, and while remaining in herself, she renews all things;.. She’s the brightness that shines forth from eternal light. She’s a mirror that flawlessly reflects God’s activity. She’s the perfect image of God’s goodness. She can do anything, since she’s one and undivided. She never changes!!!!!!!!, and yet she makes everything new. Generation after generation, she enters souls and shapes them into God’s friends and prophets. God doesn’t love anything as much as people who make their home with Wisdom. She’s more splendid than the sun and more wonderful than the arrangement of the stars. She’s even brighter than sunlight, for night follows day, but evil can never overcome Wisdom... ==> but they have put that out of the bible and many other writings… As for the mysteries of God, they knew them not: neither hoped they for the wages of righteousness, nor discerned a reward for blameless souls. For God created man to be immortal!!!!!!!, and made him to be an image of his own eternity!!!!!!!!. Nevertheless through envy of the devil came death into the world: and they that do hold of his side do find it………. John 4:14 IN US, A SPRING OF WATER BUBBLING UP (and leap) INTO ETERNAL!!! LIFE!!!, Jeremiah 2:13, Isaiah 33:14... so we have the FIRE, the BREATH, WATER, the MIRROR, and guess what else? the ROCK, Isaiah 51:1rock from which you were hewn, Deut 32:18 unmindful of the rock that bore you... and LIGHT, and Psalm 18:2, 11, Bubble Bobble... And further we can add Barnabas: The Lord will "judge" the world "without respect of persons." Each will receive according to his deeds. If he be good his righteousness will lead him; if he be evil the reward of iniquity is before him... Moreover, my brethren, if the Lord endured to suffer for our life, though he is the Lord of all the world, to whom God said before the foundation of the world, Let us make man in our image and likeness .... Woe unto you, for ye shall all wax old as a garment!!! and the moth shall eat you up. And again the Prophet says that he was placed as a strong stone for crushing, "Lo, I will place for the foundations of Sion a precious stone!!!!!!!... Again I will show you how he speaks to us. In the last days he made a second creation!!!; and the Lord says, See, I make the last things as the first!!! To this then the Prophet referred when he proclaimed, Enter into a land!!! flowing with milk and honey, and rule!!! over it... Understand therefore, children of gladness!!!, that the good Lord made all things plain beforehand to us, that we should know him to whom we ought to give thanks and praise for everything.... But why is it that they put the wool in the middle of the thorns? It is a type of Jesus placed in the Church, because whoever wishes to take away the scarlet wool must suffer much because the thorns are terrible and he can gain it only through pain... Mose spoke in SPIRIT!!!!!!: He mentioned the swine for this reason: you shall not consort, he means, with men who are like swine, that is to say, when they have plenty they forget the Lord, but when they are in want they recognise the Lord... Thou shalt not eat, he says, "the lamprey nor the polypus nor the cuttlefish." Thou shalt not, he means, consort with or become like such men who are utterly ungodly and who are already condemned to death, just as these fish alone are accursed, and float in the deep water, not swimming like the others but living on the ground at the bottom of the sea... Furthermore he says to them, Your new moons and the sabbaths I cannot away with. Do you see what he means? The present sabbaths are not acceptable to me, but that which I have made, in which I will give rest to all things and make the beginning of an eighth day, that is the beginning of another world. [Another world = new earth and new heaven] ==> therefore if anyone says, we do not need all this words, he does err greatly, and he stumbles and falls backwards as it is written in Isaiah 28:12, 13… and further you must understand we have an ABOVE and BELOW… and the similitude (so also with the sevenfold energy, later more to it)
68) as we were little kids we played a lot of games, one game was, we screamed: Wer hat Angst vom schwarzen Mann? NIEMAND! Und wenn er aber kommt? Dann laufen wir davon... Behold, also Barnabas called him: the Black One. Listen: everything rests in him, but he is untouched by everything manifested [but what is manifested can not exist without Him, eternal nature is his clothing] ====> There is a whirling pool in the water, get drowned in it or die in another way [with the body reached its limit]. WOW, do you hear it? The roaring vibrations spread all over the atmosphere, extended all over the world, rumbling throughout the entire universe, breathing internal… really, in some veins flows the ancient blood... Listen, as long as we dance via this merely outward person the shadow follows us, but our true I (core) dances without that shadow. Now, you say to me: I am not the shadow on the ground, the shadow just follows me. I say, hmmm, why not see also the 4 Elements as one? The dark is behind the light? For, if you do not stand in darkness, the dark got you, and if you do not stand in fire, the dark got you, and if you do not stand in light, also the dark got you. Do you see my point! And how can I enter the apocalypse? Answer: 1000 prayer :-)
70) And someone says we know what you told about gods but would it not better to hide it because it could bring people into hubris? To this I answer, I explain here the whole vision to them, and I said, it is like a newborn babe and much more I explained ego (selfishness) death etc., And it is the same with the word hate, to hate evil or when Jesus uses this word according to Luke 14:26, to hate his mother, father, brother, wife etc., even his OWN LIFE... Listen, we have no HATE behind the veil, not as it is known in common humanity, ya, understand the Spirits of the still Eternity and understand the highest heaven aka superparadise, therefore this word does simple mean, that God is loved far above all this other things, and you ask, WHY? Answer: TRULY BORN OF GOD (see pool), and therefore the word hate, that means, by no means do we participate in anything which is contrary to the apocalypse… ya we are AGAINST it but this lower vibration is not in us... And you see now directly!!!, that we have no contradiction in scripture and you understand it now from a much better perspective. And guess what, now read again 1Peter 1:23 born again of an INCORRUPTIBLE (immortal, imperishable, undecaying) SEED through the living and abiding LOGOS of God. CHECK: we get born in this world (earthly mother), and we receive Jesus, yet only the apocalypse I call truly born of God, ya truly born of God because our True Self becomes one with the mirror. And concerning justification, sanctification, glorification or the three decks in Noahs ark, behold the motion of the ark upon the face of the water, within the ark is a mini replica of creation (with all seeds), itself a microcosmic model of the universe, ya, the rain washes the dirt away...receiving a renewed earth and the rainbow covenant, Genesis 6:15, 16, the ark, it had also a DOOR (enter the God realm), and a window (universe looking out), Genesis 8:6. And you ask; where do we find that in Psalms? Answer: Psalm 104: 30, 31, 16:11 a little hint, renew the face of the ground... WHAT A PUZZLE! EDEN restored… CHECK: Paul as the Mystic as he was, ya he explains clearly in 1Corinthians 1:8, he despaired even of life – so that we trust in God, the best thing which could happen to him, yea, but we have no contradiction, and also I was brought to the brink of death [FULL PRESSURE, it was ABSOLUTE NECESSARY TO BREAK ME!!!!!!!!] yea, and somehow it even helped that the true prayer of heart manifested in me. And you have only a contradiction when you would twist this Bible verse and say to me that cowardice exists in the apocalypse, NO, you FOOL!... it is clearly seen that it serves the ascend, and therefore we have no contradiction! We remain complete without suffering behind the veil [SUPERPARADISE, ye blind people!!!, LIQUID FLESH]. And nor can milk Christians claim that all suffering is just the devil, this milk Christians have absolute no experience about real life and concerning the ascend. Therefore, my reader, ya, sometimes life is hard… so it is… go through it!… ==> and only behind the veil we are REALLY fearless (on a high level), ya, in the apocalypse we receive the immortal mind!!! Conclusion: people are lost in translation! Theology should be all-inclusive! Understand it rightly: the DARK FIRE, this fire gives not much light… and sometimes the Almighty somehow forces hellish creatures to return to him and this makes also sense to me, court of heaven, righteous judge, universal intelligence etc. Ya, because of the different souls… internal memory in them… etc., to accomplish spiritual development… ==> And this becomes more clear to you when you recognize that there does not exist any “Stand alone energia” (and activities), and you only have to look at nature, to see it! Therefore there must be an energizing essence, and God takes no position as an object among the spectrum of objects, he is ALL in ALL, and creation reveals the abundant mercy of God, which is known to the Spirits of the still eternity who see him as he is. And we simple have our part in the matrix… And sometimes I sound hard, I know, yet Ias the barbarian have chosen to go after Theosis, and so I have to kill that religious crust, because God forbid that Nomad participates in their ANTI – HOLISTIC AGENDA which makes them to Lowlander and only Nomad to a Highlander! Yet, we do also know, that Nomad said, that he is a flatlander, so what can we expect? Surly, the flatland is in the high place, acknowledging the Rechabite ride, Hebrew: rakab, to mount and sit or ride, Isaiah 58:14 (flatland because of the pool, its quasi the foundation in the divine reality...highlander because of the ascend). Listen, abyssal father, no name, unbegotten, immortal, eternal, no beginning, infinite and therefore ever incomprehensible, no human form, unchanging good, faultless, UNTRACEABLE, reflecting – rationality – power – considering – all mind... FAITH includes the invisible and visible... And also a hierarchy exists like: GODS, LORDS, ARCHANGELS, ANGELS... and Nomad goes back to the first Aeon (unity), and the multitude is not in the first but in the third, because to be in the first, you must attain glimpses about the divine vision, revealed in you! And therefore what shall we do with this false apostles or prophets or teacher who teach that all land in the first (all these Christian who claim to be gods)? Answer, separate yourself from them, they are blind (mentally separate yourself from them)… CHECK: The fabric of reality or spindle, on top we have the treasury of light or Kingdom of light/filled with all light. Thats why we say in Austria when someone has lost his mind, we call him SPINNER or we say, ER SPINNT RUM (like a spider which makes her own web, some people are very delusional and some people are a bit delusional). And as you recognize as far as it is possible, we can very well use logic to explain the supernal energetic construct. And I do that also because some blind people would say that Nomad has an induced hallucination according to the divine reality, yea, but then it must be a collective hallucination, because I go in line (to the biggest degree) with most of the greatest saints who walked this planet, and I go in line with scripture. ==> Behold, I can remember as I was a little child, we did go into the theatre, and there we watched a fairy tale, called FRAU HOLLE (mother Hulda), and we can draw some similarities to the apocalypse, because blessed is he who falls into the well (fountain of virtues), blessed is he who is covered with the golden tincture, blessed is he who knows the spindle (fabric of reality)… Yet don’t get confused… the flow cannot be contained… Listen, this EMBROIDERY is a SUPERNAL CONSTRUCT, with its infinite fairy tale spindle, because this center is everywhere – it transcends ==> And we acknowledge this transcendence because this center is also within us, and we quasi “feel” (and see) our own sphere or star light being via God, as explained with the three pearls which make one pearl. And my sphere stands in an equilibrium to the whole (microcosm/macrocosm), similar we realise behind the veil that the abyss gets filled again (inflow and outflow and equilibrium, with infinite surrounding centers = THE GRID or in a funny way we call it also embroidery = like the flower of life. THOUGHTS ENTWINE, THE COBWEB VEIL. FOLLOW THE UNWINDING OF THE SPINDLE AND BUILD THE EMBROIDERY NEW. ==> 2Chronicles 2:6, but who is able to build a house (temple) for him, since the heavens, even the highest heavens cannot contain him? Who, then am I that I should build a house for him? Hmmm, clearly, he cannot be contained… its a magical spindle. For your imagination: the most innermost is the well without bottom (like all the fractals as a heap), then we have the mirror (everything reflected upon it). And what we see with bodily eyes roundabout, that is eternal nature as his garment. And when a person sees only the outward (souls eye not open)… that is what I call after my philosophy the third principle… the equilibrium is unknown to him.
71) Some would say, it is not enough for us that you have only shown us the virtues etc., what else should help us for a clear conscience or what does manifest in a more clear conscience? Answer: renounce the whole world and matter (love of matter, Liebe zur Materie), and renounce all worldly cares therein (weltliche Sorgen), renounce murmuring (murmeln), renounce litigiousness (Streitsucht) and renounce false slander (falsche Verunglimpfung), renounce haughtiness (Hochmut), renounce belly love (Völlerei) and renounce babbling (Schwätzerei), renounce craftiness (List) and renounce avarice (Gier), renounce pillage / steal (Plünderung, stehlen), renounce evil conversation and wickedness (üble Konversation und Boshaftigkeit), renounce pitilessness (Unbarmherzigekit), renounce sloth (Trägheit), renounce adultery (Hurerei), renounce murder (mord), renounce atheism (Atheismus), renounce the doctrines of error (falsche Doktrin)... ==> But you will say, all that is not so easy… and we know about you… regarding transmutation photos it is not clearly seen but before the big devastating smash [which brought you to the darkest point, your whole frame got messed up], ya before that you had a muscular body… and when someone really physically attacked you… it was possible that he got something on his mouth… a controlled punch with the fist or... Answer, yes, and we can talk about defence… why not? yet be not attached to wrath or anger… as Bruce Lee said: be like water my friend… And therefore and in conclusion, Iam not too religious… And yes we also know that the Jews had slaves, that is, they had more woman yet they needed also to take care about them… My answer, just be an upright person… keep honour before God and also little mistakes we make in life… no way around it… And yes, it is not such a clear line… as often in religious texts proposed… And for sure I tell you, that is… when you have kids… be married… already because of your kids, its better for them… And by all means understand the VIBRATIONAL ISSUE!!!!!!!... And also we acknowledge from experiences that some people exist who do not want a Glory confrontation (= higher atmosphere, they do not even want to absorb it or to be confronted with this energies). And some other souls open themselves more easy to it, ya and those who run rather away, that is, because something hidden in them tends rather to be identified with evil works… Question, can you prove that the astrological constellations have also an influence? Ya, the divine Magi can prove it you… just read for example the Book of Enoch: The course of the moon’s path to the righteous is light, but to sinners it is darkness; in the name of the Lord of spirits, who created a division between light and darkness, and, separating the spirits of men, strengthened the spirits of the righteous in the name of his own righteousness. [Microcosm factor, impact etc.]. Therefore my reader, I like to give you this revelations, so that you see what the Spirit has really to say. The Microcosm Macrocosm harmony corrects it (more simple, like a GODSPEED SYNCRONISATION– periods fit) and the sacred geometry is established in us… wherefore later more to it!
72) We read in John 1:9, the true light that gives light to everyone!!!, light = the life of all mankind…. And he said in a general sense that children are close to God and etc. And therefore those who have enough oil in their lamps see clearly in scripture that everyone gets judged by his works, ya, without twisting the words of the Lord. Now, lets go on with Jacob: THE OUTWARD WORLD IS NOT CALLED GOD (because this is the God of this world (Satan), the substance of it comprehended it not nor does darkness comprehend it. Apocalypse: the INWARD HOLY must rule over the outward, universal power of the inward over the outward, and thus the outward constellations are subdued (ya even COLD & HEATdoes no long bother us in the apocalypse, because of the enrgies… rightly tempered, love and air)…. The serpentine property = the vanity in the wrath of God (wrath as explained in this book versus superparadise). And in MARY we have the promised limit of the covenant, all prophets have prophesied, and so the Lord brought us heavenly substantiality, awakened it in the seed of Mary – according to his whole human essence (SUN ARISING = FORGIVENESS), tinctured with love, OPENED THE GATE…. Showed us the LOGOS. LISTEN: only in hunger we receive the Spirit of Christ with his heavenly corporality (and heavenly substance), as Christ said, we will come to you and make OUR ABODE IN YOU!!!... as Jacob understood rightly: Understand aright now, what the New-Birth or Regeneration is, and how it comes to pass, as followeth. The OUTWARD EARTHLY MAN is not born a new in this Life's Time; that is, neither the outward Flesh, nor the outward Part OF THE SOUL. They continue both of them in the Vanity of their Wills which awoke in Adam. They love their Mother, in whose Body they live, viz. the Dominion of this outward World; and therein the Birth of Sin is manifest. The outward Man in Soul and Flesh, (we mean the outward part of the Soul) has no Divine Will, neither does he understand any Thing of God, as the Scripture saith, The natural Man perceives not the Things of the Spirit of God!!! etc… For when the outward Light, viz. the outward Soul is once enlightened, so that the outward Light of Reason is kindled by the inward Light; then the outward Soul commonly uses to turn Hypocrite, and esteem itself Divine, even though the Pearl be gone; which lamentable Error sticks hard to many a Man. And thus it comes to pass that the Tree of Pearl in the Garden of Christ is often spoiled; concerning which the Scripture makes a hard Knot or Conclusion, viz. That those who have once tasted the Sweetness of the World to come, and fall away from it again, shall hardly see the Kingdom of God. And though it cannot be denied, but that the Gates of Grace still stand open, yet the false and dazzling Light of the outward Reason of the Soul so deceived and hindered such Men, that they suppose they have the Pearl, while they yet live to the Vanity of this World, and dance with the Devil after his Pipe. HERE therefore a Christian should consider why he calls himself a Christian, and examine truly whether he be one or not. For surely my learning to know and confess that I am a Sinner, and that Christ has destroyed my Sins on the Cross, and shed his Blood for me, does not make me a Christian. The Inheritance belongs only to the Children. A Maid-Servant in a House knows well enough what the Mistress would have to be done, and yet that makes her not the Heiress of her Mistress's Goods. The very Devils know that there is a God!!!, yet that does not change them into Angels again!!!. But if the Maid-Servant in the House shall be married to the Son of her Mistress, then she may come to inherit her Mistress's Goods. And so it is to be understood also in the Matter of being a Christian. The Children of the History are not the Heirs of the Goods of Christ, but the legitimate Children regenerated by the Spirit of Christ are the only true Heirs. For God said to Abraham, Cast out the Son of the Bondwoman, he shall not inherit with the Son of the Free. For he was a Scorner, and but an Historical Son of the Faith and Spirit of Abraham; and so long as he continued such a one, he was not a true Inheritor of the Faith of Abraham, and therefore God commanded he should be cast out from inheriting his Goods. This was a Type of the future Christendom. For the Promise of Christendom was made to Abraham: Therefore the Type was then also set forth by two Brethren, Isaac and Ishmael; foreshowing by them the diverse State and Manners of Christendom; how that two Sorts of Men would be in it, viz. True Christians and Lip-Christians!!! Which latter, under the Title or outward Profession of Christianity, would be but Mockers, as Ishmael was and Esau, who also was a Type of the outward Adam, as Jacob was a Type of Christ, and his true Christendom!!! Neither give the Pearl to the Bestial Man, for him to please and amuse himself with in the outward Light, in the Lust of the Flesh. But we must, with our Father Abraham bring the Son of the right Will to Mount Moriah, and be ready in Obedience to God to offer it up, ever in Will dying from Sin in the Death of Christ, giving no place to the Beast of Vanity in the Kingdom of Christ, nor letting it grow wanton, proud, covetous, envious, and malicious. For all these are the Properties of Ishmael the Son of the Bond-Woman whom Adam begat in his Vanity on that wanton Whore the false Bond-Woman, by the Devil's Imagination, out of the earthly Property in Flesh and Blood. This Mocker and titular Christian is the Son of the false Bond-Woman, and must be cast out; for he shall not possess the Inheritance of Christ in the Kingdom of God. He is not fit, he is but Babel, a Confusion of that one Language into many. He is but a Talker and a Wrangler about the Inheritance; he thinks to get it to himself by Talking and Wrangling, by the Hypocrisy of his Lips and seeming Holiness; although in his Heart he is no better than a Murderer, dull to the bones].... We must be born of his Merit, and put on the Merit of Christ in his Passion and Death; not outwardly with verbal Flattery only, and bare comforting of ourselves therewith, while we still remain Aliens and strange Children, of a STRANGE ESSENCE or Nature.No; the strange Essence inherits not the Childship, but the innate Essence inherits it!!!!!! [SEE ALSO FIRE TEST]... This innate Essence is NOT OF THIS WORLD, but in HEAVEN, of which St. Paul speaks saying, Our Conversation is in Heaven. The filial Essence walks in Heaven, and Heaven is in Man... But if Heaven in Man be not open, and the Man stand without Heaven flattering himself, and say, I am still without, but Christ will take me in through his Grace; is not his Merit mine? Such a one is in Vanity and Sin with the outward Man, and with the SOUL IN HELL, viz. in the Anger of God... Therefore learn to understand rightly what Christ has taught us, and done for us. He is our Heaven; he must get a Form in us, or else we shall not be in Heaven. ==> NOMAD: and also different heavenly planets exists and etc… everyone finds his place and the science about riencarnation will be later explained… some can stay in the higher heavens and other… bla bla bla
73) Since perception is enhanced, the surrounding is also more COLOURFUL, that means that I can see on one picture or painting or photo much more, in one simple gaze, which becomes even more obvious in such a fast ascension. And this universal truth is very simple, everything plays into it, even the air [= simplicity about the Microcosm]. Humans have made it so complicated, but in its essence it is very simple and very obvious ==> FULL ENERGY ==> FULL SPECTRUM ==> SYMPHONY, HARMONY ==> MIND OF CHRIST... And about sinner (and sin consequence), the houses of Jerusalem: Hosea 13:3 Therefore they shall be like the morning MIST or like the dew that PASSES EARLY AWAY, like the chaff that SIWRLS with the whirlwind from the threshing floor and as the smoke of the chimney or through the WINDOW. LISTEN, in the apocalypse, we sit like a dove on the WINDOW (we fly like clouds, Isaiah 60:8, heaven), everything runs effortless, WATCH!!!, Isaiah 24:1, 14,16 (glorify the Lord in the EAST, we have heard songs) versus verse 18 (fall into the pit, quasi the earth opened up), Isaiah 26:11 (let the fire reserved for your enemies consume them)... THE GREAT MAJESTY!!! Isaiah 54:10, 11 I set your stones in FAIR COLOURS, foundations with SAPPHIRES, your gates SHINING CARBUNCLES, all your borders of PLEASANT (precious) STONES. MY READER, LOOK AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILT (terror shall not come near thee) ==> ENLARGE THE PLACE OF YOUR TENT!!!, STRETCH FORTH THE CURTAINS OF THINE HABITATIONS!!!, SPARE NOT, LENGTHEN YOUR CORDS, AND STRENGTHEN YOUR STAKES. Babel can not read. Our STONE ==> He is untouched by everything manifested but what is manifested can not be without Him, eternal nature is his clothing, inspirited nature… and apocalypse = round crystal palace, crystal earth… And in the apocalypse the whole creation ministers to us… Wherefore I give you another story about me: Shortly before I received Christ, I remember myself back, I was on Kahlenberg which is a hill in Vienna, it was also called Sauberg, I was the first time on this hill, and only because a Russian girl (and Ukraine girl, her friend) who wanted to see it. The hill reminds us to the battle of Vienna, wherefore today the infiltration is also inside the camp. And regarding the battle, their military tactic need to be expanded, the wall which was built around Vienna, it had a STAR shape [with that, it became stronger, that is funny!!!]... And you want another story about me? As a little child I did grow up with a Boa constrictor etc… and I had two rats, a white rat which was very joyful and funny and a black rat which I had to give away because this rat was really too aggressive… Iam not kidding you… Wherefore I say, listen, you have also something which the Lord can show you, so that the Lord gives you some comfort, watch your impulses or promptings, and go with it, learn the higher correspondence, and so on, lets call it encouraging prophecy. ==> And with correspondences we also break the false IMAGE… we guide people to the higher contemplation. And so it is written in scripture: THE STONE SMOTE THE IMAGE, and it became a great mountain or rock and it filled the whole earth, and this kingdom stands forever. And recapitulated: I do not fight now all Muslims... you have to understand me rightly here...
74) LISTEN, A PREACHER CAN TELL YOU EVERYTHING WHEN THE DAY IS SHORT, babbling around and thinking that he is important, but he is not. Listen my child, you receive Christ and you stay on the path, surly, Christ will take you in (other heavens), and even if you struggle sometimes (in doubt), yea, that is normal, just stay on course, this is just the adversary who is not very glad that you follow the way. And ONE LAST TIME I MENTION IT IT, IT IS WRITTEN: the righteousness!!! which is faith!!! speaks on this wise, the word is near!!! you, for with the heart!!! man believes.. such eating is from faith!!!...to the pure all things are pure!!!… Here, Swedenborg got it right: FAITH IS AN INTERNAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF TRUTH, IT EXISTS ONLY WITH THOSE WHO ARE IN CHARITY, faith separated from charity, that is the dragon. And for sure we have here different degrees of faith, ya, the apocalypse = faith of God. Understand: some people have no spiritual faith, their faith does not comprehend anything, and therefore they follow just a reason for believing = BLIND FAITH!!!!!!, but REAL FAITH is intellectually comprehended, and so also truth is of faith! The light of heaven is spiritual light. And both, the DARK WORLD and the LIGHT WORLD is in man, and therefore Paul said, TEST YOURSELF TO SEE IF YOU ARE IN THE FAITH!!!!, if you pass the TEST!!!, you will discover that Christ is living in you!!! HOW MUCH MORE CLEAR SHALL IT GET???????? THE SPIRITUAL AFFECTION OF TRUTH!!!, it must be written in our inward parts and therefore IGNORANCE OF TRUTH = death…. And FAITH CAN ONLY EXIST TOGETHER WITH CHARITY, as it is written: he who does not love, he knows not God!!! And as good loves truth, the affection of good produces the affection of truth, and through it the acknowledgment of truth which is faith… and the will brings forth nothing of itself apart from the understanding because love produces all thoughts = the tree and its fruit… and also love is a vibration… And we can align to love or to wrath! And love casts out all fear, when we lie down, we will not be afraid; when we lie down, our sleep will be sweet (peace within, confidence, higher trust).... Luke 13:9 if it bears fruit next year, fine… And regarding afterlife, THERE IS A LINE TO CROSS! And as scripture reveals to us, Jesus spoke always about keeping the lamps burning, oil, etc. as long as you have the light, believe in it, so that you might become (may become) people whose lives are determined by the light, ya, that is also, joined with Eternal wisdom! And about Eternal Wisdom: She is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold, she is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her, she is a tree of life of those who take hold of her; those who HOLD HER FAST will be blessed. Nomad: seek the GLOBAL ILLUMINATION!!!... Understand: the brilliancy is like a very costly stone... Job 28, the earth from which food comes: under it is turned up as it were fire – but where shall wisdom be found? No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the prize of wisdom is above rubies... ==> IT IS CLEAR, THAT BEHIND THE VEIL, THE TREASURE OF THE HEART IS FIXED IN GOD [no idols, nothing of the visible can be put above God, knowing the highest Good, BORN OF GOD!!!, first, love God with all your heart; second, love your neighbour, brother…]… And you must understand that the Jews did not have such a clear-cut division between inspired and non-inspired books, and who says what is inspired? Who judges the Book of Sirach, Wisdom, Tobit, Macabees, Odes of Solomon, diverse texts in the Nag Hammadi etc.? Yes, some books have lesser quality, nevertheless for me also the Bible is part of the holy tradition and I have so or the eternal LOGOS behind the veil, that is, to taste the word made flesh… And about your kids: children are made to jump around, and to explore and etc. and when they are rather fearless and in much joy, everyone knows, this is a good sign. And they must first learn to stand on their own feet, ya learn this and that... and if you make him from very small on to a handy or TV clown, ya, probably he becomes the same clown like you are who are reading this book. They scream, we have no time for our kids, and then they put kids 5 hours a day in front of the TV, ya, then do not wonder of what they become... therefore, a right measurement concerning these things is better, but this here is not even my topic, I just wanted to say, stop with religious nonsense, this here is a mystical book, love and Spirit is key, and divine vision etc. can be only taught when they are ready for it, and before that, it can be pointed to it... like with the divine water, the source is within, or to introduce them a bit to the 4 elements, or to the true sun within, or that it is possible to shine like a star, for children, suitable, similar in some ancient places, this was common knowledge, Microcosm and 4 elements etc., and further, I do not demand anything, you must know it by yourself…. Be simple a good father and mother… And ya, you can be loud when something does not fit yet outbursts of anger must be avoided… And do not give them a feeling like they are just too weak… when something does not fit, like for example maybe in sports some are less talented… yet everyone can be trained… And some discipline we do also not neglect… AND WHAT IS VERY IMPORTANT: many people can have some glimpses about the divine reality yet they achieved not the immortal physical body (halo body, liquid flesh), that means, DONT GET DEMOTIVATED because I speak here also about RESURRECTION LIFE (with full body transmutation)… nay, many did grow old yet their souls did much better… they were more advanced souls… and they received their higher places in afterlife… Ya, on that level I guess Plato was right :-), that is, those advanced ones can decide if they want to reincarnate again or not… that means… they can also enjoy the higher heavens forever when they want it… these are the MASTER, SAGES and MYSTICS… and simple more advanced souls… and maybe you are also one of them… you like what is written here… you searched in your life for it… you are a true SEEKER… and you want to stay upon that path… and beside that you have your “everyday life”...
75) Symeon! I do not like every writing from him (he is not Jacob), and his sheeps in his monastery wanted also to kill him because they were very jealous… ya, what I say... we can already expect that he kept himself in some boundaries... and also because his soul was a bit less tough than mine and he was simple religious trained… and as I said… I could react more “harsh”. Now, about Symeon (and yes, he did also know the 4 elements): thou didst grant me to see the outline of thy form beyond shape. At that time thou tookest me out of the world... the soul can not live unless it is ineffable and without confusion united with God...he sees and hears invisibly, just as a friend speaks face to face - he speaks to those (in such a way) whom by grace he has begotten as gods... THE IMMATERIAL DAY!!!, the new earth and new heaven... a gently glowing sphere... the sun of righteousness within... as creation fell with man, so shall it renewed with him to bask in the glory and splendour of the unapproachable and infinite light of the trinity. And also Ephrem the Syrian said: in the world there is struggle, in Eden, a crown of glory… And correct: without the seven Spirits, we would not see anything about the Godhead. And someone would ask me if I believe that there is a “darkness limit by” which a human can not get more dark? My answer, yes, according to the sphere and our God given capacity, yet you will die very soon on that level and your soul/body gets really deformed on that level… and I know that… yet this is also a darkness which you can hardly imagine… its like not even any longer 3D, its like a thick wall is in front of you… only the “elite” can survive that... Now, lets go on: Yes, like we have it in India (or better to say, similar to it), so we have Christians who worship three GODS because they are carnal! FACT is, it is a triadic light flow! a “bubble vortex” as explained, with the seat, and it expends no energy which needs to be replenished, and you will never grasp the trinity because the mind gets liberated like the life flow itself in that stream: outward (dynamic world reflected) in the inward = therefore it must be triadic – internal mode flow accomplishment => Duality integrated, rest and movement, and oneness, in the shut up power. Ya, what do you mean with “bubble vortex”? Behold, it bubbles up from the formless point like CIRCLES which become bigger (imagine a bee with her yellow rings)… in that light race… and energetic it shifts to the cube/square (mirror, imagine crystallization and the salt cubes found at the dead sea… and also you can check the new Jerusalem cube, more to it later)… YA, and the mirror is the limit of the inner and outer domain... and we discern the sevenfold energy… because we have not just the light race but also the other 6. And it is like a battery, minus pol and plus pol… or like a magnet…
76) The name Jehovah should not be wrathful to you but it should be sweet, that is a good sign, Jehovah, so also the name Jesus or Yeshua, Yehoshua..., God who saves, it should be sweet, thanks to the seven Spirits, sweet water Exodus 15:22-26 Wherefore only behind the veil, only then we have the right sound in our mouth, Shekinah sound, body transmuted and our voice changes, singing the new song, breathing the ether from above, light breath, 1Corinthins 13:1 I have no agape (love-feasts, good will – benevolence, in the higher sense: ecstasy love), Iam become as sounding brass (HOLLOWING OUT, outer court brass), or a tinkling cymbal! As also hypocrites can speak with angel tongues in seemingly holiness, wherefore I do not mean here some foreign language, nay, I mean here a hypocritical holiness and therefore they speak like angels in outward holiness and still it is Babel for those who have ears to hear (their artificial letter journey, their ANTI HOLISTIC AGENDA as shown in this book) Ya, and about Nomad, they say, he is like Conan the barbarian, yet WHO GAVE ME MY WILL TO LIVE (LEBENSWILLE), the wellspring from which I flow? :-) CHECK: THE PILGRIM (the quest of the grail, quest for identity, quest for meaning, quest for happiness...) - THIS BOOK IS THE SEARCHING FOR THE MEANING OF LIFE and the answers to the questions: WHO ARE WE?… lets find it out and lets STORE UP the true word in us! And also Iam still not back in the apocalypse… and also my mouth speaks what the heart is full of!… yet it is no problem to start already with the revisit of my book because my recall gets better… Jeremiah 31:28, 2Corinthinas 10:5, ya we begin to demolish (tear down) arguments and every pretension (high thing) that sets itself up against the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD!!!… we use the HAMMER (see Austria flag)! Ya, we have to throw ourselves beyond our SELF so that the IAM appears in God alone! And with the HAMMER we destroy the beastly glass… QUESTION NOMAD, because of the energy construct you could run around with a T shirt in winter time and you would not freeze? Answer, correct… as incredible as it sounds...and such people were known in India etc… but what is more important for you to understand, that is… why do we experience often a shiver during the transformation process because with your logic you would say, nay, it should get more warm, ya, just more warmth should be felt in the body! And so I say, imagine yourself running outside in hot summer time and then you enter a cave… now the cave seems to be much colder… you are not acclimatized to it… so also the uncreated light influx reaches us… mud gets cast out… and a cold chill… like we get exposed to the first sun… And so I reveal to you another symbol: HAIL? that is wrath stream and water, which is cold, so also when bigger darkness (mud – which got crystallised, to explain it, and like glue) is cast out, this is often experienced with a shiver (a shiver which also E. Swedenborg explained, yet he did not know the 7 Spirits in their function. Swedenborg did know or saw the meaning of the cloud, rain, and hail in the Spirit realm, you know, the many visions he had… and for me he as a lot of good stuff yet he was a bit too much a dreamer… yet not to offend him…). Therefore, regarding transformation: a cool wind follows, and yes, we can take nature as similitude, thunder, rain and hail, hail is possible within most thunderstorms. And ya, after the cold (infringement, breach), the meekness arises and quasi the desired light is brought in (and having a deeper breath)...THOSE IN THE APOCALYPSE ARE IN THE CELESTIAL HEAT (DIVINE LOVE) versus captivity = frozen heart… and why do we need this symbols? Answer, as ABOVE so BELOW… we have a sevenfold energy… and the similitude… how can I explain it? Its not just symbolic… the coldness is really felt and the energy construct is real… and also in the apocalypse the second sun (sun in the sky) does not burn us, ya, we need no sun cream… we have a spiritualised body… Ezekiel 13:13 to conceive chaff, to bring forth stubble, Isaiah 33:11 great hailstones in my fury to consume you... or as it is written, your breath is a fire that consumes you... Haggai 2:17 I smote you with blasting and with mildew and with hail in all YOUR LABOURS of YOUR HANDS; yet ye turned not to me said the Lord, Psalm 18:13, The Lord also thundered in the heavens; and the Highest gave his voice, hail stones and coals of fire … sulphur = lightning strikes – it evokes the acrid odor of sulphur dioxide given off by lightning strikes = also that SMELL is real and you just don’t smell it so directly because the physical body blocks it to a good degree… yet we know when someone is really evil… often a strange smell is upon them… people feel it and smell it a bit… and also an AURA exists… later more to it ==> therefore all that stuff here is REAL...AND MARK WELL, OUR TEACHING IS TRANSFORMATIVE (including left and right brain)… OK, LETS HAVE ANOTHER HELPFUL INSIGHT: ESSENE BOOK OF REVELATION: And before the throne. There was a sea of glass like crystal: And reflected within it were all the mountains and valleys of the Earth, and all the creatures abiding therein. (wherefore the ESSENES mentioned 13 elders, their symbolic interpretation, anyway)... And between her lips flowed the breath of life,... And when he breathed out, the sky darkened,... And the sweet air became fetid... And clouds of evil smoke hung low over all the earth.... And between her lips flowed the water of life... And gave to man an ocean of love... And when he touched the water, the clear streams darkened... And the crystal waters became thick with slime... And the fish lay gasping in the foul blackness... And all the creatures died of thirst.... And I turned my face away in shame.... And between her lips flowed the light of life... And the strength of the Sun entered the heart of man... And he took the power, and made with it a false sun!!!!!!!,... And he spread the fires of destruction... Burning the forests... Laying waste the green valleys... And between her lips flowed the music of life... And gave to man the song of peace... Flowed through the soul of man... But he heard only the harsh discord of sadness and discontent... And between her lips flowed the holy alliance between God and Man... And gave to man the gift of Creation.... And man created a sickle of iron in the shape of a serpent... And the harvest he reaped was of hunger and death... And between her lips flowed the river of eternal life... And gave to man the secret of eternity!!!!!!!,... And told him to open his eyes... And behold the mysterious Tree of Life in the Endless Sea... But man lifted up his hand and put out his own eyes... And said there is no eternity... And I turned my face away in shame... And I saw, and beheld the Angel of the Earthly Mother... And she brought with her a message of blazing light.... From the throne of the Heavenly Father... And this message was for the ears of Man alone... He who walks between the Earth and Heaven... And into the ear of man was whispered the message... And he did not hear!!!!!!!... Saying, O Man, would you look upon the evil you have done... When you turned your face away from the throne of God?... When you did not make use of the gifts of the seven Angels of the Earthly Mother [SEVEN SPIRITS]... And I saw the seven angels who stood before God... And to them were given seven trumpets... And swore by him who lives for ever and ever... Who created heaven and the things that therein are... And the Earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things that are therein... That there should be time [KRONOS!!!] no longer... But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel... When he shall begin to sound... The mystery of God should be revealed to those!!!!!!... Who have eaten from the Tree of Life!!!!!!... Which stands forever!!! in the Eternal Sea... The souls of men were as blank pages in the book... Always ready for a new song to be there inscribed... And saw a beast rise up out of the sea... And from his nostrils wafted foul and loathsome air... And where he rose from the sea, the clear waters turned to slime... And his body was covered with black and steaming stone... And the woman clothed with the sun... Reached out her arms to the beast... And the beast drew near and embraced her!!!!!!.... And lo, her skin of pearl withered beneath his foul breath... And her back was broken by his arms of crushing rock... And with tears of blood she sank into the pool of slime. [WHORE VERSUS TRUE SUN CLOTHED WOMAN]... And the men therein, trapped like flies in a web... And I spoke in a loud voice, saying... Leave off this defiling and desecration... Of she who has given thee birth... For you the days of buying and selling are over... For he that leadeth into captivity will go into captivity... And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn... And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone... And threw it into the sea, saying... Thus, with violence shall the great city be thrown down... And shall be found no more at all... NOW WATCH: And the everlasting gospel to preach to them that dwell on the Earth... Unto them that have climbed from the pit of slime!!!!!!,... And stand naked and washed by rain before the throne... For the hour of his judgement has come: And worship him that made Heaven and Earth, And the sea, and the fountains of waters... And I saw Heaven open, and beheld a white horse... And his name is called the Word of God... And the holy brotherhood followed him upon white horses... Clothed in fine linen, white and clean... And they entered the eternal Infinite Garden [GARDEN ENCLOSED, FOUNTAIN SEALED]... In whose midst stood the Tree of Life... But, I saw not what befell them, for my vision changed... And I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth... And I saw the holy city of the brotherhood... Coming down from God out of Heaven... Prepared like a bride adorned for her husband.... Lo, the mountain of the Lord's house... Is established in the top of the mountains!!!!!!!... And is exalted above the hills... And all people shall flow to it.... Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord... To the house!!! of God; And he will teach us of his ways,... And we will walk in his paths... For out of the Holy Brotherhood shall go forth the Law... Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men... And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes... And the abominable, and murderers, and all liars... Shall dig their own pit which burns with fire and brimstone.... I have reached the inner vision... And through thy spirit in me... I have heard thy wondrous secret.... Through thy mystic insight!!!!!!... Thou hast caused a spring of knowledge... To well up within me,... A flood of love and all embracing wisdom... Like the splendour of eternal light.
77) The bible, they have rationalized it to death… COMPLETE ABSURD this western religious show… and then they want to tell me if reincarnation exists or not… these people who do not use their mind… ya, the FOLLY western church says that you end up in heaven or hell forever… what a powerful instrument… yet it is not nonsense… but still we do not deny harsh consequences… ya… its absolute not good to fall too hard... Wherefore let the undeveloped souls believe what they want because we have it to do with material people (almost nothing spiritual about them), psychic people, pneumatic people… And the science and holy writ about reincarnation you get later… and I will show you also what this religious institutions have done… to fool you… And for sure, my kids, I wish for them to reach the higher heavenly planets and not to have an undeveloped soul image… and also we make it in such a way holistic… that the second knowledge (common known science), you will much better understand some stuff later… you will have a BIG ADVANTAGE, also in school, you will learn things more fast… IGNORANCE IS NEVER TRANSFORMED IN KNOWLEDGE… And IAM THE MASTER, THE NEXT ONE WHO COMES, WHO WILL INITIATE YOU FULLY, and the idiots we throw out (and yes, it is allowed that you have a broader personal view about afterlife… your personal view, but we check also other things here, and the SCIENCE is of importance…)...NOW, check: coldness, dryness, hardness, anguish... dark fire = LESS LOVE… and regarding the sevenfold energy the darkness contracts… and integrity means for me to be perfectly integrated... and more you don’t need to know right now, we go step by step... And right now this SYMBOLS became already clearer to you: SEA OF GLASS, FOUNTAIN HEADS, RIVERS (flow), FACE LIKE THE SUN… and I catch the fish and bring him into the water above… and regarding afterlife, have the same attitude like I have... fo not think that bodily healings are healings, but the real healings are the spiritual healings of the soul, ascetic life transforms the body in order to achieve the salvation of the soul, and miraculous bodily healings are a good thing but a healed heart in its entirety, and having a broken teeth, that is still, to have won the race… and you can also grow old… as already explained, that does not mean that you have lost… you can still reach a high place… ya, in fact to grow old = little disease… yet don’t worry… and we are tough… we are Austrians (yet can also be another country)… we go through it... Thomas Gospel, saying 77 Jesus said, "It is I who am the light (that presides, firstborn) over all. It is I who am the entirety: it is from me that the entirety has come, and to me that the entirety goes (attains, comes back to me). Split a piece of wood: I am there. Lift a stone, and you (plural) will find me there. [COSMIC REALITY = THE ALL, Romans 11:36, WE have our SEAT in that divine reality]... Colossians 1:15, WHO IS JESUS? He is the FIRSTBORN of creation, all things FOR Him and so also all things CONSIST by Him, and he is BEFORE all things… the ENTIRETY… and also we get in the apocalypse our SEAT before the foundation of the world, that is the GOD REALM (and whenever you read in scripture “all things”, the correct translation is simple the entirety, the all, and also upon the mirror everything is reflected...FROM father are all things… and THROUGH the son are all things… and we become also that mirror yet we do not own the flow… and we are therefore still his sons… yet also called gods with little g)… To calm down, and for FUN!!!, fun is important!!!, I give you another little story: I remember myself back that I had to join the pioneer during military time, and I did drive motorcycle, and they had build a bigger desert area for training, and I would lie if I would say that I would not have liked it to put the motorcycle on some place, and then laying on the bike with the head on the handlebar, and smoking a cigarette and watching the heavy panzer driving towards my direction and passing very near by me on their way, and the earth trembled, but today, how much more will the earth tremble (and lowlander) when we are shot into the apocalypse (spiritual kingdom, which includes the faculty of understanding the truth, the superior mind, wherefore in old days it wuld had been horses instead of panzer…. anyway, important for us to know, only those who are wise they did know how to hold the reins, to sit like a king above the limited knowledge = Kings form the east). RECAPITULATED: A GREAT BATTLE IS COMING, interior falsities and evils in man, against the divine truth, and not that I have a big battle, but for sure it will expose much and many will protest against THE STONE (capstone)
78) For sure, people ask me, because many of those in deliverance ministry, they think they know it all but most of them are milk, they do not know the root; therefore, they know only surface deliverance. Now, first of all, it is created in that way that a little inch darkness does not exist, what exists, most of it has by comparison (but it is still spiritual, so do not misunderstand me), by comparison it has the size of balloons, which we all know at birthday parties etc., and yes, for sure also some bigger stuff exists, and no, I do not call it just demons, we can simple call it also repressed consciousness material, so you do not need to be afraid, and we know the energetic consequence concerning the Microcosm. NOW, so that Iam not too directly, I say it that way, someone who really got filled with darkness to the darkest point, a very dark person which is a person which does no longer really fit in any way in society... now, I shall say: 10 000 balloons are possible, but again on the other side, a little child which is rather very pure, it goes down to the hundred or hundreds... or maybe in a very rare case below the hundred. And I think with that you can live, and further it must be seen spiritual and energetic. To the question how sure I am? Answer: FACT BASED KNOWLEDGE (extraordinary evidence via direct experiential knowledge). Now, and for sure, someone will go crazy and he will say, how is that possible that NOMAD receives all this knowledge and other have to study and etc. and never find it out? YEA, my friend, this is full resurrection teaching, and if I would be not a little bit different, I would not teach resurrection life. And someone will say, that is too much for me, and to this I answer, if everything is done in a right way, and also as Symeon said, the acknowledge that a little bit effort, to be a bit more devotional, not to give up, to be rightly trained, that it is very possible to have at least glimpses concerning the divine vision, and that is already a higher position (reward) in after-life. And therefore nothing is useless… And make no useless repetition prayer, rather cry to him from the heart, all energy… and I show you later another secret… how to open up the soul… and ya, also a Master can do that as seen in the Odes of Solomon… yet also additional secrets exist… for the true Gnostic… Again for FUN (and still true): I give you an example, maybe you wake a bit more up, when I was a kid (I do not know exactly, ~13 years or...), now we played dodge ball in school, wherefore later on because of me and another guy, they have changed even earlier the ball with a more soft ball, because according to the girls we were merciful but according to some boys, we hammered that ball on them. The other point is, that there were always people who had to chose who is in their team, and for sure, we belonged always to the first people whom they wanted in the team, and also sometimes it happened that girls made an applause (rather rare but sometimes, concerning different games we played in school), yet, as a child I had always a higher knowing in me that it is not just about me, but that there is a higher might, to be AWARE of it (like I HAVE NOT MADE MYSELF), and again, that made me much more advanced than ~90 percent Christians today, because they do not see that… so what is all about? Be humble yet not fake humble or fake meek...just recognize: may the power(Macht) be with you :-)…. when you get an applause, have also an inner smile… its not just ME… izs also me and God… and still you can enjoy it when you have accomplished something… and also as honour before God… And much more I cannot say… its a difficult topic yet I try to make it simple
79) I have learned three grave lessons, first, that is, that full responsibility is on our side, and everything else is a trap by the Archons [to make passive], and secondly I have learned, that this “Demiurge field” (spiritual powers to attack), that it is a real enemy and that the enemy does everything and tries everything so that no one escapes fully [I mean, to be total liberated = apocalypse], and finally, I have learned, be not paranoid or superstitious but also trust no humans, humans see only so far as their current eyes can see [and they will lie everything out of the blue, specially Christians because they think, thanks to the cross, now they are able to see correctly and they think that they are outside of the “demiurge field”, therefore, because of their souls, they are sometimes even more deceived than people of the world]... wherefore I do not say that there can be no friendships (or a good family, holding together like family blood) etc., and it depends which friends, ya, that can still work, and the fake field (or evil, selfishness etc.) does not need to be Master, and so I do only say that people have no full sight, and I just use the term “Demiurge FIELD” because I smash all human archetypes into it… And if you are someone who say that the Archonic field is just “Karma mud”… who knows… And God is ALL-POWER, ALL-MIND… and that stuff is therefore like a spiritual enemy… Nomad, I have a question, that is, when heaven and earth came with you into being (apocalypse), then how is it possible that you were created? Answer, past, present, future does not exist in God (I will explain it to you later in another point, just “accept” it meanwhile), now, and therefore everything had been from eternity, but merely as ideas, like potentialities (in his Spirit, innumerable ideas!!!!!!!) and therefore angels have a beginning but not of the powers of whereof they have been created. And our goal is the heavenly image (and also the opening of the souls eye), it should be brought into actual substantiality. And GOD is all all-knowing, all-wise and so he knows who does seize it (FLUID DYNAMICS), and on which level we seize it, but free will is never excluded, similar we move with him behind the veil, with an eternal liberty of free will… or in the same way I could say that God foresees what happens yet we cannot blame God, people bring themselves into hell, it is not God who does this … its the past, present, future issue (to see that you must dive deeper into the Godhead)… only later you will understand that better… ==> his abyssal chaos has all potentialities, and the “other side” is divine order... Ya, and this sounds harsh but God is not in need of humans, he is not in need of you, yet, he created us and not just that, he gave us authority and because of that he loves his own (enamoured by his image) etc. And similar he rejoices in his works (and through us he ministers to creation),... and judgement, yea, that is simple a righteous act, not because of revenge, but to set things in order, that is, whatever is done via judgement, even all that is done in love (God is love).. And God does also not regret anything… and if you should find such a bible verse, ya it was only written in such a way that humans can understand the author (Mose or whoever). And do not judge me just because of my poor English language, ya, it is not merely about eloquent speech, this merely scholastic program; my academic achievement does not need their Bible schools; my academic achievement needs only depth of soul. BLOOD & STONE...WHAT IS THIS MOUNTAIN? This mountain is a certain revealed matter. WHAT IS THIS MOUNTAIN? This mountain is the mountain of Ego. WHAT IS THIS MOUNTAIN? It is another world. WHAT IS THIS MOUNTAIN? It is the path through hell. WHAT IS THIS MOUNTAIN? It enfolds everything. WHAT IS THIS MOUNTAIN? Not for sale. WHAT IS THIS MOUNTAIN? It is a ride in internal seas, a recall, and my memories… a wet stone... WHAT IS THIS MOUNTAIN? The key to the city of gods... From where are you? My land belongs to Nomads land!, so how can the whore tell me that I belong to this world, ya Austria is my first country because it is called eastern lands (do you hear me?), the phoenix wears the crown and the philosophers RED & WHITE is seen… harvested with a sickle (gate to the God realm)… a chain breaker... and that is all. Ya, my politics are not your religious politics... we are longing for a better country, a heavenly one. BLOOD AND STONE.. a book about VICTORY!!! Let me be Musashi in Christ Style: they worship the beast, they are caught up in materialism, they wander away from faith... yet, we know, that it is written, fear him who can destroy the soul etc., no rest for the wicked (and ghosts of the past who revisit, ya, reaping can be a bitch, and how much hidden within, it clings). Ya, the soothsayer loves lying –he speaks out of the blue everything for you, and they prepare no one as it should be [they know no spirituality]… I say: 2Kings 4 And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil. Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few. And when thou art come in, thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons, and shalt pour out into all those vessels, and thou shalt set aside that which is full.... ==> if you want to be filled with all the FULLNESS OF GOD, you must first empty yourself because otherwise there is no room for God… therefore get rid of that religious garbage… And I had many different friend circles… and also I was too rebellious yet that religious clowns stuff was never my thing… Therefore live your life my friend… and only a real broken heart brings purification… let stuff speak to you… it can be even a movie (TV)… some honour and friendship… go, get confronted with the higher good… let your emotion be immersed with it… seek the light… not their show stuff ==> Gold is a perfect body, fixed, red is Martin/Mars, it wants nothing, and in black we find all the beauty and the misery, which side, that depends on the smoke of the pipe, red coloured, but only after the white. The revealed first power of the stone, the black rat’s foe is gone, that is Nomads hard song without black tones, bottom glass strong. Ya, when it smells right, having won the fight, in a heartbeat in the house, and no more need of any pause. The Austria flag: breaking the chain instead of my neck, hammering your head instead of getting dull, sharp sickle reaping instead of being pressed out for spilled blood. Ya, those who are hooked up in planetary trajectory, without one four four song, not my tribe, not on the height. Yet, we are all brothers and sisters or are we? How much? My reader, my reader, my reader. We have written much about the stone, and now, you shall know, the name Nomad, I used it before Christ as a nickname (in a newspaper), but it caught me later again. DAMON, MONAD, NO MAD, NOMAD, THE IAM IN YOU, THE IAM IN GOD, THE ME BEFORE I CAME INTO BEING, THE SAGES SECRET, THE ONE WHO LIVES IN THE TENT.
80) Silver is the pure part, but we are not yet wholly incorruptible. Ya, the outward part of the soul defiles also the body, and therefore, I cant get it back without Nomad, without Gods grace. What is the magic of the golden pipe? Answer, that is the magical overflow, the governing wheel, it also flows from the supernatural world (God Realm, and me as entirely new creation) into this world (those below, ya so I could even heal others around me in the apocalypse). Zechariah 13:9 the THIRD I will put into the fire, I will refine them like silver and test them like gold, James 5:3 Your gold and silver are corroded, their corrosion will testify against you and EAT YOUR FLESH LIKE FIRE, Revelation 3:18, I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich... Malachi 3:3, He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver, Haggai 2:8 the silver is mine and the gold is mine... the glory of this latter HOUSE shall be greater... CHECK: on the first day of spring each year, in Bulgaria and in most other Slavonic countries, people wear two little red and white pompons in their buttonholes and nobody knows exactly where this age-old custom comes from (march, MARTENITSA, purity and vitality) And NOMAD says: corpuscles of blood, the powers of the stone, silver is the white tincture, gold is the red tincture, tinging and transforming every body, creating shining bodies! Therefore, silver and gold in their metallic form is not the matter of the stone [as the sages told us]. You should not receive the gold and silver of the VULGAR HERD, and only with water the Spirit ascends into the UPPER AIR. Understand it rightly: the seventh step of the ladder, that is, the earth is white in which the gold is sown, the centre of knowledge. AGAIN, WHY DO WE NEED FIRE? LOOK AT THE WATER (receive the water from above)! O, LIVING GOLD, those who can not read that chapter of HAGGAI, they are still in grossness far down the ladder. THE SOUL AND SHINING SUBSTANCE OF THE SUN AND MOON IS UNKNOWN TO THEM! Mark well, your earth is worthless. HELP US NOMAD! Ok, SILVER MOON, and FIERY SUN… MOON is FEMALE, SUN IS MALE. Are we there yet? No because I tell you, Martin (Mars), this warrior is not easily overcome. Sing a song for us! OK, loose of all values, what a haze, what an oblivion, and Nomad emerging, so silent, so peaceful, what more to seek? I am out of the zone, no more exits to explore, eye sharp shot, faster then a bullet.... Question, are you crazy Martin? Nay, but my reader shall know that Nomad had during his ascend in online writings some harder sayings about knife fights and sometimes another kind of music in his head etc., yet, it is not mentioned in this book (and website), and also you will have your little Mars to overcome or better to say it needs reconciliation…. and ya, with me it was simple a bit more extreme!!! And if you ask about my surname, that is Mostbauer, it means, a place where you get fresh wine (and maybe I will fulfil that task for you my reader, who knows…)… Now, ahat you must understand, that is, GOD DOES NEVER FORCE HIMSELF ON ANYONE… you have your inner voice… don’t make it dull… understand the energy construct… Ok, lets go on with some Philosopher, I will initiate you: Nature is satisfied with ONE THING, our stone does not need any foreign ingredient [Agadmon, the crowd and Arnold, flower of flowers, as both tell us], and therefore it is changed into another nature (heavenly substance, the body joined with the Spirit with an unchangeable tincture). Rosarius says, the vessel is one, the rule is one, the medicine is one, the disposition is one, the stone is one. Richard says, it is twofold, body and Spirit, and the two things are one thing, namely water joined to a body by which the body is dissolved into a Spirit, that is mineral water (Nomad, such a water includes also bubbles)!!! And that is also mineral salt – to conserve (ye are the salt of the earth, Matthew 5:13), ya that which is left at the bottom of the distilling vessel = preserving youth. And not without “pure” quicksilver, out of which the first matter was made [NOMAD: watery stone, my reader, look at the POOL WE HAVE BUILT, and then water and Spirit are one thing, of which is composed a tincture and medicine for purging all bodies, ya, without the acid sulphur smell, sulphur gets sweetened in the apocalypse, the sulphur we also recognize in the apocalypse yet it is no longer the bad sulphur]. Lulius says, the silver is a flowing moisture, floating ABOVE and preserving the whole from combustion. The soul (ferment) gives life to the body and Morienus says, the soul quickly enters into its own body – but if you tried to join it to a foreign body, you would labour in vain [Nomad, lets leave the “animal body”], those who DWELL IN HEAVEN, they have left the “animal body”. And also beneath the moon you will find the 4 Elements: animals kingdom, plant kingdom, mineral kingdom. And further, to acknowledge, the Philosophers magnesia is the substance, out of which we want to see all the brilliant colouring (round crystal palace). The Philosopher stone is pure substance, pure fire (light fire). For further help, read Basil Valentine, who explained that when the body decays, then the soul cannot remain, but is dissipated and driven off, but again, in a fixed body the soul would without difficulty remain = extraction of quicksilver and back to harmony, with its incorruptible water. And further, it is said, water rises into the air when exposed to fire, and what we want, that is, to receive the gold, golden earth, glory, super-perfect gold. Ya, a solution takes place when we transform a dry thing into a liquid, a hidden thing into one that is manifest [and that is a permanent water, and according to the glory, according to the God realm, here the sage calls the gold also earth and they call the gold also water, that is, the watery stone, the glory of the Lord fills the whole earth, Numbers 14:21, which is not the worthless earth, because the worthless earth is only found in the world below, and the world below is the place where you don’t see the river]. LATER we go a bit deeper into the texts of some of this sages and then it becomes more easy for you… and yes, I know the seven planets and etc.
81) Nature is animated by an invisible Spirit. Henry M. said, my eyes got opened to discover the true centre of the centre of the TRIANGLE and the one true matter of the STONE. [the mud, he called the glue of the white eagle, to extract it], and he did understand how Geber and Albertus Magnus handed other people over to their own foolish fancies, not saying, that their writings were not clear [but the greedy are trapped in their own folly], yet, the purification is still not a very simple matter. Yea, many of the brotherhood say that we should not reveal the Arcanum in a universally and intelligible manner, yet, then I ask them, how should people ever enter the golden age (to dwell in the age to come) if we deny it to everyone and if we push everyone else into the Labyrinth? Rather, the Lord told me, seal the words of the scroll until... Wherefore I do not say that this my book is handed out to everyone, I give it to the Lord, it gets published, and also here I say, let it be or let it perish (few or many who will read it). And further, some of the Philosophers have very clear written [and stayed anonym], and similar I just connect some dots, yet I do not have to stay anonym, and you only have to add Jacob... no, we do not even need him because the brotherhood itself revealed also the seven Spirits in some writings, just put it all together, and therefore we almost have to say, it was always out there but only the true seeker would had been worthy it, he who studies it all. And the most secrets of secrets will be not revealed in that book, it is only for those whom God sees as worthy, they will see it. And as Henry said, thy intellect shall be silver, and thy memory golden. The colour of all precious stone shall appear before thy eyes; thou shalt know their birth, and separate the good from the bad, the sheep from the goats. O SOLAR JASPER STONES, obtaining the Quintessence, and with it, Noah built the ark, Mose the tabernacle, Solomon the temple, and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob secured their health and wealth…. And what is with Mostbauer? He builds LOGIACOLUMN!!! :-))) And further and also to add, it is clear, also some of the catholic Mystics like Ruusbroec etc. they spoke about the 4 Elements! And then we had Traherne etc. as mentioned in this book and the Orthodox Church has kept the THEOSIS teaching (yet they fool around with other stuff… probably not even knowing it better, and as we know, orthodoxy serves not the country...they stay behind… therefore we go forward and combine it even with science as far as possible… which will be in another chapter in the book). And also we can add that the vulgar herd will still despise it, and humanity is today so or so soaked in darkness, and I go after resurrection, which means, if I appear on the surface, and if I would stay a bit longer, some will so or so face it (a new kind of Solomon season if you will). And also, history is able to delete it, for the case... so it also happened in the past, therefore the wave comes as it comes and also everyone who has a big problem, he shall speak with me first...and the other thing, I have not even planned the outcome of this book, it just got built and built. I DO NOT BELONG DIRECTLY TO ANY BROTHERHOOD, but I know my brothers who gained wisdom in the past, many years ago, ya, and when they were not fully resurrected, then Iam even above them yet not to offend here anyone!!! RECAPITULATED, NO VOW DOES EXIST.......... And further, no one receives the stone for the purpose of procuring just wealth (they are dumb and will never attain it). And again, concerning the STONE, it is published for free in the internet, and also books are available, like it only wants to be found!!!, therefore nothing is hidden TODAY. AND NOW, BEHOLD THAT FUN: The numerous writers on our most noble Art have never wearied of singing its praises, and inventing for it new and glorious names. Its most precious object they have called the PHILOSOPHER'S STONE, or the most ancient, secret, natural, incomprehensible, heavenly, blessed, beatified, and triune universal Stone of the Sages. Their reason for naming it a stone, or likening it to a stone, was this: First because its original Matter is really a kind of stone, which, being hard and solid like a stone, may be pounded, reduced to powder, and resolved into its three elements (which Nature herself has joined together), and then again may be re-combined into a solid stone of the fusibility of wax by the skilled hand of the artist adjusting the law of Nature. Understand it rightly: the universal magnesia, that is the seed of the world, from which all natural objects take their origin [LOOK AT THE POOL WE HAVE BUILT, THE SEED IS MENTIONED!, and it operates with water which springs out of the fatness of the earth, foundation]. Ya, we need salt of wisdom and mercurial water which is FIXED (invisible visible, of great weight and of small, manifold power and glorious virtue with no unclean thing near, on, or around it, and to receive it, not possible without the fire, ya, so that the earthly body of the sun is totally solved!!! HELP ME NOMAD! Ok, solved: FIXED and VOLATILE… rest and movement… And also to add: the coal black colour is the dark night of the soul, also called Ravens head… all that is impure, it is rejected like dross... but to the foolish everything is obscure and difficult to be understood!, a stone of stumbling and rock of offence. Therefore, for the case you want to become wise, then DISSOLVE AND CONDENSE, and seek three in one… And ya, this is true, some Sages have affirmed that it was divinely revealed to Adam and by him handed down to all the holy Patriarchs... to discern the great Mysteries, which is not given to the wicked, nor to the vulgar… The stone, the heavenly stone Jesus Christ, and in him we live, with the inward eyes of the soul he is seen and known. Yet, the stone is hidden from the foolish, as it is written, he was in the world and the world knew him not, they do not know the chief good of nature, the everlasting light, the glorious Phoenix, comprehended in the perfect number ONE THOUSAND as all the sages told us, 1000 (last day), the universal remedy, the glorious triune essence called Jehovah. CHECK: we first behold the wrath and afterwards the divine love of God. The oneness of the natures of GOD AND MAN which is a personal union; he made us to be fellow heir, as livings stones (full manifestation = our star light being in Him, 1Peter 2:5,). Ya, a real saint must go through the whole process, the SCHOOL OF THE CROSS, and there is not other way to receive the super-perfect gold. And one last time I say to you, the revolutions of the heavens are governed by a mighty mind, which, by its influence imparts power to all things. All what you need my reader that is an impartation of heavenly warmth, that is divine love and without it you will never see the elements from heaven. Happy is the man, even though he be sinking under the weight of years, whose days God prolongs until he has come to the knowledge of this secret! (to receive a refreshing and to be delighted in an extreme old age). WHAT DO WE WANT? Answer, the passive and active shall be revealed to us... a perfect union of the volatile with the fixed... which can only occur by the washing with the celestial water until the blackness is removed, and exactly that is my point, that is, when the blackness is removed, then the fiery essence shall be revealed to us which animates it, and we ourselves will be in a perfect FIXITY [and everything will be well tempered, being able to move with the “FLAME”, EVERLASTING BURNING, Isaiah 33:14]… SOME SYMBOLS: TRIANGLE (Triune), CIRCLE (Star light, light sphere), CUBE (unchangeable), EYE (all-seeing, and to be seen, to be known by God), SEVEN POINTED STAR (seven Spirits: seven days, seven planets, seven metals... Christianity used also the heptagram symbol), FISH (Jesus – the celestial water or water from above, and we who swim in that river, in the image of the trinity), Omega (wherefore the alpha and omega is also revealed to us behind the veil, and the mirror as super-perfect above us yet still we are one with it, ya, above us because this center is not just within us)... John 17:22 I have given THEM the GLORY that you gave me that they may be ONE as WE are ONE. I in them – you in me – that they may be PERFECTLY UNITED! TO BE CLOTHED UPON:-) = His possession = redemption of our bodies = marriage (sun & moon) = GLORY REALM = JESUS IS MY TREASURE and no treasure without the field, the field is in the heart => we need sulphur and mercury (quicksilver), magnesia, water, heat, the divine fire, salt, the distilling vessel and many other things... to gain our whole compound... HE WHO HAS GOD, HE WHO HAS THE STONE, HE IS NOT IN NEED OF ANYTHING ELSE. NOW, CHECK AGAIN: when you do not have internally the eternal fire, then externally it is dark (to whatever degree, grey town, and you get scorched – outward, ya you even need a sun cream). And similar in harshness and coldness - heaviness (harsh earth, contracted, material overshadowed), that is, you are not fully filled with light, but again when you see the internal fire, then all is light (and the dark behind it, with its eternal seeking and finding, in the glassy globe).. YA, WE MUST BECOME TOTALLY INSIDE OUT... And another proof for you: to acknowledge again, even when the Spirit of the flesh has a contrary desire, still this two wills (which are distinct) make only one Spirit, in that globe (and in that one essence), and likewise we speak about a bitter person (or a person with swelling pride) or for example, about a very joyful person (real joy and peace which comes from within etc.)… or we speak about character flaws… bla bla bla…. And when they are nut fully INSIDE OUT… then they get also easily shaken by circumstances… or sing the stressed out song.. Wherefore I try to be here as simple as possible… AND I WANT TO INVITE PEOPLE TO VISIT MY WONDERLAND
82) You should recognize the ANCIENT OIL MILL (and hand mill). And yes, this is the REAL OIL and not just the merely symbolical oil about which most Christians talk. This is not the oil of the FOOLISH VIRGINS, and yes, maybe also a lot of foolish virgins will not believe us. THE WHOLE MYSTERY IS WIDE OPEN FOR US. Yea, sure, behind the veil I see how it is produced but that is more a seeing, a gaze and tasting, smelling etc. but as it makes no sense to a carnal Christian that water and fire can be together, so much less it is necessary to go further into that topic right now [anointed one] as written in scripture. And yes, your oil can be consumed (quenched the Holy Spirit) or the other way around, the oil can produce a bright light, not a dim light, yea, and even the highest Mystery gets revealed to those who take up their cross. And the problem with some texts of the sages, ya, people can read it in seven different ways according to the ladder and should someone climb up that ladder, then on top, with most joy he will read the innermost of the letter and he sees the heart of his brother and the fun etc., and those below, partially they stumble greatly. And its like with the soul of the native Indians, the SUN DANCE which was known among them, this referred back to the ancient truth, only later, things got perverted. They preferred quietness and solitude and they had advanced meditation and prayer techniques, they understood the spiritual mind and what could hinder them in their walk towards God [the great Spirit], the return to the source was their simple religion, to know God and finally to become a blood brother with the whole of creation... Hunting and martial arts belonged to the merely physical plane and in that manner it was acknowledged by them (any common known anger or wrath or fear seen as darkness, and sure they need also to be bold). And yes, volatile body movements similar to shadow boxing, with stretching, running etc., we can train a bit our body, and stuff like that can even also help us a bit… its common sense… just do something… stay healthy… And ya I know that my Laozi and co.. were very direct… the Taoist and we may read things like this The sage is inaccessible to enmity. He is inaccessible to profit and inaccessible to loss. He is also inaccessible to favor and inaccessible to disgrace. Thus he becomes world-honored, because he strives not; no one will strive with him!!! But you say, they did crucify the Lord, sure, the pharisaic system etc., but concerning other things, people get no grip, may the wise understand it. ==> the highest level is another story… and we dont want to confuse souls here… and yes, we loose nothing because we have the immortal mind. WE MAKE IT SIMPLE HERE and that also works...that is, to achieve results is natural (so wehave also the every bron now in the apocalypse) and simple keep also always your inner smile… dont make titles or… to your God...(so you also go to work and you enjoy your holiday, holiday and fmaily or etc., that is not about titles). Now, lets go on again with the Philosopher: Air which is more condensed becomes Water and Water inspissated (thickened) becomes Earth (and becomes visible in Light), and Water is full of life and activity in the Fire, and Air is Fire predominating above water, and Air is rendered elastic by the universal Fire - otherwise it condenses more and more and becomes Earth, and Earth, that is IMMOVEABLE ( the earth can never be moved, Psalm 104:5). HEAVY IS HE WHO GETS MATERIAL OVERSHADOWED... Understand: Fire is extreme volatile, and you can not unite Fire with Earth without its proper medium, that is Air, and Fire cannot become Water without Air, and Earth cannot become Air without Water (and understand, the Elements are food to each other, but the elements do always remain, 7 Spirits) Therefore, acknowledge this steps, and in the apocalypse Fire and Earth is finally fixed [earth which is most fixed] = quintessentificated Operation (7 Spirits harmony), which includes a continual transmutation of matter (modification) while the inward fire remains the same, as it was in the beginning. Further, acknowledge, condensed Water comes down as rain, dew, hail, snow – and it quasi unites in vapour... condensed or coagulated... Water and Earth – Fire and Air... And vegetables (kingdom) are volatile minerals... vegetables stand between minerals and animals...all of them are food to each other... and Air is most subtil... and Air set in motion moves the Water... and Water moves the Earth appears by the sand... degrees of subtility and fixitiy!!! (in that way you will be able to understand the sevenfold energy, degrees of subtility and fixity)... Lets make an experiment as an old sage told us: I want that you go outside when snow covers the earth, then take some snow, and at home put it in a vessel, then filter the dirt out of the water, and later cover the vessel with a garment to prevent that dust enters into it, let it stand a month unmoved, then this water begins by the implanted fire spirit to grow warm and break, and in consequence, it acquires a bad smell, and it becomes turbid, and the dirt in it falls later to the bottom (SLIMY EARTH), anyway, understand it as a similitude, the book of nature is in our heart, do not become too material overshadowed! And I TOLD YOU THAT YOUR EARTH (world below) IS WORTHLESS, or we could also say that stagnated water stinks. 2Corinthians 2:16, we are not like many others who PEDDLE the word of God for profit, we are a FRAGRANCE that brings life, a SWEET AROMA, the Spirit of this world has not blinded us, why do you not understand us? THE AROMA OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM!!! What else do you want to ignore Babel? ....... ASCENSION, BURNING, THEN AIR COMES IN, air blows the dross away (often with a shiver or cold experienced, because of the contrary part to heaven influx), AND THEN ALSO WATER COMES IN... AND AT THE END, ALL IS LIGHT, and yes, for sure, we just explain it generally, simplified. TOO MUCH MY READER? NOOOOOOOOOO… go on… ok, for my reader, to better understand the 12 keys of Basil: A vanishing of all unhealthy matter, it opens all the pores, and only the strange water from below makes it corrosive, but thanks to God that he offers us his celestial water. Listen, the King travels through Six regions in the heavenly firmament, and in the seventh he fixes his abode. That is, the fixed earth, for otherwise I would not understand Basil Valentinus. And the invisible becomes visible, ya, the fixed salt has imparted to warlike Mars a hard, firm, and durable body, which is evidence of the generosity of his soul... nor can fire be said to have much power over it, and its strength is united to Venus (love).... therefore, not everything about Mars is bad, it depends on which side we look, and also Saturn can mess it up! Therefore, lets put the grime away, and all is fine with Mars, wherefore this is the fun about he seven planets, and the reader can search it out for himself if he is interested...I do not go only later a bit more into it...(and yes, I reveal already to you: bloody Mars, lovely Venus, airy Jupiter, ya, the music is in the air, and Satus sowing, sickle… mercurial water… and seven bubbles as one). And I only mention it because I am happy that Martin can be reconciled, he only needs his virgin. Listen, It is not good for the eagle to build her nest on the summit of the Alps, because her young ones are thus in great danger of being frozen to death by the intense cold that prevails there, we have two hostile kinds of matter - that purge and rectify each other by means of a continued struggle ==> now, then I guess, that Basil was very well aware of the snow and hail and coldness (COLDNESS as I explained in this book)... and the phoenix. Listen, again, we must look for our sulphur in a substance in which it is incombustible, the incombustible sulphur (with its richness) of the sages, the latter must be stronger then the former... Then Basil goes on concerning the combustion, new earth and new heaven, volatile and fixed... Basil explains further the GLASS (with its mercury, the evolved Spirit, first matter)... gold which has its magnet...white and red Spirit (with a third)... in too much water you may easily be drowned, that is, what I said, yea, even the mind could not endure it, it needs a gentle heat like it is found with horse dung (we can not just jump into the apocalypse because of assimilation to the mud and the void would be too big, and even this text here… we go step by step… with me, your Alice in Wonderland)... Now, and Basil understood it rightly: Angels are not injured by no extreme either of heat or cold, so also our glorified bodies as heirs of God, that is, because the outward is in the inward and everything well tempered, thanks to the first sun (everything purged by fire, the heavenly and eternal dispensation via the TRUE SUN and FULL POWER, RAISED IN POWER = SUMMER, sweet fragrance, new earth and new heaven = redeemed from the worthless earth)… Ya, in air, there is fire, water, earth – and Basil said: soul, spirit, body, and mercury, sulphur, salt (= a fixed salt)...done via the spiritual seed. And further it is true, diarrhoea is a problem produced by too much darkness, the belly is a good witness according to ascend, and how it heals.… yet for sure people can have all kind of bodily problems… yet again… I know that form ascensions and how it heals... HEALING: as often as a new gate of entrance is opened by the fire, and that process goes on until we see all the brilliant colours... Saturn is deprived of its volatility and we receive the fixed earth (a familiar in diamonds, transparent realm), for the present state of things is passing away, and a NEW WORLD is about to be created... body of Saturn is changed into the finest GOLD, ya, the GREAT STONE pervades human and metallic bodies, the universal medicine (earthly tabernacle dissolved = watery stone)... the GLOBE of the SEVEN WISE MASTER (it is all in one essence etc.)... tinging virtue, Micro and Macrocosm harmony, 1000 (governing wheel)... wherefore the word ferment is also used for the soul (and the soul purified = resurrection)…
83) Be aware my reader that some of this western religious people think high of themselves because now they have read Nomads book (many of them had watched my online emails as I started 4 years ago… wherefore now, April 2021 I started to make this website). Ya and think because they can follow the spiritual teaching (in some way or another), now they think that they are very mature, but that is not the case because I write it down so that almost the most carnal person could in some way or another understand it, and no one before me has ever done it in such a way, THAT IS A FACT!!! and that is because of the ascend and I know how to built bridges...etc. [and the whole book was built, if you will via counter strike tactic to filter out the truth, and to get rid of the nonsense, and therefore I have included even the most carnal people and I have done it via a technique by which we used all kinds of resources and means, and so that scripture is laid out before our face] Anyway, but it will still help you my reader, for sure... IT WILL REALLY CHANGE YOUR LIFE [in a real way, for some people speak about changing others life via teachings but it is just nonsense or much too weak, but again here, life will never be the same, after you have read the whole!!! book… Recapitulated: we have not much to do with these dumb grown society!!! nor will we in future… And the leader in foolishness is USA and they also never had a real Mystic… ya… only we have all the names… and some other countries… thats a FACT!!! (ya, the biggest fools are the Protestant, and we see today how dumb USA became, its a BROT and SPIELE country and so their religion yet its also a big company problem, together with their partially weird oligarchy, ya, their system made them a bit mentally ill, and unregulated greed etc., ya, they are even too weak… and their news media is sometimes really nothing else than a puppet show... which will by the way not be tolerated for Austria… And yes, even their elite is today partially a dumb proletariat… and we also recognize their future city plans, ya and now these idiots mix themselves together with the WEforum… And yes, their future city vision will not endure but about that we talk in another chapter in the book and I will also explain later the FLUID DYNAMICS and why their future city vision will not endure and we will present also our solution… and ya, we are also green orientated yet… bla bla bla… WE REPRESENT A HOLISTIC SOLUTION and we will REPRESENT a BALANCE in the FLUID DYNAMICS… ==> and ist not like that IAM a SUPERANGRY person who says, by my word KLAUS SCHWAB shall die or bla bla bla… nay… I will just show you why they are doomed… regarding some of this elements which they use for their future city vision… and why they will grow even dumb together with the population. Therefore it will be an explanation about the FLUID DYNAMICS and how real balance is achieved...
84) something ordinary turned into something extraordinary (God realm). Listen, that which you seek finds you! Now, you say, why do you even write in the book that you have not much read your bible from age 33 to ~ 36 (first ascend) and in your second ascend you read the Bible like doing it beside a normal day job, because you must also purify the soul, you are limited, and you are not able to read it the whole day... so you have ~ 4,5 years Bible study and saints study and you write this book and you go after resurrection, why do you tell that? Answer, because almost no one believes me, and I show you that it does not bother me. And ya, when someone swims opposite to the world/folly religion, to swim against that stream (falsities), for sure, you will acknowledge a bit the force with which this book got written down, because a book is also a bit like a preaching to oneself like a diary, but this here is a diary which shall lead me to the last day, it adds length to my days (do you hear me?), the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day [or perfect day, firmly established]... DO YOU HEAR ME? Proverbs 15:24 THE PATH OF LIFE LEADS UPWARD for the prudent (to be circumspect) to keep them from going down to the realm of hell or that he may turn away from hell beneath… QUESTION, beside the cold shiver during the transformation process, is that everything or can we add some more things? Answer, sometimes I saw a huge flash of light during night time (it enlightened the whole apartment), and I have only two explanations, 1) it has to do with the recalibration of the body and the perfecting of the vessel… FUN: through the gentle heat (with sulphur, and to extract our mercury), the cold becomes warm, and the dry moist and oily... wherefore the moist is never without its dry substance and we want our virgin earth. Fire brings it forth, nourished it in the Air, decomposed in virgin earth, and water flows forth... concerning the matter, it suffers transmutation [via the contrary, because of that one essence], it incessantly attracts a new form. My hammers are the seven planets with which I forge beautiful things. Almighty God had made first the fire, then the air, then water, and finally earth, in a moment of time....lets say, all at once:-) And the watery stone shows us our extracted quicksilver, and not just that, but also the hardest Glass. And therefore the putrid water with its worthless earth has to fly away to a certain degree, or it has to evaporate to a certain degree... Listen, gold and silver joined together with their proper mercury, which have the power to render all (imperfect) metals perfect, what a secret! Enoch! First, the white tincture, then the red tincture. A grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, and is no longer alone!!! O glorious nature, which overcomes nature herself. It issues in the secret place and it waters flow over the entire world [hiding the 4 Elements]... Ya, the body looses all its grossness... blackness and bad sulphur is removed… And the salt is found in the midst of the earth when earth is destroyed... Therefore, earth or matter, we must purify or calcine (coction), so as to extract its water and Spirit, ya, the distilling process, until we find at the bottom of the distilling vessel a certain beautiful substance, resembling a crystal stone, called our earth... Mark well, the stone of our art never touches the earth after its generation... quickened by its own inherent power... Yea, and for fun, you can also read the Table of Paradise (also called, the Glory of the World) and I will also put to remembrance a list of sages, Abel, Seth, Isindrus, Anaxagoras, Pandolphus, Aristeus, Pythagoras, Parmenides, Lucas, Philetus, Sixion, Mundinus, Dardanius, Neophides (God shows you the first substance of the stone, Eagle-stone), Stephanus, Agodias, Siretius, Mosinus, Blodius (its habitation in the air), Leah (the prophetess who told us that the flower of gold is the stone (wherefore about the flower of life we gave already a hint in this book), ya, therefore subject it to heat during a certain number of days, till it assumes the dazzling appearance of white marble), Bonellus (relinquish the multiplicity of your methods and substances, for our substance is one thing and is called living and indestructible water), Hieronymous (malignant men have darkened our art, perverting it with many words... our earth, our sun, our gold), Noah, Hagienus (our stone has been designated a Microcosm, it wears many colours, contains the 4 Elements...), Morienus (the goals of our art: sun and moon are conjoined (and earth dissolved), and become, as it were one body), Leprinus (the fixed and the volatile must be joined in an inseparable union), Lamech... And yes, rightly understood: the merely outward part of the soul we call also the third principle, this part can not be born again, it is mud, and not in the will of God nor can it be ever in the will of God – the outward part is spirit of the world, and therefore also that part of the physical body has not received yet the gold (or better to say, it is not spiritualised). And whenever someone experiences the dark night of the soul, then all dirt comes to the surface and gets cast out, called the Ravens head (often experienced with some confusion in the min, wherefore this depends upon the purity of the vessel)... and through this process we get filled with light and as we read in the shepherd of Hermas, to be clothed with angels who represent this and that virtue (back to a higher purity, soul purification)… OIL: the corruption and poisoning of the oil leads to every kind of sickness, because all poisonous influences are pushed away by the pure oil behind the veil (the light shines in the oil, abundant life), therefore vice versa, an oil which becomes earthly, dark... in the most corrupt way, it is also called a strong viper poison. And because mercury, in good function: in fire a separator in corporality, compare it to fire and earth (like carving), and in a bad way, it starves out his property (with bad sulphur fire), that is, without the sweet water (meekness) and without the purified ==> UNDERSTAND IT RIGHTLY: The Holy Spirit itself does not become poisonous, but the mixture in us, the dark fire brings disharmony. It is written, you can quench [extinguish] the Holy Spirit, 1Thessalonians 5:19, and vice versa be filled with the Spirit, Ephesians 5:18, and it is written, father and son make their abode (home) in us, John 14:23 [measure of Christ in us], and it is written, purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and Spirit, 2 Corinthians 7:1, and it is written, body, soul, spirit blameless, 1Thessalonians 5:23, we ascend to the indestructible point or we descend, and similar, the body gets spiritualized in the apocalypse (raised a spiritual body). DRAW near to God (trinity) and he will draw near to you. (apocalypse = trinity shines upon the soul, glass and wheel)... And the fixed salt is the sharpness because of the fiery, simplified, fire and oily are all the impressions in creation, with oil as the life and growth. And we need the fiery love. (the spiritual oil which gives us light, light is the life), yet for sure, behind the veil we call it watery stone (with its fixed earth), but the operation of fire is also in the sevenfold energy (like CARVING). Remember: Apocalypse= FIXED and VOLATILE BOUND TOGETHER (and the fixed earth remains in the 7 Spirits harmony). And as already mentioned, the oil is not an extra Element, rather we speak here about intermediates... and the Habitation is in the air. Wherefore as a little overview I made also the APOCALYPSE SYMBOL together with some explanations in different colours… yet the book of revelation, that I write only later down in the APOCALYPSE/SYMBOLS chapter… but you can check already the picture and our MAIN APOCALYPSE SYMBOL (which we use also at LC)… NOW, having said that, you have another QUESTION: someone may ask, have you ever given some money to someone? Yes, I can give you an example, it had even an effect, unexpected: I saw an old woman at the shopping mall, I gave here 50 or 100 Euro, I can not exactly remember the amount of money, anyway, and she could not believe it, or was full of joy because normally when someone gives something, then only a few Euro or 1 Euro, you know, they give coins. And she did wonder why I would just go directly away because at that day I had to work, and in thankfulness she spoke to me, anyway, long story short, later on, maybe one day later or a few days later I felt an impartation of Gods grace, it just entered my soul and I did know that it had to do with the woman (this has to do with the grid)... Now, today many preach that when you sow money, it must come back in this or that amount, sowing and reaping and this fools have even twisted the 30fold, 60fold, 100fold parable for that insane doctrine. Wherefore I do not say that God can not bless someone, but you know, if you want to be blessed, it is first of all to live holy (healthy!!!) before God, and the stone shows it to you even more clearly! YA, and for the case you are someone who did sow money to a priest over and over again, and a priest tells you, you will receive again big money from God, and if not today, but maybe in 20 or 25 years, and then you receive even more money, now you are the BIG fool when you believe that deceptive priest, and secondly you can sow money and you can be rotten inside, and further to sow money, this has not always to do with receiving back some money from God. ==> most PROTESTANT ARE JUST INSANE… and they understand nothing… and so USA is mostly a foolish country today… ya, it had an effect… their useless marketing religion... and they became even more weak… yet as I said… more factors play into it… but we smell their jellyfish weakness…And for them soon alien locust visit the earth (so they read the book of revelation)... forget this insane people... WE ARE AUSTRIA!!!==> but I do not say that not also some spiritual people are found in USA, ya, they will “hate” it like we “hate” it and they can also become our friends
85) the Immortal and unchangeable Self, it is the mysterious (mental tasted) light of pure consciousness, and this has nothing to do with the common known psychic states, ideas, feelings, emotions, images and concepts, no, the True Self is simple true and liberated, free from all kind of bonds, free from extraneous determination or better we say: not circumstance shaken. Understand it rightly: all mental operations involve a confusion by which they usurp the place of the principle of pure consciousness, because the senses run after their objects and the mind establishes relations betweens the sense-data and deals with the concepts which the person has formed about it, with the aid of muddy memory (blockages, which create illusions, and attachment to worldly things, running after new wants), the darkening influence of thought which operates outside of the supernal stillness. A pure Nous: I would understand and I would be understood, being all understanding – all whose nature is to dance, I am a mirror to you who understands me, the logos dances in all things, and was not shamed at all (the bosoms wide-spread intellectual objects (some would say intelligible, ya, you, understand it just as mental imprint!) ==> God (Jehovah also called Lord) is our mirror and I am one with it [looking Glass], and creation reflected, WE MOVE WITH HIM . We worship in your heart God, the lord of the three worlds…. Only when I turned my thoughts toward God, then I restrained my mind and my senses, and my attention became lovingly fixed on Him (thats why I also write this book for you, we go into deeper contemplation). Search for Him who neither comes nor goes, who neither dies. My soul turning away from sin is absorbed in the universal water. With both mine eyes I look, but I behold nothing save God; mine eyes gaze affectionately on Him. Wherefore it is said, it has often happened that one blessed soul has become the cause of the guidance of a nation (Yet I claim that for me, but some kids I will have)…. the friends of God as the secret cause of the illuminations of the hearts of humanity. ==> WHAT WE NEED, THAT IS THE SPONTANEITY OF CLEAR SIGHT, and then everything runs effortless and the scheme can no longer distract or ensnare us ==> the veil of the temple was rent – pointing to the inward sun ==> poisonful mercurial Pharisees, they wrangle only about the church, honour, applause, pleasures of this world, they are carnal sensual and not supersensual orientated… CHECK: our Mercury shifts between solid and liquid states (the “pure” mercury, understood via the watery stone), and concerning salt, crystallisation of a salt (seed crystal), this has to do with the humidity level (and of the air), wherefore condensation can also be a source for moisture and the intermittent dissolution of the salt... And transformation (butterfly), that is, that we get rid of the bad sulphur smell (brimstone)! Therefore my reader, it is quite ok how it is represented in this book, to get the full picture...What we do at LC, that is called: PARADISE ENGINEERING! And improvement of the human condition in a holistic way… ABOVE and BELOW… SCIENCE, NATURE, ARTS… And understand, some inventions originated from the wrath stream, therefore, not everything serves the higher Good, yet, Babel will not understand us… ANOTHER QUESTION: Do you still say that in the apocalypse, we can stare without problem into the physical sun (second sun)? Answer, yes, because the everlasting light rules over it and the body is made light.
86) 1Chronicles 16:25 -33, the universe (or world) is firmly established, it can not be moved... let the tree of the forest sing, let the sea resound, let the fields be jubilant, worship the Lord in the splendour of his holiness, splendour and majesty are before him, STRENGTH (the horn of my salvation) AND JOY are in his dwelling place (my shield)... tremble before him all the earth!... for great is the Lord and most worthy of praise. Psalm 19:4 he has pitched a tent for the sun like a bridegroom emerging form his chamber, like a champion (strong man) rejoicing to run its course. Psalm 18:19 he brought me out in a SPACIOUS PLACE (enlarged tent), Psalm 96:10 say among the nations, THE LORD REIGNS, THE WORLD IS FIRMLY ESTABLISHED, IT CAN NOT BE MOVED (a Kingdom which cannot be shaken)...let all creation rejoice!!! before the Lord... declare his glory among the nations. And what we have to add, creation even helps us... also the book of wisdom will show you that. The seven Spirits governing wheel is by itself chain breaking (behold the Austria flag, together with the shield)...Isaiah 45:7 I form the light and create darkness, I make peace (and rest) and create evil... listen, God forms it but people themselves choose life or darkness… Lets go on: The Way of the Ascetics, Tito Colliander, he writes about the precious pearl: "the deeper you pressed into your own heart, the farther and higher you climbed out of yourself. The outward conditions of your life are the same: you wash dishes and care for the children, you go to work, draw your salary and pay your taxes. You do everything pertaining to your external life as a person in a society, since there is no chance of leaving it. But you have resigned yourself. You have given away one thing in order to receive another. 'And if I have Thee, what more do I ask on earth?' 'Nothing,' answers St. John Climacus, but ceaselessly praying, silently to cling to Thee. Some are enslaved by riches, others by honor, still others by acquiring possessions; my only desire is to cling to God... Nomad: another book which you can read... what we say is… we don’t just need to sit alone in some corner… ascetic means also to have a holy abstraction… and much can be done via right contemplation.. and to understand the energy construct….NOW, UNDERSTAND it thus: THE SEED GROWS SECRETLY (so also the transfiguration), and suddenly [when the souls eye opens up] we become aware about the seed according to the pool we have built, for the kingdom of God does not come by careful observation (YOU GOT IT RIGHT!!!, the seed is quasi all the fractals gathered in the womb = foundation of the well/pool because and also everything is reflected upon the mirror… so also you understand now the sages writ)... Macarius the Egyptian: It is incumbent on one who expects to receive from God the seed of grace, first of to all cleanse the earth of the heart, in order that the seed of the Spirit that falls on it would bear perfect and abundant fruit... The more we abide in God's grace, the more we shall prepare for the last hour and God's judgment. "Death resolves everything," teaches Hierarch Theophan the Recluse. ==> yet we do not follow just the view of the institutions regarding afterlife, yet more to it later... Talents parable: Even a weak man can develop goodness; he must take action decisively and show courage. And he should be trained in vision and knowledge [vision and knowledge, that is also a CHURCH RESPONSIBILITY, the Lord said, take care of my mother, yet you can forget this 21 century church]...Talents, the lazy servant in the parable should have tried these methods. But the lazy servant did not try, and this fault he was condemned... and NOMAD adds [mud - time register]... Luke 14:28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?... Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand?... We have to calculate our strength and prepare for the spiritual battle, it needs also right training, otherwise we will not defeat our spiritual enemies. Wherefore as you have seen my reader, Nomad was as good as finished after the smash, he simple had not prepared himself well enough, anyway, second chance, learned it all, and you shall benefit from it, at least something you can learn from this book... And my body will not be again as perfect as in the first round, except the Lord says, Nomad, you should really stay longer on this planet and then... some further repairing, to receive some skin - flesh substance back which the scorching fire had consumed etc... Further, concerning torments, John Chrysostom sees these torments of sinners as deprivation of the glory of God's Kingdom, abandonment by God, and remoteness from God, Who is Love and remoteness from love (good works), that is hell. Saint John Chrysostom calls it "terrifying," and Gregory the Theologian tells us to fear it more than to interpret it... Concerning the Dread Judgment, it is never Christ who cuts off His love from us, but we alienate ourselves from His love... Jesus Christ calls us, before it is too late, to repent, to seek sobriety and freedom from everyday cares, and to think about our soul, meeting the Lord, turning our eyes towards him [wherefore this book will do a great deal, to turn again your eyes towards him]... Nomad: and with that, I will no longer write about the parables, and the pearl, treasure, seed growing secretly etc., it is very clear.... And yes, the fish in the upper or celestial water, that is apocalypse… and we are nurtured by the universe… sup with God… anyway… for some people this is too high… UNDERSTAND IT RIGHTLY: For sure, we can not say that everything in the old testament is Jesus, similar Elijah killed the 42, the wrath sting got him, we do not kill people just because of one little offence and that offence is not even possible behind the veil, and similar Elijah became later more steadfast. Another example would be Jesus who said, Mose told you this or that because of your hard heart and I tell you bla bla bla... And so also the revelation of God, it is a revelation which gets more and more clear... and even behind the veil, then is further development! And as I said, I call the perfect (whole) the light body and a stable Microcosm, but there is further learning: creation, worlds, whatever... And who knows, maybe there are other planets under a curse and we visit them later... about which some would say, no, that cannot be, that is fantasy... but who knows, and eternal nature is so or so in Gods hand (garment of light), this additional scroll, this realm here... And ABOUT ANOTHER FOLLY (book of revelation): Psalm 89:37 his throne endure before me like the sun, it will be established forever like the moon, the faithful witness in the SKY. Nomad: I see no reason that the Almighty puts away the moon or the sun in the sky, that makes no sense, already because we have the book of nature in our heart, and we like it to have the correspondence, and to discover creation with this correspondences... Ya, only immature orthodox Christian or carnal Christians of other churches think differently. Isaiah 60:19, 20 compared with Isaiah 30:26, the light of the sun will be SEVEN times brighter = that is, soaked or saturated or impregnated via the everlasting light... in Genesis 1:31, he said: and it was very GOOD... Now, then, I guess he will keep ithe sun and moon in the sky and you should read the book of revelation correctly!!!, and already because it is a sign, for he who is invisible, he makes also his signs in the visible, as another way how he speaks to us, ABOVE & BELOW... Therefore my kids, you shall get a little bit more mature, and leave your nonsense. And also to add, as humans love the sea, there is no reason to put it away, Revelation 21:1, rather he refers to the language behind the veil, the Lord is my sun, we have sea of glass. And the city itself does not need the sun or the moon, yea, for sure, because of the everlasting light (light of the lamp, eye). No mad: THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING (got it?). Ya, this religious people have only NONSENSE in their heads...
87) Our STONE is the true CREEDAL. And understand it rightly: those who built this religious “mindset walls” become themselves limited or restricted (strive, competition, man made tradition, titles etc., worry and anger, arrogance, self pity...methodology of the devil)... I call it concrete walls… so let us have fun later for the case I stay longer here... QUESTION: can you prove that the habitation is in the AIR? Ephesians 2:22, into a dwelling place for God (we as vessels) through the Spirit (air)…. QUESTION: why do we have a PIPE in the POOL we have built (with the water bell fountain)? Isaiah 30:29 with a pipe to come into the mountain of the Lord. Remember, the mountain is a certain revealed matter, and the pipe blows on the 10 000 things. A well of flowing water streaming down from Lebanon - song of songs 4:15 , wherefore Lebanon is a mountain or mountain range, the Hebrew word means very white... And for further divine science: behind the veil, the spaces got perfected!!!, moved in its place… highest vibration, filled with light… body transmutation... LISTEN ONCE MORE, IT’S A BIT TRICKY, SIX AFRAID OF SEVEN (if he is a lunatic; that is up to you, what to interpret... artist: fever ray:-)... Wherefore in a poetic way, we can say that mother earth births a new creation, with a higher frequency (mud cast out = highest vibration, or consciousness expanded), which stabilizes matter (fixed earth)! The eye of the needle (the gate), a multidimensional aspect of ourselves through God... receiving the harmonic geometric matrices (patterns) – and the whole (by which the unchanging effects change, the new formation of creation by which become a pillar of creation)... And all that is vital for creation! Therefore, in a higher layer we could say that everyone gets destroyed who destroys the earth, his body perishes, because he is not in alignment with creation (7 spirits governing wheel), wherefore that is also protective, for you shall not live forever [with your current body] in that kind of state on earth (outside of promised land)… and it would be also no fun to be immortal without the superjoy etc... Ya, and if you ask me, should we contemplate much about geometric patterns? I would say, first of all you must understand that GEOMETRY existed before creation! And later we can talk a bit more about it...NOW, CHECK for confirmation: Proverbs 9:1, Wisdom has built her HOUSE, hewn her SEVEN PILLARS (killed her beasts!!!)... the pillars of the earth are the Lords, set the world upon them, 1Samuel 2:8… CHECK also: Isaiah 11:12 BANNER for the nations, assemble the scattered people from the four corners (wings, extremity) of the earth ==> why can it not be my Austria flag? (supermental layer, let me also have my fun :-)... Job 38:13 = chapter 38 is about the DIVINE VISION (you will see it now clearly, check his words)... it might take hold of the ends (extremity, corner) of the earth, that the wicked might be SHAKEN out of it (the spaces are not perfected for the wicked), Psalm 93:1 the earth also is stablished, that it cannot be moved, Job 28:24 for he LOOKS to the ends of the earth [Gods eye], Psalm 33:6 all the stars (hosts) by the breath of his mouth ==> our star light being, Psalm 75:3 it is I who have firmly sets its pillars. NOW, according to Genesis, on the FOURTH DAY, he completed the material creation, the fourth commandment is connected with Gods holy Sabbath (rest), the Garden of Eden had a river which parted into the headwaters of four rivers (4 Elements, I prove it later to you, apocalypse chapter), Jesus clothes were divided into four parts, four living creatures, and Ezekiel 7:2 the end is come upon the four corners of the land, and I will send mine anger upon thee… MEANWHILE do not forget the SQUARE… And ya, only later you will see the BIG PICTURE, it will become simple to you, just wait!!!… Ahhh, you will say, this is much stuff Nomad… and what does bother us that is, that in the apocalypse only you will be without sweat or labour, ya, and we common man exhaust ourselves, insisting upon our own rights and wrongs… O my, Iam funny here… take it easy… and should I stay longer, I could also help some people... CHECK: a part of ascension, that is non-identification, you must become an observer and not tap into the games of the mind, not to engage with it, it is simple as that, yet it takes some effort, always to center back to the true self... and to bring the focus away from your superficial person, because the superficial person, that can be everything, with all that ballast... therefore, back to true self… the KERNEL is in you… Give me some joy NOMAD! Ok, the reader may ask if I am against Christmas? My answer, no, and you are so or so in the movie and what to interpret regarding Christmas, that is up to you. And when the family meets together, then you can see that as a good thing, and further, more peace is on this day and it reminds us to the supernal stillness, STILLE NACHT, HEILIGE NACHT. And the tree has a STAR on top, on top of the mountain, our star light being, and thanks to Jesus (thanksgiving). And for sure, the tree is green, what do you see? And even the cross is also called a TREE, and wood of life, the wood is green and not dry, and you have SPARKLER!!! a star and fire and light and wood, with the root and as the seed so the tree and the sap is the life force. And yes, most Christmas tree stands have a water-tank (so that the tree lasts longer). And for sure, we recognize the FIR OIL (Materia Medica). And the gifts under the tree, all is grace; all is a gift from God, which is a supernal trade communion or creation consciousness (the bosoms widespread intellectual objects, freely givne to us). And it is important that you be mindful of where you store Christmas gifts!!! And you have also this little Christmas balls on the tree as an ornament.... And if you ask me, are you interested in your birthday or in New Year party? My answer, no, I am only interested to be born of God and to live in the last day… we are the Hightribe in the temple of light...{booking and flight, ticket for free}...Our God is the supreme Lord of dance, in the ever born now as the destroyer of death, lightning, power and beauty. Zephaniah 3:17 VICTORY DANCE: The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save [liberate, get victory], he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest [Hebrew: charash, to make still, and to engrave, fabricate] in his love, he will rejoice [Hebrew: gil, to spin around under the influence of any wild emotion] over thee with singing [apocalypse concert]. And the reader may ask how did you find that one out? Answer, I know the divine vision and so I searched if I find something about his singing over us, which is perfectly written here, to spin around…. And its an inaudible sound (7 Spirits generated)… and also Jacob spoke about it
88) The wind or breath (breath of life, Adam), the wind blows where it wishes, and we read in Isaiah 40:24 blow upon them, and they shall wither, and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble, 30:33 breath of the Lord, like a stream of brimstone, does kindle it and Psalm 18:8 smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured..., and Isaiah 2:22 man, whose breath is in his nostrils, Numbers 11:20, Job 41:20 his breath kindles coals, 27:3 the Spirit of God is in my nostrils, Job 4:9 by the breath of his nostrils are they consumed, by the blast of God they perish, Jeremiah 5:13, 22:22 the prophets are but wind, the word is not in them or the wind shall eat up the shepherds, Psalm 11:6 upon the wicked a wind of storm, fire, brimstone, tempest, therefore we read about the wind also in the opposite meaning (little death), that is in Gods wrath, and that is very obvious because of the seven Spirits “construct”…. CHECK: To have many people around you, to have a big ministry (and a lot of money), that is not always a sign that God is with you, similar Mega-churches and what else exists (well known on TV and etc.), but God is not in it. And everyone will call it a blessing of God, the depraved and... Therefore discern it rightly...we have to make Tabula rasa, clarify these things. And I can easily prove it, because they look at the shadow of things and they claim to know the substance, and some of these people laugh about the true reality and about the true substance which can only be found in God, and therefore Romans 1:21 their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts became darkened... And resurrected saints can not even trade with Babel, this are two different worlds...CHECK: We conform to the image of the trinity, one person at a time, and that person will impart again to others and that is also necessary because we do not want to have only Nomads style, even when it is not so bad but still, we need more..., we built from now on an education of higher value, anti-culture to the world, and so we rule, and so the church becomes stronger, and its not just about revelation but revelation and information and logic, ya, we step directly upon the head of the snake, if you will, we can say so. And if there should be a Glory church, first we need the patience to get the fundament, and a fundament which can be more easily understood, according to many different people who walk on different levels of maturity... Now, and why do you talk you much? The trinity is simple a 3fold creative force and the seat (and outward expressed image, Glassy eye) is the son (only begotten), generated from father (abyssal eye) and the Spirit is proceeding (flow). Internal modes!!! and because of internal modes, we say: in the flow, one will. Therefore, the deity or Godhead gulf has its seat. And they are one (indivisible). GOD IS ONLY A PERSON IN CHRIST (it needs the image)...Wherefore all that shows us all this discussion about trinity, Unitarianism, oneness Pentecostalism, Arianism, Orthodox (who neglect the outflow, without a proceeding from the son versus catholic)… its all a GARBAGE… they ignore the sevenfold energy!!! And by the way, this effort which you make, to cling to God, it is also called, to be watchful, watch of the heart (John of Kronstadt said it rightly)… And get rid of sentimentality!!! Listen, we have history, it gets evil, decadence, greed etc. then there is a war, people get humble again and fear the misery and see the misery into which they got, yea, even Hitler was a good lesson, not that Hitler was good or that we should do evil so that the good comes, God forbid, but now we had peace for a long time, after judgement… and we did grow out of some patterns (yet today the elite goes again out of balance… but about that we talk in another chapter)... NOW, the FLUID DYNAMICS, that is also the MOVIE my friends, and in-between we have some historical figures whom we call heroes who stood up for the good, and also many people in their little ego want to be a historical figure. And what do you say about Nomad? I end history (yet not that I say that we cannot learn more things regarding the second level etc…), but that you can say about Nomad (we go no more out, Rev 3:12)… And why do I call the Book of revelation also the MOVIE?… you will understand it later… I will show to you the FLUID DYNAMICS... And CHECK: REVELATION CAN LIBERATE YOU or REVELATION CAN CONFUSE YOU, the former is from God, the latter is the devil which has false revelation and twists scripture…. Lets eat form the tree of life (heavenly influx)… And Iam an engineer: I simple check all the parameter, the mechanics – also the synchronization and power unit, the conveyor (input and output), the visualisation (overview), and therefore, do they even use the best hardware… and as it is as engineer, so also about scripture, do they use the STONE in their fantasia religion?. And when the STONE would be more compatible according to the system, probably they had not crucified the Lord... Acts 17:6 these who have caused trouble all over the world have come here... saying there is another king (ruler of the city)… And Jesus did not come via force, nor will the STONE come via force, those who embrace the revelation, they embrace it, and those not, they not…. I say: all revelation have their summit in the resurrection life (display) and you can repeat every letter in scripture like we can repeat also every letter of Moby Dick, but where is your faith? And that was a true saying from Elder Ephraim: I paraphrase, the devil is jealous and angry about us being made in Gods image, and he is fallen from his place… QUESTION, can you tell us something about your first ascension? Answer: the first time I had the vision, the skin was already changed to a bigger degree, now, it was while driving the car, it looks like that the Almighty thought, if I flash him fully, why not first by driving his car? (wherefore Iam happy about my old Volvo S60, this car also survived a double spin on the highway) Now, lets go on, and all the 4 Elements were displayed and the oil, and together with the light race towards the glass, the seven rivers...(the whole inward garden with all the smells and the inaudible sound) And for sure I did shout in the car about the Almighty, Jesus, thats it and so on... and in a few seconds, the whole mystery was before my eye... and then later I did go shopping, to buy something, some water and orange juice and etc., but I was already drunken because of the translucent wine (bliss body). Anyway, I was on the way, and then in the shopping center the whole globe became extreme and I felt that I was a little universe and then very fast I recognized, THIS IS ANOTHER WORLD, WHEREVER IAM NOW, AND HOW “CRAZY” (not that it was not right) but astounding, HOW BIG IT WAS, the REVELATION AND THE REALITY... THIS IS ANOTHER WORLD... and all the objects became even still more transparent in wonderful colours and like crystal stones and so I did know, this is heaven. And some people looked at me like I was an alien, yet, somehow they did not even open their mouth... just their faces spoke a lot... they probably waited that I say something... yet, for me, it was enough at that moment... And ya, some people had a tear in their eye, they could not endure the energies… Ya, and the THUNDER I heard (turning wheel, soul circular moved) and the LIGHTNING in the WHIRLING ESSENCE became clear to me (Akash as absolute space, yet the divine is not found in space… therefore the manifestation of the globe), and what else, only God knows... YA, BABEL IS FALLEN! Ya, the eye must be set on things above...
89) Lucky Luke shot, the shadowy self is gone, faster then the shadow, no match for a Toxonsophist... I can prove to you also via a very simple way that different titles and places or mansions (realms) exist in after-life or at least different Glory bodies... and you say, how? Answer, very simple, you know it inside of you, thats why you press on, thats why you go back to scripture... thats why you learn more... thats why you are interested in more spiritual things... and not just because something is missing in your life... no, a deep knowing that it goes on... and there would be no tiny worry if it would be not so... and by comparison, an animal can show some intelligence or however you want to call that, yet, they have not the Logos, they contemplate not about such things. And everyone has at one point in his life the question about the meaning of life, and here, to give an answer, and add, its also about our progress for after-life... Why can it not be just about material things? Yea, simple, Spirit is stronger then matter! Babel works in conjunction with the collective mud field and since it got very strong, the apostasy is also displayed and truth got lost and it is hard to connect to the other heavens... ya,, some ancient societies had it much more easy… they could tap into other heavens… holy writ shows us… And who wants to despise the small things like this book here, and when the capstone is on it, revelations just flow... and also THE MEDIUM OF LANGUAGE changes, internal states change, colours change, ya, what do we wear? and what will we put on? Therefore, it needs a shift into the right direction, which should be included, by the fire of wisdom and THE SOUND OF THE SUN… washed by the word... And you have it even in front of your nose in plain sight, this ANCIENT TRUTH, because you have a seven day week, and the cross and the calendar after it and he who was nailed on it, he said, I am the Lord of Sabbath (eternal rest)... hidden in plain sight… Year 2020, time of top deception, the earth flooded with unclean spirits, and many angels (appearances) are from the enemy, many are deceived, the field is very low and it is hard to breakthrough... understand, when you see a top deceiver who is in divination or sooth saying or demon synchronicities… And what I like much...and if you want an advice, think about the movie Avatar or Mowgli, the jungle book (for some hint, failure are still in it), like to be one with nature... in love with animals and in higher communion and total liberated, to soar in Gods creation… ULTRAREAL AND ALIVE…´two worlds clash together – a great spiritual battle... MOVIE IN AND OUT… The kingdom of God is set up only in your heart (feast of the tabernacles). QUESTION about our DIVINE COMPASS: Thomas Gospel, saying 114, the female figure is absorbed into the man, noetic realm – soul and divine mind, and we all have also the nurturing aspect behind the veil (womb), the house of God is reserved for spiritual ones alone, bridegrooms and bride, Mary undergoes a transformation from the earthly, material, passionate to a heavenly, spiritual, intellectual nature, a living Spirit, Eve in Adam, male and female, mystery of the bridal chamber, and both male and female will be more perfect, imperishable, and yes, woman will still have their woman appearance and man their appearance but perfected… Luke 11:52, Woe to you experts in the law! For you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering…:-))) And to understand again better the sages and the COMPASS: concerning the SUN (first sun, also fiery love, celestial warmth) and MOON (rendered visible, the moon shines because its surface reflects light from the sun), ya, according to our divine compass EAST is always before our face, later more to it… and yes, let us not forget the STARS (seven planets or seven spirits, wherefore all that works also together with our star light being in God)… SUN & MOON is therefore like YANG and YIN… MALE AND FEMALE...As Emanuel rightly said [but not that I agree with every tiny thing from him, but it will be known that we have some stuff in common, and so also may his follower understand some things better...], now, according to the FOUR quarters, east is always BEFORE THE FACE!!!, the west behind, the south to the right, and the north to the left – OUR COMPASS as Nomad said, with the heavenly circle or Sphere!!! The entire heaven turns itself to the Lord as to its common center (wherefore the LORD is not just Jesus but also JEHOVAH is is translated as LORD); to that center do all the angels turn themselves... The origin of these turnings is their ruling love, and from this all directions with angels and spirits are determined, their interiors are actually turned towards their common center, which in heaven is the Lord as a sun; consequently their ruling love is always before their face, because their love is always before their interiors, and the face has existence from the interiors, for it is their outward form; and in the heavens this love is the Lord as a sun because it is from Him that they have their love... THE BOSOM GLASS as Nomad said, inward and outward or God within and God without…And as the Lord Himself is in angels in His love, it is the Lord who causes them to LOOK TO HIM whithersoever they turn... as Nomad said, likewise the glassy gaze proceeds consciously (to be aware) and continuously with us, stony glass and runner stone (rendered visible)... and likewise we understand the KINGS OF THE EAST, the kings from the rising of the sun. (memories of my true self, lessons from the original step, liars cant stop the ancient tribes, the blood that unites). Now and further, the Tabernacle of Moses at Mt. Sinai faced east. If you stood on the summit, you would look east over top of the tabernacle, which itself was facing east. Byzantine reasons for east facing worship in 350 AD, concerning Worship towards the East: It is not without reason or by chance that we worship towards the East. But seeing that we are composed of a visible and an invisible nature, that is to say, of a nature partly of spirit and partly of sense, we render also a twofold worship to the Creator; just as we sing both with our spirit and our bodily lips, and are baptized with both water and Spirit, and are united with the Lord in a twofold manner, being sharers in the mysteries and in the grace of the Spirit. Since, therefore, God is spiritual light, and Christ is called in the Scriptures Sun of Righteousness and Dayspring, the East is the direction that must be assigned to His worship. For everything good must be assigned to Him from Whom every good thing arises. Indeed the divine David also says, Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the earth: O sing praises unto the Lord: to Him that rideth upon the Heavens of heavens towards the East. Moreover the Scripture also says, And God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed: and when he had transgressed His command He expelled him and made him to dwell over against the delights of Paradises, which clearly is the West. So, then, we worship God seeking and striving after our old fatherland...check John of Damascus etc., and further we can check the temple of Solomon etc. ==> We show you here the whole PUZZLE!
90) We are the resurrection, the 3rd day church: Full moon, Jews, original mystical meaning: The Sages say, Whoever pronounces the benediction of the new moon in its due time welcomes, as it were, the presence of the Shechinah = Glory (Sanhedrin). And an incomplete moon = low level spiritual people, the source of all sins and blemishes. Sanctification = restoration of the moon... we get also reminded: many will be purified, whitened and refined, a great selection and refinement takes place etc. Now, and therefore, we have the FIRST sun, the FIRST moon, and the seven stars and so on (big dipper, great bear)... and once this Mystery is seen, it becomes simple (and I will show you also later the other 5 planets in the bible…). Wherefore Nomad makes everything simple, that’s why he is here, to establish the “new church” in connection with the true ancient church, 3rd day church. Ya, and holistic with second knowledge (science)… therefore go also to school, my kids… its a universal and holistic cosmic truth… Now, and about the 21 century church, ya… 2Peter 2:3 many will follow their sensuality!!! (they dress up like sheeps, deceit and falsehood are in their hearts). Jeremiah 23:25 What does straw have in common with grain?' declares the Lord. 'Is not My word like fire?' declares the Lord, 'and like a hammer which shatters a rock... Ya, the sons of light come with HAMMER revelations :-)))… We are nothing but etheric echoes of the one supreme... sound, that which produces sound… There exist no good old times for Nomad because the true Symphony is found in the beginning which has no beginning. Call me the Antidote to the matrix. Ya, and the brainwashing circus, that is, that which points always and only to something in the Movie… Yet we deny not our motto at LC: WE EVOLVE, WE ENDURE, WE SUCCEED… And ya, sometimes Iam hard to understand because the problems is that my book shall fit for different people… and also a bit fun we shall have… QUESTION about my appearance: I give you directly the answer, I for myself, as an example, I have not that full muscular body appearance like in my first ascend, I lost substance (even my face), and other things happened, got hard hit, yet, later will be still the glory seen, and yes, maybe some stuff gets additional restored, which is now not so important, we will see it later... and who knows maybe also others will ascend... therefore don’t worry so much about my beauty… Iam tough enough :-)… my friends... and also less hair are good for me... God does not change and we return to him, immoveable race…. CHECK: the participant walks through the Matrix, he watches the correspondences and the traces which lead him back to the ancient door… And self reflection during ascend, this allows the participant to receive a receipt and also to have a recipe, and that recipe others can read later…. We are not like those worldly robots who sell and buy with satisfaction in the whore system… And also a simple animal evolution will not do the job, concerning your little flesh perspective, but we can say in similarity that DNA has a clear language (most scientists know that it is much too advanced and...), therefore humans received the Logos... and now, Houston, we have a problem…. Ya, in fact you make your kids ill when you teach only some animal and cell and etc. stuff connected with the evolution theory and then deny everything else… nay, you cant deny the SPIRIT… we have our spiritual evolution!……...And when you say that Iam childish… I say: ahh, if you just put this childish picture away like angels have to be only little babies with little wings, yea, then, and when we know the “energy construct”, then there exist simple other realms, and other beings and some are more advanced or immortal and so on. And for sure, if I use the term angels here then every scientist will say, O this becomes here childish stuff, yet for themselves they say, other dimensions exist or other realms and there are points and intersections of which we know nothing about it! Wherefore I simplify it here very much, because I want an easy book. And the same you must understand with the term heaven on earth, this are correspondences which help us, O HEAVEN ON EARTH, HIMMLISCH... And also and for sure, we must include the true spiritual substance ( and the oil etc.) or that it is a circular realm, or that is like a fractal universe and so on. And “human birthed birds” aka the spirit of the flesh, that is explained with the energy split in the Microcosm, ya, because at the fullness of the DAY (light), we have it to do with a Spiritual realm...And if I had not found out that the Logos got implanted in me, I would write nothing about it, and I am not a person who ponders like in ECCLESIASTES, but yes, I had to crash my mind and think deeper to receive answers, to surrender to the ear of the heart and to see all the traps... and if Iam famous or not, it means nothing to me, and also such people are like sand on the sea (yet, I have no problem if someone is talented)...And you can have another WARNING that is, when someone is in Hollywood business and plays roles which are huge contrary to the apocalypse, like the joker in batman or whatever and using diverse mind techniques, often they do no longer come out of that role, they are too weak, very often, and everyone will say, he was a genius, yea, but he was also naive like most people, and he killed himself, not to judge them (I made also enough mistakes), but you know what we invite and a prize to pay. And also in some martial arts practice, I do not believe I accumulated it directly but I had a preposition for it, it was already in me, I know it, yet, if it would be about using the archetypical power of the praying mantis, also he who played joker would had looked like Kindergarten even when he was on top with his performance, saying it not to boast but because of the Spirit realm - I broke myself open to it and know some keys, and we must go through all that lower hellish stuff and hammer ourselves into the apocalypse, and then, only the true sun remains! And it is good that you do not know of how I looked when I broke through all that stuff in my first ascend! And yes, also in the apocalypse talents will remain but even when dancing or making sharp body movements, it is done under the true sun, y, and probably divine David used that also...and it is all under one and the same power, heart fixed…. I tell you, the best trip is in the God realm, nothing can be compared to it (no drug etc.), and it is in harmony with the universe, which is total Anti-religious (or according to some things of what they believe about God), and for sure, it must be the best life, full ALIVE!!! And if it would be not so, then what does this book here matter? Or some say, it is the fantasy of a person, wherefore also that does not matter (and they forget that it is a supernal stillness by which all fantasies disappear, sphere of thought, pure sun-shine). Listen, if we really want to possess an eternal liberty of free will, we have to go behind the veil, and then we can no longer just be triggered like it is seen in the lower sensual life, and therefore, only here, we are totally free (with a purified conscience, fountain of virtues, which is in reality also ecstasy love and joy and pure intellect and energy) Ya, and since the ancient people have figured out that we are a little universe, yet I do not believe that they have exactly figured out when the Logos got implanted [but they have some stories, and more I do not say] And for sure most Christians speak about 6000 years and some blind Christians will also tell us that the earth is not older than 6000 years, and I am sorry but I do not believe so, and we know the innermost meaning regarding scripture...and how ancient Jews packed it into stories, with numbers. And even when some historical stuff really happened, still they have put their higher meanings into it, and so also the ancient prophets, some of them spoke already about the heavenly Jerusalem. No, we do not go against obvious scientific truths, and earth is older than 6000 years. Wherefore in a post-Christian Era as many people call it, then it is so or so the right moment to come with something fresh or new which is in reality ancient, and I know that many religious leader will go against it, ya, so it is, and what does matter for me, that is, that many people have a spiritual hunger and want real answers and not a lollipop show. And it is clear, you surround yourself with the people who make the fit for you… foxes, regents of folly… or... And again, understand holy writ rightly: I am weak (I must decrease) and strong in the Lord (becoming powers of God)… and in the apocalypse God speaks also through us, we are his mouth (we have also a physical mouth)… You have twisted so much about scripture… yet when we see the divine reality it becomes SIMPLE!!! And someone would ask me what I think about Teilhard de Chardin? Answer, I have not everything read about him… but for sure he understood not fully the primordial imprint… And yes, more advanced and less advanced beings exist, and the logos is known in divine love... because only here, we have a communion to all things (in a sober way)... therefore chill out, important is for you to be initiated to the Mystery, yet all things I cannot tell you here, but know the simplicity of how God made you and you shall choose life... (and yes, I will present enough insight so that we can make it fully holistic… you will wonder later… and we will speak about atoms, black holes… waves... go deeper into the sevenfold and etc.)
91) And do you believe that God is someone who is self-evolving and still always the same? My answer, some Taoist said that he is self evolving but its not accurate. Behold, God eternally enjoys his creation, he is an Artist who is infinite in his expressions [and he is definitely not lonely or dumb]. He himself cannot evolve but creation is his playground, and I would just call him the great Artist. And also you must first clarify the term EVOLUTION (gradual development, from simple to complex forms etc.)… and then also check the OPPOSITE to it… and the non dual consciousness in the apocalypse (wherefore more to it later, this is for the science chapter in the book). And ya, he wants us for himself because through us he has another way of looking at creation, we as vessels... and otherwise he would be endless fractals, yet, it is also a relationship, because we move with him (and we have an eternal liberty of free will, because we are embedded in that flow, with a mutual beholding… and why do we have that mutual beholding? Answer, we are centered in him and focalized in our body according to our sphere capacity). And further I cannot say that he is self-evolving because all potentialities lied hid in the abyssal chaos…Therefore I want to make it simple and would rather say that creation is his playground… And further, I cannot enjoy any smell, sight, hearing or whatever more than God, this is also not possible because he is the highest Good and it is a “God made reality” – and all true theology about God must be circular – alpha and omega. Therefore, the only answer which I can give to you, we are simple another expression of the great Artist, reflecting him... and he has infinite expressions. Yet, I am happy that this did happen. And further the fluid dynamics will explain the rest concerning this world… QUESTION, would you say that God knows who he is? Answer, this may sound strange but I would say no, he does not know it… and nor does he bother about it… nothing is before him… he just is… IAM that IAM… but you say this is not possible because we are in him in the apocalypse and also we would not know who we are! Answer, we have our spiritual evolution… what we are is what we learn etc… according to our sphere capacity… past lives… whatever… yet at the same time we recognize God as the one who is above all this things… And we have also a likeness with all things = THE WELL WITHOUT BOTTOM… and additional our true self is also imprinted in that well/mirror… got it? I guess or I think so… OK!: then lets change the desert into paradise, ya, the sleeper must awaken {from the age of deception}, and we are the sun species --- COME WITH US!... And all the other people agreed, and said in their heart, Nomad is strange and Nomad is dumb, Revelation {17}1{3}, These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast!!! Wherefore my birthday is 17.3… that is, lets have Christ mind… and also our philosophy gets step by step perfected… and much is missing right now… not even ¼ of the book you have now behind you! And huge amount of confirmations will follow later… prepare yourself for it...
92) Now, and because your mind makes your body via God, for sure, some things like to loosen the shackles of others, that should be possible in the apocalypse, yet, it needs also the active participation of the vessel, and regarding a full encounter, yea, probably they would love the divine love energy encounter but the mind could not bear it, and also the body is too much embedded in the lower field, and so they have to climb up the ladder, and also to get rid of useless memories and hidden shame etc. (for example little traumata, reconfiguration) A dive into their hearts, the heart cannot be simple excluded, deep calls unto deep... ok, to clarify that for you, now, when I say that if it would be possible to touch someone, like an energy shoot, then for that person, it would be like her body melts away, now, I do not mean literally that really her body melts fully away, but yes, also the body receives some little change, and therefore in the mind of that person, it would feel like that her body melts away because there is no grip, and she cannot endure yet this higher vibration and nor is her body on that IMPRINT level (apocalypse). And then further, later the astral forces shoot back on that person, and therefore the participant must be also willing to dive deep into her own heart, maybe even to stir up the true prayer of heart, a strong purification from hidden shame, little fears and so on... MANY FACTORS PLAY INTO IT, yet every glory encounter is a step upwards, every purification step is a step upwards… And again about exorcism, bigger demons in people, for sure you know movies where they make a 180 degree head-spin or whatever or some exorcist know that stuff (for example we have heard about Martin Malachi and etc. wherefore the catholic keep that topic a bit hidden. Wherefore it does not even need such a strange example, also slight head and face, and eyes change shows you the truth (grimace, grotesque changes), and we have also the phenomena when someone got in a big way delivered, that he said, I breath better or I see more colours… Now, and as already said, the microcosm darkness does not mean that you have bigger demons, I have already explained that and otherwise you could not really function or you would know it so or so that something very strange got a hold of you (wherefore now, do not fear that stuff kids, and normally it does not happen without reason, there is something very bad happened in the past or very weird stuff in the family or they did something in the occult or whatever, it is not like that big demons can just overtake you, no.. and further, I guess they have a very WEAK SOUL IMAGE, that must be the reason why we have some few very strange exorcism examples, ya, exactly but that would like I would say, you are ten years old and you have cancer and HIV and what else… you see, this is very rare… and in the opposite case I had no one who helped me and I landed in the biggest darkness and I managed it all alone… even the ascend, ergo I have rather a very STRONG SOUL IMAGE… ya, even in biggest darkness I started 4 years ago to write my book and now I revisit it and publish it n my website… this must be a STRONG SOUL IMAGE!!!)! Therefore forget that, and we have no fear… and its just an energetic mess… and God is ALL-POWER, ALL-MIND!!! Yet, we see that the body is mouldable and that is the point, and with that, you understand better resurrection life and how we ascend... And further, OUR focus is on the GOODNESS of God and super-paradise... And understand it rightly, every revelation comes as a light from heaven, now, and we also want to become stronger or get strengthened in faith. And there is one way beyond the way but many ways to the top (as Nomad likes to say it), and I embed everything in this book here until I am back in the apocalypse. Ya, what else can we add? As already mentioned, we know the phenomena of SWEET FRAGRANCE (emanation of real saints, for example) or the HALO BODY, or why some real Mystics (saints) did worry in winter time about cold weather (called endless SPIRITUAL SUMMER, everything is well tempered via the energies, ya, we simple can endure everything much better)... but how is that possible, are we able to connect at least some dots? Answer, yes, seven Spirits etc.!!! And we must also add…: to a good degree this book here is also spiritual warfare, it minimizes mind games to a bigger degree and you know who you are in Christ. That’s why, go to the Master. And further, a little bit godly science, that minimizes also any fear in my kids, to understand the energetic construct. Do not be so merely flesh orientated.
93) The cube is an ancient symbol for the unchangeable (check also the golden cube in Solomons temple)… take a cube, throw it on the ground… and you will figure it out... And the FRUIT of the Spirit comes from the Spirit, in the apoclapyse it includes inexpressible joy, fearlessness, gentleness (divine water flow – be like water – effortless)… ecstasy love and so on… that is, to be filled with the Spirit, and not like the western liar have taught you who say that they made one prayer and received Christ and now they are filled with the Spirit (ya, they make one prayer and then they play super-wise… these American protestant, anyway, lets forget them...). And also lets not ignore the spiritualized body (like a paper which gets soaked with oil in the apocalypse)… And the pineal gland belongs not to the devil as many Christians believe, ya, whatever fantasy they have in their minds! God made the pineal gland, and also that gland should function rightly (should be not too much cloaked, wherefore we know some secrets how to make the gland a bit more “healthy” again), ya, because it plays also a role. Yet, the pineal gland alone does not do the job... Lets go on: Elohim in Genesis 1 refers to God as all-powerful, power of effect, or simple powers... and similar we see the 7 Spirits work in Genesis 1, fountain powers (or seven-fold energy)... and sure we say, God of the powers [also we become powers of God = raised in power in the apocalypse]. Wherefore also the idea of a single male deity is unique to our modern era, and we know it better, ya, we know the nurturing aspect behind the veil (womb, moon). And that means, we know the ancient truth and we do not follow the modern nonsense. Ya, and that the noun Elohim is plural indicates the unity and diversity within the Godhead, and Eloah refers to one God and for sure we have the term El, for example El-Shaddai (Almighty) or El-Olam (everlasting) or Elohim-Elyon (most High) or Elohim-Sabaoth, (God of hosts). And blind people cannot read Genesis 1 because they do not know the water from above (the celestial water), nor do they know the abyss [tehom] etc… And I TELL YOU, if you want a good thriller, here you get it, better than any movie (Hollywood), because this stuff here is real :-))) ==> And if this experiment works, the next idea would be to build a super-race or the SUPERMENSCH, yet, for sure many will call me a Nazi, especially because I am from Austria. Anyway, it will be also necessary to gain knowledge of how others can ascend, and maybe to work with scientist to see if there is a DNA change (ya, in fact we know that some change will occur) Psalm 24:6 Such is the generation [also quality or condition] of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob ==> the hidden generation or IMMOVEABLE RACE. What Hitler could not accomplish… ya, what he twisted in the flesh (atrocity)… we do it rightly! Ya, DER SUPERMENSCH (with the sun in the background), this book starred at me from the shelf when I was a little kid… just speaking about the cover… AND CORRECT: IMMATERIAL DAY = NEW EARTH AND NEW HEAVEN = TABERNACLE OF GOD WITH MAN = SPIRIT BROKEN THROUGH THE BONDS OF MATTER = THERE SHALL BE NO MORE PAIN (liquid flesh, cup which never runs out… and after some while our language will become more and more clear to you…thats why we repeat some stuff)… And ya, the STONE is found everywhere… another example: also Hinduism has the seven planets + two shadow planets = as ascending and descending symbol (moon), and seven planets are actual planets (powers, seven Spirits)! And regarding ascend and descend we can also say lower realms and higher realms, because what is hell (the hellish realms)? It is a realm which has reached a point by which we say that it is no longer really pleasant, thats for sure. And by comparison, highest heaven, that is the well known liberation… abode of the immortals… And I tell you another MAGICAL THING: If someone is in the apocalypse, then a wild animal like for example a lion, ya, he would smell not smell any flesh, and the same may be true with mosquitoes or etc. Christ said: the flesh profits nothing... Therefore, whoever claims to be a manifested son (single eye, immortal mind)... HERE COMES THE TEST BEFORE NOMAD... because TRUTH IS VERY REAL... it is not for hypocrites... and it is written: HOCHMUT KOMMT VOR DEM FALL… NOW, about ascension: Making more fast breakthroughs (awakening, with light fillings), sure, the body draws afterwards to that Spirit level: the nerves, the blood, neurons, cells or whatever, it is not yet on that level recalibrated or regenerated... which is a heavy experience! And yes, this experiment will show its results and the problem was the big smash (I got thrown to the darkest point), but on the other side, even that brings more data, shows me of what is possible... and definitive, after bigger breakthroughs (climbing up the ladder more fast), ya, EAT SOMETHING (also Jesus said that when he healed someone)... And further, also when it gets more colourful, also that adjusts and can flash us sometimes a bit, maybe reddish, maybe this or that, refocus etc.... go to sleep and watch again next day how it settles… CHECK: when we are made in the image of God, then for sure we have also the imprint of everything, thats how simple it is.... And also I want to give a little honour to the band: THE DEAD CAN DANCE (with Lisa and Brendan) who gave me some little boost in my first ascension when I broke it all open [crashed into the realms] beside M83, Jack Hemsey… but yes, Lisa and Brendan are top… Now, lets go on: QUESTION about TRANSMUTATION PHOTOS and if felt more weak sometimes: I say, for sure, there must be some weakness in my face and so on, I had almost no movement or exercise the last ~3,5 years, but I pressing that mud stuff out of me and only now the body frame gets stronger... but this does not confuse me or hinder me to go on with this book here... it is what it is... it happened (part of prophecy as I found out later… fluid dynamics plays also a role)... yam and later I will see... and the soul does matter in the first place... and out of the abyss... I will arise... and even Martin is interested… ==> its a bit like NEUJAHR BLEIGIESSEN [since 2018 illegal, figurines and Bleigiessen spoons], its a good comparison and you will know what I mean…:-))) And no, Nomad is not a fortune teller, yet we know them also today masquerading as Christians, and they use just different methods (with their little tablets they use and playing upon synchronicity (events)… like little foolish kids)…
94) And yes, JACOB BOEHME said it rightly!, the seven spirits wheel is in the soul (so also we have the opening of the souls eye… scripture: eyes of your heart)… therefore life goes on after you have discarded the body... and HEAVEN & Hell co-eternally exist because of FREE WILL!!!!!!!! (and angels can be disobedient as scripture tells us)… CHECK: sunshine upon us, O, it is warm, and in the dark places more cool… and I remember you again to the feminine aspect, mother earth, married the land (Isaiah 62), nurturing aspect, and now GO! and SEEK it out! (and check also the Jewish meaning: EYE OF WATER)… and check the unchangeable cube (divine love, Eph 3:18, width, length, height, depth, foursquare)… CAN YOU TELL US STILL MORE ABUT THE DIVINE VISION? Ok, we have the formless point, welling up or bubbling up (like the yellow ring we see on a bee) and then we have also the energetic shift towards the glass… so we have little rings which get bigger and shift into a BOW FLASH... because finally it hits the GLASS!!!!!!!... and upon the mirror is everything reflected… And this is by the way SHIVAS BOW and you have never read nor heard about this REVELATION… fact, only Martin Mostbauer does reveal it now to you… the time we live in… now, can you imagine it? Do you understand it? And the sevenfold energy is “integrated”… And again, the outward is in the inward… kingdom within... CHECK: Squaring the circle = great pyramid; Leonardo da Vinci; physical earth and moon relationship (sacred geometry); the circle as a symbol of heaven (heavenly circle), unmanifest, immeasurable; the square as a symbol for the stone or earth; we have the invisible and the visible; and Vesca Pisces squares the circle = similar to Ichtys symbol, Jesus fish symbol. And a symbol which had a circle within a square and a triangle with a larger circle around it began to be used in the 17th century to represent the philosopher's stone (check the picture below) ==> And we could say: the CIRCLE (for the sphere or light pearl), the TRIANGLE (3fold creative force), and the SQUARE (for the glass, 4 directions yet east is always before the face). And we have the AMETHYST (hexagonal, highest foundation in New Jerusalem) and the STAR OF DAVID with the cube in the center! And also the HONEY COMB is a biblical symbol (spin-ordered systems, periodic potentials). And similar we know, the worker bees create their city of hexagons in tandem, each bee following her inherent plan of geometric repetition, the perfect shape that holds together in strength and efficiency. And further, behold the metatron cube… NOW, within the circle, we can fit any number of sacred forms, such as the hexagram, the line (first movement, which serves also for convergence – straight path, like convergence of within & without), the cross, or the equilateral triangle. It contains all of these in essence, and yet is beyond all of them. In the circumpunct (circle with the center or formless point), we have both the boundary-less point of origin, and the boundary, with self on the inside ==> and the mirror is the limit of the inner and outer domain, upon the mirror the world is reflected]. Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths [make your paths straight, the way beyond the way, convergence within and without]. And also as we have already explaedin it, that is, the divine nature expends no energy which needs to be replenished (the abyss gets filled again). And eternal nature has in itself all forms, figures and shapes! What we can say, we have an inflow, from the formless point [vortex, eternal abyss), light well – round, welling up, bubbling up as the Lord said, and the mirror is the limit, and like a battery (or female and male), ya, so far so good. And it also written: the son as the radiance of his glory (the charax, figure stamped or engraving (seat), the express image of him). And its a spiritual FIELD! ==> RECAPITULATED, WE MAKE IT SIMPLE: ALL WHAT WE NEED IS THE TRIANGLE (like the pyramid with the formless point on top, yet we also call the three pillars because of the triadic dynamic, ya, we have already talked about it), THEN WE NEED THE SQUARE (like the cube) AND FINALLY WE NEED ALSO THE CIRCLE (like the sphere)… and later more to it...

95) correct, the building is called LOGIACOLUMN (it does not matter if we built it or not… yet you will understand later all the stuff which we would have in that building… including arts, science, nature (your mind will grasp it more easy, what is LC all about)… And we call ourselves TOXONSOPHISTS because we reveal directly the BOW-FLASH (energetic shift)...
96) Nicholas Cusa (the vision of God) said: You cause a fountain of life to well up in me. In so causing, You cause to increase and to be preserved. You impart Your immortality. You offer the unfading glory of Your celestial, most lofty, and most great kingdom... But the invisible Truth of Your Face I see not with the bodily eyes which look at this icon of You but with mental and intellectual eyes. This Truth is signified by this contracted shadow-like image. But Your true Face is free of all contraction. For it is neither quantitative nor qualitative nor temporal nor spatial. For it is Absolute Form, which is also the Face of faces (Nomad, the abyssal sphere, the nothing, so also the equilibrium, like a ball flying through “empty space”)... the [depicted] face seems turned toward me regardless of how I change my face (Nomad: kings from the east, east before the face)... Your Face is Absolute Beauty, which is the Form that gives being to every beautiful form (Nomad: superexalted, superperfect, before and above, as also this center is not just within us).... Your sight is an eye, i.e., a living mirror, it sees within itself all things. Indeed, because it is the Cause of all visible things, it embraces and sees all things in the Cause and Rational Principle of all things, viz., in itself. Your eye, 0 Lord, proceeds to all things without turning. The reason our eye turns toward an object is that our sight sees from an angle of a certain magnitude. But the angle of Your eye, 0 God, is not of a certain magnitude but is infinite... Moreover, the angle of Your eye is a circle—or better, an infinite sphere—because Your sight is an eye of sphericity and of infinite perfection... the faces gaze does not desert us… (Nomad, that is as Symeon said: God is called light, Who transcends all light, because He illumines us; and life, Who is beyond all life, because He vivifies us. Shining around us all, and encircling and cherishing us with the glory of His divinity, He is called raiment, and so we saw that we clothe ourselves with Him Who is intangible in every way and Who cannot be grasped… and Emmanuel: the universe is an all embracing work of divine love, divine wisdom...the universe is a work coherent from first things to last, because it is a work with ends, causes, and effects indissolubly linked together... the FINITE can proceed from the INFINITE (and not vice versa).... the trinity is stamped on all the living forms of creation (mirroring its source) as essence, form, and outflowing sphere of activity… the created universe is made out of God....the divine is one and not divisible...and we are dependent on the divine, ya, so also seen with the flow which we do not own, behind the veil yet we are one with it)... Every created thing, by virtue of this origin, is such in its nature as to be a recipient of God, not by continuity, but by contiguity (we are centered in God)… for having been created in God from God, it is adapted to conjunction; and because it has been so created, it is an analogue, and through such conjunction it is like an image of God in a mirror.... The Lord is in the angel, and the angel in the Lord... The state of man’s thought is such that from the internal of thought he can see a piece in the external of his thought as in a mirror...further: One who returns to his evils after having worshipped profanes the truths and goods of worship, and the lot of profaners after death is the worst of all fates... And yes, EMMANUEL is often accurate with his teachings but still be careful… I have not said always… And we must also add that scripture is like a mirror, that’s why we can see the divine reality in scripture, the correspondences, the symbols according to the divine reality like the pearl (flowing pearl) or the treasure (infinite) or the sound of the millstone (stony glass, runner stone, turning wheel sound) or sun and moon or the cup (which overflows, the non-local cup which will be later interesting for the science chapter in this book) or the true Queen or the gold (glory, refined) or the spices (smell in the apocalypse), sweeter than honey (with the meek water flow) or the stone (crystal) or the oil (ethereal)!!! or the tree of life with its seed (foundation of the pool is also the seed) or the true wealth (philosopher stone) or the musician (sings over us, inaudible sound generated via the 7 Spirits wheel) or the new Jerusalem cube or the light of the lamp or the sea of glass or the bride (nuptial glory) or the translucent wine (ecstasy, joy) and so on. And for sure the eternal word tells us also that father and son make their abode in us, the kingdom which cannot be moved, and the many other sayings.... And when I am back in the apocalypse, also then I will become much more accurate and then really the only question which is left for my reader: Shall I believe in reincarnation? TRUE SCIENCE MAKES US STRONG
97) When you have a high calling on your life or to formulate it in another way, that is, when you choose the higher path, do not wonder when you land on places where you receive most opposition, and most deceptions are thrown at you, and carnality displayed before your eyes, do not wonder, because that only confirms you. Light exposes Darkness! SCHWIMM GEGEN THE STROM!!!, swimming against the stream and expanding our horizon and to see much farther, ya and therefore to see far above the prevailing scheme… YA, and I also used Hermes pendulum: first I have written emails to a religious circle which has taught everything contrary to me, that is a fact… and I have written the book in “counterstrike” mode... and now the pendulum swings to the other side, that is, I revisit my book and at the same time I write also my stuff on a website… and whoever likes it later, he will like it... And surely, most important for us is the fountain of consciousness... And understand it rightly, it is also a collision of Kairos and Kronos... ya, we e sit in heavenly places, and we carry on our ministry here on earth, a great mystery, Ephesians 2:6; Revelation 3:21. Psalms 110:3,4,5 the MORNING WOMB, and God is all in all for us… Its the Melchizedek ministry. Hebrews 7:3 Without father, without mother, without descent (genealogy), having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually ==> truly born of God [seed, DNA], last day……………... I have another QUESTION Martin, was it possible for Jesus to avoid the cross? Answer, yes, he was a real prophet... I remind you to the Lord: Matthew 26:53 Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?... or: John 10:18, No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again... or Matthew 24:2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down... or Zechariah 2:8, For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye… ==> wherefore at LC we are human (menschlich)… we speak like humans… what I mean, people need not to agree about everything what we say… and also some loud words can be spoken… WE ARE EASY GOING… (and further, I use the LC building so that I can point to a place yet I (or we) can be everywhere later, anyway, its part of the story… and yes, some people will simple not like what we teach… so we simple have not much to do with those people...)… And for sure about other things like for example a divine baptism ==> also if a bigger fire baptism would be possible ==> ya, it contains the willingness of the vessel and a preposition of total openness before the Lord and to let go of everything!!!… stuff like that we take a bit more serious... NOW, lets have again some fun (take it easy:-): There is a TRACE PROGRAMM (mud) in the Matrix and that hunts us (dark forces, and also it triggers us, to bring us more into the flesh) and it has a grip on us; human brains as processor in a network - like tentacles spread – mass effect – and reaper. And concerning the architect, it shows us that humans are still responsible for it, the power which they hand over to the dark head of the octopus (with its 666 tentacle hand sign).... And therefore the answer, that is, that which is in the dark fire often wants to expand her territory. And in the movie matrix Morpheus says, that after a certain age, it is dangerous to wake up someone, and to do so risks causing him or her madness. Wherefore to this I say, it depends on the maturity of the believer! And yes, and that is certainly true, that is, if the waking up process is done in a too fast way, then it causes always some madness by drawing too fast too near to the source, because they are not able to handle it [mind problem, grip problem, void problem]. And for sure, superparadise, that “program” works best, because it is the original state of health and longevity! And understand it rightly: that fear of God as written in scripture, this has nothing to do with human fear (because we are fearless behind the veil), it is a kind of reverence and that reverence is in the divine reality embedded. Therefore also that can be explained (fear of God, we have no contradiction)… HARD WORDS: And your religion means nothing without some science or without practical knowledge, without exploring the “energy construct”. Ya, and we had enough useless OPINIONS, and we want that everyone can make his conclusions based on all data. THESIS – ANTITHESIS: And you would also need to find an argument that the discarding of the physical body results in a disintegration of the Spirit globe! And no, this disintegration is for me not possible, because I can cut off of one of my finger and my consciousness stays the same (or the vital supernal energies), and I can still accomplish the ascend to the indestructible point (and yes, I have still all my fingers, don’t worry too much). And further, the globe has a determined capacity and since it has a determined capacity because we are powers of God... therefore there must exist another vessel… and I remind you also to the three bodies in Buddhism… that they got right… And therefore only minerals, plants, animals, bla bla bla receive the existential energies and they are not made in the image of God, ya, it is quasi an energetic systems without the image of God ==> and we also see that some of the 4 elements regarding different animals, ya, that they are prevalent: worm, fish, bird... Wherefore we would need Enoch or etc., he also taught about it… And yes, at LC we learn also about things which have an eternal value… its good for the soul… Wherefore in the apocalypse DOWNLOADS are more easy… regarding creation etc… yet now even I depend upon some other sages… to built bridges… but later again I will be in the apocalypse… And further regarding this book we need MANY DIFFERENT WORDS so that people will be fully able to understand us… My goal is to write a book and show the divine reality in simplicity… as and also I could play the big mysterious King and then people would look with open mouth at me… O AHH UHH… what a king… its way too high for me!!!... nay… IAM THE MASTER WHO MAKES IT SIMPLE, and that is the hardest part and further I know very well that afterwards everyone can say… behold, how simple… ya… but first of all write a book such as this book… and then we talk again…RECAPITULATED: I get caught up to the throne of God… but why not share it with kids in a joyful way and make it adventure-like for them???… let us explore, let us discover... And ya, and I say it once more, that is true, the DEITY penetrates entirely the soul in the apocalypse… therefore your life goes on!!! And I will more often remind you to that fact… And yes, the Spirit of God communicates also with your Spirit… also you have your inner voice! And I amplify it a bit for you... The creative power flowing from our mouths, the secrets of the universe will be revealed...
98) Promotheus thinks too much and feels too little, now, when you say that aliens have created you, then who has created the aliens? (even someone at Nasa believes that, Iam not kidding you) Therefore, and further, why includes the energy construct liberation etc.? Therefore, do not fear such stuff... for some will also say that I am an alien, and yes, you are not totally wrong, but you know, the door, Iam just alienated to the worthless earth :-) Nomad, do you also mean that you would not even stay on this planet without this book? Answer: correct, because otherwise for the case I would stay longer, I would simple become alien legends or whatever :-), anyway, you can imagine all the names they give me. [specially today, Pleiadian or Marsianer… ya, Mars fits better but...].. Ya, partially it will happen for the case I stay longer here but we have a little remedy! Now, you want a NOMAD lesson? YES! Ok, as long as there is breath in the lungs, someone can make it back into the apocalypse, Nomads lesson (Iam only suspicious about my dysfunctional level, that is as long as Martin is not far up the ladder, ya, he is tempted to speak very had words… like what do you want you little idiots???… all sages are on my side… you mention some of them even in school yet forget the arcanum!!!… understand it rightly, for me all this stuff here is more real than the world… immortality is absolute no longer any strange thing for me… its like with Jesus… he just spoke about it… or he said, YE FOOLS, DID NOT HE THAT MADE THAT WHICH IS WITHOUT THAT WHICH IS WITHIN… remember his sayings)… for other people its a PATCHWORK… for me its simple a holistic thing (and yes with that you have the CUP conformation)… CHECK: ATOM belongs to God because the word is derived from the Greek word ATOMOS, meaning INDIVISBLE... and similar it is with the word ELEMENT: earth, air, fire, or water; one of the four things regarded by the ancients as the constituents of all things, from Old French element, from Latin elementum: rudiment, first principle, matter in its most basic form, first matter, Greek: stoikheion. Meaning "simplest component of a complex substance", late Modern sense in chemistry from 1813, but is not essentially different from the ancient one…. Maybe I should call my ministry GODSPEED and then I can fool this unwillingly pseudo scientist with their God particle… just joking… We need mental openness: unusual ideas and art, adventurousness, liberated – which us a major sign in the awakening process, and I had that also as a kid, thats why people felt very comfortable near me... versus close minded: need a routine, resistant to change, just earthly analytical… Ya, listen, we need LEFT and RIGHT BRAIN BALANCE… thats why LC!!!… And understand: what you have conquered, that belongs to you, it can no longer be taken from you, its the same with this book, and knowledge is not unimportant!!!, for what shall make me insecure now? The world cannot really make me insecure, and nor religion… And when a guru comes with some ancient stories about Shiva who became immortal, and so on, and when he has millions of viewer, now then, when current known western Christianity does not like the stone, then against the folly assumption of an “apostle” who said that the church does not like it and I cannot teach that, now, I can fully skip them, all of them, no need of them, for the case I stay longer. And I will just put the whole stone revelation out, good meat (yet eatable) and good stuff to drink. And the Protestant folly is so or so boring to the bones. Therefore, lets search deep in our soul chambers :-) QUESTION: Nomad, what is with breathing exercise like in Yoga? Answer, some body training is good like stretching, to feel your self, to calm down, and to go running or swimming or whatever (and especially as we have it in Austria, sport is important, different games, gymnastics, NEVER say that sports is secondary, kids need it and Plato also recommended it!!!)..... And ya, some apnoe freediver, they use also breathing exercises, not everything about it is just bad, and some little exercises you can do, a kind of meditation and to calm down and so on, yet, I am against extreme forms of Yoga, and as you know already, your breath and the air in which you walk, that is dependent upon your purification level, quasi the atmosphere in which you walk. And the ascend is done via the heart... I am not super religious and say now that every kind of breathing technique or some little breathing exercises are evil, no, but you know now that it is about the energy source (God, philosopher stone). And yes, Iam against breathing exercises in school, ya, kids don’t need it… forget it… just keep the sports stuff… thats is more important… or you have just very simple breatihng exercises with some body movements… a few seconds… all that is fine... And further, also in orthodoxy, we know the Hesychast... I know all that… And ya,, also to walk in nature, to climb a mountain, also that can be a kind of meditation and the big horizon is very healthy and it will make you more flexible and the vibration of nature helps you also, all that, this are little helps for you… and everyone knows that, common sense my friends... And by knowing the STONE, you will not fall into bigger traps. And ya, don’t become a couch potato...QUESTION Martin, why do you have the great bear sign at LC? Answer: constellations, like a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure, ya that is cult and LC is cult and the great bear/BIG DIPPER reminds us to the SEVEN STARS and to the CUP! And yes, you can ignore the name NOMAD.. it got used for the higher Self name… NOMAD where are you? ascension fun… and later I say, I have found you again… and now IAM A TOXONSOPHIST: No longer I live = extension of the mind source, figure of light in the pool, eternal IAM, not just compressed in my skull = beheaded, reigning with Christ, we move with the source, immoveable race... number 1000… And therefore still everyone shall or can call me Martin Mostbauer… its not problem… MM… SOHA!!! NOW, WE HAVE SO LA LA ¼ of the BOOK BEHIND US… WOW… but wait and see… great things will be later revealed!!!
99) It is very simple, that which is evil has a putrid smell (disharmony), that which is the highest, sweet fragrance, love, inner flood peace... You create your reality, what is in your imaginations? Where do you shift your energy and do you want to get stagnated? And I know that kids have it not always easy with their imaginations, yet, for those who want to go the most clear path, they should prefer virtuous things… and ATTENTION is key… yet I will not make pressure at LC… it is rather that exhortation is included… but at the same time it shall also make fun… our credo: WE EVOLVE, WE ENDURE, WE SUCCEED… True for most younger people: when you are young and healthy, there is a bigger peace and joy inside felt, embrace it, invite it, listen to it, and the more pleasant you become (friendly, open minded...open to other people, lighthearted is the key word = free from care, anxiety, or seriousness, ya you can care without worrying), and the more you rise above this world (circumstances etc.). Do not just contemplate the LORD as the one with the sword who makes the cut in the Microcosm, no, you must also understand that you are precious in his sight, and the higher you are, the more you feel and experience it. The Lord is constantly seeking you, it is up to you to respond to him, and similar if you turn away from him in anger, all what you get is an angry face, and this is not the fault of the LORD. Therefore contemplate the LORD also as the highest goodness... yea, you can read other books (maybe also Augustine Baker, holy wisdom or another book which I have mentioned earlier in this book about the ascetic life… yet do it without pressure… its a heart thing... JUST GET RID OF WORST THINKING: in another language called angra mainyu (akem manah, achistem manah, daebaaman…) get rid of it... Lets go on: what is also very well experienced during purification and I have already mentioned it, that is, to have hinds feet, that means that the feet become more grounded (surefooted), a better connection to the ground because of nearness to the most fixed earth!!! Wherefore to study all that during purification, that is incredible, and to connect the dots. I must sound crazy here...FUN: Jules Verne, Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde, Journey to the center of earth. Correspondence... where do we go? NOMAD, BIG QUESTION: for the case LC would be built, do you say that we should get rid of all Catholics? Answer, why? Iam not at funerals, people get not married at LC, nor do I make with everyone communion… and nor do I sing songs with little kids or teach every kid in Austria little songs… and it includes other traditions etc… some of them are even useful for society… therefore LC is rather an additional thing and probably the Catholics will not agree with me about everything… and above all I do not worry if it gets built or not… I already explained that... yet I show for sure my vision… because this book is also like a story… and we can feel ourselves better into it… I hope this helps you as answer… (and no, I don’t fear the Catholics… I fear no one… Iam just honest and real… not surreal, I look at everything)… And what I say: rationality has increased in a sense that we learn much more stuff today… and religion has ruled over science and later or today science (merely second knowledge) seems to become a religion (which is even more fatal) yet also some people like that because they think that they could rule better over the population… wherefore the biggest virus sits today in USA… And it is the same with RADICAL transhumanism and Schwabs (machine head) nonsense, ya the whole clique… no balance (also regarding countries, the elite or many of them are too stupid today, ya and they want to make the state to your family, fools who will fall very hard)… but we will speak about it in another chapter... Conclusion: I cannot be fully against the Catholics and yes, they made also bigger mistakes in the past… yet at least they had it better in their hand regarding society… or lets say… we had still a little advantage… because with the protestant, much too weak… and no hierarchy… and every fool thinks he can do what he wants… just idiots… NW, AND TODAY WE HAVE THE CHANCE TO COMBINE IT IN a HOLISTIC WAY and I GUESS WE ARE READY FOR IT (also science, second knowledge, just check some of their abstract ideas, and therefore for me Max Heindel was right...) And further ya I know, some maybe believe that it has to do with the AGE OF AQUARIUS, that this revelations became now clear to us and also the holistic way… wherefore I keep myself out of it… and I could also say Wolfgang Ambros is still alive, that is a sign, his best song: FÜR IMMER JUNG, forever young... :-))) CHECK: The eternal constitutional position (seat), we do not change it, ISNESS... the Ultimate Consciousness which reveals the Ultimate TRUE SELF (true self), transcendental to the senses (released from the cycle in the temporal), the imperishable Ultimate TRUE SELF... devoid of any incompleteness... an eternal spirit soul manifests within the heart. And I say, constant devotion is KEY…. I have meditated with Christ in me and all creation was systematically manifested. [other people are covered with Maya, that is illusion]. Therefore, you have to meditate on the qualities and activities of Christ; you have to meditate on the apocalypse, and not following blind Christians. And understand, Unmanliness, also that is not of Christ (therefore be a little knight or Toxonsophist, ya, in fact the word KNIGHT is no longer actual… another reason why we are TOXONSOPHISTS)…. And understand: the eternal knows no cessation, eternally fixed in truth, and without concern for material gain and survival (be LIGHTHEARTED!, like we do it in good old Austria, we work, yet holiday is holiday, we switch directly). And it is clear, we have no cravings of the senses or bewilderment of the memory (which clouds the mind). The senses must be restrained from the objects… and again for that we have our contemplation at LC (beside some other stuff, little secrets)... Wherefore no one says that you shall give up your duties, yet keep one eye in the above [as an offering for God, renunciation]... And understand it rightly: every ungodly lust [which appears and which you invite, animal passions] is after it transformed in anger (wrath stream, dullness) ==> and that is the biggest trap, first we become total rebellious (with some drugs it is most fatal as we know it), ya and only later our head become heavy... RECAPITULATED: YOU MUST FIND A MASTER who purifies you with divine knowledge and with fire. And you don’t want to get entangled in your actions… again, thats why we contemplate higher things... And an unending happiness and bliss is only found in the true Self [internal peace], nowhere else [liberated from the bonds of matter]. And such people are devoted to the welfare of all beings. Yet we sound sometimes arrogant but we must also judge correctly, we have to avoid false teachings because otherwise the mind could become an enemy (wool in the head. Shrouded in darkness). Further, discipline in eating and discipline in sleeping and etc... as described in this book, also to walk in nature etc.. Everything should be seen in connection with God [Global illumination]. Earth, water, fire, air, space (whirling essence), we have the source of creation (fundament and mirror), what comes also dissolves again (abyss, divine chaos). Understand: a Master comes to know the entire mud field, and the unmanifested. Courage and forgiveness (ever forgiving, you do that also for yourself… its not just about others...), untroubled, and steadfastness. The FIELD is in the heart as shown in this book, but how is the field perceived? Answer; with our star light body (illumination in the soul, pure consciousness). And the treasure is in the field. Get rid of the tares (weed) and then you shall acknowledge the seed and the mental body. God exists outside and inside of you and he is the near-far away (the center within you and he is the center of everything else… without end). And understand: philosophical pursuit of the absolute truth – that is of Christ, without it, barely you can be called his friend. Further, in true saints you will find straightforwardness, and they are without fickleness, an absence of conceit (Eingebildetheit) yet again sometimes we sound arrogant and here you see again how difficult it is with all this religious texts... but what we surely keep that is, a restraint from fault-finding (without pointing finger on people about their little habits (little bondages) and so on… ya, we judge things and we are not indifferent… yet we go not into primitive personal attacks (low level mobbing). RECAPITULATED: AND BECAUSE THIS RELIGIOUS STUFF GETS NEVER FULLY CLEAR, we at LC simple say: SERENITY(lighthearted, effortless), WISDOM (know the energies, correspondences, divine reality, not imagining irreligion to be religion ), COURAGE (inner strength, not despondent nor procrastinating), LUCIDITY, INNER SMILE… FAITH and most important, we all can have also much fun and sometimes we are a bit more loud… and that is absolute no problem... AND with that we end this topic about virtues, ya except some little things we check again later, Corpus Hermeticum etc…. which is still a MASTER PIECE (wherefore about the energies and their qualities… we will learn later some more things...)And above all keep in mind, the elevation to the heavenly planets, everyone finds his place, do not be deluded… we built LC not just for fun… yet fun we will also have… WE EVOLVE, WE ENDURE, WE SUCCEED
100) 2Kings 2:11 TAKEN UP BY A WHIRLWIND INTO HEAVEN (akash, whirling essence), the voice of many waters – the mighty vibration of God and in us as vessels and his mouth... INNER COMMUNION WITH HIM IS THE HIGHER TEACHING IN SCRIPTURE. The theory of everything… I said that I built people strong in Christ [this book], but that does not mean that there can be no compassion for those who did fall a bit (like Iam judgemental, you are too stressed out, bla bla bla, nay). And again, for me, there exist no spiritual school which excludes the Mystic eye (I tell you that because I know their deceptions) and when people hate me so much because I step not back, ya go in anger, yea, my answer, just read another book, there are 1000s upon 1000s of books out there about Christianity, and also you do not even have to meet me. FREE WILL (and so you also do not hurt your soul with your hate against me). And by the way, Iam stronger than you… Iam a nobody yet no nobody in heaven… I have fought a huge battle… and most stuff is now behind me… all that becomes part of the person… And it clear, this is difficult to understand, especially for rabbits without a carrot in the mouth. THE VISION IS BROADENED OUT INTERIORLY, which means that the EYE looks into the globe (otherwise it would not see anything), and we have this DUAL NATURE via our bodily senses and the intelligible cosmos (in fact we could say triple nature and add the abyssal sphere, because we also feel that… as I said like a ball flying through “empty space”, ya, this is also felt… unbelieveable I know… but… its extreme and still simple and thats why I love it so much). Hokus Pokus ==> thats why the universe looks in = the basement, womb, and nothing is more glorious than this foundation (which is also the garden as explained somewhere else)... Via the unlimited universal we get attuned to the formless Lord, immersed into the Lord himself - core of the universe, achievement of god-like status => therefore, the film of negativity and darkness around the soul that obscures the true consciousness, that is cast out. And then we decipher the absolute truth… gate to Eden...I turn to the inner eye to see its path, the place beyond the place. And should you ever try to find that abode, first you need to heat up, yet, use gentle heat, as the sages told you, because mind moves matter and your mind would move crazy in the heat of the full summer day. Some prefer the heat comparable to fresh horse-dung on a cool day or to a warm glass of milk straight from the cow. Yet telling milk Christians too much about the divine vision, we may compare it to a farmer who gets angry when too many ravens sit in the garden… And if you are in need, you have nothing to give, so what you prophecy, that is your own need: Scotty - beam me up (Protestant doctrine, the Jesus rapture me out folly doctrine, fly away to physical clouds or…), ya or rabbits who hope for carrots. And understand it thus, if I would prefer the gold of the vulgar herd, then Mars would never be reconciled, because my eye shall be equal. I assure you, one tiny taste about the mystic eye with its foundation and glass, creation reflected, you will never be the same again. CHECK: In many ancient (spiritual) texts you will read about the WOMB! Many Gurus understand the MYSTIC EYE as ultimate reality, yet they just read over it when they read about the WOMB. This is foolishness. And regarding 21 century religion I am Alice in wonderland [yet the four angels (elements) kill them (little deaths, to become dry), speaking about the Microcosm factor, decay etc.]... Listen, You have also the well and fountain, ocean of causes in many ancient writings, yes, even the river Ganges, Donau, Nil, Rio de la Plata (Vierströmebrunnen) etc... or one check of your gods, the magic mountain and Ganges, the priest addresses the door... you must hear what the Spirit is saying: BRINGING DOWN THE SACRED RIVER FROM HEAVEN to purify souls! And you have made your own concept about the TRISHULA, you understand it not, it can only be understood together with the rays of the sun... yet, I will not offend you. Just come out of the astral realm (leave the worthless earth) and you will understand the solar chariot and the discus which is mentioned together with the trishula (oldest vedic text, from the rays of the sun). Therefore find the golden sattva, without sattva (ya, that kind of enthusiasm, clarity, to see things simple as good), without raja (because animal passions lead to cluelessness and restlessness), without tamas (darkness which leads to sloth, chaos, to become heavy (clumsy), inhibitory effect (hemmend), nervous)... forgive me my fun (golden sattva we need). And the WOMB is real, similar we say, one with the universe (via the Spirit), and therefore we exclude it not from the Mystic eye. I have overcome mere nature (and therefore also the three gunas = web of this world), ya how? Via the trishula and my trishula has the name of a mountain. The mystic eye, that means, I am no longer in the third principle (merely outward, mixture), because the heavenly kingdom is within and without me, non-dual (because I have left the third principle), and then I shall also know the solar chariot etc. And the Globe is not really neo-platonic thought even when Plato and many other got it right with the Sphere and how gods were made, no, look again at the STONE, it is much older than that... and Plato did borrow from ancient texts and added his ideas, and some were really good, there were more wise people in Greek, ya, wherefore to me it is not known if Plato additional also learned it also from gods or if he just got initiated to the stone. CHECK: Nomad comes to seek intelligent life, in order to make experiment (Martin), let me have my fun, we come in peace, solar child… Iam not waiting for the future to be better, the energetic field is already here [and now available]...LOOK UP [lift up your eyes], yet you do not know the mystic meaning of this verse… Ya, I have found them all DRUNKEN (but not with translucent wine), having a Bible in their hand and no big picture, and out of their own belly they teach whatever they want or what sounds good to their own selfish soul. Therefore, DRINK FROM ME, MY KIDS, and keep simplicity [a sign of health]… And people laughed about me as I said 4 years earlier with nothing in my hand (having not written this book), that I said that I will finish it off with wisdom, O, how they laughed about Martin... until only silence is left (or hellish laughter which we ignore). I prophecy in boldness, that is, because of knowing of who I am in Him. GOD must have known beforehand that a lot of Christians will rebel against this teaching at Babel peak, and so it needed a long journey to built the WALL like Nehemiah (keep outl their folly, everything which goes against the ancient path :-), to have a plumb line like Zechariah, and later on to spur the people on to finish the rebuilding (others will be ignored, and the trainings camp got already mentioned and the 12 foundations). Ya, finally, to acknowledge the CAPSTONE, and to see how it all points to NEW JERUSALEM (upper Jerusalem). And to behold that nothing is written without a reason, all the revelations form a big picture… And about You, ya you must go in full confidence to the Lord and that he is your helper (and meditate what he has done for YOU), LOOK AT ME, I come out of big darkness and Iam still alive. SOHA, and the book of revelation in its real universal meaning you will receive later (which will be in another chapter of this book explained)… Drink from my TAO CUP (my cup will never run dry)… And you are right, Hell is a state of mind, by which you can no longer express yourself freely to others (mentally open and etc.), its the inability to love or so to speak to dance, hell is suffering, hell is a state which is simple more separated from the wellspring of life (God). And why can you teach how you teach? Answer, I teach you rightly (Regaridng the most important things), I HAVE NO BLOOD ON MY HANDS
101) When you make three pearls or balls, then we have the innermost temple (all-filling power, base), and then the outer ball (received via senses, spiritualised nature) and then we have the abyssal pearl (the nothing or abyss or deep behind it, like a ball flying through “empty space”, to experience quasi the way beyond the way). And the vision is broadened out interiorly and we are quasi non-local via the cup [which never runs out, divine energy] and local via the resurrected body [still tangible], which is also our star light being [via God]. And if you do not understand that, then we say: you have got no balls (impotent), correspondence :-)………. And further, thats why the ancient people often built a golden cube (equal, FOURSQUARE = GREAT STABILITY). Yes, and some called it also the cube of earth. No change to corrupt our BLISS. And we would need also to dive a bit into ancient Greece and their sages which I will not do now. The church is build on the UNSHAKEABLE, Primasius said, the city is said to be four-square and each side given an equal dimension, so that nothing might be marked by inequality. To be perfect according to the apostle, is to have the same wisdom and to have peace, that is truly to exist in the strength of the square... and on a hill, that is, was built on himself (Lord). And you can check Apringius of Breja, Bede, Oecumenius, Andrew of Cesarea, Caesarious of Arles... the stability of unconquered truth (square)... and the substance of the Spirit we receive together with the virtues (breastplate, precious stones), wherefore also all the virtues with the different colours and stones, ya, all that is well known and I do not go further into it... Ya, the church built on the unshakeable ROCK (Christ foundation, Christ is the door)... crystal because of the inner purity of its mind... the entire body of Christ is the light of the world... through the Spirit the church will bear the heavenly image...the bliss of the saints will be in God and with God... Revelation 21:16, and the city lieth foursquare ==> And yes, for sure, some people would come to me now with Pythagoras and his secret teachings, and his number 4 as the solid. And his sayings like: by him who gave to our soul the tetractys, which has the fountain and root of ever-springing nature. Connecting the 10 dots of the tetractys (and seed of life, tree of life, flower of life), 9 triangles are formed, 6 are involved in a cube, the same triangles when lines are properly drawn between them, also reveal a six pointed star with a dot in the center, arcane studies. Theon of Smyrna saw the mystery of universal nature revealed in it, with the threefold invisible causal nature of the universe!!! Seven dots are used in forming the cube and the star. Cube and star and Elohim and the spirits of the sevenfold creative periods. A tree with its root in the heart rises from the mirror of the deity through the Sphere of understanding to branch forth in the Sphere of the senses. And many said: „God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere.“ (Nomad, in fact the sphere has an eternal limit)… Black Elk: 'At the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit. And that center is really everywhere. It is within each of us ==> He whose intellect is elevated to the consideration of divine realities is already a “demigod” (and the infinite self-moving mind has also a familiarity with arithmetic… ya, we even heard about the music of the spheres)... Listen: that which moves unmoved – motion inherent = Platos immortals, the divine permanence upon which all things are established…. Lost arts and sciences of antiquity, many people hammered their stuff into stone, probably knowing very well the FLUID DYNAMICS and that some of their stuff would only survive when brought on hard paper. And who shall understand them [today]? this folly world or 21 century religion? Ya, with the decline of virtues, which precedes the destruction of every nation of history, the Mysteries became perverted. Only the empty shell of the Mystery remained, the arcanum lost. Therefore, Nomad comes to give expression to the higher side of himself, whose soul should not be conscious of any evil :-))) As someone rightly said: Outside of the organized Mysteries (well organized, which should lead us to the ultimate) are the ROBBER!!! And the mysteries should help us to reawaken the spiritual powers which lie asleep within our souls. Ya, terrestrial vibrations, that’s how we call their religion today!!!...ya, nature should be bathed in glory. And further you shall know; everyone gets tested who seeks union with the immortals. Not an easy road but also not impossible :-) My abode is the abode of light and truth, what a marble, crystal, ya, and even ivory recalls the idea of divine light. And understand it rightly: everything that is spherical, that is attributed to the universe... It is said, Orpheus played on his SEVEN stringed lyre, and all the birds and beasts gathered about him, he played such perfect harmonies that even the gods came down and listened to him. And for the case you believe in the apocalypse, ya, then you should also acknowledge that gods exist! And if this book gets burned, they will take care of it. Ha, who knows? Maybe we have a little revival, fluid dynamics :-) First of all, let us we feed the Spirit man… And listen again: the four Elements in the Bible are symbolized in the early Biblical writings as the four rivers that poured out of the garden of Eden (and for sure, we have also the well known four angels). And the HEXAD also symbolised MARRIAGE (union of two triangles, and regarding the panacea – health is found in the equilibrium, amethyst etc.). God is is symbolized with the triad (his creative aspect, and what we seek, that is non-dual consciousness, the moved unmoved). And 2 can also be good, for example, when two come together in total agreement about something, ya, and in my school we will also learn unity. And yes, some believe that Enoch was also Hermes, I know that, and we could believe it because of some of his writings, but also some writings were attributed to him which were in reality not from him... what we know for sure, that is, that Enoch has known the mysteries, astronomy and the secrets of the invisible universe, waters of light (world above, genesis 1), and waters of darkness (putrid water), and reason (or nous) shall divide it, and we seek union of word and mind (logoi, light fire), the glory of the sovereign mind … the workman passed as a whirlwind through the universe, the seven governors!!! controlled the world... only the heavenly man dwells in the light of God and is immortal... beholding a shadow upon the earth – a likeness mirrored upon the waters (= eternally seeking with the flash or lightning in the midst, upon the glass)… acknowledging that those people who worship the illusionary substance (which is the cause of death) cannot become immortal... and therefore, we seek the infinite treasure: Holy art thou, of whom all nature is the image... the capstone of our mind… And yes, some say that Hermes taught reincarnation, but about that we speak later… Further, you must understand that also Noahs ark had its measurements and symbolic numbers etc... hidden spiritual meanings and etc. And the seven planets are identical to the menorah yet also the rainbow is a symbol for the sevenfold energy... MEDITATE: THE MENORAH HAS A CENTER AND A MALE TRINITY ON ONE SIDE AND A FEMALE TRINITY ON THE OTHER SIDE… AND THE DAVID STAR HAS ONE TRIANGLE POINTING UPWARDS AND ANOTHER TRIANGLE POINTING DOWNWARDS… Wherefore people today are not sure which planets represent the male or female aspects… similar Saturn is usually thought of as a masculine planet yet in the astrological classic edition we read: “…the feminine planets are Saturn, Venus and the Moon, the masculine ones are the Sun, Jupiter, and Mars.” ==> and yes, also Mercury is switching genders according to its placement and charts… therefore lets ignore that now and we can also check: WATER, EARTH, DARKNESS, LOVE, LIGHT, FIRE, AIR… and most important: MOON & SUN get married, QUEEN (with the womb) & KING… FEMALE & MALE… check the picture below… and more to it later…

102) Another revelation, ya, you have never heard before… now, check a MENORAH picture… and you will see the SEVEN ARMS, ya, you could make THREE BUBBLES (or circles, wherefore yes, it resembles SEMICIRCLES) and with a CENTER… And also you must know that the menorah stood upon a table which had THREE LEGS… ==> the sound of the seven planets and the sphere of fixed stars, the seven sounding tones praise thee, the great God, the ceaseless working father of the whole universe, the great indestructible lyre, and as Nomad said: God singing over us ==> Yet man fails to hear this divine melodies because his soul is enmeshed in the illusion of material existence (merely outward, third principle), the music of the spheres is only heard again when he liberates himself from the bondage of the lower world (with its sense limitations). Ya, the celestial choir, an everlasting anthem of praise to the eternal Good, by which we sing the NEW SONG (recognizing the crystal architecture, ya, crystal because of the inner purity of its mind, and shining all around us, bathing all creation in its radiance, the beautiful principle of light and its component colors = rainbow, the translucent realm, the subtler rates of vibration of which that universe is composed, the divine reality, the akash with the supernal vibration ). The highest Good: controlling the infinite number of parts and conditions of being, and we move with him... And here I agree with Manly P. Hall: Life is the great mystery, and only those who pass successfully through its tests and trials, interpreting them aright and extracting the essence of experience therefrom, achieve true understanding... As and also I use everything as seen in this book. (and yes I don’t agree with him about everything… yet I have to mention even someone like him because I don’t want to take credit to myself… regarding some few words which I used from him… yet so or so the arcanum is known to me… which will be later also clearly seen in the apocalypse/symbols chapter of this book… And ya, I could rewrite everything in my style… but thats not who Iam… and I mention also all mystics in the HOLY WRIT chapter of this book)
103) THIS IS CORRECT, A BUBBLE IS A CENTRAL EMANATION BOUNDED, AND WE HAVE SEVEN BUBBLES AS ONE, AND DUAL OPPOSITES, AND THREE PILLARS – THEREFORE WITH A CENTER (triadic dynamic)… and later I will also talk with my theoretic physicist (but before that I go back to the apocalypse, and also I have to check it all via the divine reality… and right now I don’t have the vision). Now, lets go on: Moses Tabernacle: The bull (animal passions) must be burned up by the fire of his divinity. And we have next to it the laver with water (bronze mirror). And the entrance to the tabernacle proper, facing the east (first rays of the rising sun... EAST BEFORE THE FACE, DIVINE COMPASS). Josephus said: The veils too, which were composed of four things, they declared the four elements; for the plain linen was proper to signify the earth, because the flax grows out of the earth; the purple signified the sea, because that color is dyed by the blood of a sea shell-fish; the blue is fit to signify the air; and the scarlet will naturally be an indication of fire.... Nomad says, we have also warm and cold colours… and the ancient switched sometimes with the colours blue and white… and red and blue are the basic combination to create purple… And the ancient people talked also about three worlds: Heaven (light world), earth (this realm), Hell (dark world)... wherefore and I mention it again, that is, we have to leave the merely outward (third principle)... Ya, and crown and head and cup, cuplike, capable of catching the eternal waters of life pouring upon him from the heavens above [the PHILOSOPHER STONE got already explained, the divine water enters us]... Therefore for sure, this here is a wide interpretation (Josephus) and we would need to check later the aura colours (which element has the colour blue, yellow, red, green or...?, what is the best correspondence?) etc…ya, important for LC!!!.. Now, and because we have spoken about the bull and the laver, lets not forget the AIR, and that is always symbolized with wings, most holy place (cherub). Psalm 104:3. And we have an upper region and a lower region, that is, golden earth versus worthless earth. Manna (bread) from heaven and bread from earth. The Menorah is understood, 7 Spirits and purification (with its smoke) and also the incense makes now sense to us - we are reminded to the heavenly fragrance in the apocalypse as explained in this book etc… And understand it rightly, with his sword the illusion of material permanence is slain... crystallinum primum, crystal heaven (that which the ancients called firmament)... LISTEN: The original spark of LOVE of Source expands in all directions of time and space (akash, and eternity in the heart). God is the entire FIELD of love!!! one vibrational energy (ever born now, the unified field or the heavenly matrix). The soul star level - a spark/fractal of source energy. All the 5 Elements coming together (earth, water, fire, air, space) as one through one Spirit. And it involves action, therefore to achieve results, that is a natural disposition, not to become lazy. And further to find your rythm (also the energy in the universe is like a pendulum, inflow and outflow). You can live passively and live like you have no control over what you attract or you can be an alchemist, to control thoughts and bring it into obedience to the apocalypse. And there can be no wisdom (application) without first seeking knowledge. And the goal is to achieve universal wisdom (divine wisdom). And further, we have also the law of purpose, everything exists to fulfil a purpose (even a satanic deceiver who clothes himself as a Christian and who fools everyone with his nonsense teaching, also he fulfils something, ya, maybe even for you, to overcome him or maybe he is the reason why you started to dive deeper into the mysteries) And understand: closed-minded religious doctrines, they are also satanic (adversary)... and when they are long enough in such a circle, it’s often hard for them to come out of it again... ya, they only repeat Bible verse (and their doctrines) like robots. Again, we tell you, its about he heart, love is everyone’s true heritage of eternal joy and abundance, it is also an infinite circulating flow of divine trinity and the four directions, and the four elements, it is ALL, ALL at once. It is the hidden treasure in the FIELD (and YIN, YANG included)…. Merkaba correctly translated = light-spirit-body, chariots of fire… HIEROS GAMOS: full resurrection of the body to the eternal light of Christos, ENERGETIC SYNTHESIS…. Unity architecture - TRINITY WAVE pattern (Psalm 42:7, all your WAVES and breakers have swept over me, bubbling well) – THE BOW FLASH!... light body configuration... Matthew 2:2, WE HAVE SEEN HIS STAR IN THE EAST!!!... Ya, some say, the 7th direction is our sacred center. EARTH (below), SKY (above), CENTRE (centre of Self), EAST, NORTH, WEST, SOUTH... 3 axes: north – south, east-west, up-down... a balance between the reflective sensing and the active doing; a balance between thinking and feeling, or in other words, analysis and intuition; a balance between attunement to the home Planet and attunement to the beyond (map of consciousness, and Spirit is viewed as a synthesis of all Four Elements, divine communion with Nature on this Planet, via the primal form of the universe – whirling essence, which is a divine programming,´´ in universal vortex formation… from the formless point to the square)... And we acknowledge the wheels within wheels, Ezekiel 1, Ya, maybe even Milky Way can give us another clue together with Helix Nebula :-) Listen, that is all about: all physical sensation and emotion felt with Forgiveness Love and Gratitude allows for increased flow - less suppression (and therefore concerning this issue we keep vigilant watch, to avoid the wrath stream). And further, the original meaning of Yoga is simple: it is the process of reversing the ordinary outward flow of energy and consciousness so that the mind becomes a dynamic center of direct perception no longer dependent upon the fallible senses but capable of actually experiencing Truth (we have to become INSIDE OUT...strong in the inner man, yet, forgive me that I simplify it so much)... a life giving Spirit, power and joy which gives life to all (essence of our higher self)... And understand that we have also friends in the unseen world, and our own “frequency” does matter, ya, we go higher, we receive more of the unseen world (attracted to the resonance, energy field, messages)... when we climb higher up the ladder = higher revelations we receive.
104) It is a BALANCE between Spirit and matter. Spirit in matter, which is the highest heaven: the consciousness in the mansion (therefore everyone dwells in his own mansion or atmosphere). OUR COMPASS with the heavenly circle or Sphere!!! ==> the inner eye bubbling vortex receives its screen (image) in an equilibrium, and creation reflected…. The TURTLE SHIELD has its own Mandala…. And also we read: The Lord is my strength and my shield, for the Lord GOD is a sun and a shield, Psalm 84:11, whatever the great Artist paints, you shall know, also concerning the EAST MYSTERY, we swim in that stream. O, we sit on the throne (which has 4 legs). O, we fly like with cherub wings... this is too much at once, I must have lost my mind…. Yet we speak about the 4 elements… and fire carves its way… later more to it... And ya, Zero point energy as the SEA of energy, sea of glass, I call it also per fun ZERO, because I become a zero, union with nothing = thrown beyond my Self, his name on the forehead… the eternal IAM... the sacred river from heaven… NOW, understand it rightly: we find the number 3 in all ancient writings in connection with God (Greek sages, China sages, India sages, ancient Jews, even celtics, native indians and so on, and sometimes personified for the layfolk who saw only three different or separated gods…) And in addendum: Oksana Y. Danchevskaya Moscow State Pedagogical University (numbers in american indian mythology): The Hopi also have three sacred sites, one of which, located in the east and dedicated to the sun, has three round stones symbolizing the three worlds to which life was imparted by the sun... According to the Hopi, there are three phases of dawn: “the purplish dawn-dusk when the shape of man is first outlined”; “the yellow light of dawn which reveals man’s breath”; and finally “the red sunrise glow in which man stands proudly revealed in the fullness of his creation” ==> NOMAD: thats my point: the colour YELLOW was used for AIR!!!...and according to the Navajo, man is equipped with two kinds of soul– a bodily and a “free” one which supplement each other lives in a space defined by the Heavens (the Upper World), the Earth (the Middle World) and the Underworld (the Lower World, Nomad adds, or hell) ... These three substances are derived from human physiology and psychology, but in myths they form a stable image-symbolic picture of the world. The upper substance is defined by the movement of the sun and its highest visible point (zenith). The lower extreme point of the circular path of the sun is imaginary (unseen by us) and is called nadir ... The center of the whole system of the universe is in the middle, and in mythology this center is called the Navel of the Earth, or the place of Creation. This is also the place where the personal consciousness of each of us resides. An individual in his mind is always located in the center of the world, he himself is the center of life.... The Cherokee held a seven-day green corn ceremony, “whose center was a seven-sided ceremonial” during which “they sacrificed seven ears of corn” (Williamson 299). Seven is the number of stars in the Pleiades, known as the Seven Sisters, each of which represents for the Hopi one of the universes designated for the people and defines the length of the seven songs of Creation, and all together “the way of man on his Road of Life through seven consecutive worlds”. [Nomad: yea, the Pleiades – seven sisters were also used to express the seven Spirits and etc.). And you can read about the Indian Black Elk: taking the ax, he pointed it toward the six directions, and then struck the ground to the west, repeating the same movement he struck the ground to the north, then in the same way to the east and to the south; then he raised the ax skyward and struck the ground twice in the center for the earth, and then twice for the GREAT SPIRIT. Having done this, he scratched the soil and, with a stick which he had purified in the SMOKE and offered to the six directions, he drew a line running from the WEST to the center, then from the EAST to the centre, then from the NORTH to the centre, and finally from the SOUTH to the centre; then he offered the stick to the heavens and touched the centre, and to the earth and touched the centre. In this way the altar was made, in the same manner described they fixed in this place the centre of the world, and this center which is in reality everywhere, is the dwelling place of the great Spirit (and also within us) ==> and all that reminds us to the SQUARE – FOURSQUARE, GOLDEN CUBE IN SOLOMONS TEMPLE AND THE CENTER, HEAD OF THE CORNER ==> Christianity is not able to understand NEW JERUSALEM without this mysteries... and some further quotes from Black Elk: The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us... and he said: All things are our relatives; what we do to everything, we do to ourselves. All is really One.... and he said: The Great Spirit is everywhere; He hears whatever is in our minds and our hearts, and it is not necessary to speak to Him in a loud voice... and he said: It is not enough to have a vision. In order to have its power, you must enact your vision on earth for all to see. Only then do you have the power... and he said: Perhaps you have noticed that even in the very lightest breeze you can hear the voice of the cottonwood tree; this we understand is its prayer to the Great Spirit, for not only men, but all things and all beings pray to Him continually in differing ways... and he said: Any man who is attached to things of this world is one who lives in ignorance and is being consumed by the snakes of his own passions... It is in the darkness of their eyes that men get lost.... all things share the same breath... wherefore you can generally look into some further quotes form native Indians, some of it is very good and encouraging (you will also find the GREAT SPIRIT together with the mystical RIVER in their writings)
105) I NOW THAT Plato assigned the tetrahedron, with its sharp points and edges, to the element fire; the cube, with its four-square regularity, to earth (solid); and the other solids concocted from triangles, that is, the octahedron, to the element air and the icosahedron, to the element water. The one remaining regular polyhedra, the dodecahedron, with 12 pentagonal faces, Plato assigned to the heavens with its 12 constellations ==> WE DONT NEED THAT NOW… FIRST OF ALL UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS A CUBE GRID!!!!!!!… and via the CUBE GRID all forms and shapes can be established (intersection points)...And for FUN: MOSTBAUER (9 letter) – MARTIN (6 letter) ==> cut through and leave the worthless earth ==> and if cancer (69) does not kill me (all the birth marks I got), then the philosopher stone will heal me, truly born of God (complete return and non-dual, YIN YANG)... Mose tablets: Tradition tells us that they were thick square blocks of stone, six handbreadths tall, six handbreadths wide, and three handbreadths deep. The tradition is that both sets of tablets were made of sapphire. The Torah describes the writing as inscribed from both their sides; on one side and on the other side they were inscribed. Parshas Yisro and the Ramak says that it was squared at the bottom and rounded on the top ==> Nomad: the divine reality, that is a bow of light towards the image (mirror), because we have the round abyssal light well and then also the glass, the energetic shift… QUESTION, do you also feel the expansion? Answer, whenever I ascend a bit higher (get rid of mud), then often times I hear some CRACK (knacks) around the solar plexus (heart chakra) and this has to to with the Akash (expansiveness, wheel of time...), but there can be also some little cracks in other body parts… its just most obvious at the solar plexus… ==> Samadhi (collect or bring together) is enLIGHTenment, stepping into our enlightened nature = heavenly light…==> the ancient Yogis goal is to receive a light body like Shiva had, wherefore the light is also something like your first desire (as we also read in scripture, people loved darkness more than the light). And most importantly we can only go from one “dimension” to another via the triadic dynamic… and so also the Kabbalist refers to the seven gates...the alchemist to seven planets/seven metals/seven governor (spirits)... vortices of energy in Sanskrit: WHEELS, ya, and others call them energy centers... wherefore that goes ALWAYS hand in hand with the TRIADIC DYNAMIC... And we can also categorize it a bit: 1) Mooladhara (animal passions), guilt, every complex, agony... 2) Swadhisthana, penetrating the threshold of the unconscious, facing the lowest manifestations, darkness and fear, and maybe also sexual fantasies... 3) Manipura or Tiferet (navel, solar plexus) is the Self, the midpoint of the psyche, centre of dynamism, energy, will and achievement… take care that you do not fall for money, sex, titles instead of striving for truth... 4) Anahata (psychic knot in the heart center), muddy emotional attachments (lower emotional field), the tendency to live one’s life making decisions on the strength of the emotions rather than in the light of the spiritual quest... A positive way of thinking is vital. Also enjoying the arts at their best (so also we built LC)… which helps further to gain control over the fantasies of the mind... 5) Vishuddhi, it can help us regarding higher discrimination… whatever we receive or watch… including “telepathically” communication, by which we need to differentiate between realization coming into our consciousness from the higher levels of knowledge, and the mere babblings of our unconscious mind and wishful thinking… the quest for the true nectar, dew of heaven... 6) Ajna, less circumstance shaken, therefore it is the witnessing centre where one becomes the detached observer of all events (including the mind), the level of awareness is developed whereby one begins to ‘see’ the hidden essence underlying all visible appearances…. We deal from now and more with the visible and the invisible… we are better attuned to the translucent realm… therefore here, the meaning and significance of symbols flashes into one’s conscious perception and intuitive knowledge arises effortlessly ==> CHECK NOMAD, SO ALSO HE STARTS TO CHECK SYMBOLS (so that you have an example, and yes, also I had the problems in bigger darkness, the mud had pressed perverse stuff into my mind, later my emotions played into it... I had to get rid of the darkness after the big smash, therefore this here is a very accurate description and you acknowledge also that MILK CHRISTIANS have no chance to understand the book of revelation, because the symbols have their meanings... 7) crown of expanded awareness!... Wherefore All the potential lies in Sahasrara. Sahasrara is both formless and with form, yet it is also beyond, and therefore untouched by form ===> Ya, we have to enlarge the place of our tent…. And lets go on: the circle is also the transcending light called Macrocosm (and we need harmony)... ANCIENT SYMBOLS: the astrological associations are shown in the symbol, with the twelve signs of Zodiak lying in order within the six points of the hexagram and the six vertices between them. The seven planets of classical astrology correspond to the six points of the hexagram and its center.... Alchemy: The upward-pointing triangle (the symbol of the element Fire) represents the yearning of the manifest to reach or return to the Divine, with the downward-pointing triangle (the symbol of the element Water) signifying the descent of the Divine into matter (understand also the watery stone). Where these two meet in the center of the hexagram, a point of balance and beauty is reached… ==> fire: carving, impressions… Jacob Boehme said it correctly... And for further confirmation: also in the Zohar we read that Man was created from the four elements: fire and wind and dust and water... Menachem Recanati explains the march of the 12 tribes through the desert divided into the four winds, three tribes to a side (south, north, east, and west), as related in the book of Numbers chapter two... four animals who bear the Chariot... His banner of love was over me.’ This hints at the four standards, and the camp of the Shechinah was in their center like an eye from above... Further, the zodiac and the 4 Elements, they are often mentioned in that way: FIRE, representing action and creativity, fuels the signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius... WATER, symbolizing emotions, underlies the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces... AIR, corresponding to intellect (yet also music is in the air), is the dominating force for Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini... EARTH, which stands for substance and practicality, is the hallmark of Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo ==> APOCALYPSE = OVERCOME THE OUTWARD CONSTELLATIONS... The physical aspect of the book (cover, paper, ink) belongs to the element of earth, the information that appeal to your intellect evoke air, the action reading the book falls under the rule of fire, the emotions triggered by the information in the book come from the element of water! And when you kiss your wife, you also create alchemy… you generate all 4 elements: physical touch of the lips (earth), emotional rush (water), thoughts running through your brain (air), the passion and elevation (fire)... And EDEN represents the PRESENCE OF GOD, the garden planted in Eden stands for the angelic being (and world of sense – yet supersensual), the RIVER which flows out of Eden is meant prime matter (or first matter) which issues from the essence of God according to the FONS VITAE, and the four divisions of the river are the four elements (wherefore in Hindu we read often about SEVEN rivers, they refer to all the seven spirits). Further, acknowledging, all psychic abilties are worthless without love (aka that spiritual plane vibration), and Paul had also warned about it. Apocalypse = we see things in a clear light.
106) Bindu Visarga you will find the WHITE (seed) and RED Mystery, and all that with little different meanings, a need to dive deeper into the ancient teachings... Mahanda: It represents the primal sound from which emanates all of creation (God sings over us) ==> and some say: The thousand-petaled lotus signifies spiritual illumination, each opening of the petal is the gradual unfolding of the consciousness on the path of enlightenment, and if the lotus flower is enlightenment, then the lotus bud is the potential for the unfolding of the thousand petals…(Nomad, just keep the number 1000 in mind), wherefore also the Sahasrara symbol will reveal something to you ==> Nomad: everyone has the potential for the apocalypse but………………... NOW, the Spirit is LIFE: The law of the spirit is radiation... Matter is resistance: The law of matter is drawing inward, cooling off, and people get material overshadowed (meaning here, not inside out, the compunction about the dark energy must be rightly understood, and that dark contracts)… It is the inner law operating through all forms. Whether a given form is that of a plant, flower, stone, an animal or a human, the body of each of these is subject to the laws of the three-dimensional world yet hidden and invisible within this body, is the higher divine true Self – Life – Eternal Being!... Only man is able to manifest his higher Self – that is, God – through his thoughts, words and deeds, when he identifies his consciousness not with his body, but with its spiritual content, with his higher Self. As long as a person identifies himself only with his body he is like an opaque cube, in that he reveals only the characteristics of matter (he believes about himself to be merely flesh)... And yes, we could also say that it is centripedal (moving towards center) – centrifugal (away from the center), yet understand it rightly with the formless point as the boundless beginning and the return...) Ya, in the process of ascension we transports soul/body from one dimension to another… and therefore in alchemy its is called PUTREFACTION = the earthly tabernacle gets dissolved… the former things are gone… ascension via the 3fold creative force… THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! to understand our sages (a complex whole, back to harmony via Gods energies, the door to the GOD REALM)… And the 7 Spirits GOVERNING WHEEL – it is quasi co-centered… And via the divine reality we shall discern the root of expansion and contraction, movement and rest, effect and cause… all that has to become clear to us… for we know the root of all things behind the veil... Little Addendum: The name “Flower of Life” stems not from a flower imagery but from the cycle of a fruit tree.... when observing this cycle we can see that the tree grows flower buds and these eventually transform into fruit. The fruit carries the seed within and when the fruit falls on the ground these seeds eventually create new trees... Sacred Geometry reveals the harmonic energy patterns by which nature is created and designed... LC = ACTIVATING THE CONSCIOUSNESS TO HIGHER THOUGHT... The FLOWER OF LIFE vibrates the power of the creator into manifestation via his seven Spirits, himself immoveable and transcending… Some or most orthodox Christians say that the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT, that it is a DIVINE GIFT which is distributed to those who engage in spiritual struggle... and with that I agree, look at the pool we have built, as the seed so the tree and as the tree so the FRUIT and divine love produces all thought (apocalypse = communion with all things)… Whole scripture is THEOCENTRIC and it has not much to do with western religion… LISTEN: the ocean of causes transcends also my sphere, and that is seen in the flower of life, the center which is really everywhere, ya and in that way God remains always immoveable (and also in our Sphere, it is a shut up power and duality integrated, our flowing pearl) ==> and it needs the TRINITY WAVE because our Sphere has also an eternal limit (and creation reflected, inner eye and outer eye)... and because the sevenfold energy is integrated in that Trinity wave, Jacob said: Of these seven forms or sourcive states of eternal nature, the first and the seventh refer to the Father, the second and sixth to the Son, the third and fifth to the Holy Spirit, while the fourth represents the balance in which exists the division between spirit and matter.... yea, but that is his interpretation and I do not know yet exactly from which corner of the eye he looked on that (because he separated it sometimes with the dark fire and light fire and another time he spoke about the pure land) And you must know that he has written this paper first and foremost for himself to get a bit an overview. (and I have not read all his books, as also I want to see it for myself AGAIN in full resurrection life and I do not want to be too much influenced by him, yet, I know that he understood the main realization and later got better with his writings… ya, later I will check him again)... And John Pordage says: FATHER: FIRE, SON: WATER, HOLY SPIRIT: AIR ==> but you know, what the inflow receives (abyss), it stands in equilibrium via the glass (most fixed stone), and more I do not say right now... and Jesus calls himself also the LIGHT, the STONE, yet he also says, I GIVE YOU TO DRINK, bla bla bla… and WATER AND AIR REMINDS US TO THE FLOW (SPIRIT) and THE ABYSS IS ALSO IN THE SECLUSION (DARKNESS as its ground) ==> POOR POEM: I BREATH LIGHT, AND THE STONY GLASS MANIFESTS VIA THE WATER, AND THE INNER FIRE CARVES ITS WAY, AND RECEIVES ITS SMILE VIA THE LIGHT, AND THE HABITATION IS IN THE AIR... and fire, that is the return to the source ==> CHECK: I make it more simple than Jacob or John P., :I have seen the spiritual fire, and tasted the water which sinks down to it, I have acknowledged that the habitation is the air, and that the immoveable is most fixed earth, and that the ever new reception of light which flashes upon the Glass, I can only see it because of the dark behind, and therefore we have the 4 Elements, Darkness / Light and the summary I call love (the qualities of the six together), that is seven... in the seventh, the six show themselves in that flow (and the perfect symphony)... yea, and the ethereal oily substance gushes forth with it, and similar we taste some sharp salt in the fire etc... and what I can say to 100 percent, this OIL is the SECRET ANOINTING... SEVEN IS ONENESS AND I CALL IT SIMPLE LOVE (and akash), ya it is for me the KISS between the male and female (and FATHER is enamoured in his IMAGE, that is also ME and I love him back in all things)... and knowing very well that the 6 qualities find their place in the 7th. (volatile – fixed bound together). But why is the ETHEREAL OIL no extra element? YEA, because it gushes forth as a compound of it, so far as I have it in recall, and so we read also in scripture, simple to be anointed with the seven Spirits = PERFECT, Isaiah 11:2, 61:1… You must first of all understand that all the fractals are in the womb (light well) and so also everything is reflected upon the mirror… outward in the inward… and like with a TV SCREEN, you have just a few main colours (RED, BLUE, GREEN) which are used yet you receive a nice big picture… so also the GARDEN WITHIN, the spices, the translucent wine, sulphur, salt... (yet with the sevenfold energy) AND YOU HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT THE DIVINE MIST: What is with the DIVINE MIST (OUTFLOW), which fills the Abyss??? Yea, because of the outer bodily eye ratio, we see it a bit, and so it flies off and it leaves no traces on earth (and in Spirit we know that the abyss gets filled again). And we are quite satisfied with that, yet, do not tell it everyone (the divine nature expends no energy which needs to be replenished :-) ==> so we have the DIVINE 1) INBREATH & 2) OUTBREATH and 3) BREATH similar to the three 3 Balls...three pillars... and we ourselves breathe internal, because you will not believe it, but we have also a mouth and a lung ==> and if you suck yourself into the wrong direction, then you get material overshadowed, and thats why I prefer the right hand of the father, and via correspondence, when someone is fallen from his place, then he says inwardly, this sucks (especially because he operates now among the vulgar herd and absorbs matter, therefore follow the light of this book, kids... except you want to land on a cold place).... ==> enlarge the place of your tent, the akash as expansion, and therefore our body (frame) becomes only strong when the sevenfold energy works in harmony, ya and finally receives its most fixed earth! Thats why we can also say, to illustrate it, the ascend is spiral (and expansion, akash!!! VERY IMPORTANT)... VERY SIMPLE... there is only one direction where you receive all life-force, RIGHT SIDE, Matthew 25:31, ==> ... Psalm 16:8, 11, Psalm 18:35, I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall NOT TO BE MOVED (shaken)!!!.... You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.... You have also given me the SHIELD of Your salvation, and Your right hand has held me up; Your gentleness and condescension have made me great... The sound of joyful shouting and salvation is in the TENTS of the righteous; The right hand of the LORD does valiantly. The right hand of the LORD is exalted; The right hand of the LORD does valiantly... The LORD says to my Lord: "Sit at My right hand Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet (also resurrection life, apocalypse)...Revelation 5, I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a book written inside and on the back, sealed up with seven seals... As for the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches...Habakukk 3:4, His radiance was like the sunlight; rays flashed from His hand, where His power is hidden... My SOUL followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me... and so on... therefore also the RIGHT HAND or RIGHT SIDE has its revelation... And don’t worry that I don’t go so deep now into the sevenfold like Jacob… ya, later we will do that
107) it is like a sun (the eye) which illuminates all objects (roundabout), and it is like that we taste that intelligible sun, like the universe looks into us, vegetable soul like an imprint via wisdom, the heavenly kingdom is within and without us (now you start to understand the WOMB/SEED/SEAL)... also called garden... and you can imagine what that means when you make a walk in nature... and then further, we smell the best spices in that God realm, because of that harmony (restored, Microcosm, Macrocosm), and therefore, it exists no drug which could top that.... And thats why we say, everything outside of it, that is torment, fire and brimestone, Revelation 14:10, heaven and hell is in man... and so we look also with compassion to all other people (yet must be understood in a higher sense)... knowing very well the eternal gospel (good news)... And we must come to a point where we say, the father who dwells in us does the works = rest from our labour, works follow us (in his rest, action in inaction, only the wise can understand that)... Ancient truth: Knowledge of self, knowledge of God and knowledge of nature were all one knowledge... Antichrist is he who proclaims God is outside this world that he may reign as god in this world... Further: earth, water, air and fire – some called it also solid, liquid, gas, plasma... and then we have also sal, mercury, sulphur...QUESTION NOMAD, what does it mean in scripture: TURN TO HIM THE OTHER CHEEK? Answer, that means, avoid any hell influx, be fast in forgiveness and do avoid the wrath stream, the thief shall not enter the house (protect your energy, ignore also foolish religion, understand the Energy system = true help)……………...Further, when you enter the mystic eye, no false prophet can any longer look into your mind or any Yogi or etc. (who use dark powers and call it a gift of God or they simple know that they use dark powers). And they can no longer look into us because we have left the entire MUD – FIELD, and there is only one unity left, and that is the unity with immortals (gods) and that is by the way no problem... NOMAD? You were also born in this time (1980), so how can you be so different? Answer... its the NECTAR, the gods lead us back to Enochs time (I speak about the ancient path).... And I know that there are two WAVES, one is the religious fanatic which wants to see only Jesus coming back in a few years and it is all about the endtime show now (as they did always in the past, and now because of Globalism etc, they feel even more convinced) and then we have those who say, the dark reaches its peak, and after it a little golden age or whatever breaks out and the DIVINE plays again a bigger role, and people will be more joyful and healthy and like Eden partially restored or what else (Aquarius)... and then they would ask me, yea, for sure, but the only thing what I tell them, FLUID DYNAMICS can operate fast or slow and :-)...……. Now, Hindu GURU, open your ears to your texts: If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst forth at once in the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One... God is not light, nor darkness. But the cause of both. He is self luminated...mystic eye: there is no need of Sun, moon or fire in his abode because everything there including God is self luminous... God dispels the darkness of ignorance... God is He from whom everything emanates i.e. from whom light, darkness etc everything has come... Those who reach it never return to this material world = not even I can fully return [because once I have broken through the bonds of matter as explained in this book]... May we meditate on that illumination pervading the earth, sky, and heaven. May that brilliance inspire our intelligence... Indeed, He is the very embodiment of all Gods. He is self-luminous and sustains all with his rays. He nourishes and energizes the inhabitants of all the worlds as well as the host of Gods and demons by his Rays (also demons have some life force left in them)... he is of brilliant golden color, the possessor of a myriad rays, by illuminating all directions he is the maker of daylight. He is the all-pervading, shining principle, the dispeller of darkness, exhibiting beautiful sight with golden hue... Salutations to the dispeller of darkness, the destroyer of cold!!!!!!!, fog!!!!!!! and snow, the exterminator of foes; the one whose extent is immeasurable. Salutations also to the annihilator of the ungrateful and to the Lord of all the stellar bodies!!!!!!!!!, who is the first amongst all the lights of the Universe (behind the veil = spiritual summer)... Light is one of the oldest and most meaningful symbols, found in cultures and religions worldwide. In Hinduism, light has a special significance, especially during Diwali or the ‘Festival of Lights’ when the triumph of light over darkness is celebrated with lamps and fireworks...the soul is described as small flame (but not just that... and the extinguished lamp is a symbol of transience: life can be snuffed out as easily as a flame... therefore, lead us from the Fear of Death to the Knowledge of Immortality ==> SEVEN PLANETS ==> SEVENFOLD ENERGY... yet, you do not need to believe me... and many stumble in darkness... you have just added to the seven planets the two lunar nodes, sometimes also called dragon nodes and I have explained to you what the moon represents and how immortality depends on it, at least I have pointed to it... also you have it front of your nose concerning this issue, and the 4 Elements and the akash is also known to you… ya, yet the seven rivers you ignored... And the YELLOW LOTUS represents fire and purity and to get purified... knowledge and learning, meditation, peace, happiness, mental development, a yellow lotus is also associated with ascension... wherefore some will say that only Christian symbols are true, and to this I say, yea, but language is language and what people understand, so they receive it………. And by the way, later we check CHINA and we will find the same truth (sevenfold energy), so who is the master?
108) It is important to recognise that the Sumerians also divided both time and space with the Hexadecimal system resulting in a 360 division of the globe and heavens... and it goes earlier back to the Armenian Zodiak... Some authors have linked the twelve tribes of Israel with the twelve signs of the zodiac...Hindu and Greek Zodiak sound very different, but it is the same. And we know the Vedic hymn which refer to the twelve fixed parts of the wheel and also to the twelve forms in connection with the sun (wherefore we as TRUE GNOSTICS know the 12 powers in the soul and therefore also the symbolical character)... Astrological Mosaic-Bir-Chana, it shows us the hexagonal frame and rhombuses, the six-pointed star is filled with animals. In the center is a hexagon surrounded by six hexagons of equal size. The mosaic Orbe shows us the seven planets. The 7 days of the week is formed with 13 octagonal medallions. Further, we have the Hellín Mosaic, octagons linked by 9 circular motifs, the zodiac is seen in it. Then we have the Zodiac Mosaic-Sentinum-Sassoferrato, Umbria, Helios Mosaic-Sarmsheim, Monnus Mosaic – Trier, Hippo Regius, Zodiac Mosaic, Africa Proconsularis, Synagogue Zodiac Mosaic – Hammath Tiberius, Beth Alpha Zodiac Mosaic, and sometimes it is described as a PATH, going through the Zodiak and finally to enter the crystal heaven ==> CREATION PATTERN (FLOWER OF LIFE), Spirit created us in his image, have to leave the INCREASED DENSITY… also to acknowledge: a STAR TETRAHEDRON is like a “3D DAVID STAR” (David star - shadow)... Ba refers to the spirit’s interpretation of its particular reality...we have to enter living field of light (leaving the polarity consciousness)... expanded awareness... [Mer-Ka-Vah = Hebrew, chariot].... Ya, and that is true, with the slightest doubt at all about unity, we can no longer walk on water… and the flower of life (or light), that is the language of silence or of light...and it has the SEED of life… wherefore the Kabbala did not originate the tree of life (with its hidden vesca pisces and golden ratio), it is much older...harmonic of music... all “dimensions” are superimposed over each other, and every point in space/time contains them all... galaxies show also special fields... Spirit projects beams in six directions, defining space: north, south, east, west, up and down (same distance in all directions = consciousness beam... with the famous SQUARE... and ya, the construct can remain stationary in the middle of the shape, spinning it around and tracing the parameters of a perfect sphere. In sacred geometry it is well known, straight line is male and any curved line is female (weiblichen Kurven) = square or cube as most male, and one of the most female forms is a circle or a sphere... projecting the octahedron and creating a Sphere... projecting into the void... information unfolds... 360 degree = six movements = six petaled flower… the consicousness map of reality. And we must probably also look at the famous SEVEN COLOR MAP TORUS which could make a fit... And in sacred geometry, there is something which is called ratcheting (one pattern fixed, and other side, rotate it) which would build 24 Spheres and a wonderful flower, 7th day – vortex... You can read: the ancient secret of the flower of life – Drunvalo Melchizedek, from page 147 onwards, the two superimposed tetrahedrons – male & female = Metatrons cube, from his book: Combining Male and Female to Create Metatron’s Cube, the First Informational System... Now, all the circles in this pattern are female. And there are thirteen ways, with these thirteen circles, that you can superimpose male energy—in other words, straight lines. If you superimpose straight lines over this in all thirteen ways, you’ll come up with thirteen patterns that, along with the Egg of Life and the torus, create everything in existence. Nomad: therefore, the fruit = fabric of the details of reality, similar, as the seed so the tree, as the tree so the fruit, and behind the veil we receive the colourful translucent sphere. THE KEY: The Cube and the Sphere: The cube is the only Platonic solid with this special characteristic: You can take a sphere, slip it inside a cube, and it will touch the six faces perfectly and symmetrically!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And a tetrahedron will slide right down one of the axes and become the diagonals of the cube, fitting perfectly and symmetrically. A star tetrahedron will also fit perfectly inside a cube. The octahedron is actually the dual of the cube; if you connect the centers of the adjacent cube faces, you get an octahedron. When you get to the last two Platonic solids, it doesn’t look like they could fit symmetrically into the cube and the sphere, but they do... In the entire Reality, the sphere and the cube are the two most important forms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and will almost always dominate when it comes to primary relationships in creation... ==> THEREFORE SOMEWHERE HERE IS THE WHOLE THEOSIS HIDDEN AND PEOPLE WANTED TO HIDE THIS KNOWLEDGE OR THIS KEY, and by the way there is no true orthodoxy without the sevenfold energy and without the Sphere and its cube... the FLOWER OF LIGHT (maybe it is also the rose of sharon etc., different names which got used for immortality), it has all the names: the SEED, the TREE, the FRUIT, the ROSE... Christianity is complete void of any understanding, when they exclude the sevenfold energy and the flower (prophetic voices can prophecy all day long in their vanity, because truth that is, as long as people do not have that key of knowledge, everyone can manipulate them... Manipulation always occurs, media (general sense today) etc., it gets again dark, but if you have THE KEY, it is hard to manipulate you, it is hard that you fall into their trap... and therefore those prophets are blind and a trap, they ignore this HUGE FACTOR ==> there are just a few revelations missing to get finally the last riddle solved, but also revelations would naturally increase, because one thing leads to another... and also I built only the FUNDAMENT for LC ==> YA WHEN EVERYONE SEES HIMSELF AS A SPHERE (via God), THEN THERE IS EQUALITY AND PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED TO WORK TOGETHER AND TO BUILT HIGHER, quasi the HIGHWAY ==> THE GLORY OF THE LATTER HOUSE, it can only happen via this KEY, only via REFORMATION... now we must come to the illuminating knowledge! And make it holistic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And no, Iam no so interested right now in the star tetrahedron or… bla bla bla… I said, it needs only the TRIANGLE, CUBE, SPHERE, SEVENFOLD… and its a CUBE GRID!!! and in the CUBE GRID all shapes and forms can be established… like we have seen it with this intersections… and for me it is important that you understand that the sphere also represents absolute perfection… roundabout… and there is a reason why the divine reality is based upon the SPHERE & CUBE & the SEVENFOLD & the triadic dynamic… ya, its AMAZING!! and in the science chapter of this book we will discover more things...
108) Do you believe that Shiva was a real person? Answer, yes, in that sense, why not? I do also believe in Enoch and he was not the only one... and later legends are made... and etc. Some humans had reached a high level.... And then for sure, now, we live in the time after the cross. Thats why I said, 2000 years rather in darkness, because as I see it, we should dive again deeper into the mystery of resurrection, so how can we be so blind by comparison to Shiva? Shiva is often linked with the sun and you shall not wonder about it… Now, understand it rightly: Those in higher vibration, they realize directly lower vibration… never forget that, contrast exists... light exposes darkness… Now, what I found out about all the ancient writings, that is, Laozi, I saw him as a leftover from the ancient time, as I see it, he taught also non-duality, even the trinity (one, two, three, all things), the elements and the unchangeable, he probably tapped sometimes into the Mystic eye, about after-life, he said not really anything and what people later made out of it, that is another story, ok, then I saw Shiva whom I compare to Enoch (legends about him, or to Methusalem, Noah etc., yea, I believe that even Abraham walked on a very high level, and many other sages). Ya, even the Bhagvad Gita has some amazing stuff (which will really bother Christians that I say that… yet also Jacob Boehme mentioned it...)... And ya, Buddhist taught also the 4 elements (China, and seven planets)… Wherefore I have to say, that also in the OT we read something like the ANGEL OF THE LORD, similar to the burning bush (the burning bush is not the Almighty or when a very high angel speaks for the Lord, as we also know that this can happen, and the Almighty is omnipotent, omnipresent…)… Ya, and in the Vatican we see also the OVATO TONDO (vesca pisces), wherefore the KEY is for me the way to immortality. Now, sure sometimes the devil creeps a bit into the church, sometimes more and sometimes less as with many churches but they have also kept some stuff for themselves and how much I do not know, but, yes, and then they have the fountain etc. And they teach the masses milk... and they have a lot of geometry, maybe somewhere they have also the seven planets (Vatican basilical altar, painted on the ground, with the cosmic womb)... yet I do not insinuate anything, because I was never in that place to study their walls and etc... And you should also read the TARGUM, here, you can read that Adam was created by the four elements (and from the four winds!!!, red, black and white... four elements, Genesis 2:7 ==> here I get even the FOUR WIND CONFIRMATION, see apocalypse symbol and etc., … and the four corners of the earth (which has also to to with the cube, foursquare... behold the ancient truth)... NEW EARTH EVOLVES FROM THE SEED... again we read in another Hindu text: These Mother Waters, which cleanse the holy oil, with this selfsame oil shall cleanse all our stains. Their divinity washes off all defilement. I rise up from the purified and brightened... Men through the ages have thought thee with holy oil and fuel easy to burn... sacred oil lamp [ritual application of oil or fat to the head or body of a person or to an object; an almost universal practice in the history of religions... the secret OIL as explained in this book, VERY IMPORTANT, also for JACOB BOEHME] ==> Ya, I believe that I could decipher many ancient Vedas, and I simple have not read everything... And ya, fire can illuminate us or torment us (with bad sulphur smell)... And we have it to do with 7 kinds of people: 1) those who have voluntarily sold their soul (dark witches etc., who know the dark side, who know in some way that after-life exists and etc.) 2Chronicles 33:6 2) those who got never taught anything about after-life or divine realities etc., or better to say, everyone hears about it in some way or another, and everyone has also a bit inner knowing, and an inner voice yet they have completely closed their ears (and lost this childlike belief) and so they live their life in excess and debauchery until their souls got total messed up, Psalm 14:1, Romans 1:29, 3) those who fall into despair, or into bigger despondency, Hebrews 10:48 4) those who are motivated by fear (they fear hell, and end-time stuff etc.), Matthew 25:46 , 13:50, etc. 5) those who are motivated by rewards, Romans 2:6, Matthew 16:27 etc. 6) those who are motivated by divine love, and even and still long for more light and joy etc. Psalm 73:25 7) those who have entered into his rest (action in inaction), the eternal realm is fullness to them, Revelation 3:12, 21, inherit all things... And there is some truth in this saying: WISSEN IST MACHT (wherefore someone would try to twist 1Corinthians 8:1, knowledge puffs up, but love build up... and to those who want to twist that verse, I do only say, the knowledge of the son is important and divine love produces all thoughts... and we must build a wall so that fools like you do not catch us, ya, like Nehemia build the wall, and therefore fools will try to misuse even this verse to speak against divine science etc., and they do it because they are unclean (Babel, unclean birds) and they try to keep their foolish game going as long as possible… And ya, also here I answer, that is, the Thomas Gospel seems to have very accurate sayings, except some few sayings where we would need to say: did Jesus made a bit jokes with his disciples or do we have to look into the deeper meaning... and another example would be Odes of Solomon (highly illuminated letter), and we have other enlightened sages… (wherefore some other amazing letters we check later, and then you will see clearly how the whole puzzle comes together). Therefore, HOW DOES THIS FIT TOGETHER WITH YOUR BIBLE??? Therefore, I do not believe that only the Bible is the word of GOD but the bible is important for confirmations… And understand it rightly: THE BODY IS THE PRISON AS LONG AS WE HAVE NOT BROKEN THROUGH THE BONDS OF MATTER... and to break-through and to make afterwards a bigger mistake = hardest judgement... And because of that you cannot just come later to me and say, just give me a fire baptism… NO, first you would need to be trained in more things… and its also my responsibility… and if you don’t believe me, then read also the Nag Hammadi, and you will hear about some warnings… regarding such baptism… NOW, lets go on with some sayings, with Laozi, my friend: The ten thousand things rise and fall without cease, Creating, yet not possessing, Working, yet not taking credit. Not exalting the gifted prevents quarreling. Oh, unfathomable source of ten thousand things!... I do not know from whence it comes. It is the forefather of the emperors. Heaven and earth last forever. Why do heaven and earth last forever? They are unborn, So ever living... The sage stays behind, thus he is ahead. He is detached, thus at one with all. Through selfless action, he attains fulfillment. The highest good is like water. Water gives life to the ten thousand things and does not strive... In meditation, go deep in the heart. In dealing with others, be gentle and kind. In speech, be true. In ruling, be just. In business, be competent. In action, watch the timing. No fight: No blame... Accept being unimportant... The image of the imageless... Oh, it is intangible and elusive, and yet within is image... Not putting on a display, They shine forth. Not justifying themselves... not boasting, read it, this is Laozi... LEARN FROM THE SAGES... When you are at one with the Tao, The Tao welcomes you. When you are at one with Virtue, The Virtue is always there... He who makes a show is not enlightened... He who is self-righteous is not respected. He who boasts achieves nothing. He who brags will not endure... Born before heaven and earth. In the silence and the void, Standing alone and unchanging, Ever present and in motion. Perhaps it is the mother of ten thousand things. I do not know its name. Call it Tao... Being great, it flows. It flows far away. Having gone far, it returns!!!!!!!! Therefore, Tao is great; Heaven is great; Earth is great... Therefore the sage takes care of all men. And abandons no one. He takes care of all things. And abandons nothing. This is called following the light... The ten thousand things carry yin and embrace yang!!!!!!!! They achieve harmony by combining these forces... He works without doing.... ==> I LOVE HIM, LAOZI IS SUPERB… and yes he speaks also about the mirror and the pearl...
109) YOU IDIOTS, IAM NOT JUST NEO_PLATONIC: Psalm 46:2 heart of the sea, Habakkuk 2:14, Proverbs 8:22-30 (with the circle!!!!!!!, 8:27, compass!!!!!, heavenly circle!!!!!, our star light being, upon the face of the depth!!!!!, gave to the sea his decree!!!!!, Psalm 104:9) – Job 38:8, and for sure, Job 11:6 show the secrets of wisdom, Isaiah 51:15, 16 YOU ARE MY PEOPLE (foundation of the earth, look at the pool we have built), Psalm 77:13-19, the sound of your thunder was in the whirlwind, and your lightning lit up the world (see divine reality), the earth trembled and shook!!!, your way is through the sea, and your path in the great waters, and your footsteps are not seen... and as we also know: SEA OF GLASS, again ==> WATERY STONE ==> SEA OF GLASS and read Job 26:10, he has circled the waters (inscribed a circular horizon) for a boundary between LIGHT and DARKNESS... and dead things are formed under the waters, hell is naked before him… THE CIRCLE AND COMPASS IS IN THE BIBLE, THE FIXED EARTH, THE SEA and etc. YOU CANNOT READ!!!
110) Being divine, you will be at one with the Tao. Being at one with the Tao is eternal. And though the body dies, the Tao will never pass away... Oh, I drift like the waves of the sea, Without direction, like the restless wind. Everyone else is busy!!!!!! Become as a little child once more [Nomad, also I said that]... A truly good man is not aware of his goodness, And is therefore good (Nomad: it comes from the source, my father is GOOD!). A foolish man tries to be good, And is therefore not good. A truly good man does nothing [Nomad: action in inaction, without boasting, move with the source], Yet leaves nothing undone... The more laws and restrictions there are The poorer people become [like Babel peaks, a mirror to their depravity]... NOW: Spring of 1982, Suzanne Segal, glimpses about the Mystic eye, yet she was for sure not perfected... she felt like a "cloud of awareness" following the body and she said: Once the mind admitted to the parameters of its own sphere and stopped pathologizing what lay outside it, the non-personal, indescribably joyful flavor of the vastness experiencing itself moved radically to the foreground forever... To live in the vastness of the naturally occurring state is to bathe in the ocean of non-personal pleasure and joy. This joy and pleasure, which belong to no one, are unlike any joy or pleasure that appear to refer or belong to a someone. The emptiness is so full, so total, so infinitely blissful to itself (Nomad: true self, wherefore in eastern teachings, the person is often identified with all that ballast, versus higher self)... Character work is based on the same erroneous belief that there is an individual doer who runs the show of life and can train itself to be a better 'I'. [Nomad: this is wrong, because we have to keep some spiritual practice, to empty ourselves, and to avoid false indoctrinations, thats why I write this book, and to avoid entirely the wrath stream...etc., wisdom and a real spiritual Master helps us greatly!!!]...Seng Tsan: Asserting that the world is real, you are blind to its deeper reality; denying that the world is real, you are blind to the selflessness of all things... If you want to describe its essence, the best you can say is "Not-two."... In this "Not-two" nothing is separate, and nothing in the world is excluded... The enlightened of all times and places have entered into this truth... In it there is no gain or loss; one instant is ten thousand years.... [Nomad: or we would say: a 1000 year saint]... The mind of absolute trust is beyond all thought, all striving, is perfectly at peace, for in it there is no yesterday, no today, no tomorrow... [Nomad: consciousness isn’t overshadowed by anxious thought for the morrow, that must be achieved or should be kept from an early age!!!!!!...] Mahayanavimsaka of Nagarjuna (few things which I agree, and which I put into correct perspective): All things by nature are regarded as reflections (God is ALL in ALL). They are pure and naturally quiescent, devoid of any duality, equal, and remain always and in all circumstances in the same way (tathata)... As a painter is frightened by the terrible figure of a Yaksa which he himself has drawn, so is a fool frightened in the world (by his own false notions, wherefore the same is true with end-time fear and all that protestant garbage)... Even as a fool going himself to a quagmire is drowned therein, so are beings drowned in the quagmire of false notions and are unable to come out thereof... The feeling of misery is experienced by imagining a thing where in fact it has no existence. Beings are tortured by the poison of false notions regarding the object and its knowledge (Nomad: it has no intrinsic substance)... He who realizes the transcendental truth knowing the pratityasamutpada (or the manifestation of entities depending on their causes and conditions), knows the world to be sunya and devoid of beginning, middle or end (Nomad: cup which never runs out, new earth or the unborn, realm without decay)... The samsara and nirvana are mere appearances; the truth is stainless, changeless, and quiescent from the beginning and illumined… WHEREFORE LETS CLARIFY ALSO THAT ONE: The common imagination that people are burned in hell with fire, this is nonsense, it does only look from higher heavens perspective in that way, yet, those people in hell, they have the tormenting fire in their hearts and so they burn and those in hell do not even fully realize that... yet, for sure in some way they get confronted with their own depravity and etc. In western religion they paint all this big pictures about hell, yet, it refers more to the state of the souls... and yes, it is still not a place where you want to be, it has not full bliss and it has also some pains, it is more cryptic, dark and etc... And further to make a comparison, that is, an apocalypse saint, he could be seen like someone who baths in heavenly water, yet, this is his state of being and the river which flows through his heart and his head shining like the sun, and the rainbow aura etc... Anyway, with that, I do not play down hell, ya, you want to have RIGHT NOW a better life quality… and anyone with a right mind wants to land in the highest bliss, where he is in real joy... and for sure, Gods face is the ultimate or to be on a level like Enoch who received the higher title etc. Therefore I do also stay with that view about hell, but I say still that it is also torment... it does not have anything really beautiful, and it stinks and etc. and there are lowest hells... Apocalypse: this goes probably also with images along like a whirlwind.... anyway, it is as it is, that is, the same fire can illuminate us or torment us (selfishness, bigger anger and etc.)... And again, in the apocalypse, Iam bathed in that bliss and in that river (which flows through me), and the rainbow shows us the seven spirits harmony... and if I would be now in the apocalypse, then the angels (in the Spirit realm) would see this aura colours on me (without bigger distortion or...) ==> THIS BOOK IS FOR ME INSOFAR PERFECT, because it includes many saints and sages and we really get a very clear picture [we see how the puzzle comes together], RECAPITULATED: its en energetic field… and those in the upper air flow in a different energetic house… and those in the lower air get scorched by the fire energy… as the dark contracts… and etc., later more to it… but yes, this is the reason… why we have this imaginations about it… And ya, The UPPER AIR is very smooth, very inviting, and with its supernal perfume through the innermost chamber [fragrance of immortality, or spices in the song of songs or rose of sharon and so on... therefore take care when you read in ancient texts something about fragrance... it has its real meaning]… WHY DO WE USE THE TREE? Answer, he is a potent symbol wherefore the foolishness is displayed in Revelation 8:7 (a third of the trees burned up, third principle (merely outward person), and many became foolish, but the book of revelation will be explained in another chapter). NOW, A TREE is dependent on different factors, the root, trunk, branches, leaves, nutrive substance in the ground, wind, rain, sunshine... The tree does not exist independently, no, the tree is engaged in all this factors, including perception and linguistic assignment. The whole universe operates together with that tree, because one factor leads to another. Inseparable interweaved. And otherwise the tree could not grow or thrive, because he would need only himself. And then he would be unbound and deathless… ya unchangeable... And therefore only Atman is self-existence, or only God is the intrinsic substance. And therefore no thing can be without the great VOID. The void is the way, the way is the void. And to be attached to coming and leaving, that is illusion, because and again only the unchangeable is true reality. Ya, whatever comes and goes, that is only moved in eternal nature, yet, the supreme Self is unchangeable.
111) Lets quote again my friend Lao Tsu: He who has in himself abundantly the attributes (of the Tao) is like an infant. Poisonous insects will not sting him; fierce beasts will not seize him; birds of prey will not strike him [Nomad: also that I told you about the apocalypse]... (The infant’s) bones are weak and its sinews soft, but yet its grasp is firm!!!!! It knows not yet the union of male and female, and yet its virile member may be excited;–showing the perfection of its physical essence. All day long it will cry without its throat becoming hoarse;–showing the harmony (in its constitution)... NOW, you say, this is a contradiction! And I say, no it is not, rather it is a perfect fit, and that is because the frame gets strong as written in scripture, a well watered garden, Isaiah 58:11 etc., (the garden is within, paradise!!!) and because also the water comes enters us = no dry bones (this is a real fact, fully felt)... it all becomes fresh and stable in the seven Spirits harmony... To him by whom this harmony is known, (The secret of) the unchanging (Tao) is shown, And in the knowledge wisdom finds its throne... All life-increasing arts to evil turn; Where the mind makes the vital breath to burn, (False) is the strength... Nomad, and also that is in scripture, Isaiah 33:11… therefore also Laozi was a Master...THE THREE PURE ONES, The Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three, WUJI (ultimate, void, circle symbol, summit of nothing), TAIJI (non duality, integrated, Nomad: which needs the image in the imageless), with the presence of CHI (air, life force)... Jade Pure One... Grand pure one Laozi... CHI, TAO, DEITY and so on... today some people say that he has never lived, and again others say that he did leave and went into the west or he was 160 or 200 year old... yet, I say, he got very old... they just cannot handle it today that someone did grow older then 100 or 120 years... or that he probably did choose the path of not becoming famous or better to say, he probably left the region after his writings became public and etc. And who knows, for the case I would write some pure eternal words down (and go back in), maybe also I will leave... yea, but not directly, don’t worry, and somehow would need to become a bit public, already my DNA etc…, this would speak around... wherefore I fear not... And yes, I know regarding my friend, some Tao people who see him as deity, and who look with great eyes and adoration upon him, and they will wonder that I call him friend... and to this I say, I know the TAO, therefore I was also in complete unity with him, so why do you think that I cannot call him friend? Tzz Tzz Tzz, you do not even understand the pearl in his hand or do you? QUESTION, do you have another example for the continually flashing (light race? Answer, here: Ezekiel 1:28:... a great cloud (invisible substance), and FLASHING CONTINUALLY, the fire was bright and out of the fire went forth lightning, like lamps (so also seen with the inner eye)... and a dazzling shining crystal or palace (translucent Sphere or translucent realm, across the expanse), and the stormy wind = whirling essence – akash. And yes, we have other verse and I just show you the fundament… CHECK: As we know, the natural breath is to the life of the natural body, so spiritual breath is to the life of the spiritual body. Spiritual death begins to set in quickly without breathing the breath of the Spirit of God, ya, people welcome the lower air... Therefore, we need the quickening of the breath of heaven [the purer air rises and becomes heaven]... Our thoughts and feelings flow out of us by breath... The spiritual air that we breathe becomes the breath that empowers the formation of the words we speak, the development of the logoi in each person [and even the image, image in the imageless]... And we abide in the air which we breathe and therefore everyone carries his atmosphere with him... And therefore it is said: If humans can cultivate the breath of the Tao and circulate it in the body, they too can become immortal and be at one with the sky and earth… MASTER CHUANG TZU said: He who knows what God is, and who knows what Man is, has attained. Knowing what God is, he knows that he himself proceeded therefrom... The pure men of old acted without calculation, not seeking to secure results. [Nomad: achieve results but do not boast, it is a spontaneous life] They laid no plans. Therefore, failing, they had no cause for regret; succeeding, no cause for congratulation. And thus they could scale heights without fear; enter water without becoming wet; fire, without feeling hot. So far had their wisdom advanced towards Tao... For pure men draw breath from their uttermost depths; the vulgar only from their throats.... Therefore it is that the truly wise rejoice in that which can never be lost, but endures always. For if we can accept early death, old age, a beginning, and an end, why not that which informs all creation and is of all phenomena the Ultimate Cause... YOU can read some things about him but be careful... also here we have some little sayings which could be misunderstood or were not perfected... The Portal [GATE] of God is Non-Existence. All things sprang from Non-Existence. Existence could not make existence existence. It must have proceeded from Non-Existence. And Non-Existence and Nothing are One. Herein is the abiding-place of the Sage... The knowledge of the ancients reached the highest point, the time before anything existed. This is the highest point. It is exhaustive. There is no adding to it [Nomad: before the foundation of the world]... And being duly ordered, it will be in repose. And being in repose, it will be clear of perception. And being clear of perception, it will be unconditioned. And being unconditioned, it will be in that state of inaction by which there is nothing which cannot be accomplished. [Chuang spoke also against the stimulus of purpose, because of Gods rest, yet we need spiritual practice and a guideline etc... and therefore read everything in context]... If you abandon the affairs of the world, your body will be without toil. If you forget life, your vitality will be unimpaired... you may become one with Heaven [Nomad: be not spritual entangled]... things have their creation in what has no form, and their conclusion in what has no change. If a man can get hold of this and exhaust it fully, then how can things stand in his way? He may rest within the bounds that know no excess, hide within the borders that know no source (beginning), wander where the ten thousand things have their end and beginning, unify his nature, nourish his breath, unite his virtue, and thereby communicate with that which creates all things. A man like this guards what belongs to Heaven and keeps it whole. His spirit has no flaw, so how can things enter in and get at him? ==> HERE YOU SEE AGAIN HOW UTTERMOST FOOLISH IS THE WESTERN RELIGION, YA,some TAOIST WERE HIGHLY ILLUMINATED yet those people in western churches must ignore them completely and vice versa often those in China don’t see our alchemist and sages.…………………...CHECK: Yin and Yang, moon and sun, seven planets were also kept in China... the rest find it out for yourself! Ywt still I say to Chinese people... and do not think that you are more clever than you are with your 5 planets and sun and moon... because it is a holistic truth... Generating: Wood feeds Fire... Fire creates Earth (ash)... Earth bears Metal... Metal collects Water... Water nourishes Wood. Overcoming: Wood parts Earth (such as roots or trees can prevent soil erosion)... Earth dams (or muddies or absorbs) Water... Water extinguishes Fire... Fire melts Metal... Metal chops Wood => they understood this elements as constant interaction and flux with one another... ==> in the bagua (eigth trigrams), it seems that wood is associated with WIND and thunder, earth with mountain but also the ground, and metal with ether or akash (durability of meteoric iron, and the divination figure - DUI)... Directions: Earth (Incense), yellow, center, UP and DOWN... Wood, (Spring, Wind), green, EAST... Fire, (Summer Dew), red, SOUTH... Metal, (Fall Sounds), white, WEST... Water, (Winter Sunshine) black/blue, NORTH ==> the SIX directions as mentioned in this book, therefore yes, they played it a bit different... and it looks more complicated, but the seven planets remain, and yin and yang does fit, because duality is integrated ==> similar to fixed and volatile, and our extracted mercury... anyway, fire and water got already explained according to the manifest, [again, fixed and volatile bound together, apocalypse, and you know, and the akash expands also via water (our ascension) and these people eat also with chopsticks, they must be a bit different (maybe they have “fooled” around with metal), and in thunder is hidden the sound and light, and the shadow hidden on the ground... and the joyous lake spans on to the horizon... and Iam not interested to look further into it, and this book here is big enough... and probably they wanted to hide it also in some bigger way, when we look at the bagua... and how they mix it... BUT LAOZI IS STILL MY FRIEND and I like Chinese food and I had Chinese furniture in my old apartment, the apartment which I have already sold, as known and read in this book... what do you think, that you can fool Nomad? O Philosopher stone, the sage’s secret and a world mixed with deceit!
112) You must also understand that leaders or the elite in many countries wanted to hide this knowledge about the seven planets, because they wanted also something which separates them from the layfolk and often only those who were born in wealthy families and who had connections, to them it got revealed (with the Highpriest class in ancient times), wherefore often they did grow also dumb and lost a lot of the knowledge and some of them also surrendered to darkness. Wherefore when you study very carefully this book here and then also the sages (alchemist and mystics) and maybe also the very ancient Vedas and again the Taoist and many other... then you will find out, that this book here shows the truth, exactly in the simplicity as explained here. Ya, many of these people have not calculated that someone makes this undertaking and puts it all together and explains it also with the divine reality... Lets go on, understand it rightly: air nourishes fire... fire carves and a hole in the wall makes a window... both, water and air ascend and descend. And we can generally say about us: Air inspires us, Fire propels us, Water nourishes us, Earth grounds us... water corresponds to feelings and air corresponds to thoughts... And also our bodies and souls can be transformed into more condensed or subtler states... ==> and the body or earth is the solid wax of the candle (spirit in matter) = SEAL, in the language of the gods (the imprint)… Now, and when man purifies his body and his blood or soul, then the activity of the Spirit intensifies and manifests itself in in the upper air, sending the message of divinity in form of coded electrical signals via the nervous system to all parts of the human body, and here we speak also about the famous nadis, cosmic currents, cells, spinal cord, the BIOLOGICAL PLASMA OF THE ENERGY BODY, THE BIOPLASMIC BODY AS KOWN TO THE SAGES, ya, via expanded consciousness, it includes a higher frequency (because the dark which contracts [too much] is cast out), ya, the quality of the energies changes (translucent realm)... JOURNEY FROM CREATION TO CREATOR [the tabernacle not of this creation]... Ya, the soul contains both, good and evil... the soul needs to be purified, it is the soul which gives life to the body… And we could make five categories: brutes (animals), ordinary men, men of talent (more energetic or more flexible [closer to apocalypse truth, more in alignment, including emotions], more present, more spiritual etc.), saints (who can also have glimpses about the mystic eye), great master and initiates ==> CHECK: as the putrid dark water can be purified, so also the air rises, and the body gets rid of his impurities. And we get rid of the scorching property, the sun in the sky will no longer burn us!!! [having received the pure water of life, clear as crystal]! And it suffers transmutation via the contrary!!! And the 12 fruits have probably also to do with the Zodiak :-) and the outward constellation we have to overcome…. ANYWAY I TOLD YOU ABOUT MY CHILDHOOD AND THE BLACK RAT AND WHITE RAT WHICH I HAD AS CHILD (and that is no joke) and the year 2020 in Chinese Zodiak, it is the year of the RAT!!!, HAHAHA, I have my fun with this book here… (wherefore 2021 its the ox, and we have now 28.April 2021 and I guess in one month this book and website is finished, in a sense that the whole arcanum regarding the fundament got written down and explained)... Anyway, lets go on with the Zodiak: in middle ages, they even compared it to the human body: THE WHEEL OF THE ZODIAK SETS THE RYTHMS OF HUMAN EXISTENCE...Aries — Head...Taurus — Neck...Gemini — Arms & shoulders...Cancer — Breast...Leo — Shoulderblades & Sides...Virgo — Stomach & intestines...Libra — Hips & buttocks...Scorpio — Genitals...Sagittarius — Thighs...Capricorn — Knees...Aquarius — Ankles...Pisces — Feet ==> correspondence between celestial bodies and human moods, medicine and microcosm yet this is less important for us and they had many ideas… CHECK: FOR US IT IS IMPORTANT to enter the higher vibration and all theses other little problems will more and more vanish… by itself (we have the true panacea). ==> What is important for us? Answer: when a church is build on a solid foundation, then they will OUTPACE all other churches like a Formula 1 car versus an old truck. And even revelations will flow continuous from one person to another, because it is built on THE ROCK and more and more puzzle pieces comes together… ya, it needs first of all a very diligent seeker to build that together and I would say, it could had been a bit more easy...anyway… we live in the 21 century… we just accept it… and therefore what I say, the stone is our CREEDAL!!!... And no CHECK further about transformation: the reason why in later breakthroughs (purification), that we acknowledge no longer any little sadness or any tiny despair or harsh anger, that is, because we go from DARKNESS (and coldness) to WATER and from water to AIR and LIGHT (because in the final stage we have simple joy and love increase which goes up to the super-bliss) ==> IT IS SIMPLE AS THAT ==> In scripture we read in Isaiah 55:8,9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. ==> And understand it rightly: also some people want to destroy the super-bliss of others and look strange at them because later on we are without stress and we are not wavering around like others, yet, somehow even those people know to some tiny degree that it is their own depravity which pushes them… therefore don’t let the world STEAL your joy... And regarding my as AUTHOR of this book, yes, I have read Homer and Ovid, one of the few books I have read in my old life, ya I was not really a LESERATTE(bookworm)… yet did go to school and learn engineering etc… for sure... but understand me, I felt more comfortable with a snowboard in my hand or etc… and therefore acknowledge that Iam not the BEST WRITER yet I know the arcanum… and my English should be adequate enough… to do the job… and also I will become a bit better… as and also I even said that someone should become familiar with every art (and it does no exclude me, therefore now I have to write this book and later I can do other things… and Iam really happy about that, trust me:-)… NOW, lets check another verse, Psalm 18:9, 11, 28 He bowed the heavens also, and came down: and darkness was under his feet...He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies...For thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness => apocalypse = darkness behind the light (body filled with light, 7 Spirits wheel) ==> He brought me forth also into a large place (expanded akash); he delivered me, because he delighted in me. ==> AND if some people want to make progress and to leave the labyrinth, yea, then they will despise everything which is contrary to the apocalypse, and that makes them stable, and when I say that they shall despise it, then I do only mean that they shall follow their inward knowing, and that which shall bring them into happiness… YIELD TO THE SOURCE (away from unnecessary distractions and also embrace more often meditation, stillness (senses calmed), contemplation, so that the fire can better burn in you – and do it with HOPE… AND WE SEE OURSELVES AS AN ANTIDOTE because: We could enter a DARK age, political dissent, moral and cultural decadence, religious stagnation, social alienation, pornography, greed, materialism... big brother and clowns who have access to all our data... environmental problems...Yet in knowledge (a form of light, yet not every invention is outside of the wrath stream) we have increased. And the technology masks today the psychological and social problems; they have normalized the wretchedness... Babel peak... And true experts, they ignore them. Ya, in earlier days they were conditioned to see slow, to have a calm exposition (trustworthy thinking) and today maniacs who learned to have a good presentation style (emotional appeal), they have taken over [signaling posts, web]. It results in a loss of confidence, it is a despair in ordinary human effort coupled with an inability to show that morality exists objectively, moral relativism, denial of mind and denial of mental objects = robot vehicle… ==> WHAT LIBERATION, MY BOOK NEEDS NO CLOSED DOORS AND NOR DOES IT NEED ANY MANIPULATION (as known in many religious circles)... Wherefore this straightforwardness of real saints might frighten those who are business orientated... So what are we doing? Answer: we simple show them THE WAY! What more do you want or what do you want to make complicated?
113) QUESTION Nomad, how religious are you? Answer, Wardruna did go with me, LYFJABERG (and this is really not a band which is very white dove orientated… yet you must know during my ascension… somehow I needed a bit the brute part and…), and generally I always say, avoid the anger sting… And yes, a Mystic could change the surrounding just by his presence… yet I do not say that I changed now and already many people… yet you will ask me how hard I judge them? Lets say it that way: I throw no one out just because of his past and also Jesus invited a whore and etc... and I was brute in my ascension… but and also because it was really ABNORMAL… from the darkest point… now, I need also my little push (really tough)... Behold, as long as no one goes in direct fight with me… I say, other people have simple their influence and people have also a free will… they can decide what they want to watch or etc. And nor can I say: its especially your fault that the arcanum got lost, like it is because of this or that person… nay, in fact some hang on Jacob Boehme and others on other sages and etc… and we entered simple a cycle in which the arcanum got lost... and material, psychic, pneumatic people exist… And much more I don’t want to say here... but YES and to add, I will always speak about minimum balance...
114) And understand it rightly (against folly protestant doctrine, they are SUCH FOOLS!!! and liar): Genesis 4:6 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” ==> THEREFORE, THE LORD HAD NOT TAKEN AWAY FREE WILL FROM HIM, HE EVEN ADMONISHED HIM ==> and further, throughout the OT we see FREE WILL, choose life, that you and your children may live... ==> ya, Adam did fall and he lost his spiritual eyes but its not like that free will did vanish (and like now just the dark king rules over them), this is absurd!!!!!!!!… they are such idiots… QUESTION NOMAD, does the sphere with the governing wheel also affect the surrounding? Answer yes, we have seen that also to some degree with Saint Seraphim and other saints that not just his face did shine in Glory but also his clothes and the snow around him...And therefore it would not be just about me, but I could also take people under my umbrella… in the circumference, ya, and another example would be Peters shadow… as your read in the NT ==> wherefore when you ask me about the RADIUS... that I cannot tell you, I simple do not know it, but close distance is definitely under my umbrella via the source… QUESTION, what is with Hollywood? I must admit, also I watch sometimes martial arts movies and as long as the good hero is still the good hero, it is not the huge problem (yet, for sure in the apocalypse, we are general above Hollywood etc., no the big interest… they are simple a bit behind with their stuff) ==> wherefore the problem is that we have different soul images... and some people have simple a bigger inner strength… and others can be more easily manipulated etc.. And yes, I do not deny that also Hollywood became more depraved… and just the dark stuff… this is also not the answer!!!!… And ya, and to destroy again a bit your religious folly, that is, I will tell you that also we have our mountain in Austria, for example: HEILIGENBLUT AM GROßGLOCKNER (HEILIGENBLUT, HOLYBLOOD at MT GROßGLOCKNER) ==> it does not always need to be Israel with their moutains… yet this dead letter driven folly Protestant will never understand me!!!… QUESTION, do you have shame about the transmutation photos? Answer, my photos are by itself ART, and you must have the balls to make them during ascend/ darkest hour... and I do not know anyone who has done that before me ==> YET I know that PHOTOS should be MADE IN THE KITCHEN, thats where alchemy happens, so forgive me… I have ignored that part :-) ==> And yes, the Habsburger in Austria had also a time in which they were interested in Alchemy: Metamorphosen des Ovid, Schönnbrunn Pavillion, and alchemy, the number 4, and the five pointed star was often used for the 4 Elements and ether (or akash) ==> And science is by no means rejected, yet, also in science we see today the BIG QUESTION: THE CONNECTION BETWEEN MATTER AND CONSCIOUSNESS???... And since via alchemy different streams of science got established (also in Austria, including Quantenphysik etc.), now, I show the way back to the root... And therefore via the actual science we have today we acknowledge also that there are some open questions... and we can give an answer… Yet, how much I am Alice in Wonderland in the year 2021 because of this revelation in this book, that I give to other... And for those who are shocked about my PHOTOS, I tell you directly, schizophrenia or any other psychological problem does not exist behind the veil, my soul receives ongoing healing (mind, emotion, will) – it is rather that Iam trained on all level and I have a sheer “brute” will, thats why I can do that... but also I receive healing, and I have explained all that, wherefore the question remains if you can eat it :-) QUESTION about my country, Nomad, your first country is in the apocalypse (married the land), yet still you don’t forget Austria which is your second country, why? Answer, I like the idea that a small country like Austria had often more influence, I simple like that and it does not matter if I would be looked upon as Alice in Wonderland right now (wherefore to some degree we can also say that about quantum physics etc. they are not less crazy). And it will be not forever that way that Iam Alice in wonderland... one day they will realize what I have written, and if that is only in ten or 100 years or tomorrow according to some people, I am not in worry. And for sure, it would be interesting how the structure of the blood etc. in the apocalypse changes, but as I said, first of all someone has to reach transfiguration... and later we will have the question if there is something which we can learn from that structure in my blood, ya, for sure, and maybe another field can open up (science, health or…). And God would had chosen someone else and not an open minded person like me if that would go hard against the divine will... And also to acknowledge, today they can get your DNA very easily… they only need to figure out what you did the last hour… so there is so or so no way around it... Conclusion: I say, today the world is different and we have a more advanced science and I go back to the root and then lets check this and that... And for FUN: Austria looks on the map like number 6 or number 9 and it has 9 federal states. The 69, a total return, yin and yang, but that is just my fun, ya maybe Iam no funny enough for other people… ok, is ok...… And yes, I explain it that way, we have the first country (and new earth) and the second country (Austria) and we do not forget the second country, ya, in fact we must even have a correct balance according to the second country… and this idiots even overdo it today with immigration, ya because the elite has a bit lost their mind (or balance)… And nay, Iam not against immigrants… but Iam about balance… and in another chapter we will explain the FLUID DYNAMICS and balance… and the prophecy… For you its most easy to imagine it that way, that is… Jerusalem city has 12 foundations… and we have to deal also with society, history and many other factors… and therefore in the lower foundations we need to find right balance… and yes, we have also some responsibility…
115) You must know, I had not many animals… ya we had a Boa constrictor and I did grow up with it as a little child (and before that they had a German shepherd dog)… then I had two rats and later as an adult, and in my first ascension I had a chipmunk… And it is like with the chipmunk which I had in my old apartment. And ya, I really looked in the whole apartment that the chipmunk will not be able to bite in one of the power cables, yea, I really used a lot of stuff and I made it almost impossible for him... yet, one little thing I have not acknowledged and one day the chipmunk did bite into a cable (it was my fault, but so it is, yes it was also an extreme chipmunk). Because you must know, I had a very potent chipmunk, this guy was really strong and he did sing a lot and he jumped always on me and he had also his territory, he showed me, that it belongs also to him... anyway after he did bite into the cable, he was for a while incapable to have full balance regarding all his sharp movements and whenever he had to accomplish a little task, he always watched me carefully and he did everything to hide his little weakness... and so it is also a bit with the PHOTOS... Therefore I started only now with the website… but on the other side… when people speak about their weaknesses, this can also help other (for example some actor exist who have a bit a borderline problem or...)… yet in my case it was a bit too extreme:-) And further, you do also not need to write a Stephen King book about Nomad and his photos... just chill out, this is simple purification of the soul (coming out of an extreme smash)...And no, I have no borderline problem… and I have regathered the energies… like the “yellow emperor”… Now, lets go on: some of the ancient ideas was, if you overcome the outside giants, then later you will also overcome the inner giants and so they had initiation rites, and sometimes there were maybe some challenges which the participant had to survive (crocodiles, this and that, or whatever) and they had probably some secrets which got only revealed on top of the different steps, ya, secrets by which they could more easily break open the soul consciousness (and probably they wanted to test their soul image in the first place). Ya, and I believe that Egypt was in decline at Moses time yet earlier they were also connected to the most ancient church, thats for sure, ya, and even Mose received still some secrets... Wherefore when the “upper class” vanishes, then often also the hidden scrolls with them. And for sure, we have the OT in Hebrew, and they included also the seven planets which I will show you later, and the ancient Hebrew tablets are also known. Ya, and then we have the NT in Greek, Greek, that is where wisdom bloomed and where we find the 4 Elements and many other things about the stone... Wherefore the apostle needed also to challenge the Greek people and if they would not had known the 4 Elements and space… then the Greeks would had laughed about them, and Paul would had no chance at all. Therefore, this I tell you, and ya, rather Paul wanted to fix some stuff and redirect it towards Jesus... cornerstone, breath, living water, consuming fire... Ya and also the Greeks understood the temple: in him we live and move and have our being, as some of YOUR OWN POETS have said, and for sure they have known the immoveable kingdom, the kingdom which cannot be moved (not be moved, often translated: cannot be shaken). CHECK: Romans 8 that creation is groaning as in the pains of childbirth, subjected to frustration? You wiseling, I even explained to you new earth and the stone, and therefore all you mouth Christians who claim that the bible is the word of God... do you not see that you have to confirm me? 7 SPIRITS GOVERNING WHEEL!!! and CHECK: St Nikephorus the Hesychast spoke about ATTENTION (watchfulness, and I called it also simple AWARENESS), and he even said, attention is the beginning of Theoria. And attention is serenity of mind, and Nomad says, it cannot be in any other way. (and it has also to do with stillness before God and cutting of useless thoughts) And Nikephorus refers to the kingdom of heaven which is within us, ya and to the tree. And he said: to him who has only externally correct behaviour but bears no fruit, he possesses nothing but leaves... Heaven and hell is in man and I explained the fruit in this book... And I say, You need strong eyes for the FULL! apocalypse, the eyes must still get MUCH STRONGER otherwise you get messed up, and you cannot handle the translucent realm. CHECK: Some people may be a bit frightened that I look really sometimes a bit different on the PHOTOS, but to this I say, just chill out, and behold it as the DIVINE PROGRAM (therefore not just digital:-), and it only got a bit more messed up because I had once the original imprint (and then later a big smash)... My true Self womb face (heavenly image), only God knows. Ya, and also with that the prophecy got fulfilled… which I found only later out… the dark M and light M… And yes, also my consciousness changes… and so I also made the PHOTOS… And I know that by looking at the PHOTOS, its paired with inaccurate consciousness reflections… the higher I go, ya, bit different I look upon the PHOTOS… CHECK: Iam like a NEANDERTHALER with this ancient truth… lets have fun: Genesis 4:14 another “species” were also here, because he said: whoever finds me kills me, therefore Neanderthaler or whoever, we do not know exactly nor the time-frame, Adam, Eve, Abel and Cain, the fall happened because of immaturity!!!!!!!! (later I will explain that better) ==> And today, there are some scientist at NASA who say that there is a little difference and humans are not from this planet (I do not know exactly why they come to this conclusion), yet, this is nonsense!!! We just received the supreme status and the pattern evolved with it (including DNA etc.). And all that is not my problem, because we have the seeds in creation and the patterns and one seed received supreme status... this is not my problem, my problem is that some souls seem to be more advanced (or more directed towards the source etc. as explained, more spiritual) and that topic I want to cover with the pre-existence of the soul… but we will do that only later... And no, that I can tell you already: AND WHAT I CAN CLEARLY DISPROVE that is the transmigration of the soul to animals or plants, because this is absurd and it would not fit into the “energy construct”, and when some ancient people say that someone gets born as an animal, it can only mean in lowest animals passions. I see no way that a transmigration of the soul to plants or minerals makes any sense and it is not possible! THE IMPLANTATION OF THE LOGOS IS THE RECEPTION OF SUPREME STATUS WHICH COULD ONLY BE DONE VIA A SUPREME ACT and it does not matter if other gods were involved in the decision making or not (like for example in some sort of court), this does not matter, yet, via the “energy construct” I can say that the transmigration of the soul to animals or plants is nonsense and makes also no sense and we must use sober conclusions!!!!
116) Laying on with hands, also a person alone can do that... for example I did it with knee healing, and I have right now no insurance... BECAUSE the divine intelligence, this ground is in the apocalypse (look at the pool we have build) and those who are really strong (because not all have that faith, the question about faith goes hand in hand with love, joy, paradise, the ladder… bla bla bla), the refocus is brought on that particular body part. And this will be also a study at LC, divine intelligence, the whole kingdom within, focus, imagination, restructure, energy flow ==> wherefore in little ways every human does that, and one example would be a stomach problem and then they put the hand on the stomach and like speaking inwardly to it, please, the energy or love flow shall go on that particular place to strengthen it... ya, for sure, this is not the high thing like in the apocalypse (the full power is missing) but we see some of this reactions with all human, same with headache etc... ==> And I did it for example with a knee problem (the intrinsic substance, per se, this is the big underground stream, and also the reactivation according to certain parts of the body, the divine program, and I guess to channel it via the mind yet mark well, we do not own that FLOW)... In Hebrews 6:2 we read, repentance (means U turn) from dead works, faith in God (apocalypse = faith OF God), baptism (we get also remembered to the divine water or upper water, and the philosopher stone: water comes in, without dry bones, be like a newborn babe), resurrection of the dead (higher layer: now resurrection, apocalypse), laying on of hands, eternal judgment (this includes after-life, higher or lower place)... let us go on unto perfection... BUT beside all that I want always to remember you, you have a free will, similar you can walk in the lowest part of the Matrix or you climb up the ladder... and you FEED your mind… what do you choose??? Ya, and hell means normally also simple suffering... and the highest point is the “immaterial day” ... And we must acknowledge that some people are not even interested regarding this higher point, ya, the vast amount of people swims in-between, different degrees, and some few go up to the highest point... So also about after-life, what you want and etc… And you have your own testimony!!!... And again about miracles, that includes healing but punishment as well, Paul who blinded the sorcerer, and Ananias collapsed and died by Peters word (but to use it for punishment, this happens very seldom, and we do not intimidate anyone at LC, we have spoken already about it!!!). And now I show you also the view of the Orthodox about tongues: Kinds of tongues refers also to the ceaseless prayer of the heart in the Holy Spirit, with translation of that prayer or hymn into audible prayer. Listen, my conclusions about all this gifts: overall we should not make it complicated... and yes, so also Saint John of Chrysostom says about the gift of discernment (discerning of Spirits): that it is the ability to tell who is spiritual and who is not, who is a prophet and who is not since at the time of Apostle Paul, there were false prophets deluding people. St. Ephrem the Syrian says that the gift of discerning of spirits is good management of the church... and it includes also discernment of thoughts, including dreams, visions, prophecies, miracles... Theophan the Recluses writes: whoever wants to know more precisely what the discernment of thoughts is, let him read the book of answers of Barsanuphius and John, the clairvoyant recluses… John of Damascus writes: the virtue of discernment (discrimination) is greater than any other virtue; and is the queen and crown of all the virtues [Nomad, similar no one can fool me about the IMMATERIAL DAY etc... all that what milk Christians are not able to comprehend, therefore only an undeluded mentor can reveal this things]. John Climacus writes: those who wish to learn the will of the Lord must first mortify their own will... Peter of Damascus writes: everything, however, demands discrimination if it is to be used for the good; without discrimination we are ignorant of the true nature of things... St Maximus the Confessor writes: once the soul starts to feel its own good health, the images in its dreams are also calm and free from passion... Therefore, the western Pentecostal view that everyone is able to judge things correctly, they are complete DELUDED, for they cannot even comprehend the apocalypse. And further, if we want to grow, we must share these gifts with other... And because WE WHO ARE NOT AS OTHERS… they would also call me a false prophet because I disagree with their trinity view (and have a borader afterlife view)… anyway… we check it all in the divine reality and with divine science, even more so later ==> CHECK. A real artist has something in common with me and it is called flow state, for example when someone plays on his guitar,the flow state, a state of mind that they become when they are fully immersed into something that they are passionate about and so they loose all sense of time and space, to become just that one thing, or like a painter becomes the painting ... and again others seek it on a surfboard. And I would like to say, that is like to find some glimpses regarding the oneness feeling in the divine reality... and they have their individual talent… one way beyond the way yet many ways lead to the mountain top... And this is another reason why Nomad is a Toxonsophist and not a theologian. (and as we know, the orthodox quarrel with the Protestant and the Protestant with the Catholic… so I could not care less… and I have just my view about the trinity)… ==> NOMADS MANIFESTO: a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an individual, with clear aims or desired outcome: The divine blueprint will aim at deepening understanding, and whoever follows me, may gain some benefit (wherefore the candidate who writes this book, ya he ends his book already with his victory, therefore rather make you your calling and election sure) ==> :HAHAH, but I do not deny that the purification by itself is a hard part, and even to write this book beside that, only the hardest victory brings most success, it shapes me, and I bring it behind me... also my benefit, therefore: ALWAYS IMPROVE, EVEN IN CRISIS!!! CHECK: Some religious people only want to put you into a box... yet, I say, be creative, seek liberation and stand upright and strong… and do not think that childlike liberty is a weakness (and understand it rightly, not childish naive but childlike liberty, lighthearted…). Ya, seek the divine water in your bones, feel it from early on in your life and embrace it. Similar I do not say that you have to be a Christian musician, no, rather understand the correspondences and be creative, and so I also spoke about the FLOW STATE, whatever you do, flow with it, according to your talent... and yes, the correspondences will also give you some creativity and how you shall look at things... and stir up your intuition... others like to sit with a snowboard on a mountain meditative, enjoy the panorama (also a way to bring the mind into stillness) and afterwards go for a ride... be creative, seek that which fits for you.. and waste not your time with useless things, rather go the path to liberation ==> THE KINGDOM IS WITHIN YOU (highest beauty and liberation).... And the cross shall be a universal sign to you! Similar, in your youth you feel more your conscience, and if you do no want to become artificial, yet you make little mistakes… now if you do a shameful thing or you have a problem (little weakness), your conscience will speak to you, NEVER suppress this inner voice... rather truly repent from your heart before God (and his universe), before the universal cross which has its center... otherwise you cloak your true self (muting the inner voice)... therefore listen to the ear of the heart and do not fall into the trap of the rush and loudness of this world... no, find your center... AND NEVER SMOKE CANNABIS (it will lower your vibration, makes foggy, its a real trap)and avoid too much drunkenness, have a clean nous… wherefore with wine or etc… you can handle that still better but Cannabis can make you very fast very slow… do not forget that, its a narcotic… don’t get fooled by this blind fools today who tell you something else... And when you seek meditative stillness, ya, you can also combine it with movement… And later I show you also the MANNA… which can purify a bit the pineal gland yet it is not for everyone (it will be in the science chapter of this book)... CHECK: And so we get reminded to the scene in the Movie DUNE: Paul meets the Gom Jabar. Paul Atreides has his humanity tested by the Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam via the gom jabbar (hand put into the black box, fear is the mindkiller), the high handed enemy. Paul passes the test, and also relates some about his prescient dreams – with the final words from Mother Gaius: BUT YOU HAVE MUCH TO LEARN… CHECK: WAKE UP, O SLEEPER, AND ARISE FROM THE DEAD AND CHRIST WILL SHINE ON YOU, Ephesians 5:14, Isaiah 52:1, 60:1, Malachi 4:2, Romans 13:11 etc. ==> the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth ==> may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your !!!inner being!!!, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith ==> you may be filled to the measure of all the !!!fullness of God!!! ==> eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you ==> Saint Augustine said: The one who created you without you, will not save you without you... CHECK: Seven factors of awakening: 1) Mindfulness. To maintain awareness of reality (dharma), 2) Investigation of the nature of reality [including the divine reality], 3) Energy, also determination, effort [be also steadfast in a crisis], 4) Joy or rapture, 5) Relaxation or tranquility of both body and mind, 6) Concentration or clear awareness (attention), 7) Equanimity. To accept reality as-it-is without craving or aversion [maybe better understood as an immoveable peace within, it does not mean indifference but to fly high above worldly things, unshaken kingdom, to operate effortless, divine water flow, to leave the wrath stream] = TRAIN YOURSELF IN THIS THINGS MY FRIEND... follow the path, embrace the truth… Question to the Master: Did Jesus walk on water because he counted all the atoms or was it because he had a similitude in him, eye of the kingdom? I guess you know the answer and you shall also know, if he would had for one second left his special looking glass, he would had sunk down into the deep ocean, except he did know how to swim… And I have to tell you: For sure it must be in the book that I had a Kawasaki Ninja, and its one of the better bikes (and KTM shall not bother me, they have right now no supersportler :-), ya, now, with that thing you can really fly a bit and it goes very smooth into any curve (like with the tip of the finger), a bit like floating when driving over little hills – a street which goes slight upwards and then again down and so on, to get melted with that thing including the track and having sometimes little air between the wheels and the street, but again, nothing can top the apocalypse…. QUESTION, what does the word blaspheme mean? Answer: unjust accusations, insults, impious and reproachful speech injurious to divine majesty, lack of reverence, false prophets and their love of fabricated stories (as curse of their own heart) = using his name in vain, false teacher... thats all about it… and yes, its also possible to blaspheme some stuff and they do not even know it fully… anyway, don’t worry… we also all learn… and yes, when someone is sunk deep in hell… also they often curse creation (O you hot sun in the sky etc.) and etc… they are not happy with anything… and they know it not that Spirit is in matter!!!!!!!!… QUESTION, can you give me one last help about the divine reality? Imagine it like a consciousness bowl (the vision is broadened out interiorly) by which all objects shine translucent (like crystals) and by which (because of the flow) the glassy gaze proceeds continuously with us (because also that mental mirror is like a glass (made visible with the inner eye, via the sevenfold energy). The divine program, and geo(earth)metrical fixed, and in convergence, SPHERE-CUBE SECRET, within and without… and east before the face… See it that way, you cloth yourself with that divine program (divine reality) and still you walk around with a body... And its heavy to imagine because you think only about your 5 senses right now... for you will also say, how can the WOMB be the foundation? And I also have to walk with my two legs! Ya, It is both at once… intelligible and senses
117) the main topic of my book is enlightenment and liberation... yet when young people would read my book and get fear about demons, I just would tell him, see it as adventure and you do also not fear bacterium or any such stuff (except you have a mental problem). No, similar when we speak about man as microcosm (we spoke about the energy split). And you understand now the seven Spirits and the DIVINE PROGRAM and the TOXONSOPHIST part. Nothing of that stuff you need to fear. There are simple different energy manifestations and similar more dark manifestations, that goes hand in hand with a more rotten smell, and similar I have explained Heaven and Hell in man. It is a supernal construct. Therefore if young kids read my book... understand it from a higher perspective. And I do always say, a child should spend more time in nature or outside and should be loud and should have fun with others, when playing outside... any strict religious stuff helps nothing…. Yet discipline is kept, some good upbringing… here I just say, common sense... And, only later this older kids can check how the nous is to be kept clean, the simple things, no drugs etc as explained in the book... And like a Toxonsophist, keep the simple virtuous things (and by knowing the design) and embrace attention, an energetic life, childlike liberty...etc., and dont allow it to be brought down (rise above it), and vice versa do not seek to personally destroy another person, what we call ow level mobbing or bullying... (it will or could in most cases bounce back on your soul), and you have also a conscience which speaks to you…. Overall we use much common sense… and the rest is higher contemplation etc. ==> NOW, lets check religions, we have: 1) Judaism (and mystical Jews), 2) Christianity (yea, they need the right interpretation about new earth etc.), 3) Buddhism (virtues, and some have the rainbow body which is closer to the ancient truth, it needs a correct interpretation of the void or Nirvana (the unchangeable, perfect passionlessness = heavenly mode): a place of perfect peace and happiness, like heaven, synonymous with moksha or salvation – liberation – release ==> a notion of a timeless, "unborn", or "the still point of the turning world of time", its timeless structure, free from corruption, the incomparable security of a Nirvana free from birth...age...disease...death...sorrow...free from corruption, amatam. Mahayana: the body of essence (uniform and subtle corresponds to the pure unchanging, supreme state of absolute knowledge and I have simple called it mental body), the body of bliss, some say, it varies in all the planes of the universe according to region, in name, in form and in experience of phenomena, represents the ecstatic union of the individual consciousness with eternal truth (heavenly mode, and I would say that it is also important about afterlife, and it is the spiritual property to receive the truth (supersensual), maybe we would call it the spiritual body (not flesh and blood) which is quasi beneath the physical body, remember, this realm is like an additional scroll), the body of transformation (some call it earthly mode but it represents the manifestation, physical property of Buddha, tangible) which displays with skill birth, enlightenment and nirvana... the Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra, interpreted “secret” to mean that a single Buddha possesses all three bodies and that all three bodies are found within a single Buddha) ==> NOMAD: that is ABSOLUTE CORRECT!!! 4) Taoism (we have already spoken about them), and 5) some ancient Veda text etc. (it needs correct interpretation, and to filter out some things, but we see the correspondences, enlightenment, we read about the mirror, the unchangeable etc. (similar with Taoism) and the earliest Vedic texts incorporate the concept of life, followed by an afterlife in heaven and hell based on cumulative virtues (merit) or vices (demerit). And the ancient Vedic Rishis challenged this idea of afterlife as simplistic, because people do not live an equally moral or immoral life. Between generally virtuous lives, some are more virtuous; while evil too has degrees, and either permanent heaven or permanent hell is disproportionate. The Vedic thinkers introduced the idea of an afterlife in heaven or hell in proportion to one's merit, and when this runs out, one returns and is reborn ==> later we speak about reincarnation and yes, some can also stay in the higher heavens and higher heavenly planets exist… and the science is not so much about the simplistic view regarding heaven and hell in afterlife but much more about the different soul images… later more to it... 6) Jainism: There is a safe place in view of all, but difficult of approach, where there is no old age nor death, no pain nor disease. It is what is called nirvāṇa, or freedom from pain, or perfection, which is in view of all; it is the safe, happy, and quiet place which the great sages reach. That is the eternal place, in view of all, but difficult of approach. Those sages who reach it are free from sorrows, they have put an end to the stream of existence, 7) native Indians (we have already spoken about them) ==> HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT I SEE THE BIG PICTURE AND ALL CORRESPONDENCES??? Answer: Iam above all that lower nonsense and I know the truth… and we have the 8) Koran, (we have also Sufism (4 elements etc. and well known Arabic alchemist)… yet for sure as I disagree with some stuff in the OT regarding the Bible (Jesus = new dispensation)… so for sure also about the Koran…and it is clear, I can find many more confirmations in the Bible… I cant do that with the Koran… and maybe it offends them… but they can disprove me… but so far that I have figured out… wherefore I have never fully read the Koran, just read a bit over it… and yes, they have reincarnation hidden in their texts… or some Sufis believe that… later I can show you that ==>THEREFORE, WE SPEAK GODS HIDDEN WISDOM IN A MYSTERY (clan or family of the sages)… for us it is simple
118) I do not know why people would worry about my book. I prove God (divine intelligence, life force, source etc.) via divine reality. I prove resurrection life. I prove or explain the science about the soul and the “second body” aka that there is an afterlife. I prove that Heaven and hell eternally co-exist, together with the Philosopher stone and many other things... SCIENCE and a bit SUPERNAL LOGIC (to the best degree as it is possible for me to do that)... ==> Very important to all pure abodes is the 'Source' from which they dwell and which supports them, the 'Wellspring' of myriad fonts as emergent. It may be understood as an interface, portal or epiphany (a moment of great revelation or realisation, and manifestation – anointed ones) between the Dharmakaya (first body or mental body, star light body) and the Sambhogakaya (second mode or body, body of bliss) ==> I have never really studied Buddhism but I know what they mean, and they call it also Buddha field and I said the field is in the heart (manifestation of the divine reality, phoenix, everlasting gate, broken through the bonds of matter and ergo kingdom within) CHECK: Dzogechen tradition: Space is unmoving [akash], whereas all form moves, often alluded to as the waves that come and go on the surface of the vast stillness that is the ocean (we get reminded to the sea of glass, and what we must tell you with our SCIENCE, that is that distance does not exist in the spirit realm! WOW, what, how it that possible? Answer, the spirit of God, by contraction draws into itself or by dilation diffuses itself into infinity, we have the bubble vortex [from the formless point, abyss], mirror as the limit of the inner and outer domain and equilibrium… therefore we must rather say the moved unmoved). The trick is to rest in space and allow form to arise and dissipate into it without becoming attached to the enticing movement (divine reality = infinite want, infinite treasure, be the stream of the universe) ==> we simply rest in the state of non-dual being which is our birthright ==> It is not possible to divide the five elements, because they are completely interdependent; they are indivisible (sevenfold energy as explained, integrated in the triadic dynamic, that is, the THREE BALLS, abyssal ball, inner and outer ball as one ball = duality integrated + sevenfold energy = encoded design in matter ==> superperfect spiritual “engine”. ==> The Dzogchen approach to the elements is to view each of them as a brilliant pattern of energies, a spectrum of possibilities that opens up the capacity for us to experience the open dimension of what we are at any and every moment ==> The starting point is to realise the boundless flow, and the globe with its eternal limit, it fills the again the abyss, we just rest in akash ==> form allows us the illusion that we are, in fact, solid, permanent, separate [the inner eye is not yet open, our true self is like a fractal… but also all that is, sea of glass] ==> we must meditate and understand that at every moment we have the capacity to experience the open dimension of who we really are, to enter Gods rest ==> 1) Earth: what territory do we build?, do we need a big tower and a big wall? … famine, fear, hunger... ya, if we could just relax in the present moment, we would experience the liberated energy of the earth element as the glorious warmth and wealth of earth which is inexhaustible and free to whomever needs it. 2) Water: The undisturbed surface of water perfectly mirrors the sky; the crystal clarity of undisturbed water seems incapable of bias or distortion 3) Fire: all the impressions, we unite with other and seek more form... yet to be without earthly mother or father, that is the Melchizedek order, as I have explained that somewhere else in the book, yes, we will have still relationships with other humans, parents etc... but we stay simultaneously grounded in who we are, be the stream of the universe… and when someone dies, ya, mourning is ok but after some weeks you have to go on… and let go... 4) Air: The problem is that the more paranoid we become, the more threatening the world seems to become (this is seen with all this nonsensical Christians who think that they understand the matrix vie all their book of revelation prophecies and etc yet for sure today… we have it also to do partially with a weird oligarchy, depends upon the country etc., anway but most of their weird stuff is not justified...) And understand again, the air is the habitation 5) Space: you must learn to relax in space... to achieve an enraptured non-dual experience, separate (enclosed garden) yet inseparable (with the self transcending center), that is, we could continue on our adventure and we would remain unique as individuals (yet, still it is a kind of unconditioned state, childlike if you will), ya, every apocalypse sage has his individual stream and participates in a glorious shared experience of unlimited wisdom and bliss ==> And the secret as I have shown to you, that is, primordial matter is made via the 5 elements and now you must also add light and darkness and then you have the sevenfold energy (seven spirits) aka seven days secret (the whole divine reality) ==> the consciousness gets expanded = more centered in our Self… Nomad: when a storm arrives, the tree bows down, yet still thankful for the rain. Flash and thunder outside of my apartment, what is greater than the flash? Make you yourself greater, and you loose it all. In the moment you know that you have nothing to loose, truly you will reign over the all. There are many who claim that the flesh is superior… yet those will die, ya, they have never seen the ocean, their fear is great, their words are many, hasty are their movements and of great importance is their quarrel. Their flesh is heavy, the realm is cryptic, their dance inharmonious... Therefore, LEARN TO DANCE like the tree... a drop falls into the ocean... nothing disturbs him, finally he returned back to his home… CHECK: The air is the habitation, earth immoveable, water brings it into manifestation (the divine which seeks to manifest), fire draws it back to the source (carving if you will)... light as the first desire... the moon rendered visible. And suddenly I sang a new song, kingdom within... we leave the maddening wine, for my true self name is NO MAD. FALLEN FALLEN IS BABYLON THE GREAT... Micah 7 ==> Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise!!!; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me - I will bear the indignation of the Lord, because I have sinned against him, until he plead my cause, and execute judgment for me: he will bring me forth to the light, and I shall behold his righteousness - Then she that is mine enemy shall see it, and shame shall cover her which said unto me, Where is the Lord thy God? mine eyes shall behold her: now shall she be trodden down as the mire of the streets- The nations shall see and be confounded at all their might: they shall lay their hand upon their mouth, their ears shall be deaf. - They shall lick the dust like a serpent, they shall move out of their holes like worms of the earth: they shall be afraid of the Lord our God, and shall fear because of thee. - He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea (Nomad, this lower water)...being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory (Christ like), anointed... real GLORY CARRIER... we become what we behold...renown... heavenly body… Therefore understand it rightly: there is a difference between QUICK (quickened) and hasty / nervous / stressed...Wherefore I have also brought my body to the maximum, and even the possibility is still given that I just leave this realm aka entering the God realm and to leave but also this planet later, maybe after one year or a half year or whatever… I will see it later… I have much behind me... you would not believe… ya… I have smashed my fist against the hard wall untile BLOOD and broken STONES…and etc... and you would not believe what I did to break out of this realm and ya sometimes I lost a bit patience... but here a video to chill out:
119) When there is memory, then there is also memory in the dark fire stream, thats how simple it is... And our TOTAL RECALL (Schwarzenegger has to learn something) ya, TOTAL RECALL we receive about our father behind the veil (thats why we can even reach the VIRGIN purity, wherefore internal memory like for example that I learned how to swim or ride a bike, or learned to write, all that stuff is not in the dark fire, this is clear as crystal, therefore its like a redirecting of energies, to become gods, and just some blockages leave us… and etc...)... And it is called the HOLY RUACH (BREATH) or HOLY WIND (der Wind das himmlische Kind), and behind the veil, the habitation is the air = full breath – philosopher stone... Remember yourself back as you were a child, and maybe you were also a kid who did like to play outside with other kids, and every day was a little adventure, and there was always a sense of excitement, a new wellspring for an aspirational mindset, a new mood of invigoration, an atmosphere of change, a bit euphoria, a spirit of optimism, a mood of departure... like the ship on the horizon.... now, then, you have to remember yourself back as it was when you were a child, because often it happens that people loose this kind of mood (energetic doer...) and later they became bitter (wormwood) and if they go too far, yea, then they can reach a point by which even their own mind will harass them (locusts, who leave a desert in the soul). And therefore you should not be one of those people who sell their souls but rather to be someone who sails into the unknown, and who seeks the hidden ocean (by which the first death has no more power over you). Therefore, TAKE care what you trade and with whom you trade… And for sure of special value is also the interpretation about the locusts which dim the first sun and the desert which they leave in the soul and so on... lets leave the bitter river… And acknowledge the living creatures in the sea because all images we receive in the apocalypse, they are living spiritual representations and everything shines brightly, translucent and colourful and is God made, his energies, sea of glass, our consciousness reflection, what do you see in other people? ==> And make well, the GARDEN IS IN YOU (green grass, wisdom imprint, fragrance, nourishment, yea even nourished by the earth (womb) as the foundation versus a desert)... yet the apocalypse is in another chapter of this book, therefore we stop here. CHECK: the vulgar herd, unaccompanied by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Bible is inactive, inoperative; a mere dead letter! Octavius Winslow: Apart from the Spirit, it cannot quicken, nor sanctify, or comfort. It may be read constantly, and searched deeply, and known accurately, and understood partially, and quoted appropriately. Yet, left to its own unassisted power, ‘it comes but in word (dead letter) only’, producing no hallowing, no abiding, no saving results. ONLY THE SPIRIT GIVES LIFE [and not the vulgar herd] ==> their wheels run not in its original course... And the original course is curse free. [end of suffering, and where the beginning is, there you will find also the end, alpha and omega] ==> It is the question of the CUBE in relation to the GRID, where ever there is a square there will be a cube, and the cube has other grid cubes... so also this center is everywhere and therefore not just within me... – 1 or + 1 are one and the same from the perspective of the cube and of space in performance with numbers and letter of the algorithm... energy manifestations would be naturally random yet we have also different reflections in the same grid, and grids represent language and language represents our reflection of where we are represented in the space of language, the dimension of it, Micro and Macrocosm... via the triune nature – triune (and three pearls on every side, Revelation 21:21), universal structure, a mapping through the architecture... The platonic flower of life is insofar true because I on myself must come in “sync wave” formation to every other center (infinite), similar the abyss gets filled again... Nomad the engineer, phase synchronization, God-speed... a synchronous wave of vibration with the Lord (highest vibration, air is the habitation)... and revelation is also the existence of life, to live in another world, new world... order out of the divine chaos, sacred geometry ==> language and new song ==> the vulgar herd operates only with images in contracted “space” (in the dark), the tent is not enlarged (akash), the Lord speaks in dark sayings to them.... but with his servant Nomad he speaks face to face, like with Mose… golden scripture picture. And other humans boast to be prophets yet they are dull to the bones ==> INCREASED AWARENESS = DYING OUT OF TIME [MUD TIME REGISTER] ==> VIA THE FIRST SUN!!!!!!!, MASTER MARTIN MOSTBAUER & the HOLISTIC REALITY… Nomads GOLDEN SCRIPTURE PICTURE, who can eat it? CHECK: CHRYSOSTOM (at least that part he got a bit right): If any man have an ill life with a right faith, his faith shall not shelter him from punishment, his work being burnt up. The phrase, shall be burned up, means, shall not endure the violence of the fire. But just as if a man having golden armor on were to pass through a river of fire, he comes from crossing it all the brighter; but if he were to pass through it with hay, so far from profiting, he destroys himself besides; so also is the case in regard of men’s works. For he does not say this as if he were discoursing of material things being burnt up, but with a view of making their fear more intense, and of showing how naked of all defence he is who abides in wickedness. Wherefore he said, He shall suffer loss: lo, here is one punishment: but he himself shall be saved, but so as by fire; lo, again, here is a second. And his meaning is, He himself shall not perish in the same way as his works, passing into nought, but he shall abide in the fire. He calls it, however, “salvation”, you will say; why, that is the cause of his adding, so as by fire: since we also used to say, It is preserved in the fire, when we speak of those substances which do not immediately burn up and become ashes. For do not at sound of the word fire imagine that those who are burning pass into annihilation. And though he call such punishment “salvation”, be not astonished. For his custom is in things which have an ill sound to use fair expressions, and in good things the contrary. For example, the word “captivity” seems to be the name of an evil thing, but Paul has applied it in a good sense, when he says, Bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 And again, to an evil thing he has applied a good word, saying, Sin reigned, Romans 5:21 here surely the term reigning is rather of auspicious sound. And so here in saying, he shall be saved, he has but darkly hinted at the intensity of the penalty… and the rest I have not taken from him because it wrong… but yes, CONSEQUENCES EXITS, wherever you land!!!!!!
120) And the right hand of the father, that is the expanded Akash. ... “we jump from one dimension to a higher dimension”, look at the bubble as something fluid, do not get caught up in a few drawings... and this jumps, we do it via the triune force [like the 12 foundations of new Jerusalem city, going to the top = LIGHT FILLING = CHRIST FORMED IN US = FULL MEASURE OF THE STATURE OF CHRIST(also his righteousness, name, character), the philosophers white and red and a third one... The term dimension, you must understand it spiritual. ==> we are living stones!!!... and Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord. And since many houses are in the city, then those who have more of the divine fire in them, they should again push others to come higher, yet this RELIGION as today seen, it has totally FAILED! I TEACH THE KINGDOM, I DO NOT TEACH 21 century RELIGION.. ==>... happy is he who hears God singing over him [inaudible], eyes have not seen nor ears heard (everything gets confirmed with scripture). And no poet can hide before Nomad... wherefore it is also not said that all poets understood it. Shakespeare: How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank! Here will we sit and let the sounds of music Creep in our ears: soft stillness and the night. Become [are appropriate to] the touches of sweet harmony. Sit, Jessica. Look how the floor of heaven. Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold: There's not the smallest orb which thou behold'st But in his motion like an angel sings, Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubins; Such harmony is in immortal souls; But whilst this muddy vesture of decay Doth grossly close it in, we cannot hear it. - The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night And his affections dark as Erebus: Let no such man be trusted... And Goethe: Raphael: The sun resounds, with its age-old song, in musical contest with its brother spheres, and undertakes its proscribed journey with thunderous step. Its aspect gives strength to the angels, even if none can fathom it; the unimaginably lofty works are as glorious as on the first day. Gabriel: And swift, and unimaginably swift, whirls the splendor of the earth; it exchanges a heavenly brilliance with a deep, terrible night; the ocean foams in broad waves against the deep base of the rocks, and rock and sea are swept onward in an eternal rapid circling. Michael: And storms roar in contest from sea to land, from land to sea, and form a raging bond of profound power all around. There flames a flashing destruction in the path of the thunder-clap; yet Your command, Lord, is honored by the gentle progress of Your days. All THREE: This sight gives strength to the angels, even if none can fathom it; and all of Your sublime works are as glorious as on the first day... ==> Goethe, at least he got initiated otherwise he could not write it says Nomad the MASTER (and no, I have never studied him, it just shoot in my eye today, and no, I will not read now FAUST, to check him, yet this part he got right and further my book is big enough, therefore I give him just here the honour, and yes, quite possible that he got also some other stuff right, and yes, the first few sentences I do also know about Faust, it seems like he was restless like Iam, in search for the final answer, which is funny for me, wherefore this restlesness is also compareable to SEEK and you SHALL FIND... contemplating divine reality, purifying the soul and so on... until... the big picture manifests before our eye) ==============>>>>>>>> THE CIRCLE, THE SQUARE, THE TRIANGLE...Alchemy symbol – philosopher stone... Henry M. said, my eyes got opened to discover the true centre of the centre of the TRIANGLE and the one true matter of the STONE. Once someone has the whole ARCANUM (and highly purified soul), that means, he belongs to the “ELITE”, including after-life, to sit with the Master or gods on the same table. Understand the second body and look at the Mt. of Transfiguration, life goes on ==> the Philo-Sophia!!! Stone, the Stone of the True Care for Wisdom, the Wisdom of Right-Action, Wisdoms Glass...!!!!!!!Trinity Unity Area!!!!!!!...making a circle = Spirit Area...UNDERLYNG ENERGY – SOURCE ESSENCE OF ALL (immaterial, unseen, inner eye), INFINITE POSSIBILITIES POTENTIAL… INDIVIDUAL CONSCIOUSNESS SELF – GIFT OF FREE WILL (choice to cause effects)... INTERNAL REALM. We have AUTHENTIC versus INAUTHENTIC, TRUE SELF versus FALSE SELF, REALITY versus UNREALITY, RIGHT versus WRONG, SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION (draw closer to God) versus DEVOLUTION. SYNTROPIC ORDERING FORCE (true care, increased willpower, right action... self control – self Mastery) versus ENTROPIC ORDERING FORCE (laziness, wrong actions, false care, chaos, evil emerges... LACKING CARE FOR TRUTH and for other beings (BABEL, HELLISH) outward show)... ==> thought, emotions, action, inner and outer (aligning perception with reality). Achieving UNITY consciousness – dual integrated – higher Self – reality. RIGHT HAND PATH = good, justice, way of righteousness, truth, order, sun, light, ascends to light, life (force, abundant energy), truth, vision... LEFT HAND PATH = wickedness, falsity, yet also foolishness, babel, dark, cold, death, descends to darkness and blindness ==> thoughts and desires to produce action, deeds, behaviours... THEREFORE when you do not see these qualities: understanding of correspondences, vision, love for truth, then let him not be your leader... or there are leaders who can help you (have the basics), but do not think that they are theologians or etc... FIRE, HEAT, LIGHT, are used to cleanse and burn away impurities, to sanitize...the path of the two witnesses, of truth and justice, love for truth and life – creating a heaven, and not a hell (hell which is physical attachment, carnal, flesh, ignorance of wisdom, and a cold place). The conceptual underlying foundational order of creation, KA (life force), the power of KA, and the word and the truth, the path to the heavens and the sun...Nun, the primeval water that contains all elements of the universe (in Nun you find also earth, fire, air...)...Ptah, manifestor of forms (craftsmen). Tet, pillar - symbol of the support for creation, on top it the has four elements...4 winds, 4 corners...the box-like structure as the model of earth (Egypt)...seven signified the union of Spirit and matter (Spirit in matter, married the land)... square base symbolizing the four elements, triangular sides symbolizing the three modes of Spirit (internal modes, three “points” in nature, triune), combining the square and the triangle to get the seven... and eight as the octave (but also new world)... the ENERGY MATRIX... LEFT HAND = beastly, underworld, hell, chaos, dark, blind, physical lower self, service to self, of the flesh... repeating mistakes, WRONG LEARNING, STAGNATION, FROZEN, DEATH, wrong actions... RIGHT HAND = alive, after-life orientated, higher consciousness, service to truth and virtues (courage, love, meek, joyful...friendly), elysium... progressing forward, not repeating mistakes – by having a SPIRITUAL HISTORY...and also to create a heaven, right now, here and now... And GOD = GOOD GENERATOR (and we drawing near to the source) ==> When you look at Nomads apocalypse symbol, then you will see on the left side a triangle and on the right side a triangle (triune point in nature, to ascend or to descend, left hand path or right hand path ==> HELL = that is also a mind construct and sometimes also sorcery magic is used to construct our reality (false ideas, conceptions, definitions, meanings, including magic spells in Christianity and therefore it includes not just the world), carnal beastly, a false way of living, embodying falsity through ignorance, rejection of truth, blaspheming the holy tabernacle, untransformed...Babel as a group of people, worldy Christians, false prophets... Anti-holistic - Antichrist... HEAVEN = Colossians 3:5, Romans 8:13, Matthew 7:13, virtues, accepting Acts 14:22, values, vision, higher nature (spiritualisation), higher self or true self, kingdom of heaven within, the call to seek truth, the way, the effort towards transformation (butterfly)... ladder, degrees – awakening, stages in life, births (into higher harmony), crucifying the sinful nature with its passions = EXPANSION, picking up our cross and travailing in the way, overcoming the division of heaven and earth, the original teachings of the way... it is not about gratification or comfort... no, the way is narrow... the KEY of knowledge, only the skilled have that key, scripture within our own mind... the oil of purification – no man made doctrine will prevail...others are seeking convenience, no love for truth, comfort is their life and so they leave… WHOEVER belongs to LC… WE EVOLVE, WE, ENDURE, WE SUCCEED and we will have also a lot of fun but we are also spiritual WARRIOR, TOXONSOPHISTS ==> I shared via email with some people my website… ya, you are now allowed to share it with some more people… but only in June 2021 I would answer people… or the divine intelligence would not even push you to send me an email… and that is also better in that way, because later Iam more happy… and then I can take better care about others… and the FUNDAMENT OF THIS BOOK IS FINISH. (ya, now I know, beginning June its done… here it is ok… and I will not be fully back in the apocalypse BUT… its ok and the book is ready so far… and the final answers… what is missing, that comes simple a bit later and is no big deal… just a 10 minute work… maybe even I make a video)
120) A stronger foundation in reality = a more accurate abstraction in consciousness... deeper roots in reality (tree) = expansion in consciousness... and the INTERNAL CAUSAL REALM generates into and affects the external realm and people around you (trigger, life giving spirit or not etc.)... And some prophets think that their thoughts just create the wishful reality for them... but they forget... that humans have million thoughts and that not everything of it becomes reality, and they forget that only the prayer of a righteous person is POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE, James 5:15, 17 and Elijah had opened his inner eye, thats how close he walked with God. The “prophetic voices” today repeat all day long their sayings about financial things, money etc., simple because they speak their own wishes or their own need, thats all what they do... YA, NOMAD HAS LEARNED how some of them operate… and the ideas which they have in mind, desire of the heart, Psalm 37:4 etc. NOW, LISTEN: DIVINE WISDOM & ENLIGHTENED UNDERSTANDING is a disposition of the heart ==> divine love produces all thoughts... THOUGHT, LOGIC (corrupted or not, this is here the question!!!...), PROCESS OF REALITY, ACTION, GRAMMAR (this includes knowledge - stimulus, and used with understanding (for example with compassion or not?)...why... LANGUAGE (language in space, articulated: wisdom– with insights or not?...). INFINITE RANGE IN IMAGINATION (and a RANGE IN REALITY) ==> FINE TUNING TO THE VOICE = Phillipians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure ==> DESIRE OF THE HEART, Psalm 20:24 May He grant you according to your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans (counsel)... WILLPOWER – COURAGE – BREATH - RANDOM FREE WILL - INFLUENCE ANY EXISTENCE... care to learn, care to teach... consciousness level and consciousness intelligence (mind moves all matter, divine intelligence – mind of Christ, and therefore not just intelligence, but that which comes from the CAUSE TO BE) ==> care for right over wrong (are they just the biggest manipulator in that circus?), care for a higher life...higher self = powerful and effective their prophetic words and they have also the seven Spirit upon them, Isaiah 11:2 and a SYNTROPIC ORDERING FORCE, to be AUTHENTIC, communion with all things, divine chaos (also free will) and order in original balance (when we have in ourselves again the order and harmony, energized, syntropic, original imprint = the non-dual consciousness, yet otherwise and when we do not speak about the non-dual consciousness [7 energy harmony upon us], then we say that the left hand path leads into chaos etc. and for sure, it is a cold and dark place… so that you don’t get confused here… in the apocalypse the divine chaos is in balance with us and with the ordering force. And we speak about the left hand path… ya, they simple enter more chaos… darkness… And its important that I teach that here… because in that way everyone keeps a SOBER MIND at LC… and if you simple cant walk on water… just accept it… its a journey and nor shall these weak prophetic voices fool you any longer... AND YES, its wrong to say that the RIGHT HAND PATH destroys complete individuality… that cannot be, everyone has his individual stream… yet its the higher self and more unconditioned if you will we can say so… And I use the term only because the wheel is out of its course… and we go back to balance… so also Aristotle said that… but that I found only out later!
121)The double spiral, knit and unknit, so reasonable, but the star is one star, and man is a star and Basilius confirmed me (Azoth of the philosophers): HAIL, Azoth – first matter (AZ alpha and omega), the face in the well, downward pointing triangle = life pouring down from above (the face of God and the face of the alchemist are the same, in our center – the divine nature of men, yet not denying that the source is absolute power and therefore transcending all center)... 4Elements, the legs and arms...and one feet on water and one feet on earth – angelic (watery stone image), in his right hand a torch of fire and in his left hand a feather (air), sun and moon – balanced between the masculine and feminine, the dragon ready to attack if we would grow too arrogant...light casts shadows as demonic plaque, relegating it to shadows (our life energy)... wheat – fertility and growth...the sun king with authority (scepter) and shield (shielded via Gods power, to become powers of God)... bow and arrow – wounds of the heart and body – acceptance of suffering (yet we could also the bow flash, remember the Toxonsophists)... The cube between the legs – labeled corpus (body), the five pointed star surrounding it = the hidden 5th element, invisible quintessence... The wings of the ascended essence, the essence of the soul rose to the highest level in the body, others use a golden ball or pinecone, on the left of it a bird and on the right a salamander (like yin and yang, mercury and sulfur, fixed and volatile...). The big triangle, that is Sulfur, Mercury, and Salt, Spirit, Soul, and Body... The star-shaped pattern that makes up the body of the alchemist represents our star light being.. seven planets and purification process, similar the raven is seen right at the beginning (ravens head and skull), second circle, that is, the black crow watching itself dissolve, dissolution..the third circle, that is, the alchemists felt they were applying the Element Air in their work during Separation (and sure, not to forget the water), filter, divorce, splitting of the red sea and frozen energy released or to break it open (hardened feelings yet also real coldness needs to be released)...the fourth circle, the crown, only the purest part remains in the vessel, a fly towards heaven (realm of the Spirit), conjunction... the fifth circle, fermentation, the unexpected mystic substance forms, the ambrosia of the gods, nesting in a tree, brooding over their egg, waiting for the mystical birth, introduction of new life into the product of Conjunction (ferment – come alive again and true Spirit of wine)... circle six, that is distillation, unicorn, extract the mercury (leave the bad sulfur), free from sentimentality, increased purity)... circle seven, coagulation, androgynous youth emerging from a grave, ultima materia, glory of the universe, earthly tabernacle dissolves – new matter inspirited, and this includes also the second body perfection, breaking free of their chains to matter and appearing as naked Sol and Luna... and for sure he uses the inner eye ball and face and outer eye ball...etc.

122) THE HERMETIC ARCANUM: Let a lover of truth make use of few authors, but of the best note and experience truth; especially in mystic names and secret operations, for truth lies hid in obscurity [so also new earth, changed like a clothing, fluid dynamics, seven stars etc,]. For your own secret meditation you can also read Morienus Romanus, Trevisan, Raimundus Lullius...here and there something will go into yourSpirit man... leave the vulgar herd... and also my book gets revisited... Sol and luna, and spiritual love, the elements are extracted out of the chaos, that being perfectly mixed in Spirit they may constitute a new world; a new heaven and new earth are made, and lastly all bodies become spiritual, wiping away sin and curse...the earth layeth up a great treasure in itself, earth of the moon, earth of the sun... The virtue thereof flowing from the Spirit of the universe is a present Panacea and universal medicine for all the diseases of all creatures, the fixed and volatile are perfectly mixed and united in the Spirit. The volatile body is fixed into a permament body, the light arising, darkness retreats: the waters are gathered into one place and the dry land appears, at length the two great luminaries arise, and mineral, vegetable and animals are produced in the Philosophers earth (Nomad: our vegetable soul, garden within, womb)... the stone lifteth itself up from earth to heaven and slideth from heaven to earth because the earth is its nurse, being carried in the womb of the wind, it received the Superiors and Inferiors... And the Philosophers mercury ariseth from them both, earth and water... The circulation of the elements is performed by a double whorl, the greater or extended and the less or contracted... O SHADOW!....The WHORL EXTENDED fixeth all the elements of the earth and its circle is not finished unless the work of sulphur be perfected... O BAD SULPHUR!... Now, in this whorl are THREE CIRCLES placed, which always and variously move the matter by an erratic (unpredictable) and intricate (detailed – complex, convoluted) motion and do often (seven times at least) drive about every element, in order succeeding one another, and so agreeable, that if one should be wanting the labour of the rest is made void... the motion of the circle must be lighter then that of the former... geometrical precepts, distribution of water... a great secret, firm and justly weighted motion of this circle... And when the whorl is extended, we will find the glass, and that which ENFOLDS & UNFOLDS... 100fold. Since the center is everywhere and everything is Trinity Unity Area!!!!!!!...and making a circle is Spirit Area...then the only thing which contracts the akash, that is, the beast or animal passions... The extended whorl is the expanded akash which leads us to the knowledge of the invisible quintessence! Three balls, three circles… yet also knit and uknit (enfolding and unfolding revealed in the apocalypse). The whorl of disharmony, and the enlarged tent in harmony ==>the whole mapping of the architecture in the apocalypse,Spirit knows no distance, yet through the darkening the akash appears as smaller tent (seven trumpets, one third gets destroyed, and third principle as the merely outward of a person) and so we say, it sucks... And you ask me, how can we ascend to the indestructible point (secret oil) or descend? Answer, we do not own the flow...and between God and us with our body stands the abyss – the transcending infinite center architecture... And in conclusion, every center has its cube, different reflections but the same grid and out of it all forms are made in eternal nature...
123) intelligent is slowed down in the material realm but some people look often very intellectual (and in addendum we have the problem that people are different… therefore I can receive again the primordial imprint yet Iam not a theoretic physicist who has learned bla bla bla bla and some people have simple a talent for that)... And about emotional intelligence, you have to protect yourself from emotional sabotage, a healthy emotional intelligence, and controlling thoughts (checking emotions) is necessary for those who are down the ladder… And a more accurate abstraction in consciousness is always helpful...Symeon said: Let us not stop or sit down until we have LEFT the world and found our Savior and our God and see Him above... Blessed is that monk who is present before God in prayer and who sees Him and is seen by Him {cf Jn 14:21, Mt 5:8}, and perceives himself as having gone beyond the world and as being in God alone, and is unable to know whether he happens to be in the body or outside the body {2 Cor 12:2-3}, for he will hear "ineffable speech which it is not lawful for a man to utter" [2 Cor 12:4], and shall see "what no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived" [1 Cor 2:9]... He therefore who has died to the world -- for this is the cross -- and lives no longer himself, but it is Christ Who lives in him (Gal. 2:20); who has mortified his earthly members (Col. 3:5)...By crucifying oneself to the world, and the world to oneself (Gal. 6:14)}, brethren, our souls therefore die before death and rise again before the resurrection of the body in deed, in power, in experience, and in truth. When the mortal attitude has been eliminated by the immortal mind and mortality has been driven out by life, then, as though it had risen from the dead, the soul manifestly sees itself, just as those who rise from sleep see themselves. It recognizes God who has raised it; as it perceives Him it gives Him thanks and worships Him and glorifies His infinite goodness. On the other hand, the body is entirely without breath, motion, and memory in relation to its own desires, but in these respects becomes altogether dead and lifeless... So what is the world? It is sin, brethren, and attachment to things and passions… Nomad: for true Saints or Sages Babylon is FALLEN! (this group of people of Babel are not in the new world and!!! nor do they seek the triune stone)... Matthew 16:25 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life (soul – ego selfishness death) for my sake shall find it (true self, individual self - higher self, as being in God alone) For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?.. 1John 2:16, For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world... And Basilius confirmed me (AZOTH OF THE PHILOSOPHERA) and it is no blasphemy to identify with the angels in the book of revelation, ya we preach the eternal gospel and stand in the sun as the light of the world [and it is written that we shine like the sun in the kingdom of our father.].. another angel standing on the sea and on the earth, that is, because of the foundation, the watery stone GLASS (quicksilver (liquid and solid) or mercury Glass)... ==> all objects are felt, the ocean, the deep and its waves [all forms like waves that come and go]... what appears and returns... The salt, the crystallization and our crystal earth, the taste....[extraction, new earth].. We are the angel with the CROWN on our head [and the spirit of this world disappears in the other abyss], we have legs like fiery pillars [the moving fire, hidden fire, bad sulphur gone]...we move with him (source).... we are the angel who sees the river of the water of life flowing from the throne of God and of the lamb... we sit with him on his throne… and the seven Spirits are upon us (rainbow)... Now, and the herd says, ok, the beast image disappears but now we get you Nomad, that is, Revelation 19:14, nuptial glory, it is written: The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses, this is PLURAL but you are only one person who goes back to the apocalypse! I say, foolish, it is the eternal now, and it represents all those in whom the mystic eye opened, they received the crown and the name on their forehead (they know the logos), iron scepter, Revelation 2:27. And further my reader, if you want to know if Peter did know the quicksilver, then read the Greek version of 2Peter 3:5... and the old creation must perish = earthly tabernacle dissolved, phoenix, enter the God realm, the everlasting gate...New gems of truth as well as old... Thomas Gospel, saying 8: And he said: Man is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea; he drew it up from the sea full of small fish; among them he found a large good fish, the wise fisherman; he threw all the small fish into the sea, he chose the large fish without difficulty. He who has ears to hear, let him hear! ==> the large more comprehensive truth, ultimate reality, everything else is only a part of it (no the perfect) and cannot attain to the full measure... the fishermen is truly wise (he will also not pick up the sayings of false prophets)... At the highest foundation there is no separation between anything and there is only one of us; there is only God, and everything is God... we all have thoughts, ideas, and theories swimming around in our minds, but only the oneness liberates us, the immoveable kingdom (kernel reality in all apocalypse saints)... and normally we should also throw the little fish back into the sea, not all are worthy (ready) for the Mysteries of the kingdom of heaven... they must grow on their own wherefore maybe some will never be ready for it or to say: we should give them little by little but not too much at once… And only the big fish is able to comprehend the truths, to accept and understand the abstract knowledge, the true knowledge for which the follower [of the way] abandons everything else. Joachim Jeremias writes: In the parable, when the fisherman drew his net to shore he found a great number of small fish in it, but among them one fine large fish. Although he might have hesitated about keeping a few of the small fish in his bag, yet in his joy over the CALLICQUS [Thus Clem. Alex., Strom., I, 16.3 with reference to our parable.] he cast aside all such hesitations and threw all the small fish back into the lake. Thus it is when a man is overwhelmed with joy over the glad Good News; all else becomes valueless compared with this surpassing value... [Nomad: the new song ==> only new earth remains or the immaterial day and we received the truth in the images, and the little fish must grow up...]... let us look for HIM, when Christ appears, we will be like Him, for we will see him as he is, our HOPE, everyone who has this hope in him PURIFIES himself, just a he is pure, ya, we have this hope as an ANCHOR for the SOUL, firm and secure, it enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain... Melchizedek... without beginning of days, nor end of life...truly born of God, our light beingness… and reality flows ceaseless...THE “TRICK” IS SIMPLE, the outer eye is received via the sense, yet this outer court is also in the globe, 3 balls as one, and the all-filling power is in the innermost temple, inner ball, our foundation = kingdom within and without, our being in God alone, non dual consciousness, with the shadow upon earth and the flash on the glass, the sevenfold energy wheel, eternally seeking and finding… TICK TRICK TRACK ... Hermes said, that the URMENSCH received the Logos like I told it, all humans got it, and animals, plants etc., they receive only the existential energies (limited in the area of life)... yet he also said, but not everyone has the nous for it, that which makes him competent for insight (divine things), like I explained the pre-existence of the soul, like a mixing bowl, God poured it out (like a gift for everyone) but not all received it or wanted it, they rather like an animal passion life (they choose to drift away)... this includes religious and worldly people... it is seen, they have no nose for the divine… Therefore, the participant has to walk in the Matrix (MOVIE) and must leave the LOOP (lower karma circles, labyrinth)… And we must also leave all anger behind us!... ==> James 1:15 Then when lust (desire) hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death... Hebrew word: olawm (hidden, secret, world, ancient, forever, eon)...ADAM OLAM = MASTER OF THE WORLD and the biblical, time-oriented meaning of “olam” reflects the hidden (=unknown) past and future. And the word olam simple means ever-lasting or AGE-lasting... and we have olam in the heart, Ecclesiastes 3:11, WITHOUT AGEING in the apocalypse..., where your treasure is, there will your heart be also... the pure in heart shall see God... Symeon said: to his religious fellows: If you really see, how is it that you stumble like a blind man and your whole body and soul are covered with black marks?.... Energy construct (double edged sword)… NOW FOR FUN: Triangle: made with 3 balls, then 6, 66, 105, 666... tetractys... etc...the symmetrical structures of numerical geometry- notably the triangle, hexagon, hexagram, square and cube; independent of radix, time and place, these absolutes of regular form speak to all generations and conditions of men.. another story!!!
124) JEREMIAH 5:13, 18:17 And the prophets shall become wind, and the word is not in them: thus shall it be done unto them... I will scatter them as with an east wind before the enemy; I will shew them the back, and not the face, in the day of their calamity… ==> SHEW THEM THE BACK!!! MOON SICK!!!...Ezekiel 19:12 But she was plucked up in fury, she was cast down to the ground, and the east wind dried up her fruit: her strong rods were broken and withered; the fire consumed them... ==> wherefore: Four winds = Gods power manifest on earth... Exodus 10:19 And Moses stretched forth his rod over the land of Egypt, and the LORD brought an east wind upon the land all that day, and all that night; and when it was morning, the east wind brought the locusts - And the LORD turned a mighty strong west wind, which took away the locusts, and cast them into the Red sea; there remained not one locust in all the coasts of Egypt... The east wind has broken you in the heart of the seas... Isaiah 59:19 So they will fear the name of the Lord from the west. And His glory from the rising of the sun, For He will come like a rushing stream which the wind of the Lord drives… ==> KINGS OF THE SUN-RISING (EAST BEFORE THE FACE).... WEST WIND VERSUS EAST WIND... Solomon: Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into His garden, and eat His pleasant fruits [north wind deliverance, south wind refreshing]… Ecclesiastes 1:6 The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth!!! about unto the north; it whirleth!!! about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits!!!... gold colored oil. Clearly, the water flows... east <=> west path, a garden eastward in Eden, a river went out of Eden to water the garden (split into four heads)...Psalm 33:7 He gathereth (piles up) the waters of the sea together as an heap: he layeth up the depth in storehouses…. LETS GO ON: The SQUARE is a BROKEN or diminished CIRCLE, the X upon the RING.... The SUN WHEEL SYMBOL (broken circle) has the BOW, even the simple X in the circle… A WHIRLWIND HAS ALL FOUR DIRECTIONS, and when we see only his back then also a wheel runs out of it course (Micro Macrocosm), turn to the left?, figure it out! ==> LET ME DIE WITH THE SUN IN THE SKY.... HOLDER OF THE ARCANUM ==> Check Nomads apocalypse symbol. Now and further, GENESIS 1:14 serve as SIGNS to mark sacred times (seasons, days and years) ==> since Jerusalem city has the measure of a man (that is, of the angel) and we know new earth... lets go on, ZODIAK: About the Zodiac: Eastern or Western hemisphere, Northern or Southern hemisphere, and quadrants (North-eastern, North-western, South-eastern and South-western). ZODIAK 12 signs...three distributions give a general tone in terms of introversion and extraversion, willpower, sociability, and behavioural predispositions... The elements (called triplicity since there are three groups of signs for each one) - Fire, Air, Earth and Water - corresponding to a character typology, modality (or quadruplicity with four groups of signs for each one) - Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable - and polarity (like Yin and Yang) ==> It was or is believed that the Zodiak has an influence upon the soul image... Elements: The predominance of earth, you are efficient, concrete and not too emotional, pragmatical…. What matters to you is what you see (Jacob said: express your sensitivity, even if it means revealing your vulnerability. Emotions, energy and communication must not be neglected! And concrete action is meaningless if it is not justified by your heart)...The predominance of Water signs indicates high sensitivity and elevation through feelings… And if you lack in fire, you may lack warmth, enthusiasm, conquering spirit, or energy (therefore, shout, sing, pull faces, dance! That's the right mean for you)... Air symbolizes the values of communication, exchanges with others, but also adaptability and flexibility abilities (If you have lack it, then you should get into the habit of talking, of phoning, and of thinking in terms of mobility, flexibility, adaptability, and to show interest in some other, and talk)... If planets symbolize characters, signs represent hues - the mental, emotional and physical structures of an individual. The sign in which a planet is posited is like a character whose features are modified according to the place where he lives... ==> FOR ME IT DOES NOT MATTER SO MUCH, people have different opinions about what we display according to the ZODIAKt... one things is sure, we cannot fully deny its influence... and everyone has to find out his own weaknesses, and the study by itself is not so bad because it allows different reflections upon ourselves... and further I said, we have to overcome... ==> And no, a Christian does not use divination, aka to use the Zodiak for personal prophecy, wherefore divination problem is broader then that, other people use other things so that they can decipher stuff... in the matrix, whatever code etc. And further, why we should not follow Zodiac prophecy? Answer: You should not to be belief that you have not the power to change your life, ya that could be damaging spiritually, and we have free will, and general take also care about prophetic voices who want to prophesy over you ==> And yes, I could also say, this book is earth, the pragmatic part which explains the energetic construct, then we have water, that is the art in the book (Toxonsophists, and to evoke feelings), then we have fire, to recognize the conquering mentality of the author, and air, the communication to my reader like questions and answers (to help etc., flexible, to give him further understanding)… And ya, at LC we would also have the ZODIAK… as I said it a good instrument regarding different archetypes, the elements etc. And yes, I was never very pragmatical… and that is another reason why I built now this BLUEPRINT… and I want to use everything, arts, science (also second knowledge later on), nature… left and right brain. ==> And no we have no problem with disagreement regarding some stuff which we teach and per se any disagreement is not bad because when we are not satisfied with that which is presented to us, then we go on the journey to search deeper after the truth… for example, also people can have their own view about afterlife at LC… yet the PHILOSOPHY at LC is that we use everything and that includes all information… and we do not just say, HA… reincarnation is a lie from hell… And if you have a problem with that… you do not fit for LC… you are too narrow minded… and you do not even know what some poeple did in the past… for many writings entered not the bible and etc. Ya, for example for the orthodox… you will be htrown out form the church when you do not just follow their doctrine… ya, we JUST LAUGH… our credo is divine science.
125) I USE ONLY NUGGETS WHICH SERVE LC: Gospel of Mary (only chapter 4, 5, 8, 9 is not lost): For the nature of matter is resolved into the roots of its own nature alone = our stone... Then He continued and said, That is why you become sick and die, for you are deprived of the one who can heal you... Matter gave birth to a passion that has no equal, which proceeded from something contrary to nature. Then there arises a disturbance in its whole body. That is why I said to you, Be of good courage, and if you are discouraged be encouraged in the presence of the different forms of nature... ==> ANOTHER FACT REGARDING THIS BOOK: Beware that no one lead you astray saying Lo here or lo there! For the Son of Man is within you ==> WRATH FOOLISHNESS: The first form is darkness, the second desire, the third ignorance, the fourth is the excitement of death, the fifth is the kingdom of the flesh (probably total carnal), the sixth is the foolish wisdom of flesh (also what I call the dead letter bible), the seventh is the wrathful wisdom. These are the seven powers of wrath... ==> which binds them... the fetter of oblivion is transient… NOW, lets go on: THE HYMNS OF THE ROBE OF GLORY, THE HYMNS OF HERMES: There is no separation in the reality of things. Whatever the man is in this ecstatic state, it is the Being of God in him; whatever the man does, it is the Working of God in him; whatever the man speaks, it is the Word of God in him.... O Spirit, Mighty One, most mighty circling and incomprehensible Configuration of the Cosmos, hail! -- celestial, aethereal interaethereal, water-like, earth-like, fire-like, air-like, like unto light, to darkness like, shining as do the Stars-moist, hot, cold Spirit!...Discourse of the eight and ninth: Let us embrace each other affectionately, my son. Rejoice over this! For already from them the power, which is light, is coming to us. For I see! I see indescribable depths. How shall I tell you, my son? [...] from the [...] the places. How shall I describe the universe? I am Mind, and I see another Mind, the one that moves the soul! I see the one that moves me from pure forgetfulness. You give me power! I see myself! I want to speak! Fear restrains me. I have found the beginning of the power that is above all powers, the one that has no beginning. I see a fountain bubbling with life. I have said, my son, that I am Mind. I have seen! Language is not able to reveal this. For the entire eighth, my son, and the souls that are in it, and the angels, sing a hymn in silence. And I, Mind, understand... I understand Mind, Hermes, who cannot be interpreted, because he keeps within himself. And I rejoice, my father, because I see you smiling. And the universe rejoices. Therefore, there is no creature that will lack your life. For you are the lord of the citizens in every place. Your providence protects. I call you 'father', 'aeon of the aeons', 'great divine spirit'. And by a spirit he gives rain upon everyone. What do you say to me, my father, Hermes?... What he had finished praising, he shouted, "Father Trismegistus! What shall I say? We have received this light. And I myself see this same vision in you. And I see the eighth, and the souls that are in it, and the angels singing a hymn to the ninth and its powers (Nomad: playful game like Tao symbol, seven planets, 8 new birth, nine – god realm...). And I see him who has the power of them all, creating those <that are> in the spirit.... "I will offer up the praise in my heart, as I pray to the end of the universe and the beginning of the beginning, to the object of man's quest, the immortal discovery, the begetter of light and truth, the sower of reason, the love of immortal life. No hidden word will be able to speak about you, Lord. Therefore, my mind wants to sing a hymn to you daily. I am the instrument of your spirit; Mind is your plectrum (INSTRUMENT, REMEMBER THAT). And your counsel plucks me. I see myself! I have received power from you. For your love has reached us." "Right, my son."... "This is the oath: I make him who will read this holy book swear by heaven and earth, and fire and water, and seven rulers of substance, and the creating spirit in them, and the <unbegotten> God, and the self-begotten one, and him who has been begotten, that he will guard the things that Hermes has said. And those who keep the oath, God will be reconciled with them and everyone whom we have named. But wrath will come to each one of those who violate the oath. This is the perfect one who is, my son."....The corpus Hermeticum: To the first zone he gives the Energy of Growth and Waning; unto the second [zone], Device of Evils [now] de-energized; unto the third, the Guile of the Desires de-energized; unto the fourth, his Domineering Arrogance, [also] de-energized; unto the fifth, unholy Daring and the Rashness of Audacity, de-energized; unto the sixth, Striving for Wealth by evil means, deprived of its aggrandisement; and to the seventh zone, Ensnaring Falsehood, de-energized. And then, with all the energizings of the Harmony stript from him, clothed in his proper Power, he cometh to that Nature which belongs unto the Eighth, and there with those-that-are hymneth the Father. They who are there welcome his coming there with joy; and he, made like to them that sojourn there, doth further hear the Powers who are above the Nature that belongs unto the Eighth, singing their songs of praise to God in language of their own.... Regard the animals down here,—a man, for instance, swimming! The water moves, yet the resistance of his hands and feet give him stability, so that he is not borne along with it, nor sunk thereby. All motion, then, is caused in station and by station... The Glory of all things is God, Godhead and Godly Nature. Source of the things that are is God, who is both Mind and Nature,—yea Matter, the Wisdom that reveals all things. Source [too] is Godhead,—yea Nature, Energy, Necessity, and End, and Making-new-again [Spirit in matter]... And Heaven was seen in seven circles; its Gods were visible in forms of stars with all their signs; while Nature had her members made articulate together with the Gods in her. And [Heaven’s] periphery revolved in cyclic course, borne on by Breath of God (NOMAD: and we have our WHIRLING ESSENCE)... And they selected out the births of men for gnosis of the works of God and attestation of the energy of Nature; the multitude of men for lordship over all beneath the Heaven and gnosis of its blessings, that they might increase in increasing and multiply in multitude, and every soul infleshed by revolution of the Cyclic Gods (Nomad: seven circles, seven planets), for observation of the marvels of the Heaven and Heaven’s Gods’ revolution, and of the works of God and energy of Nature, for tokens of its blessings, for gnosis of the power of God, that they might know the fates that follow good and evil [deeds] and learn the cunning work of all good arts... For every birth of flesh ensouled, and of the fruit of seed, and every handiwork, though it decay, shall of necessity renew itself, both by the renovation of the Gods and by the turning-round of Nature’s rhythmic wheel... For that whereas the Godhead is Nature’s ever-making-new-again the cosmic mixture, Nature herself is also co-established in that Godhead... Thou see’st, son, how many are the bodies through which we have to pass, how many are the choirs of daimones, how vast the system of the star-courses [through which our Path doth lie], to hasten to the One and Only God (NOMAD: REINCARNATION)... The Oneness being Source and Root of all, is in all things as Root and Source. Without [this] Source is naught; whereas the Source [Itself] is from naught but Itself, since It is Source of all the rest. It is Itself Its Source, since It may have no other Source... The Oneness then being Source, containeth every number, but is contained by none; engendereth every number, but is engendered by no other one... And now, O Tat, God’s Image hath been sketched for thee, as far as it can be; and if thou wilt attentively dwell on it and observe it with thy heart’s eyes, believe me, son, thou’lt find the Path that leads above; nay, that Image shall become thy Guide itself, because the Sight [Divine] hath this peculiar [charm], it holdeth fast and draweth unto it those who succeed in opening their eyes, just as, they say, the magnet [draweth] iron............... Being Himself unmanifest, as ever being and ever making-manifest, Himself is not made... Do thou, then, Tat, my son, pray first unto our Lord and Father, the One-and-Only One, from whom the One doth come, to show His mercy unto thee, in order that thou mayest have the power to catch a thought of this so mighty God, one single beam of Him to shine into thy thinking. For thought alone “sees” the Unmanifest, in that it is itself unmanifest... Would it were possible for thee to get thee wings, and soar into the air, and, poised midway ’tween earth and heaven, behold the earth’s solidity, the sea’s fluidity (the flowings of its streams), the spaciousness of air, fire’s swiftness, [and] the coursing of the stars, the swiftness of heaven’s circuit round them [all]! Most blessed sight were it, my son, to see all these beneath one sway—the motionless in motion, and the unmanifest made manifest; whereby is made this order of the cosmos and the cosmos which we see of order... If it be so, [Good] must be essence, from every kind of motion and becoming free (though naught is free from It), possessed of stable energy around Itself, never too little, nor too much, an ever-full supply. [Though] one, yet [is It] source of all; for what supplieth all is Good. When I, moreover, say [supplieth] altogether [all], it is for ever Good. But this belongs to no one else save God alone... There is no Good that can be got from objects in the world. For all the things that fall beneath the eye are image-things and pictures as it were... But first thou must tear off from thee the cloak which thou dost wear,—the web of ignorance, the ground of bad, corruption’s chain, the carapace of darkness, the living death, sensation’s corpse, the tomb thou carriest with thee, the robber in thy house, who through the things he loveth, hateth thee, and through the things he hateth, bears thee malice... We are Second, in his image, And of the matter stored beneath it, the Father made of it a universal body, and packing it together made it spherical—wrapping it round the life —[a sphere] which is immortal in itself, and that doth make materiality eternal... The “restoration” then of bodies on the earth is [thus their] composition, whereas their dissolution restores them to those bodies which can never be dissolved, that is to say, which know no death. Privation, thus, of sense is brought about, not loss of bodies [Nomad: earthly tabernacle dissolved, the stone]... Yea, understand the Cosmos is by God and in God; but Man by Cosmos and in Cosmos... For man is separated into soul and body, and only when the two sides of his sense agree together, does utterance of its thought conceived by mind take place... For this cause they who Gnostic are, please not the many, nor the many them. They are thought mad and laughed at; they’re hated and despised, and sometimes even put to death... The single sense-and-thought of Cosmos is to make all things, and make them back into itself again, as Organ of the Will of God, so organised that it, receiving all the seeds into itself from God, and keeping them within itself, may make all manifest, and [then] dissolving them, make them all new again; and thus, like a Good Gardener of Life, things that have been dissolved, it taketh to itself, and giveth them renewal once again [Nomad: we may also compare it to in-breath and out-breath]... There is no thing to which it gives not life; but taking all unto itself it makes them live, and is at the same time the Place of Life and its Creator... God, then, is Sire of Cosmos; Cosmos, of [all] in Cosmos. And Cosmos is God’s Son; but things in Cosmos are by Cosmos...Corpus Hermeticum: God’s energy is then His Will; further His essence is to will the being of all things. For what is “God and Father and the Good” but the to be of all that are not yet? Nay, subsistence self of everything that is;—this, then, is God, this Father, this the Good; to Him is added naught of all the rest...Nomad, and it is written: we shine [not like but even] as the sun in the kingdom of the father. And father is hidden within... enarmoured by his image, his sons... “God and Father and the Good” is [cause] for all to be. So are at least these things for who can see... And shining then all round his mind, It shines through his whole soul, and draws it out of body, transforming all of him to essence... For it is possible, my son, that a man’s soul should be made like to God, even while it still is in a body, if it doth contemplate the Beauty of the Good... But if a soul on entering in the body of a man persisteth in its vice, it neither tasteth deathlessness nor shareth in the Good; but speeding back again it turns into the path that leads to creeping things [inner meaning: animal mixture]. This is the sentence of the vicious soul... This wretched soul, not knowing what she is, becomes the slave of bodies of strange form in sorry plight, bearing the body as a load; not as the ruler, but the ruled. This [ignorance] is the soul’s vice (NOMAD, AGAIN, REINCARNATION, THIS WESTERN INSTIUTIONS HAVE EVERYONE FOOLED].... But on the other hand the virtue of the soul is Gnosis. For he who knows, he good and pious is, and still while on the earth divine... It is intelligible rest that moves material motion in this way, since Cosmos is a sphere—that is to say, a head. And naught of head above’s material, as naught of feet below’s intelligible, but all material. And head itself moved in a sphere-like way—that is to say, as head should move, is mind... All then that are united to the “tissue” of this “head” (in which is soul) are in their nature free from death,—just as when body hath been made in soul, are things that have more soul than body... The whole, however, is a life; so that the universe consists of both the hylic (relating to matter) and of the intelligible... Now then the principles of man are this-wise vehicled: mind in the reason (logos), the reason in the soul, soul in the spirit, [and] spirit in the body.... God doth contain Cosmos; Cosmos [containeth] man. Cosmos is e’er God’s Son, man as it were Cosmos’s child [Nomad: hewn from the rock = little cosmos or Microcosmos]... This is the sole salvation for a man—God’s Gnosis. This is the Way Up to the Mount...Now and further: It is the same for them who go out from the body. For when the soul withdraws into itself, the spirit doth contract itself within the blood, and soul within the spirit. And then the mind, stript of its wrappings, and naturally divine, taking unto itself a fiery body, doth traverse every space, after abandoning the soul unto its judgment and whatever chastisement it hath deserved... (simplified we call it also Spirit body or second body, it uses the spirit as its envelope, because the earthly body has reached its limit and often times people wonder, where is my earthly body, Iam deprived of this pleasure which I had in material things)............... Æon is, then, in God; Cosmos, in Æon; in Cosmos, Time; in Time, Becoming...Therefore will Cosmos never be destroyed, for Æon’s indestructible; nor doth a whit of things in Cosmos perish, for Cosmos is enwrapped by Æon round on every side...Æon, then, ordereth Cosmos], imparting deathlessness and lastingness to matter... Now Genesis and Time, in Heaven and on the Earth, are of two natures... In Heaven they are unchangeable and indestructible, but on the Earth they’re subject unto change and to destruction... Æon, moreover, is God’s image; Cosmos [is] Æon’s; the Sun, of Cosmos; and Man, [the image] of the Sun... Just as man cannot live apart from Life, so neither can God live without [His] doing good. For this is as it were the life and motion as it were of God—to move all things and make them live... The greatest bad there is, is not to know God’s Good; but to be able to know [Good], and will, and hope, is a Straight Way, the Good’s own [Path], both leading there and easy....YE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD (our star light being in God, 69 Tao = non dual, new birth 8 =>9 return finality – original capacity): The Mind, O Tat, is of God’s very essence—(if such a thing as essence of God there be)—and what that is, it and it only knows precisely. The Mind, then, is not separated off from God’s essentiality, but is united unto it, as light to sun. This Mind in men is God, and for this cause some of mankind are gods, and their humanity is nigh unto divinity... But in irrational lives Mind is their nature. For where is Soul, there too is Mind; just as where Life, there is there also Soul.... But in irrational lives their soul is life devoid of mind; for Mind is the in-worker of the souls of men for good;—He works on them for their own good... In lives irrational He doth co-operate with each one’s nature; but in the souls of men He counteracteth them... In just the selfsame way the Mind inflicteth pain upon the soul, to rescue it from pleasure, whence comes its every ill. [we seek the infinite treasure, when a man hath freed himself from body, then is he also freed from (animal) passion]... it is fated too, that he who doeth ill, shall suffer. And for this cause he doth it—that he may suffer what he suffereth, because he did it... The quality of change he can no more escape than that of genesis [Nomad 7 Spirits, also skin quality]... Consider this as well, my son; that these two things God hath bestowed on man beyond all mortal lives—both mind and speech (logos) equal to immortality. He hath the mind for knowing God and uttered speech (logos) for eulogy of Him. And if one useth these for what he ought, he’ll differ not a whit from the immortals.(NOMAD, therefore my WEBSITE is not fake, we belong to the immortals) Nay, rather, on departing from the body, he will be guided by the twain unto the Choir of Gods (new song) and Blessed Ones... The Reason, then, is the Mind’s image, and Mind God’s [image]; while Body is [the image] of the Form; and Form [the image] of the Soul... The subtlest part of Matter!!! is, then, Air; of Air, Soul; of Soul, Mind; and of Mind, God [habitation is the air]. And God surroundeth all and permeateth all; while Mind surroundeth Soul, Soul Air, Air Matter… (Nomad, I agree with him about AIR) And whether thou dost speak of Matter, or of Body, or of Essence, know that these too are energies of God; and that materiality is Matter’s energy, that corporality is Bodies’ energy, and that essentiality doth constitute the energy of Essence; and this is God—the All...DIVINE REALITY: And in the All is naught that is not God. Wherefore nor size, nor space, nor quality, nor form, nor time, surroundeth God; for He is All, and All surroundeth all, and permeateth all................Further, when I became thy Suppliant, in Wending up the Mount, after thou hadst conversed with me, and when I longed to learn the Sermon (Logos) on Rebirth (for this beyond all other things is just the thing I know not), thou saidst, that thou wouldst give it me—“when thou shalt have become a stranger to the world... Wisdom that understands in silence [such is the matter and the WOMB from out which Man is born], and the True Good the SEED!!!... TRULY BORN OF GOD: And of what kind is he that is begotten, father? For I have no share of that essence in me, which doth transcend the senses. The one that is begot will be another one from God, God’s Son? All in all, out of all powers composed. Thou tellest me a riddle, father, and dost not speak as father unto son. This Race, my son, is never taught; but when He willeth it, its memory is restored by God... What may I say, my son? I can but tell thee this. Whene’er I see within myself the Simple Vision brought to birth out of God’s mercy, I have passed through myself into a Body that can never die. And now I am not what I was before; but I am born in Mind. Yea, I have had my former composed form dismembered for me. I am no longer touched, yet have I touch; I have dimension too; and [yet] am I a stranger to them now. Tell me this too! Who is the author of Rebirth? The Son of God, the One Man, by God’s Will. What then is true, Thrice-greatest One? Thus is it, son: That which is upward borne like fire, yet is borne down like earth, that which is moist like water, yet blows like air, how shalt thou this perceive with sense—the that which is not solid nor yet moist [Nomad, watery stone, glass], which naught can bind or loose, of which in power and energy alone can man have any notion,—and even then it wants a man who can perceive the Way of Birth in God... Withdraw into thyself, and it will come; will, and it comes to pass; throw out of work the body’s senses, and thy Divinity shall come to birth; purge from thyself the brutish torments—things of matter... Torment the first is this Not-knowing, son; the second one is Grief; the third, Intemperance; the fourth, Concupiscence; the fifth, Unrighteousness; the sixth is Avarice; the seventh, Error; the eighth is Envy; the ninth, Guile; the tenth is Anger; eleventh, Rashness; the twelfth is Malice… (NOMAD; he spoke in another way about the 12 POWERS, anyway, no problem) These are in number twelve; but under them are many more, my son; and creeping through the prison of the body they force the man that’s placed within to suffer in his senses...Nomad: think also about Jerusalem, all virtues from the source (12 foundations)... Gnosis of Joy hath come to us, and on its coming, son, Sorrow will flee away to them who give it room. The Power that follows Joy do I invoke, thy Self-control. O Power most sweet! Let us most gladly bid it welcome, son! How with its coming doth it chase Intemperance away! ==> FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT as explained in this book... In heaven am I, in earth, in water, air; I am in animals, in plants; I’m in the womb, before the womb, after the womb; I’m everywhere!... born a God, Son of the One... Ye Heavens open, and ye Winds stay still; [and] let God’s deathless Sphere receive my word (logos)! Ye Powers that are within me, hymn the One and All; sing with my Will, Powers all that are within me! O blessed Gnosis, by thee illumined, hymning through thee the Light that mind alone can see, I joy in Joy of Mind. Father, I give Thee thanks, to Thee Thou Energy of all my Powers; I give Thee thanks, O God, Thou Power of all my Energies! Thy Reason (Logos) sings through me Thy praises. Take back through me the All into [Thy] Reason—[my] reasonable oblation... [For] Thou art God; Thy Man thus cries to Thee through Fire, through Air, through Earth, through Water, [and] through Spirit, through Thy creatures. Tis from Thy Æon I have found Praise-giving; and in Thy Will, the object of my search, have I found rest... BORN OF SPIRIT (habitation is the air) and WATER (liquid flesh)...Nomad: 1000 year saint, BEHEADED = UNITED WITH HIS HEAD (head – mind moves in a sphere).... Now and further: If, then, all things have been admitted to be two,—the “that which is being made” and “that which makes,”—[all then] are one in union of these,—the “that which leadeth” and the “that which followeth.”... The making God is “that which leadeth”; the “that which is being made,” whatever it be, the “that which followeth... If thou with eye of intellect shalt see this Word thou shalt in thy whole mind be filled quite full of all things good... DIFFERENT SOULS: The soul of every man, O [my] Asclepius, is deathless; yet not all in like fashion, but some in one way or [one] time, some in another. Did not I say that “All” is “One,” and “One” is “All,” in as much as all things have been in the Creator before they were created. Nor is He called unfitly “All,” in that His members are the “All.” Therefore, in all this argument, see that thou keep in mind Him who is “One”-“All,” or who Himself is maker of the “All.” All things descend from Heaven to Earth, to Water and to Air. ’Tis Fire alone, in that it is borne upwards, giveth life; that which [is carried] downwards [is] subservient to Fire. Further, whatever doth descend from the above, begetteth; what floweth upwards, nourisheth. Tis Earth alone, in that it resteth on itself, that is Receiver of all things, and [also] the Restorer of all genera that it receives. This Whole, therefore, as thou rememberest, in that it is of all,—in other words, all things, embraced by nature under “Soul” and “World,” are in [perpetual] flux, so varied by the multiform equality of all their forms, that countless kinds of well-distinguished qualities may be discerned, yet with this bond of union, that all should seem as One, and from “One” “All.” That, then, from which the whole Cosmos is formed, consisteth of Four Elements—Fire, Water, Earth, and Air; Cosmos [itself is] one, [its] Soul [is] one, and God is one. [Nomad, enclosed in Spirit globe]....
126) NOMAD: EARTH – AIR, WATER (down) – FIRE (up)… watery stone… wherefore for sure also AIR can ascend and descend... now lets go on, THE BOOK OF THE GREAT LOGOS (that which can be used): Jesus answers that the Life of His Father consists in their purifying their souls from all earthly stain, and making them to become the Race of the Mind, so that they may be filled with understanding, and by His teaching perfect themselves, and be saved from the Rulers of this world and its endless snares. Let them then hasten to receive the Gnosis He is to impart--His Word--for He is free from all stain of the world... The Heaven is explained as being the invisible Word of the Father. They who know this--(who become children of the true Mind)--bring down Heaven to Earth. The raising of Earth to Heaven is the ceasing from being an earthly intelligence, by receiving the Word of these Gnoses and becoming a Dweller in Heaven. Thus will they be saved from the Ruler of this World, and he will become the midst (that is to say, perhaps, that they will be above the Ruler and no longer subject to him as heretofore; he will be a "nothing" to them, that is to say, have no effect on them) MIDAIR (NOMAD: BOOK OF REVELATION) Nay, the evil powers will envy them because they know Him, that He is not of this world and that no evil cometh from Him. But as for those who are born in the flesh of unrighteousness (and are not children of the Righteous Race, those of the second birth), they have no part in the Kingdom of the Father.... Thereupon the disciples are in despair, for they have been born "according to the flesh" and have known Him only "according to the flesh." But the Master explains that not the flesh of their bodies is meant, but the flesh of unrighteousness and ignorance.... But before all He will give them the mysteries of the three Baptisms--the Baptism of Water, the Baptism of Fire, and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Moreover He will give them the Mystery of Withdrawing the Malice or Naughtiness of the Rulers, and there after the Mystery of the Spiritual Chrism (NOMAD: SECRET OIL).... ===>>> this here is about SOUL SALVATION as Peter mentioned it etc., and here, we also have to overcome the Zokiak (12) or better to say, the outward influence.... And I do not speak about the 12 Aeons but if you want to know, some say: The Twelve Aeons or Twelve Cosmic Regions mutually penetrate and co-penetrate without confusion... These Aeons belong to a purely ideal, noumenal, intelligible, or supersensible world; they are immaterial, they are hypostatic ideas... The lowest regions of Pleroma are closest to darkness—that is, the physical world... The transition from immaterial to material, from noumenal to sensible, is created by a flaw, passion, or sin in an Aeon...NOMAD: and they adopted different systems and they added things like: love, hope, faith, intelligence – understanding, bliss, wisdom, life, truth...immovebale, only begotten... and often they said that Pistis Sophia (wisdom) must Self-realize herself in these Thirteen Aeons, based on conscious works and voluntary sufferings ==> if you will we can say, this is a philosophical system... similar the images which you receive, your GLASS, according to the spiritual level in which you walk. ==> and not all gnostics have condemned matter as maybe some of you have understood it, no, similar they denied not the resurrection of Jesus, rather it is about new earth, the stone, the immaterial day, the pure energy field or the pure land or first country, Nomads apocalypse symbol…but again, this is the meaning of the 12 POWERS in the soul. AND read: THE NASSENE PSALM: First [was there] Mind the Generative Law of All; Second to the Firstborn was Liquid Chaos; Third Soul through toil received the Law. Wherefore, with a deer's form surrounding her, She labours at her task beneath Death's rule. Now, holding sway, she sees the Light; And now, cast into piteous plight, she weeps; Now she weeps, and now rejoices; Now she weeps, and now is judged; Now is judged, and now she dieth; Now is born (sometimes she dies, sometimes she is being born, Nomad: wherefore the church has even tried to delete this translation or to change it because they hate the reincarnation topic, because it would soften their power), with no way out for her; in misery She enters in her wandering the labyrinth of ills. And Jesus said: O Father, see! [Behold] the struggle still of ills on earth! Far from Thy Breath away she wanders! She seeks to flee the bitter Chaos, And knows not how she shall pass through. Wherefore, send me, O Father! Seals in my hands, I will descend; Through Æons universal will I make a Path; Through Mysteries all I'll open up a Way! And Forms of Gods will I display; The secrets of the Holy Path I will hand on, And call them Gnosi……..The Dialogue of the Savior (not that we must agree with everything from this text, yet I show you which sayings they have taken in a correct manner from Jesus by which I see not much manipulation and which they included in this text and therefore also that which we can use): He said to them, "That which supports the earth is that which supports the heaven. When a Word comes forth from the Greatness, it will come on what supports the heaven and the earth. For the earth does not move.[NOMAD: TRUE] Were it to move, it would fall. But it neither moves nor falls, in order that the First Word might not fail. For it was that which established the cosmos and inhabited it, and inhaled fragrance from it [NOMAD: TRUE]. For [...] which do not move, I [...] you, all the sons of men. For you are from that place. In the hearts of those who speak out of joy and truth, you exist. Even if it comes forth in the body of the Father among men, and is not received, still it [...] return to its place. Whoever does not know the work of perfection, knows nothing. If one does not stand in the (((2)))darkness, he will not be able to see the (((3)))light. If one does not understand how (((4)))fire came into existence, he will burn in it, because he does not know the root of it. If one does not first understand (((5)))water, he knows nothing. For what use is there for him to be baptized in it? If one does not understand how blowing (((6))wind came into existence, he will blow away with it. If one does not understand how (((6)))body, which he bears, came into existence, he will perish with it. And how will someone who does not know the Son know the Father? And to someone who will not know the root of all things, they remain hidden. Someone who will not know the root of wickedness is no stranger to it. Whoever will not understand how he came will not understand how he will go, and he is no stranger to this cosmos which will [NOMAD: the body is in reality the circumference, light pearl] ====>>> At the end of the book my reader, you will come to your own conclusion... step by step... so far as it gets revealed to you... The Lord said, "When you abandon the works which will not be able to follow you, then you will rest, Revelation 14:13... AND: For it is no great thing [...] outside. And you will read about the bridal chamber (union with God). And John prophesied that a false church will arise which has lost all the ancient teachings. (and they claim to protect the true holy tradition) And the merchants weep over Babylon (people enslaved in darkness) what a compassion, for they do not see paradise, and he who does not understand the holistic truth (and the book of revelation via the seven Spirits), hie is entangled in ignorance
127) The healthy view is that, whatever happened and the difficulties, for example to write this book, all that is also part of ones personal development and when we see it that way, then we can accept it more easy... because little tribulations are part of the journey… other people are just driven by material things and so they operate via similitudes which they draw out for themselves... And salvation is reconnection with God; the righteous will live by their faith!!! Faith is not just something that you believe. It is something that you live by, Paul, just like all of the other Bible writers, insisted that real faith is faith working (energized and expressed) through love... Faith is being so convinced of something in our mind and heart that we live by it... Jesus taught us to live by the deeper law of love to God and love to our neighbor. In reality, “faith alone” is a contradiction in terms because by adding the word “alone” to “faith,” we make it not to be faith, because faith is the beliefs that we live by (actions, expressed)... similar the fruit of the Spirit. Conformity, thought, action... too much hate, condemnation, materialism, jealousy, arrogance, proud... is not good, and therefore we follow a right vision... Gal 6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting ==> Romans 1:17, the righteousness of God REVEALED (expressed), from FAITH to FAITH... you need the Holy Spirit to understand that... The just shall live by faith... And it is not the FRUIT of MAN, no, it is the FRUIT of the SPIRIT and how do we get it? Yea, we align, we starve out the wrath stream etc... we change our view... and God will help us.... and the good thing, we can also weaken the mud even when it is not fully cast out but we can even weaken it... advantage for afterlife... yet and again, we also want to become!! ==> TOXONSOPHISTS! Further, someone who is really strong (closer to the apocalypse or in the apocalypse), he can also pray into a person before that person discards his body, and then he has in most cases a better departure (afterlife) or ya, he can kick another person with higher light (Gods power) so that this person gets rid of deeper mud roots (depression or whatever), or he can even change the atmosphere on another place, other celestial beings send on that place... DIVINE SCIENCE: when ts is a sevenfold energy… and BUBBLING UP, like light bubbles… with the energetic shift (towards the glass)… now you see how easy it is to EXPOSE the false WESTERN TRINITY view… for the seat is “just” the seat (son) and we are also his sons in the apocalypse… and the seat/mirror is “just” the LIMIT of the inner and outer domain… and it proceeds… and fills again the abyss..., and the son as expressed image, the engraving is established (the radiance of his glory, mutual beholding!!!) ==> and thats why the orthodox ignore the sevenfold energy… on purpose… Ya, and later I show you everything about reincarnation… QUESTION about my tattoos: do you go to hell? Answer, today I went in a food shop and the cashier was a young girl with a tattoo cross on her finger, only that tattoo, and I cannot say that I did not like it... and after all it is about the heart... and you can also cut unwillingly with a knife in your skin, therefore this is not a salvation issue yet I would say to everyone, make no idol garbage on your skin... and ya, its normally better to have no tattoos… and for sure you want not that stuff which I have… and I was rather on a strange journey… ya, I would say… its better without tattoo yet if you have some, you do not go just because of that to hell.. what I mean, you can still purify yourself. QUESTION, what is with other planets? Answer, this is rather speculative but when there are other planets which have some form of being adaptable to humans (climate etc., but probably still a bit poisonous), I guess it is possible that the apocalypse will solve that problem easily, because of the energy construct... it would be probably paramount for space journey, including also long term travel. I say speculative because I do alos still learn some things, but yes, some Taoist (those who did know the way beyond the way) walked through fire or etc. HAHAHA NEW EARTH and NEW HEAVEN & spacecraft technology. And ya, for the case we believe that humanity or a part of it reaches a higher state, why not? I just think further… but one thing I say to you:further, if more would enter the apocalypse, and some would see them a superhuman, they cannot be misused as supersoldier, they would just throw of this third body and rush into another heaven... similar with the Buddha picture in mind, it does not work... they are in “ego death” mode... and all other stuff is animal passions... and again another thing, not all are ready nor willing for “ego death”, yes, there is some individuality left in that childlike liberty but still in the highest level... you know... there is a big increase of Christ in them.... all brainwashing does not work because brainwashing does not bring them into the apocalypse, they must leave all mud... to have nothing on their own... In thats sense, this Energy construct and those who become powers of God, it is “self protective”, it does not need outward human help, because no one is allowed to enter with animal passions etc. and they are in the first country. This saints have an immortal mind and see themselves as imprint in the well and know that the divine intelligence will keep them and therefore they cannot be misused and they have no problem to cast off the third body, they would just laugh about it. And the divine love and superjoy in them, nothing to exchange!!!! nothing is better, no drug whatsoever, and when I spoke about resurrection life, nothing was hyperbolic. METHODS OF THE FLESH belongs to the loop and the other problem, other people can simple not see it... it needs ascension. Take Jacob Boehme for example, he was not in full resurrection life but had here and there a very good divine vision (got really good glimpses sometimes over weeks), and he did know where to go in after-life, he predicted his own death on the minute accurate, blessed his kids and so on and buum, and gone... why not? his body got also many hits... and he endured, he has won his race! And same stories you will find in India (legends, ancient stories) and around the world. ==> And for the case you believe in reincarnation and you say, they had no full resurrection life but only glimpses about the mystic eye, ya, I say to you, they still enter the higher realms... they do not just come back to earth... and they know that they made it...
128) Everything has its inward essence, and the outward form, and behind the veil, we get inwardly a taste about the whole, which is manifested before our eyes, roundabout. About the Philosophers mercury, we have the extracted mercury (watery stone glass) and we have the alkahest, and as I said, we need to leave this other water (and worthless earth), and thats why we have also the extracted mercury (immaterial day, new earth), and liquid flesh behind the veil, because we become powers of God, and it fills the whole globe. And we are much happier with our crystal earth yet do not tell it everyone… Now, when they do not have inwardly the “full fire”, this spiritual inward fire (apocalypse)... and became total fleshy, harsh... then the outward fire burns them in the outward court (even the physical sun), therefore check again the lake of fire ==> A person who is in the highest heaven looks down at someone who is in the deepest hell... it looks like because of the energies that he burns on this place in fire... THATS ALL THAT IS... and the person in hell does not realize it, yet, his hellish disposition and suffering is clear to him, he is not in the most joyful heaven...And vice versa to prove it from the other side, because we are filled with light, they get dazzled like seeing us emanating like a sun... ALCHEMY: SULPHUR – fire attraction (cause of fire, with the sharpness of the salt, hardening… like a salt crystallization), and with the dark nature as the astringent (contracting)... and with the attraction, resulting in motion... And we have the pure looking glass versus a wrath mixed glass... and so different realities (properties according to the energy construct)... grey town, bitter, angry... or crystal earth, joyful, shining, and paradisiacal by which things look more beautiful and nice ===> it is true, we know also the ORIGIN of motion behind the veil, because it is this interaction of the sevenfold energy in its dynamic via the glassy globe... which reveals it to us. Yet, fire is also still like carving, and the water, again, the divine which seeks to manifest. Since the dark as the astringent mother, now, we say, all stones, herbs, metals consist in spirtual sulphur, mercury, and salt... impressions... ==> salt is the hidden sharpness which we taste behind the veil, in the spiritual fireblaze, from the foundation towards the glass... ==> 1 Cor 13:12 For now we see through a glass!!!, darkly!!!; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. ==> we are known by God, and that is to know ourselves and the ROOT OF ALL THINGS [divine reality], understand it thus: a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection [of reality as in an enigma or riddle] but then we shall see in reality face to face [the perfect, eternal realm is fullness to us, GODS FACE!!!, Apocalypse, name on the forehead] ===>>> HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? It is a consciousness spectacle (garden within, inner essence, wisdom imprint, because everything is made by it and so we see ourselves as form or figure of light in the form of forms aka in the well without bottom) PLUS the 4 elements at work (in the bubbling up from the well which makes the mental glass visible, and ya, also with the light race towards it), and everything rendered sweet. And in a subtle way we can differentiate the sevenfold energy, like the sharp spiritual fireblaze (the salt of the earth), the habitation as the air - refreshing, our sweet and mild spiritual water and earth as the ground or foundation (immoveable)... and for sure we realise the light which makes the water luminous... and the dark harsh ground… like as you see it with a candle FLAME… you will also recognize the dark spot… and so also with the INNER EYE. And then we have the non dual consciousness in the globe, and the inaudible sound, by these same energies generated, as the symphony of the universe or God singing over us, and we understand the spiritual faculty of God in seeing us, the light well is quasi Gods eye or the eye of the kingdom, with the glass, as the looking glass (and outward expressed image). And the Holy Spirit is the out going of power streams of the father and the son, and the father is all (life) power in the sons nature and vice versa... a bubbling up...a fountain spring...and it has its seat, and therefore people are wacko indoctrinated if they believe that they can separate the stream... no, and even the orthodox stumble complete in the dark when they say that God is only one energy and in the same breath they deny that the holy spirit proceeds also from the son… THEY MADE THE ATTRIBUTES TO GOD (to three GODS), this is absurd...John 14:9 anyone who has seen me has seen the father, how can you say, show us the father, NO THREE PERSON, PERSON ONLY IN CHRIST and CHRIST in father, I DO NOT SPEAK ON MY OWN, the FATHER DWELLING IN ME PERFORMING THE WORKS (does the work (act) through me) = CHRIST, AS THE EXPRESSED IMAGE, the REPRESENTATION OF HIS BEING… Jacob said rightly: We Christians say that God is threefold, but one in essence, and this is misunderstood by the ignorant as well as by the half learned, for God is not a person except in Christ. He is an eternally generating power and the kingdom with all beings. He is generating Himself in a threefold aspect(Nomad: threefold creative force), and in this eternal generation there is nevertheless to be understood only one essence and generation; neither Father, nor Son, nor Spirit but only the one eternal Life, or Good."... Thomas Gospel, saying 83, Jesus said: The images are revealed to man, and the light which is in them is hidden in the image of the light of the Father. He will reveal himself, and his image is hidden by his light… The Institutions have invented this lies to ENSLAVE YOUR MIND, willingly or unwilingly but its BRAIN-DAMAGING… IAM ONE OF THE GODS AND I HAVE SEEN IT and even the brooding water got revealed to me... God said, and manifested this dark brooding mass before me, he said, put your hand into it or I had also the impulse to do it, like let me know!!! It was pure love, infinite eternal brooding, yea, also a sense of joy or liberation... yet my hand went into nothingness and like I myself got dissolved into it... MY SON, you are second! Iam GOD, you are one of my gods, now return to me, I will receive you in my bosom. Only those who have ears, HEAR ME! ((Genesis 1:2 is not about Satan, this is just another lie of CARNAL PROTESTANT CHRISTIANS who understand nothing, and whom the father maybe even does not know, Genesis 1:2, the real meaning is, there was simple no appearance yet… and FACT IS, he choose his seat and the seat is the mirror... Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace... Psalm 2:7 Jehovah begotten him, Divine human united to Jehovah...and sits at the right hand of father – father as the infinite divine, omnipotence... HEAVEN IS IN THE HUMAN FORM (so also divine reality, because man is a miniature heaven, which gets revealed in us, knowing how the God arranged it = and the direction of all heavens is towards the Lord, our mirror, as the eyes of a son upon his father, so are my eyes, O Lord, at all times towards You… And again about the Lord: thou art the All and the All is in thee: and thou Art, and there is nought else that is save thee only… and the proceeding is called the Sphere of life, it is from this trine that an angel is an image of God, and is called a son of God and also an heir, indeed also a god... In the TRINE is a first and a middle and a last like in a TRIANGLE, Unity in Trinity, he is generating himself in a threefold aspect, and he is the kingdom of all beings… And the spiritual blood gives eternal life or shall we eat his natural flesh?, no, we drink the spiritual blood and our body becomes spiritualised… And PEOPLE worship often nothing else then a mere FIGMENT of their OWN IMAGINATION and that cannot be called: to worship in Spirit and in truth. AND WHEN YOU LOOK AT THE MIDDLE OF THE TRIANGLE, THIS IS GODS REST, THE 7th SPIRIT, THE EQUILIBRIUM WHICH CANNOT BE BROKEN… AND BY THE WAY, WHY NOT WORSHIP TEN PERSONS? because the SEVEN SPIRITS belong to the mind source, just count them together!!!… 1Corinthians 15:47 The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven. Jesus Christ, second (new) Adam... HE IS CALLED SECOND ADAM!!! HE CALLs PETER THE ROCK or us LIVING STONES, and he called us also LIGHT OF THE WORLD etc.!!! Does it make click, like a sudden brainstorm? CHECK: The rabbit trickster stole fire from the sun and gave it to humans, but also the ravens are clever, and the problem starts, when they think too much and feel too little – the animalistic nature of this material world... The infrastructure of the soul: the inner book of the Spirit, or of conscience is ordered in importance above the external book of the world. Humanity is far from being on the straight path of an education whose ultimate goal is God. On the contrary the world has transformed itself from a school of wisdom in a place of foolishness, marked by general scepticism, atheism... yea; people have lived very long in darkness…. And I say: One must create, one must do something positive in one's life, because God is a generative power. Not creating anything leaves a person "sterile" (i.e., unable to accomplish anything)... let little children be loud and let them explore nature... In the apocalypse we go in and we go out yet stay in the God realm... therefore keep balance, a pure ascetic life is not the answer... yet wilderness seasons are acceptable... as every soul shall find her way. TOXONSOPHISTS = RIGHT BALANCE… I will see the BELOW and the ABOVE, for who is in the ABOVE will rule over the BELOW. And our teaching is holistic… we don’t ignore science… why? It is part of the way… learn to swim, to dance, go to school… etc.. And further, Swedenborg said it rightly: Ten men can do works which externally appear alike, but which yet are dissimilar with them all, because they proceed from different ends and different causes; the end or the cause rendering the works either good or evil. For every work is a work of the mind; such, therefore, as is the quality of the mind, such is the work. If the mind is charity, the work becomes charity; but if the mind is not charity, the work does not become charity. Yet the works may appear alike outwardly. Works appear to men in external form, but to angels in internal form; and to the Lord their quality is apparent from inmosts to outmosts.==> so also the aura colours are seen… which change after their belly… angry or nice or...different shades… etc.
129) YOU must see it that way, the light Jesus and the light which goes through him and he is also that light… we are in the selfsame light and thats why we get his name on our foreheads… and that is APOCALYPSE UNITY… the LIGHT is the same… Christ in us...
130) Wherefore I have seen that Jacob got born in Görlitz (Germany), 1575 which has also a CHARM similar to Steyr (Austria), ya, Steyr which could be also used as film-set. An old city, a bit knight middle age charm (old town, historic center, river, Celtic background, so also the name, the city in which I got born)... and so on... Yea, Austria and Germany, O, my, many will think, why that? Wherefore there are more sages who had the stone but I see Jacob as my closest predecessor because he wrote much more openly about it or and also his study did go deep... and with all his symbols and etc. QUESTION: Nomad, do we need to have fear in Austria? Ya, you, I want to build a new CULT in Austria [or/and with some other people around the world], yet my CULT is liberation. YOU KNOW, WE WILL ERECT SOMEWHERE ON THE COUNTRYSIDE A HUGE STONE WITH SOME ANCIENT LETTERS AND SYMBOLS ON IT. And in the night some will walk around it with candles in their hands and Nomad as HIghpriest “sings” some old forgotten psalms... and a stringed instrument is heard and a drum player and the blowing on of a horn as s sign for the start of the magic act... Na, some rituals or tools are ok, but it is not about that kind of magic (cult leader)... but tools can help for recall, divine reality...and... to preserve the Mystery, and therefore no, they do not need to dance around me. Wherefore the divine reality is still magical. And woman I would get without that stuff, it is not about that… CHECK: This is a bit difficult to understand, sin (miss the mark) or sin consequence is the sting of death (like little death – nothingness), and when a person becomes very dark, sometimes they say, I have become like a silhouette or like a ghost, yet still this person feels herself very heavy or material overshadowed... and inwardly the full flame is missing (the dark contracts!!!)... and then for sure also living water is missing, and next, air or breath… and having no expanded Akash. This is the Mystery of the lesser whorl, because you as Microcosm have to come in harmony with the Macrocosm, and also with animals passion, it is enclosed in one Spirit globe. And the Anima Mundi is the divine essence which permeates all things. Animus and Anima, that is, male and female, antimony: can be a poison. Archetype: a prototype or orginal model after which other similar things are patterned. Consecrate: to make sacred. Geocentry: the ancient world view, earth centered (immoveable earth, divine reality). Immanent: existing within, present. Involution: descent of Spirit into matter. Spiritual Israel: state of order or balance. Minor arcana: lesser secret. Neophyte: newly planted, a beginner. And for the purification of the lower personality, a guidance is needed with symbols and even some rituals can be used for recall, nothing bad about it, yet it needs no endless memorizations like to learn the Hebrew alphabet or whatever... but mundane thoughts need to be surplanted or transformed by spiritual thoughts!!! THATS WHY LC!!! Only the inner Self has communication with the universal power, it is also a journey of self-discovery and spiritual attainment. We need to create the groundwork and a solid substructure... with added informations, tools… to receive influx of the divine light, to starve out the flesh [and its labyrinth]... and to imprint the TREE within the psyche... YA, and we would have also the FIRE BAPTISM!!! Kingdom and beauty of the united nature, earth and heavens as one together, mirror of the unified and of power, from God all things springs and return to their center again. The whirlpool of uncertainty leads more and more out of the innermost face of the sun into the outer (world) and can find neither end nor place of rest, unless it leads from the outer (world) back again and seeks the beginning from which all the smaller star lights originated... A famous sage said: Seven eyes winding around the whirlpool of searching desire is hardly one which stands toward the Sabbath in the innermost, but the restless movement of the working days move them through all spheres, and even if they take a look at Gods wonders, they only look upon the surface and every eye looks upon that which is shown through its own desire. God made man to live in an eternal Sabbath, he should not work, he should not work but let God work in him (the works which follow us, Revelation 14:13, rest). And the root of the tree is understood only by the eye of wisdom, standing in the centro of all spheres. Light, strength, joy, in the recognition of Gods virtue and hymn of praise. I am the magnet-stone of divine love, attracting the iron-hard men to the road of truth. I am the heavenly dew and the fat of the land, I am the fiery water and the watery fire, nothing may live without me in time; I am close to all things yea; in and through all things, nevertheless unknown. Without me you canst do nothing, therefore fear God, pray and work in patience; if you find me, your want would cease and you have a merciful God who befriendeth you and gives you whatever your heart may desire. A stone of living power and a water of living might, a sulphur, a mercury, a salt, hidden deep in nature, and which no fool has ever known or seen. The scripture must be understood out of the innermost and unto the outermost, and without that, the holy scripture become dead letter, bringing forth sects, superstitious and fleshly priests, fearing Gods word might be taken away from them, meaning the dead letter. Authorities want to fight with the sword for religion, divine things are just so much foolish to them, they can understand Christ only through the flesh and the tribe of David, and they make divisions, cliques and sects. Listen: the old has to go entirely, for behold: I make all things new. Christ is the book of life, he causeth belief and he blessed... Man becomes divine nature, has his life in heaven with Christ. On this earth he only has to choose, which way to go, the end is to his will. HOLD FAST TO HIM AND DESPAIR NOT! And also know: it is far better to have the loved Christ then to possess all knowledge (this other learned knowledge)... Heaven and earth will perish in fire and become finally a philosophic fire (new earth and new heaven)... The word is at all times all in all Jesus Christ. Learn to be simple, true, pious, just. Yet understand pious not as inadequacy, no, feel a divine water flow, which leads you to the transparent realm, by which everything becomes effortless... and a kind of innocence which leads to superbliss. Meekness is like water... wet and fully alive... the lion is the power, found only together with the lamb (a kind of innocence, a kind of childlike liberation, inner strength)... And I write this book because such information cannot be withheld from those who are ready to receive it [Knock and it shall be opened], he who seeks, he shall find it, and millions of books are out there... SEEK]... And yes, the Phallic symbol indicates the sexual duality of the manifested universe, thats why some order say that it must not be taken to indicate any relationship of the order with the gross forms of Phallic Worship, the latter is merely the distorted shadow of the Truth, and must not be mistaken for the Reality ==> I would still not use it for my apocalypse symbol, but yes, also I will modify my ministry symbol a bit when Iam back in the apocalypse so that I can present an undistorted picture to the adept, or to the brotherhood (which includes woman). ==> after the birth I will receive the apocalypse symbol, because the man-child is born out of the Mysteries, the woman is the church in pain, at the end the worming question mark has to disappear, like Odin hanging on a tree……….Gospel of Philip (using that which is helpful): Truth did not come into the world naked but in symbols and images. The world cannot receive truth in any other way. There is rebirth and an image of rebirth, and it is by means of this image that one must be reborn. What image is this? It is resurrection. Image must arise through image. By means of this image the bridal chamber and the image must approach the truth. This is restoration... Spiritual summer confirmation: Whoever sows in winter reaps in summer. Winter is the world, summer is the other, eternal realm... BOOK OF REVELATION MOVIE CONFIRMED: [Do not be] deceived. If words belonged to the eternal realm, they would never be pronounced in this world, nor would they designate worldly things. They would refer to what is in the eternal realm... Not naked: Flesh [and blood will] not inherit God’s kingdom.” What is this flesh that will not inherit? It is what we are wearing. And what is this flesh that will inherit? It is the flesh and blood of Jesus... Realm of Truth: Rather, in the realm of truth, you have seen things there and have become those things, you have seen the spirit and have become spirit, you have seen Christ and have become Christ, you have seen the [father] and will become father...Vessels: Glass and ceramic vessels are both made with fire. If glass vessels break, they are redone, since they have been made through breath… (NOMAD: wherefore they all taught REINCARNATION but later I will show you everything) with reference to the Thomas Gospel: The master said, “Blessings on one who is before coming into being. For whoever is, was and will be... Marriage (bride): unless they receive the male or female power of the bridegroom and the bride. These are received from the mirrored bridal chamber... ==> Book of revelation MOVIE (bride made ready)... Vision of hell: In a vision an apostolic person saw people who were locked up in a house of fire, bound with [chains] of fire, and thrown [into]…fire [on account of…false] faith. It was said, “[They might have] saved [their souls], but they did not want to, so they got [this place of ] punishment called the [outer] darkness….” And his “Thomas Gospel interpretation”: [For this reason] he said, “I have come to make [the lower] like the [upper and the] outer like the [inner, and to unite] them in that place.” [He spoke] here in symbols [and images]. Those who say [there is a heavenly person and] one that is higher are wrong, for they call the visible heavenly person “lower” and the one to whom the hidden realm belongs “higher.” It would be better for them to speak of the inner, the outer, and the outermost. For the master called corruption “the outermost darkness,” and there is nothing outside it. He said, “My father who is in secret.” He said, “Go into your room, shut the door behind you, and pray to your father who is in secret”—that is, the one who is innermost. What is innermost is the fullness, and there is nothing further within. And this is what they call uppermost... Secret oil: The tree of life, however, is in the middle of the garden. It is an olive tree, and from it comes chrism, and from chrism comes resurrection... Perfect slave example: Whoever knows the truth is free, and a free person does not sin, for “one who sins is a slave of sin.” Truth is the mother, knowledge is the father. Those who do not allow themselves to sin the world calls free. They do not allow themselves to sin, and knowledge of the truth lifts them up—that is, it makes them free and superior to all. But “love builds up.” Whoever is free through knowledge is a slave because of love for those who do not yet have freedom of knowledge. Knowledge enables them to be free (NOMAD: so also I get drivne to write this book almost like I must do it, like Iam held responsible, what a slave Iam!).... Atmosphere change via anointed ones: Spiritual love is wine and perfume. People who anoint themselves with it enjoy it, and while these people are present, others who are around also enjoy it. If the people who are anointed leave them and go away, the others who are not anointed but are only standing around are stuck with their own bad odor... The 4 Elements: God’s farming also depends on four things: faith, hope, love, and knowledge. Faith is the earth in which we take root. Hope is the water with which we are nourished. Love is the air through which we grow. Knowledge is the light by which we [ripen] ==> wherefore fire is also often referred to light, the light fire... The ax: As long as the root of evil is hidden, it is strong. When it is recognized, it is undone, and if it is brought to light, it dies. For this reason the word says, “Already the ax is laid at the root of the trees.” It will not merely cut them down, for what is cut down sprouts up again. Rather, the ax will dig down until it cuts out the root. Jesus pulled out the root of the whole place, but others did so only in part...Holy of Holies: Whoever belongs to the priestly order can go inside the curtain along with the high priest. For this reason the curtain was not torn only at the top, for then only the upper realm would have been opened. It was not torn only at the bottom, for then it would have revealed only the lower realm. No, it was torn from top to bottom. The upper realm was opened for us in the lower realm, that we might enter the hidden realm of truth. This is what is truly worthy and mighty, and we shall enter through symbols that are weak and insignificant. They are weak compared to perfect glory. There is glory that surpasses glory, there is power that surpasses power. Perfect things have opened to us, and hidden things of truth. The holy of holies was revealed, and the bedchamber invited us in....THE POOL AND THE SEED: As long as the seed of the holy spirit is hidden, wickedness is ineffective, though it is not yet removed from the midst of the seed, and they are still enslaved to evil. But when the seed is revealed, then perfect light will shine on everyone, and all who are in the light will [receive the] chrism. Then slaves will be freed [and] captives ransomed. “Every plant that my father in heaven has not planted [will be] pulled out.” What is separated will be united, [what is empty] will be filled. [NomaD: like Odes of Solomon, another Christ who sets others free, to whatever degree]... And a WARNING for all who want to become gods (it needs minimum nous accomplishment, divine vision glimpse or..): If someone becomes an attendant of the bridal chamber, that person will receive the light. If one does not receive it while here in this place, one cannot receive it in the other place. ==> This is the way it is. It is revealed to such a person alone, hidden not in darkness and night but hidden in perfect day and holy light... And the Lord would not have said "My Father who is in Heaven" (Mt 16:17), unless he had had another father, but he would have said simply "My father" ==>the Melchizedek Mystery (truly born of God) ==> NOMAD: and yes I said, it depends first of all upon your SOUL image and secondly I said… ageing and opening of the souls eye to receive glimpses, that is possible… therefore it needs not the full resurrection life with complete transmutation as I teach and show it here yet it needs still a bigger soul achievement… many Mystics did grow old with their bodies yet receive little or bigger glimpses… wherefore the line draws God… don’t aks me about the exact line and simple higher heavenly planets exists… hierarchy… and some angels get spared regarding reincarnation or have a choice… and they are in blissful heavens...
131) Taken from the Rosicrcuians, it looks quite right(internet, sacred texts… again I could rewrite it on my own but I point to them… and yes, a bit I did change it, only slightly): Auric colours: *******Black indicates hatred, malice, revenge, and therefore low emotional feelings. *******Gray (bright shade) indicates selfishness; (ghastly shade) indicates fear and terror; (dark shade) indicates melancholy. *******Green (bright live shade) indicates diplomacy, worldly wisdom, suavity, tact, politeness, and "polite deceit" in general; (dirty, muddy shade) indicates low deceit, low cunning falsehood, trickery of a low order; (dark, dull shade) indicates jealousy, envy, covetousness. *******Red is the color of the passions in general, but there is a great variety in its manifestations, for instance: Red (dull and appearing as if mixed with smoke) indicates sensuality and the lower animal passions; Red (appearing as bright flashes, sometimes light lightning in form) indicates anger. In this case the red usually is shown on a black back ground when the anger arises from hatred or malice and on a greenish background when the anger arise, from jealousy, envy, etc., and without any back ground when the anger arises from "righteous indignation" and the defense of what is believed to be righteous cause. Red (crimson shade) represent Love, and varies in shade according to the character of the passion named. For instance, a dull and heavy crimson shade indicates a gross, sensual love, while the brighter, clearer and more pleasing shades indicate love blended with higher feelings and accompanied by higher ideals; and the highest form of human love between the sexes manifests in a beautiful rose color. ********Brown (reddish shade) indicates avarice and greed. ******Orange (bright shade) represents pride and ambition. *******Yellow, in its various shades, represents intellectual power in its various forms. A beautiful, clear. golden yellow indicates high intellectual attainment logical reasoning, unprejudiced judgment and discrimination. A dark dull yellow shade indicates. intellectual power contenting itself with thoughts and subjects of a low, selfish order. The shade between the two just indicated denote the presence of higher or lower thought, respectively, the dark representing the lower, and the light the higher. *******Blue (dark shade) represents religious emotion, feeling, and tendencies in general. The dull shades; however, indicate religious emotion of a low order, while the clearer brighter shades indicate religious emotions of a high order. These shades vary and range from a dull indigo to a beautiful bright violet. Light Blue (of a peculiar hue and shade) indicates spirituality. This spiritual blue is of a peculiarly clear, transparent, and luminous appearance, which is difficult to describe in words. In the auras of some persons of a very high degree of spirituality there appear tiny luminous spark-like points, often twinkling and sparkling like the stars in the heavens on a clear night ----------------- In addition to the ordinary colors named above, there are several shades which cannot be named, for they correspond to colors outside of the field of human vision, such as "infra red" and "ultra violet." Without going deeply into this phase of the subject, it may be said that the "ultra violet" auric colors denote high spiritual powers manifested in the direction of the highest and most worthy aims and ends; while the "infra red" auric colors denote psychic powers employed in unworthy ways and for base ends—as for instance, that which the occultists know as "black magic." There are two other auric colors which are impossible to describe in words, for there are no terms adequate for such expression. These colors are as follows: (1) the true primary yellow, which indicates the highest spiritual illumination of the intellect; and (2) true pure white, or a peculiar brilliancy and transparency, which indicates the presence of the awakened spirit. And also the conflict between passions and intellect can be recognized by advanced seer, wherefore I teach them at LC that they shall imagine themselves a bit like to be in that light pool… meditation against psychic vampirism… but its so or so done via contemplation =====> And in general we can say that what I said earlier in the book, that is, rotten colours are of lower order and this can be found [according to the soul] among all individuals, Christian and non – Christians. AND LETS CHECK HERMES: There is always a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of life and being – cycle, sex, sun, rythm, polarity, substance (everything has a body, vessel, yet we must find the hidden universal substance), geometry (stars are round, atoms – wave patterns) – law and order (cause and effects, every happening is merely a link in a great chain of happenings, fractals etc., and we have to find the ultimate cause)... IAM FROM ABOVE, ye are of this world... Vibration and Rythm must be also understood in a sense to reach the higher vibration and to direct oneself away from the negative pole (the dark, negativity, chaos...)... And Cyclicity is the outgrowth, or more complex form, of Rhythm [we see that also with electrons, particles etc. and history, the FLUID DYNAMICS which is the book of revelation movie]. The only escape from Cyclicity is by means of transmutation into Spirality, i.e., by advancing the Central Point of Motion. The conversion of the Circle into the Spiral is one of the highest forms of Alchemy. The rule operates on each and every plane of being, physical, mental, and spiritual [WILL and MENTAL ALCHEMY, wherefore also this book will help you my reader because we form the golden scripture picture and so to speak the goal, and yes, the ascend is spiral...]. About polarity, we must leave hate, anger, jealousy and all that stuff, and focus on the hidden treasure, hidden pearl or morningstar... to enter non dual consciousness... likewise, the slothful man may shift his polarity into activity and energetic action... and fear into courage... ==> there is no other way, you must learn from Master because religion will kill you... ==> Look, how some people manage to implant their seed-thoughts in the minds of the masses of the people, thus causing the latter to think thoughts in accordance with the desires and wills of this individuals. Ya, the masses of the people are just “foolish sheeplike” creatures, seldom originating an idea of their own, nor using their own powers of mental activity [yet, understand: false prophets and worldly people use their rotten intelligence for manipulation, they always check how to make use of other and how to be impressive, wherefore this low level stuff will never lead into any higher state, and therefore and rather we must channel the live giving spirit to other... we must enter LIBERATION... and follow justice... yet for sure, we are not the ones who get manipulated by those who are below in their selfish passions, we turn it around and make a spectacle out of it like Jesus did it with the Pharisee… and yes you will learn at LC to reconnet with mental power, divine intelligence in you]
132) Wherefore when Iam honest, a bit science also comforts me, to know what is going on, and to gain ears and eyes and so on via the spiritual faculty and to understand the imprint etc. (everything which I learned during this book writing) And you ask, but Nomad, you are different to other Mystics, in your order (Brotherhood of the hidden truthstone) you give them for initiation already a fundament with a full picture about divine reality, why? Answer: it is a new season, and so they waste less time and focus directly on mental ascension… And further, you shall also not believe that there exists a globe which does irritate you, no, its just a soul circular turning, and everything fits perfectly, almost explosive extreme, and it has nothing to do any longer with anything which you know about religion (and yes, we know that the globe has an eternal limit, we just “feel” it)... I run rampant at will, and wherever Iam, there is the TAO (no religion, just riding freely)… CHECK: Fairy tales, such writer have often a better mental imprint and they use their imaginations in an extensive way, and thats why some or many fairy tale communicate something to us... and we find parallels... aka my words are life and spirit versus dry religion kills you… YOU go from the animalistic outward to the inner strength [inward], and there you find again your “I”, and later this “I” gets liberated from all personal ballast, that is, Odin hanging on a tree, and then we become the IAM in God [IAM in YOU, mutual beholding], and that which never dies... AND then we have the attributes of the lion (Spirit power), eagle (flying high above this world and above circumstances, not shaken, immoveable race), ox (also compassion, superparadise, which extends itself to nature, RULER and steward), human (godlike) – lamb (without animals passions, childlike liberated, the body is as it were dead because of the cup which never runs out, be the stream of the universe, liquid flesh, but this physical emanation is still tangible)... and reason restored, one with the universal mind… Nomad, I have a question, why is it called PEARL and STAR? Answer, the solid pearl is found in the deep ocean (wherefore we could also myriads of bubbles in the heavenly ocean, yea, in another funny way, our mineral water), and it is called star or morningstar because it is a very bright shining pearl...When the outermost nature and power has collapsed into its interior, and its interior thrown out, now, and because with the inner eye we have the square (image, glass) and with the senses we receive the second globe, and because it is mirrored, therefore inner eye square and outer eyes roundabout (similar inner eye round welling up and the square like projected out of it with the inner essence and vice versa, outer eye roundabout, that which is displayed roundabout)...And God (ocean of causes) is for us IMPERFECT because he is SUPERPERFECT, that is, he is transcending infinite center and we are in him and because we have also a BODY (vessel) by which we express ourselves. And so we do not dissolve in him, we become gods [plural]. Every person has an internal drive that he wants to remain and seeks development (or spiritual evolve), and this is is justified and true and a disposition which should not be neglected but it needs to be channelized into the right direction… And real Master simple jump into all the sacred texts, they see the nuggets and then they put the puzzle together... and so we get our Picasso!!! And another person grabs on his head and asks himself, how is it possible that this or that fits together???… Therefore, who builds Atlantis or Lemuria with me? Nomad, that is a myth and for the case it existed, it was another age. Ok, I never saw it, maybe you are right, who knows... so let me say: who builds New Jerusalem with me? Nomad, that which you teach, all things new and immortality is a myth and it does not exist! Ok, now I see, a lesser whorl has spoken to me and thats why you need a suncream and you get burned by the second sun... but not so Nomad, his skin will become oily and bright shining AGAIN, having the four Elements as one in him, harmony with the macrocosm! Ya, a foolish newspaper and foolish media, does this worry you? I say, they are the HAUNTER OF THE DARK! And I have the window for the totality of space and time (rather an eternal now) Wherefore do not worry, 21 century religion is like Babel media (newspaper)... they do also only read the dead letter, so you are in the same boat. And be happy, the love behind the veil is like the light of the sun... and thats why we forgive so easy... yet we do also not loose courage... AND LAST HELP, HOW TO DO IT: SALT WISDOM?, AVOID IMPURITIES, AND PUT IT IN BOILING HOT WATER... and Crystals begin forming in as little as six hours and can continue to grow for up to three or four days. Once the mixture has completely evaporated, more salt solution can be poured into the container to grow larger crystals. Avoid pouring subsequent solutions onto the existing crystals ==> and YES, all the Jews did know the cube salt form from the dead sea, ye are the SALT OF THE EARTH (and the eye is the lamp of the body)...Virtually ALL SALT COMES FROM THE SEA (we get remembered to slightly acid rain and a weathered ROCK) And also the salt comes from weathering and volcanic activity...UNDERWATER VULCANOES.... and for sure we know such things like solar evaporation. The FIERY SALT IS NAMED FOR VULCAN (remember the sulphur). AHHHHHHHH, this is ridiculous, this 21 century religious people believe that they can understand the BOOK OF REVELATION or etc., wherefore they know nothing... YET WE IN THE APOCALYPSE (we who have left the MOVIE), WE HAVE THE BOOK OF NATURE IN OUR HEART. THIS IS PERFECT!!! WOW... and we get rid of the bad sulphur (that which stinks too much) and then we have our CRYSTAL STONE... WOW... entirely hidden from the foolish... SO THAT WE RECEIVE OUR!!! MERCURY, SULPHUR, AND SALT in perfect harmony, balance... ==>>> and thats why we have additional OIL, SALT, yea, even WINE... and yea, for sure the seven spirits (stars) remain (and four elements according to the first matter, and our akash)... WOW... WHAT A GREAT ARCANUM... and then we receive our new earth, phoenix... resurrected... and have left the MOVIE... and the LOGOS reveals it to us: The GOLDEN TRACT, another German friend, O, I love the Sages: Such men (philosopher) there have been in all countries. Amongst the Egyptians Hermes Trismegistus holds the highest place; then come Chaldæans, Greeks, Arabs, Italians, Gauls, Englishmen, Dutchmen, Spaniards, Germans, Poles, Hungarians, Hebrews, and many others (their works exhibit so marvellous an agreement)... Quicksilver, we have it coagulated in its innermost chamber (by another name, our salt... flocculate, similar to fleur de sel – the crust on the surface of sea water – salt flower)... The Sum of Perfection: He who has no elementary knowledge of Nature is far from a proper appreciation of this Art... I will make this known to thee in all truth [for the love of God], that the root of philosophic sulphur, which is a heavenly spirit, is united in the same material with the root of the spiritual and supernatural mercury, and the principle of spiritual salt—out of which is made the Stone, and not out of several things. That universal thing, the greatest treasure of earthly wisdom, is one thing, and the principles of three things are found in one, which has power to change all metals into one... the soul is the medium between body and spirit, joining them together [the air the habitation, dwellers in heaven, and we receive a certain spiritualised body]... Aristotle says: If the quicksilver be of a good substance but the sulphur impure and combustible, it changes the quicksilver into brass [Nomad: outer court]... We have to get rid of the evil sulphur of the baser metals by a process of gradual digestion (rot, putrefy)... it is important that we receive our gold: bearing fruit after its own kind... Rosary of the Philosophers: The salt of metals is the Philosopher's Stone; for our Stone is water congealed in gold and silver; it is hostile to fire and may be dissolved into the water of which it is composed after its kind... Scale: "The virtue of the second water is to exalt earth into its own mineral salt, as though assimilating it by its own strength. And Arnold, in his work mentioned the Preservation of Youth... And we must check for confirmation from another sage: a twofold cause for the destruction of every [imperfect] metal by fire: two most wonderful secrets, namely, (1) the combustible sulphur enclosed in their interior substance is kindled by fierce heat, and (unimpeded by any excellence in their mercury) annihilates, and converts into smoke their entire substance; (2), the outward flame is fed by them, penetrates into their interior, and dissolves them into smoke, even though they be very solid; (3), their interior is laid bare by calcination. And the second secret is the excellence which quicksilver imparts to bodies [we may also say, living water enters]. And we have heard, the Stone is One; nothing else must be added to it: out of one substance the Sages obtain our remedy... THE GREAT SAGES ARE SO SIMPLE AND THE IGNORANT UNDERSTAND THEM NOT, DISSOLVE, liquefaction: A solution takes place when we transform a dry thing into a liquid, a hard thing into a soft, a hidden thing into one that is manifest, i.e., when a solid is changed into water; not, however, the vulgar water!!! And Avicenna says: "Thou who wouldest attain our object must first endeavour to dissolve and sublime the two luminaries, which is the first stage of the experiment, that they may become quicksilver." Therefore Arnold describes the solution as a resolving of bodies, and a preparation of the first Matter or Nature (and beside that we also want to attain our liquid flesh, earthly tabernacle dissolved, first matter, all things new, house or tabernacle not made with hands, this false prophets (teacher) are so utterly IGNORANT)... And a bit more insight: Morfoleus, in "The Crowd" says: "Every body is dissolved with the spirit that is joined to it, and doubtless also becomes spiritual. And every spirit is modified and coloured by bodies, to which spirit is thus added a tinging colour which stands the test of fire... ==> And our soul, our Stone raised with the wind, born in the earth [Nomad, also full breath], the eternal glory in which with glorified bodies we shall see God face to face—despising all mundane pleasure [attained the infinite treasure] that we may behold with our own eyes that eternal, infinite, and unspeakable joy of heaven ===>>> And you shall know: Chaos contains within itself the four elements of all that is, viz., fire, air, water, and earth (and impure earth is combustible sulphur)... Metals: different modifications of heat cause, in the metallic compound, either maturity or immaturity (gold is mature). GOLDEN AGE RESTORED: receiving the flowing salt and the incombustible oil... And Basilius says: observe, likewise, that the spirit of salt also destroys the moon, and reduces it to a spiritual essence, according to my teaching, out of which the "potable moon" may be prepared. This spirit of the moon belongs to the spirit of the sun, as the female answers to the male, by the copulation or conjunction of the spirit of mercury or its oil (we need not the light of the second sun when we have our new earth and new heaven). Further: the spirit lies hid in mercury, the colour you must seek in sulphur, and their coagulation in salt. TIME: In the course of time these three unite, and are changed through the action of fire into a palpable substance, viz., quicksilver, sulphur, and salt. If these three substances be mixed, they are hardened and coagulated into a perfect body, which represents the seed chosen and appointed by the Creator. This is a most important and certain truth. If the metallic soul, the metallic spirit, and the metallic form of body be present, there will also be metallic quicksilver, metallic sulphur, and metallic salt, which together make up the perfect metallic body... By burning anything to ashes you may gain its salt... If you do not possess the ashes (and do not understand the phoenix), you will be unable to obtain our salt; and without our salt you will not be able to impart to our substance a bodily form; for the coagulation of all things is produced by salt alone ===>>>> the Great Sages dwell on new earth, 1000 year saints and resurrected (Spirit of the world – spirit of the flesh – devil overcome) and the foolish understand it not and that which is more obvious, they blaspheme the stone, and in the merely outward the sun in the sky (or second sun) burns them, bowls of wrath, wrath or dark fire stream which works in an obvious way together with the trumpets in the book of revelation and we have to include the SEVEN stars or spirits (four angels = four elements, and the four winds) and all other SYMBOLS with it! We read it from the innermost unto the outermost. And so they complain about us (we who dwell in heaven) and they complain about nature and what else (different degrees of grey town)... AND WE HAVE PERFECTLY LEFT THE MOVIE, the bible is finished, the beginning meets the end. And again, the ignorant will not believe it ===>>> And I know that there are some humans who say: this apocalyptic Christians bring nothing but problems and they say that no other religion has such a thing and this Christians are non-productive... yet, I say, we must preserve the book of revelation already because of all the symbols, and to understand the FLUID DYNAMICS and also people of other religion believe in cycles in history and it is not the fault of the book that this Christians are only in doom and gloom, endtime stories, or that they call all other humans as people from the serpent seed and they have even invented a serpent sex theory (and so that they can claim as Christians that they are holy and that thy have Christ DNA because of one protestant prayer they have spoken in the past) and what else because foolishness knows no end... And also the spiritual marriage or new earth, this is much too high for them, and therefore we should not seek the fault in the book, and similar no one of us says that the earth is only 6000 years old...
133) I pondered deeply in my second ascension because of my recall and that is, 1) ok, the abyss gets filled again (return) and we know that it is a shut up up power in my Globe, and the divine mist which fills again [the abyss] is seen because at some ratio we see it, spirtualised body and eyes, just a bit it is seen yet also to add in full joy, we love it...and the book of nature in our heart. 2) ok, the mirror is now understood as the very limit of the inner and outer domain, thats why we see also roundabout with outer eye. 3), ok, now comes the problem: it is seen with the inner eye round welling up and in the bubbling up it shifts quasi to the square or is projected into a square by which we have the mirror... And now it was hard for me to believe that Iam co-centered with other unseen spheres which somehow in convergence produced this effect and further I MUST HAVE THE FULL TRUTH in myself and that would not be possible in that way... and the solution to the problem is almost too simple and too unbelievable, that is, the SALT is the intermediate and the GREAT ARTIST has it all well tempered with the sevenfold energy, yea, it sounds mind-blowing (like a coagulation towards the mirror)... but we must also understand that the earth remains immoveable in the non dual consciousness by which we have inward the energy display towards the mirror (with the water which sinks down to the fire and light flash towards the glass and etc.), and via the outer eye we see roundabout... and it stands symmetrical in equilibrium (yea, even with the abyssal chaos... and roundabout having the bosoms widespread intelligible objects, kingdom within and without). And we must understand in this joyful stream that God never gets wrathful... therefore the energies remain well tempered in all his doing... EAST MYSTERY, the sun rises in the east? so SIMPLE?... Different reflections (myriads of bubbles in the ocean, and every bubble receives inflow at the formless point) but the same grid (cube grid) and out of it everything is made (also platonic solids, fractal universe etc.). Our hidden sun and fire, our hidden watery stone glass, air as the habitation... Have I something not seen? ==> I check later again… And to add, as John said it here rightly: Wisdom is the revealer and manifestor of the unsearchable secret of God: she is the golden key of the Eternal Eye, the glance and mirror (the moving unmoving, wisdom is like a passive looking glass)... Wisdom's art appears in that being thus proportionally tempered together, they qualify act and move in and through one another, and that in the greatest harmony and friendship, as the members of one body: the fierceness of the fire is mitigated and allayed by the Water, the harsh astringency of the Darkness, is dissolved in the meekness of the Light, and so of the rest… ==> <a, and later we must check a bit deeper the sevenfold energy like Jacob did it… ONE STEP AFTER ANOTHER
134) And for sure Art became today a bit too egocentric, wherefore I have no problem when there is also attention given to the dark side yet (like to learn a lesson), ya but today it has often no more aesthetics (a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, the branch of philosophy which deals with questions of beauty and artistic taste, therefore, it often misses the beauty and higher philosophy, it became too much a kind of “plastic thing”, music industry etc.) ==> you simple get what you build (and someone must also be up to date yet you are no longer up to date… same with science and your foolish theory of everything, you clowns… how much more stupid shall it become?)… Lets go on: METAL: LIQUID, HEAT, COAGULATO (as resting place)... LIFE OF THE SEED (provide food for it, to strengthen the whole work)... Copper turned into Gold... (and also we get a golden body). And since the Lord is in all these metals, ergo some gold must be hidden in it (but that I say more for philosophical fun)... The sulphureous soul is warm and dry and the mercurial Spirit is cold and moist (yes, behind the veil we are again in heavens warmth exactly as explained, yet there is still a balance achieved... so that we have a good climate, and it is therefore further true that we have left our very cold heart and cold place or dark place...) And by Vulcans art we get the stone... our salt... as he rightly said: Nature reserves many things in her secrecy ==> therefore we should go into spiritual evolution and not the other way around (I mean, those who like the spiritual path)...and yes, both, souls and spirit are spiritual...which must have a body... ==> And regarding the climate, thats why some saints (all around the world), they could sit outside in winter time and it did not bother them and probably many have not fully known the stone yet when they had attained a very high level, then for sure this effect came into action (energies), ya or maybe they have known the stone in some way or another but probably did not meditate further about it but just recognized this blessing from heaven... and it depends also if their inner eye was fully open... YA, the spermatick seed is brought into coagulation via the salt of glory - victrix. (the seed is clear, as the seed so the tree... seed consciousness if you will, the inner essence of what is displayed roundabout – divine reality)... And the salt is also the bright ivory, and as you know, we have to translate the symbols which are used for Babylon city, yet this is not for the senseless, no, only Immortals or gods understand us... this here is too unbelievable for many... I can help them only in that way, and explain to them that when we were made in the IMAGE of God, then this includes creation, yea, and also the breath... And the white body as snow, that is the light skinned race... And concerning the work: Having brought your work thus far, then you have deserved to be received into the TURBA of Philosophers, and you get more Art, Wisdom, and understanding than all sophisters, which prate much of these mystical things, and yet know not the least thing of it. Therefore it is just that you should be preferred before them, and let them sit below thee in shame and [chosen] disgrace, and in their darkness of misunderstanding, so long till nature does enlighten them also. ARE they not the ones who say that there is no GOD? I SAY, LET THE OLD MAN BODY ROT: and after which putrefaction there are raised again on the great day new and clarified bodies, and the departed Soul takes her dwelling up again in that new body; after that, there is no more parting of body nor Spirit, nor Soul; but because the Soul finding a clarified body, then with the same she makes an everlasting union, which neither Devil nor Death can destroy, nor disjoin any more, nor bring it into any corruption, but from henceforth into all eternity we are and shall be like unto the best creatures of God, which before our mortality and departure of the Spirit, of the Soul and body could never be, God help and grant unto us a blessed resurrection. AlVIEN. (a body, yes, but this is then really and rather called: we are pure Spirit beings who have also a body)… Further, vitriol often means sulfuric acid. The word vitriol comes from the Latin word vitriolum, meaning "glassy" (crystals of several metallic sulfates resemble pieces of colored glass). Blue Vitriol (copper sulphate, copper salt... a salt formed by treating cupric oxide with sulfuric acid. It forms as large, bright blue crystals) ===>>> and in similarity Sages used it to point to the oil and to the magnet, salt as magnetic body, the incombustible sulphur [fire] and the magnet is its own salt, which in the CONJUNCTION attracts its sulphur and mercury, unites with the same and are inseparable companions. Nomad: it is like an intermediate, mercury shows its magnetic virtue toward the sulphur...yet, the dissolved fluid waterish Salt turns into a Magnet; for in that dissolution it lays hold on its own Spirit, which is the Spirit of Mercury, attracting the same powerfully like a Magnet, hiding it under a form of a dry clear body, bringing the same by way of uniting into a deep coagulation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and firm fixedness by means of a continued fire, and the certain degrees thereof... to receive our watery stone, through the other Elements be hid therein insensibly... AND SO THAT YOU UNDERSTAND NOW CLEARLY THAT WE HAVE THIS ENERGETIC DISPLAY (inner eye) behind the veil and thats why we draw this similarities from nature, with good reason. And again, you must understand that the sevenfold energy and what is displayed to us behind the veil (inner eye and outer eye), it has also much to do with intuition and because it is supernal understood and therefore this are correspondences to that which is below because we operate in a supernal equilibrium, and this energies are like food to each other, as shown somewhere else, light illumines darkness etc. and otherwise we are misunderstood!!! Therefore, ya, certainly we know the ROOT OF ALL THINGS BEHIND THE VEIL and see GOD FACE TO FACE, wherefore later more to it, yet now you shall understand and expose insanity, and that is, take magnetism for an example: How does a magnet know when another magnet is close? How do they know which way the other magnet is facing and why does this alignment cause attraction or repulsion? How do magnets influence other magnetic things in the environment? (Feynman points out that the difference between describing and explaining is often very slim...) Magnetism seems to come from something electrons are doing... particle, mass, electric charge and a property which responds to magnetic influence... Magnets are magnetic because electrons are magnetic. They are magnetic because they have properties which cause magnetism... yet it hasn’t told us what the magnetic field is. Wittgenstein once said: man has awoken to wonder…Science [often] is a way of sending him to sleep again (many FOOLS among them who ignore GOD)... Realism says that Science explains the world. Positivism says Science is only keeping track of what happens and has no explanatory power – YA. it is true, science can do something far greater than just describing what we already know [yet, insanity must be avoided like their theory of everything] ==> UNDERSTAND MY READER (those who know not God): If you take any phenomenon and keep asking “why?” you will eventually hit the bottom of the ladder and be faced with “that’s the way things are”. ==> in that way you expose their INSANITY... Why do have electrons and protons opposite charges? and finally we arrive at the “that’s the way it is statement”==> Every time we uncover a mechanism we are generating a question…why is it like that? Explanations are just descriptions with extra information and right at the bottom of every explanation we have a big fat question mark. Science can’t answer the fundamental “why is the world like that?” (similar scientific laws are like links...) ===> MY READER, THEY DO NOT TELL YOU THAT IN SCHOOL BECAUSE OFTEN FOOLISH OR BORED TEACHER JUST REPEAT THINGS LIKE A PARROT (and you have to memorize it... and yes, and still, to learn something is good, yea, IMPORTANT, we had that topic already, but in my ORDER... fools do not rule [mentally] over us, similar some of this useless religious institutions or denominations... who teach low level stuff, we throw them out (mentally), because we have a mind...further, it is often hard to explain the sevenfold energy and it is not about little things, but our general statement remains: GOD as the ROOT OF ALL THINGS and that is the place which we seek or where we find our liberation, and further, other people can believe in whatever they want, yea, they can even believe to be merely matter or whatever, or have no logic according to the theory of everything, this theory which is in reality ONE and Spirit, and transcending without parts... yea, and further they even can believe that they have no soul... further, when WE know that it must be ONE!!!!!!!, then go back to the beginning of the book and the answer to your question about the unchangeable and the void, and therefore the difference between THEM and US, that is, we have a mind, and they are FOOLS! ===>>> NOW, observe: sin (mud, “bad karma”, dark clouds, dross... the many names for it), deforms the soul, and this shall not wonder us, the great sages (philosopher stone) did know that ==> And has Enoch not taught the SEVEN METALS? Perculiar seed: men, animals, vegetables, metals.... and by vulcans help, mercury – sulphur – salt... brought to induration and coagulation ===> And as our furnace is common, so is our fire common, and as our matter is common, so is our Glass likened to the Globe of the earth: You need no further instructions concerning the fire, its Regiment, or furnace. For he that has the matter will soon find a furnace, he that has meal can soon find an oven, and needs take no further care for baking of the bread. ==> does a WHORE ELITE RULE OVER US and we get just indoctrinated in school with animal evolution, ya maybe I should make you one head shorter
135) Ignorant and blind man despised and disgraced this mystery... therefore it needs a bigger explanation right down to the end of the book. And now I have it to do with both, some brainless creatures at the WEforum who lost balance, ya a special influence which entered this circle and then I have it also to do with religious institutions, ya and everyone ignores the TRANSDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH... O HAPPY DAY... most beloved Martin Mostbauer
136) Basilius Valentinus, WE USE THAT ALSO HERE FOR ART LATER, so don’t bother, just enjoy it: WE HAVE A FIXED BODY (with the life of the seed), and this is the difference to animals, vegetables, metals (which do not endure)... Now, matter and form is water and earth, as two things belonging one to another. [air and fire wrought life therein, Nomad, fire like carving] The matter and form is earth, the Salt in that earth, the body: Even so is it with mans body, which is MICROCOSMUS. The matter and form got life by motion, air was the first cause of that motion, and perfect maturity was caused by a convenient heat, moveably inclosed in the air, thus the earth was brought to a fertility by the air, it was opened, and became porous by motion for generation. The earth being impregnated, made her seed apparent by her aquosity, then air and heat in the neather and upper Region of the Astrals caused that a birth was brought forth, the blossoms produced, and the appointed fruit was ripened by concoction of heat... Maybe we could say that calcidity is a Sulphureous hot Spirit... wherefore part of the MICROCOSME is INABILITY, for the matter in itself was without life, which by heat was stirred up, then the vital Spirit became to be sensible, which is in man a Sulphureous Spirit, kindling the body by a heat, exiccates the superfluity of the earth by the subtility of its substance, and governs the body in a constant motion... The two first elements, the matter and form, being apparent, and having gotten a mobility by the two last elements by light, the MICROSOSME was not yet perfect, the Creator allotted further an increase to the seed of the earth, as well as he did to vegetables and animals. God allowed unto earth an imagination for all sorts of seeds, and to bring them forth after their several kinds. We use the example of a cow: As a cow is an animal, her food, as grass, is vegetable, this vegetable by the heat of the cows body is putrified, in that putrifaction is made a separation, which is the key of all dissolutions and separations. Separation being made, then goes the subtile Spirit, the subtile Sulphur, and the subtile Salt of the vegetables substance of the grass into all members of the whole body of the cow, the Spirit rules the beast, the Sulphur nourishes it, and the salt preserves it. And in milk is made another separation by fire, which must be kept gently. For the subtilliest Spirit of the milk together with the Sulphur sublimes, is taken off, and turned into a coagulated fatness, which is butter. The rest is separated by other means, and precipitated, and thereby is made another separation, this is a second coagulation, out of which men make their food: Of the overplus, is made another separation by fire, not so fat as the former two: At last there remains an aquosity... etc. The salt shows therefore its conserving quality in the UPPER AIR (full breath or resurrection breath) Proverbs 3:8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Genesis 19:26 But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. Judges 9:45 And Abimelech fought against the city all that day; and he took the city, and slew the people that was therein, and beat down the city, and sowed it with salt. 2Kings 2:19 And the men of the city said unto Elisha, Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord seeth: but the water is naught, and the ground barren. And he said, Bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein. And they brought it to him. And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the Lord, I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land. So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spake…I could not make this body young again via the stone if there would not be the universal seed in me (world within)... look at the pool we have build... and with that we receive a permament body, in equilibirum, heavenly air... which endures, also called light body... blind people want to teach about theosis and deny everything else. Therefore we stay with the sevenfold energy, 4 Elements prima materia, brought into light (versus darkness) in the akash... yea, and then we have intermediate, our salt, our wine (garden within as we also say), our oil... yet sevenfold energy = seven spheres or seven stars or seven days [energy construct]... some Sages say, our stone is our fire (yea, simple because they see “automatically” everything in it, by looking at a flame)… QUESTION, did you change your internal memory? Answer, I have also changed my INTERNAL MEMORY (sorrow and pain and etc.) during my first ascension… and what we have overcome… belongs to us… so also we will have twofold approach at LC… also to overcome a bit your little fears and this and that… common sense… that is part of life… And ya, as another help, it is true, we say that precious stones are very attractive to us and some want to see some healing properties in them, and that is because they are hard (strong outwardly) and much light is in them, or the lightning arises in a better way in them... and so all this stones, they have associated them with some mystic powers... and also compared to humans and to virtues etc. A trained “Mystic” (stone philosopher), and when he has discernment, he observes the weakness of a person, and then he can tell that person what she or he shall wear as ring or on the wrist or around the neck... which stirs something up in that person... and this is not an idol....and no, this is not an idol, rather it should be seen as something which draws someone closer to God, and it is similar to symbols (yet not the same), like a preparedness of mind and soul… Ya, and now because I said that, for sure many want to copy it, including false prophets... to get attention, to sell something... yet most of them have zero discernment and they speak whatever pleases their own belly… And now lets check again our noble sire and what he said about the healing power: Basilius said: But of my PHALAIA I say this much, according to my long experience, that nothing can conceal or hide itself from her, being a penetrating searcher into all infirmities, she penetrates the body spiritually like a fume, penetrates the Arteries, muscles, and all the parts of the body like a Balsom, restores strength which was left by her Salt Spirit. Further, I cannot speak in the praising of my PHALAIA, she being a praise to such that make use-of her. He that gets this PHALAIA rightly, to him is she sufficient for to cure all diseases. No tongue is able to express and set forth fully her virtues. As diseases do differ, which are incident unto the body, so there are means for their cure: But this medicine cures all diseases in general, being of an heavenly sideral quality, descended from the Elements, and generated by the three principles, coming from the very heart of its Center of the whole circumference of the Globe performs all, affording to the MICROCOSME a perfect medicine found so really, according as the name imparts her virtues, but if rightly made and prepared, the use of it will prove it sufficiently ==> this is the great hope for every ill person, as long as you have breath in the lungs, you can come back and get healed to achieve soul salvation (little things we ignore)... And also I prove that for you, at least you receive soul salvation in full joy... we get our shining body, and have left all pain... ASA is found in the operation, for external symptoms, as old ulcers, fistulas, cancers, which made many Shirurgions doubt whether ever they may be cured, but this ASA has made the cure: It consumes all bad blood, which was fallen into corruption, and may be inwardly used, because it will then exiccate, and dry up the fountains, from whence springs all manner of sores, fistulaes, cancers, wolves, NOLI ME TANGERE, running legs, worms, and the like, be it on what part of the body, where plasters, poultesses, and the like cannot help, and are not strong enough, this alone will do it. For fresh wounds, be they made by stabbing, outing, slashing, it needs not to be administered, being too strong for such wounds, gentler means are fitter for them, Balsams, Oils, Plasters, may heal them, either outwardly, or inwardly; powders and potions may be prepared, Symptoms in wounds, having their causes from within, must be cured by searching into them, and the means for their cure must be prepared of that strength, that they may reach home. As in this matter, things must be united, and be taken from the generation of ABIHAIL, being joined in their principles of the first essence, by natures means, is brought to the highest perfection, whereby such sores, ulcers, etc., are fundamentally cured, For ordinary wounds there is no need of it, if no symptoms are at hand, and the party endangered, a Balsam only will perform the deed, mollifying the flesh, and Nature will further, and promote the cure. AND REGARDING NATURE: Therefore the MACROCOSME and MICROCOSME, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yea, the things which grow and are found therein, are compared to a round Circle, in whose middle there is a Center, let the Circle be turned which way it will, it keeps round every way, and its Center stays unremoved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A Philosopher must know rightly the Center of each matter, which must stand unremoved in every substance, but the substance may be turned any way he pleases, and make of it several forms, according as it received its power from above. I speak now to be taken notice of thus: I take in hand any natural thing, dissolve, or open it by a key, which is the means of the unfolding, and search therein by a fire's proof, which is the master of all proofs, what may be made of it: Here I find as many wonders and qualities, which I never thought of, much less had I experience of. Listen, we build upon an invincible Rock. If you do not do that then you are just a phantastic prater, whose discourse is grounded on sand without experience, and is soon shaken by every wind, and ruined in the end. ==> NOMAD: and, we can call it endless LEARNING (and the second knowledge is not excluded)
137) Yea, for sure, my book gets published but it will be also divine providence which leads people to this book, many or few, it does not matter, as and also I have seen fools who are in joy about millions who read their books, yet, it was mixed with much garbage... Therefore, be sure, the universe is governed in a superb mode even when it does not always look like that way... but the seeker will find... and the hard seeker will endure... and with his internal memory... just follow it... and let the matrix speak to you... and go higher still, and learn more... you will get your answer, and even about other secrets... you are ready, the UPPER MATRIX WILL FIND YOU and then you will even learn to rule over that which is below... and important is to know how God made you... and how you mature, what is real and what is not real... and to know the energies... because then you have a purpose in life and no one can really fool you any longer... for you have learned from all the Master. And now, a last time, when the divine encircles everything (ocean of causes, here, I speak about the abyssal source), then you can say, yea, father... yet in our reality, simple one being with the hidden source within, and the logos, so we have the mirror... for that is the seat... but it is also one energy… And again, but why does the body putrefy? Yea, that is, because we receive our new earth. And via the trine (tinging) we also receive our purified oil, and generally it gets finally dissolved, as seen with the liquid flesh. What is left, that is, the pure spiritual imprint [the old is gone]. Behold our PHALAIA, ya, you are much concerned about the visible, but restoration is done via the invisible and then it is also seen in the visible. And correct, Matthew 24:33, because it is all well tempered in the apocalypse and therefore we do not freeze in winter time, it is called spiritual summer (and fruitful etc.), you know that summer is near, it is near at the doors [this is mystical knowledge and very real, because of ascension, and the kingdom within does not come by observation and so we look at this other factors like a warm feeling in the body, and await his inward coming, and suddenly at one point the inner eye opens... and if you ask a 21 century religious person regarding the summer and the door, then I tell you, he will not be able to give you an answer, but he will have much fantasy in his mind of what that does mean for him, and so also about new earth, you will here many mindless things... wherefore we need to expose them... because in God is no foolishness). And we must go back to the beginning (Jeremiah 17:12, a glorious throne from the beginning), also called: before the foundation of the world. And only the seven angels are CHIEF! NOW, and THERFORE, EVERYTHING EARTHLY WHICH KILLS YOUR SOUL YOU MUST AVOID (simple keep your nous clean, and yes, you can have your joy in nature and do many things, and just by reading this book, you imprint into your Self a simplicity of what to avoid, and specially drugs you have to avoid, and ruling over anger like a king, keep simple clarity and awareness - attention (trust the Master, for they know divine reality and have learned it all and you could give me so or so not enough money for the revisited book)... it is not difficult, yet you must learn it... because the world likes to fool you). ==>>> The bible is on one side important because it has a fundament but on the other side, it is total weak, because it does not tell you how it works together, just to have a simplicity what to embrace... and how that liberation looks like, and the energy construct (and divine science)... no, as you see in this book, its like a big puzzle which we have to put together and sometimes OT prophets spoke about divine reality, then again about other things... and so on... And we must be also up to date with 21 century and not that kids get bored to the bones... because this is ridiculous this parroting stuff today, no, it is written, we built on it... not just the Bible... FIND A MASTER, and he will turn you around and you will like it, when you are spiritual... and get no second bored. AND CARNAL PEOPLE will never be able to read it, they are only mouth Christians, and so also to loose your life, they cant understand it, yet we know that this does only mean, all that personal ballast shall be cast out (wind blows the dross away), to find your eternal IAM in GOD, god sourced soul, and similar about the book of revelation, loved not THEIR life unto the death (I die daily, conformed to him in his death etc.) and so on and on the other side, you have to take care because of the contrary meaning, which is the soul desert. And carnal people cannot read it and they believe we make it up, they cannot see!!! yet they claim that they can see... UNDERSTAND THAT!!! THIS BODY WHICH YOU WEAR IS A BODY OF DEATH (like a bit a prison which makes problems), and transmutation includes putrefaction… dissolve...! ==> both love and intelligence are effects of what is called the Will of God and where my light shines, there every error is recognized and all dim light loses gets exposed.... God is like a magnet, in the beginning you need much patience and specially when you come out of a more rebellious life, sure, pain and sorrow changes the heart, and no foolish religion... or simple to be tinged by higher love and sacred water flow...anyway (your heart needs to be exposed, WAKING UP)... now, and later the closer you draw to God, then there happens an acceleration as explained somewhere else in this book... and also with the opening of the inner eye happens an acceleration... and we can compare it to wilderness season (takes a very long time), promised land, and at the end the city descends fully in our heart and therefore when you have reached a certain height... then be, sure, just wait on God and rest in him, and the magnet gets stronger and he will cleanse you to the last drop and the animals passions (mud) will leave you like smoke (like dark clouds, it has a certain spiritual size... anyway, not so important now... but every dirt leaves you like smoke) ===> wherefore later I can also operate a bit like a magnet in God... but also everyone in my “order” must first read my book to understand the traps... for you can go up and fall again harder (for example you are not allowed to drink alcohol after a fire baptism, ya, the astral forces could just smash you again and then you have it sometimes even more difficult)... wherefore the things to take care are very simple!!!!!! ITS NO ROCKET SCIENCE... And Iam not supermagic, that means everyone must do also his part... and I waste no time with half hearted people when I speak about the inner order, the inner order must be determined. And further, when you misuse anything of my order, and mix your opinions into it (I speak not about little things but for example you use my revelations, so that you get much attention from other... that is you copy my whole book and change it in such a way that it serves your personal AGENDA!!! and what else, for example misuse it for Babel Dominion (via force)... you will pay… And further I mention also all sages... And You can SHARE THE LIGHT with other, yea, you can even bring some influence, call it heaven culture if you will (some also make movies)... you can share paradise... but not all humans are ready for it... and there will be no Babel Dominion via force... no, what you want to make better around it, do it... simple as that... and if you are too weak to make the world better in that way... then you are a weakling or too many humans are not ready… and the FLUID DYNAMICS will do the job... yet, in the apocalypse, many like it because of the superparadise smell... and just some few have also difficulties… and its more a religious thing… because I show clearly the triadic dynamic… which goes contrary to the Protestant (and for many of them its all showbiz, people shall worship them etc… an orthodox or catholic would not just take that stuff from me... no, he would rather give his opinion and say, Martin is here wrong or Martin bla bla bla... but the Protestant just steals it and makes his own show... to play king) and I even show reincarnation… biblical proof and I know the inner circle teachings regarding all the sages…
138) Rosarium Philosophorum, MS FERGUSON translation (considered as one of the most important Alchemy books, and so I read it and use some things, and I simple have to take that CHALLENGE but and also Iam very happy because of this confirmations and you will learn now to understand the higher meaning of it): Our Stone is of an Animal, of a Vegetable, and of a Mineral substance... Likewise, the salt of metals is the stone of the Philosophers, for our stone is a water congealed into Gold and Silver and resists the fire and is resolved again into its water of which it is compounded in its kind...further: the water transforms bodies into Ashes... ARGENT VIVE: MERCURY (the cold, moist receptive seeds of metals) ==>>> Artephius (secret book, also wrong translations are found in the internet, this is not in the Rosarium): Without this argent vive no metal whatsoever can be whitened; it whitens laton, i.e. gold; reduceth a perfect body into its prima materia, or first matter, viz. into sulphur and argent vive, of a white color, and outshining a looking glass. It dissolves, I say the perfect body, which is so in its own nature; for this water is friendly and agreeable with the metals, whitening sol, because it contains in itself white or pure argent vive... The Mirror: Wherefore, I will make the precious secret known unto the students thereof, they they shall not be wearied in vain, because this magistery is nothing else but to decoct (boiling off) Argent vive and Sulphur, until the Argent vive be made all one, which defendeth the Sulphur from burning if the vessel be well closed, so that the Argent vive may not vanish away nor the Sulphur be burned or consumed, because our Argent vive is our pure water... And the greater the flame is, yet so much the more be hidden in the inward parts, that it be not hurt by the heat of the fire (as NOMAD explained it with the “full inward flame”). The water receiveth them in his belly and repelleth the flame of the fire from them. But I would wish all the searchers after this Art, in the beginning to make a soft fire... Decoct that water by little and little, by putrefying until it be changed from colour into a perfect colour, and take care that in the beginning you burn not the FLOWERS and GREENNESS thereof, and be not too hasty in bringing your work to pass, and remember that your door be well and firmly shut, that he which is within fly not out and thus by the help of God you shall obtain a wished effect... yea rather let your imagination be according to nature, and see according to nature, of which bodies are regenerated according to nature in the bowels of the earth. Imagine this by true imagination and not phantastically and likewise see in what colour the decoction of them is made, in whether it be violent or pleasant... Wherefore Nomad also said that we may leave the sun scorched land... and we shall not forget the green grass,, garden within, vegetable soul... Geber: it hath a clear and bright tincture in itself, white, red, pure, incombustible, stable and fixed, which neither the fire is able to change nor burnt sulphurs or sharp corrosives able to corrupt... These things being considered, we find by our investigation seven necessary and convenient properties in our stone; Oiliness, Thinness, Affinity of Substance, Radical Moisture, Purity, Clearness, Fixing Earth and Tincture. But the first property of differences is that oiliness giving in PROJECTION a universal melting and opening of the medicine (with an unseparable permanency of the earth that is annexed without evaporation, and as Nomad says, the oil goes over the helmet)... The second is the thinness of the matter or the spiritual subtlety thereof, thin and flowing in fusion, like water penetrating to the bottom of an altering thing, because secondly after the fusion of the medicine, the ingression thereof is immediately necessary (wherefore Nomad seeks also his round crystal palace)... The third is affinity or nearness between the Elixir and the thing to be transmuted, yielding a certain sticking or holding in the meeting of its like, because thirdly after the ingression of the medicine, the sticking or holding is convenient and necessary (Nomad: wherefore the intelligible objects shall be also rightly revealed to us)... The fourth is radical moisture and fiery congealing, and hardening the refined parts with the adherence of their like and with an inseparable union of all like parts, because fourthly after the adherence or sticking, the hardening or solidifying of parts with its radical and slimy moisture is convenient and necessary... The fifth is purity and mundified clearness, giving an eminent brightness and splendour in the present combustion, not to those joined after the hardening of the purified parts which are left, because the agent and actual fire may have sufficient to burn all foreign and hardened superfluities, wherefore putrefaction followeth immediately and is very necessary (Nomad: and also the earthly tabernacle gets dissolved)... The sixth is fixed earth, temperate, thin, subtle, fixed, incombustible, giving permanency of fixation, sticking in solution, standing with itself and persevering against the fire, because sixthly, fixation is necessary after purification... The seventh is tincture, giving a bright and perfect colour, white and deep red, giving the lunification and solification of transmutable things, because seventhly the just tincting colour or tincture is necessary after fixation, turning any convertible substance into true gold and silver, with all its certain and known differences (Nomad: sun and moon)............ The root of the art is the soap of the wisemen, and it is the mineral of all salts and it is called bitter salt, because it cometh of the mineral of the sea, and it is more sharp than all salts of its kind. Bodies and spirits are calcined with it and the resolutions and coagulations of Elixir are made with it... No Dragon Water ought to be made by an alembic, without any other thing added, and in the making of it there is a great stink and Mercury is by no means killed, but with the smell of the body, perfected red to red and of white to white (Nomad: we get healed through the contrary, and receive OUR [true] mercury, likewise, that Mercury must altogether be made of the body, that is, that fixed be made volatile with volatile, that is with pure Mercury)... And note that, Elixir cannot be unless the body and spirit pass through all the Elements... And understand it, that unless the grain of Corn, that is the grain of the body, be cast into the earth, that is into its first water, which is an unctuous vapour or the mercury (moist) of the wise men and of the Philosophers, and such a vapour is called the known Stone in the chapters of books, and the beginning of the matter of our operation, and unctuous sulphur out of which the Fifth Essence is extracted, in the accomplishment Mercury tinctureth every body into Sol and Luna, according to which way the Stone hath been finally prepared... Note likewise, that although all ancient wise men of Alchemy have spoken many things and conclude of Salt, and because they speak of the Soap of the Wise and the Key that shutteth and openeth and shutteth again and no man openeth without this Key, they say that no man in this world can come to the perfection of this Science unless he know to calcine Salt after its preparation (Nomad: BOOK OF REVELATION KEY, and he shall go no more out, and Calcination = the heating of solids to a high temperature for the purpose of removing volatile substances, in absence of air or in limited supply, understand it rightly!)... what we gain: fusible salt and incombustible oil, and the Soap of the Wise... The property of this fire is not to destroy oil that is the substance, but it augmenteth by reason of this temperate moisture for that heat only is equal and temperate, and such is very necessary in the generation of that thing (Nomad to receive the purified oil, increase, oiled wheels run freely)... Alphidius: Know, My Son, that thou canst not obtain this science until thou purify thy mind onto God, and till God knoweth thee to have a staid and upright mind, and then he will make thee to reign and rule over the world... you have to become virtuous and honest and profound in reason, courteous unto men (höflich, nett), merry and pleasant of countenance, patient and a concealer of secrets... Wherefore Nomad is nice, yet we do not allow deception (merchants in outward show and who learned to ADVERTISE their selves as foolish King, and we need right vision)... 1000 year saint again confirmed: Hermes and Geber: He which shall once bring this Art to a full end if he should live a thousand years, and should every day nourish four thousand men, yet he should never want (Nomad: so do you think you rule over us?)… Nomad; FIRE IMPARTATION (baptism): Senior: He is so rich which hath the stone whereof Elixir is made, as he which hath fire may give fire TO WHOM HE WILL, when he will, and as much as he will without any peril or want unto himself... And we shall also understand that all Philosopher agree here: the Dragon is born in his blackness and is fed with his Mercury, and killeth himself and is drowned in it, and the water is somewhat whitened, and that is Elixir ==>>> so we do not need to question the Dragon in the book of revelation movie... OR SHOULD BLIND PEOPLE RULE OVER THE SAGES?..................INTERESTING: The colour of gold is due to the electronic structure of the gold atom, and it reflects wavelengths, the wavelength of yellow light. Gold’s chemical stability is based on the relative instability of the compounds that it forms with oxygen and water—a characteristic that allows gold to be refined from less noble metals by oxidizing the other metals and then separating them from the molten gold as a dross... In crystal: Structures of metals, which is called the face-centred cubic (fcc), or cubic-closest-packed, lattice. Copper, silver (Ag), and gold (Au) crystallize in fcc lattices - Each atom has 12 neighbours... In face centered cubic cell ,there are atoms or ions in the center of each of the six faces of the unit cell.The face centered cubic has a coordination number of 12 and contains 4 atoms per unit cell (Radius of gold atom=144 pm)... And further: In total there are seven crystal systems: triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic, tetragonal, trigonal, hexagonal, and cubic. A crystal family is determined by lattices and point groups............. The Philosopher: The foundation of this art is Sol and his shadow.................INTERESTING: Saponification is the term for the chemical reaction used to create soap. During saponification when fats or oils meet an alkali (sodium hydroxide) the alkali splits the fats or oils into two components: fatty acids and glycerin. Afterward, the sodium part of the alkali (POTASCHE, ashes of the saltwort ie. genera of flowering plants that thrive in salty environments ) joins with the fatty acid part of the fat or oils. This combination is then the alkali salt of the fatty acid or real soap......................... Euclides, (that most wise man): We should not work anything but in Sol and Mercury joined together, of which the Stone of the Philosophers consists... Rasis: My Son, behold the most highest worldly things which are from the right hand and the left hand, and ascend thither where our Stone is found, and in that mountain which bringeth forth all kind of Sulphurs and shapes and likewise minerals......................... INTERESTING: Test Gold with vinegar, put a few drops on it and wait 15 minutes: If your gold piece does not change colors and does not fizzle or react to the vinegar in any way, it is probably real. Listen: Gold parting is the separating of gold from silver. The main ancient process of gold parting was by salt cementation [and understand again our sun and moon]. HAHAHA, as written earlier in the book: If the metallic soul, the metallic spirit, and the metallic form of body be present, there will also be metallic quicksilver, metallic sulphur, and metallic salt, which together make up the perfect metallic body......................... INTERESTING: millstone, flour is a natural product made by milling grains (seeds), usually wheat [yet the millstone was also used for olive oil press] ==>>> we would need to figure here more out in the divine reality, the alchemy mill is used to grind many materials into powders, as also the Jewish alchemist told us (Yevanic Mashait, Simeon, Solomon Trismosin, Isaac Hollandus, Johanan Alemanno, Taitazak,Labi, Hamawi, Mordecai Abi, HayyimShmuel, Delmedigo... etc., understand its depth in a blessed hour!!!!!!!, and oil for health and beauty, yet many Jews claimed that only they are the true Alchemists which is not true yet for sure we have alchemica Judaica and so on, and for sure they include the sun, moon, gold... all that...and the BLESSED HOUR as written in the book of revelation) and the Philosophers clay ==>>> and the main message about the bread aka flour, honey, salt, water, and yeast [water, sugar, date – for example], you know we have the seeds and our own furnace, the millstone is known(roundabout, its the ancient wheel symbol, thats why they used this symbol) and ya, we are fed by the universe, we have food to eat about which you know nothing as also Jesus told us.................................. Gratianus: Ashes may be made of every thing, and of those Ashes, Salt may be made, and of that Salt may water be made, and of that water is Mercury made, and of that Mercury by divers operations is Sol made... And yes, also Mary the sister of Mose did know the stone otherwise she would not have been called prophetess... Astanus: Spirits are not joined unto bodies until they be perfectly purified, and great miracles appear IN THE HOUR of conjunction... Alphidius: Son, by the faith of the glorious God, complexion is of Complexion, between two lights, male and female, and then they embrace themselves and couple together, and a perfect light is begotten between them, which there is no light like through the whole world [Nomad, again, sun and moon, male and female, the woman receiving the strength of the man rejoiceth because the woman is strengthened by the man]... Aristotle the King and Philosopher: I never saw any thing that had life to grow and increase without putrefaction, and vain would be the work of Alchemy be, unless it were putrefied (Nomad, trine ascension, putrefy the old body).... Rosinus to Euthiaca: Take a living creature of the Sea, dry it and putrefy it... Hali: As the sperm of the man is not separated from the sperm of the woman IN THE HOUR of their coupling, and so there is one form of them, one deed, one and the self same operation at once of them both... Wherefore I would like to use that also for the dark hour: Arnoldus: Every colour will appear after blackness, and where thou see thy matter to wax black, then rejoice because it is the beginning of the work (Nomad: dark hour of the soul, and for sure in the apocalypse, everything becomes bright and colourful roundabout, we leave grey town so to speak)... Wormwood is always the sign for bitterness, and remember, in the apocalypse we taste sweetness better then honey: And know this, that a Crow is head of this Art, which in the darkness of the night, and in the brightness of the day flies without wings. For the colouration is taken of a bitterness which is in her throat, and redness is taken of her body, and pure water is taken of her back [Nomad: the work cannot be done without the contrary, sometimes I called it also dark clouds]... Tudianus: And the heat and dryness, which is in secret, is warm and dry gold, and it is a most pure oil penetrative in bodies and not fugitive, because the heat and dryness of Alchemy tingeth and nothing else. Cause therefore the coldness and watery moisture, which is in manifest, to be like unto the heat and dryness, which is in secret, that they may agree together and be conjoined, and be made all in one penetrating and tincting [in his manifest cold and moist, by which Nomad also said: the divine which seeks to manifest, Nomads ministry symbol, and forgive me but about the oil, it could had been better written, he really concealed it, and ya, perfect climate in the apocalypse], and regarding putrefecation: The philosophical putrefaction is nothing else but a corruption and destruction of bodies. For one form being destroyed, nature presently brings into it another form, more better and subtle. Putrefaction is the same thing that fraction of filthiness is. For by putrefaction every thing is digested, and fraction is made between that which is filthy, that which stinks, and that which is pure and clean. For a pure and clean body being putrefied doth immediately grow and increase, as is manifest in a grain of corn, which after it has stood many days under the heat of the earth, then it beginneth to swell, and that which is pure grows out of it and multiplies, but that which is filthy and naught, vanishes away... And it needs a soft fire so that nothing may ascend, yea, and also Nomad said: not that the body flies off, but that is deep, who may understand it?... The Philosopher: Make a round circle of the Man and Woman, and draw out of it a quadrangle, and out of the quadrangle a triangle, make a round circle, and thou shalt have the Stone of the Philosophers (Nomad, quadrangle = rechteckiger Innenhof, jeder Mostbauer erkennt das)... Verbi Gratia: Copper is to put on the nature and form of Silver, or Lead is to put on the nature and form of Gold, and so likewise of all other metals. For since form is the nature of everything, then any thing being despoiled of his form, and another form brought to it, I doubt whether the nature of it be changed from its form. We say therefore, that the name of Alchemy in Greek signifies Transmutation and thereupon we say that Alchemy is the knowledge and science of transmuting things from their forms and shapes according to how the forms of things are divided [Nomad, and gold as we know it is most mature]...Hermes: we must contain those waters with his water, even if it were not water but a fiery form of true water ascending in the vessel, which contains the spirits in the bodies and makes them tingeing and permanent. [Nomad: living water which enters, fire and water dwell together]... Grinding: Sorin: Take of it little and little, divide the whole, grind it earnestly, until it be possessed with death of the intensity of blackness like dust. This therefore is great design, in searching out of which many men have perished, and afterwards thou shalt discern every thing separately and grind them diligently [Nomad, our mill has a hidden flame].... Arnoldus: When the first is black we say it is the Key of the Work, because it is not done without blackness. [Nomad: and apocalypse = darkness before the light]... Menabdes: I will that posterity makes bodies no bodies by dissolution, and to make no bodies bodies by pleasant decoction. Wherein we must take great heed that the spirit be not converted into fume (smoke) and vanish away by overmuch fire [Nomad, “fully breath in the apocalypse, by the breath of his mouth, Psalm 33:6]...Metrista: Burn in water, wash in fire. Decoct, recoct and decoct again. Often times make moist and always coagulate. Kill the quick and revive again and raise from the dead. And thou shalt have truly which thou seekest, If thou know the Regimen of the fire, Mercury and fire are sufficient for thee. If thou Our Copper well do know All the other things thou mayest let go [Nomad: and to let go, that is also the lesson from our Manna].... Nomad, wherefore for me fire is red and gold is yellow and glass is white and black is the ground (but for sure, blood is also called red, the WHITE & RED, the silk (shimmering, soapy water treatment, Seide) and scarlet cloth (Scharlach), Revelation 18]................ Hortulanus proves because the water of Sol is volatile and his body fixed, and in the contrary way with Luna. And then these words spoken by Geber and other philosophers are declared "make fixed volatile, and volatile fixed, and fixed volatile. For they persuade that there is manifest solution, because the whole work consists in Solution. Likewise when he says that it is superior and inferior, hereby superior is understood the worthier and inferior the unworthier, that one may be made of those three or that one thing may be made of Sol and Luna whose parts are equal. And this conjunction is called the Sublimation of the Philosophers, and Sublimation is called Exaltation, or Dignification, because Luna and Mercury are dignified [Nomad: and in the apocalypse = fixed and volatile bound together, moved immoveable, and all the impressions are fiery and oily, Nomads ministry symbol, shapes and forms come and go like waves of the ocean, the body of water because when Union is made in so great dignity, then Luna is as Sol and Mercury, wherefore this is a high thing when he says that the water of Luna is fixed and therefore we should never forget Sol, and rather for the neophyte, it is enough for you to know to leave the strive between the four angels]... And who wants to deny that when the Stone is dissolved that it is called air?... They say bodies in the plural because there must be two, and they say spirit in the singular because it is meet there should be one. And there is no sperm without the matter of bodies unless Mercury.... And when Mercury mortifies the matter of Sol and Luna, the matter remains like ashes, and it is called of the Philosophers searing or grinding of them. Of these ashes it is said in the book of the Turba and in the book of Arnoldus, make no small account of these ashes. And calcination, that is in manner of white Ash or earth, or of white calx by the spirits, which reduction of operation is done and made with our fire, that is with water of our Mercury. And when it is called tincture it tincteth. It is understood that if this medicine be calcined, dissolved and coagulated, it is fermented, for white is made Luna, with Sol it is made Sol. And there is an addition of yellowness, or of yellow colour of which medicine is perfected of the substance of fixed Sulphur. That is, either medicine is begun with Sol or Luna, for red ferment is made with Sol and white with Luna................ The dew falleth from heaven, and washeth the black body in the sepulchre - This earth with his water is putrefied and cleansed. Which when it is cleansed, the whole magistery by the help of God shall be effected - This whitening is called by some men, impregnation, because the earth is whitened, for the water ruling the earth increases and is multiplied, and an augmentation of a new offspring is engendered thereby... The philosopher: Wood of Life is in those which apprehend it, and a light never failing, blessed are they which possess it because the knowledge of God shall never perish, as Alphidius witnesseth saying, he that shall find this science or knowledge, his meat shall be lawful and everlasting (NOMAD: deeply rooted!)... Rosarius: Whosoever will enter into our Rosary and there see and have roses as well as white as red, without that base thing with which our locks are locked, is likened onto a man that is desirous to go without feet, because in that base thing there is a key by which the seven metallic gates are opened, and without that base thing the precious work can never be effected... You must diligently note, I have told you that our Stone is decked with a threefold garment, that is, divided into three parts, into a body, a soul, and a spirit, whereupon the dead body which wanteth a spirit is dark and misty (Nomad called it also dark clouds before the sun). If thou wilt, my Son, that the body be revived, then put his soul to it again, and it will live presently.... SOUL INTO BODY (and outward collapse): Senior: This divine water is a King descending from heaven. It is the reducer of the soul into his body, which revives after his death, and life is by it and afterwards death shall not be - Rosinus: For the body rejoices when the soul entreth into it, but the body possesses the soul, and every that hath found out the soul doth easily possess it, and note this, that the soul is punished with the body and is imprisoned with it, and by it is turned into a body [Nomad, the body is the prison and the biblical reincarnation I show you later]... Alanus: There is one thing to be chosen of all things, which is of a black and blue colour, having a metallic and liquid form. And it is a thing hot and moist, watery and burning, and it is a living oil, and a living tincture, a mineral stone and a water of life of wonderful effica (Nomad, thats where I agree, because I would use YELLOW for air (and infinite treasure), RED for FIRE, WHITE (mirror...), BLUE for water...and to make the fit with the book of revelation, also GREEN can be used for earth, lets keep that in mind for LC… and the AURA COLOURS and etc.) ... Aristotle: No tincting poison is engendered without Sol and his shadow, that is his wife...(NOMAD: IMPORTANT, now you understand the SHADOW… and moon) Vincentius of the Stone of the Elixir Vincentius in the natural looking glass in his first book: The alchemists have endeavoured in mineral bodies like the work of nature to do that in a short time, which nature does in 1000 years. Whereupon they have taught to do a certain thing, which transmuteth those bodies on which it is cast, and this they call Elixir. And it is called a Stone and no stone. A stone because it is grinded. No stone, because it is melted and runs without evaporation as gold. Neither is there any other thing with which that propriety may agree (NOMAD; remember again the number 1000 for the book of revelation).... Plato: We have revealed all things, the secret of the Art only excepted, which may not lawfully be revealed to any man, but we attribute that to the glorious God, who inspires whom He will with it, and conceals it from whom he pleases [Nomad: to know a bit about the ART is not enough, rather use the vision – at least a simple layout is presented here, yea, use it to climb up the ladder and never forget the MOVIE, training is important]................ King Solomon:This is the daughter, for whom the Queen of the East is said to have come from the East, rising in the morning to hear and to understand, and to see the wisdom of Solomon. And there is given in her hand power, honour, and virtue, a flourishing crown on her head with the beams of the SEVEN shining STARS, as she were a bride adorned with her man, having written in her garments with golden letters, in the Greek, Barbaric and Latin tongue, "I am the only daughter of the wise men, and altogether unknown to the foolish"... and as Sol in the stars, so Gold in metals....................... Raimund confirms Nomad according to the round crystal palace: And concerning that part the Philosophers do say that now the medicine is finished from one manner into another crystalline manner, and then it will appear, because that plate is without division of those parts, by little and little. For that, such a cause cannot be done or made without the subtlization and homogeneity of nature, and for this cause it is meet that this matter may become so subtle, that all parts in nature may be equally mixed with water. And, this you may see by your understanding, when one body is made transparent and continuated into one by conjunction or commixtion of many parts without division, discontinuation and termination, into one thickness and transparent figure throughout all its parts. Now, my Son, thou hast no small secret. Therefore, first illuminate the body before thou put the soul into it, because otherwise it will never receive it or retain the spirit in it. Thus for Raimund... Calidus: No man yet ever could, and hereafter never shall tinct foliated earth but with gold, therefore Hermes teaches us saying, sow your gold into white foliated earth, which by calcination is made fiery, subtle and airy. Therefore let us sow gold into that earth, when we put tincture of gold to it, but gold can never tinct any other body perfectly than itself. Surely this cannot be done unless it be brought to pass by art [Nomad: wherefore the orthodox can keep the leavened bread, because it has also another meaning then just sin, gold as leaven of dough... yet you must study the Philosopher, for many spoke about the leavening process... and also understand the wine turned into vinegar and etc., and do not understand me here wrong, we must leave the bitter life]... Arnoldus: There is a difference between the tincture of water and oil, because water does only wash and cleanse, but oil tinges and colours. As for example, if cloth be drowned in water, it is cleansed by it and when it is dried the water goes away and the cloth remains in its state and in that colour which it had before, but that it is more clean. And it is contrary to this in oil, because if cloth be dipped in it, it is not separated from it, by the heat of the fire, or of the air, unless that be wholly destroyed, neither can the oil be separated from that cloth, but by washing and by the dryness of the fire. But water is a spirit extracting the soul from bodies, and when the soul is extracted from those bodies, then it remains born in that spirit as the tincture of things tinged is carried by the water upon the cloth, and then the water goes away by dryness, and the tincture remains fixed in the cloth by his oilyness. So therefore, water is a spirit in which the tincture of the air is carried, which when it is brought upon the white foliated earth, presently the spiritual water is dried up and the soul remains in the body, which is the tincture of the air. Therefore, the spirit retains the soul, as the soul retains the body, because the soul stays not in the body, but by the help of the spirit [Nomad: Arnold speaks much concealed, wherefore let us not forget that we also change the clothing and receive our liquid flesh]... Therefore, withhold not thy hand from the trouble of grinding and drying, because it makes the earth white, but take heed that you imbibe not the earth but by little and little, supply it with long grinding, after the drying of the earth, then there is a weight in this everywhere to be noted, that is lest overmuch dryness or superfluous humour corrupt it in administering. Wherefore, work your earth gently and not over hastily, from 8 days to 8 days, decoct it in dung and calcine it, until it shall imbibe the fiftieth part of the water in it. And know that after the imbibing, it must be moistened inwardly the space of 7 days, therefore begin the work again many times, although it be long, because you shall not see the tincture until it be accomplished. Study, therefore, when you shall be in every work, to record all signs which appear in every decoction and search out the causes of them, and bear them continually in your mind [Nomad, who can bear the weight of the universe?, it is said, man is a little universe, weight of glory, and you shall further notice, Arnold is a Master, take heed]... PERFECT, THIS IS IMPORTANT: But the powder ascending upwards from the faeces is ashes extracted from ashes, and earth sublimed and honoured, but that which remains beneath is ashes of ashes, and the lower ashes is to be condemned and disposed as faeces and dross. Make, therefore, a difference between the clear and bright thereof, because when it is most white and ascends like snow then it will be accomplished (Nomad, I get a cold chill when I read it). Gather it, therefore, warily that it fly not away in fume, because it is a good thing to be sought for, a white foliated earth, congealing that which is to be congealed and cleansing that which is to be cleansed, and purifying Arsenic and white Sulphur, of which Aristotle says that it is the best thing the Alchemists can take, that of it they may make Silver...Nomad, this separation is important wherefore: bodies may be brought to a subtle nature and matter, that is that they may be spirits and that the body may be light, to govern in every thing, either in Sol or Luna, and this sublimation we make in order that we may bring bodies into their first nature and matter, that is into Mercury and Sulphur (the body receives the lightness of the Spirit)... THE MEDICINE MUST BE MULTIPLIED, to the ends of the earth, Hebrew, the root of the word means "winged" from which the word "pinnacle" comes, "ends" as pterugwn which is used in the NT in Matthew 4:5, "the pinnacle of the temple, wherefore the Hebrew word spa that means "extremities." Psalm 65:5 O God of our salvation; who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the sea – it goes to the ocean which encircles the earth... and then we have also the four corners = wholesome apocalypse, and FOOLS cannot translate it... LET US GET RID OF THE STINKING SPIRIT, that is bad sulphur and let us get rid of the unclean earthiness – which is very gross, hindering impression and melting – grey town – without an enlarged tent... and consider also that Ceration (the mollification of a hard thing, not fusible unto liquefaction), Fixation and Sublimation are all one and their acts are alike, for by inceration the spirit is fixed and the body is sublimed...yte let also our THOUGHTS be sublimed by the Spirit of God!...yea, we will do that, yet step by step we climb up the ladder...and we can do that because Arnold helps us again: But if it melt more hardly, which is the defect of ceration, then help it with oil, that is with air by dropping drop to drop upon a light fire, until it melt like wax, and when you incerate it then mingle more of the hot and moist thing than of the cold and dry. And when you fix it then mingle more of the cold and dry things than of the hot and moist ==> so that we can handle it as we should also not turn it into misery... Nomad comes to make EXPERIMENT (Martin) and we just keep that now wherefore I have learned from my failure: we dissolve the fixed so that the dissolved is volatile and again to make the volatile fixed, so we multiply it, one substance gathered out of many united together and fixed... and we will watch over the whole process and if something goes wrong, too fast or too slow, we intervene timely so that we reach that goal: The Philosopher will have his stone to be fixed with the heat of the fire, that the moistness of it may be preserved, but where is there a more temperate heat than in the bowels of the earth... Nomad: wherefore Senior describes it in a most brilliant way: I am Luna, increasing moist and cold, and thou art Sol, hot and moist (otherwise dry). When we shall be coupled in equity of state in a mansion which is not made otherwise but with light fire, having with itself great heat in which we shall be emptied, and we shall be as a woman that wants the fruit of her increase, and Sol and myself when we shall be conjoined we shall be emptied in the belly of the house being shut, I will by flattery take thy soul from thee, if thou take away my beauty and comely shape, we shall rejoice and shall be exalted by the rejoicing of the spirit when we shall ascend the order of the aged, then the light of thy light shall be poured into my light, and of thee and me there is a commixtion made of wine and sweet water, and I forbid my melting after thou shalt have put on blackness with my colour, which is like ink after my solution and coagulation. When we shall enter into the house of love, my body shall be coagulated and I shall be in my emptiness... Nomad, and that you have to face when you climb up the ladder except you have kept yourself in a good way because then you will face less the blackness: they have called it Distillation or Descension, moreover they seeing that substance or matter to thicken and wax black and to give an evil savour, they have called it Putrefaction. They seeing a black and dark colour and perceiving it after a long time to cast forth an evil smell and a little whiteness to come like the colour of ashes, they have called it Inceration or Dealbation... and dry it with a LIGHT FIRE... Wherefore PLATO speaks plainly, yea, he was often very direct: Therefore let thy seeking be of the kind of both of the lights of the world, for Gold circumpasses the upper part and Silver the lower part. And Hermes says in his Allegories: Luna is the light of the night, the night is the nativity of Darkness, which God has ordained for the governing of the world. And Luna receives her Light from Sol and is beloved, because the light of Sol is in her and because the nature of Sol overcomes the nature of Luna.(Nomad: darkness behind the light) Our Mercury is made of a mineral and vegetable joined together, because things joined together do profit more, than if they should be separated by themselves, out of those things consider the necessity of both Mercuries (Nomad: we want the TRUE mercury)... Avicenna: The first thing in the work is to dissolve the Stone into his first matter... Nomad: when Master meet Master, the Turba of the philosopher confirms me: You searchers of this Art when you see that whiteness appearing in all places of the glass, then imagine that redness is hidden in that whiteness, and then you must not extract it until the whole red be made to decoct... And Hermes as all other Philospher, he confirms the dragon and marriage (book of revelation MOVIE) via one of his greatest sayings: Now our Son being born a King, takes the tincture from the fire, but death the Sea and darkness fly from him, and the Dragon flies the beams of the Sun which kept the holes, and our Son being dead doth live, and a King comes from the fire and shall rejoice in wedlock and secret things shall appear, and our Son now vivified is made a warrior (Martin, Mars) in the fire and supereminent in tinctures... Wherefore the Metaphor of Bellinus the Philosopher concerning Sol, I put it not in the book, seek it out for yourself and find out if it is true or partially true, and we take only that one: my like is born, and when one grain of corn is sown in the ground, it springs and is multiplied, grinded and seared, and is made into bread, of which the whole world lives... And again our highly honoured Arnold: Arnoldus: This our Stone has an efficacious virtue of healing all infirmities above all other medicines of Physicians, for it rejoices the Soul, it augmenteth virtue, it strengthens youth and removes old age, for it suffers not the blood to be putrefied, nor phlegm to have dominion, nor choler to be adust, nor melancholiness to be abundant, yea rather it multiplies the blood beyond measure and restores and renews all corporeal members efficaciously and preserves them from hurt, and does most perfectly heal all infirmities, as well hot as cold, dry as moist, before all other medicines of Physicians, because if the sickness be of one year, it heals it in twelve days but if it be an old disease and of long time then it will cure it in one month, and to conclude it expells all evil humours and brings in those that are good, it brings love, honour, security, boldness, and victory in battle to those that possess it and in this is the greatest secret of nature accomplished which is, A secret not to be valued at any price a most precious and incomparable treasure which God grant to be hidden in their minds that possess it lest it be made known to the foolish and ignorant Amen let every living man say Finis... = THE MAN WITH THE DARK ABYSS TATTOO (see PHOTO), that is facing the dark well, Nomad emerging out of it.
139) Some will say that Iam not allowed to reveal the ARCANUM so directly and we have material, psychic and pneumatic people… and to this I say, when I have the immortal DNA… it cannot be avoided, point one, secondly it cannot be gievn just in the hands of the few.. and third… you would drift in a kind of nihilism… and yes, some in the elite changed now to radical transhumanism and etc… but first of all it does not work the way as you believe… they simple get cancer or whatever when something does not fit and second of all to deny the higher self… it will destroy society… or as Heindel said... it will will end in chaos.. May Heindel (1865-1919)There was a time, even as late as Greece, when RELIGION, ART and SCIENCE were taught unitedly in the Mystery temples. But it was necessary for the better development of each that they should separate for a time. RELIGION held sole sway in the so-called "dark ages." During that time it bound both Science and Art hand and foot. Then came the period of the Renaissance, and Art came to the fore in all its branches. Religion was strong as yet, however, and Art was only too often prostituted in the Service of Religion. Last came the wave of modern SCIENCE, and with iron hand it has subjugated Religion. It was a detriment to the world when Religion shackled Science. IGNORANCE and SUPERSTITION caused untold woe. Nevertheless man cherished a lofty spiritual ideal then; he hoped for a higher and better life. It is indefinitely more disastrous that Science is killing Religion, for now even HOPE, the only gift of the gods left in Pandora's box, may vanish before MATERIALISM and AGNOSTICISM. Such a state cannot continue. Reaction must set in. If it does not, anarchy will rend the cosmos. To avert such a calamity RELIGION, SCIENCE, and ART must reunite in a higher expression of the GOOD, the TRUE, and the BEAUTIFUL than obtained before the separation… ==> ya we had this cycles ==> wherefore you ask me if I did know all that stuff = Answer, right now I got lead to it… so I see that Iam not alone, bx no means that I parrot him, nay, I KNOW THE FLUID DYNAMICS ==>and I must not agree with everything of what Max said but he did know all this other stuff: If WE are to be "clothed with a house from heaven," why should the leader of the New Dispensation have a physical vehicle? DUMB RELIGION: The body Christ used after the event of Golgotha was also capable of entering a room with closed doors, for He thus appeared to His disciples and allowed Thomas to touch Him. CAN PSEUDO CHRISTS IN A PHYSICAL BODY DO THAT? I believe not. Do they have the divine science? Anyway since Max many years went by and today he would wonder why this planet is not already destroyed because yes, today really science becomes a religion and this most dumb people speak becomes total insane… ya, transhumanist even believe today that they can become immortal and many of the elite worship them and Iam not kidding you… so who is the dumb proletariat? MAKE a choice… I will reveal the arcanum and we make it holistic… or… you say no… the fluid dynamics will do the “job”… but I guess in a harsh way… no time to hide in caves...
140) Nay, I have all “Karma” on my side because I work together with all sages, so we can say they revealed it already and I just paint the Picasso like a puzzle game. Lets go on: I think another qualification, that is, you must be happy regarding who you are... no matter if you believe in reincarnation or not... Iam quite happy with me... O happy day… have that attitude, and know that God loves you… And yes, there is a difference according to intelligence =>>>> and this is correct: Hochbegabung (giftedness, high ability), but also Bildung macht schlau (education makes you smart)... and it can change over time, and it needs teachability etc., and some say its not just about the IQ, but social and emotional endowment should be included... and we have it in ART, MUSIC, SPORT, MATHEMATICS, TONGUE (languages), SCIENCE, HUMANITIES (Geisteswissenschaften: umfasst Philosophie, Literatur, Theologie, Rechtswissenschaften...) and so on… And for me it involves also all this other things, how we overcome, how we look at things and etc., and similar my older brother is Diplom Ingenieur and has an MBA and I do not even know what else he studied (environment study, this and that), and he is overqualified according to his job... And I was just a bit in engineering... and also more rebellious... Wherefore my main problem was how it was presented to me in school... it bored me... and I saw no full picture... just bits and pieces... and some fixed mechanism... I wanted not to accept that... it leads me nowhere... not that this learning is useless but it was not my theory of evertyhing... something blocked me. Einstein said: “I want to know God's thoughts - the rest are mere details.” ==> wherefore he also said: There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Further: the brilliant mind, coupled with a particularly strong and precise intuition of Einstein, convinced him forever that "He (God) does not play dice“ ... He suspected that behind the randomness of quantum mechanics there is an unknown physical law [Nomad: the randomness is the divine chaos which stands in equilibrium with order, and this equilibrium is untouched by matter, and the divine chaos is necessary because of free will, which makes us to gods behind the veil, yet the divine providence arranges also order]. AND WATCH NATURE, something grows, something putrefies... and the apocalypse is beyond life and death [and the deep abyss gets filled again]. In the apocalypse we have the universal seed in ourselves (realm without decay), and this other forms (are like a wax stamp change), and what is in them is the life of the seed (there is form and that which produces form) ==> But what does it mean (or how can I imagine it) that the divine encircles everything yet this other plants, animals, minerals receive only the existential energies... and we are in the image of God! Now... think about it, meditate about it. And should we not stay in a determined age (golden age twenties)? But then how could I even grow up? The DNA must have received the code via the spiritual imprint, wherefore all what I write so far is weak because Iam not now in the apocalypse, and it is more a brainstorming, and answers for all the ideas, for all the dots, to get the picture, I receive only later. In fact this program must lie hidden in my BLOOD and when scientist have not seen it yet, yea, they simple have not searched deep enough or have no comparison. My BLOOD is gold when I make it back in the apocalypse. (yet without making it back into the apocalypse it is not of great use) ==> BECAUSE the structure changes via the sevenfold energy and I must receive the primordial imprint... and this would be the BLOOD of the SUPERHUMAN... And IAM NOT JESUS yet I will also say that God saves... and he shed his blood on the cross, and I will not shed my blood but you can have it... and the difference... I tell you plainly that it is only found in the higher Self and so “my” TRUE RELIGION is established, and you have something to learn (or maybe even gain some profit from it, science, whatever, something good), ya and I guess it works like a pendulum and age 25 is the apocalypse age… but why age 25? Answer, why not? fully developed and we look fresh… and therefore Spirit and matter, this works together!!! ==> and further I have no bad religion... fearless, joyful, fun, paradise (all that is known and got taught since a long time)... and for sure in my book I give them to understand that humans have different soul images... so not to press it on others with force [no]... but we just mention where the higher life quality is found... Further we acknowledge: People know instinctively that not everything is wrong with them but something is wrong or something is missing in their life, and in that sense I am not in need to tell it to them, they know it so or so... Yet what they fabricate mentally about it aka what could be my little problems or what is missing or etc. that is another story. In a simple answer it depends also which consciousness level they have reached and similar higher up, here people just long for more light and joy... and it becomes already more clear to them...and my motivation is this for you, that when you embrace development, it will not be in vain… ==> IRRATIONAL IS NOT INSANITY, no, you are INSANE, you deny oneness... And when you become wise, no one is in need to tell you about “the limited” because you acknowledge “the limited” as nothing else then a useful physical construct, realizing it in your mind and because you feel more the underlying Spirit which permeates all things... and via the physical construct we dive deeper into the knowledge of creation... absolute perfection exists for us only in the first level, similar our circumference, which is spirit area. ABOVE and BELOW, IAM FROM ABOVE, you are from this world. AND: that which is below is as that which is above, and that which is above is as that which is below, to perform the miracles of the one thing... the orange in my hand cannot exist without the underlying oneness... I go so far to say when you do not understand the tree and the void, then you are on the brink of insanity, therefore, you must also live my friend, be alive!!! The fallen mind draws every strange kind of similitude from the material realm and neglects or forgets the oneness, like they jump around in self made boxes, from one thing to another… stumble (more material overshadowed, heavy), therefore watch out which pieces enter your mind, because that is the black rat. And therefore you rule not over gods (apocalypse), you must learn to rest in divine space.
141) And Jacob says the same: As when thou wouldst make a spacious, creaturely, circumscribed circle, and hadst the whole Deity peculiarly apart therein. Just as the Deity is generated in a creature, so it is also in the whole deep of the Father in all places and parts thereof, and in all things. And I was just more detailed, that is, via the square and circle... or myriads of bubbles in the heavenly ocean, different reflections but the same grid. Energy manifestations would be naturally random (or shapes and forms) and so we have a different reflections but the same grid, and grids represent language and language represents our reflection of where we are represented in the space of language, the „dimension or vibration“ of it – logos and our developement ===>>> NOW AND FURTHER, also that is a very important one from Jacob: 1. The Seventh spirit of God in the divine power is the corpus or body, which is generated out of the other six spirits, wherein all heavenly figures subsist, and wherein all things image and form themselves, and wherein all beauty and joy rise up. 2. This is the very spirit of nature, yea nature itself, wherein apprehensibility or comprehensibility consisteth, and wherein all creatures are formed in heaven and on earth. Yea heaven itself is therein formed; and all naturality in the whole God consisteth in this spirit. 3. If it were not for this spirit there would be neither angel nor man, and God would be an unsearchable being, subsisting only in an unsearchable power... SEVENTH SPIRIT: in the same sound that is gone forth (which now subsisteth, being dried) is the power of all the six qualifying or fountain spirits, and it is as it were the seed of the other six spirits, which they have there compacted or incorporated together, and made one spirit thereof, and which hath the quality of all the spirits: and that is the seventh spirit of God in the divine power (Nomad, I would just call it the center)... But the light, which subsisteth in the midst or centre in all the seven spirits, and wherein standeth the life of all the seven spirits, whereby all seven become triumphing and joyful, and wherein the heavenly joyfulness rises up: That is that which all the seven spirits generate, and that is the son of all the seven spirits, and the seven spirits are its father, which generate the light; and the light generateth in them the life; and the light is the heart of the seven spirits. This light is the true Son of God, whom we Christians worship and honour, as the second Person in the Holy Trinity. The seventh qualifying or fountain spirit of God is the qualifying or fountain spirit of nature: for the other six do generate the seventh; and the seventh, when it is generated, is then as it were the mother of the seven, which encompasseth the other six, and generateth them again: for the corporeal and natural being consisteth in the seventh ==>>> Nomad: it is true that the light flashes upon the glass, like in a wheel yet and also this light is the son, and what Jacob is telling us, that is our STAR LIGHT being via God, the visible stands in the light, wherefore I have also called the 7th as love and as the akash, and it is difficult to write down and it depends on perspective because: behold, without the flash all the seven spirits were a dark valley... and because this is not less true: Behold, all the seven spirits of God are generated alike together at once; none of them is the first, and none of them is the last; but we must have an eye to the kernel, and consider how the divine birth or geniture riseth up, otherwise man understandeth it not ===>>> Nomad: and again about the 7th, its quasi in the equilibrium in the non dual consciousness, INWARD – MIRROR – OUTWARD (fixed and volatile bound together, and REALITY FLOWS CEASELESS)… and I used love, because father is enamoured in his image (that is also ME) and I love him back in all things (marriage sun and moon, wherefore I can check that later again the apocalypse)…. Now as that quality is which is strongest, so the body of the fruit is imaged, and the COLOURS also; in this striving or wrestling the Deity formeth itself into infinite and unsearchable variety of kinds and manners of images or ideas. ===>>> so we have the 4 Elements as one in us, we have our watery stony glass, the air as the habitation, inward fire, and then we have our star light being via the source, darkness overcome and LOVE as the akash (God is love) and regarding mercury, sulphur and salt, salt as intermediate, and so also we have our translucent wine (joyful stream), and our oil... and finally we have our heavenly melody (symphony of the universe via the energies)... and we have the inner essence of that which is displayed roundabout – the bosoms widespread intelligible objects... and we have equilibrium and we know that we have the Spirit of the world overcome, spirit of the flesh (animal passions) overcome and we have overcome the devil and we have overcome the false prophet (of this world, who is also most of them time Anti True Self)... and we know our new earth (phoenix, earthly tabernacle dissolved, and our liquid flesh) as 1000 year saints... the old is gone, resurrection life... and 21 century Christians understand it not and they will focus on everything else regarding the book of revelation… And also Jacob mentioned a heavenly order like I did it: HEAVENLY HIERARCHY: Behold, God is the God of order; and as it is, and as it goeth and moveth in his government in himself, that is, in his birth or geniture, and in his rising up, so also is the order of the angels. (dont get fooled by 21 century religion)… FOR FUN: We receive liquid flesh, like the second TERMINATOR (in the Hollywood movie) versus Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was the old Terminator and became good or rather the good one in the movie... nevertheless the second one is the real update and Arnold had just luck, and this fascinated me, and now I know why…CHECK: I and Laozi and other sages called it echoe, may it be whatever in eternal nature (form), and even Jacob said: There is but one only root whence all things proceed: it severizeth itself only in the compaction, where it is coagulated: its original is as a smoke or vaporous breath or exhalation from the Great Mystery of the expressed Word; which standeth in all places in the re-expressing, that is, in the rebreathing (or echoing forth), a likeness according to itself; an essence according to the spirit. For, I say, the inward world is the heaven wherein God dwelleth; and the outward world is expressed out of the inward, and hath only another beginning than the inward, but yet out of the inward. It is expressed from the inward through the motion of the eternal speaking Word, and closed into a beginning and end... the eternal speaking Word (which is found in the eternal stillness, imprint, glass) ruleth through and over all; yet it can neither be apprehended nor conceived, either by the spiritual or by the external world, that it should stand still; but it worketh from eternity to eternity, and its work is conceived (Nomad, creating is his being). For it is the formed Word, and the working Word is its life, and is incomprehensible; for the Word is without all essence, as a bare understanding only, or as a power that bringeth itself into essence... Nomad: and so also the divine encircles all things... and transcending all center... and we as vessels are second to God... gods (plural)
142) When we check the AZOTH OF THE PHILOSOPHERS, now we see the CUBE: FIRE, AIR (his hands), and EARTH, WATER (his feet), and the hidden QUINTESSENCE…. And then we have also the SUN & MOON… and also the three principles got taught, RED, WHITE and THIRD ONE… Plato had his own ideas and Aristotle… and later they spoke also about ether… For Robert Fludd it was non-material, subtler then light, ether as penetrative and non-material… Anyway here we see that sulphur, salt and mercury was clear to them… yet how to get clearly the reference points regarding the sevenfold energy… it was not fully clear for everyone… and through correspondences we get still in most texts (real sages) a relative accurate picture… that we also have to say… it is not just nonsense or… 100percent not...And again Jacob said it here rightly: The anguish-source is thus to be understood: The astringent desire conceiveth itself (like a contraction), and draweth itself into itself, and maketh itself full, hard and rough: now the attraction is an enemy of the hardness. The hardness is retentive (retaining), the attraction is fugitive (flees): the one will into itself, and the other will out of itself; but since they cannot sever and part asunder one from the other they remain in each other as a rotating wheel: the one will ascend, the other descend ==> The anguish maketh the sulphurous spirit, and the compunction maketh the Mercury, viz. the work-master of nature: he is the life of nature, and the astringent desire maketh the keen salt-spirit; and yet all three are only one; but they divide themselves into three forms, which are called Sulphur, Mercurius and Sal: These three properties do impress the free lubet (pleasant, agreeable, harmonious) into themselves, that it also giveth a material essentiality, which is the oil of these three forms (viz. their life and joy, Nomad: oily impression the oil goes over the helmet, thats why sometimes referred to mercury, yet some philosopher have also their “tricks”), which doth quench and soften their wrathfulness; and this no rational man can deny. There is a salt, brimstone and oil in all things; and the Mercurius, viz. the vital venom maketh the essence in all things, and so the abyss bringeth itself into byss (opposite of abyss - void) and nature (as his clothing) ==> First know this: That the divine understanding doth therefore introduce itself into fire, that its eternal lubet might be majestical and lustrous, for the divine understanding receiveth no source into itself, it also needeth none to its own being, for the all needeth not the something. The something is only the play of the all, wherewith the all doth melodize and play; and, that the universal or all might be manifest unto itself, it introduceth its will into properties. Thus we, as a creature, will write of the properties, viz. of the manifested God, how the all, viz. the abyssal, eternal understanding manifests itself. Nomad: and similar we must also have still the sulphur, but now harmonious tempered, so to speak without the bad sulphur, and so we leave grey town, again to be filled with light, and divine love as conjunction!!! or copulation (NOMAD: THATS EXACTLY MY POINT). And we must therefore speak about the QUALITIES of the sevenfold energy via an agreeable similitude to nature, what we know and experience, similar black and white (light) or anxious and good and also motion and rest springs from the sevenfold energy etc., and the colours we receive, they are like seven living and conscious rays contained within the original colourless ray, and broken into seven different tints by their passage through "matter” - which is correct. And further we recognize also the different degrees of subtility and fixity, like fire, air, earth, water ==> Therefore, the abyssal and divine understanding doth therefore introduce itself into an anxious fire-will and life, that its great love and joy, which is called God, might be manifest; for if all were only one, then the one would not be manifest unto itself; but by the manifestation the eternal good is known, and maketh a kingdom of joy; else, if there were no anguish, then joy were not manifest unto itself; there would be but one only will, which would do continually one and the same thing. But if it introduceth itself into contrariety, then in the contest the lubet of joy becomes a desire and a love play to itself, in that it hath to work and act; to speak according to our human capacity . ==> And the glassy WATERY STONE REMAINS in the love game via the eternally seeking and finding in the light, with the fixed and volatile (and so we have also the 4 Elements and akash). And we must also add that it is written: married the land!!!… Does Jacob confirm me about the LOVE PILLAR?????????????? These two essences, viz. the inward heavenly, and the outward heavenly (God within and without, heaven meets earth, new Jerusalem, without dichotomy), were mutually espoused to each other, and formed into one body, wherein was the most holy tincture of the divine fire and light, viz. the great joyful love-desire, which did inflame the essence, so that both essences did very earnestly and ardently desire each other in the love-desire, and love one another: the inward loved the outward as its manifestation and sensation!!!, and the outward loved the inward as its greatest sweetness and joyfulness!!!, and its precious pearl and most beloved spouse and consort. And yet they were not two bodies, but only one; but of a twofold essence, viz. one inward, heavenly, holy; and one from the essence of time; which were espoused and betrothed to each other to an eternal [being]. And correct: I call it also the INNER pearl and the OUTER pearl in the ABYSSAL pearl. (so that we get a picture about it or how we feel it in the apocalypse) ==> as I said, father enamoured by his IMAGE (which is also ME in the apocalypse) and I love him back in all things… MARTIN MOSTBAUER MUST AN ALCHEMY, SHAMAN, GNOSTIC WARRIOR… truly he cannot be sow wrong with his book… written from 2016 or 2017 to 2021 (wix website published May 2021, before that I have just emails send to a bigger religious circle in USA yet for sure they will not like the book of revelation and how it all unfolds… but also I must say, I was often too loud… also because of the hard ascension…)… Lets check a last one: NOW and further, and also the children of darkness know very well that we are surrounded by other Spirits and some of them even channel them... just our eyes cannot see them, and they inhabitat places according to their quality (dominions, oily appearance - spirits)... some want to say its all “KARMA” mud… whatever you may believe...
143) Our seed will never be blotted out… Now, let me explain, don’t look with wrong eyes upon me, that is, we must always differentiate, to help weak people is fine (or people who have a season of weakness), but and still according to LC we have to make a clear separation and we simple do not want this other religiosity at LC. And so also down the ladder everyone will have some little fears and some have only minimal fears (and also the body is a bit too lame)… we are not judgemental here or whatever... yet we embrace one direction and no other which is directed towards true self. And this other Protestant endtime circus, we simple do not need it! We get reminded to the movie: (abyss, Abgrund des Todes, yea, was not so bad)… they sink into their own abyss... NOW lets go on, and also FOR FUN, Gloria Mundi or Glory of the world, we read: Regarding the ASH (phoenix): If a man lived a hundred thousand years, he could never sufficiently marvel at the wonderful manner in which this noble treasure is obtained from ashes, and again reduced to ashes. In the ashes is Salt, and the more the ashes are burnt, the more ashes it affords; notice also, that that proceeds from fire, and returns to fire, which proceeds from [the] earth ==>Hebrew 9:13, For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh... Regarding the LYE: That which remains (under fire) resembles ashes, and if you pour water on it, it becomes an alkali, the efficacy of the ashes passing into the water!!! If you clarify the lye, put it into an iron vessel, and let the moisture evaporate over a fire, you will find at the bottom the substance which before was in the lye, that is to say, the salt of the matter from which the ashes were obtained...For the substance which contains our Stone is a lye (alkaline solution, disinfecting, cleanser, and soap is a salt of fatty acid, wherefore soaps are also made from pure olive oil, and we have our own cleanser, alkali – soda, obtained from the ash and so on), not indeed prepared by the hand of man from ashes and water, but joined together by Nature, according to the creation and ordination of God, commingled of the four elements!!! (Nomad, this is the INTERMEDIATE PROOF, remember the womb), possessed of all that is required for its perfect chemical development ==> Luke 11:40 39 But the Lord said to him, Now you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup, but inside you yourselves are full of greed and robbery and extortion and malice and wickedness [selfishness, evil and dead letter driven]. You senseless (foolish, stupid) ones [acting without reflection or rationality]! Did not He Who made the outside make the inside also? ==> Malachi 3:2 But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap (Hebrew, alkali, lye, potash).... ==> TRUST ME, THIS IS NOTHING THAN MARKETING WHEN THE PROTESTANT SPEAK ABOUT THE GREAT HARVEST OF SOULS! THEREFORE I SAY, TAKE RATHER CARE ABOUT YOUR SOUL AND LEARN IT ALL...And we read: This you may see when you boil water over the fire; for then there arises a steam which is really air, water being nothing but coagulated air, and air being generated from water by the heat of the Sun (NOMAD: fixity and subtility). For the Sun shines upon the water, and heats it until steam is seen to issue forth. This vapour becomes wind, and, on account of the large quantity of the air, we get moisture and rain: so air is once more changed or coagulated into water, or rain, and causes all things upon earth to grow, and fills the rivers and the seas..........We might put down many other characteristics of this Salt, but I prefer to leave the further elaboration of this subject to the reader, and to confine myself to a more detailed account of its fruits, entrance, and life, of the mode of opening the garden (NOMAD: GARDEN WITHIN, vegetable soul etc.), and catching a glimpse of the glorious roses, of the way in which they multiply, and bear fruit a thousand-fold; also how you may cause the dead body to reappear, and to be raised again to immortal life, by the power of which it may be able to enter imperfect bodies, purify them, and bring them to perfection, and to a state of immutable permanence. I now propose to speak of the Stone under three aspects, viz., as the vegetable, the animal, and the mineral Stone; and among these again, of the one which contains those four elements that impart life to all. Place this one substance in an airtight alembic (distilling apparatus), and treat it according to the precepts of our Art, which we shall set forth further on. Then the sowing in the field can take place, and you obtain the Mineral Stone, and the Green Lion that imbibes so much of its own spirit. Then life returns to its spirit through the alembic, and the dead body lies at the bottom of the vessel. In the latter there are still two elements which the fire cannot sever -- for sooner [than that] the ashes are burned in the fire itself, and the Salt thereby becomes stronger. The earth must be calcined (strongly heated in absence of air, as also known with ore, to remove volatile impurities), until it turns white; then the earth is severed of its own accord, and is united to its own earth. For every thing strives to be joined to its like. Give it the cold and humid element to drink, and leave it standing eight days, that the two may be well mixed. You must see yourself what is best to be done after this: for I cannot give you any further information at present. Sun and Moon must have intercourse, like that of a man and woman: otherwise the object of our Art cannot be attained. All other teaching is false and erroneous. Think upon this Salt as the true foundation of our Art; for its worth outweighs all the treasures of this world. Itself is not developed into the tincture, but the tincture must be added to it. Nor is the substance of our Art found in any metal... Now this Stone renders all dry and arid bodies humid, all cold bodies warm (NAOMD: endless spiritual summer), all impure bodies clear and pure. It contains within itself all healing and transmuting virtue, breathed into it by the art of the Master and the quickening spirit of fire. Thanks be unto God therefore in all time ====>>> And burn the animal passions and you will understand our ASH ==> and it is important that you READ: commingled OF the 4 Elements, and also our salt is intermediate, oil, and wine which shifts us into heavenly ecstasy...and so on. There is nothing wrong about it... therefore do not just condemn the sages... and I have explained it plainly... you, rather make your journey towards God and for the case your inner eye opens up, then you can judge it, and before that did not happen, just put it to the side for the case you are no happy with it... and here I have also enough spoken and warned you about it... and the revelation is big enough... and many things got already revealed plainly, yea, almost like no one did before me (at least not the last thousands years or longer, not that I know)... And remember, we receive the better AIR (full breath, which rises to heaven) and we receive living WATER (which enters us) and our NEW EARTH ==> and yes, you can read now in the 13th point in the science (second knowledge) chapter about the PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE ISSUE…. Yet you can also read it later and go just chapter after chapter… and yes the MERCURY and SALT and SULPHUR, all that will become much more clear to you, so you got already initiated… like a first step and no we go to the next step… until the golden scripture picture becomes clear to us...
144) Another thing which I tell you, whenever there could come a “destructive purification” (Fluid dynamics), like a bit destruction and again a fresh restart, in most cases people themselves know it when it does not look so good, and there are enough signs... and in that sense, most "prophets" are poor and dumb and they tell us nothing new or nothing else than what a bigger part in humanity already feels by themselves yet they simple do not speak too much about it or they push this inner knowing to the side… I guess today we have to make a decision in which direction we will go… QUESTION ABOUT FOOD: And for sure you can make a better balance yet I do also not say, it just raw food (vegetable etc.), and we know that they also not win no matter what they tell us... yet a better balance is better. ==> I had also a little season 6 years ago where I was fully trained, and body muscular, and I did ride with the mountain bike to the meadow and woods and got my food which I did put later into a blender and I have put other stuff into it (green superfood, baobab, and etc. So that it tastes better)... yea, its not bad (and in Austria we have relative good food and also organic food, wherefore to take care about food, this is also important for society, a dumb elite shall no just rule over us), but yes, and still to add, it is the dark oil which kills me and caused the birth marks on my body, yet I had also a huge smash, you would not believe etc.. And ya, everyone grows old and has later some form of cancer or whatever... DARK OIL ==> except you have the STONE... And not just that I know from first hand experience how I receive the better air or the body gets again more stable, yea, even I know the cracks in my body when its expands again and the dark essence which gets burned up... I know if first-hand... not to offend you but you are no match to me, two times I have to endure it. Wherefore because of the hard smash and now ascension again, my belly made sometimes so loud noises that I thought, soon it is over with me... that is abnormal... yet it must get fixed again... but the body must also endure. ==>>> YOU CAN WATCH THE INTRO of the movie: VERBLENDUNG, the girl with the dragon tattoo, and you will see the dark oil. ===>>> Exactly, this is my point: If you cant eat the BOOK OF REVELATION MOVIE, you are not yet a man, stay with your religion... And when you are not yet a man, we cannot trust you in anything. CHECK: Humanity is not very old by comparison to the universe... when we speak about time... yea, and Nomad for the case he goes back to the apocalypse, also when he would leave again... later it would be just a legend... when we think in long-term... but for sure someone has to keep my book because I point to that to which more people one day reach up... ya, and maybe my blood will be a witness... Yea, I should have much fear that people run over me... yet I have not... but Iam open minded if some tell me later that it should not become too official... because some humans are less ready... YET, I tell everyone: when you have a problem later, first TELL IT ME... Iam open minded... yet do not become crazy and think you must get rid of me... and also I have my option to get rid of some people, options which I do not want to use... just tell me... because I have not even a problem with that... and so we have peace. Yet my book I will publish for my kids... but if I shall leave, we can talk about it. Someone asks, Nomad, are you paranoid like some of these other religious people? My answer, no, but I know that this is no small thing, it needs to be put on the scale... and as I see it or got it revealed… WE HAVE TO GO FORWARD… we cannot just stay in the old… its over… cycles... ==> and Iam also here for people who don’t just SWIM with the mass..The divine intelligence governs the universe, therefore pray also a lot to God for wisdom, and here and there you receive something, and do not ask in weak faith... no... but expect... to get the answer (feedback)... and do not go after your own timing... you receive when you receive... days or weeks or whatever... depends what you ask... and a spring will go out from the HOUSE of the LORD... the 2) water above springs from Judah, Judah means PRAISE (thanksgiving), praising him over his imperishable glory, even the whole body becomes praise, which is also a “natural byproduct” in superparadise with the translucent wine and oil of gladness, we become what we become in that LIBERATION, with no one to make us tremble, the LORD God will 5) illumine us and we receive healing via its 4) wings (air, breath of life, the purer air rises and becomes heaven), OVER EVERYTHING THE GLORY WILL BE A CANOPY, the fruit of the 1) EARTH (land) shall be EXCELLENT and LOVELY (and we also 7) marry the land in God)... and no one breaks into our HOUSE... what a homecoming!!! we do not even need to close any doors... what an everlasting gate, and how crazy I must sound to those who embrace the worthless earth. Mark well: we are not in [giving up to the power of] 6) darkness, therefore we encourage (admonish, exhort) them and edify (strengthen and build up) them, and teach them in all things...blessed are those who know the DAY and the STONE... and since this worthless earth gets destroyed (earthly tabernacle dissolved), the elements will 3) melt with intense heat... and let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first (21 century religion who became worldly during Babel peak, the time when great darkness covers the earth) ===>>> Haggai 4:2, On that DAY,’ declares the Lord of hosts, ‘I will take you, Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, My servant,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will make you like a signet ring (seal), for I have chosen you ===>>> WHO HAS BELIEVED OUR REPORT???
145) NOMADS HAND SIGN [ministry], I have also chosen that because of balanced ENERGY position: LEFT HAND: little finger, middle finger, forefinger are straight (wherefore pinkie finger = earth, ring finger = water, middle finger = fire, forefinger = air, thumb = ether or divine space, and the first four finger are also the square), now, and you have to bend the ringfinger to the base of the thumb and press with your thumb on the second phalanx (space and water, it refers also to both, the sacred river and to our watery stone). And RIGHT HAND: thumb and forefinger put together and form a sphere, this two finger are also darkness and light and the other three finger straight, that is father, son, Holy Spirit. ==> via the trine we lift our souls into heaven and the elements come back into harmony!!! as much we get filled with light... EVERYONE IN AT LC (not that foolish religion), this is our hand sign... and this SIGN BELONGS TO US, and similar we have Nomads ministry (apocalypse) symbol (the MOVIE secret, and Heaven and Hell is in man, hell prevails so much as people have handed it over to hell and no flattering speech will change that = Reality check) ==> OUR HAND SIGN AND MINISTRY SYMBOL (Book of Revelation movie) WILL DIFFERENTIATE US TO ALL OTHER RELIGION ===>>> and speaking in tongue is not a sign of anything (their so called protestant baptism)... it is nothing but ridicuculous, as in the same way some spoke in tongues, they called them spiritual, yet they have later left Christianity or they are charismatic and have learned tricks to make more money (manipulation), and therefore they shall fool only themselves... and we will have nothing to do with them!!! 100 PERCENT!!!! ==>>> wherefore this is not an offense, no, they just have their religion and we have our ORDER. [and Nomad is also happy with few people (many or few), and therefore when you have a problem, there are enough churches out there and they will welcome you) ==>>> and in the eternal circle light has to overcome darkness according to the apocalypse. And as we know, slandering, this helps you nothing and it does not exist in the apocalypse, we have not even interest in their stuff and the REVELATION BELONGS ONLY TO US and to all who are initiated. And we do also no longer need to fight with religion. Keep your own peace within. We can speak about DEFENSE or EXHORTATION but this other stuff like slandering (arrogance, personal to bring someone down and so on)... this is for the fools, because we should not waste time in such stuff and its our life… – and the birds simple got them. And the higher vibration shows us what is below (mud field), thats why we cannot even get offended in heaven (we are liberated, they are dull). Further, regarding the HAND SIGN: the THREE fingers which are straight on the LEFT HAND and the three finger which are straight on the RIGHT HAND, this remembers us again to our MINISTRY SYMBOL [triangle on the left and on the right]. And another interpretation: the HAND SIGN is done via both hands, that is, we want to find our higher EQUILIBRIUM in the non dual consciousness. And the square is hidden my friend on the LEFT HAND, make now the hand sign and you will see the RIGHT ANGLE (90 degree, salt) when the ringfinger is pressed down. And the RIGHT HAND is associated with MALE (action) and the LEFT HAND with FEMALE, and so we have our SUN (and our gold) and our MOON (silver) – Marriage. This our hidden NON-DUALITY, the left hand must marry the square (most male), and the right hand must marry the circle (most female). And this as little addendum but secondary, the oil goes over the helmet and all the impressions are oily and fiery, therefore when the ring finger of the left hand is pressed down, it produces heat, and here is also our hidden oil (oily skin), upon that impression (as symbol), and so we have our HAND SIGN, perfect. And further, the SUN in the sky does not strike us, we are well tempered in the apocalypse as already mentioned, and again: this HAND SIGN BELONGS ONLY TO US together with the MINISTRY SYMBOL !!! and not everyone likes LC!!! but I say, any kid who has fun with our stuff… you can also use it… its like a mind remembrance and also I stay not forever here… and who knows when you read about it... ===>>> CHECK: some fear that the Bible is taken away from them, that is, their dead letter... yet we have the HOLISTIC TRUTH even with our HAND SIGN and the 10 commandment (10 FINGER) as mentioned earlier, eternal Sabbath is found in the apocalypse and I explained why GOD (source) is loved above all things (highest Good) and the rest is something like a guidepost, and divine love and highest heavenly joy is only found in the apocalypse (and we worship also not the Demiurg, there is no jealousy or etc. in God, no, it is highest liberation and infinite want – infinite treasure, ya, forget that saying in scripture: IAM A JEALOUS GOD… this is misunderstood, 100percent). And right, the whole human body, the sum-product is more then simple the sum of its part, this shows us the oneness (yea, and also in reference to the mental or star light or first body), 1000 year saint (last DAY), because we have a mind, and some other have no mind... And SEALED [book of revelation] are only those who know intimately the well without bottom (read Job etc., seal or signature ring)... everything else is training in the book of revelation, everything outside of Christ is death. And the angelic order receives not the apocalypse body. Or in other words, not all are gods in after-life. (gods, some call it also cherubic angelic, nevertheless gods are gods and then there is also the angelic hierarchy etc.)… And ya, the three fingers on every side make also a M & M… And You have asked me about the translucent wine and you want to know if we find it also in our HAND SIGN? My answer, yea, it is the circle in the right hand, let it also be a symbol for the cup, therefore for the wine and for the inexhaustible source. And that you have a face only on the front of your body, with your two eyes, and the hidden third eye (Gods eye), let it be a sign for the direction: EAST to the WEST and dare not to look to the right or to the left when you make our HAND SIGN... but I say it also for fun, yet still, do it not... because we do that also for our remembrance... And you ask, Nomad, my lovely Master, how can we integrate the manna as taken once in a year in our HAND SIGN? Answer: the right arm we remember as he sun, and left arm as the moon... you know, like we have the Sun (male) and circle (two finger, most female) which combine and vice versa moon and hidden cube (most male). Now, nevertheless earth orbits the sun in one year. This is the cycle for the manna, the right side... which helps us (right hand trine ascension), yea but where do we find the Manna? The M for the MANNA is the three fingers on the right hand. (also in Hebrew called Manna, an edible gum, M and also the triple power). ==> the fully initiate puts therefore the right hand down to to the ground, pointing to the ground (so that the M is made), and the left hand upwards to the sky. NOW, DO THAT MY READER, only those who belong to me... and to my order... now FEEL IT A BIT... FEEEELLLL IT A BIT (and yes the triple power, so also you can use the triple meaning, you know, reincarnation topic, first birth (God born), second birth (parents), third birth(other heavens) etc.) And Iam not here forever, like I could share forever with you in our order heaven atmosphere (and of its power), and so this is also the other option... and we have everything in OUR HAND SIGN, our hand sign should endure even after Iam gone... but I do not say that I want to leave very early for the case my body is acceptable and etc., in the apocalypse. (wherefore the manna gets later explained in the science chapter)… Nomad, we have spoken about our HAND SIGN for LC member which is openly revealed, tell us why do we not bend the first two fingers? Answer, we have the 4 elements and the first two fingers stand for earth and water (and the mirror, square) and I understand your question… and I will tell you… the sacred river flow never stops and also that we symbolize with it and similar when Iam participant of the new earth and sit at Satsang, now this water reaches also down to the lower worlds (you or whoever is not in the apocalypse)… and the flow never stops… And all seven spirits are also called seven rivers or simple the SACRED RIVER… we have spoken about that… the fountain… and this is the hint for it! So be happy with our hand sign! And we do not just make male and female because we also have the akash which is the thumb which is pressed on the bended ring finger, now, and that akash is in that river… And with the other hand you make the RING with your thumb and forefinger, therefore let that be your female and male revelation by which both of them (light and darkness) are in the same wheel ==> SEVEN RIVERS, SEVEN SPIRITS WHEEL. And as you know, we have many other things included into the hand sign, so that is the best solution, and you have on both hands THREE FINGERS which are not bend… this is the male and female trinity. Therefore one thumb points to the square and the other thumb to the circle, even that we have and also the M, the three fingers which point upwards on the right hand, M, your Master, MM (and also Mostbauer Martin who has build LC) and LC is cult! When you make this sign and keep both hands down (therefore not one hand up and one hand down), that means, you give tribute to your MASTER. And as they are not able to build the dome, the chambers and all that other stuff… so they cannot even use our HAND SIGN because the MM would bother them and therefore I can reveal it freely before even my book got published… And beside that most of that stuff is just fun for me… so don’t take me too serious… yet and still… we can have that sign because for remembrance and no… you do not need to worship me:--)

146) acknowledging that the BREATH OF LIFE is found in the kingdom within, to breathe internally. And regarding the soap or to acknowledge that God purifies us and that our body receives also disinfection via him, that is, where we find the soap in the HAND SIGN, that is given to everyone at LC wherever his creativity leads him (my adepts are allowed to add to what I give to them)... Our HAND SIGN, similar to light a candle [or TORCH]... and also that is a ritual in our order by which the flame must show the adept in our order that the sevenfold energy is hidden in the flame, it is not just fire, it needs air, it needs earth, we see light, we see the dark ground in the flame... yea, and let the Holy Spirit leads the adept so that he will also recognize the water (form and shapes)... this will happen more often at LC, the leader tells something, now, and the adept must find the answer... or then also adepts have inspirations which they are always allowed to share... yea, they even shall do that, recommended and sometimes even required... and so one thing leads to another... (like an organism, as and also some are more advanced in second knowledge – chemistry or biology or whatever, others are more in arts and again others are born with a prophetic gift and other... Hmmm, you see MY POINT? YOU SEE MY HOLISTIC TRUTH?... and thats how LC is also build ===>>> And yes, we CALL IT AT LC FIRST KNOWLEDGE AND SECOND KNOWLEDGE, similar we have our first sun and second sun and so on. And so we do not get messed up and everyone knows about what we are currently talking. ====>>> OUR THEOLOGY IS THIS: THE CROSS AND THE CROSSPOINT AND THE CROSS WHICH ESTABLISHES A RECONNECTION TO HEAVEN, THE CROSS CENTER BREAKS OPEN... yet we are the ATHLETES and have to learn to it all... and therefore we keep the Book of Revelation movie. What we also keep: heaven and earth will pass away, but not our STONE, and our new earth we seek, and the LOGOS endures, and stars differ in Glory ==> it is very SIMPLE... the ATHLETE wants to keep a higher life quality while he walks on this planet (this does not mean money in the first place, yet we have no problem with money), the ATHLETE wants to have a higher place in after-life, the ATHLETE wants also to experience heaven on earth (simplified this is foremost the goal. And to the last question: Baptism, yes, but full water baptism sounds for us better. Whoever wants it, yet there will be also other rites, additional. And what shall I talk? When I make it back in, Iam in the other ocean, you know, that is, the upper or divine water. And there will be no big TAM TAM, all what the vessel says out-loud: 1) Iam a sinner (blind, sin means to miss the mark) and 2) Iam in need of his forgiveness and 3) I want to become his property. And then they get baptized in the name Jesus Christ... Diving into the water = death or buried, coming out of the water = resurrection (which points also to the apocalypse). And as we know, there is also a fire baptism... or/ and also the flame, therefore the lamp which the believer has to keep burning. And what is the rite for fire baptism? Answer, he must keep the palm of his hand over a flame and read out-loud Psalm 29 and endure the pain. No, Iam joking, and I do not tell you... but some would still say believe that Nomad want to do that... yea, ok, who knows what inspiration we receive, and what makes a fit for you, and maybe you have chance when I stay close to it, maybe!!! QUESTION ABOUT AMERICAN PROTESTANT LAYING ON OF HANDS, weird body movements are ok? You mean this fast shaking of the head, ticking and jerking, they give names to it like the Holy Spirit moved or etc., that you mean? Ya, they baptize them with the devil or their own dirty dark fire… because that should not happen… too strange… And when the real power comes, it rather that people must smell the heavenly fragrance and taste a bit that heavenly atmosphere… and ye, some maybe cast out some mud and… and some get tired, feel heavy because of the power from above which is like heavy weight for them who are less mature… but this very weird protestant stuff… forget it… this is not God nor Gods move… and they even let them prophecy in that delirium… its rather that they seek experience and then all what they get… is crazy stuff and… partially can even make them more dull… or yes, in many cases they get more dull… they are not Gods anointed prophets… they are clowns… and just use that name to be impressive… and they know no higher teaching… its rather for them A ROCK OF OFFENCE, A STUMBLING STONE, and the very word KING, they are already ensnared by it and stumble in the DARK (and the more carnal fantasy they spread, the more muddy they get as they have already false idea in their head about the king, they see only an earthly kind and no not the liberation and higher self teaching)... understand the LOGOS... AND SO EVERYTHING WILL BE TAKEN FROM HIM, and whoever has, more will be given to him. (as and also when you go under the umbrella of a false Christ, he will baptize you with the devil or he will lead you further astray)... It is like with the MOVIE: THE BOOK OF ELI... now, we are able to introduce fear with a bible verse and so we have our sheep-like creatures... ==> therefore it just depends who has the Bible and what he does make out of it... And further, I do not believe that any kind of SOCIAL ENGINEERING will ever work by telling people that they are just matter or quasi to destroy all religion... it cannot work in the FLUID DYNAMICS, its like this old self destroying system, yea, it cannot even work with drugs, like some think we invent a drug and this or that program, wherefore also such a cycle in humanity could happen in some point of time... possible... and then again restart ==>>> wherefore even some wars in-between are much better then to become so dry that all life fun is gone or any excitement etc... to explain it to you… QUESTION, how determined are the upper league TOXONSOPHISTS? Matthew 11:12, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force... find that KEY and fight to death, no one even needs to see you, Take that extreme, go through hell, die or come out of it, after that, should you survive. You have the extreme... and live to the extreme, nothing comparable. Again, YOUR fight ALONE, when no one is there to help you, and you have nothing to loose, then you go to the absolute maximum, take that key, turn it around - push it to the maximum and scream to God with hell over your face, break that body and soul mind into pieces, and build it up again. And finally: When I have found the measureless, then I will be no longer in need to measure myself with others, for I have become a god…. TAKE that not too hard my friends… Nomads journey was a bit extreme… and you have the advantage to learn it all and I had it not...
147) There is a further misconception about the knowledge of GOOD & EVIL, that is, some claim that we loose DISCERNMENT but that is nonsense, only we in ourselves get rid of the knowledge of evil, that is, we have no pleasure in it and nor any knowledge (will) to do it... but that which is below is not hidden to us... and what we call evil... that is much more broad... evil destroys harmony... it is proud or hubris, jealousy, greed... it has many facet... And thats why the apocalypse is a kind of unconditioned state. It is like a good person watching another evil person and the good person does not understand why the evil person does what he does... he is simple evil and blind... and the good person has no drive for such things... similar a person which is more spiritual, that person wants not really to have anything to do with carnal Christianity nor will he neglect superparadise and so on... and nor is that person entangled in materialism... no, he is more spiritual... there is something higher then that... there is LIFE.... And when you yourself are in the highest vibration, then your eyes are spiritually open and you know all that which is below, not by evil knowledge but by knowing that all that is outside of the highest life force... its like deception, blockages, illusion, stealing away the life force...a false power... not superparadise (and in ourselves is no pleasure in for it, yea, even their fear is nothing but illusion and flesh)… its a vibrational difference… discernment is not lost… check Jesus, he judged the Pharisee
148) To your question, Iam an old Lady in Germany or Switzerland or France... and I have read your book, Iam also allowed to have a visit because I love the Lord and... My answer, yes, I do not judge you by age... you have read my book... you want to know a bit more about LC... you are welcome... but for sure with younger people, we are a bit more direct... training.. and because probably also many kids want to know more about this REVELATION, because that is what is missing for them in so called “Religion”. Wherefore there is a difference between visit or adepts who learn more... or some who are more advanced.... other people who had the stone did simple run around in the world... and had a few disciples... I have not read many books, everyone would say, I cannot write a book, yet one thing I accomplish, that when you have read this revisited book you will say to yourself: WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR A TRIP? (because you smell that Iam real my kid)… Do we need to wear a turban at LC? Answer, its up to you :-) Wherefore LCwill have also many symbols or pictures... chosen colours and so on... It will be probably far above most of this other order... what they call higher level is at LC just the first initiation. (like this book). This [REVISITED] book is more or less for the main psyche, to get reassured that this is the path and no other... LETS CHECK ANOTHER MARTIN (I use only some nuggets): Saint Martin said (Aphorisms and Maxims): The sole advantage which can be found in the merits and joys of this world is that they cannot prevent us from dying...It is easy to understand why wisdom is a folly in the eyes of the world; it is because it shows by our own experience that the world is a folly by its side; for where is there a seeker after truth, however ardent, who has not delayed by the way, and has afterwards regarded himself as a fool when he has resumed the path of wisdom?... All is vanity," says Solomon; but let courage, charity, and virtue be excluded from this teaching; rather, let us raise ourselves towards these sublime things, until we are able to say that all is truth, that all is love, that all is felicity... The learned describe nature; the wise explain it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (NOMAD: THIS IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE!, and further I show my kids directly the path… less regret later).... Never persuade yourself that you possess wisdom in virtue of mere memory or mere mental culture. Wisdom is like a mother's love, which makes itself felt only after the labours and pains of childbirth... As our material existence is not life, so our material destruction is not death... It should be regarded as a grace of God when we are stripped successively of all human supports and succours, on which we are always too ready to depend (NOMAD: I got stripped off completely… so also total alone I write this book, left my job behind me, sold my property and go back to the apocalypse, almost 5 years I have laboured...etc.). Thereby He compels us to repose only on Him, and herein is the final and most profound secret of wisdom... Fear walks with those who dwell upon death, but those who think of life have love for their companion (the other cannot have love, they are mouth Christians, they have also no honour, protestant chickens in endtime stuff, unclean birds)... The head of old was subject to the ruling of the heart, and served only to enlarge it. Today the scepter which belongs of right to the heart of man has been transferred to the head, which reigns in place of the heart...(Nomad: when science is not rightly handled, then it divides and it tends to pride... the greater our care for the soul here, the better shall be oure state hereafter!!!!!!!! and further the FLUID DYNAMICS would come brute when we do not soon change something, Saint Martin could not even imagine where we are today...)... Who is the innocent man? He who has acquired all things and has lost nothing... If man, despite his state of reprobation, can still discern within himself a principle which is superior to his sensible and corporeal part, why should not such a principle be acknowledged in the sensible universe, equally distinct and superior, though deputed specially to govern it? YOU CAN ALSO READ “THE 10 PRAYER OF SAINT MARTIN” (translation of Arthur E. Waite)... and you can read: “MAN AND HIS TRUE NATURE AND MINISTRY” written by Saint Martin, to receive some inspirations or nuggets... Some sayings: If Man has the power to be the workman and handicraftsman of earthly productions, why should he not be the same of a superior order? He ought to be able to compare those divine productions with their Source, as he has the power to compare the total effect of Nature with the Cause that fashioned and guides her, and he alone has this privilege... who ignores immortality: the only torch they have left to guide them, is the blind insensibility and dark ignorance of matter... like matter, men, who make themselves matter, discern any better the striking and repulsive contrasts of their state of existence... WE HAVE TO SEEK DIVINE NATURE (spirit in matter)... The universe is on a bed of suffering, and it is for us, men, to comfort it. The universe is on a bed of suffering, because, since the fall, a foreign substance has entered its veins, and incessantly impedes and torments its life-principle. It is for us to speak to it words of comfort and encouragement, and the promise of deliverance and covenant of alliance, which Eternal Wisdom is coming to make with it... In forming Man, the Supreme Source is supposed to have said to him: With the eternal grounds or bases of my being, and the laws eternally inherent in them, I constitute thee Man; I have no rules to prescribe to thee but those which result naturally from my eternal harmony. I have no need even to impose any penalties upon thee, if thou shouldst infringe them; every clause of our contract is in the very basis of thy constitution; if thou observe them not to do them, thou wilt work thine own judgment and punishment; for, from that moment, thou wilt cease to be Man ==> therefore the COVENANT EXTENDS THROUGH ALL NATURE... HE HAD AN INTERESTING IDEA ABOUT HEALING: As for the power of healing, which, however, should be considered but as a secondary privilege, even in our regenerate state, we may say, it becomes one of the snares which the enemy lays for us, when, in exercising this power, we make use of any extraordinary means; especially, if we use them of our own mere human will. When man does this by the Divine power and authority, he is perfectly in order, both as regards himself and the patient, because then the Supreme Will rules in both. We may add that then only can he be sure of success. When he proceeds by means of magnetism and somnambulism (sleepwalking), he may injure his patient, even in curing him, for he knows not whether his sickness may not have had a moral object which will be neutralized by a premature cure; and therein the operator exposes himself greatly, because he ignorantly obtrudes himself into a higher ministry; he has, besides, always reason to doubt the result. When he proceeds only by means of ordinary medicines, he does not sin, even though he be ignorant; because, as he then uses substances only of the inferior order, he acts only on the material man; then, if the sickness have a moral cause and object, the remedy will be without effect, because the moral order is higher. Thus, the common physician who employs his science prudently and modestly, committing the issue always to the Great Ruler, is more in order, and safer, than the magnetizer, who uses means of a higher class with too much confidence, levity, and pride... anyway... Nomad: many people are so full of mud today... so also that is partially relative ==> wherefore that is for sure, a healing gift is not a proof that they know Christ (God is known by love, and divine love produces all thoughts and many have a cold heart or prideful heart or...) ==> wherefore yes, I do not believe that this is a big sin issue regarding healing yet it is also no heavenly card like look at me... Iam an anointed one... (and about devil baptism we have already spoken, this show jerking stuff) And healing, mostly as I see it, this will go along with true inward PROMPTING like a WECKRUF (prompting instruction) and when the “smell” does not fit, we leave it alone... Wherefore it is known about Saint Martin (Theosophic correspondence, Lousie Claude de Saint Martin, Kirchberger, Baron de Liebesdorf):It was at Strasburgh through the medium of his friend Madame Boecklin, that he became acquainted with the works of the Teutonic theosopher, JACOB BOEHME, who in France was looked upon as a visionary; and, at an advanced age, he studied the German language, in order to read and translate into French, for his own use, the writings of this celebrated illumine, which fully discovered to him what in the documents of his first masters he had obtained but a glimpse of. He ever afterwards regarded him as – the GREATEST HUMAN LIGHT THAT HAD EVER APPEARED. In the year 1787, Saint-Martin visited England, where he formed a friendship with the Ambassador Barthelemy, and where he became acquainted with the publications of William Law (who died in 1761), relating to Jacob Boehme's theosophy. In 1788 he made a journey to Rome, in company with Prince Calitzin, who used to M. Fortia, d'Urban the following remarkable words, "I am really a man only since I have known Saint-Martin." On his return from his travels in Italy, Germany, and England, he could not avoid accepting the cross of the order of Saint-Louis, of which he considered himself undeserving; though it was conferred upon him more on account of the nobility of his sentiments, than for actual services. ==> Martin Mostbauer: WE WILL REFRESH THAT AND GO HIGHER... SOME SAYINGS: TableauNatureldesRapportsquiexistententreDieu, l'Homme, etl'Univers: in two parts.' Edimbourg (Lyons), 1782; in 8vo. -- In this work, composed in Paris, on the advice of some friends, the author infers, from the superiority of man's faculties, and from his action on his organs of sense and his productions, that the existence of nature, both general and particular, is also the production of creative powers superior to this result. Yet man is dependent on physical causes, the idea of which he acquires only by the impression they make on his organs. But he has, at the same time, notions of another kind, ideas of law and power, of order and unity, of wisdom and justice. Thus he is dependent on his intellectual and moral ideas as well as on those received through his senses. Now, those do not come through his senses: they come, therefore, from some other source; from external faculties, which produce thoughts in him. But whence this dependence? From disorder produced by an inferior cause, opposing itself to the superior, and ceasing to be under its law. Man fell: and then, what existed as an immaterial principle, became sensibilized under material forms. Order and disorder became manifest. Nevertheless, everything tends to return to the unity out of which it proceeded. If, in consequence of this fall, man's moral and intellectual virtues and faculties have been divided, he ought, by renewing his will, and by his desire, to labour for the recovery of those he has lost. But his regeneration can be effected only by virtue of the Repairer's act, whose sacrifice took the place of the expiations which preceded the spiritual law. Kirchberger: Its object was to show, to what degree of abasement and infirmity man had fallen, and to cure him of his inclination for the marvellous of the lower sort, such as the modern somnambulic and spiritualism-phenomena. He had especially in view the Duchess of Bourbon, his beloved friend, a model of virtue and piety, but who had given way to this inclination for the marvellous. ==> wherefore modern Protestantism (with its denominations) and with its seeking after experience, that is also not Christ, they are Satanist or simple in the lower order without knowing it (like this jerking movement, and it is also about money, and I throw them out... no, this eats up the soul and they become more foolish) ==> and there are other ways to have some experience (without becoming foolish and main focus is “spiritual evolution”)...===> THIS IS THE TRUTH: Del'Esprit des Choses, ou Coup-d'oeil philosophique sur la Nature des Etres, et surl'Objet deleur Existence;' with the epigram, 'Mens hominis rerum universalitatis speculurn est.' Paris, 1800. 2 vols. 8vo. -- Our philosopher believed that there must be a reason for everything that exists, and that the inward eye of the observer was its judge. He thus considers Man as having, within him, a living mirror, which reflects everything to him, and leads him to seek to see and know all things: but this living mirror being itself a reflection of the Divinity, it is by this light that man acquires sound ideas and discovers the eternal Nature... OUR LINE: by sacrificing ourselves, after his example, to separate ourselves from the material kingdom, which is the organ of evil. The new birth of man is the simple key to the door of wisdom... At LC they can use the quiet contemplative way but which makes only a little part (and by itself alone cannot fully succeed), symbols as another part, continuous prayer another part – with focus on the heart and upon the wellsping of life, meditation another togther with the language of gods as another part, raising body vibration another part and so on), the erasing method of all evil thoughts...by which the true Self must be explained to them...==> Divine love imparts into his soul a seed of himself, and further it is true, there are many mockeries in the astral region, and blind Christians believe easily everything which is presented to them... nay... there is no security in such things... and may it be that some of this appearances teach some things rightly... yet it is not that what we seek in the first place (and also Swedenborg got not everything right)...FROM THE BOOK (theosophic correspondence): And here, in passing, we may just allude to the boasted pretences of 'modern spiritualism" -- which seldom elicits anything more lofty in intelligence than answers, as it were, from intellective elephants, or 'learned pigs,' and then only after much obsequious coaxing, -- that it is a divine institution or dispensation, to prove the being of God and the immortality of the soul, and as such has worked wonders of conversion, 'far beyond all the evangelical labours of all the churches of Christianity put together, from their first institution down to the present time." But, without inquiry into the real character of these alleged "conversions," examined under the light of the Gospel, -- for a mere alteration of an opinion makes a man no more a disciple of Jesus Christ, and regenerate child of heaven, than his wearing a new hat, we would simply reply, that the being of God and the immortality of the soul, are truths which no more require a revelation from heaven for their proof to rational intellects, than a revelation is required from "the spirits or birds" to prove that we are flesh and blood, and have hunger and thirst after earthly nourishment. ===>>> nay, we accomplish in God everything, we have the truth in ourselves and the protestant etc. who cannot interpret anything rightly regarding the bible... their Jesus is their own self made imagination which they have nourished... there is not much of Christ in them... and nor are they able to train their kids rightly... they got pushed into the swampland yet brag about the cross... nothing but illusion... in most cases the pride of reason has utterly shut up the understanding of the heart (and prophets get almost nothing right but brag about being a prophet... yea, this title, about that they brag, ridiculous, and marketing, it is a willfully comedy club) ==> to be a true student or disciple of the 'mystery' is to be a true disciple of Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!..………... Saint Martin: You appear too enlightened not to know that the soul of man is the soil in which this germ is sown, and in which, consequently, all the fruits must show themselves. Saint Martin, now 50 years old, speaking about Jacob: I frankly acknowledge, Sir, that I am not worthy to untie the shoe-strings of that wonderful man, whom I look upon as the greatest light that has appeared on the earth since Him who is the Light himself. [My reader, do not get fooled by 21 century religion, they do not even have respect, and they think great and wonderful things about themselves yet know nothing, ya and not even the orthdodox mention Jacob…!!!]...He said rightly: Divine Wisdom employs also agents or virtues to make His Verb, or Word, sensible within us... How necessary the action of Agents or Virtues is, to prepare our souls for a total union with the Verb, is, I think, very well proved by a passage in Malachi iii. 1; also by Hebrews i. 14, and by the 12th verse of Psalm xc., our version. But I believe it is principally on our bodies that they exercise their powers; for, if they act on our minds, it is owing to the union of the soul and body that they can also produce, in those souls which are united with them, effects favourable to the efficient work of grace; some by furnishing us with thoughts, others by making their presence felt in our hearts, physically, by an agreeable sensation, a gentle warmth, which brings calm and tranquillity to our souls. Some people call this sensation the sentiment of God's presence; I think they would do better to call it the sentiment of the presence of intermediate agents doing the will of God. I believe we always perceive this reaction of the Virtues whenever we seek the Verb, not outside of us, but within, looking with intelligence at the temple in which He dwells. (John xiv. 20, 1 Cor. vi. 19.) I believe that, with time, and maintaining this adhesion to the Verb, we may, with the aid of these same Virtues, pass beyond the sensation of this perceptible presence, and be united to the Verb itself. (1 Cor. vi. 17.) I believe also that, during the moments of perceptible presence, we should be unable to do anything displeasing to the active and intelligent Cause, and that this exercise procures for us the nourishment of our souls, which comes to us through the channel of the Virtues. To facilitate as much as possible our union with the intermediate Agents who are our friends, helps, and guides, I believe we require a great degree of purity of body and imagination, a separation from everything that might tend to degrade our organism, a great sobriety, physically and morally, such as every man of sense would make habitual with him; whilst, on the other hand, a prudent use of the things of nature probably enlarges our faculties rather than otherwise. For instance, breathing the pure, vital, dephlogisticated air which exhales from the leaves of a tree at sunrise, animates us; besides, I have always thought that the natural elementary light might perhaps become the envelope of beneficent Agents, in some of their manifestations; but on this I speak with hesitation. You will, if you think proper, give me your opinion on the matter. Besides these physical considerations, there are habitual qualities of the soul which make up the disposition most essential for entering into relationship with the beneficent beings who, since man's fall, have become so necessary for his restoration. First of all, a profound self-annihilation before the Being of beings, seems to me necessary; retaining no will but His, surrendering ourselves to Him with a resignation without limit, a confidence without bounds; having but one only, unique, inextinguishable desire, that of surmounting every obstacle between ourselves and the light...The 'Tableau Naturel' explains it thus: "Elijah, being on the mountain, found that the Lord was neither in the strong wind, nor in the earthquake, nor in the gross and burning fire, but in a light and gentle wind, bringing calm and peace with which Wisdom fills every place she approaches"; and that this, in fact, is one of the safest of signs by which to "distinguish the true from the false." Now this is the epitome of the best of all that Madame Guyon says on the same subject... I agree with you entirely, "That, since our being is central, it must find all the help needful for its existence in the centre where it had its birth." To come to this centre, even in this life, is the aim of our desires; between this centre and ourselves, there are intermediates; there are obstacles to be overcome, and succours to receive. The grand thing, beyond doubt, is the inward secret way. What will also help, is, I think, to consider the secondary virtues as agents, not as distributors of favours, and to receive what they give us, with thankfulness to the great Giver, but to address our souls and our worship to the fountain-head, the Principle Himself...it seems to me, when we no longer live our own life, when the Verb lives in us in all His fulness, and absorbs all our faculties, and our spirit loses itself, so to speak, in His. This, the highest degree attainable by man, is what may be called the perfecting in unity. Then it is no more we who act, but the Creator acting for us, and who commands the elements. That this apostolic state is still possible in our time, I do not doubt for an instant; not reason only, but experience proves it. I will mention one instance. When Father Lacombe was crossing the Lake of Geneva, such a storm arose that the boatmen had lost all hope; then Father Lacombe commanded the waves to be still, and there was an immediate calm. This fact is related by an eye-witness, whose probity is above all suspicion. See 'Life of Madame Guyon [wherefore today many people claim many things because of show business and money reason, believe them not so easily]... SAINT MARTIN was also funny, Lye or alkali: For example: glass, as everybody knows, is composed of a fixed alkali and a vitrifiable earth; and although the alkali has a much greater affinity to acids than to the vitrifiable earth, it would be in vain to attempt to decompose the glass by exposing it to the action of acids, because these two integral constituents have, through the action of fire, acquired so exact a proportion, and so intimate an union, that they resist all the ordinary means. To succeed, the proportions must be changed, by pulverizing the glass, then roasting it, and macerating it with cream of tartar. This alkali gradually becomes matted with the glass, the acids are then applied, and decomposition takes place, because the original proportions are altered. The acid takes up, not only the additional alkali, but even that which was before contained in the glass, and so all the saline matters are disengaged from the earth which held them prisoners. . . . I leave it to you to apply this to the intellectual verities, and your explanation will afford me great pleasure... NOMAD: it needs not to be perfectly written, but all that helps a bit for training and to make a point: As long as we see external things in this glass only, and regulate the preservation of our temporal life and our body by this view, all goes well, and the mirror remains pure; but, when our will lays hold of those images in the mirror, desires them, -- wants to unite itself with them -- and considers them its sovereign good, or is frightened by them, -- then our imagination fixes them, corporifies them, so to speak, because it is of the same temper as the mirror. This corporification covers the glass with clouds, just as if an impure breath had passed over it; and, although the sun still shines upon it, the mirror, being obscured and spotted, can only reflect the gross things of sense. It is only by looking away from these images, and fixing our attention on such parts of the mirror as are not tarnished, and ardently desiring to get to the word which shines there, that the traces of the impure breath gradually disappear [NOMAD: BOOK OF REVELATION, BEAST, ANIMAL PASSIONS, GIVES BREATH TO IT]; and by our strong will, our desire for unity, the rays of the sun become fixed, just as images of external sensible objects are fixed by our desire. Then, these rays, having become substantial, unite with and nourish our souls, and gradually enlighten them, not by this mirror only, but immediately, directly, and in all fulness... ==> NOMAD: at LC we make very fast progress, others fall way behind us...not declaring here competition but I simple know what the human psyche needs to know, and so I do also revisit this book (for the initiation, and as you have already found out, religion has fooled you, and there is a prize to pay when you have no real Master)... And when our soul then finds that, in hitherto following the road of Ascension, it has always missed its object, it concludes that this was not the right way (even though it may have been treated on the way with communications and heavenly revelations), but that the only path to arrive at Divine Wisdom and her principle, is by descending, to sink inwardly into one's own ground, and look no more without. "When the soul takes this road, and sinks into itself, then the gates of the depths of Wisdom open, and the soul is introduced into the holy eternal principle of the world of light; in the new magical earth, in which the virgin Sophia, or Divine Wisdom, shows herself, and discloses her beauties [Nomad, ascension, we may compare it with the purer air rises and becomes heaven]... But if the soul here is not sufficiently watchful, and firm enough to concentrate itself continually in its centre of nature (Centrum naturae), and, through its passive tranquillity, it do not so sink into this abyss, this chaos, out of which the new paradise is formed, as to rise again, and fly up on high, it is then in the greatest danger of being surrounded, and cruelly tempted by a crowd of innumerable spirits; from either the dark world, or from the elementary astral principle. But, in its extremity, its heavenly protector appears again, to strengthen it, and repeat and confirm its first lesson... ==> the rest you can find in the “THEOSOPHIC CORRESPONDENCE”, Saint Martin..…….. Wherefore again, when you read the THEOSOPHIC CORRESPONDENCE, Gichtel and Martin and Kirchberger, I understand simply that Sophia is its basis; if we can get her, and unite ourselves to her, we have done everything. She is the focus, the abode, the temple, the pure element in which all that we can imagine most sublime, resides in all its fulness... And about magnetism: He says this tincture produces the same effect on the part disordered as passing the hand over it. This remedy appears to me to be our modern magnetism, under a different name, and very superior in quality to that of Mesmer. But I have found no trace of somnambulism in it. If this conjecture is right, our magnetism has been known for more than a century: I have some suspicion even that Jane Lead found means to magnetize herself, and thereby enjoyed those astral manifestations which our general thought so little of. He says somewhere in his letters that "Jane Lead's works can be suitable only for women who follow the same road." All this, however, does not mean that the higher magnetism, which emanates from the will alone, may not belong to something great...Nomad: magnetism, they play also with such things; Magnetizing is the property to bring, by a person who has some more than natural, a saturation of vital energy on an organization which in A need to compensate for losses due to tiredness or a fight intensive and exhausting against the disease or other... It thus brings to the organization fresh forces, immediately usable. It is stimulative. Various methods exist, either direct (affixing of the hands...), or indirect (remote work, magnetizing of an object for protection and to influence a desire...) ==> wherefore Iam not really interested into that, and yes, some add to it that they should concentrate mentally and to strongly think of the final result ==> pray to father for wisdom… or for a gift… <ou get ti when you are ready and he will not give you scorpion!
149) For sure, someone reads my book and says, what is with people who got born with damage? My answer, this would be like someone who get Alzheimer, the body deteriorates yet beneath of it is the spiritual body or second body, which goes later with him... yea, some receive some damages, which is also a reason why many associate themselves rather with flesh and matter... yet it is also known in them that there is a principle which is superior to their sensible and corporeal part (in some way or another it is known to them, and sure, when people become too dark... not much is left regarding this inner knowing... they feel themselves only as heavy loaded and lost all discernment, and there is no depth of soul at all ==> and that the soul is intimately connected to the second body, which got proven by Jesus, because he raised the dead, the soul entered back into the body, and as we read he was still the same person... Therefore there will be some who enter the angelic heaven or the angelic order in after-life with its hierarchy and there are also some who are gods (apocalypse)… And as I have to mention now, there is some marginin the fire... for people who had opened their inner eye or those who had glimpses of whatever sort about the apocalypse but no full resurrection life...probably some of them become gods in after-life... So far I know, there is some room(margin), and I would count easily Symeon into this boat or many other... yet by comparison to the gods, the vast majority is like the sand on the beach, ya they will be in the angelic order.
150) One of my favourite texts, Jacob Boheme of HEAVEN & HELL (nuggets which are of great use for LC): The Master said, I have told you that Heaven is everywhere present; and that is true. For God is in Heaven; and God is everywhere. I have said also, that Hell must also in like Manner be everywhere; and that is true also. For the wicked One, who is the Devil, is in Hell; and the whole world, as the Apostle has taught us, lies in the wicked one, or the evil One; which is the same as saying, not only that the Devil is in the world, but also that the world is in the Devil; and if in the Devil, then in Hell too, because the Devil is there. So Hell therefore is everywhere, as well as Heaven; which is the thing that was to be proved. The Scholar, shocked at this, said, Please explain this to me. To whom the master said: Understand then what Heaven is: It is the turning of the Will to the Love of God. Wherever you find God manifesting Himself in Love, there you find Heaven, without traveling for it so much as one Foot. And you can understand by this what Hell is, and where it is, as well. I say to you, it is but turning the will into the wrath of God. Wherever the anger of God is manifest, there certainly is Hell. So it is the turning of your will either into His Love, or into His anger; and you are accordingly either in Heaven or Hell. Make certain that you understand this. And this comes to pass in this present Life, where Paul speaking, says, "Our Conversation is in Heaven." And the Lord Jesus Christ says also; " My sheep HEAR My voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and I give them the Eternal Life; and no one shall pluck them out of my Hand." Observe, He did not say, I will give this to them after this life is ended, but I give it to them now, in this life. And what else is this Gift of Christ to His Followers but an Eternity of Life; which for certain, can be nowhere else, but in Heaven. And also if Christ is in Heaven, and they who follow Him in the regeneration are in His hand, then they are where He is, and so they are in Heaven: yes, and none shall be able to pluck them out of Heaven, because it is He who holds them there, and they are in His hand which nothing can resist. All therefore does consist in the turning, or entering of our will, into Heaven, by HEARING the Voice of Christ, and both knowing Him and following Him (Nomad, to understand also the innermost letter). And so on the contrary it is also. Do you understand this? ==> WILL OF GOD: Know then, my son, that when the ground of the will yields itself up to God, then it sinks out of its own SELF, and out of, and beyond, all ground and place that is or can be imagined, into an unknown place, where God alone is manifested, and where He alone works and wills. And then it becomes nothing to itself, as to its OWN Working and Willing; and so, God works and wills in it. And God dwells in this resigned will; this is the process of sanctification, and so, the soul enters into Divine rest. Now in this case when the body breaks, the soul is thoroughly penetrated all over, with divine love, and so thoroughly illuminated with divine light, even as a glowing hot iron is by the fire, because it is thoroughly penetrated, it loses its darkness and becomes bright and shining. Now this is the hand of Christ, where God's love thoroughly inhabits the soul, and is in it, a shining light, and a new glorious life. And then the soul is in heaven, and is a temple of the Holy Ghost, and is itself the very heaven of God, wherein He dwells. Yes, this is the entering in of the will, into heaven, and also the way it comes to pass....Be pleased, sir, to proceed, said the scholar, and explain this to me a little more. The master said: The Godly soul, you see, is in the hand of Christ, that is in heaven, as He Himself has told us. But the un-Godly soul is not willing in this lifetime to come into the Divine resignation of its will, or to enter into the will of God; but goes on still in its own lust and desire, in vanity and falsehood, and so enters into the will of the Devil. It receives into itself nothing but wickedness; nothing but lying, pride, covetousness, envy, and wrath; and therefore it gives up its will and whole desire to the Devil. This is the vanity of the will; and this same vanity or vain shadow must also in like manner be manifested in the soul, which has yielded itself up to be its servant; and must work in that, even as the love of God works in the regenerated will, and penetrates in to it. And it is not possible for this soul to come into the rest of God; because God's anger is manifested in it, and works in it. Now when the body is parted from this soul, then begins the eternal despair; because it now finds that it has become altogether vanity, even a vanity most vexatious to itself, and a distracting fury, and a self-tormenting abomination. Now it perceives itself disappointed of everything which it had before imagined itself to have and be. It realizes that it is blind, naked, wounded, hungry, and thirsty; without the least prospect of ever being relieved, or obtaining so much as one drop of water of eternal life. And it feels itself to be a devil, even to itself, and to be its own vile executioner and tormentor; and is affrighted at its own ugly dark form, appearing as a most hideous and monstrous worm, and it would flee from itself, if it could, but it cannot, being bound with the chains of the dark nature, which it has sunk itself into, while in the flesh. And so not having learned nor accustomed itself to bow down to divine grace, and being also strongly possessed with the idea of God, is an angry and jealous God, the poor soul is both afraid and ashamed to bring its will into God, which is it's only deliverance....The soul is afraid to do it, as fearing to be consumed by doing it, because it sees the Lord as a devouring fire. The soul is also ashamed to do it, because it is perplexed at its own nakedness and monstrosity; and therefore it would, if it were possible, hide itself from the majesty of God, and cover its abominable form from His most holy eye, though by casting itself still deeper into the darkness, it will not enter into God; no, it cannot enter with its false will; even though it strives to enter, yet it cannot enter into the love, because of the will which has reigned in it. For such a soul is captivated in the wrath; yes, and is itself, nothing more than wrath, having by its false desire, which it has awakened in itself, comprehended and shut itself up with this wrath, and so transformed itself into the nature and property of wrath. And since the light of God does not shine in it, nor the love of God persuade it, the soul is a great darkness, and is an anxious source of fire, carrying about a hell within itself, and not being able to discern the least glimpse of the light of God, or to feel the least spark of His love. Thus it dwells in itself, as in hell, and does not need to enter into hell, or be carried there; for in whatever place it may be, so long as it is in itself, it is in the hell. And though it should travel far, and cast itself a hundred thousand miles from its present place, to be out of hell; yet it would still remain in this hellish source and darkness...But in that you also ask, why the souls, which are without God, feel hell in this world? I answer; they bear it about with them in their wicked consciences, but they do not know it; because the world has put out their eyes, and its deadly cup has cast them into a sleep, a very fatal sleep. Notwithstanding, it must be admitted that the wicked do frequently feel hell within themselves during the time of this mortal life, though they may not apprehend that it is hell, because of the earthly vanity which cleaves to them from without, and the sensible pleasures and amusements with which they are intoxicated. And also it is to be noted, that the outward life in every one such as these, still has the light of the outward nature, which rules in that life; and so the pain of hell cannot, so long as that has rule, be totally revealed. But when the body dies or breaks away, so that the soul cannot enjoy such temporal pleasure and delights any longer, nor the light of this outward world, which has at this time been totally extinguished to it; then the soul shall stand in an eternal hunger and thirst after such vanities as it was in love with here, in this life, but it can reach nothing, but that false will, which it had impressed in itself while in the body; and in which it thrived, to its great loss. And now because it had too much of its will in this life, and yet with all of this, it was still not contented with it, it now, after this separation by death, as it did then, have none of it; and this continual lusting, creates in it an everlasting thirst after that which it can from now on, never obtain, and causes it to be in a perpetual, anxious lust after vanity, according to its former life, and in a continual rage of hunger after those sorts of wicked and lewd things, where it was immersed, while in the flesh. It would do more evil still, but it has nothing to do evil with, left to it; and therefore it does perform this one thing only in itself. All is now internally transacted, as if it were outward; and so the un-Godly soul is tormented by these furies which are in his own mind, and brought upon himself by himself. For he is in truth become his own Devil and tormentor; and that in the very things, in which he sinned here while on earth. When the shadow of this world is passed away, it abides with him still in the impression, and is made his prison and his hell. But this hellish hunger and thirst cannot is not manifested to the soul, until the body which ministered to the soul the things which it lusts after, and with which the soul was so bewitched, is stripped off from it. I perceive then, said Junius to his master, That the soul having been shameless, and having served all of the lusts during this life, retains still the very same inclinations and affections which it had before; so that when it has no more opportunity nor capacity to satisfy them; and when it finds that it cannot, then hell will open in that soul, which before had been shut up, by means of the outward life in the body, and of the light of this world. Do I rightly understand? Theophorus said, you understand correctly... In their own principle, answered the master, whether it be of light or of darkness. For every created intellectual being remains in its deeds and essences, in its wonders and properties, in its life and image; and therein it beholds and feels God, as being everywhere, whether it be in love, or in wrath. If it is in the love of God, then it beholds God accordingly, as He is love. But if it has captivated itself in the wrath of God, then it cannot behold God otherwise than in the wrathful nature, nor perceive Him otherwise than as an incensed and vindictive spirit. All places are alike to it, if it is in God's love; and if it is not there, every place is hell. And where should I pray for it to go? Since if it should go a thousand miles off, or a thousand times ten thousand miles, and this ten thousand times over, beyond the bounds of the universe, and into the imaginary spaces above the stars, yet it is still in the very same point from where it started. For God is the place of Spirit; if it may be lawful to attribute to Him such a name, to which the body has a relation: and in God there is no limit; both near and far off, is the same; and if it is in His love, or in His anger, the will of the spirit is altogether unconfined. It is swift as thought, passing through all things; it is magical, and nothing corporeal or from without can obstruct it; it dwells in its wonders, and they, are its house... The master here said: The same is true of every soul, when it departs this mortal life: and it is true in like manner of every angel, or spirit; which is necessarily determined by its own choice. As God is everywhere, so also the angels are everywhere; but each one is in its own principle, or in its own place. The same essence of God, which is a place of spirits, is confessed to be everywhere; but the appropriation, or participation is different to everyone, according to what each of them has attracted by their will. The same divine essence, which is with the angels of God above, is with us also below: and the same divine nature, which is with us, is likewise with them; but in a different manner and degree. And what I have said here of the divine, is no less to be considered by you in the participation of the diabolical essence and nature, which is the power of darkness, as to the various modes, degrees, and appropriations of it, in the false will. In this world there is strife between them: but when this world has reached an end for any one them, then the principle catches that which is its own: and so the soul receives companions according to what they choose, either angels or devils... The master answered: Wherever you do not dwell to your self, and to your own will, there the holy angels dwell with you, and everywhere all over round and about you. Remember this well. On the contrary, where you dwell to yourself, in self-seeking, and self-will, there you may be sure, the devils will be with you, and will take up their abode with you, and dwell all over you, and round about you everywhere. [NOMAD = FACT!!!, AND EASTERN PHILOSOPHY FOOLS YOU, CUT OFF YOUR RIGHT ARM, YOU HAVE NOT BECOME ANOTHER PERSON BECAUSE OF THAT (onr changed the supernal vibrational level), YOU LEAVE WITH YOUR SOUL!!!] The master spoke again: Mark well what I am going to say. Where the will of God in anything wills, there is God manifested; and in this very manifestation of God, the angels dwell. But where God in any creature is not allowed to will, with the will of that creature, there God is not manifested to it, neither can he be; but dwells in Himself, without the co-operation and subjection of the creature to Him in humility. There God is an un-manifested God to the creature. So the angels do not dwell with such a one; for wherever they dwell, there is the glory of God. What then dwells in such a creature as this? God does not dwell there; the angels do not dwell there; and where God does not will, the angels also do not will. The case is evidently this, in that soul or creature its own will is without God's will, and there the Devil dwells; and with him all that is without God, and without Christ. This is the truth; hide it in your heart... darkness, which consists in the receiving of self-desire: and light, which consists in willing the same thing with God. For in the conformity of the will, with God's will, is heaven; and wherever there is this willing with God, there the love of God is undoubtedly in the working, and His light will not fail to manifest itself. But in the self-attraction of the soul's desire of any spirit, angelical or human, the will of God, works only with difficultly, and is to that soul or spirit nothing but darkness; out of which, notwithstanding, the light may be manifested. And this darkness is the hell of that spirit wherein it is. For heaven and hell are nothing else but a manifestation of the divine will either in light or darkness, according to the properties of the spiritual world. FIRE TEST a kindling of the fire both of God's love and anger, in which the matter of every substance perishes, and each fire shall attract into itself its own, that is, the substance that is like itself: thus God's fire of love will draw into it whatever is born in the love of God, in which also it shall burn after the manner of love, and yield itself into that substance. But the torment will draw into itself what is wrought in the anger of God in darkness, and consume the false substance; and then there will remain only the painful aching will in its own proper nature, image and figure. And to ADD, STARS DIFFER STILL IN GLORY: Master. The scripture says, "Such as the people are, such is their God." and in another place," with the holy you are holy, and with the perverse you are perverse." and Paul says, "in the resurrection one shall differ from another in glory, as do the sun, moon, and stars." therefore know, that the blessed shall indeed, all enjoy the divine working in and upon them; but their virtue, and illumination or glory, shall be very different, according as they have been endued in this life with different measures and degrees of power and virtue in their painful working. For the painful working of the creature in this lifetime is the opening and begetting of divine power, by which that power is made movable and operative. Now those who have worked with Christ in this lifetime, and not in the lust of the flesh, shall have great power and transcendent glorification in and upon them. But others, who have only expected, and relied upon, an imputed satisfaction, and in the meanwhile have served their belly-God, and yet at last have turned, and obtained grace; those, I say, shall not attain to so high a degree of power and illumination. So that there will be as great a degree of difference between them, as is between the sun, moon and stars; or between the flowers of the field in their varieties of beauty, power, and virtue... ==> THE LAKE OF FIRE is the final separation.. HIGHEST DEGREE OF HEARING (if you will, we can call it SUPERFRUIT of the Spirit): When thou standest still from the Thinking of SELF, and the Willing of SELF; when both thy Intellect and Will are quiet and passive to the Impressions of the Eternal Word and Spirit; when thy Soul is winged up, and above that which is temporal with the outward Senses and the Imagination being locked up by Holy Abstraction; then the Eternal Hearing, Seeing, and Speaking will be revealed IN THEE; and so God heareth and seeth through thee, being now the Organ of His Spirit; and so God speaketh in thee, and whispereth to thy Spirit, and thy Spirit heareth his Voice. Blessed art thou therefore if that thou canst stand still from SELF-Thinking and SELF-Willing, and canst stop the Wheel of thy Imagination and Senses; for it is hereby that thou mayest arrive at Length to see the great Salvation of God, being made capable of all Manner of Divine Sensations and Heavenly Communications...Thou must learn to distinguish well betwixt the Thing, and that which only is an Image thereof; betwixt that Sovereignty which is substantial, and in the inward Ground or Nature, and that which is imaginary, and in an outward Form, or Semblance; betwixt that which is properly Angelical, and that which is no more than bestial. If thou rulest now over the Creatures externally only, and not from the right internal Ground of thy renewed Nature; then thy Will and Ruling is verily in a bestial Kind or Manner, and thine at best is but a Sort of imaginary and transitory Government, being void of that which is substantial and permanent, the which only thou art to desire and press after. Thus by thy outwardly Lording it over the Creatures, it is most easy for thee to lose the Substance and the Reality, while thou hast nought remaining but the Image or Shadow only of thy first and original Lordship; wherein thou art made capable to be again invested, if thou wouldest be but wise, and takest thy Investiture from the Supreme Lord in the right Course and Manner. Whereas by thy willing and ruling thus after a bestial Manner, thou bringest also thy Desire into a bestial Essence, by which Means thou becomest infected and captivated therein, and gettest therewith a bestial Nature and Condition of Life. But if thou shalt have put off the bestial and ferine Nature, and if thou hast left the imaginary Life, and quitted the low imaged Condition of it; then art thou come into the Super-Imaginariness, and into the intellectual Life, which is a State of living above Images, Figures and Shadows [beastly glass]. And so thou rulest over all Creatures, being reunited with thine Original, in that very Ground or Source, out of which they were and are created; and henceforth Nothing on Earth can hurt thee. For thou art like all Things and Nothing is unlike thee...==> THE REST MY READER you can read the letter: TWO DIALOGOUS Jacob Boehme between Master and Disciple (or also called SUPERSENSUAL LIFE: DIALOGUE 1 & 2) ==> this shall be a very inspiring TEXT to you, study it deeply... and therefore forsake Babel religion entirely, and the only thing which you should not misunderstand, that is in English translation the I-HOOD against which Jacobs speaks, this is a wrong translation or not good enough explained by him... you must understand that he puts on one side the I-HOOD (as selfishness, self-hood) and on the other side we have the ETERNAL IAM IN GOD in the manner as I explained to you the ETERNAL IAM (Nomad) in GOD = by the grace of God IAM what IAM (eye of the kingdom) ==>>> THE ADEPTS OF LC WILL ADVANCE VERY FAST (just this revisited book will be a milestone to them, and that is far not the end of the story)
151) but Nomad why has Jacob not taught reincarnation? Ya, you can read it between the lines… soul image and which element is overriding, Zodiak… and etc… and the insider knows that the word resurrection is also used for re-birth… and he used other texts which mention reincarnation… and the same stuff got even said about Swedenborg yet those who teach today about Swedenborg will not see it… Reincarnation was for a long time only something which should be explained to the mature… yet at LC, now we change that… and yes, you can also believe that Jacob did not believe in reincarnation… wherefore in the apocalypse chapter I will show the biblical proof and etc., it will become very clear to you… you should prepare yourself for that… And we have to change that because this revelation is bit stronger meat...and I have no doubt that ~90 percent of my kids seek the higher life quality… we are in another season and ya, it will be hard for many to accept it… but you know it, I know it… and churches are empty… the old stuff does no longer work… now we become holistic and also Enoch prophesied it… and we learn more secrets about creation… yet in Austria I do not say that Catholics have to vanish, no… as already explained, Iam not the one who is there at marriage, funeral, or teaches all kids, gives them songs… or regarding some traditions which are good for society etc… and I do also accept it when Catholics don’t like my teaching… yet we have free religious speech in Austria… for otherwise I could also just burn the Freemason down in Austria or.. whoever, because all this order claim that… we have religious speech yet we know that it is also much about influence… and friendships… but more so in USA… a bit less here… and no, I was never in such an order… but its speaks around...Nomad, you said, I have to make them one head shorter… Ya, this is my speech… spiritual… their folly brain need to plunge into the water… you will only understand it later… apocalypse chapter… and I said, Iam only about defence (any physical attack)… the most common sense we use here… And yes, the seven Spirits governing wheel brings blessing even to the ground or to the earth. We live today in another time... and when it is not about Pharisee religion... most people like the idea of liberation... its not like that we have religious boxes here... you must do this or that... again, we cannot compare it to Pharisee time... and that is fantastic, we got over that... Catholic need a revival… Iam not the problem… in Austria… it was over before I teach that book… And rather the only one who could see me as a thread is the system (and maybe some order… like I speak to openly… but this is not my business… I was never in any order and Jacob and all other sages I have on my side)... And I said... correspondences... same with science... wherefore I do not explain it because I fear anyone... no, its simple how I see it… And Iam nto really a thread to the system because of my holistic approach yet some of the elite will gte maybe angry, not everyone, but some special fools!!! And the apocalypse is in one side more far away, it sounds strange... but on the other side it is not really far away, that you may recognize by the way I write... Iam not so much different ==> and the images we simple must receive… and then we have also the language… it becomes clear to us… it needs the opening of the souls eye
152) I explain it to you, make your own opinion about it. The big ego (not childlike) always tries to fool you like you loose something and the same we can say about this many muddy emotions in humanity and they will say: You live in superparadise, also that gets boring or is even more boring because you do not have this ups and downs in life like we have it! My answer to that: yes, we have ecstasy, but you must understand that we receive all the impressions in a much bigger clarity and immensity and we have this interconnectedness to all things around us and we have enough adventure… and also different supernal emotions are displayed... And we still communicate with other animals or humans or... and we have this diversity yet we have also immortal mind (and fear is gone or even any fear that we can loose something, for we have nothing brought into this world, we live Isness or eternal now)
153) Ya, we have it to do with the left, the dark or unconscious side of our being… and the soul shall also heal, the return of the extracted soul forces… step by step… also with the help of dreams etc,…. and like a reconfiguration... the new breed. And what says Nomad during his online writing? Revelation 16:12, the water gets further dried up and so they prepare the way for the kings from the EAST (from the rising of the sun) ==> Nomads ministry symbol will not fail nor the book of revelation MOVIE (all symbols get clarified and the science, new earth etc.) ==> or to say it in another way, the greater revelation draws the cloud with him... and the cloud moves. ==> wherefore about a Symbol, this is also another form of language (so also we have symbol and words as Hebrew letter). And my ministry symbol has more power then you believe... even when not yet perfected (perfected only in the revisited book which my reader reads now)... CHECK: Iam the little monster, like this little Gollum in the movie Lord of the rings... WE WANTS IT... WE NEEDS IT... MASTER SHOULD BE RESTING...MUST HAVE THE PRECIOUS... THEY STOLE IT FROM US... O and what would I do to get it... so also Martin, the worm, the little monster spectacle...Nomad... where are you? Let me check once and for all if this ring can make me invisible before the great dragon… Lesson: in Austria often people say, hey boy, you are young, you have energy... come, help me here... and I say... you should preserve that energy... and I show you the fastest way, and therefore take it not for granted (like you cannot loose your energy) but preserve it, and rather learn it all via my book and go higher still... And you have also another problem today: Pulled to and fro between realism and the digital revolution. [do not let your handy become your god or any virtual reality... use it only when you really need it, or it must be handled in a right way, then it can serve you and otherwise you become too dumb… therefore balance…]...And it is clear, no one can read Job 18 without my book and you have even the skin issue mentioned in this chapter (Job 18:5, 13, 14). And for sure also the tabernacle got mentioned. Job and Nomad, Job did know the stone. And Job 18:4, 5 remembers us to the dark fire, and we read that the rock is removed from its place... counted as beasts? I get everywhere confirmed ==> And I know, because of the doctrine of longevity, some await the coming of Mahdi [for which I do not fit because it is not about an Islamic state], and others want to see the avatar of age of Aquarius by which many different beliefs exists, like for example Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi taught: The Aquarian Age is pre-eminently a spiritual age, and the spiritual side of the great lessons that Jesus gave to the world may now be comprehended by multitudes of people, for the many are now coming into an advanced stage of spiritual consciousness; so with much propriety this book is called The Aquarian (or Spiritual) Gospel of Jesus, the Christ. ==> which makes rather a good fit for them... and also others want to see the coming of the golden age, and they use for it: Isaiah 2:2,3,4.... And so they say: the gospel described the beginning of the Aquarian (= the one that bears the pitcher of water) Age as follows: "And then the man who bears the pitcher will walk across an arc of heaven. The sign and signet of the Son of man stands forth in the eastern sky. The wise will then lift up their heads and know that the redemption of the earth is near" (157.29,30.) And the accompanying footnote explained: "From the beginning of this age, i.e. from this moment on, more and more people will try to understand the spirit of the Gospel instead of merely following its text. When the largest part of the human race has been penetrated by this spirit, to which this book makes its contribution, mankind will undoubtedly be in the Aquarian Age ==> but I agree with that one, that is, MORE PEOPLE WILL UNDERSTAND THE SPIRIT OF THE GOSPEL ==> this is a good term: the SPIRIT OF THE GOSPEL
154) We are also called a cloud of great light (in the apocalypse)... and some ancient text show us that there were some generations who did dwell in a knowledge of imperishability [also Jacob said that, it is like with some legends... that such people or tribes existed long ago] ==> so also in the apocalypse of Adam we read: They will come upon that land where the great men will be who have not been defiled, nor will be defiled, by any desire. For their soul did not come from a defiled hand, but it came from a great commandment of an eternal angel. Then fire and sulphur and asphalt will be cast upon those men, and fire and (blinding) mist will come over those aeons, and the eyes of the powers of the illuminators will be darkened, and the aeons will not see them in those days. And great clouds of light will descend, and other clouds of light will come down upon them from the great aeons. Abrasax and Sablo and Gamaliel will descend and bring those men out of the fire and the wrath, and take them above the aeons and the rulers of the powers, and take them away [...] of life [...] and take them away [...] aeons [...] dwelling place of the great [...] there, with the holy angels and the aeons. The men will be like those angels, for they are not strangers to them. But they work in the imperishable seed...Once again, for the third time, the illuminator of knowledge will pass by in great glory, in order to leave (something) of the seed of Noah and the sons of Ham and Japheth - to leave for himself fruit-bearing trees. And he will redeem their souls from the day of death. For the whole creation that came from the dead earth will be under the authority of death. But those who reflect upon the knowledge of the eternal God in their heart(s) will not perish. For they have not received spirit from this kingdom alone, but they have received (it) from a [...] eternal angel. [...] illuminator [...] will come upon [...] that is dead [...] of Seth. And he will perform signs and wonders in order to scorn the powers and their ruler... ==> the whole orthodoxy is wrong because long ago existed many people as imperishable seed on this planet, whenever that was, and in the Bible only some names are mentioned like Enoch who did leave the earth... ==> The divine ocean confirmed: “the first book of Adam and Eve”, also called: “the conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan”: ON the third day, God planted the garden in the east of the earth, on the border of the world eastward, beyond which, towards the sun-rising, one finds nothing but water, that encompasses the whole world, and reaches unto the borders of heaven. [and Adam pushed to the west]… Further: Paul has not attained the full resurrection and nor had he fully explained the STONE and nor will I follow him in all things blindly... and similar an imperishable seed existed already on this planet... wherefore how many we do not know... And Paul makes a statement about faith in Hebrews 4... and some people allowed it to be tortured etc. to receive a better resurrection yet in the same breath Paul mentions a Samson or Gideon or David... and as we know, some of them were directly in war involved... so it seems not that Paul makes here a big difference... the Bible about which you say that it is infallible… ya, he even says, whose weakness was turned into strength, conquered kingdoms... And every Babel Dominion prophet, dominion theology (who wants to achieve it with violence) could use that... And ya, even his writing is confusing or absurd because he also says: All these people were still living by faith when they died (but Enoch did not die, whom he also mentioned)... or maybe someone has something messed up in the letters from Paul... I do not know... CHECK IT ALSO WITH HEBREWS 11:5 ENOCH WAS TRANSLATED (metetethe: transported – exchanged) ==> ... and this few letters from the Bible... THIS IS NOT ENOUGH!!!… WE are more sober... we will receive the unadulated revelation.... we will have the STONE... and further western religion cannot understand anything via the dead letter, so in that sense it is not even so important:-)… ==> AMERICAN RELIGION, THEY ARE LIKE PARROTS, WHO KNOW NOTHING (know not the stone) and who cannot think for themselves and for sure I tell you one thing, they (including eastern religion) do not tell me something about righteousness, and for example if I should protect a little child or if I should just let the child be raped by other humans (as some believe, this is the way, just martyrdom, orthodox teacher)… I say, this fools have nothing to say, they speak just GARBAGE!!!.... and look at the nonsense in the OT about Sodom (Genesis 19, you can do what you like with them) and etc., Lots daughter... so Lot had not enough stamina, so he gave the daughters to be raped (and maybe killed)... and now all say, this is righteousness (prophetic parrots)... as I said, they are senseless parrots, and if David would had been in Sodom and had killed them or whatever... then they would change again their opinion... therefore, they are religious fools ==> and we do not even fully know who was the author of Hebrews. And this religious people in their councils even had quarrel if the book of revelation should be excluded and other people wanted not Hebrews... nothing but a joke, this “Bible only” teaching. And ya, others wanted the shepherd of Hermas instead of the book of revelation in the bible. [and the book of wisdom they also excluded] ==> and nor do I put Paul above Hermes (some texts from him), Paul needs to prove more to me, regarding the knowledge about the Stone... and when we look only upon the STONE, then Jacob is higher then Paul ==> not that we compare like who is better, but we speak about teaching...
155) You Austrians, when something runs good for you, then you say: AUF WOLKE SIEBEN SCHWEBEN (im siebten Himmel) Do we get that right here? learn the deeper meaning of it!!! … ==> Further, and healthy out-look on who is a cattle (general), that we must have, wherefore this has nothing to with looking down on others, we just see it, there is no maturity in some people. And it is not just about the family and growing up and circumstances… as and also parents have for example three kids yet only one kid is simple more in animal passions... ==> wherefore for sure, we must avoid to call anyone directly cattle, and yes, even Jesus said things like: Matthew 15:21 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs”... and we should always acknowledge that everyone can make some progress. AND YES we know that in Austria, when something does really not fit, people say: DU BIST EIN KOMPLETTES RINDVIEH (maybe useless even to talk to him), DU FALSCHER HUND (maybe malice), MÄNNER SIND SCHWEINE (maybe adultery or maybe simple not in all things trustworthy, ande SAUDUMM as we say, wherefore a pig seems still to have a bit more developed conscience and etc., he falls still in remorse, and some people just seek only their own benefit and some people are like psychic vampires). Further, a statement like this one from a so called American prophets: Never has there been a more important time for the prophetic ministry to rise. Extraordinary grace and anointing are being poured out, and the body of Christ needs them like never before. The Lord is calling all of us ==> do they really change people in an extraordinary way and what was with his prophetic gift the last 4 years? And therefore, we must have at least some categorization, it is nothing else then overhyped marketing and complete foolishness, and I wonder why they can even stand still upright but this is the society in which we live today, they lost reality and they still believe that we welcome them in the upper league… THEREFORE, BEHOLD THEIR GREAT WORDS IN USA… it is just such a dumb show!!!... And further, we have SKLAVE DER GERECHTIGKEIT (someone who seems to be friendly and not puffed up, wears not really any bigger mask, a bit more open minded (einfältiges Herz) and just wants to do things right, like naturally)... Now, recapitulated: when people realize a bigger injustice or whatever, ok, the conscience speaks in them and they say, Iam not like you and you are this or that...yet we should avoid to be primitive vulgar or to get attached… so what I say, its not so problematic and it does also matter if we ourselves just get more angry and angry or not… but yes, IDIOTS EXIST!!!… therefore, we are not stupid religious at LC!!!… and sometimes some words fail… again, common sense... And further, as little addendum, when you are more interested in poetic words, you can read Mechthild of Magdeburg, she was not good in writing down the divine vision but she had some nice poetic words…
156) In ZOSTRIANOS we read: When he had said this [to me], I very quickly and very gladly went up with him to a great light-cloud. I cast my body upon the earth to be guarded by glories. I was rescued from the whole world and the thirteen aeons in it and their angelic beings. They did not see us, but their archon was disturbed at [our] passage, for the light-cloud [...] it is better than every [worldly ...] one. Its beauty is ineffable. With strength it provides light [guiding] pure spirits as a spirit-savior and an intellectual word, [not] like those in the world [...] with changeable matter and an upsetting word... Then I knew that the power in me was set over the darkness because it contained the whole light. I was baptized there, and I received the image of the glories there. I became like one of them. I left the airy-[earth] and passed by the copies of the aeons, after washing there seven times [in] living [water], once for each [of the] aeons. I did not cease until [I saw] all the waters. I ascended to the Exile which really exists. I was baptized and [...] world. I ascended to the Repentance which really exists [and was] baptized there four times. I passed by the sixth aeon. I ascended to the [...] I stood there after having seen light from the truth which really exists, from its self-begotten root, and great angels and glories, [...] number.... It is the water of Existence [which] belongs to Divinity, the Kalyptos... [...] and the power is with the Essence and Existence of Being, when the water exists... He can learn of Kalyptos through the powers of the spirit from whom they have come forth in a far better revelation of the Invisible Spirit. And by means of thought which now is in silence and by First Thought (he learns) of the Triple Powerful Invisible Spirit, since there is then a report and power of silence which is purified in a life-giving spirit. (It is) perfect and [...] perfect and all-perfect.... Therefore, he bears many forms. When he turns aside, he comes into being seeking those things that do not exist. When he falls down to them in thought and knows them in another way because he is powerless, unless perhaps he is enlightened, he becomes a product of nature. Thus he comes down to birth because of it and is speechless because of the pains and infiniteness of matter (NOMAD: REINCARNATION, bound, captivity). Although he possesses an eternal and immortal power, he is bound within the [movement] of the body. He is [made] alive and is bound [always] within cruel, cutting bonds by every evil breath, until he [acts] again and begins again to come to his senses.... Therefore, powers are appointed for their salvation, and each one of them is in the world. Within the self-begotten ones corresponding to each of the [aeons] stand glories so that one who is in the [world] might be safe beside them. The glories are perfect thoughts appearing in powers. They do not perish because they [are] models for salvation [by] which each one is saved. He receives a model (and) strength from each of them, and with the glory as a helper he will thus pass out from the world [and the aeons ...].... When he had said these things, he told me about all of those in the self-begotten aeons. They were all eternal Lights, perfect because they were perfected individually. I saw corresponding to each one of the aeons a living earth, a living water, [air made] of light and a fire [that] cannot burn, because all of [them ...] are simple and immutable, simple and eternal [living beings], having [...] of many kinds, trees of many kinds that do not perish, [also] tares of this sort and all of these: imperishable fruit, living men and every species, immortal souls, every form and species of mind, true gods, angels existing in great glory, an indissoluable body, an unborn birth and an immovable perception... The [whole] Spirit, perfect, simple and invisible, has become singleness in Existence and activity and a simple triple-[power], an invisible spirit, an image of that which really exists... But an erring multitude I awakened saying, "Know those who are alive and the holy seed of Seth. Do not [show] disobedience to me. [Awaken] your divine part to God, and as for your sinless elect soul, strengthen it. Behold death here and seek the immutable ingenerateness, the [Father] of everything. He invites you, while they reprove you. Although they ill-treat you, he will not abandon you. Do not baptize yourselves with death nor entrust yourselves to those who are inferior to you instead of to those who are better. (NOMAD, VERY IMPORTANT yet today I have to write more openly!!!, another season)... Release yourselves, and that which has bound you will be dissolved. Save yourselves so that your soul may be saved. The kind Father has sent you the Savior and given you strength. Why are you hesitating? Seek when you are sought; when you are invited, listen, for time is short. Do not be led astray. The aeon of the aeons of the living ones is great, yet (so also is) the [punishment] of those who are unconvinced [Nomad: heaven and hell is also in man]. Many bonds and chastisers surround you. Flee quickly before death reaches you. Look at the Light. Flee the Darkness. Do not be led astray to your destruction ==> and yes, if you cant wait, you can read the first 14 points about reincarnation in the apocalypse/symbols chapter… yet go still chapter by chapter regarding this book… because one thing leads to another
157) ==> mirror: passion, hatred and delusion were to be extinguished, to blow out the desire, to receive the infinite treasure, the extinguishing of a flame – dark fire (delusion), Nirvana is used synonymously with moksha (Sanskrit), vimoksha, vimutti (Pali), "release, deliverance from suffering, Ceto-vimutti, freedom of mind; it is the qualified freedom from suffering, Pañña-vimutti, freedom through understanding (prajña, the absence of craving” (trsnaksaya), “detachment“ = communion with all things, in God - the all – womb, "beyond time and spatial location” = eternal space – roundabout, non-reactiveness = not circumstance shaken, one completely liberated through final knowledge. And yes, we have explained that there are different souls, they have different qualities, and so everyone has his individual higher self, yet, for sure, deeply penetrated in Christ. [we get rid of all the personal ballast (and weaknesses, animal passions) and we must overcome and...] ==> What is the unconditioned element (asankhata dhatu)? It is the cessation of (animal) passion, the cessation of hatred and the cessation of delusion. Wherefore the Theravada tradition identifies four progressive stages. The first three lead to favorable rebirths in more pleasant realms of existence, while the last culminates in nirvana as an Arahat who is a fully awakened person. The first three are reborn because they still have some of the fetters, while arhat has abandoned all ten fetters and, upon death will never be reborn in any realm or world, having wholly escaped saṃsār ===> wherefore about innumerable worlds, it is not fit for us to think that we know them all, yet we make some categorizations... and this planet, new earth is like a crown for us... Nirvana is the highest positive experience of happiness (bliss) and the pure land or abode of the immortals ==> Vana means bondage and nir means separation. As it is separation from bondage, it is called nirvana. Vana means all discomforts of life and death and nir means passing beyond. As it passes beyond all discomforts of life and death, it is called nirvana ==> when you say: Buddhahood is the state of an awakened being, who, having found the path of cessation of dukkha ("suffering", as created by attachment to desires and distorted perception and thinking) is in the state of "No-more-Learning", then you mean, you have received the ultimate knowledge (others call it the knowledge of the son, or the stone). Thus gone, thus come (Skt: tathāgata) Worthy one (Skt: arhat) Perfectly self-enlightened (Skt: samyak-saṃbuddha) Perfected in knowledge and conduct (Skt: vidyā-caraṇa-saṃpanna ) Well gone (Skt: sugata) Knower of the world (Skt: lokavida) Unsurpassed (Skt: anuttara) Leader of persons to be tamed (Skt: puruṣa-damya-sārathi) Teacher of the gods and humans (Skt: śāsta deva-manuṣyāṇaṃ) The Blessed One or fortunate one (Skt: bhagavat) ==>>> 1) A Buddha must predict that another person will attain Buddhahood in the future. [Nomad, already done, new earth, let there not be quarrel, I just predict more immortals, when the cycle fits]. 2) A Buddha must inspire somebody else to strive for Buddhahood [my revisited book and...] 3) A Buddha must convert all whom he must convert. 4) A Buddha must live at least three-quarters of his potential lifespan. 5) A Buddha must have clearly defined what are good deeds and what are evil deeds [Nomad: this comes later, satsang, 6) A Buddha must appoint two of his disciples as his chief disciples. 7) A Buddha must descend from Tavatimsa Heaven after teaching his mother [I know the number 33]. 8) A Buddha must hold an assembly at Lake Anavatapta (The name Anavatapta means "heat-free"; the waters of the lake were thought to be able to soothe the fires that torment beings, lying south of Perfume Mountain, Lake Anavatapta is said to be 800 in circumference and bordered by gold, silver, and precious stones. Four rivers issued from the lake ==> the four rivers are the 4 Elements. 9) A Buddha must bring his parents to the Dhamma [Nomad, there must be a deeper meaning about parents, maybe male and female, sun and moon]. 10) A Buddha must have performed the great Miracle at Savatthi [I know the STONE]... SURELY, TEST NOMAD ==> In the Pāli Canon, Gautama Buddha is known as being a "teacher of the gods and humans", superior to both the gods and humans in the sense of having nirvana or the greatest bliss, whereas the devas, or gods, are still subject to anger, fear and sorrow [Nomad, their interpretation, regarding gods, yet I like also the term Buddha – awakened one, enlightened one, awake O sleeper]. In the Madhupindika Sutta (MN 18), Buddha is described in powerful terms as the Lord of the Dhamma (Pali: Dhammasami, skt.: Dharma Swami) and the bestower of immortality. [I know the sacred river]. And the TRIKAYA (three bodies) is known to me, and I just called it: mental body (by which the ocean of causes is known, in the first matrix, like the myriads of bubbles in the ocean, by which we call him almighty father, wherefore the rainbow are the seven Spirits), spirit body (body of bliss, infinite consciousness, non dual, the wheel, individual integrated according to power, according to original capacity, comprehensive insight into nature, communion with all things, wherefore others may have also a second body but they do not know the first matrix), and for sure we have this physical emanation ==> and yes, Śarīra is a generic term referring to Buddhist relics, although in common usage it usually refers to pearl!!!!!!! or crystal-like!!!!!!! bead-shaped objects that are purportedly found among the cremated ashes!!!!!!! of Buddhist spiritual masters... Some believe that śarīras are deliberately left by the consciousness of a master for veneration, and that the beauty of the śarīras depends on how well the masters had cultivated their mind!!!!!!! and souls!!!!!!. Śarīra come in a variety of colours, and some are even translucent!!!!!!!.... Sariras are typically displayed in a glass bowl!!!!!!! inside small gold urns or stupas (hemispherical)!!!!!!! as well as enshrined inside the master's statue. NOMAD: WHO AM I, TELL ME, where do you find the round crystal palace??? HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN THE OIL? Where is it?
158) There is also a question about the Ten commandment: Since men were permitted to have multiple wives, adultery was interpreted to consist of sexual relations between a man and a married or betrothed woman who was not his wife. A man who had sexual relations with a woman who was not married or betrothed was not guilty of adultery, per se, but the man was then obligated to marry the woman and not divorce her until the end of his life... Jewish writers promoted conjugal sexuality, they were tolerant of extramarital sexual relationships between slaveholders and enslaved women... Jewish virtual library: The extramarital intercourse of a married man is not per se a crime in biblical or later Jewish law. This distinction stems from the economic aspect of Israelite marriage: the wife was the husband's possession, and adultery constituted a violation of the husband's exclusive right to her; the wife, as the husband's possession, had no such right to him. Adultery is prohibited in the Decalogue (Ex. 20:13; Deut. 5:17), where it is listed between murder and theft (cf. Jer. 7:9; Ezek. 16:38; Hos. 4:2; Ps. 50:18; Prov. 6:30 ff.; Job 24:14–15) among offenses against one's fellow... The master of a female Hebrew slave has the option to marry her either to himself or to his son (with her consent). If he (or his son) does marry her, it is not his right, but in fact his obligation to have relations with her, since a husband is obligated to have relations with his wife (Exodus 21:10; Maimonides, Laws of Slaves, 4:7-8). ==> so it seems this had also much to do with property and rather to take care about the woman...Nomad, what do you say about marriage? Answer, marriage should be kept and to avoid quarrel (or better, to avoid outbursts of anger, because this are animal features and it is not good for a child when they really scream on each other all day long). Marriage is important because the protection feeling for child is given only from those who really bring up that child... and a child should have parent, only that is really healthy, that is, the female and male aspect. Yet, someone will argue, the mother marries another person and that father will also take care about this child like it would be his own... Answer, I do not think so. Wherefore about soul ties and sex...and passions... I cannot tell you... how much this plays into it. And fact is, a woman is feminine and she has features which only she can fulfil for a child… therefore don’t misunderstand me because of the energies… and yes, still woman and man get perfected with the energies... QUESTION NOMAD, how do we avoid the CHAIN OF OBLIVION? Answer, learn everything about the STONE...
159) QUESTION: Nomad, you want to achieve BUDDHAHOOD (POINT 157) and that is everything what you have to accomplish? Answer, first of all BUDDHAHOOD is just another term… just translate it and you will figure it out and no, this is not everything, and I have made a list in POINT 15, apocalypse/symbols chapter, everything which is mentioned in this text, all that I have to achieve… and no, you don’t need to worry… I said… there is a margin for other people yet in my case as “forerunner”… I must have the answers… and not just that, also the BOOK OF REVELATION – FLUID DYNAMICS and symbols I should know… and reveal… and that I have the status what can be called: IAM THE APOCALYPSE
160) QUESTION, what happens with the body in such a hard smash? Simple on the limit, any little wound will leave a dark spot on the skin (and that dark spot does not go away)… but what that means I don’t know, and now its so or so much better… that should no longer be the case… CHECK: THE VINE and the BRANCH is SPIRAL, so also ascension.
161) ES IS NOCH KEIN MEISTER VOM HIMMEL GEFALLEN - Wer jetzt Angst bekommen hat ('Das schaffe ich nie!') sollte diese am schnellsten wieder vergessen. Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen und wir mussten auch erst alles lernen. Traut euch einfach!"; "Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen“ ==> important LESSON for you, translate it and learn it ==> It is I who bear witness that it was ludicrous, since the archons do not know that it is an ineffable union of undefiled truth, as exists among the sons of light, of which they made an imitation, having proclaimed a doctrine of a dead man and lies so as to resemble the freedom and purity of the perfect assembly, (and) <joining> themselves with their doctrine to fear and slavery, worldly cares, and abandoned worship, being small (and) ignorant, since they do not contain the nobility of the truth, for they hate the one in whom they are, and love the one in whom they are not. For they did not know the Knowledge of the Greatness, that it is from above and (from) a fountain of truth, and that it is not from slavery and jealousy, fear and love of worldly matter. For that which is not theirs and that which is theirs they use fearlessly and freely. They do not desire, because they have authority, and a law from themselves over whatever they will wish ==> THATS WHAT WE ARE ==> But those who have not are poor, that is, those who do not possess him. And they desire him and lead astray those, who through them have become like those who possess the truth of their freedom, just as they bought us for servitude and constraint of care and fear. This person is in slavery. And he who is brought by constraint of force and threat has been guarded by God. But the entire nobility of the Fatherhood is not guarded, since he guards only him who is from him, without word and constraint, since he is united with his will, he who belongs only to the Ennoia of the Fatherhood, to make it Perfect and ineffable through the living water, to be with you mutually in wisdom, not only in word of hearing but in deed and fulfilled word. For the perfect ones are worthy to be established in this way and to be united with me, in order that they may not share in any enmity, in a good friendship. I accomplish everything through the Good One, for this is the union of the truth, that they should have no adversary. But everyone who brings division - and he will learn no wisdom at all because he brings division and is not a friend - is hostile to them all. But he who lives in harmony and friendship of brotherly love, naturally and not artificially, completely and not partially, this person is truly the desire of the Father. He is the universal one and perfect love. ==>>> For there is a great deception upon their soul, making it impossible for them ever to find a Nous of freedom in order to know him, until they come to know the Son of Man... [and they worship the “Demiurg” mixture in the OT]... And the senseless and blind ones are always senseless, always being slaves of law and earthly fear [and their God is jealous]... And he is life, since he came from the Father of ineffable and perfect Truth, (the father) of those who are there, the union of Peace and a friend of good things, and life eternal and undefiled joy, in a great harmony of life and faith, through eternal life of fatherhood and motherhood and sisterhood and rational wisdom. They had agreed with Nous, who stretches out (and) will stretch out in joyful union and is trustworthy and faithfully listens to someone ==> And those who assumed the form of my type will assume the form of my word. Indeed, these will come forth in light forever, and (in) friendship with each other in the spirit, since they have known in every respect (and) indivisibly that what is, is One. And all of these are one. And thus they will learn about the One, as (did) the Assembly and those dwelling in it. For the father of all these exists, being immeasurable (and) immutable: Nous and Word!!! and Division and Envy and Fire. And he is entirely one, being the All with them all in a single doctrine, because all these are from a single spirit. O unseeing ones, why did you not know the mystery rightly? ==>>> THEY ARE IN DIVISION AND ENVY .... And we as powerful messenger (Jesus revealed from heaven in blazing fire, name on the foreheads)...inward flame etc., his ministers a flaming fire [Psalm 104] and the cloud of light is known, glorified in his holy people... prophetically the CUBE FIELD... and Ephesians 5:23 is correct translated, he himself is the savior of the body. [and we have many houses in that city]..... WHAT is the HEAD? Answer: OILY, what means Christ? Answer: ANOINTED ONE... What is with: IAM the ALPHA and OMEGA? Answer, this could here really mean reincarnation and in the last one all is summed up or we know the gnostic saying: where the beginning is there you find the end also (also the beginning meets always the end – equilibrium)... vice versa also that is true, without beginning and without end aka endless life... Wherefore Jesus can even make fun, he can “fool” us also in another way with a smile in his face because he was a gnostic, that is, IAM THE ALPHA (before all other) and OMEGA (the last because of selfishness death. Eternal IAM in God)... Col 1:16 because in Him were created THE (ta) ALL (panta) in the heaven and upon the earth, therefore the invisible and the visible whether thrones [heavenly hierarchy] or dominion [this includes also further learning for example regarding the animal kingdom or whatever, energies and so on] or authorities [this can also include further titles which can be given], THE ALL through him and unto him have been created, and he is before THE ALL [before the foundation of the world] and THE ALL in Him hold together... ==> and the ALL must be also through us because otherwise we could not get transformed, resurrected… NOW, lets go on: by the 4th Century, arguments about the nature of Jesus, the direction of the Church, and which texts should be considered holy came to a head, and in 367 CE, Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria sent out a festival letter that outlined which books were to be considered holy and which books should be tossed... Gnostics did not call themselves by that name yet many were killed (en masse) because of their teachings... The church of course did that, and established orthodoxy. They have been after the Gnostics and Mystics since the beginning. They were responsible for the deaths of the main gnostic groups we mainly know of today. The inquisition was meant to stamp out that kind of thinking, same with the witch hunt later. The church throughout history has suppressed knowledge from people or killed them for sharing it. Created, especially for the less intelligent people who need to be told what to believe, ya to control the masses. Pope Innocent II - “This Religion thing is working out well for us”. Yet also not all gnostic were innocent, for some taught also nonsense... Wherefore in the first 200 or 300 years AC they had three initiation steps, like 1) historical – rather carnal, instructions 2) symbolical and some mysteries, 3) deep secrets like the secret gospels etc... For sure, we may say, how do we convey it to the mass of people, for some need milk and they are not ready... and what are we doing with those who are merely material in their attitude and disposition if you will we can say so? YEA, I can also not give you a clear answer to that... but... lies will also not help you... and your system as you have it now... it will not survive... its coming to an end... not because of me... there are many today who have their “own spiritual ideas”... it simple comes to an end... My point is that people have an incredible big BRAIN DAMAGE, like for example if I would be an apostle who was with Jesus or shortly lived after him, ya then I had to written letters regarding DOCTRINE! THEREFORE DO YOU BELIEVE that I cannot simple write down, this is ALMIGHTY! GOD coming in the flesh... and he clothed himself with human nature and etc. just one example.... ==>>> I go also so far to say that the fear which some people have regarding Jesus Christ by calling him not almighty, that is even a bit real because it is in the MEMORY of humanity and there was a time when people simple got killed or tortured who said something else... So you are an AFTERGLOW, thats what you are, poor people. And by the way 1 Timothy 3:16, correct translation: great is the mystery of godliness: WHO WAS REVEALED IN THE FLESH, JUSTIFIED IN THE SPIRIT... TAKEN UP IN GLORY (King James version is wrong) ==>>> wherefore I do not deny gods, similar it is written: God of gods... and also we get deified in the apocalypse... Philipians 2:6 Who in the form of God not something to be grasped considered to be equal with God (THEOU, a general appellation of deities and divinities, John 10:34, Psalm 136:2, 1Corinthians 8:5, many gods, many lords, and Lord Jesus Christ by whom the ALL and we through him, or theou is also used for GOD) but himself emptied the form of a servant... ==>>> wherefore we represent also father in the apocalypse (the spoken word in the ALL, the mouth is just the physical emanation in the intelligible Sphere, and as it is written, father makes his abode in us – and we are centered, expressed image) ==>>> Hebrews 1:3 Aramaic: He, who is The Glorious Illuminating Figure of Iythutheh {His Essence}, and holds tight all things through The Power of His Word... Greek: bear (carry) THE ALL by the word of the power. A common saying from a true gnostic: HOW MUCH CAN YOU BEAR (even Jesus fooled them)? Yet no one does understand them! You are the ALL in God :-)))
162) Kurt Rudolph: The intellectual knowledge of the teaching which is offered as revealed wisdom has here a direct religious significance since it is at the same time understood as otherworldly and is the basis for the process of redemption. A man who possesses “Gnosis” is for that reason a redeemed man: (...) “He who in this manner shall have Gnosis knows whence he is come and whither he goes. He knows like someone who was drunk and has become sober from his drunkenness and, restored again to himself, has again set his own in order.” The ignorant man in contrast is one who is a prey to forgetfulness and annihilation; he has no firm foundation ==>... As a result of the increase in self-knowledge that is bestowed on the pneumatic by and through a ray of the enlightening Gnosis, he ceases to perceive himself as one with the world, and begins to view himself instead as another in the world... “cosmic solitude of the spirit.”... The ordinary psychic (or “demonic”) ego is nurtured by the lower cosmic forces, the spirit is a higher principle in man, thus an acosmic or non-worldly self... the spirit signifies an alien in the world... it is the transmundane counterpart, without waxing and waning... Berdiaev said rightly: Man is in a state of servitude. He frequently does not notice that he is a slave, and sometimes he loves it. But man also aspires to be set free. [---] There is a spiritual principle in man which is not dependent upon the world and is not de-termined by the world. The liberation of man is the demand, not of nature, nor of reason, nor of society, as is often supposed, but of spirit. Man is not only spirit, he is of a complex make-up, he is also an animal, he is also a phenomenon of the material world, but man is spirit as well. Spirit is freedom, and freedom is the victory of spirit... Spirit is revolutionary in relation to the natural and historical world; it is a break-through from the other world into this world, and it overthrows the coercive order of this world. Emancipation from slavery, that is the fundamental fact of world life. But the fatal mistake of liberators has been to suppose that the liberation comes from the material, from nature. Freedom comes from spirit... Nomad: the infinite treasure is mental... and still we become one with nature... yet Spirit liberates us, the pneumatic Self (stripped off from all personal ballast, childlike liberation, yet still something individual remains, and inner strength, like IAM HERE, IAM AWARE and other people are shaken around, lets check the energy construct: I can be inside out = center of my beingness which comes ultimate from the source = my IAM in GOD = of wide scope = easy going or I can be outside in, and darkness contracts... escapism preacher, he who surrendered to the world! Wherefore most people got never really trained and thats why at LC you will make bigger jumps like Kangaroos and my Kangaroos hear my voice! LETS CHEck something else my friends: As I heard a few times the song from Disturbed, sound of silence... after I turned it off and layed down, then I still heard the whole song... wherefore Iam also in hard purification, also that I must add, yet this is known: Japa (Sanskrit: जप) is the meditative repetition of a mantra or a divine name. It is a practice found in Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Shintōism. The mantra or name may be spoken softly, enough for the practitioner to hear it, or it may be spoken within the reciter's mind... And someone said: It is the work of physical mind. The physical mind is like a machine. When you allow it to work on something of liking or repeat for long time it goes on doing it inside even if the work is finished. That is how the mind is trained by 'japa' in religious practices. Like a vehicle or a cycle that goes on moving further even after the engine or paddling is stopped so also the mechanical mind goes on giving out put in the former of echo or illusion though the input is stopped ==>>> wherefore we know mantra and mandalas... now, similar if we get the false indoctrination from the whore, then they implant it into us something like an earworm... repeating it over and over again... so also all the worshipper of the beast are known... like parrots, who repeat one and the same nonsense all the time or they are simple worldly... YET not so with Nomad... we stay fresh all the time and then we want also to receive the CAPESTONE for our ULTRA MANTRA & MANDALA... and science which fits in a holistic way, for mind does matter, and we must separate the weed ==> for how can anyone say that mind does not matter when it is about the nous??? do you see their folly? Ya, YOU, I had also very hard times,… and in huge darkness I had to sell my property, and now, 05. May.2021, yea, having a cheap apartment and money for about the next 2,5 years (I get no money now from the state, and I dont want it… I have right now all what I need to finish it)... THEREFORE NO!!!... I will not make any compromise... I write this book and give it later to other people and they will have a bigger advantage!!! [I did not have it!!!]... And I know that religious people raise their nose... And by the way, I could also simple forget them and leave this realm later, yet, ok, I obey Jehovah.. and I believe that some are out there... WHO NEED IT, and who say that it does totally fit for them… YA, IT WILL BE A GOOD SEED! And alos we have to understand that I was also simple caged in that religious corner via online emails book writing (before I started the website, ya, I listened to all this American protestant and wrote emails…), ya, and I tunred it all around and so sometimes I write a bit harder… or it seems like that I have often a too big mouth… but is ok... And if you want another inspiration: It is like in the movie ANIMATRIX by which a sprinter focused only on his training, and he wanted to run a race which superseded everything, it was his way to break out of the matrix, and no one could distract him, not even woman... and in his last race the matrix started to break, during the sprint... and at that moment guys in black clothes appeared behind him and started to run after him to catch him before the breakout... who represent also the back birds... Similar this book, I have to keep it RUNNING all the time... never get stagnated and wave-away all who are in the way... WORLD RECORD (which needs also a rare degree of intuition, sensitivity, questioning of nature)... Some people are nothing else then AGENTS who want to bring us down... and they sell themselves as guardian of the light... and therefore the Archons do not sleep (and they also believe that they rule otr should be the RULER)
163) THE JESUS HUMAN is not almighty God... and LORD does not always refer to the son... LORD does not always refer to the son... I know that, because father reveals himself also as LORD behind the veil... and we are the expressed image.... You also say to your earthly father LORD, at least in old times... like he is "DER HERR IM HAUS", LORD IN HOUSE (family), wherefore my earthly father said that more for fun but still sure, he had the bigger saying, and when something did not fit, if he was right or not... sure, its the father... accept it... he will calm down again later… NEXT CHECK: And I do not say, hey, do not express yourself or make no memorandum or etc. And similar when a good Christian musician (or whatever) has a stadium full of people and expresses his art (whatever), now, when he can go away light-hearted or etc... then he becomes mature... and more mature... and other people need simple to be praised all the time... And I know we always want to win... I know, but the idea as presented in this book... that is, to achieve results, that is natural... but behind the veil, not in need of bigger boasting... And not everyone is straight away in the apocalypse, and so we grow also a bit into it... so also it is good to be more open minded... you, know, people grow up... and our message is also, never give up. Iam by no means against people just because they are well known in music business or bla bla bla... just because they are well known... no... But where do we go now??? Answer, Stanislav Grow: Western Science is approaching a paradigm shift of unprecedented proportions, one that will change our concepts of reality and of human nature, bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science, and reconcile the differences between Eastern spirituality and Western pragmatism... And Nomad says: ELIMINATE EVERYTHING THAT DOES NOT HELP YOU TO EVOLVE... 1) Create a life that feels good on the inside, not just one that looks good on the outside. 2) I am never in control of what happens around me, but i am always in control of what happens within me 3) Follow your intuition (ear of the heart), it will always lead you to the right destination 4) Say ‘yes’ to life and see how life starts suddenly working for you rather than against you 5) Take time to do what makes your soul happy 6) The greatest illusion in the world, is the illusion of separation. 7) When you realize there is no lacking, the whole world belongs to you. – Lau Tzu. And PAIN is only good for correction, therefore see it as assignments for growth and healing... And must realize: We live in a world that supports drama, terror, separation, and hardship... ITS A TRAP, find divine love and joy and you come naturally into alignment with the universe, because and also the purpose is to live with ease, surrender to the love of the universe (God). But this love is not just this common known human love (or what they have made out of it), no, see it as the paradisiacal energies... to arrive in paradise... in bliss. Musashi said about the different schools regarding martial arts, they only love today the SCHEIN (wherefore there is no English word for that, outward appearance and illusion, marketing, fools)...And if the leader could not keep what he was saying (about what he did brag), then he challenged him with the sword or maybe sometimes just with a piece of wood. AND IN CONCLUSION: WE ARE NOT LIKE THE PHARISEE, like we love the tree and hate the fruit or hate the tree and love the fruit... no, combine it... expression (like a child expresses itself naturally) and going after the fruit... And I know you can interpret it also differently; this saying, but tree and fruit cannot be just separated (also that we understand) ==> I do say that we are more then the body, but the body is also a vehicle for expression... and general about expressing oneself... that is not the problem... And they will also say about me, that everything about this or that is a PERSON CULT, also Nomads book... And I say, no, this is garbage and that I wanted to clarify. QUESTION, whyt means it to be worthy? Answer, it means also: the assessment in keeping with how something "weighs in" on God's balance-scale of truth… but it means also readiness… How do I become ready? Answer, William Richard: The human mind knows how to heal itself if you give it the trust-filled atmosphere and the opportunities to become deeply aware of the levels of consciousness within you!……. And ya, we go to the NEXT LEVEL, ANOTHER LEVEL (Oh the Larency), yet I do not scream it from the rooftop, and we would also get scientist or whatever... and then we check it all... WHEREFORE LETS NOW USE LOGIC ABOUT THE STONE AND IF I or WE SHOULD BE TOTAL ANGRY???: For someone will say, maybe there exists an order or whatever on this planet who has already the CAPSTONE and a bigger knowledge about it! YEA, but they got also born on this planet and you must first of all find that order... so, they have no big advantage... and when they found it... yea... so it is... And one person could argue, yea, they keep it in their family line, like they have a bigger circle... yea, but when they believe in reincarnation, they are not secured via family line... so all that is useless talk. And any fight today with the churches (institution) about this or that is USELESS, because people are secular today or in all kind of spiritual things and many churches are empty... So we have to look sober on the whole situation... and we get rid of all anger... and it is their problem when they have no vision or etc. ==>>> And also no one can use my book for CONSPIRACY like we have the big treasure! Ya, because it never worked and it will never work... and no one reincarnates just into the same family or whatever idea could someone have in mind!!! Its rather the opposite… if you would had a mind then you would beg me to built LC… for if you don’t make it this time… ya, your hope is in the next reincarnation and that the CUBE is far more revealed on this planet and that more people have the fire of God… real fire… higher energies...
164) LIGHT “TRAPPED” IN A MATTER = PHOSPHORUS (our star light being in God)... And I say: have the courage and fearlessness to face the ocean of sufferings, and later on to be able to swim freely like fish through water. And John Donne got it right: Then, as an angel, face, and wings Of air, not pure as it, yet pure, doth wear, So thy love may be my love's sphere; Just such disparity As is 'twixt air and angels' purity, 'Twixt women's love, and men's will ever be... there is no disparity between this man's and this woman's love; there is no longer any distinction between them at all [Akash, married the land]... My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears, And true plain hearts do in the faces rest... Where can we find two better hemispheres, Without sharp north, without declining west?... was not mixed equally; If our two loves be one, or, thou and I Love so alike that none do slacken, none can die... ==> the combination of the elements and the final synthesis of male and female is an achievement of the art and a product of conscious endeavor" (Mysterium Coniunctionis 460)... all that they have and all that they are has been and will be repeatedly dissolved and transformed into a renewed oneness... ==> and NOMADS MINISTRY (apocalypse) SYMBOL WILL NOT FAIL... In whom love wrought new alchemy... wherefore Paracelsus uses several words to define it: “The quintessence is the nature, force, virtue, and medicine, . . . and the colors, the life, and the property of the thing... but with Donne we understand it better... and we are EMBRACED BY THE SOURCE... 1John 2:15 Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone should love the world, the love of the Father is not in him ===>>> apocalypse = love feast ==> THE HOLY LIGHT FLAMING LOVE WORLD, LOVE PLAY...here, there will be opened in Him the great and immeasurable fire of love by means of the forthcoming of the Holy Trinity... or as Jacob said: As the organs of a man's body love one another, so do the spirits in divine power. There is nothing but longing, desiring, and fulfilling, and each triumphs and rejoices in the other……….AGAIN, perfectly said from Jacob:... "The internal foundation of this world, whereof the four elements have originated, is heaven, and in this internal power Christ rules as true God and Man in the external world. When He says, 'To Me has been given all power in heaven and upon the earth,' and also, 'I am with you every day unto the end of the world;' and furthermore, if it is said of Him, 'He shall rule over His enemies until they are all made to be a footstool under His feet,' all this refers to His internal kingdom, because He rules within the internal and over and above the external and terrestrial, and likewise over the hellish world."...AND REGARDING SACRIFICES: For without Substance no working can be; therefore they imagined or typified to themselves the Regeneration with the Sacrifices by Fire, and formed or imaged in them the Serpent-Destroyer in the Fire, how HE would change God's Fire of Wrath in the Soul's Fire into a Light and Love-Fire, and how the Enmity would sever itself from the Soul ==>>> so it is very important what we imagine...for otherwise you are like Cain with his sacrifice: Cain's he looked not graciously on, for he had not such Faith or Belief, but stood in the perished Nature's own Lust and Desire, and had imprinted or imaged to himself the Kingdom of this World... ===>>>> AND ABOUT BAPTISM: now water is used, that is, baptised with this Grace (in love and meekness), and a Christian, in whom is the anointing of Christ, baptiseth with the anointing of Christ; forthe Holy Trinity baptiseth with the Grace-Covenant of the anointing, with Christ’s Incarnation or becoming Man; with his Suffering, Death, and Victory: Now, will any baptise, they must not only baptise with the Hand and Water-Baptism, but also with the Faith of the anointing... An unfaithful, or unbelieving Baptiser, doth no more in this high Work of the Baptism, than the Font-Stone [or Basin] doth, which holdeth the Water; for though he sprinkle or pour Water, and useth the Words of Christ, yet he effecteth nothing there with, but is dumb [or dead] in the working, except the Covenant of Christ worketh and baptiseth: He is but merely a Medium or Means, like an in animate Thing, that doth not itself work together in this Covenant, but only doth the Work; in which Work God worketh in respectof his Covenant... ==>>> wherefore you must understand that anointing can even be transfered without using water but water is like an amplification (some receive it just by the voice of another person).... and so Jacob was also not in worry about infant baptism (child goes into the imagination – with the water, and his parents have the anointing and the priest and etc.)... For the Baptism is nothing else but a Marriage or Contract with God in Christ's Blood and Death, wherein Christ bindeth himself to Man with his Victory and Resurrection... And though a Child understandeth not this, yet the Baptiser, as also the Parents and Witnesses should understand it, and introduce their Faith into the Child's Will and sowith their introduced Will in the Child's Will, together plunge or sink themselves down with this Oath into God's Covenant, through the Word of Christ upon his Command in the Water-Baptism, and apprehend the Command of Christ in themselves, viz. in their Faith;and so in their Understanding enter into the Covenant with the Child's Not-understanding, and in the Stead, and with the Will of the Child, in their Will, make such a Promise to God: For this the Parents may, and ought especially to do, seeing the Child is sprung out of their Life and Substance, as the Branch out of the Stock, so they have also Power to comprehend the Will of the Child in the Will of their Faith, and with the Will of the Child to give up, and bind or unite unto God... and the NAME is JESUS... for the outward elementary Water is not the Ground of the Baptism; but the spiritual Water, which is united and tied with the Word in the Covenant, and with the Faith............regarding older people: For Repentance is an unlocking or stirring of the hidden shut up Things of Man, whereby the inward spiritual Desire, viz. the spiritual Mouth to such receiving is opened; and Faith is the opened Mouth which taketh in the holy Element.... Those that are present should with great Humility and Turning to God, with earnest Prayer, apply themselves to this Covenant, and well consider what they there purpose to do; for they stand even before the Covenant of the Holy Trinity, before God's open Face, and have to deal with God and Man, and should well imprint in them the bitter Sufferings and dying of Jesus Christ: Into which a Child is baptised, of which they are co-working Witnesses according to the Faith......... Every one that is a true Christian in Christ, is worthy to be a Stander-by, and present at this Work; but he that is not such a one, is unworthy, whether he be Baptiser or Stander-by, one as well as the other; there is no Respect of Persons with God.......... ==> Nomad: WE HAVE A BIG WELL AND WATER BAPTISM AT LC, in the upper room… a really nice pool in the upper room where we have also Satsang and science discussion… and for online videos... but again, the magic is not in the physical water… but you can see it as an amplification together with the divine power, ya with your mind which gets drawn to it… or like a bridge… to align with the logos…to receive it via amplified faith… the anointing!
165) CHRISTS SOUL: Christ is greater than any angel in heaven, because He has a celestial human body; He also has the eternal celestial bride, the virgin of divine wisdom, and, finally, the Holy Trinity in His possession. We can truly say of Him that He is an individuality in the Holy Trinity in heaven, a true man in heaven, and an eternal king in this world, a lord of heaven and of the earth. If Christ had brought a foreign soul with Him from heaven, and not taken a human soul from His mother Mary, He would have been foreign to us, and could not have become our Redeemer ==>>> Son of Man, coming from heaven and being in heaven; but in thus saying He spoke evidently of His human aspect!!! "The soul of Christ is a creature like our own soul, and He has received it from humanity and in the body of Mary. Therefore we rejoice eternally that the soul of Christ is our brother and the body of Christ is our body in regenerated man. What would it benefit me if Christ had brought with Him a strange soul? Nothing! But I rejoice that He has introduced my soul into the holy Ternary. Now can I truly say, 'The soul of Christ is my brother, and the body of Christ is the nutriment of my soul. ==>>> YES, IAM HAPPY, JACOB AGREES WITH ME ==>>> wherefore Jacob believes that His external form was mortal, and He annihilated death therein ...the city of God unlocked... the City of God in Man... ==> Reason should understand us right: It is not so to be understood, that Christ hath with his Flesh and Blood, with the gross mortal Flesh and Blood, introverted himself into Man, which Flesh and Blood is of no Profit, but is only as a Receptacle or Shell of the right spiritual Man ==> similar we must receive the purified oil... the spiritual Man taketh his Nutriment from the Tincture... Man's spiritual Mouth taketh with the Faith Christ's Words and Life, which Words are a Power of his Flesh and Blood, where the Divine Word is become a human Substance: That same human and Divine substantial Word is given to Man with the Tincture of Bread and Wine, as through a Medium, that there may be a visible Sign, of what is done in the inward Ground. We should not depend on this Means or Medium alone, and think that Christ's Flesh and Blood is only and alone participated in this Use of Bread and Wine, as Reason in this present Time miserably erreth therein: No, that is not so; Faith, when it hungereth after God's Love and Grace, always eateth and drinketh of Christ's Flesh and Blood, through the Medium or Means of the blessed Food, and without the Medium or Means of the Food: Christ hath not bound himself to Bread and Wine alone but hath bound himself to the Faith, that he will be in Man, he will continue in him, and Man shall continue in Christ: His powerful living Word would continue substantially in the Faith, of which Substance the Faith may always (as also it ever might) eat, for it is the Faith's Nutriment, wherein the Faith doth subsist, and is a Substance: Note, The Faith in such Participation becometh a Substance, viz. a spiritual Flesh and Blood of Christ, in which the Living GOD in Trinity, dwelleth, worketh, and willeth. [THE TESTAMENT OF CHRIST, JACOB BOEHME] ==> Wherefore in our order we use bread and wine and the term wine in the old manner... that is simple sweet TRAUBENSAFT (without alcohol, grape juice, and we await also the sickle)... and for sure, we would have also the MANNA as option and then most important, our VISION... Transform yourselves into living philosophical Stones... Everything external in nature points to something internal... alchemy is the true and sublime Art of Nature herself... Through the therapeutic power of alchemy wholeness is attained, the dissociation between the opposites healed, and the integration of the personality correspondingly achieved... internal is reflected in the external of Nature..."disease" or imbalance as "passion"...we aim not to spin "groundless fantasies," but rather to "grasp the inner facts and portray them in images true to their nature... capable of making all disagreeables evaporate... makes us cling together in one society [city of God]... that which unfolds the "hidden harmony" that reconciles opposed states within the self and in Nature... SYNTHESIS... YA: the immanent beauty of the soul is obscured through its imprisonment in matter... ==>>> THOSE WITHOUT VISION PERISH, JOIN OUR ORDER, only the gnostic will succeed
166) colours are revealed through the passage of matter... anyway, we had that topic already and you ask why I see the light race towards the glass, how has God generated this light? Answer: what is simple that is, that it is sevenfold because that we understand now clearly and we also know the opposite of light... also that we understand... what is darkness? absence of light! In chess, the player who moves first is referred to as "White" and the player who moves second is referred to as "Black"... Again you say, we have seen it in scripture but why square and circle? Answer, we have already said that, spirit area and absolute perfection, we see the circle as most female and the square as most male. In that sense it seems that it is also the best cap (roundabout, or garment) QUESTION: Why mother earth? Yea, because the earth is like a womb, the seed is thrown into it... and the tree with its branches is the universe materialized... like an olive tree... Psalm 1:3, he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper... we CAN NEVER IGNORE THE UNIVERSAL SEED, look at the pool we have build... tree of life... nor do we ignore the fruit... The two first elements, the matter and form (water and earth), being apparent, and having gotten a mobility by the two last elements by light… THE MOST CRAZY THING: WE SIT (stable, on the throne, four legs of the throne), WE SWIM (like a fish), WE FLY (but why?, figure it out, a riddle for many.... Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool... who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind... Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment (he set a compass upon the face of the depth, when he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep)... Further, Rosarium: Our Stone passes into earth, earth into water, water into air, air into fire...BUT ON THE OTHER HAND IT DESCENDS!!!... Mark well, we have also an INDRAWING and OUTFLOWING… LESSON: Someone said: What is the best, most effective way to help others? Become masterful of your own actions. Become a master and then demonstrate living on a higher platform of awareness. See and reinforce the abundance others have already created for themselves and don’t feed their ideas of lack or helplessness. Show them what is possible if they use their personal power. As you demonstrate yours. It is very possible to be the light on the candlestick so all around you can choose to empower themselves... Wherefore we can have a false habit regarding HELPING others and we can have a false habit regarding ACCEPTING... Ya, and their mind makes a few excuses to defend this behaviour of taking what they didn't create!!! YET, when we say that Nomad pushes others down... here I say, we cant ALLOW their nonsense and otherwise we break never out of it. And on the other side when others give me my classes/supplements for free, then I don’t have to be responsible for my own financial well-being ... Therefore, both habits can result in the habit of lack (helping and accepting)... and people must learn it for themselves, grow up...they must learn to fish for themselves ==>>> and therefore and also those who want to STEAL the whole BOOK from Nomad... yea, it will fall on their own head... BUUUUUMMMM for they were not destined to write this book... and nor have they put all the work into it… and I mention also all the sages: HONOUR TO WHOM HONOUR!!! ... and circumference…. Ya that is even in scripture!!! yet normally it should be simple in your conscience… and yes, I write too much for free… yet in my case I say… WE BUILD LC IN AUSTRIA… and if you don’t want it or no one says, here… we make a deal… you get that building… then I just leave them all behind me… because I belong to the gods… and I can stay and leave how I want… and people by themselves must also like the holistic way... And I cannot (or want not) just play only the babysitter… ==> but yes, I will talk with some later... I will check the situation, because kids cannot be given just into the hands of 21 century fools ==> I mean the indoctrination system and this weak religion and so or so later in the apocalypse many would look towards me... where they feel depressed or without having any ground (because of the Einheitsmensch), NOW I come as strong hand! 100 times stronger then Hitler.... and what he twisted in the FLESH... I correct it!
167) And when Martin Luther made a reformation, I come 500 years after him… so also the book I started to write ~ 2017… thats how prophetic the whole thing gets... ===========================================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but what is the main difference to orthodox and catholic? Answer: Jesus has a soul like we have and we allow the reincarnation view regarding afterlife as and also divine science and etc. points to it... but again with a broader view as explained... yet LC member can have a bit a different view regarding afterlife because it is simple about afterlife... but most people will probably include it (and we stay sharp... consequences exist, understand it also with virgin seals... you go towards the goal... or fall hard)... And ya, water baptism... the magic is not in the water... explained somewhere else and yes we would have also a nice pool in the upper room... and beside that... we are the first ones who become holistic... and even show fully the mystic eye at LC (building)... which many considered as something to be impossible... yet we make the impossible possible... And nay, as I said... we do not just the work of the Catholics... marriage, funeral etc...traditions... we have not even the means for it and nor is it our job... traditions are build in society and they learn in schools... and have religious teacher and etc... The Catholic must decide for themselves yet we have not worry when they disagree with us...
168) Corinthians 3:9: For we are God's fellow workers (Greek word: from SUN, ERGON – someone who accomplishes something)!!!!!!; you are God's field, God's building. AND THE BODY IS STILL CALLED A VESSEL, thats what it is, fit for this realm, with this additional scroll (what we call inspirited nature)... LESSON: it is simple also a bit the old game, do not sell yourself to the world... listen to your inner voice... and avoid anger... be cheerful, yet do not become too religious, let the conscience speak one to another... when you see that something does not fit, let your voice be heard... and if possible avoid vulgar speech... greet everyone like it should be... avoid low level mobbing, you should be not in need of that... wherefore this are old rules as we had it... And for sure you should no be interested in this money bitch Benz hip hop culture... this is not cool, you would be just a bit too dumb. And further call no one directly an animal (except with a smile so that it is known that it is not a direct hard attack… what I say, use common sense…its not just a religious thing and it also depends how you convey a message, body language etc.)... And stay like a Toxonsophist on your feet and because we are also gnostic, yea, we embrace higher things... training... Wherefore there is also a difference if someone uses a bit dark art (movies, music) to point to something or if it is just Benz, bitch, gun, money, hip hop pop nonsense... with folly identification and etc... because they are simple too weak... Therefore, I can live for example with a bit dark art, chasm, people who have lost something etc.... but there is a point... a lesson to be learned… Ya, and with some movies, ok, it becomes a bit too violent, but the courage part is in it… and the good hero (that should be important because today sometimes the bad guy is the hero… thats how foolish they became)... wherefore just violence should be also not your thing... And really problematic it gets when a stupid actor is worshipped as cool with drugs in movie and etc., but you know, he looks cool, it was exciting (so he plays the role, it shall attract all other, he wants to hear acclaim and for him it was just a role, in the movie, it is just fun, without showing any downside. And some kids follow him, they want to go here or there into real excess, fulsome)... but for that, they can learn from my book, don’t bring your nouse with that stuff in turbulence… clarity is the path… and to have only for a some days some fun with drugs yet get some ballast in your soul and dull senses and etc… its not worth... YEA, and finally I say, INTERNET PORN should be BANNED for children (because if not, they simple reached the lowest level and the fluid dynamics will also give at one point a harder answer). AND MORE I DO NOT TEACH ABOUT IT… and some movies are not for kids… and we are not ultra religious but ya, make the best out of it! And a wise person wastes also not too much time with useless stuff...
169) And this book is written in such a way that people can do their homework, yea, in fact true gnostics will also take it and then study the alchemy of the Jews... and they will add and add to this book... and probably when I would hear about your research then often I would scratch on my head and would say: great, I did not know that... this puzzle picture becomes huge. And since I know the energies and I know how the Jews operate, now, I “get them”:-), they cant hide it before me in their writings and I search it out in a specific way... because we know that the upper circle of the Jews did hide it a bit more... And I know already many Jewish Alchemist names etc. And maybe one day this could become also an opportunity to come together and to show them the REAL JESUS and to see our common ground... whenever that is.... ==>>> Maria the Jewess is for example one of the famous Alchemists (who discovered also some things in chemistry, second level), wherefore she is also honoured by many non Jew Alchemist, and all that goes far back in time... Yet because the Jews have also their “big mouth” like only they are the true Alchemist so I had to check at least some texts from them and further we still love the Jews and when we are honest, we have often not really a smaller mouth and it is true, they preserved a lot of the ancient writings, wherefore we have also the problem, they have hidden many of their texts, anyway. And ya, also Raphael Patai monumental work opens up an entirely new field of cultural history by tracing Jewish alchemy from antiquity to the nineteenth century (and beside that it goes even further back in time...also that we know as fact, we know the old Jewish stone tablets, seven metals, seven stars etc.). Now, lets look again on Jabirs (Geber) mercury-sulphur theory: the metals are all, in essence, composed of mercury combined and coagulated with sulphur [that has risen to it in earthy, smoke-like vapors]. They differ from one another only because of the difference of their accidental qualities, and this difference is due to the difference of their sulphur, which again is caused by a variation in the soils and IN THEIR POSITION with respect to the heat of the sun...........and what Zoismus said: Knowledge is treated with great honor, because only a philosopher, who has acquired Wisdom, scientifically and practically, is able to use it. An experimentalist may obey his master when he tells him: Take this and do such and such a thing, evaporate it, dissolve it, distil it, and so on till the end of the work. That aide does not understand anything beyond how to do things; whereas the person who comprehends the science and the practice, knows how and why something is evaporated, i.e. the purpose of the evaporation. This is why, to become a philosopher, one must know the aim of Wisdom in each step of the work... Motion is due to heat for without heat there would be no motion... wherefore Zosimos wrote at some point that the Jews acquired the “sacred craft of the Egyptians” and their knowledge of gold through dishonest means and spread the knowledge of alchemy to the rest of the world (whatever that means, but we see the connection with Egypt, anyway, and maybe he did mean that some of them wrote very openly... wherefore others say they did hide a lot and later the Greeks wrote more openly etc., whatever... yet for sure we know also Queen of Sheba = precious stone, Bezalel, Hoshea, Solomon...and many other)... Now and further, and Democritus said: The stone is not formed until it has gathered all the colors that exist in the universe, and until it has been colored with all the simple and complex colors... and Hermes said (we have to leave the animal body): A body will not accept a soul that is not its own, and a soul will not reside in a body that is not its own. Thus a human body will not accept the soul of a bird, and the soul of a bird will not reside in a human body (therefore understand it rightly, we still deny reincarnation into the lower kingdoms, because of the LOGOS) THE TRUE GNOSTIC can compare many of their sayings, and then finally also to come to the conclusion or not if the Jewish ancient writers are in alignment with this other sages... and I guess... he will see that also the honoured Jewish Alchemists fit very well. And again as I see it, we should be thankful to the Jews, they have kept many things and without them... we maybe had it much more difficult… And CORRECT: Jabir (under a different name: Geber – gibberish, for who shall understand him?), wherefor ehe followed also Aristotle: 1) fire: hot, dry, 2) earth: cold, dry, 3) water: cold, moist, 4) air: hot, moist ==>>> upon which I have to look later… we will check later Aristotle!!! ==>>> AND JUST TO REMIND YOU AGAIN MY FRIENDS: we are a victory based order ==>>> and further we see what liar are this prophetic voices in USA, 2007, 52 percent described themselves as Protestant, 2015, 46 percent, and in this seven years, the percentage of adults who describe themselves as Christians has dropped from 78.4% to 70.6%... now, 2020, 65 percent represent Christians and 43 percent are protestant ==> and that is because of the CHAOS WHORE… they have no holistic teaching and religion without the mystics is DEAD! And also to add: the orthodox have not so a big problem with Atheism, and with the protestant – every garbage you can produce, yet they even deny that, thats how utterly blind and arrogant they are... Wherefore we in Austria have catholic (5million), orthodox (775 000), protestant – also called evangelisch (only 285 000). And I will give the protestant no margin!!! ZERO!!! Wherefore the catholic have also the Benedectine in Austria (some of them have a bit stone knowledge, because of Basil Valentine etc., and the Catholics produced at least some Mystics (soul eye opened)... we know that black on white, all the names!!!==>>> WHAT IS IT? WE MAY MAKE IT EVEN MORE SIMPLE, IT IS MORE ABOUT LIFE ITSELF... TO FEEL ALIVE... He is not someone who needs to be a PROTZER (to make a show) or a POSER. ==>>> and when RELIGION has lost the mystical aspect as background (like for example protestantism, in many places), then what happens, that is, often fragile Self people choose to have religion as their play-ground, ya and to play the leader (play actor)... it is more or less dead and dry and worldly and they are total lost ==>>> Ya, and when someone is more self aware, self awake, he feel himself more connected with creation (in Spirit), or more in harmony, enlarged tent, you know, he has joy also in the little things... similar with smell or taste or... the construct, ya, vice versa for carnal people nothing is mystical... and creation itself is total boring to them, they live in grey town... and they are anti true self... ==> RECAPITULATED: WE MUST THROW OUT THAT CRAP ELITE WITH THEIR GAMES (NGOs etc… the influence) and come back to a sober mind and common sense… no longer shall this DUMB DOWN PEOPLE FOOL us… and as we know, most crap comes today also from USA… And our language has revealed a lot of insight… therefore why shall we ignore common sense… a PROTZER is a PROTZER… a SCHLEIMER is a SCHLEIMER, a POSER is a POSER... and so on… let us become upright and straight… and further we expose the MATERIAL EINHEITSMENSCH (bat chapter in this book)… and so you will be weaponized… they will not BRAINWASH YOU… this stinking elite (wherefore not all in the elite are putrid and dumb but some exist… and they have their bigger influence in media etc… and now we turn it around and let them look dumb before us!!!)
170) Thje biggest warnings in his conscience humans receive in their youth time yet this is also the most dangerous time (party, excess etc.)... and when they did go above a certain limit, then they can easily become more and more dull... and the problem is, not always but often those who feel stronger (a bit more spiritual, not low level entertainment clowns), ya, they make more nonsense... yet those would be the ones who more easily could reach the higher state...or more fast… CHECK: When all the evidence speaks against the Protestant, then they say: Hell uses only the unconverted, as they are classified as "children of wrath" (Eph. 2:3) and "sons of disobedience" (Col. 3:6), and then this Protestant themselves claim to be of the new birth and they claim that they are outside of the wrath stream ==>>> but Col 3:9 says: you must also get rid of all such things (Rage, malice, slander, jealousy...) and there is the old man... therefore fool not around… we know the whole ascension… and hell and heaven is in man… and the energies simple become better higher up the ladder...HURRY UP, RUN THE RACE, and catch the light wave! ==> John 8, Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word... He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God... If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death!!!... ==>>> KEEP my word (PRESENT TENSE – 1000year saint (last day), BREAD OF !!!!LIFE!!!!, John 8:50, 51 = PRESENT TENSE ==>>> One of the best song from Jack Hemsey beside “fade away”, that is “the WAY” which has also a nice sound... and Nomad says: the way beyond the way... And since the dragon knows again that he has but a short time... now, we will see how long the STONE message will be kept:-))) ...but for sure on some places on earth it will always survive... a bit more hidden... Now, and therefore they say: Nomad, we prepare for war against you! And I say, yea, ok, you LOOPIES... I understand the loop... but who knows, maybe we will have also some fun here?... QUESTION NOMAD: Does that mean that money is useless, do we see it all as a joke? NO, or do you walk on that level now? Surely not, and you must take the challenge similar as I had to take it, for I worked also and etc... We have already explained all that stuff... And its up to you to make the best out of it... and you should not compare yourself with the highest foundation yet you can contemplate it, even important... but you are simple not there yet, and we have many different people... and see it also as part of the spiritual evolution, here, you labour... and it is the arena... And further also we do something in the apcoalypse... yet a bit different. In FACT we could do probably much more then other people because we have more energy... and they have it not or not yet the full energy... It is rather that which drives them more into Babel which is the problem, the glitter, the glamour, love for money, luxury, became vain, vain glory – the fruit they longed for, self importance (Wichtigtuer, stolzieren – busybody, swagger), strive for power (includes sometimes also control freaks), Macho,...labyrinth, yet also anxiety, insecurity, worry, mortality... and so on versus infinite treasure. Wherefore most of these words as you see it with Wichtigtuer and so on, this words are embedded in our culture (when we are not too rotten)... Therefore You can keep a lot of stuff which is known as common sense in Austria... and keep also the easy going part, not just formal, lay back again as explained... and then you add the vision as it is written down in this revisited book, childlike liberty and mental open (therefore it has also to do with healing) and etc. In Austria we would say: er ist kein verkrampfter Mensch, es macht Freude mit ihm rumzuhängen and und eine Art Gespür habend dass er aufrichtig ist and dass er gut mit sich leben kann und er steht auf seinen Füssen und strahlt ein bisschen mit innerer Freude und ist nicht wirklich arglistig... was aber auch eine gewisse Stärke aufweist... Und höher steigend, dann sieht man wirklich die Herrlichkeit, den Segen, Ekstase, Superfreude Erlösung, ja, und er bewegt sich fliessend (wie Laozi)! Und darum sagt Martin, und dass ist so richtig und es freut mich dass ihr eins und eins zusammenzählen könnt! Und die Stärke ist mehr oder weniger geerdet in dieser unverrückbaren Gelassenheit, fließend, fliegt über den Sorgen und Ärgernissen dieser Welt (mit ihren Leuten welche Ärger bereiten könnten) ==> that is the right direction... AND understand that, as long as you have a kind of enthusiasm in you like what are we doing on the weekend? paddle with a kajak or go on a bike ride or we do this or that in our garden, and have a bit fun... all that is a good thing and further there exists also a kind of fun by which someone can make fun over someone else without putting them down, like it is seen... that is no problem, just fun... and therefore it is not so much about religion but about life itself... more then what most religous people think... so keep that inner drive... and for sure when you are a gnostic, also the secret manna can help again a bit... by keeping the rules... yet not useful before ~ age 24... And when you are younger, about elder people in family, you learn that in Austria, dont be cheeky or you will be taken by your ears and get some sharp saying... all that is normal upbringing... nothing special... And it is clear, the rude way (and mixed with animal speech) - is not the way [logos], yet again someone can be loud like kids… or someone can say some hard words when REALLY SOMETHING DOES NOT FIT!!! common sense. And the effeminate endtime preacher has no advantage over the Austrian guy who sits on the weekend on his KTM and plays in the dirt... All that, forget that... Its about LIFE and having some discipline (similar you have some order in your job), you must know the vision which destroys automatically a bit the labyrinth, like you know why you dont embrace this or that or why you have to keep your nous clean... the rest, yes, there are some other tools like meditation, coming back to your true Self... instead of becoming a TV junky and etc., as written in that book... and never become TOO SERIOUS or TITLE DRIVEN... just achieve results but also stay easy going, sympathetic... And it is not the important guy who has his brain full with the world and its history, economy and etc... this helps you nothing: to be puffed up in second knowledge... you can learn something about economy, or this and that (and maybe you need it for your job) yet always keep an eye in the above... like the Austrian joking way, we are hopeless but not serious (and still give not up, what needs to be done will be done... similar when there is a higher life quality in Austria, now, there needs to be something done that we have it that way, and therefore yes and still, to learn second knowledge is a good thing, and it makes also more independent, and yes, you must stand on your feet, whatever you do, if you know how to repair your bike, good, if you know how to do this or that, good...)... And the cool person is not he who leans on the wall when talking to another person, yea, maybe he is tired or slothful and someone needs to throw cold water on his head… the cool guy is he who stands on his feet… and stays light hearted... ==>>> recapitulated, we use also some common sense ==> And you have the advantage that at LC you receive quasi a DOWNLOAD… all the symbols will lead you to the truth… and other stuff… you receive it into your inner man… and we keep that whole thing SIMPLE!
171) Buch: Das Meer der Erinnerung. In some respect we can say that our memory is in the sea, yet we do not ignore the spiritual element... but again also TOTAL RECALL (father known, known by God) in the apocalypse...Similar: I sit at the computer and write this book and have to download a little universe
172) FAMILIARITY is not a bad thing, we know what we know, but familiarity changes to a more rigid dependence (also emotional...) when we walk lower, and it is coupled with fear! I cant cope with this. Its too much. And he who is in liberty... he soars more freely in Gods creation. Ya, because otherwise it can become like a Muster (pattern) in our head, like that I know, and I have my memories, and I live in dark town (no longer just grey), and I need this and that and then I can handle it more easy... the circumference shrinks and it constricts me more (yet I know my own REALITY)
173) For remembrance, about some Egypt people is something special, maybe 5 percent I do not know exactly, and I know how their eyes changed before me! and I must ask myself the question if some people are more ancient or... not to make a race issue out of it, I explained the stone... but... who are they? I lived in over 40 countries... I know when life or whatever shows up in eyes... or this and that... but... that was not the case… Ya, STRANGE is Nomads WORLD. Mysticism seems dead and Nomad brings it to the utmost and seeks for answers! And yes, I did I lay myself into the sarcophagus and did what I explained somewhere else… it was in reality a resurrection device in the very early days… to come back to harmony, maybe not all pyramids but some of them… depends on the season… and when someone is alone in the chamber and lies in the sarcophagus and makes a special tone… deep from the throat… ya, the whole chamber vibrates and a total amplification of the sound is heard… and you feel it even in the bones… your whole body receives energy… Wherefore some say that the sarcophagus got a few inch removed from its place so that the effect is a bit smaller… and quasi a secret circle puts it exactly into the right place during their rituals… get somehow access to the pyramid… once in a year and have it for them alone… Yet this people do not know everything about the philosopher stone… ya, we have the STONE now in Austria… and the full energy later… And ya, you will say that Iam a liar… and to this I say… just test in Egypt… but I say it again… you must be alone in that chamber because otherwise it will not work… I KNOW IT…any other person would mess up the geometry etc. Wherefore we will also talk about that at LC… and yes, originally the pyramids were WHITE or black and white… colours...
174) MOTIVATION: Martin Buber (I heard first time about him): Gog and Magog: Die Zeiten der großen Probe sind die der Gottesfinsternis. Wie wenn die Sonne sich verfinstert,und wüßte man nicht, daß sie da ist,würde man meinen, es gäbe sie nicht mehr,so ist es in solchen Zeiten. Das Antlitz Gottes ist uns verstellt,und es ist, als müßte die Welt erkalten, der es nicht mehr leuchtet. Aber die Wahrheit ist, daß gerade erst dann die große Umkehr möglich wird, die Gott von uns erwartet, damit die Erlösung, die er uns zudenkt, unsre eigene Erlösung werde. Wir nehmen ihn nicht mehr wahr, es ist finster und kalt, als ob es ihn nicht gäbe, es erscheint sinnlos, zu ihm umzukehren, der doch, wenn er da ist,sich gewiß nicht mit uns abgeben wird, es erscheint hoffnungslos zu ihm durchdringen zu wollen. Ungeheures muß in uns geschehen, damit wir die Bewegung vollziehen, Aber wenn das Ungeheure geschieht, ist es die große Umkehr, die Gott erwartet. Die Verzweiflung sprengt das Verlies der heimischen Kräfte. Die Quellen der Urtiefe brechen auf……... Man fragte den Radoschitzer Rabbi: »Wie ist es in der Gemara zu verstehn, daß Rabbi Schimon ben Jochai zu seinem Sohn spricht: ›Mein Sohn, genug ist’s der Welt, ich und du‹ ?« Er antwortete: »Es bedeutet, der Wesenssinn der Schöpfung der Welt sei, daß sie sprechen: ›Du bist unser Gott‹, und der Heilige, gesegnet sei Er, spricht: ›Ich bin der Herr, euer Gott.‹ Dieses Ich und Du, genug ist’s daran der Welt. ==>>> NOMAD: the IAM in YOU (embraced by the source) ==>>> this exposes also this fake OT GOD view like God must speak to us like someone who sits in a corner in another heaven and this other nonsense... and maybe they hear sometimes something in the Spirit realm (often nonsense) but God reality (which we participate)... that is the TAO, the real WAY... and I also explained Gods voice in this book, ear of the heart etc... therefore do not listen to this religious people... And YES, CROSSROADS, my friends: ORF.at (2002), Der entscheidende Punkt ist aber unter allen Umständen der, dass es auf dem komplexen Weg des Menschen um etwas geht. Es geht um die Bewährung als Mensch. Das heißt um Reifung; Reifung im Sinne wachsender Liebe und zunehmender Weisheit. Christlich gesprochen: es geht um die Realisierung der uns innewohnenden Gottebenbildlichkeit. Diese Botschaft vom Leben nach dem Leben aber ist unter den Bedingungen postmoderner Besessenheit von Wachstum, Markt, Profit und Konsum absolut unverzichtbar. Die Wiedergewinnung eines ganzheitlichen Blicks auf Diesseits und Jenseits, Vorher - Jetzt und Nachher könnte sich für Mensch und Erde als überlebens-notwendig erweisen. (und JA, er glaubte an Reinkarnation)... CROSSROADS
175) Nomad just seeks the glass which no one can break! NEHEMIAS WALL (wall against Babel, you have to translate it, fire section Musashi): Die Lage zu erkennen heißt, bezogen auf die Schlacht, den Gegner daraufhin zu beurteilen, ob er noch im Vollbesitz seiner Kräfte ist oder bereits wankt***In der Schlacht ist es von Vorteil, die gegnerischen Truppen nach genauer Beobachtung von ihren äußersten Flanken her anzugreifen. Sind diese »Ecken« zerschlagen, haben die Truppen insgesamt ihre Stärke verloren. Aber selbst dann ist es wichtig, weiter »Ecke« um »Ecke« anzugreifen und sich so den Sieg zu sichern. Auch wenn du gegen einen einzelnen Gegner kämpfst, wird er, sobald du ihm Verletzungen an seinen »Ecken« beigebracht hast, allmählich schwächer werden und schließlich in sich zusammensacken. Auf diese Weise kannst du leicht den Sieg erringen. Es ist wichtig, diese Methode zu kennen. Darum mußt du sie genau erforschen ***Haben wir in der Schlacht die Absichten des Gegners durchschaut, so wenden wir einen Rhythmus an, mit dem wir, gestützt auf die Heihô-Weisheit, das Herz des Gegners in Verwirrung stürzen. Er darf gar nicht mehr wissen, ob wir ihn hier oder dort angreifen, ob wir dieses oder jenes tun, ob wir langsam vorrücken oder schnell. Damit erreichen wir mit Sicherheit den Weg, auf dem wir siegen***Den Gegner zertreten: Das bedeutet, den Gegner, den wir für schwach ansehen, mit aller Kraft und einem einzigen Hieb zu zerschmettern***Ein Körper wie ein Fels« bedeutet, daß du, wenn du den Weg der Schwertkunst beherrschst, imstande bist, augenblicklich hart wie ein Fels zu sein und unberührbar durch die zehntausend Dinge. Nichts wird dich erschüttern können. Dies erlernt man nur durch mündliche Unterweisung ==>>> quite fair, the world wanted to indoctrinate me, and this book is my feedback to the world ==>>>> As long as people believe that they have the upper hand, they appear so strong, their breastplates were fiery red, dark blue and yellow as sulfur... As long as they believe they can succeed... O triune Jesus stone, in which season Iam landed here...? Lets put it behind us, no more attacks... I have said my part... now, only waiting for the capstone ===>>>> and yes my reader, use the sayings in a spiritual way… overcome the whole deception! Musashi in Christ style! ==> I SEEK THE GLASS WHICH NO ONE CAN BREAK!
175) Rig Veda 4.58.3: "Four are his horns, three are the feet that bear him; his heads are two, his hands are seven in number. Bound with a triple bond the Steer roars loudly: the mighty God hath entered in to mortals ===>>> double head is nature and mind (or spirit, spirit in matter), seven hands, sevenfold energy, triple power, about the roar we have spoken somewhere else in this book... for sure what is missing that is, additional to the roar (like s waterfall) God also sings over us... and therefore we do not deny God as explained here… THE REAL PROTO INDO EUROPEAN LANGUAGE!!! we dwell in God through the Spirit, we live and move and have our being in him. ==>>> 99 percent of the Gurus out there are too weak, they cannot understand it... yet here again I like it also because of Europe and our EU FLAG... The Unicorn: Spare the Empire for Heaven's sake; moderation will give boundless pleasure... The Taoists of China believed the unicorn to possess the essence of the five elements and virtues, and the Indo-Iranian tradition focussed upon its embodiment of purity and mystical power... and we know statues depicting the Virgin Mary with a sleeping unicorn in her lap as part of their mental and aesthetic environment... the perfection in its spiralling horn, the ascend is spiral...the horn, like the path, was hard to find, powerfully mysterious and solitary in its nature... Theosophytrust.org (unicorn symbol): The hunters who assist the maiden are not outside herself. They are her own inner light of mind, which does not kill but seizes upon the Truth and carries it to the throne of the god within. The young girl longing to see the shape of this highest union can sense within the solitary places in her heart the unicorn's presence. She follows slowly on the spiral path where Santa trod and never ceases to keep pure and inviolate her dream. If you believe in unicorns, You join the ranks of madmen. And dreamers and sages and gods. Nomad: the ascension is spiral... enlarged tent... Now: LOVE AND STRIFE...a CROSS within a CIRCLE... dividing the flame... soul of the universe and minor souls... Philo Judaeus pointed out that four is the virgin number related to the sacred Tetraktys, whereas the seventh power of any number is a square and a cube. This potential fertility is expressed again in terms of 'the Son' of the immaculate Celestial Virgin, who, born on earth, becomes humanity. The triad becomes the Tetraktys, the Perfect Square and six (seven)-faced cube on earth. Though tracing this unfoldment from the plane of the abstract to the particular is difficult, students of Pythagoras began by identifying two basic quaternaries: one through addition (of the first four numbers) and a second through multiplication (of even and odd numbers starting from Unity). Odd numbers, symbolizing the limit and formal principle of universe, were set along one side of a triangle (3 – 9 – 27), whilst even numbers, or those which represented the tendency to divide according to their own nature, were arranged along the other side (2 – 4 – 8). In this way, by virtue of the numbers from this Tetraktys, growth proceeds from the point to the line, to the surface and the solid cube. It is these numbers which, in the Timaeus, Plato identifies with the human soul... From Parabrahm the Three-in-One issues forth. It is the Tetraktys (the Three and One) from which radiates the One in many – the Dhyani Buddhas. It is the Four-Faced Brahma, the Chaturmukha (the perfect cube) "forming itself within and from the infinite circle"...the Dyad or the flow of the universe involving matter in a constant state of flux.... In the centre of the upward- and downward-pointing triads is the six (hexagon) and one (point) or seven, which is man. One of the Masters of Wisdom has said that "The two interlacing triangles are the Buddhangams of creation. They contain the 'squaring of the circle', the 'philosophical stone', the great problems of Life and Death, and the mystery of evil.... The key to understanding the squaring of the circle is concealed in the androgynous nature of the Logos, whose Ray becomes the Tetraktys in man. He who is fully informed by this is an Adept, a Master-magician incarnate............. wherefore here we can also look back to the flower of life etc...........names of God etc............ The dust gathered on the mirror of the mind dims the ability to discriminate and refracts further reflections that join the semblances and fragmented images gathered from outside, combining to create a collage of misleading impressions......... Nomad: Bruce Lee, enter the dragon, destroy the image and you will break the enemy..... Thomas Randolph: There is within A glass, they say, that has strange qualities in it; That shall resolve me. I will into see, Whether or no I man or monster be... Parents can often be startled by penetrating glimpses of their own inner nature when looking at the mirror of self represented by their children... One thus experiences afresh a vividly distinctive glimpse... but we can say the same about nature and so on... The journey of one who would reach the threshold of spiritual self-knowledge may begin with a dream of mirrored hallways. In waking life such an aspirant can gradually come to see every experience as a mirror in which something critical about his own inner nature is reflected.... Slowly he can establish a distance between himself as a spectator and the reflected aspects of his thinking processes, his personality and other outward expressions... and we, the SCHOOL OF NOMAD... we prepare our students directly with higher contemplation and by knowing the energies, and the flashing glass...
176) This is the final confirmation for the Indian, that is, the SEVEN RISHIS (also called the seven sages by the philosopher, big dipper – the seven stars representing the seven rishis, wherefore in our EU falg we use corona borealis). And if you Indians still question me about the seven days, seven spirits, sevenfold energy (thats what it is, energy or primordial energy), also called seven stars (bubbles), seven rivers (because in constant flow, moved unmoved, and towards the glass), now, if you still question me, you are not very wise. And yes, do not forget the ox with the seven hands as earlier mentioned. Rig veda... and which fits in some way or another also to our EU FLAG. ==>>> and in this respect, Shiva is on my side, not on your side. ===>>> They are so funny in India...Shiva, The roots of śiva in folk etymology are śī which means "in whom all things lie, pervasiveness" and va which means "embodiment of grace", in whom all things lie..."one who can kill the forces of darkness" = similar to the Odes of Solomon [in the apocalypse we can bring other people upwards]... and as I explained it...he combines the destructive and constructive powers [via Brahman or via the source, sometimes it is also said that Lord Shiva possesses a bull as his vehicle - agni, Shiva as the metaphysical unchanging reality, Brahman and the Atman (soul, self), Shiva in Brahman, Brahman = ocean of causes]… Therefore and also Shaivism is nonsense, because he is not directly the creator, this are foolish people who do not differentiate between Brahman and Shiva... blind Indians... And because Brahman as center transcends all center and Shiva has that center also in him, not just that, he reached immortality... or so far the story goes, a very long life... and etc. In India they have many good teachings yet they have also much confusion and similar they have not understood the sevenfold energy. Ya, later on they brought all this mixture which blind people have propagated and still propagate today... and many of them call themselves Gurus or whatever... or speak like they would have the knowledge.... And yes, they have also the ocean of milk story and the nectar of immortality....etc... And yes, Brahman as ultimate source, the father of Jesus, in that sense. Wherefore we believe in the Proto Indo European language yet we share not the confusion of them and nor the confusion which protestant and etc. have brought... WE know the divine reality, we know how the body gets transmuted, we know the triple power (three pearls, inward, outward, in the abyssal as one pearl), we know the sevenfold energy, we know the stone... and we do not need to make it complicated... the old SEASON is over... we put that now behind us. I come and my kids will go straight... But you will say that Shiva was still identified with the creator! And I say, also Jesus said, when you see me you see father... and similar father makes his abode in us... and the declaration follows about the logos, that is, my words which are spoken to you come directly from the source... yet father transcends still all center and otherwise Shiva could have had never a body which endures... And yes, Vishnu means, one who enters everywhere, one who is everything and inside everything (all-pervasive, via Spirit in matter ==>>> which must be understood in the pure reflection and for Shiva in the equilibrium... but you know, they have a bit a different philosophy and how they attribute it... and Brahman (power, inherent firmness, supporting) is more identified with the ocean and the abyss. Shiva was really “only” seen as a deity... one who achieved deification... Since Shiva is also the mirror, he is one with the fluid but does not own it, Ganges, Shiva agreed to stand between the Earth and Ganga. Ganga, then came down to earth with her full force. Lord Shiva captured her in his hair and released her gently (in Brahman), and further and therefore he knows also Vishnu, and they operate together (the sage knows the activities of matter). Therefore Vishnu has in his hand the discus and this discus means Sudarshana which is a spinning, disk-like weapon literally meaning "disk of auspicious vision” = and reflection. And Vishnu has a conch shell in his hand, the conch shell is spiral and symbolizes all of interconnected spiraling cyclic existence, while the discus symbolizes him as that which restores dharma, ya if necessary even with war, when cosmic equilibrium is overwhelmed by evil. ==>>> so also I said, you better change something in AUSTRIA dynamics goes into action. ==>>> and yes, Nomad still builds the ARK and we wait for the capstone...
177) The fear is maybe also that we could make God a bit too artificial when we describe the energy construct, yet this is not true, first of all we feel total alive in the apocalypse and yes it is still also pure life force... and secondly we have also the logos, this highest Logos is expressed through Force, which is transformed into the energy of the supra-conscious Logoic thought, which is infused into objectivization, ya which I called also the bosoms widespread intelligible objects. And yes, Plato would maybe not call it intelligible and he would had said...bla bla bla... anyway, this does not matter because you understand what I mean... and we are rational in the apocalypse (vernünftig, right minded). And regarding our philosophy and to combine it with science, yea, we operate intellectual... and we call it in the apocalypse enlightened understanding... white horse ride... now we are free... the mind does not torment us in any way. Why is it not just energy? Now, calm down, and you should also remind yourself that we have the garden within and best fragrance and you should remind yourself that the body is embedded in that sphere and then you also should remind yourself that God also established the mirror and creation quasi shows us all the beauty about God... yet do not forget that this is only his garment (spirit in matter)... and therefore first of all we love God with all our heart because whatever we see cannot be without God (ultimate source). And when you look at Jesus you do also not say that he is just a ROBOT... and similar we look upon father, and we are the only ones who can explain the eternal liberty of free will in the apocalypse... and that we are able to roam freely in Gods creation. And further we are the only ones who can explain the immutable aspect. But I do also say that God in his ultimate aspect knows not who he is, he just is... and so we are in the apocalypse, Isness... And no, he is still righteous and... or God is the highest GOOD... And does that mean that he is insecure? Answer, no, he just is... and if you cant accept that... yea... lick a lollipop or do whatever... And you ask me again: then you have no more individuality? Answer, we have no person with all that ballast and we simple call it higher self (talents, this or that, how we operate, our art, our talk… its still an individual stream in every sphere), yet all via the righteousness of God (fruit of the Spirit and superjoy etc. as explained)... And this higher self is still in the well without bottom or in the pool... and so we are also like God... we may call it harmonic synthesis, and this is only known unto gods. We can not be all the same people… but we are all the same via virtues and kernel reality… we have a unity… and we have our spiritualised soul… and Nomad still likes adventure and operates in that or this way… maybe even sometimes he sounds too rude, ya… so it is… thats me!... but he learned, and he will not fall again.
178) Byss and Abyss... Grund (ground generated, impressure) and Ungrund (everynothing) ==>>> bridal chamber, union of soul and spirit (habitation of God through the Spirit), sophic hydrolite – the waterstone of the wise... “Antichrist is he who proclaims God is outside this world that he may reign as god (in self pride) in this world.” ===>>> TAT TVAM ASI... you are that, das bist DU (Brahman), our IAM in GOD (Brahman)... – Chandogya-Upanishad (3:14) Dieser ist mein Atman im inneren Herzen, kleiner als Reiskorn oder Gerstenkorn oder Hirsekorn oder eines Hirsekornes Kern. Dieser ist mein Atman im inneren Herzen größer als die Erde, größer als der Himmel, größer als die Welten. […] Der Allwirkende, Allwünschende, Allriechende, Allschmeckende, dies All in sich Fassende, Wortlose, dieser ist meine Seele im inneren Herzen, dieser ist das Brahman, zu dem werde ich, von hier abscheidend eingehen. Wem solches ward, fürwahr, für den gibt es keinen Zweifel... das Unsterbliche, das über den Göttern steht (the immortality which stands above the gods, from whom we receive immortality)... wherefore in the Upanishad we read also: All this is Brahman. Everything comes from Brahman, everything goes back to Brahman, and everything is sustained by Brahman. One should therefore quietly meditate on Brahman. Each person has a mind of his own. What a person wills in his present life, he becomes when he leaves this world. One should bear this in mind and meditate accordingly!!!.… LC directs our mind to the higher contemplation!!! its a bit like reaping and sowing... He is controlled by the mind [i.e., his mind decides what he should and should not do]. He has a subtle body, and he is luminous. If he wants something, he never fails to get it. His Self is spotless like the sky. The whole world is his creation. [Desires are many, and] all those desires are his desires. All odours are his; similarly, all tastes are his. He is everywhere in the world. He has no sense organs, and he is free from desires (supersensual)... THE EARTH AS ITS BOTTOM... VITAL BREATH (full breath, air is the habitation, philosopher stone)... wherefore I do not go further into this texts and my book is big enough but yes, also I take refuge in the sun, in the fire, in the air… 4 elements as one in me!!! ==>>> those sages do not blapheme the fours seasons nor the sun in the sky (like, what a hot day, or the sun strikes me, or whatever they speak against the sun) and the animals honor them... they are like gods in the Spirit globe... endless spiritual summer... and so you have it in your text and you see the same stuff in the book of revelation, the movie (yet you need the Spirit to understand it!)… Now, lets go on: in the way how Narada asks and Sanatkamura answers to him, yea we recognize easily that CONTEMPLATION is very important... so also this book here when revisited, it brings vision and contemplation... as and also you shall develop mental and psychic power... There are three branches of Dharma (religious life, duty): Yajna (sacrifice), Svādhyāya (self study) and Dāna (charity, kindness) are the first, Tapas (austerity, meditation) is the second, while dwelling as a Brahmacharya for education in the house of a teacher is third, All three achieve the blessed worlds. But the Brahmasamstha – one who is firmly grounded in Brahman – alone achieves immortality......... The nectar itself is described as "essence of knowledge, strength, vigor, health, renown, splendor". The Sun is described as the honeycomb laden with glowing light of honey. The rising and setting of the sun is likened to man's cyclic state of clarity and confusion, while the spiritual state of knowing Upanishadic insight of Brahman is described by Chandogya Upanishad as being one with Sun, a state of permanent day of perfect knowledge, the day which knows no night...NOMAD: we know the SUN within and the last day! ==>>> Now that light which shines above this heaven, higher than all, higher than everything, in the highest world, beyond which there are no other worlds, that is the same light which is within man.... And we know the five-fold chant structure to seven-fold chant structure... This whole universe is Brahman. In tranquility, let one worship It, as Tajjalan (that from which he came forth, as that into which he will be dissolved, as that in which he breathes). Man is a creature of his Kratumaya (will, purpose). Let him therefore have for himself this will, this purpose: The intelligent, whose body is imbued with life-principle, whose form is light, whose thoughts are driven by truth, whose self is like space (invisible but ever present), from whom all works, all desires, all sensory feelings encompassing this whole world, the silent, the unconcerned, this is me, my Self, my Soul within my heart....imperishable treasure chest (universe)... The person that is seen in the eye, that is the Atman (Soul, Self). The Atman is the immortal one, the fearless one, the Brahman (Nomad: eye of the kingdom)... He who knows excellence, becomes excellent. He who knows stability, becomes stable. He who knows success, becomes successful. He who knows home, becomes home for others..... He who speaks with excellence is one who speaks of Truth, therefore one must desire to understand the Truth (Satya, He who Understands the Truth speaks the Truth, therefore one must desire to understand what is Understanding (Vijñana, He who Thinks understands Understanding, therefore one must desire to understand Thought (Mati, He who has Belief is the one who Thinks, therefore one must desire to understand why one Believes (Śraddhā, He who Grows Forth is the one who Believes, therefore one must desire to understand what yields Growing Forth (Nististhati, He who is Creatively Active is the one who Grows Forth, therefore one must desire to understand why one pursues Creative Activity (Krti, He who experiences Joy for Oneself is the one who engages in Creative Activity, therefore one must desire to understand what is Joy (Sukham, Joy is a sense of Unlimitedness and Infinite potential within, therefore one must desire to understand what is Unlimitedness (Bhuman, Unlimitedness is when one sees nothing else, hears nothing else, aware of nothing else, when one is founded on its own greatness or not greatness at all, when one is not established upon another, when one's Soul, indeed, is this whole world, when one understands this, one loves the Soul, delights in the Soul, revels in the Soul, rejoices in the Soul, He who is thus autonomous (Svaraj, it is he who has unlimited freedom in all the worlds. He sees, thinks, understands and knows everything as his Self. This whole world is his Soul. (understanding, related to an abstract or physical object... understanding – power of comprehending – mental grasp – applying concepts or categories and endowed with understanding = what we would call sympathetic, friendly, also shown via compassion... wherefore we had that topic already, thought – the product of mental activity, ideas, aim orientated flow – reality orientated conclusion, and again: this highest Logos is expressed through Force, which is transformed into the energy of the supra-conscious Logoic thought, which is infused into objectivization which I called also the bosoms widespread intelligible objects) ==>>> you have ignored the TREE and the VOID. The tree cannot be without the sun - the ground - the rain, the tree grows and so on and the tree has his sap, now, whatever is materia changes... yet the void expresses a oneness, and now do we need to assume that the void can be only found in the unchangeable or is that rather logical? and if so, it must be eternal, and if so, eternity and immutability goes hand in hand ==> PROTO INDO EUORPEAN LANGUAGE… OUR EU FLAG RULES!!! WE RULE! And we even show India the way!
179) IAM IN GOD, ICH UND DU, oil poured over the HEAD, spherical reality! And as hard as it may sound, but this earthly body is the CADAVER, this is the BODY OF DEATH, and this body needs to be putrefied (understand the philosophic stone, ascension) and only then we receive our liquid flesh....Now, We all know ageing...so let us not make a too big deal out of it. FLUID DYNAMICS, and the man-child comes... he who brings the revelation about the lightning… and he will also tell you that you can even reach the highest heaven without having stopped the ageing process… we had many Mystics who received glimpses about the apocalypse… and they often looked not very beautiful… to say it that way… they had a battle behind them, some sickness or whatever… therefore never forget the soul!!! Ya, not that you loose here your motivation!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER!!!! you are Austrian (yet I speak also to other!!)... And my Zodiak sign is fish: And with the FISH we have a clear association with the sacred river or the sea... that is all about it, very simple, we feel like a fish in the water, his terrain, pudelwohl (im Wasser plantschen, the pudel (poodle) loves water (was used for water hunt), splash in the water), or in English they would say, as right as rain… for fun… therefore when this teaching here is too hard for you, ya, buy a poodle… he will birng some balance into your life!! And understand it rightly: Sometimes Mysticism sounds a bit like Brabbel... So for example Nomad says, Hail Jehovah, and ya, Japan is also called: Land der aufgehenden Sonne, nihon, TEAMWORK, and they have also a red white flag, and it bothers Nomad that they are not in the EU, but we have to live with that… or they have to live with that… but also we will not stay in the EU for the case they become too crazy!!! because and again, Mmy name is MOSTBAUER, a place where people get FRESH WINE or NEW WINE... and so Nomad cannot accept their nonsense… they are in an old mindset… robots… radical transhumanist… no balance… and partially a weirdo elite… Ok, ok, ok, Nomad, lets go back to the divine water, and can you tell us something else about the SPHERE? Answer, in our sphere we receive a power according to our capacity, yet do not get me wrong, in Spirit realm is no distance like you know distance in the earthly realm… the outward is reflected and we become whirlwind saints (akash)... And also you are a bubble and therefore we say, myriads of bubbles in the divine ocean and yes, every sphere has an ETERNAL LIMIT... And this is the SECRET mineral water bubbles bottle from Nomad, only the sage knows it, yea, in fact the top foundation of New Jerusalem city, this highly advanced community, we can compare them to mineral water… one of the most famous art pieces we have at LC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
180) But Nomad, Kangaroos are in Australia! Yea, but do you know how many people mistake Austria and believe that we speak about Australia... so do not worry so much, it is ok, almost the same… and therefore the Kangaroo remains at LC… My Kangaroos hear my voice! Making bigger jumps forward, new Era... QUESTION: What do you think was your greatest weakness? Hmmm, I think that I was as a child a bit a too big dreamer... yet not fully as you think... not a dreamer who draws back... similar I like adventure and I was the one who was happy to play outside or to enjoy also to be on the snowboard in a little snow storm... its more like that I used not really my mind for anything... without any plan... I had no vision for this world... like what shall I do and I made no plans... and when I was young I always said that when Iam 25 or 30 years old... yea... I can die... Iam old... so rather live now... you know that type... and I did not fit into any average job and I did go also into the extreme with some stuff which brought also my soul a bit into devastation... ok... but now I use my mind... and make even little plans… more pragmatic… (we may say that I missed the element earth)... But the other thing, my testimony shows... that what I do here... that is my life... not simple this world outside with all the deception and with its little machinery... Therefore, my Kangaroos should simple combine both, find a good job which fits, have a family or etc... and the highest meaning of life can only be found in my book... And so you also understand that you have your own development, whatever you do... and so far as we know... there are more planes in after-life... and to a high degree it includes reincarnation topic... And to stay on the path... this is the best choice... get the most out of it... and overcome the obstacles in life.... YEA, and find out your weaknesses... so also I explained a bit the Zodiak... but it must not need to be the Zodiak... you can reflect upon it also in other ways
181) This is mein KAMPF!!! NOW... we have two options, that is, we in Austria accept that this realm is something like the lowest realm and a bigger prison and quasi a place of doom... or we must change once more and do no longer accept it that subclass humans rule over us and that we ignore the stone... Probably also interesting for the Germans... we must look what we want for our children and for our Volk... (wherefore this subclass humans are not directly related only to the flesh race... and also Master like Lao Tzu etc... and many other sages lived in other countries… we do not repeat Hitlers failure… and today the problem is already gone… like to become total right wing orientated, ya, we are too mixed.… therefore the leftist have to shut their mouth!!! they become now radical and we MUST STOP THEM BY ALL MEANS!!! and so also we need balance for the next 20 years… we can no longer tolerate that NGO newspaper garbage!!!, you make us not crazy!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!) ==>>> if they want to manipulate us, that includes not just Media, but partially government (but today much more non government entities) and some religious leader (we had that topic already, the protestant are the biggest failure… at least the catholic had an order...etc.)... WE MUST FIND A SOLUTION!!!... and I have a better vision.... that means that they are the subclass humans who want to fool us with radical transhumanism and nor can they survive… the higher self is in all of us!!!... So we have only this option, we believe that this realm is something like the lowest realm as explained above.... like a doom place for souls... or we make a better world and do no longer allow that this people shape our opinions... So it also a question of how much we believe in das ÖSTERREICHISCHE VOLK, can we become a Vorbild or not?!!! ===>>> wherefore you ask, how much are you against alcohol... and to this I say... you cannot destroy yourself so fast like with Cannabis... I say, for some people, yea, they will sit together and drink something, we cannot change that for all people and it is not the huge issue if they keep some moderation but there must be also a league... which goes more directly towards the mountain top... which I simple call true gnostics and for that reason I wrote also a bit harder in the book, but they have it also in their blood!!!… We have simple a bit a mixture… and we deal with that rightly!!! And a big deal has to do with brainwashing and false mindsets and etc... and manipulation... indoctrination... Ya, we should fix that a bit!... we should be able to do that... and there will be always some people who simple love fully the true gnostic way... we cannot change that... again, we have a bit mixture ===>>> I WILL NOT TAKE BACK THAT WORD, the subclass humans are those who are so undeveloped that they cannot accept the stone or believe that we can have success without it... they are also those who do not see the FLUID DYNAMICS (WHAT DO WE SEE IN HISTORY?, DECADENCE CYCLES etc,CAN ANYONE IGNORE THIS CYCLES?, and HOW CAN WE ENDURE?, what idea? not just with a fantasy in mind!), they simple do not understand it and they represent all those false leader who want to play leader but speak all day long nonsense and ignore the true self... the subclass humans are all those who like it to manipulate other, and its merely about self interest [and indoctrinate them with an antiholistic vision, they have lost the way, and they ignore “religious science”]... the subclass humans always pretend that we make things better but again always fail... and surely they believe that also DAS DEUTSCHE UND ÖSTERREICHISCHE VOLK or France or etc… will never be mature enough to have the STONE teaching in school... or etc... Also a lot of banker (or people who sit in parliament) and even some scientist are subclass humans... dont get fooled here!!! ==>>> wherefore it is also possible that some of this subclass humans believe that when they make them total dependent upon the system and control all of their steps, decide what we consume and etc, (surveillance system, glassy human), that in that way they quasi can CONTROL them and make them obedient but not just about law and order, nay probably also regarding some of their agendas (opinion shaping, yea, they could even in social media generate comments and using other manipulation tools and to let them believe that when they go contrary to their agenda, that they almost stand alone, and partially this does work but not fully when people still meet other people and when they wake up a bit (generally) to the social dilemma... - 21 century, communication tools)... ==> ... When Plato did grow old he believed more in an upper circle... but nevertheless no matter how we turn it or how we look at Plato... he never fully believed just in a kind of highpriest class... and that can be easily recognized by the fact that he openly revealed so much and so thought also for himself... whenever it fits... it gets more revealed to the population and etc... like in steps... Wherefore this leader today... thats all what they do, they look back in history and still follow often this big names and in some way or another their writings... and Plato is one of them... but for sure we had many more… yet they do not fully understand him!!! And the problem with religion, often but not always (depends also on the institution, churches, you know, also seen with protestant leader: Some men make a religion of the gratification of their sensuality and their appetites, and sink below the level of the beasts in this respect. Others become vain, conceited, and filled with an inflated sense of the importance of their personality, partially this has also to with their fragile self), it draws the undeveloped to them and they become leader... just another trap... and also how they “sell” themselves... NOW, I say, not everyone can be ruler or in the government, that is clear… but we must also achieve a balance with society!!! And as I see it, the cube gets more and more revealed...Ya, and the subclass humans want to weaken us, they are everywhere... in all positions... and often take on the leader role... they are often in social Darwinism, Hegel ideas and other things and they destroy family and they are NEVER interested into the truth... yea, maybe even they want to indoctrinate us with transhumanism... but the subclass humans are also all those who are Antiholistic (religious wolves) and so they can never prepare the soul as it should be... to give humans a better vision… ==> And since we had old cycles… some Dinosaurus hang in old mindsets VERSUS Nomad about whom we could say... he is a bit too far in the future with his vision… but again I do not deny government… there must be ruler and law and order and etc… but and also a better balance with society… our Atlantis is more real then the old Atlantis… the old stuff will not work… and we grow also up together... And I do not say that you are a subhuman just because you dont know everything about the STONE, NAY... but somehow you should say, there is more then meets the eye!!! and we are not just flesh etc.! WE DONT ALLOW THE PROTESTANT RELIGIOUS INDOCTRINATION AT LC... THEY DESTROY A COUNTRY... JUST CHECK USA!!! BECAME DUMB/WEAK AND JUST A MARKETING SHOW RELIGION... AND AUSTRIA MUST STAY STRONG...and choose the right path... OR FORGET MY STONE!!! ==> THE PROBLEM with the ORTHODOX, THEY STAY BEHIND (check Greece) AND THE CATHOLIC LOST THEIR INFLUENCE, THEY MADE TOO MANY MISTAKES... but ok... we did also grow up... ONLY THE HOLISTIC WAY WILL BRING US FORWARD... or we may say, we go never without the Mystics like the Protestant (which ends in a dead surreal religion, because look at many clowns today, you will not believe what they talk all day long! AND THEY HAD EVEN NO ORDER!!! and nor are we in escapism!) And we are not so traditional like the orthodox (and it would not even work any longer in Austria)... we want also divine science and new art and etc... But lets guess, the catholic not just condemn us... how can we do it together? THIS IS THE QUESTION for the case they are interested! ==========> AND IT WILL BE OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE THAT I SHOW YOU THE BOOK OF REVELATION SYMBOLS SO THAT YOU DONT BECOME STUPID HERE IN AUSTRIA, VERY IMPORTANT!!! (and like you believe that a white horse flies from heaven and whatever garbage... because Santa Claus is for 5 year old kids... if you understand what I mean... for you will not believe what the Protestant talk all day long... they are 10s of millions... so many... ICH WERDE DASS NICHT ERLAUBEN IN ÖSTERREICH! WOBEI DIE MEISSTEN VON EUCH SIND NICHT SO DUMM... UND FÜR VIELE VON UNS... WIR KÖNNENS GAR NICHT FASSEN WAS SICH IN USA ABSPIELT... UND DASS HABT IHR EINZIG UND ALLEINE DEN MYSTIKERN IN EUROPA ZU VERDANKEN... DASS IHR WEITER VORWÄRTS GESCHRITTEN SEITS und auch den KATHOLIKEN habts ihrs zu verdanken WELCHE VORSICHTSHALBER DAS BUCH DER OFFENBARUNG unter KONTROLLE hielten! und anderes Zeug... um religiösen Wahnsinn zu vermeiden,... denn Übersee, USA lebt in einem kollektiven Wahnsinn... oftmals MILLIONEN... oder 40 Millionen oder...) ==> and RELIGION BECAME SO DISGUSTING FOR MANY ONLY BECAUSE OF THE PROTESTANT and because of some other stuff... do not believe that they are the answer! MAKE THE SAGES TO YOUR FRIENDS! and then we could maybe even have a "religious revival" in Austria and we are rightly prepared... I HAVE STUDIED IT ALL... OFTEN IAM FUNNY...AND WE WILL HAVE A LOT OF FUN!!! BUT IGNORE NOT THAT IAM A MASTER, WE MUST AVOID SOME STUFF and I TAKE CARE OF IT! You will find here or there a good person in USA but forget their religion, it became also a VIRUS!
182) Another problem, I remember myself back when I was ~ 14 years old... now, we know in that age we know many people, different schools... and everywhere talks someone about someone else... and there was one person, the only one I know who made suicide and he did jump into the river (wehr, barrage), where the stream fits best for that... and I thought, how weak... and I was even a bit rebellious and thought, if I would be in that situation... now before I would do something like that, I rather would go wild in any other way... do whatever I want... you know, like at that point it would so or so not matter (and I was a bit rebellious)... but ok... and here again when we do not have the reincarnation topic, we will never understand that we are really different souls and the strict orthodox view about sin (or catholic have it partially still today), how do we want to explain kids all that? And I made also many points... for how should you have pity or whatever with some other people... for in another way I could say to myself... ok, this person was not fully ready and this world was maybe a bit too hard for him or not ready to overcome whatever circumstances in his life... For sure this topic is much bigger and a foolish Christians would say, yea, the devil had influenced him... there is no reincarnation... but this are always the same people who ignore the whole science... ===>>> and the other problem, you have undeveloped souls yet they think they are ten times better because they have their “protestant bible” in their hand… WHEN WE SIMPLE ACCEPT ALL THE DIFFERENT SOUL IMAGES… we do maybe better... and our system in Austria is also social.. therefore "parasite" we will not help but we help the weak... those who have it difficult... ya, some kids need even an extra school... we love them, we help them... of, they have some fear problems... we are social enough for that ==> AND HOW DO WE SOLVE THAT PROBLEM? IT MUST BE OUR MENTALITY AND SOLIDARITY! HONOUR BEFORE GOD and people, WORK for your food... ==> and we need a right balance in the future city... and we will be social and we will have a bigger security (once we have the technology etc.) and we must even calculate future technology and how we combine it with our future city vision...
183) And in the last day it is Gods country, immoveable earth, kings from the east (Auf zum Schwur, Tiroler Land...) ==>>> Vincereme e ti mostrerò com'era la Terra. Voleremo di vittoria in vittoria adesso! ==>>> FIRST COUNTRY & SECOND COUNTRY!
184) To learn something is part of life… you cant separate science (second knowledge)… STOP with that nonsense…
185) Nomad, du hast kein Taktgefühl... ok, maybe I become later better but interesting that you say Taktgefühl, think about it, Takt and Gefühl…. Lets understand the creative impulse
186) NOW, For sure for every Politologe who reads my book and wants some inspirations, he will say about my revisited book, ok, Nomad, I can imagine to a good degree the divine reality, ok, Nomad, it is no problem to include science (to learn something is part of life and we have correspondences and etc.), ok, I understand economy (the highest group needs no money but you did also include that term in the EUROPE BOREALIS HYMN because of the broader view regarding this word: Hauswirtschaft, household - housekeeping, production, what we use etc. and in the highest group we have no longer the problem with scarcity), ok Nomad and you did include the environment (and again in the highest group via the seven Spirits wheel etc. another problem is solved... redemptive reaction via Gods energies, this is very high stuff, manifested sons, anyway when I believe in your vision then I can also believe in that), ok, Nomad but what is with democracy? ==>>> if you believe that the CUBE gets at one point more revealed... then the gods (because of the 12 foundations of Jerusalem) should have an influence in the parliament and maybe not as leader but as advisor who influence with their energies the people to the better decisions... or in a sense, the misuse of power gets more limited... but I do not say... now, Nomad, sit in the EU parliament (when Martin is again in the apocalypse), ya so that they experience a bit this atmosphere... See, we are in a season right now by which not much is known about the STONE... and I just give you a vision... or share my vision... if you say maybe in 100 years or whatever or maybe some of you say this will never happen... so also some say... just rescue me out Jesus... you know what I mean (Protestant rapture doctrine)... that I give all to you... but I for myself believe not in escapism... I fight always to the end... and if the STONE should really get more revealed... then also somehow as explained, the population must be also involved in it... degree by degree or whatever… and so I will speak in the bat chapter about our future city vision! AND ALSO IN THE CITY OF GODS (highest foundation)...EVEN HERE WE WILL HAVE LEADER... this will have merely to do with useful functions... what they learned and etc., to achieve results is natural, and we will use still some stuff... yet I guess we will not use money... there will be a different system, and therefore the EUROPE BOREALIS FLAG IS JUSTIFIED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
187) Do you have some personal proof for the redemptive reaction? YES, I have... but I even mentioned that plants grow more fast... I have tested something in my first ascension... AND WE WOULD EVEN NEED TO CHECK PHYSICAL WATER IN MY CIRCUMFERENCE and make another scientific study at LC... check the changes and the harmony in the water! YOU kids have no idea with what you have it to do here!... but my PHOTOS should serve you as the first LESSON! (and about my other stuff, here you must separate, my ideas and etc., and yes, I will still stay hard regarding my agenda... we will not go fully out of balance in Austria as written in the Austria panel..., we have to speak about that!)
188) For sure, they who do not understand the book of revelation movie, and the only things which they could use and want to use that is Isaiah chapter 24, and especially Isaiah 24:19, 20 and the correct translation reads: The earth is shaken exceedingly (totter), the earth is split open, the earth is is completely dissolved (broken up). The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again...but you should also read Nahum 5:1 The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein... Psalm 82:5 They know not, neither will they understand!!!; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course. ==>>> nor do they know the immoveable earth... Psalm 104:5 Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever ==>>> and they do not know it because they are drunken, Job 12:25 They grope in darkness with no light, And He makes them stagger like a drunken man. Psalm 107:27 They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits' end. ==>>> and according to Job 38:13 That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? ==>>> wherefore we understand now the divine reality, the philosophic stone and Job 38. ==>>> so whoever does not understand it, he will not understand, Isaiah 64:1, Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence, As when the melting fire burneth, the fire causeth the waters to boil, to make thy name known to thine adversaries, that the nations may tremble at thy presence! For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him ==> and let us finally check the supersensual life in the apocalypse, that is, 1Corinthians 2:9 Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him... GARMENT CHANGED, new earth is only known by apocalypse saints.. Isaiah 24:16 (they do not worry), From the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs, even glory to the righteous... and the other people hide in their caves and cant eat the revelation given from the Lord to Nomad. Isaiah 24:24, And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth. And therefore also the kings of the earth get punished by Nomads revelation, behold... now the STONE gets revealed... Hmmm, not that we offend them, but it is a little crack for them... this revelation is hard to eat... he has more then I have, he or they are gods!!! ==>>> but when IAM honest… and many religious leader will not like that I say that… that is, regarding this ancient writings… some writ is for me not perfect… its like too poetical and a bit confusion… Wherefore and also do not get offended when we say that they are drunken… because it really depends upon your energy… and we have also the translucent wine (joy) behind the veil versus the maddening wine (energies not fully redirected)...And when you would have kept a good youth energy… you are really not so far away from it… when I speak about healthy teenager… its all a bit relative and on ther other side someone can really bring his nous into turbulence when he did care about nothing and lived just an excessive lifestyle. And I say it once again… HOLY should be in reality translated as HEALTHY…. for me, all healing we receive! Panacea...ya, the problen, with holy we have often a false picture in our minds… it depends… you know, the problem with Hollywood movies and how they displayed monks and etc. or when people became too religious… and ignore the fun part and boldness and… bliss (ya, India has that way better understood) and the bible is sometimes a bit poor… we miss many things… And therefore also I include the philosopher… their writings bring also a bit joy… alchemist… and so also the LC building! ADVENTURE AWAITS!
189) But why would you call it intelligible sun? Yea, other people called it intelligible world (intelligible materia)... and therefore this includes the entirety... and the old saying: 1Corinthians 2:9 Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love... and we have the non dual consciousness, and our stony glass... and so I use all my definitions... we enjoy all beauty in Spirit. Moreover and that is NOW IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND IT AND WHICH IS ANOTHER HIGH SECRET, YA, DIRECTLY REVEALED, that is, it is not a thought rush in our head, we experience it in a supernal stillness and the music is also heard inaudible... its like a sun seeing you and you see the sun, its like a sun hearing you and you hear the sun, its like a sun tasting you and you taste the sun (you know, with all!!! the energies, inner essence of that which is displayed around us), the bosoms widespread intelligible objects and the three pearls as one... and the sun itself is also intelligible, the Dyad or the flow of the universe involving matter in a constant state of flux... ==>>> GRAND MASTER NOMAD EXPLAINS ALL THAT TO YOU, he belongs to the gods ==>>> Austria, you are ready? And yes, the sun I called also sometimes [light] well without bottom (to refer to the spring and to the abyss, with its formless point, bubbling up [like rings] and the energetic shift toward the glass. And our true self in that well!!!... And now you see more clearly the IAM and YOU (God), and the abyss is also beyond us... overtops it... the center not just within me... you know... another saying and for more fun, the mineral bubble water group (or cluster)... unity among the saints via God. ==>>> Wherefore this is also a bit entertainment for our kids because religion or ethics should run a bit more easy... and if you present them only Lao Tzu or Chuang Tzu or some Hindu Sayings or some Mystic saints sayings or from Plato or... they have it difficult and the GOAL of this book is to simplify it (but how much better would it become with the LC building?, Answer, much better, a pictures says often more then 1000 words)... what sounds difficult is made easy... having a picture... And when some scientist already think about it and many do yet some of them speak not openly about it, that is theosophy and science can form a picture... now, then we have to go ahead!!! THAT CAN BE AN IMPORTANT KEY ==>>> THEREFORE, WHEN I STAY A BIT LONGER, we could even build a TOXONSOPHY CENTER IN EUROPE (AUSTRIA, because Iam from here, this is righteous) and scientist and whoever meet with me and other people and we have discussion and I know that many of them exist who want that and Iam open minded to everyone, yet I know alos that some are cowardly… Iam not in need of them… they judge me because of this or that… go home boy… today people are a bit wacko… a straight guy is often too much for them, anyway… but Iam nice to everyone ==>>> further, I push no additional political agenda = fehl am Platz (and there is too much danger that I get misunderstood), its more about science and theosophy which is now called toxonsophy and about the Austria panel, ya that is the only thing which I include...... ==>>> And I cannot call it THEOSOPHY because that was primarily Balavatsky idea... => and now lets check, logion: a brief utterance, a divine oracle; logia: word of God, and for sure we have the Logos, therefore let us reason, lets have a discourse, LOGIA IESUS (sayings of Jesus), and therefore because of oracle we do not use the word LOGIAN like geologian, and regarding the STONE: our religion (re-linking, and to some degree we include also our science if you will), ART: art will help us, we are creative... And this is so far the best choice: LOGIACOLUMN CENTER and this implies naturally any kind of art, for who would say LOGIACOLUMN?... and it sounds good... we meet us at the Logiacolumn = göttliche Aussprüche (oder prophetische Worte, oracles) von der Säule... Logiasäule… and the pillar connects also heaven and earth…. Question Nomad, Nomad, was that a coincidence, you said, you can also call it EPRM (Ethik, Antike Philosophie, Religion, Mystik)... my answer, I googled it right now: European Partnership for Responsible Minerals (EPRM), its funny, remember also our EU flag... EPRM was established to create better social and economic conditions for mine workers and local mining communities… too funny, and no, I saw it only afterwards...TELL US A STORY NOMAD: OK, I remember myself sitting outside in nature on a sappy meadow... I was a very happy little child, rather very close to God (I felt also like one with nature)... now and I remember when I had the first time a Schilling banknote in my hand I thought to myself... what are all this symbols on it? And really as a little child, wherefore I cannot tell you how old I was... maybe 5 year, maybe 7, who knows... maybe even 8... I thought to myself, is this the world?????? and I meditated upon it... VERY interesting... and later on when I got one Schilling... I did go to the tobacconist and there I could buy what was called one Schilling planes... just for one Schilling... a little airplane... and I did like to have also the Japanes airplane (this old planes which were used in war, you know, Red Baron season, wherefore Red Baron was also BLOOD RED and white with the cross, a triplane)... Yea, and then we did let them fly as best as possible… A Mystic tells us sometimes something and he does not know why… and someone else gets an impartation and develops another idea or receives some joy in the soul or whatever… but it could be also that I was right now not very interesting… wherefore such stories are rare in my book
190) Martin, bist du deppart, du redest hier als ob dass alles normal ist and erklärst es einfach und... wir sind wie im falschen Film hier... Was scheissts euch so an? Seits ihr Österreicher oder ned? My panacea (mein Allheilmittel, universal remedy, cure-all) works... this is too simple, all I need is WATER, DRINK... what a celestial simplicity!
191)The Quest for the Quintessence: The Path of Alchemy and the Golden Dawn: Salt (G), that which provides structure, form and stability; Mercury (A), that which is cool, receptive and which joins all things; and Sulfur (I), that which is hot, projective and which enlivens all things (Nomad: active)... these Three Alchemical Principles are said to underlie all manifest reality. Their interweaving creates the Four Elements (Nomad: why do you write create?, rather their interweaving includes the 4 Elements, the four elements are combined by way of the Sulfur, Salt (coagulates, fixes) and Mercury = these three are extracted and in that sense an intermediate), themselves the philosophical building blocks of matter and energy, form and force. Concealed within them is the Seed for the Quintessence, an emergent property which includes and transcends this First Matter, and which forms the goal of both alchemical philosophers and Initiates of the Golden Dawn… And the STONE emerges from the chaotic mass = correct, we can say so, and yes, in China we also say Heaven, earth and man, I know Lao tzu (and further some spoke about three types of fire, three types of earth and three types of water and three types of air, ya, called it 12 elements, like we have DARK FIRE, LIGHT FIRE, PHYSICAL FIRE...)…….NEXT, about our Master Hermes: Furthermore, it states that there is a correspondence between that which is Above and that which is Below, which can be understood through a study of astrology and the processes of Nature, reflected in both the macrocosmic world and in the microcosm of the alchemist. The alchemist always works in partnership with Nature, to accelerate these processes which otherwise would take millennia to reach fruition, and draw those natural forces into the experiment through the principle of correspondence. (so far true, and we even need the correspondences to point to the divine reality, for example the word paradise or island, the sun within, the salt or whatever)…………..yes, the peacocks tail is also another symbol for the rainbow (wherefore the many eyes on the peacock tail remember us to the eye of the kingdom and the kingdom within regarding everyone of us)……….. And for sure the salt appears static yet conceals the volatile (the three principles reunite in the creation of the stone, salt = fixes)… and you consider sulfur as the masculine principle (heat, dynamic, carving, active) and Mercury (cold) which is receptive to it as the feminine principle, moon….……….we have the world of “things” (objects, the properties of location and separateness) and the contents of our consciousness ==>>> wherefore Nomads blueprint serves as a perfect mental imprint about the divine reality and in that way to allow the aspirant to contemplate the above and below and to enhance a holistic consciousness ==>>> one must systematically break down rigid patterns of thought, feeling and behavior (by which we shall also not get confused by worldly science, those fools who ignore the stone)…. contemplating the liberation….and especially all that is important when someone drinks the hidden manna… and as I said, he must integrate it all….….. CORRECT: The Mystic Circumambulation brings the Aspirant into contact with the forces of both Light and Darkness, which support the Aspirant in the path toward the Quintessence. In alchemy, the circulation of the Matter, accomplished through repeated distillation (extraction of the essence) and cohobation (recombined with the base matter, also quality of the skin), acts to open up the Matter to subtle influences and stimulates the “seed” of the Quintessence to grow……. I love that one: Fire corresponds to the fire under the athanor (philosophical furnace), Water to the liquid being distilled, Air to the vapors arising from the Water, and Earth to that which is left behind, ready to be reunited with the distillate. The purification of the Elements comes about during the process of the experiment (so also Nomad comes to make experiment, it seems that we all speak naturally the same language). Likewise, as the Aspirant advances through the Elemental grades and then to the Portal, the elements in her nature are individuated and strengthened, preparatory to the arousal of the quintessence……. ==>>> and for sure Nomad does distance himself from the golden dawn and etc., all that got partially mixed up and etc., and I just put it back to the right place… wherefore some order also wanted to look on the outside a bit satanic so that no one does further look into their secret teachings….also that does exist… so they can hide all the deeper meanings, yea and often they lost the higher knowledge and again oftne they really sold out to the devil! Nomad has nothing to with that and this book is versatile… I bring it all back to the divine reality (and it is not even said that everyone of them does fully understand the texts which they have because they did also copy it from the alchemist and other people and sure they did study it and kept the system but… ya, and even Alchemist laughed partially about them, because then they had sex magic via the sperm or seed and they did many things in a carnal way… in their own depravity, this you can read in some Alchemist texts who said to them, how foolish are you? And also every order wants to have special keys to advance more fast… wherefore Nomad was never in any secret order, no, he has learned it all alone… he makes his own order, Melchizedek order, or better to say LOGIACOLUMN, wherefore how to advance more fast via additional tools, how to better overcome and regarding other “hidden things” which need to be revealed is part of LOGIACOLUMN and especially also Satsang will be an important part of LOGIACOLUMN, true self, how to channel back and so on…)...In fact many order would look upon us because I represent the next Lao Tzu in that sense, and I will not say the next Jesus because of the cross and its important contemplation and because bla bla bla... but for better understanding, the next Lao Tzu or also in the Shiva or Hermes league, I know resurrection life, this book porves it!!! ==>>> Let us understand: the four Elements are present in a confused state, engaged in permanent internal conflict, and in which there is no light (Nomad: do not write no light at all but not filled with all light, similar in the apocalypse we have the halo body and the round crystal palace, aka the translucent realm as explained in this book, Micro – Macrocosm harmony = filled with all light and the 4 elements as one, harmony). And yes, the alchemist achieves the Stone by unifying her awareness with her body in its entirety, after expanding that awareness and imbuing it with the Mercurial life force (Nomad: receiving the living water)
192) Master, you said, fiery and oily are all the impressions but why did you also say or many mystics said that forms and shapes come and go like the waves of the ocean? Answer, we have the moving inner flame and mirror which we called inner ball and in the outer ball we have spirit and nature amalgamated and so the soul is circular moved, roundabout, crystal palace… now this resembles the sea of glass (or the angel standing upon the earth and sea)… its like a watery matrix, roundabout (this amalgamation)…. And everything reflected upon the glass… (and the revelation of fire and the dark we have in the inner ball… yea… and the oil goes over the helmet but that is an intermediate…. And similar we said that the four elements nevertheless are also called four rivers, or the seven stars are called seven rivers (yet in some cases they also wanted to hide it more, so we have to reconstruct it) or when we speak about the entirety, then we simple call it FLOW… and equilibrium… we simple have that creative impulse, and movement and rest, non dual consiousness. (and we do not deny fire with the carving attribute, impressions or the dark etc.)… wherefore to discern all the energies, ya, someone msut have a crystal clear divine vision… only then it is possible and ya, to write it down… and also I must first go back again into the apocalypse...… When someone is in a huge darkness then its almost like 2D and later it is 3D and finally in the apocalypse we have the divine reality. And generally, a good all-round visibility is always good… and so also awareness
193)Nomad, question, can anyone claim that he has the divine reality not from you? Answer: NO… No one before me had explained the formless point, bubbling up, with the moving flame and the light race towards the glass (wherefore the dark ground to the fire, foremost at the formless point), then the oil over the helmet, then the fragrance and the music of the universe, heat and cold – sulfur and mercury principle with the salt in-between (the cube shift)… and then the outer view aka everything more translucent and colorful and soul circular moved and so also our triple nature (body – senses, abyss… intelligible world) and then it feels like a sphere flying through empty space (because of the abyss beyond it) and I could go on… Anyone who claims that he has it not from me but from God or etc… he is a LIAR… and therefore he cannot just copy that stuff and make weird claims… And IAM the first one who tells you that this is a real vision, it really looks like a spiritual flame, like a flame (but more sharp operating but every tiny thing I do not explain now about the vision), then we have this attributes and also the water coming down to it, you know, with the three principles… and I explained the taste and the joy and the air as the habitation (with internal breathing) and the earth not moved… because of the mirror… and the garden within wherefore some call it also vegetable soul because we have the inner essence regarding that which is displayed around us… the heavenly kingdom within and without, the cup which never runs out, the infinite treasure… this here is Master teaching made simple… anyone who claims that he has it not from me is the BIGGEST LIAR (except he would be someone who has his inner eye FULLY open, not just glimpses)… and so also the halo body is explained and I could go on as you know ...The mirror and roundabout, fixed and volatile bound together, the comic heroe SILVER SURFER on his surfboard, Nomad rides the biggest wave… the MATRIX… whatever speaks to you and how does it speak to you?...The Silver Surfer is fast enough to cross the entire universe in the blink of an eye (technically he warped space/time so one can argue that its not a pure speed feature... wherefore some other people said that he travels at 500,000 light years per second, yea or probably he is using a hyperspacial dimension, AHHH WARP SPEED? What is that?) ==> NOMADS BOOK tops it all. WHAT DOES TELL US THAT? Revelation 16: 12… THE WAY OF THE KINGS OF THE EAST MIGHT BE PREPARED (the higher correspondence RULES and religion dries also up.) HAIL! JEHOVAH…
194) And you ask the MASTER, why is it not called LAKE OF GLASS but SEA OF GLASS (logos), and the answer is simple, because everything is reflected upon that glass and so the word sea fits best and makes sense (and is also the prophetic OT word fits) and that is also the reason why there is no more sea in NEW JERUSALEM and the light we receive from out FIRST SUN etc… And further the sea remembers us also a bit to our SALT but that just as addendum... Wherefore the correct translation of Revelation 17:11 is that the beast (animal) with the number 8 is of the seven and goes into destruction (instead ot perdition). And for sure the beast was, and is not, even he is the eight...yet is… evil does exist but it is no actual thing… its a lesser good… similar absence of light is darkness… now, still the mud (energy split) is real and the lower energy… and it is enclosed in the Spirit globe and so we have also the Micro – Macrocosm disharmony… HOW CAN I EXPLAIN THAT BETTER? Death is the wages of sin (consequence)...the scorpion sting of death is sin… its also a poisonous oil (darkened, earthly...not completely filled with the Holy Spirit)… ==> like decay or a corrosive metal… or like it is in the OT written, like rust. It shifts us into the lower vibration and we have to ascend to the indestructible point ==> everything outside of Christ is death, the whole book of revelation is about the TREE of LIFE
195) And you ask how does it further stand in symmetry with the image? And here I say, and we need to confirm it later, but this is the outpouring love between the abyss and the image, and the image or here now we speak about the mirror, this is quasi passive, and the sulfur fire is active...the active magnetic in-drawing and then the passive like male and female or sun and moon. But all that we check VERY DETAILED with the capstone… and also because Isaiah was a bit more illuminated and he said something like to marry the land (OUR FIRST COUNTRY, AUSTRIA SUPERNAL)… and we used that also here in this book. And like Iam loved and I love God back in all things… Judges 5:31, So let all thine enemies perish, O LORD: but let them that love him be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might. And the land had rest forty years ==> for sure also Austria would profit from it and thats why no one of the Austria government or other go against me (and Iam not like someone who is paranoid and we live today in another season)… 2Samuel 23:4 And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. Is not my HOUSE right with God? Psalm 19:4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words(speech) to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun.. Psalm 89:36 his OFFSPRING shall endure forever, and his throne before me like the SUN, like the MOON established FOREVER ==> now you get also that CONFIRMED, sun, moon, mountain, island etc... (for the book of revelation movie)...Matthew 5:45 LOVE LIKE THE THE SUN: ...may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
196) A Muslim said on his homepage, Kaheel7.com, When we look for the appearing frequencies of all the numbers in the Quran, we find that the number 7 is the most repeated number after the number 1. And is is written: the one who eats seven dates of al-‘Aaliyah in the morning will not be harmed that day by poison or witchcraft. And Allaah has prescribed that His slaves should walk around the Ka’bah seven times (tawaaf) and go back and forth between Safa and Marwah seven times (saa’i) ==> therefore also they cannot fully ignore it (seven heavens etc,). And further, they had a very famous Arab alchemist and the Sufis know the 4 Elements. And the KAABAH is the CUBE and they are circling (tawaf: circumambulation) around it (and established in the Quran) and I reveal the white part of it. And Marwah is a mountain. And Safa means purity, clarity, serenity, lucidity, fineness and fairness. The Kaaba, they understand it simple as a ROCK.‘I know that you are a stone and can neither benefit nor harm. Had I not seen the Prophet (pbuh) touching (and kissing) you, I would never have touched (and kissed) you. `Umar ibn Al-Khattāb, Caliph. And this is followed by a drink and wash from the well containing Zamzam water (the sacred river and the fountain) before performing the next ritual called ‘Sayee’ on the mount of Safa and Marwa. Wherefore Muslims do not worship the ‘Kaaba‘ nor the Black Stone. And they pray 5 times a day (5 Elements within Allah)... And inside the Kaaba it is tiled in white marble and white floors, covered with green cloth and on the outside, a black, gold thread cloth inscribed with Quranic verses is hung over the structure as a cover. ==> IAM THE APOCALYPSE, IAM THE ONE WHO REVEALS TH THREE PILLARS and etc. GOLDEN DOOR.. and the Muslims never denied that Jesus was a true prophet. And the coming Mahdi does not grow old and you can ask him questions about Holy writ, he will answer it… wherefore I do not have to play this role… but I will have the eternal word… and the cross I do not deny… as I spoke about it (cross birth etc., a very important revelation… or to crucify ourselves, selfishness death)… and further no one needs to accept me… but I will fulfil the apocalypse. And you are right, inside the Kaabah we smell sweet fragrance and there is also a table etc.
197) When the dark takes too much over… its female… it makes also lame, but here we speak about negative passivity... loose of energy (yet on the surface someone can still react aggressive or compulsive but this has nothing to do with enthusiasm… and its more a compelling force ==> some people want to control everything, some people isolate themselves, some people are cold intellectual, some people are driven by revenge…)... The DIVINE MODEL OF THE UNIVERSE AND MAN = WELCOME TO LC… like the first unbounded flash of inspiration, appearing as one whole, the simple unity (upon the mirror)… and then also the hammer which hits them on all different levels = true revelations change people… And so also we understand now that understanding works together with differentiation into particulars...and still it is not contradiction to say, behind the veil with the desire to embrace all creation (outpouring), unity and diversity (rest and movement)… and therefore we need to judge rightly… and with the kingdom as the source of the physcial world yet spiritualized in the apocalypse… Mark well: we have always the THREE PILLARS, like constriction, expansion and the middle pillar (pillar of equilibrium, harmony, balance, unity).
198) Nomad, you have three birth marks on your right cheek, especially seen on the last photo! Answer, Iam marked with the trinity, I cant change that now! Ok, I could use a knife, but this birth marks are half so wild and further… Iam not so a sissy person… it does not bother me much. Behold, how humble and special IAM (this goes hand in hand with beautiful Martin)!… without battle marks how broing life must be? Ahh, don’t worry, also you have some little marks… 4 elements, war on terror (Trottel USA, forgive me)
199) FIRST SUN, FIRST BIRTH (firstfruit, truly born of God), FIRST COUNTRY (highest aspect = new earth), FIRST MATTER (the mountain reveals a certain matter), FIRST KNOWLEDGE….And regarding cycles: It is like with personal ascension, before any breakthrough we face the dark… now and similar we have dark cycles… and we know the philosophy about Adam… and we are all somehow in that worldly boat and must grow up… or out of it... And for sure most people cant believe me… but I say nothing is impossible at LC, you will mature!!! Yet still we have to understand: I accomplish a change in my whole being and dark clouds leave me… and how I look at things, ya also that changes… but when we look at this development, does that mean that the soul has different layer? Ya, for sure we have the internal memory… but how is it with the 4 elements and our maturity? And what would that mean that a soul has different layer? Wherefore I speak here not about DFI… no, just about something like a ground in the soul… for we have higher psychological types within the same biological species, yet how is this synthesis accomplished, to receive a more mature soul? Ya, we may say material, psychic, pneumatic people… and some are really spiritual orientated… and w ehave many mansions, sub-planes, and the structure of the soul as like one stone upon another! ==> This internal memory is therefore to some degree independent of light/darkness,, the degree of light… or how much filled with light... Yet I say, even with very mature souls… who learned a lot... to some degree when it gets very dark, ya also they will fall a little bit in other traps… So we must speak about inborn capacities, qualities of character and special faculties… how we look at things and remaining seeds of desire… for so also a spiritual minded person will mostly focus upon the infinite treasure...or we may say he is a true seeker... And again, Jeremiah 18:4 a work on the wheels… And regarding generation, we know the old Jewish meaning (cyclic-regenesis). Ecclesiastes 1:4 and we know the Jewish Mystics… and no one rebuked them… and the institutions know it… or at least some of them… and we define it as SOUL IMAGES… so whne the soul image is more mature… then he is able to leave better the labyrinth… and but also when a Master teaches his disciples, ya, also they can mature much more fast… and we have said that it is not of use to limit people… its not even fully dependent upon the soul image… ya, we read even in gnostic texts that very fresh soul images can also reach the higher heavenly planets… With one word… this whole stuff is a bit chaotic… or seems to be a bit chaotic… its not like that we can draw a clear line… so far as I have figured it out… but and also we must add… we have people who have no interest in our teachings… and we saw also with Jesus… he just did leave certain people… you can change that… he just left them… not ready for his teachings… they wanted it not or bla bla bla… but and also today, when we look at humanity, rationality has increased… in a sense that we learn much in school and discern today many more thing… ya, even the world seems to run more fast… sometimes also like an OVERLOAD… so much information… how do we spend our time… what should we even pick up… and again… here becomes LC again important…in the image of God… and to make again sense out of things… and not just be tossed to and fro…
200) In ascension it can also happen that sometimes you feel total empty, yet the senses are better, you feel more your body but a kind of emptiness is upon you… anyway… later this will get better… and finally you will feel total alive… and, sometimes you get hit (astral cravings), anyway later you will have again a better ride.
201) And no, stillness alone is not the answer… its only something which here or there can be practised to clear the mind and to go deeper… connect a bit with the higher self… and check what whispers into your soul… can also be practised for prophecy… but this is another topic… and for LC… in fact prophecy is not just prophecy about the future… ya, sometimes you live in a dangerous place… and there was a prompting to leave the place, that is also prophecy (it could also involve even some risk… other stuff is about dreams or...)… bla bla bla… ya, in your Spirit you can connect with divine intelligence...and also we have to say that when you have more inner power... people come naturally to you... (but also idiots can draw many to them... yet generally it is known... this guy gets only the fools… so we all know that) NOW, a MARTIN MOSTBAUER SAYING (wherefore the name Nomad got just chosen for the higher self, only for the book): NOW , THE BEST THING FOR YOUR MIND TO UNDERSTAND IT, THAT IS, SEE YOURSELF AS A VESSEL IN THE FLUID DYNAMICS AND YOU LEARN TO LISTEN…AND YOU RECEIVE ACCORDING TO YOUR WALK (you receive what fits best for you and according to your level… but you need also discernment when you practise that, that is, to skip nonsense and ya, even a scientist could do that… out of the box thinking… a little flash in his mind… a little solution received… mental power and meditation… wherefore often it needs already some skills about the topic… and also we should not forget that some inventions are made by the dark fire… not to our best interest… wherefore only often later they find that out… when something goes wrong… And also here in this book its also a bit about science as you have seen and about arts and gifts like prophecy...etc.… And for sure one of the greater gifts, how to manifest fish and bread or how to move physical water and opening of portals… how do we look at it? Should we also speak about it at LC? And they SCREAM: YEEEEEEEEESSSSSS, please!!! And I sit upon my red white stripes seat and laugh… now my TOXONSOPHISTS… listen what I say… (but I don’t speak more about it in this book, yet I tell you plainly: no enlightened person without a greater gift)… And dont worry, not everyone can do greater things… there is a natural barrier… faith is needed...bla bla bla… And no Master just falls from heaven… he got to that place and prepared his soul… but in the presence of a Master (heavenly realm) people have naturally a bit more faith or… bla bla bla… we have seen that also with Jesus… Peter and etc… And further also I would still learn some things, with one word… it will not get boring.
202 ) And correct, the people in this world had enough video games… mystical games and etc., so they will more easy accept LC... easy going here and also it will not get boring and etc.
Attention!: "only" 80 to almost 90 percent got revealed here, not the rest and nor the Soma and nor the last 7 Questions
Points to check or confirm or to find out in the apocalypse, 1) all are one (birth of one spirit results from the cooperation of all the seven) but still does light act most fast in the vision? – ratio (poles and opposites), and also regarding the womb of the earth, how do we see it???, 2) coolest point at the convergence point, quicksilver - mirror??? 3) three KEYS, ancient six directions with its center in the cube??? … and therefore general we have to check the reference positions regarding the sevenfold (including hot, cool, wet and dry circle) and 4) where the FLASH hits the glass is it really a four square (mirror), perfect shape, equilateral square or just a quadrangle or a Phytagorean triple (3,4,5 etc.)??? and 5) is love (marriage, magnetic) the center of it, does a middle exist like we see it with the menorah??? and 6) is AIR or FIRE the most fine element??? and 7) color check, cool colors, warm colors, aura and in general??? and then we have our fundament and to be able to explain the light skin, fragrance, age 25, eyes which see more colours, the translucent realm… higher awareness… why we are more fast (and moving in harmony with nature)… panacea… why we do not freeze when running around naked in winter time???… DNA???… why that superjoy and inner peace???… why divine wisdom and enlightened understanding, clarity???... etc. ==> without it you can build no THEORY(theo-logian) regarding the sevenfold in the triadic!!!
Answer to the seven question will be found [later] here:
(scroll down, to the very end)

ATTENTION! please:
(Point System: Tech share, cycles,
rythm... interplay...)
(also for security reason... etc. and we do not want a homogenous puppet - unelected leader)
AND but POLITICIANS should be in
a Parallel position the WHEEL!
Z currency
Psyche: Light Trees (innovation MIT),
Nature Reserve, Vienna conversion
(check Blogs, old writings) & so on....